Tuesday, April 21, 2015
PayPal wants to implant passwords in your stomach and your brain
PayPal is working on a new generation of embeddable, injectable and ingestible devices that could replace passwords as a means of identification.
Jonathan LeBlanc, PayPal’s global head of developer evangelism, claims that these devices could include brain implants, wafer-thin silicon chips that can be embedded into the skin, and ingestible devices with batteries that are powered by stomach acid.
These devices would allow "natural body identification," by monitoring internal body functions like heartbeat, glucose levels and vein recognition, Mr LeBlanc told theWall Street Journal.
Over time they would come to replace passwords and even more advanced methods of identification, like fingerprint scanning and location verification, which he says are not always reliable.
"As long as passwords remain the standard methods for identifying your users on the web, people will still continue to use 'letmein' or 'password123' for their secure login, and will continue to be shocked when their accounts become compromised," said Mr LeBlanc.

Slide taken from Jonathan LeBlanc's presentation 'Kill All Passwords'
Mr LeBlanc said PayPal is already working with some partners on developing vein recognition technologies and heartbeat recognition bands, and is also working with developers on prototypes of futuristic ID verification techniques.
He said that, by talking about new biometric verification technologies, PayPal is not necessarily signaling that it’s thinking about adopting them. Rather it hopes to position itself as a "thought leader".
“I can’t speculate as to what PayPal will do in the future, but we’re looking at new techniques – we do have fingerprint scanning that is being worked on right now – so we’re definitely looking at the identity field,” he said.
PayPal said in a statement that it has no immediate plans to develop injectable or edible verification systems, but that passwords as we know them will evolve, and PayPal aims to be at the forefront of those developments.
"We were a founding member of the FIDO alliance, and the first to implement fingerprint payments with Samsung," the company said a PayPal spokesperson.
"New PayPal-driven innovations such as one touch payments make it even easier to remove the friction from shopping. We’re always innovating to make life easier and payments safer for our customers no matter what device or operating system they are using.”
The most popular password of 2014 was 123456, according to SplashData, followed by password, 12345, 12345678 and qwerty.
Credit to The Telegraph
Student loan debt has surpassed $1.3 trillion and the American taxpayer is now on the hook.
I graduated from college in 1986 it was easy to get a job. The economy was booming and 82% of college graduates had a job. The other 18% were probably raising kids because their college educated spouse made enough to raise a family. The mantra for my entire life has been – go to college and you’ll get a good paying job. It seems something went wrong on the road to riches. The percentage of college graduates with jobs has been falling for the last 30 years and has been plummeting since 2008. It is now at an all-time low of 74.3%. Shouldn’t these people have obtained jobs since the government tells us the unemployment rate has dramatically dropped from 10% to 5.5% since 2009?

Not only is college graduate labor participation at record lows, but those getting jobs didn’t need a college degree in the first place to get that job, in the majority of cases. A new Careerbuilder survey indicates that though the majority of Class of 2014 college graduates are currently working, 51% of that group are in jobs that don’t require a degree. This is up dramatically from the 38% found in the 2010 US Census survey. The Careerbuilder survey also found that only 36% of 2014 college graduates had obtained full-time permanent jobs. The findings are as follows:
65 percent of recent college grads are employed (of these, 36 percent are in full-time, permanent positions; 17 percent are in part-time, permanent positions; and 12 percent are in temporary/contract positions). Fifty-one percent are in jobs related to their college major.
4 percent are in internships.
31 percent are not working at all (although many in this group haven’t started their job search or are already back in school to pursue a higher degree). Of this group, not even half (43 percent) say they’re currently looking for a job.
Only 44 percent expect to make more than $30,000 their first year out of college.

So we have less and less college graduates being employed, a majority of college graduates ending up with jobs that don’t require a college degree, many getting part-time temp jobs, and even if they get a job their wages are low. What did Obama and his minions do in 2009? They take over the entire student loan program for the country and proceed to dole out $600 billion of new student loans to anyone who could fog a mirror, let alone add or subtract. Millions have been lured into irreversible chains of debt over the last six years in order for Obama to artificially lower the reported unemployment rate, while pumping billions into consumer spending through a devious backdoor method. Now the brilliant summa cum laude graduates of the University of Phoenix are pouring into the marketplace with $30,000 of student loan debt and interviews at Ruby Tuesday, Texas Roadhouse, and TGI Fridays.

Student loan debt has surpassed $1.3 trillion and the American taxpayer is now on the hook. At least 30% of the outstanding debt is already in default or deferral. The students are left with a debt burden that can’t be written off by declaring bankruptcy, very few jobs in their fields of study, wages that can barely cover the debt payments, and no chance of ever owning a home. They were told by their parents, politicians, and the mainstream media that college was the path to prosperity. They were lied to.
The Federal Reserve and the politicians in Washington D.C. have destroyed our economy with their debt based solutions and vast array of laws, regulations, and taxes, which have drained the life out of our financial system. The number of good paying new jobs for college graduates will continue to decline, but the amount of government backed student loans continues to go up by $5 billion per month. Those who have been unwittingly convinced college was a great idea, will pay for the rest of their lives. Or at least until the $500 billion taxpayer bailout when future president Clinton or Bush decides to relieve the burden of potential voters in a future election. Our hole is deep, but we just keep digging deeper. And the vested interests get richer as students and taxpayers go deeper into debt. They like the system just as it is.
Credit to http://www.theburningplatform.com/

Not only is college graduate labor participation at record lows, but those getting jobs didn’t need a college degree in the first place to get that job, in the majority of cases. A new Careerbuilder survey indicates that though the majority of Class of 2014 college graduates are currently working, 51% of that group are in jobs that don’t require a degree. This is up dramatically from the 38% found in the 2010 US Census survey. The Careerbuilder survey also found that only 36% of 2014 college graduates had obtained full-time permanent jobs. The findings are as follows:
65 percent of recent college grads are employed (of these, 36 percent are in full-time, permanent positions; 17 percent are in part-time, permanent positions; and 12 percent are in temporary/contract positions). Fifty-one percent are in jobs related to their college major.
4 percent are in internships.
31 percent are not working at all (although many in this group haven’t started their job search or are already back in school to pursue a higher degree). Of this group, not even half (43 percent) say they’re currently looking for a job.
Only 44 percent expect to make more than $30,000 their first year out of college.

So we have less and less college graduates being employed, a majority of college graduates ending up with jobs that don’t require a college degree, many getting part-time temp jobs, and even if they get a job their wages are low. What did Obama and his minions do in 2009? They take over the entire student loan program for the country and proceed to dole out $600 billion of new student loans to anyone who could fog a mirror, let alone add or subtract. Millions have been lured into irreversible chains of debt over the last six years in order for Obama to artificially lower the reported unemployment rate, while pumping billions into consumer spending through a devious backdoor method. Now the brilliant summa cum laude graduates of the University of Phoenix are pouring into the marketplace with $30,000 of student loan debt and interviews at Ruby Tuesday, Texas Roadhouse, and TGI Fridays.

Student loan debt has surpassed $1.3 trillion and the American taxpayer is now on the hook. At least 30% of the outstanding debt is already in default or deferral. The students are left with a debt burden that can’t be written off by declaring bankruptcy, very few jobs in their fields of study, wages that can barely cover the debt payments, and no chance of ever owning a home. They were told by their parents, politicians, and the mainstream media that college was the path to prosperity. They were lied to.
The Federal Reserve and the politicians in Washington D.C. have destroyed our economy with their debt based solutions and vast array of laws, regulations, and taxes, which have drained the life out of our financial system. The number of good paying new jobs for college graduates will continue to decline, but the amount of government backed student loans continues to go up by $5 billion per month. Those who have been unwittingly convinced college was a great idea, will pay for the rest of their lives. Or at least until the $500 billion taxpayer bailout when future president Clinton or Bush decides to relieve the burden of potential voters in a future election. Our hole is deep, but we just keep digging deeper. And the vested interests get richer as students and taxpayers go deeper into debt. They like the system just as it is.
Credit to http://www.theburningplatform.com/
Jade Helm Is Designed to Take America Directly Into World War III
For the past three years I have been repeating the mantra that we would see the destruction of America coming in three waves:
1. A series of False Flag attacks on American soil.2. The extraction of Red List dissidents.3. Resulting martial law coupled with foreign troop occupation.4. Once the country is subjugated, we would be thrown into World War III.Stunning new photos, just taken yesterday reveal that Jade Helm is not just about martial law.
The sheer size and scope of the Jade Helm extraction and martial law drills overrides every military function in the country. In other words, if something related to the military is transpiring, in one way or another, it has something to do with Jade Helm. In this light, Jade Helm 15 has just taken a very dangerous turn which has very strong implications for every single American.
Yesterday, I received an eyewitness account from Travis Kunstler from West Texas. Mr. Kunstler shared with Paul Martin and ultimately myself, photos that made me understand how President Kennedy must have felt when he first gazed upon the pictures of nuclear bunker facilities during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
When I looked at the following pictures, I was so stunned that it took several minutes to compose myself for at that moment, I realized that my country is about to be invaded. Even as I write these words, I find it difficult to remain composed because I fear that every part of our lives could change in the blink of an eye.
Jade Helm’s Dangerous Twist
Forty five miles south of Lubbock, Texas, lies this “new” Air Force facility. It has seemingly appeared in the middle of nowhere almost overnight.
This Air Force facility is home to surface to air missiles which are pictured below. Ask yourself, why would a martial law drill (i.e. Jade Helm) need to include surface to air missiles located in the middle of a vast wasteland near Lubbock, Texas?
Paul Martin tells me that the local Emergency Director, a county Judge, as well as some Sheriff’s Deputies have been made aware of the presence of this site and one other possible site. It is important to keep in mind that Jade Helm 15 officials have already declared Texas to be a “hostile” state.
The above photos clearly speak to the fact that the end game for Jade Helm 15 is not martial law, it is World War III and the United States military is preparing to be attacked. If you are shaken to the core, as I was, and you should be, you need to fully realize that these reports on Jade Helm are not an exercise in fanciful speculation. America is about to change forever and we are all in a great deal of danger. THIS IS NOT A DRILL!
People will no doubt ask the question: Who will attack us. Five days ago when Judicial Watchrevealed the presence of an ISIS camp miles from El Paso, we should have all taken notice. ISIS will constitute the first wave of this Red Dawn scenario.
Can there be any doubt, we are going to be attacked after we are occupied by foreign troops?
Can Anyone Still Say That There Are No Foreign Troops Training on American Soil?
Of all the topics I write about, I have taken no more criticism on any single topic I have written about than I have from the normalcy bias crowd who steadfastly refuses to believe the following is true, despite overwhelming evidence.
I have maintained for three years that the United Nations would be the ultimate authority that would lock this country down under martial law. It is clear, for anyone who has the courage to see that the Russians will be a part of an international UN “Peacekeeping force” designed to put this country under a brutal martial law complete with gun confiscation under the UN Small Arms Treaty. Two weeks ago, I was criticized when I stated that Jade Helm would include Russians and their mission included gun confiscation.
At Ft. Carson, we are witnessing the insertion of 5th column Russian troops on our soil. The extra-constitutional “agreements”(that means illegal agreements) were inked in Washington, D.C., at the fourth annual meeting of the illegally created “U.S.-Russia Bilateral Presidential Commission Working Group on Emergency Situations.” This extra-governmental organization, formed under the Obama administration, is oneof almost two dozen similar “working groups” bringing together top U.S. and Russian officials. These two bodies are cooperating on everything from the drug war and agriculture to terror, science, “rule of law” (could that be code for martial law?), health, environment, energy, nuclear issues, education, culture, media, business, arms control, and more, according to the U.S. State Department. The Senate has not ratified any of the international deals, as required by the Constitution of the United States. And as such, this is an illegal agreement. However, this is not just an illegal agreement, IT CONSTITUTES TREASON AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. The agreement allowed Russian troops to enter our country.
This article will further validate this position and more. However, this is not an “I told you so” article. I weep for my country, for my fellow citizens and my family for I can clearly see what is coming.
It Is Not Just the Russians Practicing to Subjugate America
Outside of Ft. Bragg, British paratroopers are seen practicing for their role in the subjugation of the United States.
From Martial Law Subjugation Directly to World War III
I have written extensively on how the North Pole will be the site of a major confrontation between the United States, her allies and the Russians. This scenario is part of World War III. Our military is training with foreign nations on American soil for World War III as evidenced by the following news release from Michigan.
A couple from N. Michigan sent me the following news release from their local media outlet which clearly shows that we are preparing for World War III and the following is about fighting the Russians at the North Pole.
A couple from N. Michigan sent me the following news release from their local media outlet which clearly shows that we are preparing for World War III and the following is about fighting the Russians at the North Pole.
Michigan National Guard Participating in Arctic Eagle Exercise This Weekend
Posted: Apr 17, 2015 12:22 PM
Updated: Apr 17, 2015 12:22 PM
“Members of the Michigan National Guard will be busy training in Northern Michigan this weekend.The exercise called Arctic Eagle begins Saturday and runs through April 25 at Camp Grayling in Crawford County, Rockport State Recreation Area in Presque Isle County and in Mackinaw City.They’re working on strategies to defend areas in the Arctic Circle.Parts of Rockport State Recreation Area in Presque Isle and Alpena Counties will be temporarily closed down to the public.Members of the Danish Military will join U.S. soldiers, Marines and others”.
Please remember that it is also the Michigan National Guard that will soon be headed to Guantanamo Bay to train in order to receive the first wave of American dissident leadership which will replace the terrorists from the detention site who are being unceremoniously released. Please also note that the accompanying news release, from Michigan, makes mention of Camp Grayling which is the site of a large FEMA camp facility. One has to legitimately wonder if the Danish troops are being prepared to man FEMA camps on American soil given their presence at Camp Grayling.
The unfolding pattern is clear. We are going to be subjugated by foreign troops under the UN flag. After the coming purge, what is left of our country will be thrust into World War III. May God have mercy on us.
Credit to Common Sense
World Health Organization Claiming Weedkiller Causes Cancer
Following Monsanto lobbyist comments recently that he's "not stupid" enough to drink the weedkiller that he also proclaimed was safe enough that "you can drink a whole quart of it and it won’t hurt you;" Reuters reports that the maker of the world's most widely used herbicide, Roundup, wants an international health organization to retract a report linking the chief ingredient in the weedkiller to cancer. The company said on Tuesday that a report, issued on Friday by the WHO, was biased: "The WHO has something to explain." However, as one scientist noted, "there are a number of independent, published manuscripts that clearly indicate that glyphosate...can promote cancer and tumor growth."
Monsanto, maker of the world's most widely used herbicide, Roundup, wants an international health organization to retract a report linking the chief ingredient in Roundup to cancer.The company said on Tuesday that the report, issued on Friday by the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), was biased and contradicts regulatory findings that the ingredient, glyphosate, is safe when used as labeled.A working group of the IARC, based in Lyon, France, said after reviewing scientific literature it was classifying glyphosate as "probably carcinogenic to humans.""We question the quality of the assessment," Philip Miller, Monsanto vice president of global regulatory affairs, said on Tuesday in an interview. "The WHO has something to explain."Monsanto officials have asked to meet with WHO and IARC members, and Miller said the company wants a retraction....The U.S. Geological Survey estimated agricultural use of glyphosate in 2012, the most recent year available, at more than 283 million pounds, up from 110 million pounds in 2002.
Given its massive lobbying efforts, it is no surprise that the United States and other international regulatory bodies have backed the safety of glyphosate when used as directed, but the IARC report cited studies that raised concerns about glyphosate and impacts on health.
Monsanto says such studies are invalid. But critics say they merit attention."There are a number of independent, published manuscripts that clearly indicate that glyphosate ... can promote cancer and tumor growth," said Dave Schubert, head of the cellular neurobiology laboratory at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, California. "It should be banned."
"Do you think I am stupid?"
Credit to Zero Hedge
US Navy Sends Aircraft Carrier, Warships To Intercept Iranian Weapons Shipments In Yemeni Waters
Update: Because the report from AP does not play well with "Everyday Americans", US CentCom is denying:
The 'proxy' war is escalating very rapidly. As AP reports, Navy officials confirm that the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt is headed to Yemeni waters to intercept an Iranian weapons shipments. Just as we warned 10 days ago, the probability of a major escalation over the latest proxy Middle Eastern civil war escalated substantially when Iran parked two warships off the Yemeni coast.
As AP details,
U.S. Navy officials say the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt is steaming toward the waters off Yemen and will join other American ships prepared to intercept any Iranian vessels carrying weapons to the Houthi (HOO'-thee) rebels fighting in Yemen.The U.S. Navy has been beefing up its presence in the Gulf of Aden and the southern Arabian Sea amid reports that a convoy of Iranian ships may be headed toward Yemen to arm the Houthis.The Houthis are battling government-backed fighters in an effort to take control of the country.There are about nine U.S. ships in the region, including cruisers and destroyers carrying teams that can board and search other vessels.The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the ship movement on the record.
* * *
As the following Naval update map shows, the two Iran warships will now be located in the immediate vicinity of not only two US aircraft carriers, CVN-71 Teddy Roosevelt and CVN-70 Vinson, but well as the big-deck amphibious warship Iwo Jima which as reported before is providing marine support should the situation demand it.
All of this means the odds of a naval "accident" involving one or more warships in the Red Sea just went up substantially.
Credit to Zero Hedge
Stunned Greeks React To Initial Capital Controls And The "Decree To Confiscate Reserves", And They Are Not Happy
Earlier today, following weeks of speculation, Greece finally launched the first shot across the bow of capital controls, when it decreed that due to an "extremely urgent and unforeseen need" (ironically the need was quite foreseen since about 2010, but that is a different story), it would be "obliged" to transfer - as inconfiscate - "idle cash reserves" located across the country's local governments (i.e., various cities and municipalities) to the Greek central bank.
Several hours later the decree which was posted in the government gazette has finally percolated among the population, and the response to what even ordinary Greeks realize is now the endgame, is less than exuberant.
Bloomberg reports, that "as Greece struggles to find cash to stay afloat, local authorities say they oppose a government decision to use their reserves for short-term financing."
“The government’s decision to seize our reserves not only raises legal and constitutional issues, but also a moral one,”said George Papanikolaou, mayor of Glyfada, the third-largest municipality in the metropolitan region of Attica after Athens and Piraeus. “We have a responsibility to serve our citizens,” Papanikolaou said by phone on Monday. Glyfada has about 16 million euros in cash reserves, he said.
George is unhappy because as recently as tomorrow, he will find there is precisely zero euros in his public bank account, as all the money has now been forcibly sequestered by the government in order to repay future Troika, pardon, IMF obligations.
Sadly for Greece, this is the only option left as the money has now fully run out: Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras ordered local governments and central government entities to move their cash balances to the central bank for investment in short-term state debt.
From Bloomberg:
The decree to confiscate reserves held in commercial banks and transfer them to the Bank of Greece could raise as much as 2 billion euros ($2.15 billion), according to two people familiar with the decision. The money is needed to pay salaries and pensions at the end of the month, the people said.“It is a politically and institutionally unacceptable decision,” Giorgos Patoulis, mayor of the city of Marousi and president of the Central Union of Municipalities and Communities of Greece, said in a statement on Monday.“No government to date has dared to touch the money of municipalities.”
It took the radical leftist one all of 2 months since coming to power.
And the punchline is that the use of confiscated proceeds is unclear: the government says it is to pay pensions and wages, but recall that the same government recently confiscated pensions to repay the IMF, so according to the chain of logic, the government first raided pensions, and now municipalities, just to repay the dreaded Troika.
The Athens city council and the union of municipalities and communities in Greece will convene tomorrow to debate the order, a press officer of the mayor’s office said.
And one everyone realizes what just happened, expect the riot cam and the Greek Pay-Per-Riot channel, which has been on hiatus since the summer of 2012, to be fully reactivated.
Credit to Zero Hedge
Hungary, Greece, Cyprus to Restart Food Trade With Russia Despite Sanctions

Hungary, Greece and Cyprus may soon be allowed to export fruit and vegetables to the Russian market, according to a report in the newspaper Rossiyskaya Gazeta.
Russian health authorities are conducting audits of suppliers in all three countries, as well as India, Alexey Alexeyenko, the director of Rosselkhoznadzor (the Russian Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance) is quoted as saying.
"About 20 companies will be verified in Greece and Hungary. In India — less, around four to five. Cyprus has requested a delay for technical reasons and therefore, the audits will begin on April 27, where seven to eight companies will be checked."
The US, the EU and other western countries have imposed several rounds of sanctions against Moscow in 2014 and early 2015. Russia responded by embargo of several foodstuffs, including dairy products, meat, fruits and vegetables from the EU, Canada, Australia and Norway.
Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras met Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow in early April and it is understood agricultural trade was discussed.
Russia banned about $9 billion worth of imports of fruit, vegetables, meat, poultry, fish and dairy from the European Union and some other countries in early August of 2014.
Credit to Sputnik
Read more: http://sputniknews.com/russia/20150420/1021116330.html#ixzz3XsnqvV23
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