Friday, September 6, 2013
US orders diplomats out of Lebanon
The State Department on Friday ordered nonessential U.S. diplomats to leave Lebanon due to security concerns as the Obama administration and Congress debate military strikes on neighboring Syria.
In a new travel warning for Lebanon, the department said it had instructed nonessential staffers to leave Beirut and urged private American citizens to depart Lebanon.
The step had been under consideration since last week when President Obama said he was contemplating military action against the Syrian government for its alleged chemical weapons attack last month that the administration said killed more than 1,400 people near Damascus.
"The potential in Lebanon for a spontaneous upsurge in violence remains," the department said.
"Lebanese government authorities are not able to guarantee protection for citizens or visitors to the country should violence erupt suddenly. Access to borders, airports, roads, and seaports can be interrupted with little or no warning," the statement said. "Public demonstrations occur frequently with little warning and have the potential to become violent. Family, neighborhood, or sectarian disputes often escalate quickly and can lead to gunfire or other violence with little or no warning.
"The ability of U.S. government personnel to reach travelers or provide emergency services may be severely limited," the department cautioned.
Deputy spokesperson Marie Harf said, "We will continue to assess the situation and to adjust our security posture accordingly."
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Russia warns U.S. against targeting Syria chemical arsenal
Russia on Friday warned the United States on Friday against targeting Syria’s chemical arsenal after The New York Times reported that U.S. President Barack Obama has ordered the Pentagon to expand the list of potential targets in Syria including military units that employ chemical weapons.
“With particular concern we perceive the fact that military infrastructure facilities securing the integrity and safety of Syria’s chemical arsenal are among the possible targets for military strikes,” Agence France-Presse reported the Russian foreign ministry as saying in a statement.
“In this respect we warn U.S. authorities and their allies against striking any chemical facilities and adjacent territories,” the statement said.
“Such actions would represent a dangerous new turn in the tragic development of the Syria crisis,” the ministry said, warning that the strikes could prompt the release of highly toxic substances.
“Besides, one cannot rule out that militants and terrorists would gain access to chemical weapons or chemical warfare agents as a result of such a reckless move,” the ministry said, expressing concern over the possible spread of chemical weapons further across Syria and beyond its borders.
“The U.S. bombing of Iraq’s Al Muthanna chemical storage facility led to a serious contamination of adjacent territory in 1991,” the statement said.
“For peaceful residents of Syria and other countries of the region the consequences can be even more severe.”
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Record 90.5 Million Out Of Labor Force As Half A Million Drop Out In One Month
While the Establishment survey data was ugly due to both the miss and the prior downward revisions in the NFP print, the real action was in the Household survey, where we find that the number of people not in the labor force rose by a whopping 516,000 in one month, which in turn increased the total number of people outside the labor force to a record 90.5 million Americans.
And what is even worse, the Labor Force Participation Rate declined from 63.4% to 63.2%: the is the lowest print since August 1978!
Whether or not this means the Fed will continue QE at this point is largely irrelevant: what is more relevant is that the Fed so far has failed miserably at its core mandate: to boost real employment.
Credit Zero Hedge
A Message To Those Who Are Left Behind After The Rapture

Greetings in the Name of The Lord Jesus Christ!
For a future not so distant day...
This brief letter is written to those of you who have been left behind. May I calm your great anxiety and fears with this great message of hope! God loves you and cares greatly for you. He has a great plan, purpose and future for you and your life. He wants only and always the highest and best things for you. So please give your ear and full attention to the words that follow. The days ahead will be days that will not be easy - in fact they will be quite horrendous. But be of good cheer and of good courage. Have Faith in Almighty God and His Word. - Link to Bible Study on the Rapture.
Jesus said, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but hath everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved (John 3:16-17).
God so loved us that He sent His Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for your sins and mine! God has thus provided a way to restore fellowship with sinners (all humans), and to remove His righteous wrath that was upon us because of our sins and trespasses. Everyone that puts their trust in Jesus Christ will thus find God's pardon for sin and restored fellowship with Him (1 John 1:1-3). The proof that God will do what He says is shown in what has just transpired, i.e., “The Rapture,” which is (or was) the abrupt removal of Believers (Christians) from the earth. God foretold in His Word that He would do it and He did! Almighty God never lies and never changes (see Numbers 23:19, 1 Samuel 15:29, Hebrews 6:18, 13:8). Almighty God and His Word can therefore be fully trusted! All that put their trust in Almighty God and His Word can be confident that God will do what He says (2 Timothy 1:12).
Basic Facts About Salvation Found in Jesus Christ
All that put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ for salvation (the Saved) thus find God's pardon for sin and have Eternal Life. All those who reject God’s saving grace (the Unsaved or Lost) will only receive God’s judgment and wrath (John 3:18).
The Saved will enter Christ’s Glorious Kingdom, which He will establish at the conclusion of this terrible time of Great World Tribulation, i.e., upon Christ's Second Coming to earth (Matthew 25:33-40). Facing God’s judgment, the Lost are removed from the earth prior to the beginning of Christ’s 1000-year (Millennial) Kingdom reign(Matthew 24:36-51, 25:41-46).
Another wonderful truth regarding those that are Saved is the deliverance from the power of wrath, darkness, and death (see 1Thess. 1:10, Col. 1:13, Heb. 2:14-15). The Lost will have to experience the “Second Death,” which is eternal separation from God in Hell (the Lake of Fire) forever (Rev. 20:11-15). There is a Biblical saying that goes, “Born once, die twice. Born twice, die once.”
Humble yourselves before Almighty God. Listen to His Word! Have faith to believe Him, and all will be well. The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!!
For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. Who is he thatovercometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God? (1John 5:4-5).
The Rapture of the Church and Tribulation Period
As earlier stated, the major event that has just taken place (i.e., the Great Disappearance) is called "The Rapture of the Church." This is the event spoken of in the Holy Scriptures when Christ receives unto Himself all True Believers on earth who are saved by God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ. He has come to meet them in the clouds to be united – Head and Body, Bride and Bridegroom - FOREVER more.
As the Bible states: And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also (John 14:3).
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord (1 Thessalonians 4:15-17).
Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed (1 Corinthians 15:51-52).
Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he [Christ] shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is (1 John 3:2).
This period following the Rapture of the Church that you presently are in is called, "The Time of Jacob's Trouble” (Jeremiah 30:7), “The Time of Great Tribulation” (Matthew 24, Mark 13), and “The Time of Indignation and Wrath (Isaiah 34:2; Revelation 6:16-17) desolations, false hopes, false promises and great deception such as the world has never seen (see Revelation chapters 6-19). The ONLY HOPE you have during this time of great global turmoil is to trust in The Lord Jesus Christ and His Word with all your heart, soul and mind. God has made provision for your total salvation in His wonderful person. Put your trust in Him!
A Brief Overview of Current Events
1. The first event that will take place after the Rapture is the treaty signed between Israel and their enemies. A Man from Europe will greatly strengthen this treaty and make it work. Don’t be deceived!His one goal is to destroy Israel. Don’t believe this man, his teachings and political motivations. He is Satan's Anti-Christ. From the signing of this treaty to the Second Coming of Christ is exactly 7 Years (1 “week” of years or 2520 days; see Daniel 9:26-27).
2. The Gospel message will be preached from Israel by God's Two Jewish Witnesses (Rev 11:3-14) and 144,000 Jewish missionaries(Rev. 7:4-8,14:1-5). Listen to them!!! They bring the TRUE Gospel message. They are God's messengers to the whole earth. Hear them!The man from Europe (aka Anti-Christ) will seek to destroy them and their Gospel message of Jesus Messiah.
3. Beware of the great deception at hand as Jesus spoke of in(Matthew 24:4 and Revelation 12:9). The fearful and unbelieving inhabitants of the earth will be very susceptible to this demonic deception because of the many-faceted catastrophes, conditions and circumstances of this dreadful time. Stay focused and have faith in God and His Word alone (Proverbs 3:5-7)!
4. Love and honor the people of Israel (Genesis 12:2-3). They are God's people and this time period involves them coming back to God as a nation. Love God's chosen people, the Jews (Isaiah 41:8-11). The Anti-Christ and the World system will persecute them with all their hatred and power (Revelation 12, 17:12-14). Line up with God and not with this Wicked World (1 John 2:15-17).
5. Study God's simple plan of salvation, the gospel (1 Corinthians 15:1-4), and hide it in your heart as the Bible teaches, for these are the Words of Life (2 Timothy 2:15; Psalm 119:11). Share it with anyone who will hear you (Colossians 4:5-6; 1 Peter 3:15). Be faithful, knowing they may kill the body but not the soul (Matthew 10:28-39). Your soul and spirit are possessed by Almighty God as you possess Him. If your life is taken, God will raise you up at the end of this seven-year tribulation period (Rev. 14:13; 20:4-6). Don’t be afraid; God is still in control, and He is working all things together for good (Rom. 8:28). Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou will be saved! (Acts 16:31)
6. If you survive and make it this far (Rev. 6-9) by all means, DO NOT receive the Mark of the Beast! (Rev.13:18, 14:9-11) If you know Christ as Your Savior, you are safely His and the Holy Spirit will make it clear not to take it. If you know not yet Christ, then do not let yourself be deceived. The mark might bring temporary relief but doom for ETERNITY! Trust in Christ as your Savior! Do not be swayed by the lies of the enemy! Don’t take the mark of the beast for any reason.
7. Again, place your trust in Almighty God and His Word alone! God is always right in what He says and does, and He is merciful and faithful in all His ways (Psalm 103:17-18; 1 Corinthians 10:13). This ought to bring great comfort and encouragement to your hearts. No matter what happens, remember that you belong to the Most High God and are eternally safe! (John 10:28)
The Kingdom Of Heaven is At Hand! Believe on the Lord Jesus and thou shall be saved! (Acts 16:31)
It is our desire that this brief letter may bring hope and insight about the Major Event that has just transpired. There are many links on this site that will direct you to the Holy Scripture truths about salvation and the current events at hand. Pray for God to give you wisdom and understanding in these days ahead.For indeed you will need it! God speed!
The Kingdom of Heaven is truly at hand!!
Credit The Ignorant Fishermen Blog
These False Flags Were Used To Start A War

Just in case one's history textbook had a few extra pages ripped out, this may be a good time to recall just how far one's government is willing to go to start a war under false pretenses.
Below is a partial list of some of the documented "false flag" events that were intended and/or served to start a war in recent and not so recent history.
Franco-Prussian War
Otto von Bismarck waved a "red flag" in front of the "gallic bull" by re-editing a telegram from the Prussian King so that it appeared as though the King had insulted a French ambassador during a time of extremely tense French-German international relations. The telegram is known as the Ems Dispatch. It helped encourage the states to go to war.
Russo-Swedish War
In 1788, a head tailor of the Royal Swedish Opera received an order to sew a number of Russian military uniforms that later were used in an exchange of gunfire at Puumala, a Swedish outpost on the Russo-Swedish border, on June 27, 1788. The staged attack, which caused an outrage in Stockholm, was to convince the Riksdag of the Estates and to provide the Swedish king Gustav III with an excuse to declare a "defensive" war on Russia. This was important since the king did not have constitutional right to start offensive war without agreement of the estates who had already made clear that their acceptance would not be forthcoming.
Spanish–American War, i.e, the Sinking of the USS Maine
The sinking of the USS Maine on 15 February 1898 in Havana harbor was initially thought to be caused by an external mine exploded under the ship. This belief roused anti-Spanish sentiment in the United States and helped catalyze the Spanish–American War later that same year. In 1911 an extensive study was made of the wreck, and again an external mine was believed to be the cause. In 1976 a team of naval explosive experts re?examined the earlier evidence and concluded that the likeliest cause of the sinking was an internal explosion caused by spontaneous combustion of fuel coal stored in a bunker next to a magazine holding more than 5 short tons (4.5 t) of powder charges for the guns. Despite this analysis, some observers believe that the explosion was caused by a U.S. agent for the purpose of angering the U.S. populace and initiating the war which followed. Cuban politician and former director of the national library Eliades Acosta claims that "powerful economic interests" in the United States were probably responsible not only for the sinking of the Maine but for the assassination of three 19th-century U.S. presidents, beginning with Abraham Lincoln.
The Mukden incident in September 1931 involved Japanese officers fabricating a pretext for annexing Manchuria by blowing up a section of railway. In fact the explosion was so weak that the line was unaffected. Six years later in 1937 they falsely claimed the kidnapping of one of their soldiers in the Marco Polo Bridge Incident as an excuse to invade China proper.
Reichstag fire
The Reichstag fire was an arson attack on the Reichstag building in Berlin on 27 February 1933. The fire started in the Session Chamber, and, by the time the police and firemen arrived, the main Chamber of Deputies was engulfed in flames. Police searched the building and found Marinus van der Lubbe, a young, Dutch council communist and unemployed bricklayer who had recently arrived in Germany, ostensibly to carry out political activities.
The fire was used as evidence by the Nazis that the Communists were beginning a plot against the German government. Van der Lubbe and four Communist leaders were subsequently arrested. Adolf Hitler, who was sworn in as Chancellor of Germany four weeks before, on 30 January, urged President Paul von Hindenburg to pass an emergency decree to counter the "ruthless confrontation of the Communist Party of Germany". With civil liberties suspended, the government instituted mass arrests of Communists, including all of the Communist parliamentary delegates. With their bitter rival Communists gone and their seats empty, the National Socialist German Workers Party went from being a plurality party to the majority; subsequent elections confirmed this position and thus allowed Hitler to consolidate his power.
Historians disagree as to whether Van der Lubbe acted alone, as he said, to protest the condition of the German working class, or whether the arson was planned and ordered by the Nazis, then dominant in the government themselves, as a false flag operation. The responsibility for the Reichstag fire remains an ongoing topic of debate and research.
The Gleiwitz Incident
The Gleiwitz incident in 1939 involved Reinhard Heydrich fabricating evidence of a Polish attack against Germany to mobilize German public opinion for war, to establish casus belli, and to justify the war with Poland. Alfred Naujocks was a key organiser of the operation under orders from Heydrich. It led to the deaths of innocent Nazi concentration camp victims who were dressed as German soldiers and then shot by the Gestapo to make it seem that they had been shot by Polish soldiers. This, along with other false flag operations in Operation Himmler, would be used to mobilize support from the German population for the start of World War II in Europe.
Winter War
In 1939 the Red Army shelled Mainila, a Russian town near the Finnish border. Soviet authorities blamed Finland for the attack and used the incident as a pretext to start the Winter War four days later.
Kassa attack
The Kassa attack in 1941 involved the city of Kassa, today Košice (Slovakia), which was then part of Hungary, being bombed by three unidentified planes of apparently Soviet origin. This attack became the pretext for the government of Hungary to declare war on the Soviet Union.
Operation Ajax
The replacement of Iran's Anglo-Persian Oil Company with five American oil companies and the 1953 Iranian coup d'état was the consequence of the U.S. and British-orchestrated false flag operation, Operation Ajax. Operation Ajax used political intrigue, propaganda, and agreements with Qashqai tribal leaders to depose the democratically elected leader of Iran, Mohammed Mosaddeq. Information regarding the CIA-sponsored coup d'etat has beenlargely declassified and is available in the CIA archives.
Operation Northwoods
The planned, but never executed, 1962 Operation Northwoods plot by the U.S. Department of Defense for a war with Cuba involved scenarios such as fabricating the hijacking or shooting down of passenger and military planes, sinking a U.S. ship in the vicinity of Cuba, burning crops, sinking a boat filled with Cuban refugees, attacks by alleged Cuban infiltrators inside the United States, and harassment of U.S. aircraft and shipping and the destruction of aerial drones by aircraft disguised as Cuban MiGs. These actions would be blamed on Cuba, and would be a pretext for an invasion of Cuba and the overthrow of Fidel Castro's communist government. It was authored by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, but then rejected by President John F. Kennedy. The surprise discovery of the documents relating to Operation Northwoods was a result of the comprehensive search for records related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy by the Assassination Records Review Board in the mid-1990s. Information about Operation Northwoods was later publicized by James Bamford.
Gulf of Tonkin incident
The Gulf of Tonkin incident (or the USS Maddox incident) is the name given to two separate confrontations involving North Vietnam and the United States in the waters of the Gulf of Tonkin. The first event occurred on August 2, 1964, between the destroyer USS Maddox and three North Vietnamese Navy torpedo boats of the 135th Torpedo Squadron. The second was originally claimed by the U.S. National Security Agency to have occurred on August 4, 1964, as another sea battle, but instead may have involved "Tonkin Ghosts" (false radar images) and not actual NVN torpedo boat attacks.
The outcome of these two incidents was the passage by Congress of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which granted President Lyndon B. Johnson the authority to assist any Southeast Asian country whose government was considered to be jeopardized by "communist aggression." The resolution served as Johnson's legal justification for deploying U.S. conventional forces and the commencement of open warfare against North Vietnam.
In 2005, an internal National Security Agency historical study was declassified; it concluded that the Maddox had engaged the North Vietnamese Navy on August 2, but that there were no North Vietnamese Naval vessels present during the incident of August 4. The Gulf of Tonkin incident has long been accused of being a false flag operation, but this judgment remains in dispute.
Credit Zero Hedge
Syrian Strikes Would Battle-Test Chinese Radars

With the arrival of a Chinese navy ship to the Mediterranean sector facing Syria,on top of the western and Russian naval deployment to that sector, it’s becoming obvious that China will use this conflict to test its electronic and cyber warfare capacities (just like the U.S. plans to do), presumably in preparation for a future conflict with the US navy in the South China sea.
This follows the tradition of Chinese presence in American wars starting with Serbia in 1999 when the USAF bombed electronic surveillance facilities in the Chinese embassy in Belgrade and ending (so far) in Libya when the Chinese attempted to keep Qaddafi floating above the water by providing him the same kind of electronic warfare capacities in an effort to protect their petroleum and construction investment in that country.
The upcoming Syria war, however, sees the US more isolated then ever,while Russia and China are militarily and economically stronger then ever, vs. the US military which is highly overstretched and subject to prolonged sequestration.
The Jewish Voice \ Defense News
If the US strikes Syria, China would get to see just how well some of its radars and electronic warfare (EW) emitters perform in combat.
Among the Chinese systems deployed by the Syrian military are the JYL-1 3-D long-range surveillance radar, Type 120 (LLQ120) 2D low-altitude acquisition radar, and JY-27 VHF long-range surveillance radar, according to Richard Fisher, a senior fellow with the US-based International Assessment and Strategy Center.
China would no doubt digest any performance data for use in a potential conflict with the US, which could be sparked by disputes over Taiwan, Senkaku Island or the South China Sea.
But the lessons would flow both ways. The Pentagon would scoop up wartime electronic emissions from the Chinese systems, and moreover, could test its own methods of countering the kind of anti-access/area denial (A2/AD) strategies and technologies that China is developing.
Fisher said the multiple types of Chinese radar strongly suggest that Beijing has been “providing much of the secure electronic infrastructure critical to the regime’s survival.”
He said Beijing has in the past used Chinese telecommunications firms to “militarily support its dictator clients” against the US. In the late 1990s, such firms linked Saddam Hussein’s radars via fiberoptic cables to better target US aircraft enforcing the U.S. no-fly zone.
“American fighter-bombers were actually bombing these cable nodes, that the Chinese would then rebuild,” he said.
A more urgent question is just how much of a threat the Chinese-augmented air-defense system would pose to attacking US planes.
Syria has 120 surface-to-air missile (SAM) sites armed with a mix of Russian and old Soviet systems: SA-2, SA-3, SA-5, and SA-6. It has 50 EW facilities with a mix of Chinese and Russian systems, said Sean O’Connor, editor of IMINT & Analysis, a US-based newsletter.
Modern Chinese EW radars can detect US low-observable aircraft and perhaps even very-low-observable ones, O’Connor said. Particularly effective are the two 500-km JY-27 radars delivered in 2006, now deployed north and south of the city of Palmyra in central Syria.
“The range of the JY-27 permits either site to monitor the bulk of Syrian airspace, along with a significant amount of the surrounding region,” he said.
Little is known directly about the less-capable Type 120 radar, but it is a derivative of the JY-29/LSS-1 2D radar, which can track 72 targets out to 200 km.
“The more refined Type 120 may improve on these specifications, but they are a logical baseline,” O’Connor said.
O’Connor said the Type 120 likely acquires only range and azimuth data, making it best suited to supporting other radars. He said that China itself deploys the 120 with the HQ-9 and HQ-12 SAM systems, but that Syria might use it as a dedicated EW asset.
Syria has four Type 120 radar sites: Dar Ta`izzah, Baniyas, Tartus, and Kafr Buhum, O’Connor said. The JY-29s were initially misidentified in Syria as the F-band radar JY-11B Hunter-1 radars.
The 320-km JYL-1 3D radar is deployed at Kafr Buhum, O’Connor said. The radar has been misidentified in the past as the Chinese-built YLC-2V High Guard 3D long-range surveillance radar.
There is some question as to whether the Chinese sensors can pass data directly to the Soviet weapons, O’Connor said.
Credit Osnet Daily
‘Turkey deploys military units along Syria border’

Turkey has deployed military units along its southern border with Syria, reports say amid speculations that the US may launch a military strike against the Arab country.
Turkish news agency Dogan said on Thursday that a 20-vehicle convoy with a tank contingent was deployed to the border area of Yayladagi in Hatay province on Wednesday, and was followed by 15 more vehicles Thursday, AFP reported.
Tanks, missile launchers and anti-aircraft guns on hilltops near the border town of Kilis were aimed at Syria, state-run TRT television said.
State-run news agency Anatolia also said that an already enlarged troop presence on the southern border would also be reinforced.
Six Patriot missile batteries, supplied by fellow NATO members, have been also been deployed in the area, which would be used in the event of a military action in Syria.
Turkey, which has sided with the militants fighting to oust President Bashar al-Assad, has a border with Syria that stretches for more than 900 kilometers (559 miles).
The United States and its allies, including Turkey, say there should be an attack on Syria in response to alleged use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government.
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan reiterated on Wednesday that Turkey would take part in any international coalition against Syria.
"We have said that we are ready to take part in any kind of coalition and we perceive this as a coalition of volunteers," Erdogan said without elaborating, shortly before leaving for the Group of 20 meeting in the Russian city of St. Petersburg.
Washington says it has obtained evidence proving the Syrian army was behind the chemical attack near Damascus on August 21, which killed hundreds of Syrians.
The Syrian government has repeatedly said that the deadly attack was carried out by militants operating inside the country in a bid to draw in a foreign military intervention.
A former member of a city council in Hatay province has told Press TV that the chemical weapons used in last month’s attack in Syria were transported from Turkey.
“Four months ago, Turkish security forces found a two-kilogram cylinder with sarin gas after searching the homes of Syrian militants from the al-Qaeda and al-Nusra. They are using our borders to take the gas into Syria,” Mohamad Gunes said.
“The Syrian president has no reason to kill his own people,” he added.
People in the southern province also said the weapons were used by the al-Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front militants and not the Syrian government.
"America and Israel had al-Qaeda use chemical weapons in order to push us into war; none of us wants war here. In the history of Hatay, we all lived peacefully side by side, now there is Mossad, CIA and al-Qaeda all over the place. We are worried that they might use chemical weapons against us,” said Farid Mainy, a Hatay resident and an activist.
The residents believe the Turkish government is allowing the transfer of weapons because Ankara is trying to create a pretext in order to wage war on its neighbor.
Syria has been gripped by deadly unrest since 2011. According to reports, the Western powers and their regional allies -- especially Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey -- are supporting the militants operating inside Syria.
In a statement issued on Tuesday, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said the number of Syrian refugees, who have fled the country’s 29-month-long conflict, reached two million.
“Syria is hemorrhaging women, children and men who cross borders often with little more than the clothes on their backs,” the UNHCR said.
The UN refugee agency also said some 4.2 million people have also been displaced inside Syria since the beginning of the conflict in the Arab country.
US will definitely pay price of attack on Syria: Leader
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has warned the US against attacking Syria, saying Washington will certainly pay the price for such a venture.
“We believe that the Americans are committing a folly and mistake in Syria and will accordingly take the blow and definitely suffer,” Ayatollah Khamenei said in address to members of the Assembly of Experts in Tehran on Thursday.
The Leader said the main objective of the global arrogance is to dominate the Middle East, with Israel in the saddle, controlling everything.
“The goal of the recent issues regarding Syria, which started under the pretext of chemical weapons, is also the same, but the Americans are trying through rhetoric and word-manipulation to pretend that they are entering this issue for a humane goal.”
Ayatollah Khamenei, however, stressed that that US politicians do not care about humanitarian issues at all.
“Americans are making humanitarian claims at a time when their track record includes [the atrocities at] Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib prisons, silence over Saddam’s use of chemical weapons in Halabja and Iranian cities, as well as the massacre of innocent people of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq.”
Ayatollah Khamenei pointed out that what is going on in the region “is indeed the reaction of the global arrogance, led by the US, to the Islamic Awakening.”
“The presence of the global arrogance in the region is [based on] aggression, bullying and avarice, and is aimed at crushing any resistance against this presence. The arrogance front, however, has not been and will not be able to eliminate this resistance [front],” the Leader added.
Elsewhere in his remarks, the Leader referred to the ongoing turmoil in Egypt, noting that if Egypt had stood up against Israel and had not fallen for US promises, the deposed Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak would not have been freed from prison and those elected by the Egyptian people put behind the bars and tried.
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