A geologist is warning of a possible earthquake threatening millions of Americans in the next few days.
Jim Berkland, a former scientist with the U.S. Geological Survey said he is carefully watching out for tremors and tsunamis, as reported by the Express, especially along the San Andreas Fault in California and the Cascadia Subduction Zone in Oregon and Washington state. He claims both areas are long overdue for a “big one”.
If the west coast got hit with a big earthquake, it would likely spur massive tsunamis.
The upcoming full moon is also of concern. Berkland claims most earthquakes occur during full and new moons because they cause “equinoctial tides”, which are gravitational forces that cause the earth to expand and contract.
In 1989, Berkland predicted the San Francisco earthquake, but he claims he was warned by the government not to make any more predictions, for fear of causing a mass panic. But that hasn’t stopped him from offering warnings on his website.
There have been a series of massive earthquakes in the last week in Japan. The death toll is at 48. Now the area is getting hit with torrential rain and mudslides. Thousands of people are displaced as their homes were destroyed. One of the earthquakes measured 7.3.
Earthquakes also hit last week in Vanuatu, Guatemala and Ecuador.
Credit to Trunews Read more at http://www.trunews.com/geologist-predicts-massive-u-s-earthquake-during-full-moon/#BSMroGICvylwAR5l.99
A public health expert and Seventh-day Adventist pastor was fired by Georgia's Department of Public Health after public officials were assigned to watch and review the content of his sermons on YouTube, official government documents indicate.
On Wednesday, The First Liberty Institute announced that it filed a lawsuit on behalf of Eric Walsh against the DPH, alleging that he was fired by the agency over concerns about his sermons' content on homosexuality.
As it is illegal under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to make employment decisions based on a person's religion, documents and email conversations obtained by First Liberty through the Freedom of Information Act appear to reveal a host of damning charges against the DPH.
According to an obtained email, Walsh, who has a medical degree, doctorate in public health and was appointed to President Obama's Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDs, was hired in early May 2014 and scheduled to begin working for the agency on June 16, 2014.
But as controversy had previously surrounded Walsh's conservative views on marriage in California, when LGBT activists protested his selection as commencement speaker at Pasadena City College, documents indicate that officials at the DPH decided to conduct an investigation of their own into Walsh's view on marriage.
According to an email from May 14, 2014 that was sent by the DPH's human resources executive Lee Rudd, it is clear that a number of employees were specifically assigned to take a few hours and listen to the content of Walsh's sermons.
"OK … I have an assignment for several of us. We have to listen to his sermons on You Tube [sic] tonight. If we take a couple of hours each, then we should cover our bases," Rudd wrote. "I will enlist Dwana [Prince] to help us. Kate [Pfirman, Chief Financial Officer for the DPH] is going to listen to them as well."
Following the review, the lawsuit claims that a meeting was "hastily arranged" the next day by officials to discuss the sermons and Walsh's future with the department.
"The unlawful and discriminatory intent and tenor of the May 15, 2014 meeting compelled DPH general counsel Sidney Barrett to warn not once, but twice, during the same meeting that under federal law Dr. Walsh's religious beliefs could play no role in any employment decision by DPH," the lawsuit states.
Fox News reports that another staffer allegedly warned that Walsh should be hired based on his qualifications.
"Not only is there no smoking gun, there is every reason to believe, even from his detractors own words, that he is the excellent health director we believed he would be," the staffer said according to a document obtained by First Liberty. "If we do not hire this applicant on the basis of the evidence of job performance and disqualify him on the basis of discrimination by those who seek to advance their own agenda and do him harm, I believe we are no better than they are."
Despite the warnings, the officials decided during or after the meeting that they would terminate Walsh's employment opportunity. On May 16, 2014, Walsh's job offer was officially rescinded.
Credit to christianpost.com Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/georgia-pastor-eric-walsh-sermon-homosexuality-firing-him-documents-show-162299/#UzvulDeVhGrdAF7H.99
Stealing the election from Donald Trump is not the only danger that accompanies the soon-to-be “mistake on the lake” GOP convention.
A series of facts and events have coincided to give me great pause as to the potential for a major false flag event this summer at the GOP Convention to be held in Cleveland. The purpose of this article is to shine the light of day on this potential even along with the motivations behind the event in order to discourage this from ever taking place. However,
The Home of the Republican National Convention
About 50,000 people are expected to converge on Cleveland for the four-day event, beginning July 18 at the Quicken Loans Arena, known as “The Q.” The visitors will include 15,000 media with the potential to showcase Cleveland’s economic rebound and thousands of corporate decision-makers who might be charmed into doing business in a former Rust Belt city.
Every major corporation in America will be there and the electronic and cyber exposure will be unprecedented.
Interest in the Republican convention is running unusually high because of Donald Trump’s appeal which is waking up millions of of Americans as to the corrupt political system and the wave of tyranny being exposed. The potential of a historic “knock-down, drag out” floor fight over a nominee has dramatically increased the national interest in the event.
Radical Extremists Democratic Groups Will Disrupt GOP Convention and Trump Supporters
Here is Soros choice for President. He will see her elected at any cost.
The controversy as it relates to the GOP Primary and the Soros backed Moveon.org and Black Lives Matter began in March, in Chicago, as a scheduled Trump rally was canceled because of the violence perpetrated by the two Soros groups.
This led to outraged Republican to state that many Republican voters who had previously supported Ted Cruz that they were switching their votes from Ted Cruz to Donald Trump because they were concerned that the Texas senator “supported” the rights of Black Lives Matter protesters after he admonished the billionaire GOP front-runner for encouraging violence at his rallies in one of the most nonsensical charges ever levied against a political opponent.
What is most disturbing is that George Soros has entered the GOP political debate. You remember Soros don’t you?
Soros a well-known, sell-out Nazi Collaborator is the driving force behind the violence that accompanies groups such as moveon.org and Black Lives Matter.
Accidental Discovery
Two months ago, I was recruited to attend and report on the 2016 GOP Convention. As I explored my options, I made a horrifying discovery. To date, Soros has donated $13 million dollars to the Clinton campaign. Subsequently, I discovered that the Soros-backed Black Lives Matter and Move0n.org have booked a multitude of rooms in Cleveland for the four nights of the convention and I subsequently became very concerned as to to the false flag potential. One can reasonably expect that if Trump is prevailing at the convention, that there will be many violent events taking place courtesy of the George Soros backed forces.
These facts only represent one avenue of a series of false flag attacks which could rear its ugly head this summer in Cleveland.
Motivations for a 9/11 Style Attack
Trump has defined the narrative of this election and it can be broken down in to the following three areas:
1. The free-trade agreements which have bankrupted millions Americans by costing them their jobs.
2. The influx of millions of illegal immigrants from which the loss of jobs to people who will work off the books and for far less, has fully been identified by Trump.
3. The hordes of refugees that poured into our country at the behest of the current administration with absolutely no consideration.
As a result of these three variables, the American based corporations have never been wealthier and the middle class to the lower class have never seen such a precipitous drop in income when adjusted for inflation. This represents the greatest wealth transfer in American history. The criminal elite in this country have struck gold. They are not going to allow Trump’s populist movement to derail their gravy train.
The criminal elite have tried every dirty trick in the book to derail Trump from rigged debates to starting riots in combination with George Soros. They have even gone so far as to get their GOP Party leaders to admit that they are disenfranchising the will of the people. This is a tantamount admission that the financial and political rape of the country will continue and the collective will of the people be damned, speaks to the desperation of the shadowy corporate forces which controls the GOP.
The desperation of the GOP leadership is in full evidence for all to see when they seem so willing to destroy their own party by ignoring the will of the people. The GOP leadership is choosing corporate support (e.g. the legalized bribery of the corporate campaign donations), over the survival of the GOP.
If the GOP leadership is willing to destroy their own party in order to preserve illegally obtained corporate profits, how far are they willing to go to stop Trump at any cost?
Logic would dictate that a 9/11 false flag event or events has already been planned, but to what end? I think we can target a key moment in the convention that will either trigger or cancel a false flag attack.
The GOP rules state that a nominee cannot be on the ballot if they have not carried eight states. This would eliminate everyone but Trump and Cruz. Many are aware that Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney filed paperwork to run for President in January of 2016. This would eliminate the so-called Mitch McConnell “white knight” candidate. The criminal GOP leadership has feverishly been trying to eliminate the eight-state rule. However, that does not mean that the delegates are going to let them get away with that. I believe that if the eight-state rule stays in place the odds for a false flag attack will have increased exponentially. However, if the election is going to be stolen from Trump, the eight-state rule must be eliminated. Please be aware the GOP is only using Ted Cruz to prevent Trump from getting to 1237 delegates the amount needed to secure the nomination and to prevent a floor debate at the Convention.
The criminal GOP leadership has no intention of promoting Ted Cruz because he has no chance of winning. Personally, I believe that Trump is the only one who can defeat Clinton because he is the only one with enough courage to call her out for her sociopathic, criminal behavior.
Again, if Trump is prevailing on the third day of the convention, I will be the least surprised observer that such a false flag event does take place.
What Form Will the False Flag Event Take?
I am sorry, but I was not invited to the Soros planning meetings. However, history would dictate that flying planes into the “Q” would be the simplest approach and it would provide plausible deniability for the planners for such an event. After all, the FBI director, announced, last year, that all 50 states had ISIS terrorist cells. What a convenient excuse for martial law and continuation of the Obama Presidency.
Of course, the Soros thugs could pack quite a false-flag punch as well. Regardless, the summer of 2016 is going to be a long hot summer across America. Expect race riots and a general era of civil discontent.
My hope is that by exposing the current trend curves and projecting a logical outcome, that we might be able to prevent such a tragedy by shining the light of day on this potential tragic set of events.
Regardless, this situation requires intense monitoring.
“And Pharaoh said: ‘Who is the LORD, that I should hearken unto His voice to let Israel go? I know not the LORD, and moreover I will not let Israel go.’” Exodus 5:2 (The Israel Bible™)
On Friday night, millions of Jews all over the world will recite the ten plagues which God brought down upon the Egyptians thousands of years ago. What you may not know is that these plagues not only happened then – they’re happening now. Read on to discover how the ten Biblical plagues are returning today before our eyes.
A satellite photo taken of the Nile River, released on April 1, 2016. (European Space Agency)
The first plague, initiated by Aaron, turned the Nile into blood, transforming life-giving water into a symbol of death. So deeply is that image embedded in our collective unconscious that when a recent satellite photo used an effect that showed the Nile River as crimson, the internet went wild.
In a separate episode in August, Environmental Protection Agency personnel unintentionally released three million gallons of toxic wastewater into Cement Creek in a Colorado nature reserve, turning it bright orange.
Residents of Southern California will be reading their Passover Haggada to the off-key accompaniment of the mating call of tiny frogs that have recently invaded the West Coast. The coqui, native to Puerto Rico found its way to Hawaii and later to California. The tiny tree dweller has a disproportionately loud screech that is so loud that people have called the police mistaking the croak for a house alarm. A male frog will screech all night to drive away competing males while he courts his lady-love, annoying residents and even driving property values down. A young frog is smaller than a fingernail so it is disturbingly easy for them to be unintentionally transplanted, making this plague a serious candidate to crop up in the most unexpected of places.
This year saw an outbreak of a new mutated strain of “super-lice” that is immune to the traditional pyrethroid treatments. The epidemic had doctors in 25 states scratching their heads to find a solution. Social habits of technology addicted youth aided the lice, as the eggs can be transferred via headphones and head contact during the other teen plague: selfies.
India is seeing a resurgence of the plague of wild beasts. Just last week, fields were ravaged and 17 people were injured in Kendrapara as wild boar attacked the village. In the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, six people were killed by tigers and 20 by wild elephants in the last three years. Even stranger is a mysterious, unidentified animal that has attempted three times this month to drag children from their beds in the Sehore District of India.
Closer to home, in a reminder that nature is never fully under the control of human keepers, the head tiger trainer at the Palm Beach Zoo was killed by one of her charges last Friday.
Despite advances in veterinary science and massive investments, man does not control disease in livestock. Mad Cow Disease first struck 19 years ago and USAID has invested $320 million over the last decade on controlling animal diseases. Despite these efforts, the disease continues to baffle scientists and has recently cropped up in a new form called Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD). Affecting deer and reindeer, it is highly contagious and always fatal. It is found across Europe and much of North America.
In 2010, scientists traced the bubonic plague to ancient Egypt. Ancient cultures lived close to their livestock, and the plague was transferred from the animals by fleas. Egyptologists found 3,000 year-old remains of Nile rats, and used fine sieves to discover the remains of fleas in ruins, the two components for the plague. Egypt is now believed to be the origin of the disease, suggesting that the Biblical plague of “boils”- a common manifestation of plague – and the bubonic plague are, in fact, one and the same. The symptoms are even described in a medical text from 1500 BC known as the Ebers Papyrus.
Plague has not vanished, though today its source is man-made rather than natural. Last year, the Department of Defense announced that it was investigating mishandling of laboratory samples of anthrax and bubonic plague while shipping them overseas.
An unusually heavy hail fell in Dallas, Texas last month, with golfball-sized hailstones pummeling the area. Thousands of cars were severely damaged, in a reminder of how Pharaoh’s chariots must have suffered from this plague.
In the Bible, this plague manifested as a miraculously unnatural mix of fire and ice. This phenomenon recently reappeared in a video posted on Sod1820, a religious Hebrew-language website. The video shows a startling mix of fire and water as large flames shoot out from the source of a flowing spring in the desert on the border between Iran and Afghanistan. Though a natural cause is surely to blame, the Biblical connotations are unmistakeable.
Last year, locusts devoured 10 percent of the harvest from Russia’s southern farmland, bringing about a state of emergency. Three years ago, southern Israel was hard-hit as a precursor to Passover. Last month, West Australia experienced an unusually large plague of locusts.
For Jews, this plague can be a mixed blessing, as locusts are technically kosher. An Israeli start-up, Steak Tzar Tzar, is working towards solving global hunger with insect protein. Their award-winning bugs have been featured in gourmet feasts that are kosher enough to be served at any Passover meal.
America is much more vulnerable to an attack of darkness that you might think. In April 2013, after a power station in California was targeted, a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission analysis of the event found that if a surprisingly small number of US substations were knocked out at once, it could destabilize the entire grid enough to cause a blackout affecting most of the US.
But this plague may not come from the hands of man. Rabbi Yitzchak Cohen predicted that when the planet Nibiru enters our solar system, there will be a two week period of time in which we won’t even be able to see the sun.
Death of the Pharaoh’s Firstborn Son, by Lawrence Alma Tadema, 1872, English painting oil on canvas. (Photo: Everett – Art / Shutterstock)
Unlike the first nine plagues, there are no indications the tenth plague is making a comeback – but there is evidence that the Egypt’s first-born were truly victims of divine wrath.
Egyptologist Peter Rohl found hints of the dreaded tenth plague in the Ipuwer Papyrus, now held in the Dutch National Museum of Antiquities. The papyrus, a copy of an earlier work from around 1800 BCE, describes a catastrophe in terrifying phrases that are strongly reminiscent of the Biblical killing of the first-born, referring to “the children of princes” being “dashed against the walls” and “cast out in the streets”.
Credit to Breaking Israel News Read more at http://www.breakingisraelnews.com/66233/incredible-evidence-proves-ten-plagues-happening-today/#UO5f6vuy3ixPkdTj.99
China has tested a weapon which could be used to strike London and the United States with nuclear warheads.
The Dongfeng-41 missile, which has the longest range of any ballistic rocket in the world, can carry up to ten nuclear warheads.
US Pentagon officials are said to have slammed China for testing the 'intercontinental weapons', which have a maximum range of around 8,700 miles.
US Pentagon officials are said to have slammed China for testing missiles which have a maximum range of around 8,700 miles (file photo of Chinese submarine)
China hit back at its critics today, saying it was perfectly 'normal' to carry out ballistic missile launches.
US media site Washington Free Beacon, citing unnamed Pentagon officials, reported that China had carried out a test of its DF-41 long-range missile on April 12.
The report linked the tests to tensions between Washington and Beijing over the South China Sea, noting it came three days before a visit by US Secretary of Defence Ashton Carter.
In a brief response, China's defence ministry did not deny a test had been carried out, but dismissed media reports of a specific location as 'pure speculation'.
A statement on the ministry's website said: 'It is normal for us to carry out scientific research tests in our own territory, according to our plans, and they are not aimed at any specific nations or targets.'
China claims nearly all of the South China Sea, which is home to some of the world's most important shipping lanes and is believed to contain vast oil reserves.
The Dongfeng-41 missile, which has the longest range of any ballistic rocket in the world, can carry up to ten nuclear warheads (pictured, Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2011)
But many of its Southeast Asian neighbours have overlapping claims, and tensions have risen over China's construction of artificial reefs in the disputed waters.
On Monday, China's defence ministry gave its first confirmation that Beijing had landed a military flight on the Fiery Cross reef in the Spratlys archipelago, also claimed by the Philippines.
On the day of Carter's trip, Beijing said that one of its top military officials had visited a South China Sea island.
Obama and Xi meet on denuclearization at the start of the month Credit to Dailymail.co.uk