Tuesday, July 19, 2016
As “The Final Roman Emperor Nears”, Conservative Catholics Say Pope Is “Antichrist” And True Secrets Of Fatima Are Set To Explode With End-Times Apocalyptica

Critics claim that successive popes “suppressed” the information until the year 2000 when John Paul II deemed that its publication was appropriate. His secretary of state, Cardinal Angelo Sodano, declared that the third secret was the Virgin Mary’s prophesy of the attempted assassination of John Paul on 13th May 1981.
The announcement was received by many Catholics with incredulity.
An “interpretation” by another of John Paul’s top officials, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, only added to the international outcry. Traditionalist Catholics denounced it as part of the “heresy” that had infiltrated the papacy since the modernising Second Vatican Council in the 1960s.
Many Catholics have long believed that the third secret predicted a satanic takeover of the Catholic faith and that each pope since the Second Vatican Council has been the Antichrist.
Credit to skywatchtv.com
Credit to skywatchtv.com
Will We See Progress on the Third Temple Next Month?
“Even them will I bring to My holy mountain, and make them joyful in My house of prayer; their burnt-offerings and their sacrifices shall be acceptable upon Mine altar; for My house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples.” Isaiah 56:7 (The Israel Bible™)

A model of the Second Holy Temple (Photo: Shutterstock.com)
Since the month of July, 2016 began, Israel appears to be experiencing new energy around the Temple Mount.
The funeral for 13 year-old Hallel Ariel who was stabbed to death as she lay in her bed in the Israeli city of Kiryat Arba, not far from the Biblical city of Hebron, took place on July 1. Hallel is the daughter of Rina Ariel, a well-known Temple activist and one of the founders of Women for the Mikdash (Temple).
On Tuesday, July 12, just after Hallel’s family completed the 7-day mourning period, her parents gathered hundreds of supporters to rename the one gate through which non-Muslims are allowed to enter the Temple Mount in memory of their slain daughter. Hallel’s father recited a version of the Priestly Blessing when he ascended the Temple Mount that morning.
In between these events, international Bible Code expert Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson released a new Bible Code video he called “Temple will come down to Jerusalem 5776 in bible code.”
At the 3:15 mark, Glazerson points to a Bible code that translates as “God will inform on the 15th of [the Hebrew month of] Av.” This year, the 15th of Av corresponds to Friday, August 19.
“We don’t know exactly what it refers to,” commented Glazerson, but the clear implication is that God will notify us about something important having to do with the Temple on the 15th of Av.
What is the significance of the 15th of Av in the Hebrew calendar? Glazerson opens the 5-minute video with a quote from the 19th century Rabbi Zadok ha-Kohen of Lublin who wrote that “the 15th of [the Hebrew month of] Av is the time for building the Beit HaMikdash (the Holy Temple) since on that date the sin of the spies was.”
The spies Rabbi Zadok ha-Kohen was referring to were the group of 12 sent by Moses to scout out the Land of Israel prior to the Israelites’ entry (Numbers 13). Of the dozen men sent to report on the land, ten of them returned with scathing criticisms of the Holy Land.
Their speaking against Israel was an egregious sin which is marked each year on the 9th of Av with a day of mourning and a full 25-hour fast. The 9th of Av is also the anniversary of the destruction of the First and Second Temples and a host of other tragedies in Jewish history.
As a result of the evil report delivered about the Land, that generation of adult men was sentenced to death. Each year during the 40 years in the desert, on the 9th of Av, a percentage of the men died. On the 15th of Av in the 40th year after leaving Egypt, the annual deaths ceased. To this day, the 15th of Av is a minor day of celebration in the Jewish calendar.
Turning to the table at the 1:44 mark, Glazerson points to the code that means the Temple will descend. This is a reference to the idea, expressed in multiple Jewish sources, that the Third Temple will be brought down from Heaven. This code was found right next to the words Moshiach (Messiah) and Yerushalayim (Jerusalem).
Nearby, Glazerson points to a clear reference to the current Hebrew year, which ends at nightfall on Sunday, October 2, 2016 ahead of the Jewish holiday Rosh Hashana. Attached to the date, Glazerson points out the code for “it will be shining”.
Answering the question, “What will be shining?”, he identifies the word haShechinah. A difficult word to translate, haShechinah refers to dwelling of God’s divine presence in this world. Throughout rabbinic literature, it is associated with the Tabernacle, the First Temple and the Third Temple, which are considered dwelling places for the Shechinah.
To make the association between the Shechinah and the Temple even stronger, Glazerson points out the words mihahar (from the mountain). From which mountain will the Shechinah come? In answer to the question, the code for Moriah is right there. Mt. Moriah is the site where King Solomon built the First Temple.
Then Shlomo began to build the house of Hashem at Yerushalayim in mount Moriah, where [Hashem] appeared unto David his father; for which provision had been made in the Place of David, in the threshingfloor of Ornan the Jebusite. 2 Chronicles 3:1
Moriah was also the place where the binding of Isaac took place.
And He said: ‘Take now thy son, thine only son, whom thou lovest, even Yitzchak, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt-offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of.’ Genesis 22:2
As always, Glazerson is careful to conclude by clarifying that the appearance of the Temple on Mt. Moriah next month is conditional on the Godly behavior of the Jewish people. Bible codes are not meant to predict, but to indicate that certain times are auspicious, if the conditions are right.
Credit to breakingisraelnews.com
Read more at http://www.breakingisraelnews.com/72065/bible-codes-suggest-summer-ripe-building-third-temple/#3k8jlGocMGxQkAm0.99
The Worst (Fake?) Coup Ever Has Enthroned Erdogan As A Dictator And Has Sealed Turkey’s Fate

If you are going to conduct a military coup, the very first thing that should be on your list is to decapitate the current leadership structure. But even though hundreds were killed and approximately 1,400 people were injured during the short-lived conflict, not a single high ranking official was killed or captured.
I don’t know if I have ever heard of a coup where that didn’t happen. How do you not get a single high ranking official? Either the planners of this coup were completely incompetent, or it was fake. And yes, it is entirely possible that only a small portion of the military was involved and this effort represented the best that they could do to try to rescue Turkey from the grip of a ruthless dictator. Maybe they were hoping that once they lit a spark the public would rally to their cause.
But I don’t know if I am buying that explanation. There are just way too many inconsistencies.
For instance, according to Reuters F-16s that were controlled by the opposition could have fired on Erdogan’s plane and taken him out, but they didn’t…
“At least two F-16s harassed Erdogan’s plane while it was in the air and en route to Istanbul. They locked their radars on his plane and on two other F-16s protecting him,” a former military officer with knowledge of the events told Reuters.“Why they didn’t fire is a mystery,” he said.
To me, that simply defies a normal explanation.
In addition, soldiers that took part in the “coup” said “that they thought that they were taking part in military exercises”…
Soldiers arrested during a failed coup attempt in Turkey told interrogators that they thought that they were taking part in military exercises.A group of 678 troops and 10 officers, headed by a colonel, was detained by authorities at Ataturk International Airport overnight.During the interrogations, some of the soldiers claimed that, initially, they had no idea that they were taking part in an attempt to topple the government, thinking that it was just a military drill.“Only when people began to climb on the tanks, we understood everything,” the soldiers said, according to Hurriyet newspaper.
If this is true, then the soldiers were just as surprised as everyone else.
To me, this whole thing stinks. Either it was the worst military coup that I have ever seen in my lifetime, or it was a giant theater production.
In any event, President Erdogan is taking full advantage of it. His popularity in Turkey is now off the charts, and he is going to have power to do virtually anything he wants at this point…
Still, the coup appears to have boosted Erdogan’s popularity. Clapping, singing and dancing, thousands of government backers celebrated the defeat of the coup in public squares in Ankara and Istanbul into the wee hours Sunday, bolstering support for the man who’s led Turkey for over 13 years.Erdogan’s survival has turned him into a “sort of a mythical figure” and could further erode democracy in Turkey, said Soner Cagaptay, director of the Turkish research program at The Washington Institute.
In public remarks, Erdogan described the coup as “a gift from God”, and he has spoken of the need to “cleanse” the government and the military. So far since the end of the “coup”, approximately 6,000 officials have already been rounded up…
Turkey widened a crackdown on suspected supporters of a failed military coup on Sunday, taking the number of people rounded up in the armed forces and judiciary to 6,000, and the government said it was in control of the country and economy.Supporters of President Tayyip Erdogan gathered in front of his Istanbul home to call for the plotters to face the death penalty, which Turkey outlawed in 2004 as part of its efforts to join the European Union.“We cannot ignore this demand,” Erdogan told the chanting crowd. “In democracies, whatever the people say has to happen.”
This number includes at least 2,745 judges. I don’t even know that it is possible to put together a list of specific judges that you want to target that is that long in just a couple of days. Obviously this was a list that someone had developed before the “coup” ever took place, and now this “coup” has handed Erdogan the perfect opportunity to round them all up.
And you may have heard tales of what goes on in Turkish prisons. The Turks are known for being absolutely brutal, and many of those that have been rounded up are already paying a tremendous price…
Pictures on social media showed detained soldiers stripped from the waist up, some wearing only their underpants, handcuffed and lying packed together on the floor of a sports hall where they were being held in Ankara.One video on Twitter showed detained generals with bruises and bandages.
As for Erdogan, this is just par for the course. Those that follow Turkey closely know that he has already been acting like a modern day version of Adolf Hitler for years. The following comes from Ralph Peters…
Key opposition figures have been driven into exile or banned. Opposition parties have been suppressed. Recent elections have not been held so much as staged. And Erdogan has torn the fresh scab from the Kurdish wound, fostering civil war in Turkey’s southeast for his own political advantage.Erdogan has packed Turkey’s courts with Islamists. He appointed pliant, pro-Islamist generals and admirals, while staging show trials of those of whom he wished to rid the country. He has de facto, if not yet de jure, curtailed women’s freedoms. He dissolved the wall between mosque and state (Friday night, he used mosques’ loudspeakers to call his supporters into the streets). Not least, he had long allowed foreign fighters to transit Turkey to join ISIS and has aggressively backed other extremists whom he believed he could manage.
At this point, there is essentially nothing standing in the way of Turkey becoming a radical Islamic dictatorship. Anyone that dares to be critical of Erdogan is dealt with ruthlessly. In fact, 1,845 “journalists, writers and critics” have been arrested for “insulting the president” since 2014 alone.
Yes, that is actually a crime in Turkey.
Erdogan envisions himself as the one that will recapture the glory of the old Ottoman Empire, and to show how great he is, he had the largest presidential palace in the entire world built for himself. If you can believe it, it is actually 30 times larger than the White House…
The £400 million palace of Turkey’s President Erdogan is the biggest in the world. It is also a monstrosity. Thirty times the size of the White House, all the seats of government of Turkey’s Nato allies could be contained inside its vast marble halls and endless corridors.
Just who in the world does this guy think that he is, and what does he have planned next?
Unfortunately for the people of Turkey, they are not going to get rid of this dictator any time soon, and he is going to take them much farther down the road toward becoming a truly radical Islamic state.
Credit to End Of the American Dream
Baton Rouge, Nice, Dallas, Orlando – A Dark And Distressing Time Has Descended Upon The Civilized World

The shooter who killed three law enforcement officers and wounded three others in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, on Sunday was a Missouri man who launched a deadly rampage on his 29th birthday, police sources said.Gavin Long, who was born on July 17, 1987, was the man who gunned down officers before he was killed in a gunbattle with other officers responding to the shootings.Two Baton Rouge police officers — ages 41 and 49 — died, said Police Chief Carl Dabadie. The gunman also killed a 45-year-old sheriff’s deputy and critically wounded a 41-year-old deputy who is “fighting for his life,” said East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff Sid Gautreaux.
So what motivated Long to commit this horrible crime?
Here is what the Daily Caller found…
A Youtube account operated by Gavin Eugene Long and discovered by The Daily Caller reveals key insight into what might have motivated the 29-year-old black man who killed three Baton Rouge police officers Sunday morning.Videos on Long’s account show that he was a former Nation of Islam member. He also ranted against “crackers” and made references to Alton Sterling, the black man killed by police in Baton Rouge on July 5.
Did Long actually believe that gunning down innocent police officers would honor the memory of Alton Sterling?
Sadly, it appears that there are a lot of other people out there that feel the exact same way that Long did. In fact, there were a number of people that were openly celebrating the shooting of police officers in Baton Rouge on Twitter and calling for more cops to be killed.
This country is starting to come apart at the seams, and from now on it is going to be very, very dangerous to be a police officer in America. Perhaps you may not have heard of this yet, but there was actually another plot to kill police officers in Baton Rouge that was foiled ahead of time…
Police in Baton Rouge were on high alert earlier this week after a gang – including boys aged just 12 and 13 – were arrested as they tried to steal handguns as part of a ‘substantial, credible threat’ to harm police officers in Baton Rouge.Authorities discovered the alleged plot while responding to a burglary at a pawn shop early on June 9.They arrested one suspect – Antonio Thomas, 17 – at the scene with a handgun and a BB gun.During questioning, Thomas said that he and three other suspects stole the firearms and ‘were going to get bullets to shoot police,’ authorities said.
And another police officer was shot on Sunday in Milwaukee while he was just sitting in his squad car…
A Milwaukee police officer was shot in a “vicious” attack early Sunday as he sat in his squad car while colleagues investigated a domestic disturbance call, an official said.The suspected shooter, identified by police as a 20-year-old West Allis man with two felonies on his record, was found dead in a nearby yard, they said.The incident began as a response to a domestic disturbance call near South 17th Street and West Morgan Avenue at about 2 a.m. During that investigation, someone fired shots into the squad car, striking an officer “multiple” times,” Asst. Police Chief William Jessup said in a morning press conference.
Can you imagine the stress that many police officers and their families are feeling these days?
Could you imagine leaving home each day realizing that there is a huge target painted on your chest and that you might not make it home that night to see your family?
I am sure that a lot of law enforcement officers are having some very serious family discussions these days. And I am sure that a lot of them are actually considering leaving law enforcement altogether. All it takes is a single bullet to change your life forever, and right now there are way too many people out there that want to harm anyone in a police uniform.
I think that a recent piece by Scott G. Erickson put it very succinctly…
What feelings must resonate within the patrolman who is responding to a call of domestic violence or simple larceny? Am I the next target? Is this really a routine call for service or is it an ambush?No longer can the patrolman simply worry about the reported crime itself but rather he or she must approach these events as though they are potentially walking into the next Dallas or Baton Rouge.And that is no way to function as a police officer. The stress, strain, and uncertainty would be unbearable.
And it isn’t just police officers that need to be concerned about the rising violence.
The Republican National Convention is next week, and it could be a big, fat, juicy target for Islamic terrorists, police haters, or anyone else that is out to make some sort of huge statement. There are going to be thousands of people protecting the convention, but there are still concerns that something unexpected may happen…
The sunny celebration butts uncomfortably against a massive security operation that shows the other side of Cleveland’s big moment. City and U.S. officials are preparing for the worst, aware that tensions over race relations and police use of force, as well as reaction to Trump’s polarizing campaign, could result in violence on the streets.Clevelanders are also aware of the backdrop for their convention: the mass shooting in Orlando that killed 50 people in June, the sniper attack that killed five Dallas police this month, and the truck assault that killed 84 this week in Nice.
Let us hope and pray for safety in Cleveland, and let us hope and pray that tensions ease in major cities all over the nation.
A dark and distressing time has descended upon the civilized world, and virtually everywhere you look anger and frustration are rising to very dangerous levels.
We were warned that this might be a “summer of chaos”, and so far that has definitely been the case. Let us hope that things start to cool off before events start to spiral completely out of control.
Credit to Economic Collapse
Opponents of a central bank should take advantage of the post-Brexit vote revival of secessionist sentiments to promote a secession from central banking, or “Fed-exit.” Ending the Federal Reserve’s monopoly on money is the key to restoring and maintaining our liberty and prosperity.
By manipulating the money supply to fix interest rates, the Federal Reserve engages in price fixing. After all, interest rates are nothing more than the price of money. Like all prices, they communicate information about economic conditions to market actors. Federal Reserve attempts to override the market rate of interest with a Fed-favored rate distort the price signals sent to businesses, investors, and consumers. The result of this distortion is a Fed-created boom, followed by a Fed-created bust.
The Fed’s action affects the entire economy and impacts the lives of all Americans, as well as of people around the world. Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that the attempt to fix interest rates is the most harmful example of price fixing.
Many who normally oppose government intervention in the marketplace claim that central banking could work if only the Fed adhered to a monetary rule. Supporters of a “rules-based” monetary policy claim that a rules-based approach will bring stability and predictability to monetary policy, and thus put the economy on a path to permanent prosperity. But under a rules-based monetary policy, the Federal Reserve retains the power to manipulate interest rates. So under a rules-based approach, investors and entrepreneurs would still receive distorted price signals, which would still result in a boom-bust cycle. No rule can fix the flaws inherent in our system of monetary central planning.
In recent years, many progressives have joined libertarians and conservatives in criticizing the Federal Reserve. Progressive Fed critics often focus on the ways the Fed’s policies benefit big banks, Wall Street, and other special interests, and how the policies harm average Americans. Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, many progressives do not want a free market in money. Instead they want a more “democratic” Fed. Thus, progressives favor, for example, requiring that more members of the Fed’s board be confirmed by the US Senate. They also favor putting representatives of “public interest” groups on the Fed’s board.
The Fed’s progressive critics are correct that big banks together with powerful financial institutions have too much influence on monetary policy. While implementing progressive reforms may reduce Wall Street’s influence on monetary policy, it will likely also strengthen the influence of the deep state — that network of crony capitalists, lobbyists, congressional staffers, and others who work behind the scenes to control our economic and foreign policies.
Many progressives believe that middle- and working-class Americans would benefit from a more “stimulative” (meaning inflationary) monetary policy. Saying that inflation would help the average American turns reality on its head. Middle- and working-class Americans are the main victims of the Fed’s inflation tax. Average Americans also suffer the most when the bubble created by the Fed’s inflationary “stimulus” inevitably bursts. The true beneficiaries of inflation are crony capitalists and big-spending politicians.
Instead of fruitless efforts aimed at “reform” of the Fed, those concerned with restoring a true free market, reducing economic inequality, and promoting peace and prosperity for all should work for a “Fed-exit.” The first step, of course, is to pass Audit the Fed.
Once Congress and the people learn the full truth about the Fed, they can begin to consider the best ways to Fed-exit. There are a number of steps that can and should be taken toward that goal that I will outline in a future column.
This article first appeared at RonPaulInstitute.org.
Credit to Infowars
More than 20 injured by Afghan child refugee wielding axe on train in Germany
The attack took place on a train in the region of Wurzburg, in the Bavaria region in the center of the country.
A large number of emergency vehicles are now at the scene, tending to people who were hurt in the deranged attack, while an air ambulance is currently en route.
Four of the victims are thought to be in a critical condition, while at least fourteen have moderate injuries. Others have minor injuries.

The Wurzburg-Heidingsfeld to Ochsenfurt train line has now been closed in the wake of the attack.
The incident took place on a regional train which was busy with late evening commuters.
The terror threat level in Germany is currently high, with British tourists warned to take care when travelling.

The UK Foreign Office advises: "There is a high threat from terrorism.
"The German government has announced that increased security has been put in place as a precaution at public buildings, major events, transport hubs and large public gatherings."
Credit to The Express.co.uk
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