Judge Napolitano is one of my hero’s. His show was taken off FOX News, in my opinion, for being too much on the cutting edge and acting as an opposing voice to the bloated government we now have.
I don’t know what really happened in Boston, but I posted this video as the Judge makes a very cogent case that our own government was involved in staging terror plots. I am also bothered by the military response to one lone 19-year-old punk. Boston was on lock down and SWAT teams held people at gun-point. MARTIAL LAW: Boston SWAT Teams FORCE Americans Out Of Homes At GUNPOINT [POLICE STATE] – YouTube
Where do we go from here?
With the recent events in Boston, we must ask ourselves, where do we go from here? How can we possibly legislate our safety? We stand in lines at the airports and submit to full body scanners, TSA pat-downs, searching of our private possessions without a warrant, and as demonstrated by the tragedy in Boston, none of this has made us safer. How do we respond to a mother who supposedly states she will praise Allah for the death of Americans and the death of her sons? WHOA!… Zubeidat Tsarnaeva Tells CNN: “I Don’t Care if My Youngest Son Is Killed. I Don’t Care If I Am Killed. I Will Say Allahu Akbar!” (Video) | The Gateway Pundit
The mind-set reflected in this brief phone call to Zubeidat Tsarnaeva reveals a world view which is foreign to most of us. This ideology is the same which spawned the birth of the suicide bomber. In my opinion, it is a twisted logic which most of us here in the west find repugnant. It is a death wish. To say God is great for killing Americans, her sons and herself, is beyond the pale. It is contrary to what we see in the Bible when Jesus tells us: I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly!
Yesterday Rand Paul seemingly flip-flopped on his stance against the use of drones on American citizens, which I’m sure will be used to hunt down terrorists. Activist Post: Rand Paul flip-flops, says drone strikes on U.S. citizens on U.S. soil without charge or trial are okay
He now appears to condone the use of drones in “certain circumstances.” We are moving to a police state that would make George Orwell, blush.
So what do we do? Do we ban all Immigrants whose backgrounds are Middle Eastern, or Islamic? Do we deport everyone who holds to Islam. At least one Imam has denounced the bombings so there is a ray of hope.
Boston Imam denounces bombings as against Islam
I’ll take a moment and turn the tables here. What do we do with the white Neo Nazi groups that are here? Do we deport them too?
In closing todays post: As Americans we love our liberty and our freedom. However there is no way government, any government, can ensure our safety all of the time. It’s impossible. There is no way to legislate our safety, we can’t control what people think. If we roundup every gun the nut case bent on killing will find another way to cause mayhem.
The America I grew up in 50 years ago is a far cry from the America we see today. We have abandoned the God of the Bible, pushed him out of our schools, taught our young people we descended from apes, and embraced Darwinism. We have allowed violent video games, endless bloody, body counts in movies, and created horror films which show human mutilation. We are now the most medicated society in the history of the world. Our soldiers come home from an endless war and many wind up killing themsevles.
In Philadelphia a “doctor” is on trial for the killing of babies. Now the lawyers argue if the babies were alive and what constitutes being alive.
Are a nation under judgment? What will it take for the American people to rise up and take a stand and say enough is enough? What will it take for the pastors of the churches to alert the people of what is coming?
Where do we go from here?
L.A. Marzulli