America Warships to China
Sixteen days ago, President Obama and Chinese President Xi sounded as if they were moving forward in a positive manner. The only real point of contention when the two world leaders met at the White House was Taiwan. Oh, on paper, it appears that China’s dispute is with Vietnam, Malaysia, and the Philippines. Look at the map below and make a note of what Island lies just north of the disputed area. It is Taiwan. This conflict is also about China buidling a defensive perimeter in the South China Sea and using it as a defensive perimeter, in a manner similar to what the Japanese did nearly three quarters of a century ago.
The New and Emboldened China
China is increasingly aggressive, almost to the point of forming a quasi-naval blockade in and around the disputed territories which are a point of disagreement between China, her neighbors and the United States. It is critical to keep in mind that every dispute in the region, for China, begins and ends with Taiwan and Taiwan lies just north of the disputed area. These unfolding events in the South China Sea is also about the unfolding of the new Chinese hegemony, or, the establishment of the most recent flavor of the New World Order.
A Brief History of the Conflict Between China and Taiwan
For those who don’t understand why China and Taiwan are at odds, it goes back to 1948, when Chinese communist forces, led by Mao Zedong, ousted the Chinese government under Chiang Kai Shek. The original Chinese regime fled to the Island of Formosa, now called Taiwan. Mainland China has always viewed Taiwan as a rogue state that actually belongs to the communist Chinese. Taiwan has emerged as America’s seventh most significant trading partner. An economically health Taiwan is essential to what is left of the U.S. economy. Ignoring the long-term significance of Taiwan in the South China Sea controversy is like ignoring the 800 pound gorilla in the room.
An Uneasy Peace
On September 25
th, when Chinese President XI exited the White House, it appeared the two super powers had reached an uneasy, yet mutually agreed upon set of policies regarding Chinese military activities in and around the disputed territories. Below is an excerpt of
President Obama’s summation of the meeting between the two Presidents.

Xi Jinping and Obama
“…We did have candid discussions on the East and South China Seas, and I reiterated the right of all countries to freedom of navigation and overflight and to unimpeded commerce. As such, I indicated that the United States will continue to sail, fly and operate anywhere that international law allows. I conveyed to President Xi our significant concerns over land reclamation, construction and the militarization of disputed areas, which makes it harder for countries in the region to resolve disagreements peacefully. And I encouraged a resolution between claimants in these areas. We are not a claimant; we just want to make sure that the rules of the road are upheld.
I reiterated my strong commitment, as well, to our One-China policy based on the Three Joint Communiqués and the Taiwan Relations Act…
The Surface Nature of the Dispute

China’s rapidly growing perimeter which will protect Chinese invasion forces when they attack Taiwan.

Vietnam, Malaysia and most of all, the Philippines are impacted by aggressive Chinese action in the region in which the Chinese are constructing militarized islands which are serving as an impediment to free trade. The areas of Malaysia, Indonesia, and Vietnam could provide the Chinese war machine with virtually unlimited supplies of oil, rubber and other raw materials needed to maintain a sustainable Chinese war effort if China is able to dominate the region.
An Uneasy Peace Was Disrupted In Two Weeks
Obama and Xi Jinping’s apparent agreement has gone up in smoke- The Chinese have escalated their military activities in the region. This represents a 180 degree turn around from what had been apparently decided upon in the leaders’ meeting on September 25, 2015.

The Navy briefs the media, the public and its Asian allies on America’s intent to challenge the territorial waters of the artificially created Chinese Islands which threatens the freedom of the seas in the region.
What Went Wrong?
On September 25, 2015, Obama appeared to have the situation well in hand. However, China has not limited their aggressive military actions in that part of the world, they have increased their hostile actions. What went wrong? What went wrong is that Obama got punched in the mouth by Vladimir Putin and Obama did nothing about it. Only a couple of days removed from the Chinese-American accords related to the South China Sea, Russia launched military operations against ISIS inside of Syria. Obama is still searching for the right words to respond to Putin’s aggression.
The Chinese are now emboldened and obviously see Obama as the weak sister that he is and have subsequently increased their aggression in the South China Sea. On the surface, and with the announcement that Obama is sending a fleet to the South China Sea as a show of force, it appears that the world has yet another flash point that could start World War III. However, I think the Chinese are going to mock this Presidential paper tiger and ignore this fleet while they continue to militarize these artificially constructed Islands.
Is Obama Being Presidential?
Is Obama merely trying to fulfill his role as the President, but he has been outmaneuvered by botht the Chinese and the Russians at the same time. Or, is he, as I have alleged several times, playing his role in contributing to the demise of America by merely appearing to be indecisive and weak?
If Obama had done anything to improve America since his initial election, I might not be able to aasert that he is a traitor. As an American citizen, short of giving you an Obama phone, has this President done anything that has improved your life? Middle class? Christians? Constitutionalists? Veterans? I could go on, but you get the idea. Obama is appearing to be somewhat Presidential, but every move is a day late and a dollar short.
Obama, in an attempt to look Presidential, is emulating FDR’s World War II 8 Point Plan strategy in the South China Sea. It is doomed to failure and will only invite an attack upon American forces by China as did the 8 Point Plant prior to World War II.
History Repeats Itself
It was called the 8 Point Plan, or the McCollum memo and in the memo was the path to the beginning of World War II. It strongly appears that the Obama administration is following the first 5 steps of the 8 Point Plan which resulted in the Japanese attacking Pearl Harbor.
The McCollum memo contained an eight-part plan to counter rising Japanese power over East Asia:
A. Make an arrangement with Britain for the use of British bases in the Pacific, particularly Singapore.
B. Make an arrangement with the Netherlands for the use of base facilities and acquisition of supplies in the Dutch East Indies
C. Give all possible aid to the Chinese government of Chiang-Kai-Shek
D. Send a division of long range heavy cruisers to the Orient, Philippines, or Singapore
E. Send two divisions of submarines to the Orient
Less than one year, later an encircled Japanese government attacked Pearl Harbor in order to keep American naval forces away from their aggressive intentions toward their Asian neighbors. The Japanese then began to invade and occupy several Pacific Islands (e.g. Guam, Wake, and the Philippines). This was Japan’s creation of a defensive perimeter so they could continue to invade British and Dutch held territories in Asia which were resource rich with raw materials needed by the Japanese war machine.
An increasing number of historians believe that FDR was trying to provoke an attack upon the United States so that the US could enter the war and defeat Germany before they could develop nuclear weapons. FDR thought that provoking Japan was America’s ticket into the war and a Japanese “sneak attack” would wake up the war fever of a slumbering America that wanted to stay out of WW II.
Obama, like FDR before him is ratcheting up tensions as he has pledged military aid to the area and is sailing his ships into a potential war zone as did FDR before him. Obama has pledged support for America’s Asian allies. Obama is clearly intent on militarizing the area. Obama wants to and needs to start WW III with China. The motivations for his actions are described in the following paragraphs. If Obama is loyal President, he is merely incompetent if he thinks this strategy can work. More than likely, he is carrying out his role as a Manchurian Candidate and is leading America to the doorstep of destruction. It is becoming clear to me that the latter is true and Obama is taking his marching orders from the Bank of International Settlements and not the Federal Reserve. The BIS wants war, a war of political and economic unification. The Federal Reserve merely wants to preserve the Petrodollar.
What Has Brought the World to This Point?

The BRICS have attacked the sacred Federal Reserve by undermining the Petrodollar.
When Iran began to sell oil for gold to China, Russia and India, this was a de facto declaration of war. The US has staggering debt and without the backing of its currency by the Petrodollar, in which every nation must purchase dollars to buy oil, the dollar would hyper-inflate overnight. The BRICS as they are called are led by China and Russia and they moving the world away from the Petrodollar. Subsequently, it is only a matter of time until the bottom falls out of the US economy. The Federal Reserve wanted to invade Syria and Iran and put a stop to the undermining of the Petrodollar just as they did in Iraq in Gulf War I. However, for the past three years, Russia has checkmated Obama and the Federal Reserve and as a result Iran has grown stronger and the BRICS are destroying the US economy. For the Federal Reserve to survive they now have to go to war against the BRICS. Since they have been ousted in Syria, China seems the best place to start World War III.
China Has Goals Too
The Chinese word for crisis is translated as opportunity. The coming conflict in the South China Sea would allow China, with a victory, to expand its defensive perimeter, just like Japan did 70 years ago. It would also allow them to posture to take back Taiwan which lies north of the tension filled area.
This scenario will be further explored in a series of future articles. We might not be at war by Christmas, but then again, we might. It is not a matter of if World War III is going to happen, it is a matter of when.
In summary, Obama is allowing our forces to be drawn into every hotspot in the world. As a result, this President, who reduced troop strength to pre-World War II levels, has set the United States up for military failure. All of a suddent, what Doug Hagmann and Steve Quayle have been saying for the past few years is taking on new and clear meaning.
Credit to Common Sense