Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Youtube Is Burning Books As the Deep State Prepares to Burn People

YouTube’s new program where kids as young as 13 will decide what you will see and hear. It’s called the HEROES program. I call it Lord of the Flies runs our social media.
YouTube (i.e. Google) and Facebook are acting as unregulated monopolies. They provide a privately owned platform in which the Independent Media provides a conservative interpretation of the news as opposed to the radical left-wing Mainstream media who espouses such values as expressing anti-Christian views, advocating for the continual erosion of the Bill of Rights and the rest of the Constitution, completely open borders in which anyone with two legs and carrying weapons of mass destruction can illegally cross our borders take up residence, all courtesy of the US taxpayer. And according to Facebook and YouTube they have the right to ban you from using their platform for espousing traditional American values that our country was founded on.
Not Advertiser Friendly
I have had scores of videos demonetized by YouTube because they are “not advertiser friendly”. Not advertiser friendly? I had a video demonetized that had 1,735 likes and 21 dislikes, with over 40,000 views and I did not make a dime on the video. Why? Because I referred to a current event that involved a suspicious death of a political figure. My approval rating for this video had an approval rating of over 98% and it is not advertiser-friendly? With 98% of the people approving of the video, the video was very advertiser-friendly and would make the audience of The Common Sense Show MUCH more receptive to being advertising friendly. The term advertiser friendly is a Bravo-Sierra term. What they mean is that I am not loony-liberal-left anti-Christian friendly and my conservative views should not be heard. The First Amendment violators and the thought police are patrolling the corridors of the social media giants with the message “You either promote our world-view or will make you deliver your message at a financial loss.”
There is no such thing as advertiser friendly. The whores from Wall Street don’t care where they peddle their goods and services. Just ask Prescott Bush (HW Bush’s father) when tried to get away with doing business with the Nazis during WW II.
Hate Speech and Extremism
Any view which is anti-New World Order which OPPOSES the total obliteration of freedom, both politically and financially, is labeled as hate speech. If we advocate for screening immigrants criminal background is hate speech as if no terrorist with bad intentions would ever try and cross our border in order to do Americans harm.
If one speaks against the illegal and unethical actions of Wall Street, that is considered “extremism”. I have been demonetized and suspended from Facebook for discussing child-sex-trafficking. The FBI and every major police department in the country have task forces related to this topic, but if I write about it, even just to report a related news event, my work is banned and/or demonetized.
Please consider the following admonition from YouTube:
“Controversial or sensitive subjects and events, including subjects related to war, political conflicts, natural disasters and tragedies, even if graphic imagery is not shown.”
Don’t the topics which includes content of controversial, sensitive issues, wars, political conflicts, natural disasters and tragedies make up 95% of the content on your nightly news?
Rules for Thee but Not for Me
Countless times, I have seen a CNN or Fox News video reproduced, with YouTube ads being played on YouTube without restriction. Ads from Wall Street advertisers play unabated and permeate these MSM sites and we in the alt media are not allowed to cover these same topics. If I address the topic (eg war, right vs. left politics), I am banned or demonetized. YouTube and Facebook are guilty of extremism. Extreme hypocritical treatment of divergent and legitimate political views is a rehash of Stalin and Hitler (oh, the use these historical figures names will get banned as well).
For the record, The Common Sense Show does not advocate for violence except in extreme self- defense. The show argues against the use of violence by our government in their wars of occupation which are nothing more that resource-grabbing adventures on behalf of the globalists. Yet CNN videos play on YouTube unabated which stand in support with never-ending wars and they are not banned or demonitized.
By the way, there is no appeal to the arbitrary decisions of censorship as the new algorithms are key word driven and they have no real appeal mechanism. Do you think CNN and Fox are ever demonetized or banned for covering news stories that are underwritten and funded by CIA? Former reporter, Amber Lyons, claimed was true?
Consider the following graphic appearing on Alex Jones’ Infowars website. This says it all. This has already happened to Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, where Google delisted Mike’s publications.

When Facebook banned Mark Dice, as his content to funny or to TRUE?
Course of Action
The alt media should ban together and sue the Washington Post for accusing us of being Russian agents for supporting Donald Trump. We should look into suing Facebook and YouTube. Oh, I know they are private entities. However, they are unregulated monopolies that are predatory in nature. I have had some private conversations with sympathetic attorneys that think that these social media giants may have crossed the line with regard to anti-trust violations.
If the estimated 20-30 million people who frequent alt media sites would contribute 5 dollars each to a trust fund, we could make this brand of communist censorship very expensive to YouTube (Google) and Facebook.
If everyone refused to use Google’s search engine, it would cost them billions. If we began to boycott advertisers who are contributing to the demise of the Independent Media, feel the pinch, we would quickly see how broad the term “not advertiser friendly” would become.
If our followers were crowdfunding their favorites shows, websites and YouTube creators, the message would still be heard.
Here is the stark reality of where this is headed
The alt media in a dying gasp to stay viable, will attempt to get their followers to, in some measure, pay for their favorite entities to stay in business. However, I am not confident in the alt right crowd’s determination to do such a thing on a scale that will make any real difference.
Before the alt media largely goes extinct, you will see the following:
- Websites will ban users who employ adblockers to access their site
- Radio shows will charge a small premium (5-10 dollars per month to access).
- YouTubers will be forced to watch private ads secured by the creators and played in front of their video.
Here is what I have concluded:
- First they came for radio show and America said nothing
- Then they came for Revolution Radio and America said nothing
- Then they came for Agenda 21 Radio and America said nothing
- Then they came for the Hagmann Report and America said nothing
- Then they came for Natural News and America said nothing
- Then they came for and America said nothing
- Then they came for The Common Sense Show and America said nothing
- Then they came for America and there was nobody left to speak
The Burning of Books
The first step is in the installation of a police state complete with all the trappings of Hitler is to take away the command and control of the conservative base in this country and that is what is going on right now. The countdown to tyranny has begun and America continues to snore.
Credit to Common Sense
Finland builds massive underground CITY to prepare for Russia invasion
Finland is currently building a massive underground CITY to fit all 600,000 residents of the capital should there be a Russia invasion.
Hundreds of miles of tunnels underneath Helsinki, Finland, have been constructed in the case of an emergency. Putin pushing military drills around eastern Europe adds to unease in Finland.

AN UNDERGROUND city is being prepared for habitation incase Russia invades Finland during a military exercise. via Express
The Underground Master Plan contains 40 new areas reserved as rock resources and 100 new space allocations for future rock construction. Approximately 9 million cubic metres, consisting of about 400 separate facilities or tunnels, have already been built under the city. The more important facilities are listed and classified by theme in connection with the Helsinki Underground Master Plan.
The Underground Master Plan contains 40 new areas reserved as rock resources and 100 new space allocations for future rock construction. Approximately 9 million cubic metres, consisting of about 400 separate facilities or tunnels, have already been built under the city. The more important facilities are listed and classified by theme in connection with the Helsinki Underground Master Plan.
Russia is currently preparing to conduct its Zapad 2017 military exercise, the largest since the end of the cold war during which Russian troops will carry out drills close to the Finnish borders. Unease is spreading across the european country.

It has now been revealed Finnish soldiers are carrying out training to deal with a mass evacuation. In March, soldiers carried out an exercise which was designed to prepare for a siege on the city.

Russia is currently preparing to conduct its Zapad 2017 military exercise, the largest since the end of the cold war. via Express
Neighbouring Estonia has already voiced major concerns over Putin’s practice close to their country. Kristjan Prikk, undersecretary for defense policy at Estonia’s Ministry of Defence, said earlier this week: “We don’t consider this year’s Zapad exercise in itself to be a direct threat to us [NATO] or a cover for an attack, but we have to keep in mind that the Russians have the nasty habit of hiding their actual military endeavors behind exercises.”
Neighbouring Estonia has already voiced major concerns over Putin’s practice close to their country. Kristjan Prikk, undersecretary for defense policy at Estonia’s Ministry of Defence, said earlier this week: “We don’t consider this year’s Zapad exercise in itself to be a direct threat to us [NATO] or a cover for an attack, but we have to keep in mind that the Russians have the nasty habit of hiding their actual military endeavors behind exercises.”

Much of the underground network is open to the public, and contains facilities such as swimming pools, ice hockey rinks and car parks. Here the Itakeskus underground swimming complex by Lewis Martin. via Grist
In June Finland agreed protocols which meant it would call on NATO to help defend it in the event of an invasion.
In June Finland agreed protocols which meant it would call on NATO to help defend it in the event of an invasion.
Credit to
Italian beach turns white after hailstorm sweeps across Grottammare
Grottammare on Ice! Today, the beach and roads of the Italian town were blanket with mass amounts of hail at 1:30pm.
Such a freak hailstorm covering the city in 10-15cm of ice with tennis ball sized hail is extremely rare in this coastal region of Italy END OF JULY.

Houses damages and flooding have been reported across the affected area along the coast of Italy
Credit to strangesounds.org
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