Wednesday, June 18, 2014
This Will Be the Primary Reason for World War III
Even if Putin and Obama fail to realize the obvious, they are playing for the same team in a script that has been written for them to play out. The script will culminate in World War III.
The grand master controlling the world’s central banks needs World War III to happen. They need a war to unify the planet, socially, politically, economically and religiously. We are soon to learn the meaning of the popular NWO phrase, “Out of chaos comes order”.
The Death of the Dollar Is the Motivating Force Behind WW III
Russia is bleeding the Petrodollar dry by leading the BRIC nations in the purchase of Iranian oil for gold. The same situation is emerging in Europe as Russia is on the verge, either by invasion or by proxy control of Ukraine, of controlling a good portion of energy needs supplied to Europe, this coming winter. If Russia is able to bypass the Petrodollar as a means of payment for Russian energy shipments into Europe, Russia will destroy the United States economically.
Russia recently completed a deal which brings China into the Russian energy sphere of influence. If Europe becomes totally dependent on Putin supplying gas to Europe this winter, this will eventually culminate in the weakening of NATO and the isolation of the United States both economically and militarily if the United States fails to act decisively. And with China’s partnership, Putin has added muscle to back up his actions.
Putin and Obama Are Playing On the Same Team
What does Russia want and what will be its eventual goal? Some believe that Russia wants to occupy the United States and perhaps Putin eventually does, but it is not practical at this particular point of time. Economic attrition and military isolation are Putin’s best friends at this time. After all, the US is in possession of over 2,000 nuclear weapons and 72 nuclear armed submarines which are virtually undetectable. Despite the presence of these American deterrents, do not be lulled into a false sense of security, this cold war will soon turn hot and I find myself in agreement with Doug Hagmann on where this war will start and what forces will be involved.
Putin Is a Cult Hero
Putin is developing almost a cult following among some people in the alternative media. To them, he represents a man with the force of conviction to tell international banking where to go and what to do when they get there. On the surface, Putin champions Christianity, professes disdain for the gay agenda and almost sounds like a conservative as he is reading from the past scripts of Ronald Reagan.
Putin is no conservative, he is an evil despot who abused his ex-wife, imprisons enemies and murders journalists who expose his duplicity. To these misguided analysts and Putin supporters who believe that he has succeeded where other world leaders have lost their lives (e.g. JFK, Hussein, etc.), he has become a cult hero. As romantic and appealing as a superhero may be who will ride in and save the world from the evil bankers, nothing could be further from the truth when it comes to Putin. Whether Putin realizes it or not, he is doing the complete bidding of the big boys at the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) and everything is moving right along according to plan.
The World’s Banking Hierarchy
In order to understand the present crisis, one has to understand how modern banking is organized. There are three distinct levels of hierarchal power associated with international banking. On top of the pyramid, is the BIS. They set policy for the central banks and they control the relative value of all the national currencies. They literally have the power of life and death over all central banks.
Central banks, such as the Federal Reserve and the Bank of London, occupy the second level of power. In turn, the central banks control virtually every government on the planet. So, when it is said that “all wars are banker wars”, that axiom is correct.
At the third level, on this hierarchy, are the national banks and we know them as Bank of America and JP Morgan, etc. This is the side of banking that is visible to the majority of the public.
Central Banks and National Banks Are On Death’s Ground
The BIS has utilized the strategy of Sun Tzu and has placed its central bank minions on death’s ground. To Sun Tzu, being on death’s ground means that one is backed into a corner and either the cornered party fights and wins, or they die.
Several years ago, the BIS devised a plot to gain an irreversible hold on the central banks and that was through the introduction of the derivatives scheme. Derivatives, based upon unregulated and wild speculation, mostly in the futures commodities market, had the allure of easy money for groups like the Federal Reserve and Wall Street. The derivatives strategy was based on the principle of all money games, “First man in and first man out wins all the money”. Unfortunately for the banksters, there were no first men out. The BIS created process led to a total debt of $1.5 quadrillion dollars which is about eight times the entire value of the planet. The BIS contrived a scheme that ensnared all banking. Why? The answer is contained in the following paragraphs.
Predictably, when the over speculated commodities price began to roll up as it does in any Ponzi scheme, the central banks and their third level national banks went running for their very economic lives! This was the sole reason for the bail-outs and the arbitrary banking practices we are seeing enacted across the planet as central banks are stealing bank accounts, retirement accounts and have declared that they own your money when you deposit it. This is why you should get your money out of the bank.
Where Does Putin Fit In to This Scenario?
This BIS plot was an evil, yet brilliant move, because it placed central banks on death’s ground. This desperation will lead to WW III. Putin is feeling the pinch because he must monetize his vast material resources through the BIS. For Putin, the survival of the dollar represent economic death for his currency and economic system as it has for most planet’s economies since the inception of Britton Woods which made the dollar the world’s reserve currency.
Certainly, the Federal Reserve is in crisis mode as it spends all of its energy fighting to preserve the what’s left of the dollar. The control of the dollar is a big prize, because the winner will dominate central banking. For if Putin is successful in moving most of the world away from the dollar, the dollar and the United State empire will die. If the Federal Reserve prevails and reestablishes the power of the dollar, Putin’s economic empire will be subservient to the whims of the Federal Reserve. Putin and Obama are on a collision course towards World War III because this issue will not get settled without a fight.
Although America has 42% of the world’s millionaires, this could disappear overnight if the Federal Reserve collapses. To survive, the Federal Reserve desperately needs a war against the source of its economic distress and that means going to war with Russia as well as China, if need be. Virtually, every Western central bank is on death’s ground and the world is on a collision course for war.
Putin Is Winning So Far
In the present Petrodollar crisis, the central banks have failed to reign in Putin. Although it is true Putin is enriching himself with his access to vast mineral resources and this growing economic empire has convinced China, India, Brazil and South Africa (BRICS) to move under the Russian energy-based economic umbrella, Putin, however, cannot escape the fact that he must monetize his material wealth in order for him to participate in international trade. In order for Putin to monetize his wealth, he needs to remain a part of the Bank of International Settlement (BIS). Putin may not operate his own central bank in the same manner as the rest of the world, thus giving the illusion that he is independent of the boys from Basel, however, the BIS still controls the distribution of his purse strings and the dollar remains a threat to the Russian economy because the use of the dollar cuts most of the profit out of Russia’s energy trade.
Since Putin is under the umbrella of the BIS and Obama is under the umbrella of the Federal Reserve, who answers to the BIS, it is safe to conclude that Obama and Putin are controlled by the same forces. As nobody with any real knowledge of politics would accuse the Democrats and the Republicans of really possessing opposing ideologies, the same can be said for Putin and Obama. Although it is true that Putin and Obama will eventually go to war in Syria, let’s make no mistake about it, Obama and Putin are playing out a script that has been written by the BIS.
The failure of the central banks to corral and control Putin has made World War III a likely scenario. As Putin continues on the path of destroying the dollar as the world’s reserve currency, what will the Federal Reserve do? There will be a war to preserve the status quo. As China, Russia and the United States are drawn into a confrontation, the world’s economy will be obliterated along with billions of lives. In the aftermath of the coming global holocaust, the supreme financial rulers of the planet will be waiting to create order, the New World Order, out of chaos. The BIS is getting exactly what they need to unify the planet.
A willing pawn of the NWO, or not, Putin is no hero. He is doing exactly what is expected. Make no mistake about, the BIS controls the central banks, world finance and Putin. The New World Order is very much alive. And when your children are sent to fight and die in World War III, I think you and they have right to know who they are fighting for and why they must die.
Credit to Common Sense
ISIS Hysteria and Isaiah 17

When I first heard about ISIS, they seemed like the kind of Muslim extremist group that we’ve seen before. As they cut their way into Iraq, that view hasn’t changed.
This is an irregular militia of light infantry without air support. And, they are fighting poorly trained and poorly organized military forces that were not defending what they considered to be their own territory.
Furthermore, there is a limit to how much area that ten thousand men can control – as the Kurds so amply demonstrated when they recently captured Kirkuk. This means that ISIS isn’t the threat that the mainstream media would like you to believe – at least, not yet.
(By the way, Monday was another ‘research day’, so no article.)
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ISIS Hysteria and Isaiah 17
Hysteria always makes me uncomfortable. It can be used to discredit us, and gives our opposition the opportunity to do his dirty work. And, we are the most easily manipulated when we are at our most hysterical.
Of course, there are situations where hysteria is warranted. For instance, thedestruction of the United States and Ezekiel’s Fire is coming, and THAT is worth quite a bit of hysteria – if that is what gets you off of your couch and onto a plan for doing something about it.
However, these ISIS guys – or, The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shams, (aka, ISIL) – are NOT worth the effort. They are just a well-trained bunch thugs with a lot of morale, while being well-supplied with weapons.
Hmmmm… well-supplied with weapons…
How could a rag-tag group of ruffians like ISIS come up with the training, weaponry and supplies to do what they are doing in Iraq?
The Saudi Paymasters
Well, you just need to ‘follow the money’, and that trail ultimately leads to the Saudis. THEY are the paymasters for the war in Syria. And, THEY are paying the salaries for ISIS. And, when the person who signs your check tells you to do something… well, you do it.
So, when you see these ISIS mercenar- (ahem!) …I mean militants… engaging in military operations in Iraq, you just need to ask yourself what Saudi Arabia stands to gain from all of this.
So, what DO the Saudis gain from this raid on northwestern Iraq?
(And yes, I call this a ‘raid’ because we have yet to see
whether ISIS can consolidate their hold
on the territory that they’ve taken.)
Well, there are a number of reasons why the Saudis might want ISIS to take control of a large chunk of Iraqi territory. They want to:
STILL keep the possibility of an Iran-Iraq-Syria natural gas pipeline dead.
Deny the Iranians an overland route for the resupply of Syria.
Weaken the Iraqi-Shiite government in Baghdad.
…and, anything that causes trouble for Iran… …well, it’s a good thing in the eyes of Saudi Arabia.
For the moment, I doubt that the Saudis are attempting to do more than the above. There has been some talk of an attempt to split Iraq up, and that will probably happen. But, I’m not sure if that is a main focus.
BTW, the article that got me thinking about all this was:
The War Nerd: Here’s everything you need to know about “too extreme for Al Qaeda” I.S.I.S.
(It’s a pretty good article, even though he misses the big picture.)
The problem is that the recent, dramatic successes of ISIS might bring more fighters under their banner, and it might give them some legitimacy in the eyes of the residents of northwestern Iraq.
We’ll see.
Isaiah 17
For us, this is just one more step in the direction of the destruction of Damascusand the fulfillment of Isaiah 17.
The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap. – Isaiah 17:1
Damascus is the one of the most ancient, continuously inhabited cities in the world. But, when Damascus is destroyed, over the next few years, she will no longer be able to make that claim.
Worse, the rest of Isaiah 17 speaks of a destruction reaching out into Jordan and Israel – which will horrify us all.
Are you ready for this?
Credit to Omega Shock
The Sunni-Shiite Divide Explained In 100 Seconds
The battle between Islam's two major branches began over 1400 years agowhen the Islamic prophet Mohammad died and the two sides clashed over who should succeed him. This centuries old 'war' is once again threatening Iraq's (and indeed the Middle East - and thus the world's) stability. The Washington Post'ssenior national security correspondent Karen DeYoung explains in 100 seconds just how we got here...
Credit to Zero Hedge
Iraq requests US air strikes as Isis insurgents tighten grip on oil refinery
Iraq has asked the US to stage air attacks on Sunni insurgents as the Islamist fighters edged closer to full control of Iraq's largest oil refinery and continued to hold out against troops trying to retake the city of Tal Afar.
As the war to redefine the region's borders entered a second week, Iraq's foreign minister, Hoshyar Zebari, appeared on al-Arabiya television to issue the urgent plea: "We request the United States to launch air strikes against militants."
Witnesses at the Baiji refinery – between the cities of Mosul and Tikrit, both seized by the insurgent group last week – said insurgents broke through the perimeter of the site early on Wednesday and were within sight of administration buildings.
Their advance comes despite fierce resistance from Iraqi troops stationed at the refinery. There were reports that foreign security contractors had been sent to Baiji to protect what is one of Iraq's most important strategic assets. Many plant workers have been evacuated to Baghdad.
Losing control of Baiji would be a critical blow to Iraqi forces still reeling from the capitulation of close to 50,000 troops last week, many of whom have since been replaced by militias raised from the country's majority Shia population.
In Washington, General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, confirmed the US had received the request for air strikes. "We have a request from the Iraqi government for air power," Dempsey, told a Wednesday morning Senate hearing.
Obama is said to still be weighing military options, and US officials for days have quietly signalled that a decision is not imminent. But it will be harder for Obama to rebuke a formal entreaty from a besieged US partner, albeit a frustrating one.
However, Dempsey also told senators that the fluid state of the Iraqi battlefield has left the US with incomplete intelligence – a factor that makes an air campaign more difficult. "It's not as easy as looking at an iPhone video of a convoy and then striking it," Dempsey said.
Reuters reported that US officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said that Iraq's request had included a call for drone strikes and increased surveillance by US drones, which have been flying over Iraq for some time. The Pentagon has said it stepped up surveillance, intelligence and reconnaissance efforts, at Baghdad's request.
In an interview with the Guardian, the Iraqi ambassador to the US, Lukman Faily, said the situation was critical, and warned of further bloodshed if Isis was not repelled. "Wherever they have the possibility, they will cleanse minorities, ethnic cleansing," he said. "Look at Mosul. They went into prisons, they executed the Shiite prisoners. They went into Mosul and they executed the Sunni imams who were reluctant about handing over their mosques to them. So what does that tell you? It tells you that they cannot coexist with others."
In Iraq, the spectre of full-blown sectarian war hangs heavily over those trying to decide how to deal with the crisis, with nationalistic aims often subsumed by sect loyalties. Many Shia volunteers heading to battle zones including Tal Afar say they see the insurgents more as a threat to their sect than to Iraq itself.
"Who do you think is running the war," asked a senior Iraqi official on Tuesday. "Those three senior generals who ran away? Qassem Suleimani [a leading Iranian general] is in charge. And reporting directly to him are the militias, led by Asa'ib ahl al-Haq."
Residents of Tal Afar, a city north-west of Mosul with a large Shia population, said reinforcements, most of them Shia irregulars, had been flown in to try to regain control from Islamic State of Iraq in Syria (Isis) jihadists who took the city on Monday.
The family of one fighter said he and most of his colleagues had been flown by government helicopter from the Dora refinery in Baghdad, where they worked as a protection force, to Tal Afar, flying straight over the besieged Baiji refinery. Baiji mainly supplies fuel to northern Iraq.
"It is providing 30% of oil resources to the country," said Qahtan al-Anbaki, an oil consultant. Most of it goes to Mosul and the north. It won't affect Baghdad or the south so much. The north is already seriously affected. Oil is three times the price it was a week ago in Mosul."
The grave threat to Baiji underlines how difficult it will be for the government to retake large swaths of land in the north and centre that were seized last week. Even with vastly inferior numbers, Isis has since consolidated its control of the areas using masses of equipment looted from military bases abandoned by fleeing troops.
The group's sphere of influence crosses well into Syria, where it controls eastern oilfields, and it uses their revenues to fund the fast-growing insurgency.
Battle lines for the defence of Baghdad have been drawn 40 miles to the north of the capital, near the city of Baquba, which remained a scene of intense clashes on Wednesday as jihadists again tried to enter the city centre. Their efforts to seize Baquba's prison have so far been rebuffed, with irregular militias rushed from Baghdad proving pivotal in the fighting.
Thousands of Iranians have volunteered to defend Iraq's Shia shrines. Iran is 90% Shia, a group considered to be apostates by Isis and other Sunni extremists. Iran's president, Hassan Rouhani, said the defence of Shia sacred sites in Najaf, Karbala, Baghdad and Samara was vital to his regime.
The Hezbollah leader, Hassan Nasrallah, said that because of the significance of the Iraqi shrines, the Lebanese group was "willing to sacrifice five times as much as we sacrificed in Syria", where his members, along with Iran, have led the fightback against rebel groups who have tried for more than three years to oust Bashar al-Assad.
The Syrian war has greatly amplified the threat from Isis in Iraq. However, the plains of Baquba and Anbar province in the country's far west were the original breeding ground of the group, which first rose to prominence in 2004 during a Sunni insurgency against US forces.
The Iraqi leader, Nouri al-Maliki, who is trying to assemble a political coalition to win a third term as prime minister, tried to assure the country that the momentum of the battle was with him. While Baghdad feels more assured than it was last week, some of the city's Sunni neighbourhoods remain paralysed. And on the Shia side of the Tigris river, militias have primacy over interior ministry or military forces.
Maliki pledged that Tal Afar would be retaken by Thursday, and fighting late on Wednesday appeared to be tipping the battle in favour of Iraqi forces. However, a fear remains that nothing decisive can be achieved without international intervention.
"If we got US drones to hit Baiji, and jets to bomb Isis elsewhere, we could slow them down," said a senior Iraqi MP. "Without them we can do nothing. Without them we can't win."
Credit to The Guardian
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