“A time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace.” Ecclesiastes 3:8 (The Israel Bible™)
image: http://www.breakingisraelnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/BibleCodes-660x330.jpg

A few hours after the announcement that the UK had voted to leave the European Union, Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson, international Bible Codes expert, turned to the Hebrew text of the first five books of the Hebrew Bible to find a reference to the event. This past Friday afternoon, June 24, 2016, he published a 5-minute video about Brexit in Bible Codes.
Prior to turning to the table itself, which is based on the Book of Deuteronomy, Rabbi Glazerson briefly discussed the significance of the news story in terms of redemption. He reminded his listeners that, according to Jewish tradition, in the time before the appearance of Moshiach (Messiah), there will be many momentous changes in the world. According to Rabbi Glazerson, these big changes “indicate that we are in a very significant time.”
He further suggested that the withdrawal of Britain from the EU could “lead to the breakup of the EU.” This vote could inflame the region and cause a crisis in Europe as a whole.
Turning to the table at the 1:25 minute mark, the first code that Rabbi Glazerson points out is mashbare Europi – European crisis, the Bible code for which he says appears only once in the whole Torah.
Crossing with mashbare Europi is the Hebrew word echud which means union and is, of course, a reference to the European Union. The meeting of these two codes reflects the reality that the crisis in Europe is connected to the concept of European unity.
In another section of the table, Rabbi Glazerson found three Bible codes that all connect to the date. One is a reference to 5776, which is the current Hebrew year, corresponding to 2015-16 in the Western calendar. The Hebrew letters that refer to the year appear in a straight column. Rabbi Glazerson points out that “in Torah code tables, when we have such appearances of words parallel/straight, it indicates clearly that it is a significant time.”
A second date-related code is the Hebrew month of Sivan (June-July) which crosses the Hebrew year in the table. Indeed, the polling date of the vote to leave the EU was held on the 17th of Sivan in the Hebrew year 5776.
A third confirmation of the date is the appearance of the Hebrew word Yuni, which is the way modern Hebrew speakers refer to the month of June. The Western date of the vote was June 23, 2016. All three references to the date of the vote appear very close to one another in the table.
Rabbi Glazerson points out two other important codes. Above and to the left of the code that refers to the European crisis is the Hebrew word Edom. In Jewish thought, Edom is a reference to the children of Esau and a Biblical symbol of Europe.
The presence of the word Israel in the center of the table is a symbolic representation of a Jewish teaching. As Rabbi Glazerson explains, “Our rabbis tell us that everything that happens in the world affects Israel.”
At the 3:10 minute marker, Rabbi Glazerson translates part of this verse from the Book of Deuteronomy and reminds his audience that the Jewish people will settle in the land given by God, not by Barack Obama or the EU, on the condition that they keep God’s commandments, including Shabbat, eating kosher food and studying the Torah.
“But when ye go over the Jordan, and dwell in the land which Hashem your God causeth you to inherit, and He giveth you rest from all your enemies round about, so that ye dwell in safety.” (Deuteronomy 12:10)
At the conclusion of the video, Rabbi Glazerson emphasizes that Bible codes exist to strengthen faith in the Divine Intelligence of the Torah. He asserted that it’s “very important to know the power of the Torah, which tells us everything.”
Credit to BreakingIsraelNews
Read more at http://www.breakingisraelnews.com/70638/brexit-bible-codes/#fClK9utXQcVAcvmk.99
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