I recently interviewed Steve Quayle regarding the topic of ET disclosure.
However, it should be noted that there are a plethora of critical issues that spin off from disclosure. Among the most important spin-off topics centers around Antarctica. Antarctica is shrouded in mystery.

In the interview, Steve revealed the existence of a map in which Nazi submarine mariners were able travel under the ice with detail and precision.
Reichsdeutsche maps of the cave world

The above information is only a small sample of what was revealed in the interview. Here’s more….
There is a Video of a journalist who inspects the cards: Russian journalist examines the cards
“This map shows us the main continent on this hemisphere, called Asgard. On the continent of Asgard, in the center, lies the city of the Ases. At the bottom left, we can clearly see Neu Schwabenland with the capital Neu Berlin. The small hook crosses indicate where the navy bases had set up bases. The main poison here is the Valkarischer Ozean.Further you can see the Pyrenean Sea, the Kartar Lake and the Amadak archipelago.” (Source: Hollow Earth Blog)

This map shows us the main continent of this hemisphere called Liberia. The main poem is also called the Valkarischer Ocean. In the center, on the far left, we can see the connection to other hemispheres. There the Asgard Sea is represented, one can cross over to the other continent, namely the continent Asgard. Just to the right of the Asgard Sea are the Gal Islands, the Guerney Island and the Gal Lake. A little to the right of Gal Lake is the Septaradas Sea and the Septaradas or “Seven Countries”. In the middle lies the Aran Sea.The Aran archipelago is a little to the right of the Aran Sea. Further to the right is again the Valkarischer Ocean with the Mey Islands, the Verbotene Island and Mallard Island something about it. In the center, on the right, are the Fera Islands. Below is the city of Shambala (city of the gods). The Tibetan monks still say that the city of Shambala really exists but not on the surface of our planet but inside the planet. So here it is confirmed by the map that Shambala is a real city in the earth, on the inside of the crust.” (Source: Hollow Earth Blog)

“Under the signature H. Kohlmeier and under the signature field is in very small letter:
Printed for the Kriegsmarine in an edition of 1300 copies in the special laboratory of Dachau concentration camp. January 1944.
Printed for the Kriegsmarine in an edition of 1300 copies in the special laboratory of Dachau concentration camp. January 1944.
“…This means that the RDs already had the colony Neu Schwabenland in January 1944. New Berlin was already established at and then expanded. In another part of the map it is said that they need men and women to expand the territories of the Third Reich.” MORE ON THIS WILL BE REVEALED IN A FUTURE ARTICLE.
In the course of our discussion, Steve revealed that the German scientists connected to Antarctica activities revealed that they received their technology from alien beings that many, today, believe are actually fallen angels. Steve’s account regarding the origin of the technology actually corresponds to what my late father told me. I once asked him the question, “Are there are actually alien beings that we have had contact with”? To that question, he replied that he did not know, “but the captured German scientists that he worked with believed that was the case”.
Jim Marrs once flew into Phoenix to secretly meet with me on this very subject. This occurred 10 years ago and this was when I still had to hold this information in secret because my mother was still alive and I could not publicly reveal classified information because my mother would have forfeited my father’s Navy pension. In the course of the meeting, Marrs revealed to me that he had some of the same information that I had.
Jim Marrs, Steve Quayle and my father all agree that the captured German scientists firmly believed that the technology was rooted from other than earthly origins. NASA was a complete distraction and there clearly is a secret space program.
I remember the best show I ever heard regarding alien disclosure was when Art Bell interviewed Richard Hoagland on this same subject in the mid-1990’s. I remember fighting to stay awake into the early hours of the morning to get a glimpse of what might be. That was absolutely the most interesting interview I ever heard on the subject, until now. Steve Quayle was at his best.
Credit to Common Sense Show