Monday, July 20, 2015
Heaven’s Timing and the Nuclear Deal with Iran
“Behold a people is coming from the north, and a great nation and great kings shall be aroused from the ends of the earth.” (Jeremiah 50:41)

(Photo: Breaking Israel News)
The Iran Nuclear Deal was signed on July 14, 2015 by the P5+1 – a group comprised of representatives of the governments of the US, Britain, France, Russia, China and Germany – and the Islamic Republic of Iran. This date falls during a particularly significant time in the Jewish calendar known as The Three Weeks.
The Three Weeks are a mourning period that the Jewish people observe each year for the destruction of the Holy Temples in Jerusalem. The period starts on the 17th of the Hebrew month of Tammuz and ends on the 9th of the Hebrew month of Av and always falls in the summer. The 9th day of Av, which this year is July 26, is called Tisha B’Av and is the saddest day in the Jewish calendar. It was the day that both Holy Temples were set on fire.
In comparing the deal with Iran to the Munich Agreement between British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and Hitler in 1938, world-renowned lecturer Rabbi Lazer Brody wrote: “Now, 77 years later, during the notorious ‘Three Weeks’ between the 17th of Tammuz and Tisha B’Av, the USA has reaffirmed its commitment to hedonism by appeasing Iran and signing a nuclear agreement that is not worth the skin of a garlic clove.”
In an email dated July 16, 2015 and sent to his “Letter from Jerusalem” subscribers, Rabbi Avraham Greenbaum, Founder and Director of AZAMRA, an international organization that promotes Torah teachings to all nations, echoes Rabbi Brody’s thoughts about the timing.
“The carefully choreographed timing of the announcement after so many delays could not have been more significant from the Jewish point of view, given that it fell on July 14 / 27 Tammuz, bang in the middle of the ‘Three Weeks’ period from the Fast of 17 Tammuz (4 July) until the Fast of Tisha B’Av (26 July), when we soul-searchingly contemplate our collective past, our present and our future destiny,” he wrote.
Although the White House is attempting to push the agreement through the United Nations before Congress has had a chance to review the measure, there is another striking connection between the Iran nuclear deal and the Jewish calendar.
Regardless of what happens at the UN, the US Congress has 60 days to review and vote to either ratify or nix the nuclear deal. On the Jewish calendar, 60 days from the day the Iran nuclear deal was signed falls on Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year. Thus, the final decision will likely be announced in the period between the Jewish holidays of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur known as the Ten Days of Repentance. These are days of judgement for the Jewish people.

Speaking to the confluence of this decision and the Jewish calendar, End of Times author Rabbi Pinchas Winston told Breaking Israel News, “The [Talmud says] that all punishment comes to the world because of the Jewish people. Sometimes it means the Jewish people are not up to snuff, but other times it means that we did not care enough to use our spiritual gifts, such as Torah learning and prayer, to save a situation. When important decisions ‘hang in the air’ for a time, it is Heaven’s way of giving the Jewish people a chance to use those gifts to get history back on track. The fact that the Iran deal was made during the Three Weeks and will be decided on by Rosh Hashanah should make it clear where our responsibility lies. We don’t want this ‘punishment’ to occur and we certainly don’t want to be responsible for it.”
When questioned further, Rabbi Winston affirmed, “Now we have a chance to interfere with it [the nuclear deal] by praying and doing mitzvos [God’s commandments].”
Rabbi Nachman Kahana, an orthodox rabbinic scholar, offers comfort to believers who sense a connection between the Iranian nuclear deal and the End of Days. He cites the Yalkut Shimoni, a 16th century rabbinic commentary on the Bible, which describes the current situation prophetically.
“The Yalkut states that Paras (Persia-Iran) will be the dread of humanity. The world’s leaders will be frustrated in their futile efforts to save what they can. The people of Yisrael will also be petrified by the impending danger,” he wrote. “And HaShem [God] will say to us, ‘Why are you afraid? All of this I have done in order to bring you the awaited redemption. And this redemption will not be like the redemption from Egypt, which was followed by suffering. This redemption will be absolute, followed with peace.’”
Credit to Breaking Israel News
What will happen if the “Dollar Collapses” In 13 September 2015
Disclaimer: This article is opinion based with likely scenarios derived from logic based situations.
Discussion includes doomsayer fears, logical outcomes, and a good example of how currency value is subjective.
It is well known that the U.S. Federal Reserve continues to print money to pay down debts owed to countries such as China. It is also known that the Fed printed billions to “bail out” banks and create “stimulus” plans to boost the economy.
There are a lot of doomsayers on the internet and in media that say this devalues the U.S. dollar both locally and globally. Technically their claim is correct: each dollar used to be backed by actual gold; that backing was removed in the 1970s and ever since then money could basically just be printed up.
But this is where the doomsayers logic ends. Their belief is that because money’s value is only as good as the economy’s belief in it, the value can disappear because there is no gold backing the paper money. Once confidence in the dollar is lost, many doomsayers say that the U.S. economy will completely collapse.
A few popular predictions are being made across the internet and in the media by doomsayers:
vanished and now gold is the only accepted currency. The concept cited is “hyperinflation.”
When the dollar collapses we will be thrown into a state of chaos and lawlessness. Money will be burned like in Germany a few decades ago due to lost value. People will steal and commit other crimes to stay alive and with no economy there will be no one working to maintain the infrastructure.
Gold and silver will become the standard once again. Which is oddly suspicious, because when you Google anything about the dollar collapsing, you get a lot of sites trying to sell you gold and gold trading schemes.
Since other countries are trying to move the World Reserve Currency away from the U.S. dollar due to decreasing value, the U.S. will be left high and dry by the other countries.
Countries will stop lending to us and the interest on the existing loans will default.
What is likely to happen if the U.S. dollar collapses (based on something known as “logic”). Here are a few possible situations:
1.) The U.S. dollar collapses and there is a brief time of chaos. However the U.S. chief export is consumption, we consume the highest amount of resources and goods in the world. Countries that once sold to us can no longer sell if there is no money, so the dollar could in theory be propped up by another currency. Imagine a dollar backed by the yen, the Euro, or once again by gold.
2.) There are over 300 million “consumers” in the U.S. Other economies would suffer if U.S. citizens suddenly lost all of their money and their spending power. The U.S. could adopt another currency or begin consuming using multiple currencies and abandon the dollar. Financially, it makes little sense to let a huge consumer base collapse and vanish so global companies and countries that export often to us will step in.
3.) Like a repo man coming to collect his due, the countries that the U.S. government owes large amount of debt to will come in to collect their payment. Of course what happens if someone can’t pay? Things get taken away. China, a country who the U.S. owes billions to could technically lay claim to the U.S. So we would become a part of another country altogether.
As an interesting side note, some local towns in America have started to print their own currency that is traded and accepted among merchants within the town. This shows an extremely important concept in the debate of what happens if the dollar fails.
The townspeople in these towns aren’t backing their local money with gold or other currency, rather they back it with their confidence. The local money has zero actual value; the only reason it is useful for purchases in the town is because businesses and people that accept it agree that is has some value; they can accept it for a sale and take it to another accepting business to trade for goods and services.

This experiment is a microcosm of the national economy and even the global economy, paper money’s primary value exists only because the economy continues to believe in its value.
Technically you could pick up an orange and claim that oranges are equivalent to what was once $100. If a lot of people also believed it, you’d be buying and selling in oranges instead of dollars.
In the end one key concept came to mind when trying to dispel the doomsday predictions: As long as you have some currency that the economy sees as having value you can continue to make and spend money. Does it matter if that currency is the U.S. dollar, a Euro, gold, or an orange?(source)
Jeff Berwick: Systematic Market Crash to Occur on September
Could a market crash occur this year, on September 13th? We are delighted to bring on a new guest to the show, Mr. Jeff Berwick. Jeff founded, which grew to a $200 million plus market cap company, before the tech bubble burst in the early 2000’s.
Jeff now resides in Acapulco, Mexico, from where he writes his financial newsletters, holds conferences and lives his laid-back, free from worry type lifestyle.
Knowing that Jeff has a large following of international investors, it was great to hear his thoughts on portfolio choices and life in general, from his home in sunny Acapulco…
Takeaways from this interview with Jeff:
● How Jeff built and sold, and what he experienced traveling around the world…
● Jeff’s take on freedom, and how you can live a free and prosperous life today
● Why Jeff recommends holding hard assets (gold & silver, foreign real estate, etc.) outside of the financial system
● The market crash which Jeff thinks is coming on the specific date, September 13th 2015.
● One of Jeff’s investments that can reap 10,000% gains in the next few years…
Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.
This is a good motto to live by, despite how you think about things.
Individuals can still hope for the best (that things can and will eventually work out), but what good is your prosperity going to do if you don’t have anything to eat or a safe place to hang out for an extended period of time?
Why not prepare while you still can — when things are readily available and can still be purchased at cheap prices? The coming hyper-inflation will make any such purchases beforehand look very intelligent…
To prepare for the worst, you need a plan. Why are most people so against doing basic preparations that could be the difference on how they survive — or whetherthey survive?
History shows time and again that those who prepare always fare better than those who did not.
Having a plan and being determined to act on that plan will always be the best way to handle any contingencies, should they occur.
After disaster strikes, your mind is going to be racing around like a car on a race track. Preplanning and having a written set of measures to take will make someone’s life go much smoother when the SHTF.
Other useful resources:
Survival MD (Best Post Collapse First Aid Survival Guide Ever)
Backyard Innovator (A Self Sustaining Source Of Fresh Meat,Vegetables And Clean Drinking Water)
Blackout USA (EMP survival and preparedness)
Conquering the coming collapse (Financial advice and preparedness )
Liberty Generator (Build and make your own energy source)
Backyard Liberty (Easy and cheap DIY Aquaponic system to grow your organic and living food bank)
Bullet Proof Home (A Prepper’s Guide in Safeguarding a Home )
Family Self Defense (Best Self Defense Strategies For You And Your Family)
Sold Out After Crisis (Best 37 Items To Hoard For A Long Term Crisis)
Survive The End Days (Biggest Cover Up Of Our President)
Drought USA(Discover The Amazing Device That Turns Air Into Water)
Credit to Michael Moore
This experiment is a microcosm of the national economy and even the global economy, paper money’s primary value exists only because the economy continues to believe in its value.
Technically you could pick up an orange and claim that oranges are equivalent to what was once $100. If a lot of people also believed it, you’d be buying and selling in oranges instead of dollars.
In the end one key concept came to mind when trying to dispel the doomsday predictions: As long as you have some currency that the economy sees as having value you can continue to make and spend money. Does it matter if that currency is the U.S. dollar, a Euro, gold, or an orange?(source)
Jeff Berwick: Systematic Market Crash to Occur on September
Could a market crash occur this year, on September 13th? We are delighted to bring on a new guest to the show, Mr. Jeff Berwick. Jeff founded, which grew to a $200 million plus market cap company, before the tech bubble burst in the early 2000’s.
Jeff now resides in Acapulco, Mexico, from where he writes his financial newsletters, holds conferences and lives his laid-back, free from worry type lifestyle.
Knowing that Jeff has a large following of international investors, it was great to hear his thoughts on portfolio choices and life in general, from his home in sunny Acapulco…
Takeaways from this interview with Jeff:
● How Jeff built and sold, and what he experienced traveling around the world…
● Jeff’s take on freedom, and how you can live a free and prosperous life today
● Why Jeff recommends holding hard assets (gold & silver, foreign real estate, etc.) outside of the financial system
● The market crash which Jeff thinks is coming on the specific date, September 13th 2015.
● One of Jeff’s investments that can reap 10,000% gains in the next few years…
Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.
This is a good motto to live by, despite how you think about things.
Individuals can still hope for the best (that things can and will eventually work out), but what good is your prosperity going to do if you don’t have anything to eat or a safe place to hang out for an extended period of time?
Why not prepare while you still can — when things are readily available and can still be purchased at cheap prices? The coming hyper-inflation will make any such purchases beforehand look very intelligent…
To prepare for the worst, you need a plan. Why are most people so against doing basic preparations that could be the difference on how they survive — or whetherthey survive?
History shows time and again that those who prepare always fare better than those who did not.
Having a plan and being determined to act on that plan will always be the best way to handle any contingencies, should they occur.
After disaster strikes, your mind is going to be racing around like a car on a race track. Preplanning and having a written set of measures to take will make someone’s life go much smoother when the SHTF.
Other useful resources:
Survival MD (Best Post Collapse First Aid Survival Guide Ever)
Backyard Innovator (A Self Sustaining Source Of Fresh Meat,Vegetables And Clean Drinking Water)
Blackout USA (EMP survival and preparedness)
Conquering the coming collapse (Financial advice and preparedness )
Liberty Generator (Build and make your own energy source)
Backyard Liberty (Easy and cheap DIY Aquaponic system to grow your organic and living food bank)
Bullet Proof Home (A Prepper’s Guide in Safeguarding a Home )
Family Self Defense (Best Self Defense Strategies For You And Your Family)
Sold Out After Crisis (Best 37 Items To Hoard For A Long Term Crisis)
Survive The End Days (Biggest Cover Up Of Our President)
Drought USA(Discover The Amazing Device That Turns Air Into Water)
Credit to Michael Moore
You Should Leave America, but Can You? This Is a Must Read
It is time to leave America? Is it possible to leave the country and leave with your assets in tow? And where would you go?
There are many indicators that tell us that we have totally lost our country. Nowhere is this more evident than it is with what our media is choosing to glorify and so many of our young people are choosing to emulate the trash that the media is putting out.
We Live In a Country That Glorifies What It Used to Call Perversion
You now live in a country where nearly every vaccine contains aborted fetal cell products. Cecile Richards (i.e. the modern day Dr. Mengele, president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, defended the organization’s practices of selling aborted fetal body parts. Why isn’t this monster in prison?
A Snippet From the Local News
Last night, while watching the local San Diego Channel 6 News, I took note of the two featured stories from the news broadcast:
1. The Gay Pride Parade in which the report claimed over 300,000 people will attend the event on July 18. The event was not merely covered as a news story, it was glorified as if it were a New Years Eve celebration at Times Square. Of course, nothing is mentioned about the virtues of family life and traditional marriage on this broadcast. Can you only imagine the uproar if “extremist” heterosexuals were to sponsor their own “Hetero Pride March”. It would be welcomed with the same animosity as a Confederate flag flying in the south.
2. The celebration of Ramadan was also given a great deal of attention.
Again the news reports made breaking the link between terrorist acts and Islam a primary issue. Please keep in mind that the religious leaders were not saying we disavow violence as a medium of Islamic political expression. They were denying any possible link between the two variables.
This news report was not a matter of fact mention of the holiday,which would have been fine, it was the glorification of the religion and how pristine the religion is when it comes to world politics. Really? What about 9/11? What about Pan Am 103 over Scotland? I don’t deny heinous acts carried out in the name of Christianity and neither should the Muslims. Are there any Christian groups running through the Middle East beheading members of the Islamic faith? Of course, on this station, nothing about Christianity could be found at anytime during our vacation stay. The point being, I do not have a problem with the mention of a religious holiday or a social event. I do have a problem with the glorification of these events to the total exclusion of my lifestyle choices. Being a Christian father in a long-term marriage is being marginalized in the American media and I am sick of it! I can recognize propaganda when I see it. Keep in mind, our children are being conditioned by this same propaganda. I know better, can you count on your children to know the difference?
What Kind of Country Do We Now Live In?
We live in a country that murders millions around the globe so corporations like EXXON can garner a bigger market share.
We live in a country that is under de facto martial law with a record number of troops on the street and we call it Jade Helm. And the media, doesn’t report Jade Helm for what it is, the first military occupation of this country since Reconstruction. Jade Helm is being reported as an event that only conspiracy theorists would find objectionable.
We live in a country in which it is merely a matter of time until bail-ins come to our banks and gobble up your life savings and retirement accounts.
We live in a country, under relative tyranny, where every email is read, every phone call is listened to and your every movement is tracked and dissident journalists are harassed and even murdered by federal agencies such as the rogue NSA, CIA and IRS? Are you thinking about escaping our corrupt and criminal government that has been hijacked by the bankers? The level of growing tyranny and brutal martial law enforcement is off the charts.
Many are too old to fight and to fat to run. However, if you want you and your family to have chance to grow old in relative peace, my advice to all Americans is simple. If you are not going to fight, then you better get out of the country while you still can because the sides have been drawn and the conflict is coming.
Should you leave America, can you leave America? Are there more reasons to leave America? The answers to the first two questions are unclear to many. However, the answer to the last question is an unqualified yes!
Record Expatriation of US Citizens

Would you renounce your U.S. citizenship if it meant you’d be sending less of your hard-earned dollars to Uncle Sam? Do you want affordable health care? Do you desire to live a long and healthy life? Do you want your children to have an affordable college education? Do you want to retire in relative comfort? Do you desire to live your life with more freedoms than you presently enjoy and not have to worry about government harassment? On balance, should most Americans stay or go?
There are reasons and myths which both favor and discourage expatriation. Below, I have listed a set of generalized statements about the viability of leaving America and these notions are examined.
The Highest Taxes In the World

We Can’t Leave Our Great US Pensions Behind
It is a myth that America has a good set of retirement systems.You are not getting the best pension package compared to other Western nations as America ranks dead last in overall pension benefits. And this is in the backdrop of the nothing-to-lose, second term Obama Administration, who is preparing to seize your 401k pensions. Secretary of the Treasury Jack Lew has already starting raided federal pension funds this last year so the government does not exceed the debt ceiling. America, your money is not even safe in the bank as witnessed by the fact that the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals who ruled that banks can steal the money of its depositors and it is legal! There are no golden years in America unless you are in the infamous 1%.
Americans Stay for Higher Pay
Americans no longer live in the highest salary paying country in the world. In fact, the United States does not even crack the top ten list of the highest salary paying countries on the planet in which Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Japan, Norway, Austria, Belgium, Ireland, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom round out the top ten and pay their workers more than workers in the United States. In fact, the United States only ranks 20th in terms of overall gross pay! One would be very naive to call America the land of opportunity.
If We Leave Our Children’s Education Will Suffer
The Education Policy Institute assessed the affordability of higher education costs and found that the United States ranks 13th in higher education affordability. At a time when our schools are producing students which are
performing last in math and science as compared our industrialized cohort nations, leaving the country, in many cases, would benefit a child’s educational attainment. And do not forget that the Common Core Standards have come online and they will dramatically increase the dumbing down of American students. Most Americans mistakenly think they will help their children to rise above the rest by going to college. That type of thinking can be a financial death trap. To those who think your children can borrow their way to a degree, think again. Today’s U.S. college loan practices, which serves to underwrite much of the cost of a college education, are the most predatory in the world. As of 2013, bankruptcy cannot cancel out a student loan debt and delinquent college students can now go to jail for nonpayment. In fact, several federal agencies have even “swat teamed” many delinquent student loan defaulters. Nowhere else in the world can we find evidence of these types of predatory practices being used against college students as we do here in the United States. Even those who are degreed and/or skilled in fields such as engineering or information technology skills, are really wasting their time working in the United States. Eight of the world’s ten highest-paying countries for information technology (IT) managers are in Western Europe, according to a new survey by Mercer Human Resource Consulting. The survey found that Swiss managers are paid the most, followed by those in Germany and Denmark. In fact, IT management is another field where U.S. workers fail to crack the top ten in income, the United States ranks 14th in IT management compensation. Even debt ridden Spain, Italy and Greece pay their IT managers more than what Americans earn on average. If you child is striving to become a high tech employee, they would be better leaving the country.

We Cannot Leave This Good Health Care Behind
The United States spends more than the next 12 nations for health care. However, it seems as if we are spending more and enjoying it less as, despite our exorbitant spending on health care, the United States ranks 50th in the world in life expectancy. Cuba, Puerto Rico and Spainhave higher life expectancies than the United States. Americans live in the only country in the world where its citizens cannot bargain shop for its medicines in foreign countries because the pharmaceuticals have convinced congress to establish a pharmaceutical monopoly over U.S. citizens. Death by doctor has increased to 225,000 per year. Healthcare would be an excellent reason to leave.
The Most Compelling Reasons to Leave
The NDAA, which allows for unconstitutional and indefinite detention by the administration without any due process, is reason enough to leave. If you are unfamiliar with the NDAA, Google the term and be prepared to be shocked.
Executive Order 13603 is also reason enough to leave the country. Go to the search engine on this site and Google this executive order and you will see that slave labor is part of the equation as well as the forfeiture of all private property and business interests.
With the release of the federal government documents pertaining to entitled FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations (PDF) came to light. The document was originally to be kept secret, but everyone in the military command structure, as we know, is not on board with the encroaching tyranny sweeping across this country. The document is a recipe book on how to organize and maintain a FEMA camp. I would suggest that all Americans turn off the TV for an evening and read the document which spells out what life will be like for millions of Americans. The language makes it crystal clear that one of the primary purposes of these numerous camps will be slave labor. The stunning descriptions of these plans can be read here. What happens to the elderly, the handicapped and the infirm? History clearly demonstrates that when slave laborers no longer serve their intended purpose to the state, they are exterminated. Is this what these well publicized FEMA coffins are for?
Is self-preservation enough of a reason to fight or flee?
Juxtaposition for Ex-Pats
We used to joke in this country that Americans build fences to keep people out and the Soviet Union built forces to keep people in. The American government is presently implementing financial and new tax policies which allows you to leave, but a much greater portion of your money must stay behind. Do you remember when American comedians used to joke about the former Soviet Union by saying “In Mother Russia, you don’t watch TV, the TV watches you?” Some articles write their own conclusion.
Credit to Common Sense
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