Friday, September 1, 2017
SABOTEURS PART 4: Was Zenith 2016 Just Fulfilled?

Is Charlottesville, whose “Unite the Right” organizer Jason Kessler was until recently a Soros paid Occupy Wall St. activist and far-left Obama supporter [i] a sign of things to come? Are such paid antagonists together with “globalists, bankers, Islamists and establishment Republicans” [ii]pushing America toward an ancient scheme organized by occultists for “Ordo ab Chao” (Order out of Chaos) to facilitate the apocalyptic strongman the Bible calls Antichrist? Is the Man of Sin here now and is he set to take the global stage with empty promises of peace? Shockingly, it appears his arrival is not only imminent but was foresaw by ancient seers as specifically tied to this tumultuous hour—the very years 2016-2017.
But let’s back up a minute.
Almost ten years ago, I released the book Apollyon Rising that was later updated and rereleased as Zenith 2016 due to important information I came across after publishing of the first version, which many consider my seminal work and magnum opus. I hope, with the release of Saboteurs, to surpass that affirmation as I truly believe this work to be the most important, concerning and timely research I’ve done since (or, as those nearest to me are saying, ever).
Besides having a full year in 2009 to travel, interview, and research related topics as well as taking the sabbatical I needed for the actual writing, what made Zenith unusual was the big question about why so many ancients—some from hundreds of years ago and some from much farther back—foresaw the year 2016 specifically as the date when the Messiah, or, alternatively, the Antichrist, would arrive on earth, with most believing “his” presence would become known to a select few in 2016 but remain unrecognized by wider populations until slowly “he” is revealed for who and what he actually is at the appropriate time in the immediate years following. Even a major Sunni website set these dates years before Trump’s election after studying the ancient Quran and Hadith, saying:
Based on our numerical analysis…the official beginning of the End of Time and the coming of the Imam Mahdi [their Messiah, but for others like Joel Richardson, the Antichrist] will most likely be in…2016 and Jesus Christ will come down from Heaven to Earth in 2022 [that’s the date when the new star mentioned at the end of Part 3 of this series appears in the heavens, which was not published or known back when these Muslims set their dates].[iii]
Some of the most ancient prognosticators that intrigued me in Zenith for whom the years 2016-2017 appeared prophetically significant are as follows:
Prophecy from the Zohar on “Messiah’s” Arrival
Widely considered the most important work of Jewish Kabbalah, the Zohar is a collection of books written in medieval Aramaic over seven hundred years ago containing mystical commentary on the Pentateuch (five books of Moses, the Torah). In addition to interpreting Scripture, the Vaera section (volume 3, section 34) includes, “The signs heralding Mashiach,” or, “The coming of the Messiah.” The fascinating date for “his” secret presentation to the rabbis in Israel was set in the Zohar for 2012–2013 (given the rejection of Jesus by orthodox Jews as Messiah, evangelicals would say this seven-hundred-year-old prediction indicates the Antichrist could have arrived circa 2012–2013).
And, sure enough, on the heels of that date, some of Israel’s foremost rabbis began behaving as if they knew something the rest of the world does not involving the arrival of “Messiah.” In addition to the ones I quoted earlier in this series who believe the Messianic era has started, Chaim Kanievsky—one of Israel’s most prominent rabbis, a leader of the Haredi branch of Judaism, and a recognized authority on Jewish law—has recently been warning his students not to leave the Holy Land, because, “The Messiah is already here. He will reveal himself very soon…. Don’t travel.”[iv]
The Eight-Hundred-Year-Old Prophecy of Rabbi Judah Ben Samuel and the Year 2017
Will the years immediately following 2016 be prophetically important for Israel and the world? According to an eight-hundred-year-old prophecy, it certainly could. Before he died of cancer, J. R. Church analyzed the ancient predictions of Rabbi Judah Ben Samuel and noted:
Ludwig Schneider, writing for Israel Today (March 2008) said, “Some 800 years ago in Germany, Rabbi Judah Ben Samuel was a top Talmudic scholar with an inclination for the mystical. Before he died in the year 1217, he prophesied that the Ottoman Turks would conquer Jerusalem and rule the Holy City for ‘eight Jubilee Years.’” A biblical Jubilee year consists of 50 years. Fifty multiplied by eight equals 400 years.
Afterwards, according to Ben Samuel, the Ottomans would be driven out of Jerusalem, which would remain a no-man’s land for one Jubilee year. In the tenth Jubilee year [2017]…the Messianic end times would begin.…
Looking back at Ben Samuel’s prediction, we should note that the Ottoman Empire did conquer Jerusalem in 1517, exactly 300 years after the rabbi’s death, and was defeated 400 years later in 1917.

“According to Leviticus 25, the nation is reunited with its land in the year of Jubilee. Therefore, the Jubilee year plays an important role in Israel’s history. In this case, the Jubilee began with the defeat and conquest of the Mamelukes in Jerusalem by the Ottoman Kingdom in 1517. The Turks reigned over Jerusalem until the British General Edmund Allenby defeated them exactly eight Jubilees later in 1917.
“Ben Samuel’s prophecy was fulfilled precisely because 1517 to 1917 is exactly 400 years. Afterward, Jerusalem was a no-man’s land for 50 years during the time of the British Mandate (1917–1967) and the time of Jordanian rule (1947–1967), another Jubilee year. During the Six Day War in 1967, Israel captured Jerusalem from Jordan and the city returned to the Jewish people after nearly two millennia of exile. After that, the countdown for the Messianic age began.”
Schneider assumes that since Rabbi Judah Ben Samuel’s prediction appears to be fulfilled to date, then 2017 should launch the beginning of the Messianic era.[v]
Protestant Reformers and What They Believed Would Start Following 2016
Among the turn-of-the-century Protestant reformers, an astonishing number of theologians believed the False Prophet and Antichrist would assume places of authority in 2016 and shortly thereafter ascend the world stage. The famous preacher Jonathan Edwards was convinced of this possibility and held a postmillennial view based on the 1,260 days the woman is in the wilderness in Revelation 12:6. He interpreted those days as the years when the true Church was to be oppressed by the papists. Clarence Goen writes of this, “Edwards considered that the most likely time for the…reign of Antichrist was 1260 years after AD 756 (the acceding of temporal power to the Pope),”[vi] which would place the (beginning) of Antichrist’s power squarely in 2016. When we were doing research for the book, Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope Is Here, we learned of this belief by Edwards and sought to verify it by examining a collection of his voluminous personal writings. We found confirmation within a series of his sermons preached at Northampton, Massachusetts, in 1739, on how history and prophecy coincide, and we published that letter in our book Petrus, showing how Edwards believed Antichrist would take a position of global authority in 2016 and thereafter become the final world leader.
As we also endeavored to demonstrate in Petrus, the pope’s rise to temporal power began when Pope Stephen began courting Pepin around 751 and then became a reality in 756 with the expulsion of the Lombards. We wrote how 756 placed the target sometime in 2016 as Edwards suspected. Around that same time during our investigation, we became aware of a sermon collection from the 1800s titled, “Lectures on the Revelation,” by the Reverend William J. Reid, pastor of First United Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, which were given over a period of time ending in March of 1876. Like Jonathan Edwards had over a hundred years earlier, Reid deduced that the False Prophet and Antichrist would arrive sometime around 2016. Soon we uncovered numerous other ancient examples in which the year 2016 was specifically foreseen as when the False Prophet and the Antichrist would be on earth, followed by the destruction of Rome. These included:
- The Theological Dictionary of Princeton University (1830)
- Critical Commentary and Paraphrase on the Old and New Testament by Lowth and Lowman (1822)
- The American Biblical Repository (1840)
- Notes on the Revelation of St. John by Lowman (1773)
- The Christian Spectator, “The Monthly” (1885)
- Abridgement of Ecclesiastical History (1776)
- The Works of the Rev. P. Doddridge, DD (1804)
- The International Sunday School Lessons Pub (1878)
- Character and Prospects on the Church of Rome in Two Discourses by the Rev. William Mackray (1829)
- The Panoplist and Missionary magazine (1809)
- Lectures on Romanism by Joseph F. Berg (1840)
- The Congregational Magazine for the Year (1834)
- The Presbyterian Magazine (1858)
Petrus Romanus and the Final Conclave

As also stated in our bestselling book, Petrus Romanus, the idea by some Catholics that the final pope from St. Malachy’s list heralds the beginning of “great apostasy” followed by “great tribulation” sets the stage for the imminent unfolding of apocalyptic events, something many non-Catholics would agree with. This could give rise to the False Prophet, who, according to the book of Revelation, leads the world’s religiouscommunities into embracing a political leader known as the Antichrist. This marriage of Church and secular government would give unprecedented global influence to the Man of Sin during the period known as the Great Tribulation.
In recent history, several Catholic priests—some deceased now—have been surprisingly outspoken on what they have seen as the inevitable danger of the False Prophet rising from within the ranks of Catholicism as a result of secret satanic “Illuminati-Masonic” influences. These priests used the term “Illuminati” not strictly as a reference to the Bavarian movement founded May 1, 1776, by Jesuit-taught Adam Weishaupt, but as indicative of a modern multinational power elite, the occult hierarchy operating behind current supranatural and global political machinations, such as Donald Trump is learning about. According to Catholic priests such as Father John F. O’Connor, Father Alfred Kunz, Father Malachi Martin, and others, among this secret society are sinister false Catholic infiltrators who understand that, as the Roman Catholic Church represents one-sixth of the world’s population and over half of all professing Christians, it is indispensable for controlling future global elements in matters of church and state.
In Petrus, we especially featured retired professor of the Pontifical Biblical Institute, eminent Catholic theologian, and former Jesuit priest, Malachi Martin, who was a close personal friend of Pope Paul VI and worked within the Holy See doing research on the Dead Sea Scrolls, publishing articles in journals on Semitic paleography, and teaching Aramaic, Hebrew, and Sacred Scripture. In 1965, Paul VI granted Martin a dispensation from his Jesuit and priestly duties, and Martin moved to New York, where he dedicated himself to writing about—and sometimes speaking out on—a variety of issues stemming from the Second Vatican Council, to detailed insider accounts of papal history, Catholic dogma, and geopolitics. As a member of the Vatican Advisory Council and personal secretary to renowned Jesuit Cardinal Augustin Bea, Martin had privileged information pertaining to secretive Church and world issues, including the Third Secret of Fátima, which many believe has never been released and that Martin hinted spelled out parts of a plan to formally install the dreaded False Prophet during a “Final Conclave.” In light of Pope Benedict’s resignation (which Cris Putnam and I accurately predicted to the month and year in our work) and the election of the first Jesuit to the pontificate, Martin’s book, Windswept House—in which he depicted how a pope would be secretly forced from office (Benedict?) and replaced by a Jesuit-backed leader who would help them establish a New World Order (Francis?)—comes vividly into view.Martin’s claim that this occult-empowered group had infiltrated the highest levels of Vatican administration and was working to bring about this New World Order may also have led to involvement by operatives of the same group concerning his untimely—some say “suspicious”—death in 1999. Was he murdered by the Masonic “Superforce” he had warned about as working behind the scenes, secretly acting to use the Vatican to bring about a global Antichrist system?
We investigated this conspiracy extensively in Petrus, and if you have not read that book, you should do so now as soon as you can.
Because a growing number of Catholic theologians, priests, and laity are increasingly concerned that Pope Francis may not only be the man from Malachy’s ancient “Prophecy of the Popes,” but the one Malachi Martin feared. [vii]
And it isn’t just conspiracy fruit-loops thinking this way. In fact, the pope’s personal secretary, emeritus Pope Benedict, and even Pope Francis himself may agree. In the next entry, I’ll explain what Catholics themselves are saying about this, current charges made and set to be made by church officials regarding Pope Francis including the possibility that he is the False Prophet of the Apocalypse, and what this has to do with Donald Trump, the Saboteurs that oppose him, and feverish machinations at work behind the scenes now to establish a throne for the Son of Perdition.
Credit to Tom Horn
War is Coming to the Streets of America
I remember it well. My first contact with my DHS “whistleblower” source was a middle-of-the-night conversation on May 25, 2012, some five-and-a-half years ago and well documented on this site and other sites, including Canada Free Press (here).
On that occasion, this source stated that “DHS is actively preparing for massive social unrest inside the United States. He then corrected himself, stating that ‘a civil war’ is the more appropriate term. Certain elements of the government are not only expecting and preparing for it, they are actually facilitating it.”
That was several months before the re-election of Barack Hussein Obama, the man of questionable origins, dubious bona-fides and an inherent, visceral hatred for everything that made America a once-great nation. Obama had to win re-election to complete his task of destroying our Representative Republic. He was handily re-elected without much viable opposition, giving him additional time to complete his duties as the front man for his Globalist puppet masters.
As my insider source informed me in the many additional contacts we had, “plans, tactics and timetables change, but the objectives of these Globalists don’t.”
Now, let’s fast forward to the present. In an upset the Globalists did not see coming, President Donald J. Trump was elected by the people of America in a fair and free election. This, however, was not supposed to happen. After her coronation, Hillary Clinton was supposed to continue the unfinished tasks of Obama, transforming the U.S. into a fully Communist society that would better integrate with a Global collective. Bernie Sanders, a socialist, was simply not radical enough for the Globalist puppet masters of the Progressive base, which is really a Communist platform.
In the wake of the loss, the Communist operatives immediately went to work to cast doubt on the legitimacy of our elections. Much like the signature Benghazi video, the Russian-Collusion narrative was birthed out of desperation and necessity. It relentlessly continues today as the Shadow Government is using the mechanisms of our institutions in the form of an “Independent” Counsel to further delegitimize our President and his office. The intended result here is to provoke a Constitutional crisis that will send our nation into a deliberate state of chaos.
Meanwhile, the highly active Shadow Government, maligned as a conspiracy theory by the very people who comprise this agenda and their unwitting dupes, is in overdrive to compensate for the interruption of their agenda. Barry Soetoro, better known as Barack Hussein Obama II, is operational from his base on Embassy Row to tend to the business of taking America down from within.
In fact, one might assert that he has more latitude out of office and away from oversight. Consider the situation of Dr. Sebastian Gorka who recently departed from the inner circle of the West Wing. Undoubtedly, he will be engaged in a form of political trench warfare on behalf of the Conservative Right that might otherwise be impossible.
Globalist Task List
Now recall the warnings from my previous reports, based on the information given to me from my insider source. Also remember that the plans, tactics, strategies of the Globalist might change, but the objectives remain the same. The Globalist puppet masters want to tear America down. All of it. Their hatred for American is unmatched, as is their desperation now that Donald Trump is in office.
The Globalist task list adheres to a five-step program, which is essentially the formula used by George Soros to foment coups and uprisings across the globe:
Form a Shadow Government;
Take complete control of the media, including and especially the independent media;
Destabilize the State;
Provoke an Election Crisis;
Assume Control of the Reins of Power.
Note here that George Soros, in his own words, has publicly lamented on America existing as a roadblock to a Communist collective:
The main problem to a ‘stable and just world order’ is the United States.” –George Soros, The Age of Fallibility.
The Shadow Government has existed inside the United States since 1947-48, or since the inception of the Central Intelligence Agency. It has undergone various iterations and refinements, and now comprise, as part of the Shadow Government – a subsection known as the Deep State. The tools available to the Shadow government are many, and now involve the use of the many technologies that did not exist even a decade ago.
Note: Kevin Shipp, a former CIA officer, will be our guest on The Hagmann Report tomorrow, Friday, September 1, 2017 to give his presentation on the Shadow Government based on his first-hand knowledge.
One can see how far along the Shadow Government is in their task of destroying America. Nonetheless, they have an enemy in Donald Trump, who is a formidable speedbump on the road to complete tyranny. While they continue to work on step 4 via Robert Mueller and the Republican establishment, there is a level of organization and flow of money being poured into step 3 unlike anything ever before seen.
Orchestrating the Chaos
Starting with “protest” marches concurrent with the inauguration of Donald Trump, the Communist resistance to a free Republic is being refined from the top down, populated from the bottom up, and fueled from the inside out. Does this sound familiar? It should, as it is from the mouth of Van Jones, a close confidante of Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton who was briefly at the center of controversy as Obama was about to give him a West Wing position. Today, Jones is a political activist and involved in numerous “Progressive” political initiatives.
According to most recent information from my insider source within the beltway, combined with infiltration and investigation of various “activist” groups in the U.S. by investigators involved with my organization, the protest marches are being permitted to grow into an armed militant movement that will cause “flashpoints” of domestic unrest and armed conflict across the U.S.
Obama’s “fundamental transformation,” although momentarily interrupted by the victory of Donald Trump, will be facilitated by an armed resistance aided by holdovers inside government loyal to Obama, Clinton and the Globalist cause. They have had more than a decade of infiltration under Obama and the globalists, and intend to stay as long as possible. Meanwhile, they are arming for war to be conducted in the streets of America.

Groups including but not limited to Antifa, RevComm, and now Red Guards (Austin) are collecting weapons and preparing for an all-out assault under the pretext of fighting the Nazi oppression that they purport that Donald Trump and his supporters espouse. Tey are turning in their rocks and bottles for bullets and guns, and are receiving training from war veterans sympathetic to their cause.
One might laugh at the through of the thuggish snowflakes, known by their obtuse behavior, being able to cause any such violence, at least effectively. Alone and without top-down coordination, perhaps a chuckle might be warranted. However, their efforts are being supplemented by powers inside the Shadow Government, a force multiplier that we should mock or ignore at our peril.
As I discussed during my radio show today, war is coming to our streets as I warned over five years ago.
Prepare. Pray.
Credit to Douglas J. Hagmann
Wells Admits It Created 1.4 Million More Fake Accounts Than Previously Admited
Remember the outrage one year ago when it was revealed that in its push to pad its top, and bottom line, Warren Buffett's favorite bank had engaged in outright criminal account churning and "cross selling", opening some 2.1 million unauthorized client accounts without permission (subsequently this extended to unsolicited car insurance policies extended on Wells auto loans). Well it turns out there was not nearly outrage, because as the bank revealed this morning, the "real" number was higher. 67% higher.
According to the outside review whose findings were released today, Wells Fargo said employees created two-thirds more bogus accounts than initially thought. According to the review, an additional 1.4 million "potentially unauthorized" deposit and credit-card accounts opened when the bank was encouraging employees to sell multiple products to retail customers, bringing the total to about 3.5 million, according to a statement Thursday from the San Francisco-based firm. The revised estimate covers January 2009 to September 2016, almost twice as long as the period examined in the initial review.
Wells new CEO was, predictably, all apologies:
“We apologize to everyone who was harmed by unacceptable sales practices that occurred in our retail bank,” said Wells Fargo CEO Tim Sloan. “To rebuild trust and to build a better Wells Fargo, our first priority is to make things right for our customers, and the completion of this expanded third-party analysis is an important milestone. Through this expanded review, as well as the class action settlement, free mediation services, and ongoing outreach and complaint resolution, we’ve cast a wide net to reach customers and address their remaining concerns. Our commitment has never been stronger to build a better bank for our customers, team members, shareholders and communities.”
However, as Bloomberg writes, the discovery is "a sign the bank is still struggling to move past a scandal that sparked record fines and congressional investigations." Furthermore, "the disclosure of even more fraudulent accounts threatens to catapult Wells Fargo back into the political crosshairs just as Congress returns Sept. 5 from its summer recess."
The scandal came to light almost a year ago after regulators slapped Wells Fargo with fines of $185 million over its sales practices, prompting congressional hearings and resulting in the bank naming new leaders, clawing back executives’ pay and beginning an overhaul of its retail division.
“New data should cause some lawmakers to re-engage on the issue," Isaac Boltansky, an analyst with Compass Point Research & Trading, told Bloomberg before the new tally was announced. Democrats will again argue it proves Washington needs to keep rules tight on financial firms, while Republicans will continue to fault Consumer Financial Protection Bureau officials for not spotting the misconduct themselves, Boltansky said.
As Bloomberg writes, Wells Fargo had agreed to expand its review after Washington lawmakers lambasted the company following former Chief Executive Officer John Stumpf’s testimony last September about the bank’s sales practices. Under pressure, the bank agreed to review records dating back to 2009, rather than through 2011 as it initially did.
The company said it has paid or identified $10.7 million in customer compensation related to the investigation. The figure includes $7 million of refunds, up from $3.3 million the bank had previously disclosed. It also includes $3.7 million related to what it described as the “complaints process/mediation.”“Today’s announcement is a reminder of the disappointment that we caused to our customers and stakeholders,” CEO Tim Sloan said on a conference call Thursday with reporters. “We apologize to everyone who was harmed by unacceptable sales practices that occurred in our retail bank.”Democrats led by Representative Maxine Waters of California earlier this month called for a House Financial Services Committee hearing about a separate scandal at Wells Fargo involving unwanted car insurance imposed on auto-loan customers. And Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusettswrote to the Federal Reserve to again press for the removal of board members who served during the original accounts review period of 2011 to 2015.
Today's revelation was partially expected: in March the bank warned investors that its initial bogus-accounts estimate was probably too low, saying in its annual filing that a new search by a third-party firm “could lead to, among other things, an increase in the identified number.”
Credit to Zero Hedge
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