Cracks in the Foundation, Dark Horses Appear
Having documented what we have in the last few entries, one could think with some certainty that Cardinal Bertone is a shoo-in for Petrus Romanus.However, as we move into 2012, cracks are suddenly appearing in the foundation of his sand castle, and not everybody in the Curia—including Pope Benedict XVI, himself—may wind up as eager to support him as they once were.
As Pope Benedict’s health weakens, the sharks smell blood, and claims of mismanagement have been increasing from competing factions in the Church that are more than happy to seize opportunity to cast aspersion on Bertone in order to elevate their own standing among the College of Cardinals. This may include Archbishop Vigano, whose personal letters to Pope Benedict and Cardinal Bertone concerning his reassignment as Nuncio were partially broadcast by an Italian television news program in January 2012. The letters, confirmed by the Vatican as authentic, exposed a blistering relationship between himself and Bertone involving political jockeying and financial deal making including charges of “corruption, nepotism and cronyism linked to the awarding of contracts to contractors at inflated prices.”[i]
One of the letters to Cardinal Bertone, dated March 27, 2011 (eight days before the letter to Pope Benedict), complained of Bertone removing him from his post and of Bertone “breaking a promise to let the archbishop succeed the then-president of the commission, Cardinal Giovanni Lajolo, upon the latter’s retirement. According to the letter, Cardinal Bertone had mentioned unspecified ‘tensions’ within the commission to explain Archbishop Vigano’s reassignment, but [Vigano] suggested that a recent Italian newspaper article criticizing the archbishop [Bertone] as incompetent had contributed to the decision.
”[ii]Most Vatican sources agree that an internal campaign involving Machiavellian manipulation and maneuverings—what Phillip Pullella for Reuters called “a sort of ‘mutiny of the monsignors’”[iii]—is playing out behind the scenes against the pope’s right-hand man, Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone. The same sources say “the rebels have the tacit backing of a former secretary of state, Cardinal Angelo Sodano, an influential power-broker in his own right and a veteran diplomat who served under the late Pope John Paul II for 15 years.”[iv]
If Sodano truly is behind a campaign to undermine papal possibilities for Bertone, suspicions deepen that something may be lingering between Fatima cover-up conspirators Ratzinger, Bertone, and Sodano, as the reader might recall Antonio Socci’s belief that when John Paul II decided to release the Third Secret of Fatima, a power-struggle of sorts erupted in the Vatican when future Pope Benedict XVI (Cardinal Ratzinger) wanted to release the Secret in its entirety, but Cardinal Sodano, then Vatican Secretary of State, opposed the idea. Whatever the case may be, the January 26, 2012 headline at The New York Times said it all: “Transfer of Vatican Official Who Exposed Corruption Hints at Power Struggle,”[v] and echoed the fact that, just like in American presidential politics, today’s rising star at the Vatican can all-to-soon become crushed under the juggernaut of ambitious and motivated men if one does not vigilantly maintain every bit as much cunning as their challengers.
Also suddenly blossoming are other dubious movements in Rome that seem to validate a game is afoot. This includes a hasty appointment on January 11, 2012, by Pope Benedict XVI of another Italian, Archbishop Lorenzo Baldisseri, as the new secretary of the Congregation for Bishops (the branch of the Roman Curia that oversees the selection of new bishops). Baldisseri is intriguing because his Principal Consecrator during his 1963 ordination was Bertone predecessor and Fatima deception accomplice, Cardinal Angelo Sodano. And Baldisseri’s ordination to priesthood occurred June 29, 1963, eight (8) days after Giovanni Montini (Pope Paul VI) was elected. This is interesting on numerous levels. First, the number eight (8) is associated with destiny, divinity, occult fertility rites, resurrection, and the incarnation of Jesus (888), as any Bishop of Rome knows. But more importantly, the exact date of Baldisseri’s ordination—June 29, 1963—is the very day on which Malachi Martin swore the “enthronement of the fallen Archangel Lucifer” took place in the Roman Catholic Citadel. Thisrituale, as Martin had called it, had two primary objectives: 1) to enthrone Lucifer as the true Prince over Rome; and 2) to assure the sorcerous inception and embodiment in flesh of that immaterial spirit into a priest was made, one who would later become Petrus Romanus.
In his book, Windswept House, Martin wrote:
The Enthronement of the Fallen Archangel Lucifer was effected within the Roman Catholic Citadel on June 29, 1963; a fitting date for the historic promise about to be fulfilled. As the principal agents of this Ceremonial well knew, Satanist tradition had long predicted that the Time of the Prince would be ushered in at the moment when a Pope would take the name of the Apostle Paul [Pope Paul VI]. That requirement—the signal that the Availing Time had begun—had been accomplished just eight days before with the election of the latest Peter-in-the-Line.[vi]
The big problem with Baldisseri is that he is not yet papabile, so his role may be coincidental or that of a carrier collaborator, for the mystery of the 1963 conclave, which began June 19 and ended June 21 with the election of Pope Paul VI, carries a secret most in the public are completely unaware of but that Malachi Martin most courageously took
on. It is called in investigative circles, “The Siri Thesis,” and involves whispered evidence that Cardinal Giuseppe Siri of Genoa actually received the majority vote in both the 1958 and 1963 conclaves but under mysterious pressure (presumably from Masonic influences) refused the papal office. When asked twenty years later if in both conclaves he had initially been elected as pontiff, Siri responded, “I am bound by the secret.
This secret is horrible. I would have books to write about the different conclaves. Very serious things have taken place. But I can say nothing.”[vii] Malachi Martin wasn’t so silent. He claimed to be an eye-witness of the 1963 Conclave and in his book, The Keys of This Blood, said that Siri was in fact elected pope in both 1958 and 1963, but that his election was “set aside” because of “interference” by an “emissary of an internationally based organization” (the Freemasons).[viii] Given that our book (available April, 2012), Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope is Here, is based in part on the prophecy attributed to St. Malachy called “The Prophecy of the Popes,” we would be remiss not to also point out how, in 1958, the inevitability of Siri’s election was believed so strongly that in Italy, “the prophesy of Saint Malachy, describing Pius’ successor as ‘Shepherd and Sailor’ [#107 in the Prophecy of the Popes] (Pastor et Nauta), was commonly attributed to the illustrious Archbishop of Genoa [Siri]. The maritime city had been his life-long home, where he was born the son of a dockworker. It was the most important seaport in the country, and birthplace of Christopher Columbus. A Genoan newspaper would write: ‘No one better than Siri could symbolize this motto: he is a pastor of highest virtues, a captain of the ship, born and raised on the sea.’”[ix]
So how and for what purpose could the election of Siri have been set aside and covered up so completely? William G. von Peters, Ph.D., explains in The Siri Thesis:
Most Catholics today, simply cannot comprehend why or how such a crime could have been so successfully carried out almost undetected by the outside world, with the active participation of high princes of the Church, over the span of a generation, as alleged by the “Siri thesis”. Surely such a long, drawn-out conspiracy would be beyond the ability of even the most evil of men. But 130 years ago, Pope Pius IX explained that: “If one takes into consideration the immense development which [the]…secret societies have attained; the length of time they are persevering in their vigor; their furious aggressiveness; the tenacity with which their members cling to the association and to the false principles it professes; the persevering mutual cooperation of so many different types of men in the promotion of evil; one can hardly deny that the SUPREME ARCHITECT [the god of Freemasonry] of these associations (seeing that the cause must be proportional to the effect) can be none other than he who in the sacred writings is styled the PRINCE OF THE WORLD; and that Satan himself even by his physical cooperation, directs and inspires at least the leaders of these bodies physically cooperating with them.”[x]
Further speculation about the Masonic plot originally spelled out in the Alta Vendita does seem related to what went on in the 1958 and 1963 conclaves because it was under these secret meetings when the popes were “elected” that would implement the Second Vatican Council and its Vendita-like heretical decrees. Of course we could cite once again a plethora of Church Fathers, Marian apparitions, and Catholic seers down through time that had forecast these events as a pre-game for the arrival of Petrus Romanus. Even Saint Francis of Assisi—one of the most venerated religious figures in history—gathered his devotees shortly before his death and prophesied that: “At the time of this tribulation a man, not canonically elected, will be raised to the Pontificate, who, by his cunning, will endeavor to draw many into error and death… Some preachers will keep silence about the truth, and others will trample it under foot and deny it…for in those days Jesus Christ will send them not a true Pastor, but a destroyer.”[xi] As we are now preparing to send our investigation Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope is Here to the printer, the Vatican enters the Golden Anniversary of Vatican II, a perfect time, Illuminati would say, to install Petrus Romanus and to exact their revenge. And the unpleasant reality is that a conflict over who will become Petrus Romanus is at this moment boiling beneath the surface at Rome, largely unknown to the public but nevertheless foresaw by Catholic mystics such as Father Herman Bernard Kramer (mentioned in a previous entry) in his work, “The Book of Destiny.” Let us remind the reader of his frightening prophecy and strange interpretation of the twelfth chapter of the Book of Revelation concerning “the great wonder” mentioned in verse one. Father Kramer prophesied:
The “sign” in heaven is that of a woman with child crying out in her travail and anguish of delivery. In that travail, she gives birth to some definite “person” who is to RULE the Church with a rod of iron (verse 5). It then points to a conflict waged within the Church to elect one who was to “rule all nations” in the manner clearly stated. In accord with the text this is unmistakably a PAPAL ELECTION, for only Christ and his Vicar have the divine right to rule ALL NATIONS… But at this time the great powers may take a menacing attitude to hinder the election of the logical and expected candidate by threats of a general apostasy, assassination or imprisonment of this candidate if elected.”[xii]
While we disagree with Kramer’s interpretation of the book of Revelation, the idea that a specific “person” was born and is now of the appropriate age to fulfill the incarnation of St. Malachy’s Prophecy of the Popes and to produce the Man of Sin, is without question. Kramer’s fear that “great powers may take a menacing attitude to hinder the election of the logical and expected candidate” also reverberates the sentiment of other priests, past and present, including Cardinal Archbishop Paolo Romeo, the leader of Sicily’s Catholics, who made headlines February 10, 2012 when the Italian newspaper Il Fatto Quotidiano (which is famous for its breaking exclusives) published parts of a secret communique involving the Cardinal and a criminal conspiracy to assassinate Pope Benedict XVI before the end of 2012.[xiii] Evidently at the center of the Mordkomplott (contract to kill the pope) is political machinations in Rome involving Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, whose growing thirst for power Benedict has come to hate according to the leaked document, and another Italian now favored as successor by Benedict, Cardinal Angelo Scola, currently the Archbishop of Milan. The contract against the pope and the prediction by Cardinal Paola that was allegedly made in secret to his Italian and Chinese business partners in Beijing concerning Benedict not living past the end of 2012 was apparently believed serious enough that somebody among Paola’s listeners “suspected that he himself was involved in a specific plot to assassinate Pope Benedict XVI. At least one of those present therefore reported the Cardinal’s words to Rome, and a special report on the incident—complied by Cardinal Darío Castrillón Hoyos and written in German in an attempt to stop it from being leaked—was presented to the Pope on 30 December last year.”[xiv]
Whether or not the threat whispered by Paola was actually formulated or will come true, the report illustrates once again how efforts are being made by at least some members of the College of Cardinals to manipulate events in order to align themselves as candidates for Petrus Romanus. Besides Francis Arinze, Tarcisio Bertone, Peter Turkson, and Angelo Scola, other nominees for the Final Pope include Cardinals Gianfranco Ravasi, Leonardo Sandri, Ennio Antonelli, Jean-Louis Tauran, Christoph Schönborn, Marc Quellet, and the highly improbable but popular Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York City.
With this in mind, one thought each of these papal contenders may want to consider is how many Catholics believe the sixteenth-century seer Nostradamus was actually the author of “The Prophecy of the Popes.” If that is so, a point made by the National Catholic Reporter earlier in this series concerning the popular West African Cardinal Peter Turkson being “young” in terms of electability at age sixty-three may have a way of coming back around. The “dark horse” candidate Turkson—and his ideas for a one-world financial and political authority housed in the United Nations—could become a remarkable and unexpected fulfillment of both the Prophecy of the Popes and Nostradamus’s prediction of an end-times “young black pope” who seizes control of the Roman Hierarchy with the assistance of conspirators during times of darkness and war. In Quatrain 6.25 Nostradamus wrote:
Through Mars adverse [a time of war] will be the monarchy
Of the great fisherman [the pope] in trouble ruinous
A young black red [a young black Cardinal] will seize the hierarchy
The predators acting on a foggy day
Besides the possibility of Nostradamus, most do not know that ancient occult societies throughout time speculated when the Antichrist and False Prophet would arrive. A shocking number of them pointed to one year specifically - 2012. We'll pick it up there in the next entry.
Tom Horn