Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Why Isn’t America “As Mad As Hell” and Unwilling to “Take It Anymore”?

Howard Bloom, Yale literature professor and cultural critic, recently stated “I am 79 years old and I have never seen this country in such a bad state. It is madness. What we are seeing is the fall of the Roman Empire, only now it is the fall of America, the glory of our Empire.”
Ebola threatens to sweep across America. The United States sits on the brink of World War III. The economy is teetering on collapse. The Chinese are on the verge of owning your possessions and you and this arrangement was agreed to by people who were elected to “protect and defend the Constitution”. The UN is poised to be in charge of the demise of this country when martial law is declared. The eternal “bail outs” have robbed this generation and future generations of any chance at financial solvency. America has more people on welfare than are working full time. Election fraud is rampant. American students continue to fall further behind our international cohorts. The average person cannot even name one thing that the Obama administration has done to improve the condition of the middle class, yet, he got re-elected. One visit, for one day to Steve Quayle’s website and one radio broadcast from Doug and Joe Hagmann, or from Sheila Zilinski should be enough to summon the spirits of Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine and we should be witnessing the creation of a new Declaration of Independence and a re-creation of the pamphlet entitled Common Sense, for which my radio show and website are named.
Is There Any Life On This Planet?
As I look at America’s daunting and mounting dilemmas, I cannot help wondering, “Isn’t it time to get mad, mad as hell”? In response to my multi-part series on the unaddressed dangers posed by Ebola, many of you have written to me and expressed some very heartfelt consternation of the present set of affairs. Yet, nobody does anything!
There can be little doubt that America needs a rallying call to action if we are to reverse the destructive path we have embarked upon. The middle class is in desperate need of a spokesperson, somebody who could awaken the masses and spur an apathetic America to action. Who could provide this much needed clarion call? Will it be Glenn Beck? Or, maybe, Rush Limbaugh will heed the call and step forward. NOT LIKELY! Perhaps it will be Hannity. No way! Every one of these media figures are too mainstream and too entrenched in the existing system to effectively take the torch and lead America out of the abyss that it finds itself in. What if America did find its spokesperson? What would it sound like? What form would it take? Right now, the best America can do comes from a movie character and this character was introduced to movie goers over 35 years ago. I am speaking about Howard Beale.
Who could ever forget the classic move Network and the mythical broadcaster, Howard Beale, and his impassioned attempt to get America “as mad as hell” and not “to take it anymore!”
What if Howard Beale were to attempt to call America to action today? What would it sound like? It might go something like the following:
“I don’t have to tell you that things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. We are in the greatest depression of all time. Several hundred thousand Americans lost their jobs last month and several million more afraid of losing their jobs. Thanks to the FED, the dollar buys a penny’s worth; your local bank is only still open through the forced “generosity” of your hard-earned tax dollars in the form of bailouts in the biggest wealth distribution plan in all of recorded history”.
A modern day Beale would go on to say “
We know the air is unfit to breathe, we are being sprayed by Chemtrails and our genetically modified food is unfit to eat. And we sit watching our TV’s as some local newscaster tells us that the Dow is approaching 6,000, the FDIC and Social Security are near insolvency. Because of the NDAA, the government can secretly snatch you off the street and nobody knows what to do about it. We know things are bad—worse than bad—they’re crazy! It’s like everything, everywhere is going crazy. So, we don’t go out anymore because we cannot afford the photo radar tickets and the toll road fees. We sit in our soon-to-be foreclosed homes and slowly the world we’re living in is getting smaller, and all we say is, “Please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms. Let me have my satellite TV and my MP3 players as well as my smartphone, and I won’t say anything. Well, I’m not going to leave you alone. I want you to get mad! I don’t want you to protest, the new DARPA weapons of citizen subjugation that would render protest effort to be futile. I don’t want you to riot, NORTHCOM and DHS lie in wait. I don’t want you to write to your Congressman, because they are already bought and paid for by the forces that are already at work trying to enslave you. I don’t know what to do about the depression, the Russians and the Chinese and neither does Obama. I also don’t know what to do about inflation, your lost pension and the crime in the streets.” All I know is that first, you’ve got to get mad. You’ve gotta say, “I’m a human being, (bleep)! My life has value!”

Fortunately, most Americans are angry, terribly angry as evidenced by Congress’ 7% approval rating. Unfortunately, most of America does not know where to direct their anger or who is responsible for our declining fortunes and we are quickly running out of time.
To the sheep of America, there is nothing more that anyone can tell you. My media colleagues have identified the great usurpers of the Constitution. Thanks to many in the media, the names of the robber barons are on display for all to see as well as their crimes against humanity. There is nothing more that I can write or that Doug and Joe Hagmann can broadcast. We, in the media have made the information known to anyone who takes the time to look. If you do not get it by now, it is not likely that you ever will as you have likely accepted your enslavement with a smile.
Where is Howard Beale when we need him the most? Look in the mirror, America, YOU are Howard Beale and it is time to get as mad as hell!
Credit to Common Sense
US Airstrikes Kill 11 Civilians Inculding Children near Syria's Aleppo

MOSCOW, September 24 (RIA Novosti) -Airstrikes, carried out by the United States against the so-called Nusra Front insurgents in northwestern Syria, have killed 11 civilians, including four children, Al Jazeera reported Wednesday, citing an undisclosed Syrian opposition source.
Al Jazeera quoted local opposition activists as saying that the civilians were killed as US aircraft hit a residential building in the city of Idlib near Aleppo. The building was located near the headquarters of the Nusra Front, or Jabhat al-Nusra, an al-Qaeda affiliate in Syria.
The Pentagon said the attacks near Aleppo targeted the facilities of the Khorasan militant group, composed of al-Qaeda veterans, who were allegedly plotting strikes on US soil, and actively recruiting Westerners.
Earlier, the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that the attacks, carried out by Washington and its Arab allies, killed 31 civilians.
The US has formed a multinational coalition to fight various terrorist groups, in the Middle East after arguably the most notorious of them, the Islamic State (IS) seized large parts of Syria and Iraq, proclaiming a caliphate. The rapid advance of the IS prompted the White House to authorize airstrikes against IS fighters on Iraqi territory in August.
The US-led coalition performed the first series of airstrikes, drone attacks and Tomahawk missiles launches targeting insurgents in Syria on Tuesday, which reportedly continued on Wednesday.
Credit to RIA Novosti
Blowing the Shofar
Jews around the world will blow 100 shofar blasts on Thursday and Friday, Rosh Hashana 5765 (2014).

Yemenite Jew ca. 1935
INN: Lib of Con.
The picture on the main page and to the right is of a Yemenite Jew blowingthe shofar (circa 1935, all photographs are from the Library of Congress archives)
"Blow the Shofar at the New Moon for our holiday
Because It Is a Decree for Israel, a Judgment Day for the God of Jacob" - Psalms 81
Jews around the world prepare for Rosh Hashanna this week, the festiveNew Year holiday when the shofar -- ram's horn -- is blown in synagogues.
The American Colony photographers recorded a dozen pictures of Jewish elders blowing the shofar in Jerusalem some 80 years ago. The horn was also blown in Jerusalem to announce the commencement of the Sabbath. During the month prior to Rosh Hashana, the shofar was blown at daily morning prayers to encourage piety before the High Holidays.

Ashkenazi Jew in Jerusalem blowing the shofar to announce the Sabbath

Yemenite Rabbi Avram, donning tfillin for his daily prayers, blowing the shofar

Man blowing the shofar in Mandelkern, NY, 1901
Credit to Israel National News

Yemenite Jew ca. 1935
INN: Lib of Con.
The picture on the main page and to the right is of a Yemenite Jew blowingthe shofar (circa 1935, all photographs are from the Library of Congress archives)
"Blow the Shofar at the New Moon for our holiday
Because It Is a Decree for Israel, a Judgment Day for the God of Jacob" - Psalms 81
Jews around the world prepare for Rosh Hashanna this week, the festiveNew Year holiday when the shofar -- ram's horn -- is blown in synagogues.
The American Colony photographers recorded a dozen pictures of Jewish elders blowing the shofar in Jerusalem some 80 years ago. The horn was also blown in Jerusalem to announce the commencement of the Sabbath. During the month prior to Rosh Hashana, the shofar was blown at daily morning prayers to encourage piety before the High Holidays.

Ashkenazi Jew in Jerusalem blowing the shofar to announce the Sabbath

Yemenite Rabbi Avram, donning tfillin for his daily prayers, blowing the shofar

Man blowing the shofar in Mandelkern, NY, 1901
Credit to Israel National News
Rigged Gold Price Distorts Perception of Economic Reality
Paul Craig Roberts and Dave Kranzler
The Federal Reserve and its bullion bank agents (JP Morgan, Scotia, and HSBC) have been using naked short-selling to drive down the price of gold since September 2011. The latest containment effort began in mid-July of this year, after gold had moved higher in price from the beginning of June and was threatening to take out key technical levels, which would have triggered a flood of buying from hedge funds.
The Fed and its agents rig the gold price in the New York Comex futures (paper gold) market. The bullion banks have the ability to print an unlimited supply of gold contracts which are sold in large volumes at times when Comex activity is light.
Generally, on the other side of the trade the buyers of contracts are large hedge funds and other speculators, who use the contracts to speculate on the direction of the gold price. The hedge funds and speculators have no interest in acquiring physical gold and settle their bets in cash, which makes it possible for the bullion banks to sell claims to gold that they cannot back with physical metal. Contracts sold without underlying gold to back them are called “uncovered contracts” or “naked shorts.” It is illegal to engage in naked shorting in the stock and bond markets, but it is permitted in the gold futures market.
The fact that the price of gold is determined in a futures market in which paper claims to gold are traded merely to speculate on price means that the Fed and its bank agents can suppress the price of gold even though demand for physical gold is rising. If there were strict requirements that gold shorts could not be naked and had to be backed by the seller’s possession of physical gold represented by the futures contract, the Federal Reserve and its agents would be unable to control the price of gold, and the gold price would be much higher than it is now.
Gold price manipulation is used when demand for delivery of gold bullion begins to put upward pressure on the price of gold and hedge funds speculate on the rising price of gold by purchasing large quantities of Comex futures contracts (paper gold). This speculation accelerates the upward move in the price of gold. The TF Metals Report provides a good description of this illegal manipulation of the gold market:
“Over a period of 10 weeks to begin the year, the Comex bullion banks were able to limit the rally to only 15% by supplying the “market” with 95,000 brand new naked short contracts. That’s 9.5MM ounces of make-believe paper gold or about 295 metric tonnes.
“Over a period of just 5 weeks in June and July, the Comex bullion banks were able to limit the rally to only 7% by supplying the “market” with 79,000 brand new naked short contracts. That’s 7.9MM ounces of make-believe paper gold or about 246 metric tonnes.”
In previous columns, we have documented the heavy short-selling into light trading periods.
See for example:
The bullion banks do not have nearly enough gold in their possession to make deliveries to the buyers if the buyers decide to stand for delivery per the terms of the paper gold contract. The reason this scheme works is because the majority of the buyers of the contracts are speculators, not gold purchasers, and never demand delivery of the gold. Instead, they settle the contracts in cash. They are looking for short-term trading profits, not for a gold hedge against currency inflation. If a majority of the longs (the purchasers of the contracts) required delivery of the gold, the regulators would not tolerate the extent to which gold is shorted with uncovered contracts.
In our opinion, the manipulation is illegal, because it is insider trading. The bullion banks that short the gold market are clearing members of the Comex/NYMEX/CME. In that role, the bullion banks have access to the computer system used to clear and settle trades, which means that the bullion banks have access to all the trading positions, including those of the hedge funds. When the hedge funds are in the deepest, the bullion banks dump naked shorts on the Comex, driving down the futures price, which triggers selling from stop-loss orders and margin calls that drive the price down further. Then the bullion banks buy the contracts at a lower price than they sold and pocket the difference, simultaneously serving the Fed by protecting the dollar from the Fed’s loose monetary policy by lowering the gold price and preventing the concern that a rising gold price would bring to the dollar.
Since mid-July, nearly every night in the US the price of gold remains steady or drifts higher. This is when the eastern hemisphere markets are open and the market players are busy buying physical gold for which delivery is mandatory. But as regular as clockwork, following the close of the Asian markets, the London and New York paper gold markets open, and the price of gold is immediately taken lower as paper gold contracts flood into the market setting a negative tone for the day’s trading.
Gold serves as a warning for aware people that financial and economic trouble are brewing. For instance, from the period of time just before the tech bubble collapsed (January 2000) until just before the collapse of Bear Stearns triggered the Great Financial Crisis (March 2008), gold rose in value from $250 to $1020 per ounce, or just over 400%. Moreover, in the period since the Great Financial Collapse, gold has risen 61% despite claims that the financial system was repaired. It was up as much as 225% (September 2011) before the Fed began the systematic take-down and containment of gold in order to protect the dollar from the massive creation of new dollars required by Quantitative Easing.
The US economy and financial system are in worse condition than the Fed and Treasury claim and the financial media reports. Both public and private debt burdens are high. Corporations are borrowing from banks in order to buy back their own stocks. This leaves corporations with new debt but without income streams from new investments with which to service the debt. Retail stores are in trouble, including dollar store chains. The housing market is showing signs of renewed downturn. The September 16 release of the 2013 Income and Poverty report shows that real median household income has declined to the level in 1994 two decades ago and is actually lower than in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The combination of high debt and decline in real income means that there is no engine to drive the economy.
In the 21st century, US debt and money creation has not been matched by an increase in real goods and services. The implication of this mismatch is inflation. Without the price-rigging by the bullion banks, gold and silver would be reflecting these inflation expectations.
The dollar is also in trouble because its role as world reserve currency is threatened by the abuse of this role in order to gain financial hegemony over others and to punish with sanctions those countries that do not comply with the goals of US foreign policy. The Wolfowitz Doctrine, which is the basis of US foreign policy, says that it is imperative for Washington to prevent the rise of other countries, such as Russia and China, that can limit the exercise of US power.
Sanctions and the threat of sanctions encourage other countries to leave the dollar payments system and to abandon the petrodollar. The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) have formed to do precisely that. Russia and China have arranged a massive long-term energy deal that avoids use of the US dollar. Both countries are settling their trade accounts with each other in their own currencies, and this practice is spreading. China is considering a gold-backed yuan, which would make the Chinese currency highly desirable as a reserve asset. It is possible that the Fed’s attack on gold is also aimed at making Chinese and Russian gold accumulation less supportive of their currencies. A currency linked to a falling gold price is not the same as a currency linked to a rising gold price.
It is unclear whether the new Chinese gold exchange in Shanghai will displace the London and New York futures markets. Naked short-selling is not permitted in the Chinese gold exchange. The world could end up with two gold futures markets: one based on assessments of reality, and the other based on gambling and price-rigging.
The future will also determine whether the role of reserve currency has been overtaken by time. The US dollar took that role in the aftermath of World War II, a time when the US had the only industrial economy that had not been destroyed in the war. A stable means of settling international accounts was needed. Today there are many economies that have tradable currencies, and accounts can be settled between countries in their own currencies. There is no longer a need for a single reserve currency. As this realization spreads, pressure on the dollar’s value will intensify.
For a period the Federal Reserve can support the dollar’s exchange value by pressuring Japan and the European Central Bank to print their currencies with which to support the dollar with purchases in the foreign exchange market. Other countries, such as Switzerland, will print their own currencies so as not to endanger their exports by a rise in the dollar price of their exports. But eventually the large US trade deficits produced by offshoring the production of goods and services sold into US markets and the collapse of the middle class and tax base caused by jobs offshoring will destroy the value of the US dollar.
When that day arrives, US living standards, already endangered, will plummet. American power will have been destroyed by corporate greed and the Fed’s policy of sacrificing the US economy in order to save four or five mega-banks, whose former executives control the Fed, the US Treasury, and the federal financial regulatory agencies.
Credit to Paul Craig Roberts
Muslim Brotherhood In Syria Comes To Defense Of ISIS
The inter-relational dynamics between separate Sunni Muslim groups is very difficult for westerners to understand. Consider the relationship between ISIS and Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yusuf al-Qaradawi. When ISIS front man Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi declared himself Caliph of an Islamic State, al-Qaradawi denounced him; ISIS then denounced the Muslim Brotherhood, as Shoebat reported.
Yet, the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria is reportedly standing by ISIS:
A Syrian Muslim Brotherhood spokesman says attacks on the Islamic State by the United States and its allies are not the answer.
“Our battle with ISIS is an intellectual battle,” Omar Mushaweh said in a statement published Sept. 9 on the Syrian Brotherhood’s official website, “and we wish that some of its members get back to their sanity, we really distinguish between those in ISIS who are lured and brainwashed and they might go back to the path of righteous, and between those who has foreign agendas and try to pervert the way of the [Syrian] revolution.”
Rather, the first target for any Western intervention should be dictator Bashar al-Assad’s regime, Mushaweh asserts, according to a translation of his comments by the Investigative Project on Terrorism.
Such comments should reinforce Western concerns about the Syrian Brotherhood, whose members are prominent among the Free Syrian Army (FSA), one of the supposedly moderate factions in the Syrian civil war which receive U.S. training and weapons. And it shows the challenge of finding truly moderate allies on the ground in Syria. Compared to ISIS, the FSA might be considered moderate. Then again, ISIS was so ruthlessly violent that al-Qaida disavowed the group in February.
In addition, the Syrian Brotherhood openly mourned the death last week of a commander in Ahrar Al Asham, a Syrian faction with ties to al-Qaida.
The duel between al-Qaradawi and al-Baghdadi has primarily been about turf, means, timing, and size of a caliphate. Al-Qaradawi has a much larger vision – an Ottoman caliphate.
Speaking of al-Qaradawi, he doesn’t support U.S. military action against ISIS, which indicates that he too is more concerned with removing Assad:
Yusuf Al Qaradawi, an influential Brotherhood cleric living in Qatar, joined in criticizing the American military campaign against ISIS. “I totally disagree with [ISIS] ideology and means,” he wrote on Twitter, “but I don’t at all accept that the one to fight it is America, which does not act in the name of Islam but rather in its own interests, even if blood is shed.”
While both are Sunni Muslim movements, each seeking to establish a global Islamic Caliphate, ISIS views the Brotherhood as too passive, while the Brotherhood sees ISIS as being unnecessarily violent in pursuing its aims.
The nexus between the larger Muslim Brotherhood, its Syrian branch, and groups connected to it in the U.S. seems to come together at the notorious Dar al-Hijrah mosque in Falls Church, VA. Last year, as IPT points out, a man who spoke there last year – Hassan Al Hashimi – mourned a man with very close connections to al-Qaeda.
Credit to Walid Shoebat
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