Friday, December 9, 2016
How The Next Great Depression Will Be Different From The First? About 80% Of Population Will Die

If and when there is a ‘next’ Great Depression (some may argue that we’ve already entered the next one – although hidden from sight), the question is “How will it be different from the first?”
The current labor force participation rate is somewhere around 62% in the U.S. and the current (NOV-2016) combined U3 & U6 unemployment numbers reflect 22.8% (source: Apparently there are about 41 million people receiving food stamps while nearly 14% of Americans live below the ‘official’ poverty threshold (hinged to income and family size).
The U.S. National Debt is just about to turn over to 20 Trillion dollars. Unfunded liabilities are currently 104 Trillion dollars (source: On average, each household with a credit card carries more than $15,000 in credit card debt, and the average U.S household with debt owes $130,922 (source:
According to a recent Federal Reserve report, nearly half of Americans couldn’t cover a $400 emergency expense without borrowing the money or selling something. Additionally, almost 30% of people report having a zero balance, and 62% have less than $1,000 in savings, according to a recent survey (source: An additional 21% report having no savings account whatsoever.
We as Americans are really not wealthy. Rather, we as Americans are drowning in debt while putting on a facade of phony wealth. Most do not own anything. The banks do. And guess what? The banks are in trouble too. The Federal Reserve (a private organization) has essentially been propping up the banks (and ‘the market’) since 2008 – and it’s all based on more gargantuan debt.
While most Americans are entirely clueless about the big picture here, one day (or over a period of time), we may descend further into a ‘Greater Depression’ as so many of the so called ‘asset classes’ collapse in value as they seek out their own ‘true value’ when they cannot be propped up anymore.
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One of the smartest guys I ever had the pleasure of meeting, Claude set-up a UNIQUE SYSTEM that changed his life forever.
I already tried it myself and let me tell… you I was completely blown away… His surprising tactics could make your life easier and give you the peace of mind you deserve.
How will the next Great Depression be different?
Recently, a commenter here said,
The “great depression” lasted somewhere around 10 years…. 80% of the population lived on farms-ish, I would bet that 90% of those had a HUGE-deep-pantry, and already had Gardens and Livestock. In 1935 there were around 127 million in the US, now 320-ish million, IF the “greater” depression hits and 80% are in the cities….. Just something to think about.
The “great depression” lasted somewhere around 10 years…. 80% of the population lived on farms-ish, I would bet that 90% of those had a HUGE-deep-pantry, and already had Gardens and Livestock. In 1935 there were around 127 million in the US, now 320-ish million, IF the “greater” depression hits and 80% are in the cities….. Just something to think about.
Someone else said,
“…but the greatest loss is the knowledge of survival. In the “great depression” many survived by riding the rails to areas that needed farm labor – try that with most urban dwellers today. Not only are they not physically able but are totally ignorant about agriculture, nature, and most of all, being able to cooperate in a rural society.”
A few of my own thoughts…
“…but the greatest loss is the knowledge of survival. In the “great depression” many survived by riding the rails to areas that needed farm labor – try that with most urban dwellers today. Not only are they not physically able but are totally ignorant about agriculture, nature, and most of all, being able to cooperate in a rural society.”
A few of my own thoughts…
Back during the Great Depression, people had a MUCH GREATER sense of morality, work ethic, and practical skill sets than they do today.
There is a tremendous number of people today who have not experienced real hardship. They have been coddled, they have had things handed to them, and they EXPECT to be taken care of. They get angry when they don’t get their way.
During the days of the Great Depression, people on ‘assistance’ had to line up to receive their benefits. It was very visible. Today, ‘digital cards’ hide all of that. The numbers of those receiving benefits are hidden from view and all ‘appears’ as normal…
Today, it’s easy to get a bank loan for just about anything. Back during the days of the Great Depression, people taking on loans was significantly less. They had to save and work for ‘it’.
Family farming and agriculture today is essentially non-existent compared to the years of the Great Depression.
People have no idea how large of a garden and the right kinds of foods which will produce adequate calories to help over-winter for their household. A few tomatoes and squash in a 10×20 garden is not going to cut it…
How many people today know how to preserve their own food (e.g. canning)? I would say VERY, VERY FEW.
Because most Americans suffer from extreme ‘normalcy bias’, a Greater Depression will be shocking and devastating to say the least. Many will lash out as the cities burn… (perhaps literally).
People today are NOT educated the same way as back then. Practical skills are all but ‘gone’. Used to be that many would learn some technical trades in High School and some would go on to a trade school afterwards. Whereas today, ‘everyone’ (even those who really aren’t that bright) has to go to ‘college’ where they’re taught diversity training, political correctness, ‘Dem’s Good – Repub’s Bad, etc…
Today, our manufacturing base is GONE. Back during the Great Depression, we made ‘stuff’. When a nation makes their own ‘stuff’, that’s a good thing…
The upcoming ‘Greater Depression’ may likely last even longer than ‘the Great Depression’ of the 1930s and will have far worse consequences for more people than ever before.
The Great Depression that took place during the 1930s was a severe worldwideeconomic depression, the timing of which varied across nations; however, in most countries it started in 1929 and lasted until the late 1930s. It was the longest, deepest, and most widespread depression of the 20th century.
If (when) the next ‘Greater Depression’ hits us smack in the face, you might want to be prepared to survive a minimum of 5-10 years, relatively on your own, without .gov assistance.
Today, the vast, vast majority of people live in urban and suburban areas and most have not ever been to a farm. The extent of their knowledge of farms is the extent at which they may have seen pictures on Google, Bing, or Yahoo…
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Mark of The Beast Forerunner Starting In Israel
Interior Minister Arye Deri has decided to push to mandate the joining of the national biometric database, including taking finger prints and facial recognition pictures for all identity cards going forward, he announced on Wednesday.
It is still unclear whether Deri will garner a Knesset majority to make the requirement law, but every recent interior minister has supported the initiative, even as the Movement for Digital Rights and some cyber experts have opposed it for fear of rampant hacking threats and invasion of privacy.
The debate has lasted years and included multiple extensions of a pilot program which has taken in a sizable portion, though still a minority, of the country’s citizens.
Those objecting would still have their fingerprints and facial recognition picture taken, but it would only be connected to their smart-card, not placed in the database, and as a penalty of sorts, they would need to renew their ID cards every five years instead of every 10 years.
Credit to Jerusalem Post
Is the prepper movement in the United States dying?
Is the prepper movement in the United States dying? At one time it was estimated that there were 3 million preppers in the United States, but in late 2016 interest in prepping has hit a multi-year low. The big reason for this, of course, is that the election of Donald Trump has fueled a tremendous wave of optimism among those that consider themselves to be conservatives, patriots and evangelical Christians. Not since the election of Ronald Reagan has the mood on the right shifted in such a positive direction so suddenly. But now that everyone is feeling so good about things, very few people still seem interested in prepping for hard times ahead. In fact, it is like a nuclear bomb went off in the prepping community.
As the publisher of The Economic Collapse Blog, I am in contact with a lot of people that serve the prepping community. And I can tell you that sales of emergency food and supplies have been crashing since Donald Trump’s surprise election victory. Firms that help people relocate outside of the United States have seen business really dry up, and I know of one high profile individual that has actually decided to move back to the country after Trump’s victory. It is almost as if the apocalypse has been canceled and the future history of the U.S. has been rewritten with a much happier ending.
Personally, I am quite alarmed that so many people are suddenly letting their guard down, but it is difficult to convince people to be vigilant when things seem to be going so well. Just consider some of the things that have been happening in recent weeks…
-Donald Trump was just named Time Magazine’s Person of the Year.
-The Dow just keeps setting brand new record high after brand new record high. In fact, the Dow has now risen by more than 1,200 points since Donald Trump won the election.
-The Russell 2000 has shot up an astounding 13 percent just since Trump’s victory.
-Donald Trump has convinced heating, ventilation and air conditioning giant Carrier to keep about 1,000 jobs in the United States instead of shipping them to Mexico.
-Donald Trump has convinced SoftBank to invest 50 billion dollars and create 50,000 new jobs in the United States.
-The U.S. dollar index recently hit the highest level that we have witnessed since March 2003.
-We just learned that U.S. Steel wants to bring back somewhere around 10,000 jobs to communities that lost them.
At this point there is an overwhelming belief among those on the right that Donald Trump is going to be able to do what he has promised to do.
And the numbers back this up. In a previous article, I discussed the fact that a recent Gallup survey discovered that the percentage of Republicans that believe that the U.S. economy is “getting better” increased from just 16 percent immediately prior to the election to 49 percent immediately after the election.
I don’t recall ever seeing such a shift in public sentiment in just a few days. Tens of millions of Americans have put their faith in Donald Trump, and time will tell if he will be able to deliver. As billionaire Mark Cuban recently pointed out, Donald Trump is like a number one draft pick that has not proven himself yet…
“I’ll analogize it to the NBA draft: He’s the No. 1 pick,” Cuban said. “He’s who we put our hopes and dreams with, and we’re going to believe in him. Right now it’s a little bit easier because we haven’t played a game yet.”“There’s no reason to rush to judgment or come to any conclusions now,” he continued. “Let’s see what happens starting January 21 and go from there. I hope he’s a superstar, and I hope everything turns out the way we all hope it will. But until January 21, there’s no real point at going into detail.”
Let us hope that President Trump will be everything that people are hoping that he will be.
I would love it if 2017 is a year filled with peace and prosperity. That way I could write less about our economic troubles and instead do more of the positive stories that I have been sharing lately. And my wife and I could take some time off and just spend some time enjoying our quiet life up here in the mountains.
I don’t think that is the way it is going to go, but I do hope that the optimists are right.
At this point I could start listing out all of the reasons why our economy is doomed no matter who is president, but unless you are already convinced all of that reasoning would probably fall on deaf ears.
Tens of millions of Americans are completely convinced that we are heading into a new golden era for America just because Donald Trump won the election, and for the sake of the nation let us hope that they are correct.
But what if they are wrong?
What if the rioting, violence and civil unrest that the radical left is planning for the Inauguration on January 20th sparks a movement that plunges many of our major cities into chaos throughout Trump’s presidency?
What if all of the incredibly bad decisions that were made during the Obama yearsresult in the biggest economic downturn we have ever seen early in the Trump years?
What if Trump’s inability to get along with China results in a major trade war between the two largest economies on the entire planet?
What if the growing financial instability in Europe results in a new global financial crisis that Trump will not be able to do anything to stop?
I could go on and on, but I think that you get the point.
All of the things that myself and other watchmen have been warning about all this time are coming.
My hope is that the optimists are right and that the horrible events that are coming will be put off for as long as possible.
But I wouldn’t count on it.
A day of reckoning for America is fast approaching, and those that are wise understand the signs of the times.
Credit to Economic Collapse
“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation 13:16,17 (KJV)
EDITOR’S NOTE: We have an unusual amount of Mark of the Beast stories this week, because everywhere you look it’s cropping up more and more. The world is so very close to rolling out the human implantable microchip that will be capable of control buying and selling, transactions, and medical records, and it may just arrive before the Beast does. Think of how easy it will be to roll out…a tiny little chip that connects with a smartly-designed app that sits on your mobile device and viola! It’s all done. Just that fast, too.
A company in Iruma, north of Tokyo, developed tiny nail stickers, each of which carries a unique identity number to help concerned families find missing loved ones, according to the city’s social welfare office.
The adhesive QR-coded seals for nails — part of a free service launched this month and a first in Japan — measure just one centimetre (0.4 inches) in size.
“There are already ID stickers for clothes or shoes but dementia patients are not always wearing those items.”
If an elderly person becomes disorientated, police will find the local city hall, its telephone number and the wearer’s ID all embedded in the QR code.
The chips remain attached for an average of two weeks — even if they get wet — the official said, citing recent trials.
Japan is grappling with a rapidly ageing population with senior citizens expected to make up a whopping 40 percent of the population around 2060.
Last month, Japanese police started offering noodle discounts at local restaurants to elderly citizens who agreed to hand in their driving licences.
The offer followed a series of deadly accidents involving elderly drivers — a growing problem in a country where 4.8 million people aged 75 or older hold a licence. source
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Muslims Attack Christian Couple And Murder The Husband, And The Father Of The Wife Suddenly Disappears
By Theodore Shoebat
Muslims in Egypt attacked a Christian couple, murdering the husband; and the father of the wife has gone missing ever since. According to one report:
Three Christians from Egypt are currently seeking refuge in Cyprus after they fled their Muslim-dominated nation because of the brutal persecution they had experienced because of their faith.Egyptian Coptic Christian Maher Elgohary, his daughter Dina and their friend, Rania, are appealing for protection and a safe home from the government of Cyprus after escaping years of persecution in their homeland, the Cyprus Mail reported.“Please, (Cypriot authorities) we beg you for your protection and mercy,” Maher was quoted in the report as saying. “We want to have a relaxed life, to start actually living and not to be persecuted for what we believe.”“We are asking that you keep us safe, that you don’t let anyone harm us and that we can finally have a place to call home,” he added.The Coptic Christian man was subjected to physical abuse in Egypt for converting from Islam to Christianity some 20 years ago. He said he had to practice his faith in secret to avoid further persecution.Just a month ago, three men broke into Maher’s home and threatened the lives of his family if he did not follow their instruction. Maher was forced to hold up signs denouncing his Christian faith and saying he and his family had found Islam.Dina, Maher’s 22-year-old Christian daughter, said her father allowed himself to be subjected to this ordeal to protect her. This experience, she said, ultimately prompted them to leave their homeland.“My father did this for me, he protected me, and he always does,” Dina told Cyprus Mail.The father and daughter’s other companion, Rania, also experienced the same persecution in Egypt because of her faith. Her father, also a Coptic Christian, disappeared a year ago while her husband was killed by radical Muslims.Just like the Elgoharys, Rania also experienced being forced to shun her Christian faith, but chose to stand by it despite living in a community completely surrounded by Muslims.“They tried to make me convert to Islam, to change my religion and after my husband died, they are trying to make me marry a Muslim,” Rania said.The three Christian migrants are now seeking employment in Cyprus to support their new lives and the freedom to exercise their faith.
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Russia Tests Nuclear-Capable Drone Sub
Russia conducted a test of a revolutionary nuclear-capable drone submarine that poses a major strategic threat to U.S. ports and harbors.
U.S. intelligence agencies detected the test of the unmanned underwater vehicle, code-named Kanyon by the Pentagon, during its launch from a Sarov-class submarine on Nov. 27, said Pentagon officials familiar with reports of the test.
No details were available about the location or results of the test.
Pentagon spokesman Capt. Jeff Davis declined to comment. “We closely monitor Russian underwater military developments, but we will not comment specifically about them,” Davis said.
Development of the new drone submarine was first disclosed by the Washington Free Beacon in September 2015 and then confirmed by the Russian military two months later. Russian officials said the secret program was mistakenly disclosed.
Russia calls the drone development program the “Ocean Multipurpose System ‘Status-6.’” The developer is Russia’s TsKB MT Rubin design bureau, the defense industry entity that builds all Russia’s submarines.
U.S. intelligence agencies estimate the Kanyon secret underwater drone will be equipped with megaton-class warheads—the largest nuclear weapons in existence, with the killing power of millions of tons of TNT.
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