Monday, May 2, 2016
NATO to Deploy 4 Battalions in Baltics to Deter 'Russian Threat'
Three leading members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) are preparing to deploy four battalions of about 4,000 troops in the Baltics to counteract the perceived Russian threat, US media reported Friday, citing Western military officials.
The United States planned to contribute two of the battalions, while the United Kingdom and Germany would provide one each at the military alliance’s eastern flank, according to The Wall Street Journal.
"The Russians have been doing a lot of snap exercises right up against the borders, with a lot of troops… From our perspective, we could argue this is extraordinarily provocative behavior," Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Work told the media during his visit to Brussels confirming the scope of the reinforcement.
German officials reportedly said they were deliberating plans, ahead of the July 8-9 NATO summit in Warsaw, to lead a battalion based in Lithuania. A final decision has not yet been reached, the newspaper claims.
Credit to Sputnik
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Operation Blue Beam Is the Trump Card to Stop Donald’s Run for the Presidency
Card to StopB

The current pope is no stranger to the topic of ET’s.
We are all familiar with the notion of predictive programming which is designed to desensitize the people to coming trends and judge the reaction of the masses. There is a predictive trend going on right now and it involves a resurgence in the concept of an alien invasion of the of the planet.
A Distinctive Up Tick In Predictive Programming
I have been noticing a trend in restaurants, with the sponsoring of Hollywood movies with an extraterrestrial overtone and this tone is reaching a crescendo within the past month. In a search for predictive programming trends, I have noticed a distinct pattern with regard various networks to play older movies that involve the people of the Earth versus some alien threat. Even the Denny’s Restaurant chain of stores is obsessed and has entered into a partnership with the sequel to independence Day.
Key General Predicts that Graduating Officers Will One Day Fight Aliens
The following video depicts General Mark A Milley, mentioning “little green men”, and he’s not joking” as being one of the potential adversaries in the lineup of enemies that a graduating class of military officers will one day have to fight.
“They’re Back”
One of the classic movie lines of all time, can now be applied to a set of very hostile aliens who were intent on exterminating mankind as a prelude to colonization in the 1996 movie, Independence Day.
As mentioned earlier, the sequel to Independence Day is being embraced and partnered with the iconic restaurant, Denny’s.

“SPARTANBURG, S.C. (March 28, 2016) – America’s favorite sizzlin’ side is making a comeback this spring with the introduction of Denny’s new ‘Red, White and Bacon‘ menu. Featuring seven sweet and salty dishes, including premium ingredients such as Denny’s new thick-cut Honey Jalapeño Bacon, the limited-time menu salutes the return of mouthwatering bacon flavors and celebrates the long-awaited film “Independence Day: Resurgence,” coming to theaters nationwide on June 24.”
Connecting the Dots
Nearly three years following disclosure, the former Canadian Defense Minister, Paul Hellyer, made a series of stunning disclosures regarding the fact that aliens are visiting the Earth and are interacting with various organizations within the U.S. government (i.e. the US Air Force in Nevada).
Almost as shocking, in the following video, Hellyer revealed the existence of a secret cabal who had as one of their primary purposes, to cover up the existence of these alien visitations. And who comprised this s0-called cabal? It was none other than the Trilateral Commission, The CFR and the Bilderberg. It was almost like watching another 1996 production, but this time, it was called the X-Files.
The Trump Impact
Every resource under the control of the elite has been marshaled to defeat Donald Trump in his quest to be America’s next President. For example, where I live in Arizona, Trump swept the state winning almost 60% of the primary vote. However, the criminal Arizona GOP is appointing nobody by Cruz supporters for delegates.
I have previously predicted why a “terrorist”, false-flag scenario could be considered likely at the GOP convention this summer in order to stop Trump. Recently, I have been writing that even if Trump is assassinated, he has awakened millions to the tyranny that Americans are enforced to suffer under. I have felt that the criminal elite would have no way to counter the new American consciousness. I think I was wrong. And I think the strategy of the criminal elite is designed to counter any socio-political movement in the country.
Operation Blue Beam
I heard about Operation Blue Beam long before anyone in the public because of the work my father did and his subsequent revelations to me just prior to his death.
The world seems poised to go to war, the next war to end all wars. Only this time, it might be true. But what if the next invasion was not from this Earth, but from an extraterrestrial source? I am not really suggesting that little gray space aliens are going to invade the planet. However, the globalists have a plot to make you believe that this is the case. It is the “Plan B from Outer Space”.
Plan B
IF a series of false flag events will not thwart the Trump populist movement, it may be time to reach for the “Trump Card”, namely, Operation Blue Beam. There is some current precedent for this belief.
Hillary Clinton and the UFO Question
Hillary Clinton was viewed at the Rockefeller Ranch holding a book by Paul Davies regarding the implications of extraterrestrial life.
Interestingly, Vince Foster, friend and advisor to President Clinton, was tasked with two missions upon Bill Clinton’s election. First, find out who killed JFK. Secondly, find out the truth behind the alien question. Foster, as all will recall, committed “suicide” under some very mysterious circumstances.
Operation Blue Beam and Trump
If the great of war of globalist unification fails to start in Ukraine or Korea, of the South China Sea, because the leaders of the subsequently stand down because they do not have the stomach for nuclear war, will a Plan B quickly emerge? Could it also be used to subdue the Trump populist movement in the United States which is the ultimate antidote to a globalist takeover of America?
For decades, NASA has developed space based weapons systems designed to penetrate every aspect of our lives and this plan is labeled as Operation Blue Beam.
The Blue Beam Project has four different steps in order to implement a new age religion, along with the roll out of a fake Antichrist at its head. Oh, I believe that we will see an Anti-Christ, but this will not be it. We must remember that the new age religion is the very foundation for the new world government, without which religion the dictatorship of the New World Order is completely impossible. In the final stage of the plan, it will be made clear to the people that an alien invasion is imminent and the consolidation of government will be “needed” for mankind to survive.
Condensing the Trump Threat
The threat of Donald Trump and his legions of followers, are an omnipresent threat to the world domination plans of the criminal bankers. If Trump is successful in securing the Presidency and reversing globalist initiatives such as the free trade agreements, this movement could easily go international and that would be the ultimate globalist nightmare. If assassination, election fraud and a devastating false-flag attack upon the GOP does not do the job, Operation Blue Beam sits in reserve and is ready to preserve the status
The End Of America?: 13 Catastrophic Events Which Could Soon Lead To An American Apocalypse
Is the strongest and most powerful nation on the planet headed for an apocalypse which will bring it to its knees? We live in a world that is becoming increasingly unstable, and apocalyptic themes have become very common in books, movies, television shows and video games. It is almost as if there is an unconscious understanding on a societal level that something very big and very bad is coming, even if the vast majority of the population cannot specifically identify what that is going to be. Last week, the Global Challenges Foundation released a new report entitled “Global Catastrophic Risks 2016” in which they discussed various apocalyptic events that they believe could wipe out more than 10 percent of the population of our planet, and they warned that these types of events “are more likely than we intuitively think”…
Sebastian Farquhar, director at the Global Priorities Project, told the Press Association: “There are some things that are on the horizon, things that probably won’t happen in any one year but could happen, which could completely reshape our world and do so in a really devastating and disastrous way.“History teaches us that many of these things are more likely than we intuitively think. Many of these risks are changing and growing as technologies change and grow and reshape our world. But there are also things we can do about the risks.”
According to this new report, we are five times more likely to die from the various apocalyptic catastrophes that they analyzed than we are from a car accident.
In this article, I want to discuss some of the most important threats that they analyzed, in addition to adding some of my own to the list. But first I want to mention that I do not believe that the Global Challenges Foundation is correct to identify climate change as one of the most significant catastrophic threats that humanity is facing. Our climate has always been changing, and I do believe that we will see wild climate shifts in the years ahead. However, human activity plays an exceedingly small role in all of this, and there is not very much that we can do to prevent what is going to happen either. Most of the climate change that we are going to see in our future is going to be as a result of other catastrophes in this list, so I have not included it as a separate item.
With that being said, let’s quickly examine some of the potential threats identified by the Global Challenges Foundation…
In various locations around the globe, there are gigantic supervolcanoes which could dramatically change the course of human history in a single moment by erupting. In the United States, the Yellowstone supervolcano is becoming increasingly active, and a full-blown eruption could potentially be up to 2,000 times more powerful than the eruption of Mount St. Helens back in 1980. As I mentioned the other day, major metropolitan areas such as Salt Lake City and Denver would be essentially destroyed, food production in this country would be virtually wiped out, and a “volcanic winter” would cool global temperatures by up to 20 degrees for up to several years.
Asteroids And Comets
This is something that the Obama administration is actually quite concerned about. During his tenure, NASA has established a “Planetary Defense Coordination Office” that is in charge of tracking giant space rocks, and NASA is working to develop a method to destroy incoming asteroids using nuclear weapons.
Scientists admit that they only know about a small fraction of the near-Earth objects that are actually out there, and we get hit “by surprise” all the time. If we were to get hit at just the right place by a very large object, like say just off the east coast of the United States, the consequences would almost be too horrible for words.
Today, 39 percent of all Americans live in counties that directly border a shoreline, and most of those people are along the east coast. According to the University of California at Santa Cruz website, if a huge asteroid did slam into the Atlantic Ocean, it could potentially produce a 400 foot high tsunami that would sweep inland for many, many miles and kill millions upon millions of Americans in the process.
Natural Pandemics
The flu pandemic of 1918 killed approximately 50,000,000 people worldwide, and scientists assure us that it will happen again one day.
Yes, we have come a long way in fighting disease, but as we learned during the recent Ebola outbreak, a really nasty virus can grip the entire world with fear in a very short period of time.
Engineered Pandemics
This is probably even a bigger threat than natural pandemics, because now we have the technology to genetically alter naturally occurring diseases and make them even stronger.
Whether it is on purpose or by accident, it is only a matter of time before a genetically-modified superbug gets released into the general population, and when that day arrives it may make all previous pandemics look like a Sunday picnic.
Artificial Intelligence
Could someday entities that we have created turn on us and start killing us?
Some might refer to this as “the Terminator scenario”, and it is becoming more realistic with each passing day as our technological capabilities continue to increase at an exponential rate.
The human race now has the capability to purposely modify the weather, and this means that we also have the capability to do a tremendous amount of damage.
Have you ever looked up and noticed long white trails criss-crossing the sky? This is being done on purpose, and when they spray chemicals into our atmosphere it could have some very severe long-term consequences that the authorities may not be anticipating.
Nuclear War
Back during the Cold War, most Americans would have probably named this as the number one catastrophic threat facing America, but these days most people tend to believe that “the Cold War” is over.
So nobody has really objected while the U.S. strategic nuclear arsenal has been reduced by about 95 percent, and Barack Obama insists that he would like to reduce it even further.
Meanwhile, both the Russians and the Chinese are rapidly modernizing their nuclear forces, and they both have developed hypersonic glide vehicles that can defeat any missile defense system that the U.S. can put up.
Our relationship with Russia has already gone down the tubes, and our relationship with China is rapidly deteriorating. In fact, China just rejected a request for the USS John C. Stennis to make a routine port call at Hong Kong. Most Americans assume that a war with either one of them is impossible, but the truth is that we may find ourselves in a conflict with both of them at the same time eventually.
The catastrophic threats above were ones that were mentioned in the report from the Global Challenges Foundation. Below are some additional items that I would like to add to the list…
Islamic Terror
It isn’t just ISIS that we need to be concerned about. Islamic terror is exploding all over the planet, and according to Wikipedia there have already been 95 such attacks globally so far in 2016.
Up until now, they have been killing us with guns and bombs, but what happens when they inevitably get their hands on chemical, biological or nuclear weapons?
Terror attacks using weapons of mass destruction could literally turn our society completely upside down virtually overnight, and it is only a matter of time until this starts happening.
Power Grid Failure
Someday you may wake up and discover that the power grid has totally failed. Just try to imagine a world without any lights, cell phones, computers, televisions, ATMs, heating and cooling systems, credit card readers, gas pumps, cash registers, refrigerators or hospital equipment. A massive electromagnetic pulse, either from the sun or as the result of a nuclear blast, could instantly plunge society back into the 1800s.
The EMP Commission spent years studying this, and they told Congress back in 20o8 that up to 90 percent of the U.S. population could be dead within one year of such an event due to starvation, disease and the breakdown of society. So this is a threat that people better start taking seriously.
World War III will not be fought like previous wars, and the Internet is one area where we are particularly vulnerable. The Chinese, the Russians and the North Koreans have all been working very hard to develop their cyberwarfare capabilities, and I was recently told by someone that has deep connections inside the U.S. intelligence community that our power grid could be taken down with just the push of a button. That is how easy it would be.
With each passing year, we are all becoming more and more dependent on the Internet. So what would our lives be like if it was suddenly gone?
That is something to think about.
Economic Collapse
If you want to watch society melt down right in front of your eyes, just take away all of the goodies. On The Economic Collapse Blog I have written more than a million words about the coming economic problems in this country. We got a very small taste of what is approaching in 2008 and 2009, and yet most people do not seem to have taken that warning seriously. Since that time, our long-term economic and financial problems have grown far more dire, and now the early chapters of a new economic crisis are unfolding right in front of our eyes, and yet still most people don’t seem to be alarmed.
If you want to see how devastating an economic collapse can be on a nation, just pick up a history book and start reading about the Great Depression of the 1930s. Unfortunately, what we are heading for is going to be a whole lot worse than that.
Civil Unrest & Martial Law
As the economy collapses and other things on this list start happening, people are going to be absolutely freaking out. A whole host of polls and surveys have shown that anger and frustration have been building up to unprecedented levels in this country, and at some point there is going to be a huge explosion.
Desperate people do desperate things, and we got small previews of what is coming in Ferguson and in Baltimore. Violent crime rates are already rising in our major cities, and many among the elite are getting out while the getting is good. In fact, 3,000 millionaires left the city of Chicago last year alone.
Of course whenever civil unrest erupts, the government responds by trying to regain control, and eventually things are going to get so bad in this nation that we will start to see martial law imposed in various areas. We saw a little bit of this in Ferguson and in Baltimore, but that was nothing compared to what we will eventually experience.
Catastrophic Earthquakes
A historic earthquake along the New Madrid fault seismic zone, the Cascadia Subduction zone or any of the major faults in California could affect millions of lives, cause hundreds of billions of dollars in damage, and literally change the geography of our continent.
Personally, I believe that those of us that are fortunate enough to live long enough will witness historic earthquakes in all of those areas, and scientists assure us that all three zones are way overdue for major seismic events.
Even if just one of the catastrophic events that I have discussed above were to take place, it would completely change society.
Unfortunately, I believe that we are entering an era of history in which a “perfect storm” that consists of a confluence of these catastrophic events will shake this nation to the core.
So what do you think?
Do you agree or disagree?
Credit to Economic Collapse
Puerto Rico won't make $370 million in debt payments Monday
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) -- Gov. Alejandro Garcia Padilla announced that Puerto Rico's government will not make nearly $370 million in bond payments due Monday after a failure to restructure or find a political solution to the U.S. territory's spiraling public debt crisis.
Garcia said Sunday that he had issued an executive order suspending payments on debt owed by the island's Government Development Bank, a default that will likely prompt lawsuits from creditors and could be a prelude to a deadline to a much larger payment due July 1.
The governor said Puerto Rico can't pay the bonds without cutting essential services.
Island officials spent the weekend trying to negotiate a settlement that would have avoided the default but apparently came up short. The development comes as Congress has so far been unable to pass a debt restructuring bill for Puerto Rico.
"Let me be very clear, this was a painful decision," Garcia said in a speech. "We would have preferred to have had a legal framework to restructure our debts in an orderly manner."
The Government Development Bank had $422 million in payments due Monday. Puerto Rico will pay $22 million interest and it reached a deal Friday to restructure about $30 million, leaving it short $370 million.
The administration also will be paying about $50 million in other debt payments due Monday owed by various other territorial agencies.
Nearly all the bonds are held by a variety of U.S. hedge funds and mutual funds.
Garcia said Puerto Rico's government could not make the payment without sacrificing basic necessities for the island's 3.5 million residents, including keeping schools and public hospitals open.
"We will continue working to try to reach a consensual solution with our creditors," he said. "That is one of our commitments. But what we will never do is put the lives and safety of our people in danger."
The governor had been warning since last year that the island's overall public debt of more than $70 billion is unplayable.
Credit to Yahoo News
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