Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Merkel orders Cameron to support plans for EU ARMY
A few internet naysayers (aka. trolls) remarked that we were wrong on the Shemitah because there was no financial collapse on the Shemitah end-day of September 13th. Aside from the fact that we were already right on market carnage worldwide in late August and the fact that a stock market collapse couldn’t happen on September 13th because it was a Sunday… we have already pointed out that we expected crisis to happen worldwide in the fall and not necessarily on the exact date of the end of the Shemitah.
That aside, two massive events happened on September 13th. As we reported yesterday, all in one day the Eurozone ceased to exist as border checkpoints and fences went up throughout Europe. We received some remarks from a few remarkably asleep people in Europe saying that “We didn’t notice a big difference… and besides they said it was temporary!”… Clearly these are not political historians or they would know that nothing is so permanent as a “temporary” government measure. Richard Nixon also “temporarily suspended the convertibility of the dollar into gold” to protect against “currency speculators” in 1971. We’re still waiting until that temporary measure is removed.
Some people just can’t seem to connect the dots until it is too late. It is rather reminiscent of jews who stayed in Germany right up until the early 1940s who also probably thought, “It’s not a big deal, everything is fine so far.” Interestingly, Germany began moving refugees into World War II concentration camps yesterday too. Nothing to see here!
Aside from the fact that the Eurozone almost ceased to exist yesterday there was another ground shaking event!
The European Union, for the first time in its existence, moved to create an EU army!
Was an EU army born on Shemitah end-day? Call it another Shemitah trend – the ongoing militarization and rising tensions involving the West, China and Russia. Every part of the globe is to increasingly be placed on a kind of war footing.
As the EU makes plans to support an expanded, standing military force, the US and NATO are elevating tensions with Russia over Ukraine. And how does this all tie into Shemitah? As we have seen in past Shemitah end-days, economic dysfunction is often matched by civil chaos and even war.
This is why we were certain that winds of war would blow around Shemitah and the Shemitah end-day and indeed they have. The main effort here is to inject chaos into the body-politic and to make people so miserable and insecure that they will welcome a “new order.”
In other words, the rising tide of militarization is no accident. Will it end in a true world war? A few years ago, I’d have said “no.” But I am not so sure anymore. I believe certain sociopathic interests WANT a new world war. The trick is simply how to get there.
One way is by lying. The West and NATO have mastered the art of surreptitious provocation. If the CIA is not creating “terrorists” out of sheepherders, then NATO and the Pentagon are conspiring on how to foment international tensions without leaving traces.
The Prime Minister is to be told that Germany would support his bid to renegotiate the terms of Britain’s EU membership if he accepts moves to create a European military force.
Critics fear the development could marginalise Britain within Nato and further undermine the “special relationship” with America.
Robert Oxley, of the Eurosceptic pressure group Business for Britain, said: “This is further proof that inevitable EU integration means that the UK will lose control of its destiny and, possibly, its military strength inside an unreformed EU.
“What was once a zone designed for free trade has become a political, economic and potentially a military body.”
Tory MP Tom Pursglove said: “The British people have no desire for an EU army. We are immensely proud of our Armed Forces and owe all those who serve an enormous debt of gratitude.
“The impact of this would also be disastrous. Once again, the EU elite is out of step and at odds with the British people.”
Credit to Express.co.uk
Credit to Dollar Vigilante
Is the UN In Control of Jade Helm? The Ominous Implications
After reviewing the data that has been streaming in over the past several months, I have concluded that there is a strong possibility that the United Nations has taken over Jade Helm operations and that was the intention all along. And it is not just Jade Helm operations that the American people should be concerned about, all Americans should be wary that the UN is taking over many facets of the American military/political system.
The Beginning

The United Nations Is positioning for the takeover of the United States as noted in the summer of 2014.
Under the guise of the Central American illegal immigrant invasion of 2014, the United Nations has used this event as well as the Ebola scare to infiltrate its military hardware inside the United States.
Jade Helm In Washington State? All White Attack Helicopters May Be UN
The video evidence below is inconclusive. However, this June 15, 2015 video raises the question as to whether or not the United Nations is involved in Jade Helm activities. There is what you know and what you can prove. I am certain that the helicopters videotaped above the skies of Washington are UN because of other related events.
Hard Evidence of UN Military Action On American Soil
The following was published on September 8, 2015 and it represents the fifth train loaded with military vehicles, going through Tehachapi Ca, in the last 30 days. The trains are always headed west, along with two sited convoys on California State Highway 58, which are also headed west.
Massive UN Military Vehicles Spotted On Train
Gary Franchi, featured below, released the following video last week depicting a massive shipment of United Nations military equipment through the heartland of America outside of Wheatland, Illinois. Franchi’s questions and observations speak volumes as to the gravity of this threat in the following video.
Cash for Clunkers, Or An UN Occupation Force?
The following video report was made in the early “unofficial days” of Jade Helm on May 22, 2015, outside of Jacksonville, FL. The sheer number of UN vehicles is very troublesome. There is no other interpretation than the fact that this is an occupation force.
Domestic Participation and Absorption of US Military Units Into the UN Military Command
At the five minute mark of the following video, we see UN military combat troops keeping the peace in Somalia. There is nothing to be concerned about here, now is there? However, the UN troops were actually American military who are members of the 502nd from Fort Campbell. I cannot help but wonder how American soldiers feel about wearing the blue berets of the UN.
The story takes an ominous turn when it is revealed that these same UN mercenaries were involved in joint training exercise sponsored by the United Nations in Arkansas. And what was there mission? The troops were going house to house in a training exercise know as Agile Provider. Shockingly the year was 1994, so this has been a long time in the making.
In 2013, the following video also depicts official Navy confirmation of UN troops, using American military assets going house to house in for search and seizure. The announced tactics employed were Special Operation Forces tactics. This is Jade Helm, before there was officially a Jade Helm and it was being controlled by the United Nations. Also during this time frame, 49 American landmarks have been given over to the United Nations in what are called Biospheres. Biospheres are being used to covertly train foreign troops under the auspices of the United Nations (e.g. the Smoky Mountains outside Gatlinburg, TN.).
This video also contains a good snapshot of the history of the evolution of FEMA camps.
Massive Amounts of Command Vehicles and Portable Detention Pods Spotted Outside of Oklahoma City
In the past few days, I have been sent several photos by no less than three people who spotted this massive train. The pictures contain the following disturbing images. Ask yourself why these are needed on American soil? To understand their purpose refer to the above paragraphs.
A picture is worth a thousand words. And then we have the following:
The Tip of the Iceberg
I could fill volumes of books with the related information that I have compiled. This is only the tip of the iceberg. One of my military advisers tells me that UN officers are being embedded inside Jade Helm units. Inch by inch, the takeover will be a cinch. This is being done so covertly, that the general public will not know what hit them when the time is right. And what will hit the American people? This will be the topic of the next article in this series.
Credit to Common Sense
How to Survive an EMP Attack on America
If the electrical grid was shut down and the nation was left without defense, would you know what to do?
According to an article in the Wall Street Journal, an EMP attack—that is, an electromagnetic pulse attack that would shut down the electric grid and leave the United States unable to launch defense systems—is the most significant threat to the United States.
But survival goes beyond not being able to check your social media feeds for a few days.
"[An] average town in America, and city, has about a 20- to 25-day food supply on hand," author and historian William Forstchen says on the Jim Bakker Show.
If the United States descends into a state of desperation, Forstchen says we will enter a global conflict.
Credit to Charisma News
Pope Francis, Messiah, Blood Moons on the Top 10 Stories of 5775
“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

(Photo: GraphicStock)
The Hebrew year of 5775 (2014-2015) ends on the evening of September 13, when Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, begins. 5775 was a year of great turmoil and change in the Middle East and the entire world, including the rise of ISIS, the Iran nuclear deal and countless Biblical events which point to a time of even more upheaval in the near future. Let’s take a look back at the biggest Breaking Israel News stories of 5775.
10. Altar of Jewish Holy Temple Rebuilt
image: http://www.breakingisraelnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/beit-hamikdash-jewish-holy-temple-altar.jpg

In March, the Temple Institute in Jerusalem announced that it had finished constructing an altar for the not-yet-built Third Temple, made to exact Biblical specifications and requirements. The altar, a central component for Biblical sacrifice, can be made operational in a moment’s notice as Jerusalem anticipates the building of the Third Temple.
9. History of Unmistakable Divine Wrath Serves as Warning for Nuclear Deal

Breaking Israel News took a look at the history of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process and noticed an unmistakable trend: each attempt at working towards a peace deal was immediately followed by a natural disaster, political scandal, or stock market drop.
8. Presbyterian Church USA Voted on Erasing “Israel” from Prayers

Last December, the Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA) debated over removing all references to “Israel” from its prayers, arguing that the Biblical and liturgical “land of Israel” was not the same as the modern Israeli state and that the existing language was “inflammatory” and “hurtful” to some members of the church. Investigations revealed that PCUSA, which last year withdrew all investments from American companies doing business with Israel, had also held meetings with known Hezbollah terrorists.
7. Shocking Passover Blood Moon Predictions by Israeli Rabbi [VIDEO]

As the holiday of Passover approached in April, mystical Israeli rabbi Amram Vaknin, known for his accurate prophecies of war in Israel, predicted that the third blood moon (full eclipse) in the current tetrad coinciding with the Passover holiday indicated that Israel was in great danger. He called on the Jewish people to repent and pray for the coming of the Messiah. On the same day the article was published, the P5+1 powers concluded negotiating the framework of the Iran nuclear deal.
6. IDF Waiting and Ready to Strike Iran, Security Official Reveals

As the passing of the Iran nuclear deal began to seem more and more likely, a high-ranking senior IDF officer revealed that the IDF had the full capacity to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities if necessary. Leaked intelligence confirmed that an Israeli strike on Iran had been planned in 2012 but aborted last-minute.
5. Pope Francis to be Tried by Sanhedrin

A self-declared Sanhedrin, a council made up of 71 Jewish sages which was active in Biblical times but never re-established until today, sent a summons to Pope Francis demanding that he rescind his official recognition of the Palestinian state and apologize or risk trial. The Sanhedrin accused the Pope of persecution and anti-Semitism, and tried him in absentia on Mt. Zion in Jerusalem.
4. Fate of Iran Deal to be Decided on Jewish Days of Judgement

Jewish rabbis and scholars pointed out that the dates associated with the Iran nuclear deal lined up exactly with two significant time periods in the Jewish calendar, leading to the realization that it was not merely an event of global significance, but of Biblical proportions. The deal was first signed on July 14 during the Three Weeks of mourning, when Jews grieve for the destruction of Temple. Congress’s vote on whether or not to pass the deal will fall during the Ten Days of Repentance between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, when all of creation is judged by God on the deeds of the past year.
3. US Supreme Court Sides with Obama in Denying Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital

Israel was shocked and dismayed when the US Supreme Court sided with US President Barack Obama in refusing to acknowledge Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, ending a 10-year court case over a passport which had gained international attention. The government’s claim that recognizing Jerusalem as part of Israel “would critically compromise the ability of the United States to work with Israelis, Palestinians and others in the region to further the peace process” raised alarms that the administration intended to negotiate for a Palestinian capital in Jerusalem.
2. Newly Discovered ISIS Document Reveals Frightening Apocalyptic Vision

In August, a horrifying document published by the terrorist group Islamic State (ISIS) revealed the group’s apocalyptic vision: a six-phase plan beginning with its conquests in Syria and Iran and ending in “open, worldwide warfare” against all non-Muslims.
1. Leading Israeli Rabbi Says the Arrival of the Messiah is Imminent

A leading Orthodox rabbi has begun urging Jews all over the world to return to Israel in anticipation of the Messiah, whom he believes will come at the “end of the shmittah (sabbatical) year”. The current sabbatical year ends on Sunday evening. Rabbi Kanievsky’s message caught fire, spreading far and wide throughout communities around the world.
Credit to breakingisraelnews.comRead more at http://www.breakingisraelnews.com/48734/pope-francis-messiah-iran-and-blood-moons-collide-top-10-bin-stories-of-5775-jerusalem/#vWZLTosPe3zAV2Ur.99
Pope Francis Warns of “Hellfire From Above” Ahead of U.S. Visit
VATICAN CITY – During a sermon at Saint Peter’s Square on Sunday, Pope Francis spoke of a “forthcoming event in which the earth will be consumed by hellfire from above” and asked Christians around the world to absolve themselves of sin in the days and weeks ahead.
In a statement released by the Vatican Tuesday morning, Pope Francis, who is scheduled to arrive in the United States on September 22nd, announced that he has been visited “on three occasions by heavenly beings” who, most recently, have warned of an “impending crisis” that could have dire consequences for life on earth.
The Pope is set to attend a meeting of the UN General Assembly on September 25th, at the United Nations building in New York where he will confer with world leaders, including President Barack Obama and Russian president Vladimir Putin, to discuss defensive options.
On Tuesday morning NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg confirmed that he has made arrangements to attend the General Assembly. “I spoke with the Holy See and [UN] Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon via video conference Sunday evening,” Stoltenberg told the Associated Press. “NATO is working closely with our counterparts around the globe to explore every viable recourse available.”
Details surrounding the Vatican’s extraterrestrial visitors are sparse but a British military intelligence official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the situation, told The Guardian that “the entities were described as peaceful by nature.” However, the official said, their stance on the matter was passive in that “they maintain a policy of neutrality” in regards to interplanetary action by “other-worldly” forces.
Pope Francis is scheduled to attend a private meeting with President Obama at the White House on the morning of September 23rd. The Pope will visit three cities, including Washington, D.C., during his six-day visit to the United States. He is expected to address a number of topics including same-sex marriage and immigration.
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