On July 25, The Common Sense Show published an article which demonstrated how far the dissident roundup preparation plans have advanced. However, as tyranny marches forward, there appears to be a push back which could result in a military coup in order to unseat the traitor residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Even local Officials Are Speaking Out Against the Tyranny of This Administration
In October of 2014, a county official in Missouri suggested that American troops should overthrow President Barack Obama.
One Military Coup Has Already Failed
The military has been under attack. Over 260 of the command structure of the American military have been fired by Obama. Except for the liberal sell-out of American sovereignty by American officers trying to advance their career on the backs of a globalist communist takeover of this country, most of the military leadership loathe this current President and would delight at the thought of removing him from office.
The opportunity to remove Obama nearly presented itself in September of 2012 with the murder of Ambassador Chris Stevens. It has been well-established and well-documented on The Common Sense Show, that Stevens had participated in the overthrow of the Libyan government through funds raised by drug dealing, arms peddling and child sex trafficking. Stevens, doubling as a CIA plant was fermenting a regime change in Libya and then Syria from funds raised from these nefarious activities. These funds were used to support our terrorist allies of al-Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, the creation of ISIS and Hamas. These terrorists overthrew Libya and are working on Syria. However, word began to leak out about Stevens CIA activities and he had to be eliminated before he could become a campaign issue in the lead up to the 2012 election. I previously documented how Stevens was under attack and asking for military assistance.
As Ambassador Stevens was begging for help after the Benghazi attack had begun, General Hamm, the commander of AFRICOM had activated a special forces team within minutes of learning that the embassy, which was really a
CIA safe house, was under attack.

The former commander of AFRICOM who tried to rescue Chris Stevens as part of a military coup to expose the administration’s involvement in gun running to terrorist to promote regime change through drug and child sex trafficking.

Admiral Gayouette provided surveillance for General Hamm’s attempted rescue of Ambassador. He was discovered and arrested by his executive officer a CIA plant.
When General Ham received his “stand down” orders from the Obama administration, he made plans to go ahead with the rescue anyway and was arrested within minutes by his second in command, General Rodriquez a CIA plant embedded into the command structure of AFRICOM.
Admiral Gayouette, the commander of Carrier Strike Group Three, was preparing to provide intelligence and air cover for General Hamm’s rescue team in violation of his standing orders and he was promptly relieved of command
for allegations of inappropriate leadership judgment.”
General Ham had been in command of the initial 2011 US-NATO military intervention in Libya. And as we can, in part, read from US military insider accounts of this growing internal conflict between the White House and US Military leaders. There is a to a growing body of evidence that the military is rebelling against this rogue President. This President is vulnerable for all the rogue operations that he has sanctioned, most notably the murder of Ambassador Stevens.
The actions of Hamm and Gayouette represented a coup of opportunity, not a coup of planning. If Stevens could have been rescued, he would surely know that he was sold out by Obama and he would sing like a canary about his activities on behalf of this President. The coup of opportunity nearly worked. Unfortunately, for the American people and the American military the plot failed.
It is abundantly clear that
had Obama been concerned for saving the lives of the four murdered Americans, American forces could have stopped the mortar fire that eventually killed Ambassador Stevens. However, Panetta and Obama blocked any rescue attempt. In legal parlance, Obama, Panetta and Clinton are, at minimum, accomplices to murder. At maximum these three rogue government officials are co-conspirators to first degree murder and now they have sacked two senior command military leaders to cover their complicity in an act of treason. I feel like I am watching an episode of the former popular television show,
24, as we are presently engaged in a plot that scarcely anyone would have believed if it had aired on television and not occurred in real life.
Even though the corporate controlled media refuses to cover the events in Benghazi s they really transpired,
Representative Buck McKeon wrote a letter to Obama in which he boldly stated ”As we are painfully aware, despite the fact that the military had resources in the area, the military did not deploy any assets to secure U.S. personnel in Benghazi during the hours the consulate and the annex were under attack. I find it implausible that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Commander of U.S. Africa Command (author’s note: General Hamm) and the Commander of U.S. European Command would have ignored a direct order from the Commander in Chief.”
There’s growing evidence that US agents in Libya were at least aware of weapons and militants moving across the border. The ties between murdered U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and jihadist Syrian rebels are becoming more clear as it is now known that
Chris Stevens was an arms dealer for the CIA and he brokered arms deals with Al-Qaeda and their affiliate rebels in both Libya and Syria. Can anyone imagine the political fallout to this President if word of this had ever leaked out? Stevens was the link between the CIA and al-Qaeda. With Stevens out of the way, the trail could grow cold and the American public would be none the wiser. This is why a rescue attempt was not permitted and this explains why two senior level officials were sacked for trying to do so.
Coup number one failed.
I asked the question of my best sources if we would see another military coup of this type in the near future. I was told “no” for two reasons.
1. The people are too dumbed down to support the military in such an action and no revolution can succeed without the popular support of the people and that support is not adequate in the present political climate.
2. Yes, there will be another coup, but it will be another coup of opportunity, not a coup of planning from scratch. I was also told that any coup will result in a civil war between dissident military forces, forces remaining loyal to the administration and against DHS and its foreign troop allies stationed at places like Ft. Carson. I was also told by my sources that any coup would take place within an embedded crisis in order to justify moving militarily. The coup would be short and would go for the jugular, meaning a move on key administration agencies, facilities and the White House.
Coup Number Two Is Another Coup of Opportunity

I will cut right to the chase, all the evidence points to a coming military coup. I have long believed that the military troop and equipment movements has far exceeded the operational needs of Jade Helm.
I have previously reported that the Navy has been involved in an unprecedented six year war game.

An unheard of six year war game.
Since 2009, the Navy has been in war mode, why? What do they know that we do not? At first, I thought this was a safety measure against an EMP attack. I now know that Navy, the branch of the military, that is not under the control of the Obama administration, is in stand down mode against this President. I have previously reported that they refuse to surrender their nuclear launch codes for their submarines which is why the administration has provided sub tracking surveillance capabilities to our enemies and potential partners in an United Nations takeover of the country if a coup were to transpire.
There are more curious things going on with regard to Jade Helm such as the movement of full scale combat divisions as we have seen out of Fort Carson and other military bases as well.

Fort Carson has been emptied out as the troops and equipment have been rolled out across Pinon Canyon destroying the land of private ranchers. the only operational troops that remain at Ft. Carson are the Russians. These are combat operations not dissident extractions and martial law preparations.
I have no doubt that Jade Helm is a dissident extraction and martial law operation. However, the scope of the troop movements and the movement of large military equipment is out of proportion to martial law. This has nagged at me for 3 months.
On Friday, I had begun to conclude that Jade Helm could be used like Judo from the existing military to be boomeranged back on an enemy (i.e. the administration and their foreign lackey military forces stationed on many of our military bases).
Now, if these massive troop movements are indicative of a battlefield action, we can safely assume that the conflict will be domestic. The dots are beginning to connect.
What Deep Cover Military-Related Sources Are Saying
I was once told by one of my most trusted sources that if an operation was ongoing, I would not be told about it so as to not compromise the operation. However, if for some reason I come to believe that we could be thrust into a civil war, I will say something because so many civilian lives are at stake.
My stern warning to everyone is to prepare and prepare now for the shut down of essential resources. Also, be prepared to defend your resources and yourselves. There will be unpredictable turns in what could be coming.
I asked my two best sources if a coup was in the works and if Jade Helm was being used as the cover for this plan?
Answer from both sources: Crickets Chirping……..
Second question: Will Jade Helm be used for anything other than dissident roundups, gun confiscation and martial law implementation?
Answer from both sources: Crickets Chirping….
I asked a follow up question: Do I need to go dark at this time and not write about my suspicions?
Answer from both sources: No!

The crew of the Last Ship.

I used to write and teach statistics courses. I understand how when less than 2% of the population votes, a winner can be accurately predicted with less than a 5% chance of being wrong. My sample size is much larger than 2% and, unscientifically, I feel it in my bones, Jade Helm and other soon-to-be military operations are going to be used to thwart what Jade Helm has planned for the American people. Will they succeed? I think the odds are long that our military will prevail on our soil. However, the Navy is a different matter and I think it is likely that they are the people’s last line of defense.
We also know that Hollywood loves to use predictive programming. The TNT hit series, the Last Ship, is predicting exactly what is occurring with regard to the Navy. The Last Ship is the last bastion of defense against a virus that wiped out 80% of humanity and the nefarious forces of evil that have sprung up in the midst of this crisis.
All hell is breaking loose.
Credit to Common Sense