Friday, September 21, 2012
USAID must leave Russia by October 1
This week it was officially disclosed in Moscow and Washington that during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Vladivostok earlier this month Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told his United States counterpart, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, that the foreign aid agency USAID must curtail its operations and leave Russia by October 1. According to Russian diplomatic sources, last June, Lavrov warned Clinton that Moscow wanted USAID out, while the official note of eviction was handed to the US Ambassador in Moscow Michael McFaul by Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov on September 12. It has been reported in Moscow that Clinton wrote a letter to Lavrov, asking to allow USAID to continue its work in Moscow until next May, promising the aid agency will gradually wind down its existing programs and will not engage in signing new aid grant contracts. But Russian government sources told journalists they want USAID out immediately (Kommersant, September 20).
In an official statement, Russia’s Foreign Ministry accused USAID of meddling in Russia’s internal affairs and “attempting to influence the outcome of elections by distributing aid grants.” According to the statement, Russia does not need foreign aid or “foreign guidance” of its civil society (, September 19). President Vladimir Putin expressed through his press service full support for the expulsion of USAID (Vedomosti, September 20).
USAID has given aid money to the election monitoring group Golos, which helped expose massive vote rigging by the Russian authorities during parliamentary elections last December (see EDM, December 1, 2011). The electoral fraud has given the ruling pro-Kremlin United Russia party a majority in the Duma, though in fact it had lost the election. The exposed fraud triggered massive anti-Putin pro-democracy demonstrations in Moscow that are seen in the Kremlin as a fifth column of an international conspiracy, led by the US State Department, plotting regime change in Russia. Using the majority in the State Duma gained through fraud, United Russia and the Kremlin have been hurriedly adopting legislation to further suppress the Russian opposition and officially brand human rights groups as foreign agents (see EDM, December 13, 2011; June 8).
Ousting USAID seems to be a logical move by the Putin regime, since this will surely undermine the work of Russian human rights organizations the Kremlin sees as its enemies. In Russia there is no economic incentive to make charitable donations since they do not provide tax exemptions, while the Russian rich are ordered by authorities to donate only to state-approved organizations. Billionaire Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Russia’s wealthiest man in 2004, was arrested in 2003 and is still behind bars serving a 14-year sentence. His wealth was confiscated, allegedly for tax fraud, but in fact for donating to opposition parties. Another billionaire, Alexander Lebedev, says his business interests have been attacked because he donates money to the opposition and does not “recommend anyone to follow [his] example” (Kommersant, September 20).
USAID has been active in Russia since 1992 and has distributed some $2.7 billion, helping human-rights groups in documenting election fraud and human rights abuses, supporting AIDS education, treatment of tuberculosis and improvement of infrastructure programs. The State Department spokeswoman, Victoria Nuland, lamented the ouster of USAID from Russia, while at the same time declaring the policy of a “reset” of relations with Russia, begun by President Barack Obama in 2009, a success that will be continued—an announcement met with satisfaction in Moscow (RIA Novosti, September 19). In the run-up to the November elections, the Obama administration seems to be ready to accept any abuse or insult by the Putin regime in an attempt to continue the pretence that the failed policy of the reset is “a success.” Such appeasement is not only morally wrong—it incites Putin to be increasingly aggressive in foreign and internal policies.
This week, the strategic Kavkaz-2012 (“Caucasus-2012”) war games began in the North Caucasus, planned to last until September 23. On September 17, Putin visited a specially choreographed exercise at the military training ground Rayevsky near the port city of Novorossiysk. Russian troops simulated an encounter with a US Marine expeditionary force that was presumed to have landed on the Russian Black Sea coast. The simulated Marine force pressed deep into Russia with armor and air support to possibly take over the natural gas and oil export terminals in the region—or maybe one of Putin’s lavish palace residences. The Russian military used tanks, guns, missiles, jets, bombs, helicopters and anti-aircraft missiles to successfully decimate the invaders. Putin announced he was impressed, personally handed out medals to the troops that repulsed the presumed Marine invasion and called on the Russian military “to keep its powder dry.” In a transparent reference to the United States, Putin declared “the use of military force is increasing in international relations,” and the Russian military must be ready “to defend national interests” (RIA Novosti, September 17).
The Russian authorities have refused to allow foreign observers to oversee Kavkaz-2012. NATO’s Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen has publicly called for more transparency and complained that the Western Alliance was not provided by Russia with reliable information about “the purpose of the exercise, where does it take place, how is it conducted?” ( Moscow has dismissed the complaint as untrue, and several Moscow-based military attachés, including one from the US Embassy, were invited to visit the Rayevsky training ground together with Putin and his press corps (Kommerasnt, September 17, 18). However, a US diplomat later told Jamestown the military attachés were not provided with any detailed information about the exercise or what was actually happening on September 17 near Novorossiysk and were sent back to Moscow the same day. Kavkaz-2012 is continuing on land, air and sea in the North Caucasus, the Black Sea and the Caspian without any observers and under an almost total news blackout. Georgian Foreign Minister Grigol Vashadze believes the Kavkaz-2012 exercise “may threaten the stability and security of not only Georgia, but the entire region.” Vashadze recalled that the similar, “though smaller in size,” military exercise Kavkaz-2008 in July 2008 was a precursor to a war between Russia and Georgia in August 2008 (
The Jamestown Foundation
America's Decaying Infrastructure

You can tell a lot about a nation by the condition of the infrastructure. So what does our infrastructure say about us? It says that we are in a very advanced state of decay. At this point, much of America is being held together with spit, duct tape and prayers. Our roads are crumbling and thousands of our bridges look like they could collapse at any moment. Our power grid is ancient and over a trillion gallons of untreated sewage is leaking from our aging sewer systems each year. Our airports and our seaports are clogged with far more traffic than they were ever designed to carry. Approximately a third of all of the dam failures that have taken place in the United States since 1874 have happened during the past decade.
Our national parks and recreation areas have been terribly neglected and our railroads are a bad joke. Hurricane Katrina showed how vulnerable our levees are, and drinking water systems all over the country are badly outdated. Sadly, at a time when we could use significant new investment in infrastructure, our spending on infrastructure is actually way down. Back during the 50s and the 60s, the U.S. was spending between 3 and 4 percent of GDP on infrastructure. Today, that figure is down to about 2.4 percent. But of course we don't have any extra money to spend on infrastructure because of our reckless spending and because of the massive amount of debt that we have accumulated.
While the Obama administration is spending more than half a million dollars to figure out why chimpanzees throw poop, our national infrastructure is literally falling apart all around us. Once upon a time nobody else on the planet could match our infrastructure, and now we are in the process of becoming a joke to the rest of the world.
The following are 21 facts about America's failing infrastructure that will blow your mind....
#1 The American Society of Civil Engineers has given America's crumbling infrastructure an overall grade of D.
#2 There are simply not enough roads in the United States today. Each year, traffic jams cost the commuters of America 4.2 billion hours and about 2.8 million gallons of gasoline.
#3 It is being projected that Americans will spend an average of 160 hours stuck in traffic annually by the year 2035.
#4 Approximately one-third of all roads in the United States are in substandard condition.
#5 Close to a third of all highway fatalities are due "to substandard road conditions, obsolete road designs, or roadside hazards."
#6 One out of every four bridges in America either carries more traffic than originally intended or is in need of repair.
#7 Repairing all of the bridges in the United States that need repair would take approximately 140 billion dollars.
#8 According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, our decaying transportation system costs the U.S. economy about 78 billion dollars annually in lost time and fuel.
#9 All over America, asphalt roads are being ground up and are being replaced with gravel roads because they are cheaper to maintain. The state of South Dakota has transformed over 100 miles of asphalt roads into gravel roads, and 38 out of the 83 counties in the state of Michigan have transformed at least some of their asphalt roads into gravel roads.
#10 There are 4,095 dams in the United States that are at risk of failure. That number has risen by more than 100 percent since 1999.
#11 Of all the dam failures that have happened in the United States since 1874, a third of them have happened during the past decade.
#12 Close to half of all U.S. households do not have access to bus or rail transit.
#13 Our aging sewer systems spill more than a trillion gallons of untreated sewage every single year. The cost of cleaning up that sewage each year is estimated to be greater than 50 billion dollars.
#14 It is estimated that rolling blackouts and inefficiencies in the U.S. electrical grid cost the U.S. economy approximately 80 billion dollars a year.
#15 It is being projected that by the year 2020 every single major container port in the United States will be handling at least double the volume that it was originally designed to handle.
#16 All across the United States, conditions at many of our state parks, recreation areas and historic sites are deplorable at best. Some states have backlogs of repair projects that are now over a billion dollars long....
More than a dozen states estimate that their backlogs are at least $100 million. Massachusetts and New York's are at least $1 billion. Hawaii officials called park conditions "deplorable" in a December report asking for $50 million per year for five years to tackle a $240 million backlog that covers parks, trails and harbors.
#17 Today, the U.S. spends about 2.4 percent of GDP on infrastructure. Meanwhile, China spends about9 percent of GDP on infrastructure.
#18 In the United States today, approximately 16 percent of our construction workers are unemployed.
#19 China has plans to build 55,000 miles of highways by the year 2020. If all of those roads were put end to end, it would be longer than the total length of the entire U.S. interstate system.
#20 The World Economic Forum ranks U.S. infrastructure 23rd in the world, and we fall a little bit farther behind the rest of the developed world every single day.
#21 It has been projected that it would take 2.2 trillion dollars over the next 5 years just to repair our existing infrastructure. That does not even include a single penny for badly needed new infrastructure.
So where did we go wrong?
Well, one of the big problems is that we have become a very materialistic society that is obsessed with short-term thinking. Investing in infrastructure is something that has long-term benefits, but these days Americans tend to only be focused on what is happening right now and most politicians are only focused on the next election cycle.
Another major problem is that there is so much corruption and waste in our system these days. The government certainly spends more than enough money, but very little of that money is spent wisely. A lot of the money that could be going toward rebuilding our infrastructure is being poured down the toilet instead. For much more on this, please read my previous article entitled "16 Sickening Facts That Show How Members Of Congress And Federal Workers Are Living The High Life At Your Expense".
Unfortunately, it is probably appropriate that our infrastructure is decaying because we are decaying in just about every other way that it is possible for a society to decay.
We are decaying economically, politically, mentally, emotionally, physically, morally and spiritually.
We are a complete and total mess. So why shouldn't what is happening to our infrastructure on the outside match what is happening to us as a nation on the inside?
And sadly, we simply do not have the money that we need for infrastructure because of all the debt that we have piled up. The federal government, our state governments and our local governments are all struggling to stay afloat in an ocean of red ink, and unfortunately that means that spending on infrastructure is likely to be cut even more in the years ahead.
So get used to rotting, crumbling, decaying infrastructure. What you see out there right now is only just the beginning.
Economic Collapse
Iran hacked into US bank websites
Security officials believe Islamic Republic regime is behind cyber attacks on US banks; say claims hacking came in response to publication of anti-Islam movie a 'cover story'
The Iranian regime is behind continuing cyber attacks this week that slowed the websites of JPMorgan Chase and Bank of America, national security officials told NBC News Friday.
One of the sources said the claim by hackers that the attacks were prompted by the online video mocking the Prophet Mohammed is just a cover story.
The news site said the attack was described by one former US official familiar with the attacks as being "significant and ongoing" and looking to cause "functional and significant damage." Also, one source suggested the attacks were in response to US sanctions on Iranian banks.
On Tuesday many customers discovered that access to the consumer banking website of Bank of America was unavailable, and JPMorgan Chase on Wednesday had the same problems, which multiple sources linked to a denial-of-service attack, in which a website is bogged down by a large number of requests.
A Chase spokesman said Wednesday that the consumer site was intermittently unavailable to some customers, but did not acknowledge then that there was an attack.
On Thursday, Chase said slowness continued but was resolved by late afternoon Eastern Time. Bank of America acknowledged on Tuesday that its site had experienced slowness, but would not say what caused it.
NBC explained that a group of hackers from the Middle East claimed responsibility for the cyber attack. In a statement published online the group explained that their actions came in response to the "Sacrilegious movie" that has caused riots throughout the Muslim world.
But a different source said this was just a cover story to hide the fact that the Iranian government is behind the attack.
Last week a financial services industry group, the Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center, warned US banks, brokerages and insurers to be on heightened alert for cyber attacks.
Iran pours more troops into Syria, ready to target Israel from Syria and Lebanon
This is like Risk game board...

Iran continues to fly military personnel and quantities of weapons into Syria by civilian aircraft which cut through Iraqi airspace, American intelligence sources disclosed early Thursday, Sept. 20. UN Secretary General Ban ki-Moon also said that, "Unfortunately, both [Syrian] sides, government and opposition forces, seem to be determined to see the end by military means."
Clearly, Iran is augmenting its military involvement in the constantly escalating Syrian civil war, broadening it into a multinational conflict which threatens to drag Lebanon in, by means of the Iranian-Syrian ally, Hizballah.
The UN Secretary General's statement implying that the two Syrian sides are determined to fight to the bitter end is echoed in Iran’s resolve to fight to the bitter end for Assad, on Syrian soil.
Tehran is not hiding its actions. Sunday, Sept. 16, Iranian Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) Commander Gen. Ali Jafari said openly that Al Qods Brigades units were present and operational in both Syria and Lebanon.
No comment on this revelation has come from the US, Israel or Israel’s military (IDF) chiefs - notwithstanding its menacing import, namely, that Tehran is no longer hanging about and waiting for its nuclear program to be attacked in order to punish Israel, but is getting ready for a pre-emptive operation.
Still, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak have chosen silence in the face of what any other nation would regard as a casus belli: the open deployment of enemy forces on its northern and eastern borders.
This must have been the catalyst for the IDF’s surprise two-division strength drill Wednesday on Israel’s Golan border with Syria. But the IDF spokesman sounded almost apologetic when he explained that the exercise had nothing to do with the events in Syria or with Hizballah, and that it was no more than a routine drill for testing preparedness.
DEBKAfile's military sources say that, in the current climate, no military operation by any army on the Syrian border – especially one of this magnitude – may be regarded as “routine.” Only a week ago, the Golani Brigade concluded a large military exercise in northern Israel including the Golan. That sort of frequency must have operational connotations: The IDF is evidently keeping the army on the move and in a constant state of readiness to fight a real war without delay on terrain made familiar by repeated war games.
IDF Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Benny Gantz has a penchant for expressing himself through symbols, his method of overcoming the restrictions placed on his tongue by military and other constraints.
On New Year’s Eve last week, the general handed military correspondents a small gift: The Hebrew edition of the American writer Richard David Bach's "There's No Such Place as Far Away."
For the Golan drill Wednesday, he decided to attach Maj. Gen. (res.) Nati Sharoni, chief artillery officer in the 1973 Yom Kippur War, to his party of advisers and observers.
The book was a clear message to Tehran and doubting Thomases at home that the IDF is fully capable of an operation against Iran’s nuclear program and of successfully accomplishing any mission far from its shores.
Gen. Sharoni’s presence at the Golan exercise, and the exercise itself, was a warning to Iran, Hizballah and Syria that they will be disappointed if they hope to catch Israel unready, as it was by the surprise attack which almost overcame the IDF 39 years ago before the tide of war was turned back against Egypt.
Iran continues to fly military personnel and quantities of weapons into Syria by civilian aircraft which cut through Iraqi airspace, American intelligence sources disclosed early Thursday, Sept. 20. UN Secretary General Ban ki-Moon also said that, "Unfortunately, both [Syrian] sides, government and opposition forces, seem to be determined to see the end by military means."
Clearly, Iran is augmenting its military involvement in the constantly escalating Syrian civil war, broadening it into a multinational conflict which threatens to drag Lebanon in, by means of the Iranian-Syrian ally, Hizballah.
The UN Secretary General's statement implying that the two Syrian sides are determined to fight to the bitter end is echoed in Iran’s resolve to fight to the bitter end for Assad, on Syrian soil.
Tehran is not hiding its actions. Sunday, Sept. 16, Iranian Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) Commander Gen. Ali Jafari said openly that Al Qods Brigades units were present and operational in both Syria and Lebanon.
No comment on this revelation has come from the US, Israel or Israel’s military (IDF) chiefs - notwithstanding its menacing import, namely, that Tehran is no longer hanging about and waiting for its nuclear program to be attacked in order to punish Israel, but is getting ready for a pre-emptive operation.
Still, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak have chosen silence in the face of what any other nation would regard as a casus belli: the open deployment of enemy forces on its northern and eastern borders.
This must have been the catalyst for the IDF’s surprise two-division strength drill Wednesday on Israel’s Golan border with Syria. But the IDF spokesman sounded almost apologetic when he explained that the exercise had nothing to do with the events in Syria or with Hizballah, and that it was no more than a routine drill for testing preparedness.
DEBKAfile's military sources say that, in the current climate, no military operation by any army on the Syrian border – especially one of this magnitude – may be regarded as “routine.” Only a week ago, the Golani Brigade concluded a large military exercise in northern Israel including the Golan. That sort of frequency must have operational connotations: The IDF is evidently keeping the army on the move and in a constant state of readiness to fight a real war without delay on terrain made familiar by repeated war games.
IDF Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Benny Gantz has a penchant for expressing himself through symbols, his method of overcoming the restrictions placed on his tongue by military and other constraints.
On New Year’s Eve last week, the general handed military correspondents a small gift: The Hebrew edition of the American writer Richard David Bach's "There's No Such Place as Far Away."
For the Golan drill Wednesday, he decided to attach Maj. Gen. (res.) Nati Sharoni, chief artillery officer in the 1973 Yom Kippur War, to his party of advisers and observers.
The book was a clear message to Tehran and doubting Thomases at home that the IDF is fully capable of an operation against Iran’s nuclear program and of successfully accomplishing any mission far from its shores.
Gen. Sharoni’s presence at the Golan exercise, and the exercise itself, was a warning to Iran, Hizballah and Syria that they will be disappointed if they hope to catch Israel unready, as it was by the surprise attack which almost overcame the IDF 39 years ago before the tide of war was turned back against Egypt.
Lady Gaga and the satanic Illuminati agenda
As Robert Reich, a former Bill Clinton's counselor said once, we are ruled by the symbols' manipulators; computer science just served this purpose. We are in the hands of the magi. And what characterizes an audience in front of a magus is that she stays eyes wide shut.
Take modern subculture: it makes no difference between Satanism and pop-culture, and it is mainly antichristian, as I observed recently. This is why we are now surrounded (one would say besieged) by signs of the beasts, weird numbers (11, 666) or parallels (33), sinister tattoos, gloomy colors and dark omens. What was yesterday reserved to an elite of so-called Illuminati is today shown everywhere, and available to anyone, including children (especially children!). But no force is such submitted to the mark of the beast, in modern economy, than the music business. The art of Pan and of Bacchus is where we find the most exclusive sympathy for the devil, to quote the famous Rolling Stones song, which was inspired by Russian masterwork the Master and Marguerite. Writes John Milton about his Hell:
Mixed dance, or wanton mask, or midnight ball...
This is why I submitted myself to the video-clips of lady Gaga. I had never seen one before this fatidic date! My first surprise was the number of views: half a billion for a song like Bad Romance. The number was 150 million for Born This Way.
Half a billion! Can you imagine? Or can you imagine the number of views you would have for a Christian song? One thousand times less, one million times less... remember how hundreds of millions copies the wizard Potter sold worldwide...
And my second surprise was the show itself, even if I was somewhat prepared to face it. It could intimidate Satan himself and his pandemonium! Poor satanic majesties, they looked so old-fashioned at once! It remembered me the famous Faust by the great Christopher Marlowe, a poet murdered mysteriously in 1593, and who denounced modern man's fascination for magic, science, banks and tricks; for we know that we are now surrounded by ciphers, codes, enigmas, riddles. So wrote the Elizabethan poet:
Lines, circles, scenes, letters, and characters;
Ay, these are those that Faustus most desires.
There are of course heaps of geometric figures in Gaga's clips, and the so-called pink triangle in homage to gays persecuted "graphically" by Hitler. Never forget this guy's cultural impact: he was the first rock star, as stated Bowie once, wasn't he? All the guys in this business paid him tribute, from the Who to Galliano. He may be infamous. But who rejects this kind of fame nowadays? That's the bad romance. But get back to Gaga.
Nobody knows who she was. Does she know what she's doing? Do you know who inspires her (Yeah, I know, some visual expert, but the reference is still too cheap...), and her songs, and her shows? The truth is that like Rihanna, Madonna or Beyonce, Gaga does nothing hazardously even when she speaks some crap about peace or homophile tolerance, as if we were in some dark age (we are indeed, but non in her sense!) But when it comes to the show Lady Gaga stops moralizing and she presents herself as a hilarious and preposterous mutant, a bouncing demon dancing dark with squeaking naked friends. Everywhere you find brain-dead zombies, dead skulls' platoons, witchcrafts, tattoos, piercing, branding, and signs of the beast, pentacles, distorted dances and discreet and gloomy allusions to another world reality connected with our Illuminati friends. She speaks of tolerance, homosexuality, new human race, all stuff linked with the New World Order Agenda: one brain, one sex, one dollar! And the common point of this culture is the Lucifer provocation. Let's analyze some of these provocations.
Enter DEVILS, giving crowns and rich apparel to FAUSTUS. They dance, and then depart.
In her Born This Way video, Gaga boasts a new and provocative trans-human race and celebrates the Mother Monster's Manifesto (three times the thirteenth letter). She spells HIM too, Him being His Infernal Majesty! But others stars, like Rihanna or Eminem, mention Rain man, another name for a similar concept. Then she wears a mask, having so two faces like her master the joker: in mind-control terms, the mask always implies the existence of a programmed alter-personality. Anyway, we are assisting the naissance of a new humanity, the humanity dressed, controlled and programmed by a hidden bunch of experts, which concentrates a few four powers: secret services, technology, entertainment and cosmetics. These powers were already described by Bulgakov and referenced in the biblical book of Enoch. For it is well said and written in that book, chapter 8, that they were the fallen angels, mainly Azazel who taught humans much of the witchcraft: weapons, bracelets, rings, mirrors, make-ups, even stone and gems, all of use in the business of mind programming, like the butterflies who besiege our shivering but not sleeping beauty. The link between shrieking music industry and this fallen angel is obvious; but today we have too the biotech complex, as dangerous for our health in the US as the military-industrial complex (or Entertainment-industrial complex). This is why the connection between Hollywood and the Pentagon (whose form was inspired by the Pentagram and a secret castle occupied during WW1 in Burgundy, France) is of so much importance. The empire of drones is the empire of semiotics and the empire of dianetics too: the stronger power comes not from the arm, it comes from the mind. This was the lesson Tulsa Doom taught Conan in a famous scene.
So this is the dancer's mission: prepare us to destroy this world, and prepare us to a new one (this is called desensitization) ruled by new paradigms. Like Lord Shiva Nataraj, the dancer of the Kali Yuga... This is way the actual singers develop duplicity warfare, a machinegun in one hand, the Gandhi handbook in the other. The rifle shows too the sexy side of violence, preparing audiences for more mass-massacres. Denver, Utoya, Columbine, mere rehearsals. Then the William Blake "vast world of Urizen" will appear.
And like a naughty Dr Faustus, Gaga screams and plays with bulks of skulls, brain-dead and subliminal nightmares and imagery. Only a few brainless dancers will escape and know the future paradise of the new race. We also can observe that the Diva's companions look like more Orcs than Elves. It's really an infernal fauna, like Narnia's. Ten years ago, when I saw the Fellowship of the rings, I thought as a good Tolkien fan I was that the LOTR trilogy would inspire a better humanity. It inspired her, but in the wrong way. For people prefer to be dressed and made-up like orcs or goblins, when they don't behave like them, backed by NATO or Islamist programmers. As I repeat, five hundred millions to watch this junk, how many to watch a mass? Who programmed us that way?
But get back to black magic. In Gaga's musical video, I acknowledged too a famous musical theme, from the Bernard Hermann's score in Hitchcock Vertigo. This very sinister movie -for we should understand that Hitchcock was like a wizard- talks as we know about a man obsessed with a souvenir who tries to recreate a dead woman he loved before. This is pure necromancy (he surfeits upon pure necromancy", writes too Marlowe). And it reminds me Faust another time. Hitchcock has become a cult-director in a bad way. He himself once joked in French about his devilish aspect; and certainly he was like Stanley Kubrick or Michael Powell one of the Illuminati's favourite directors. One day we shall really talk of Shining, Black Narcissus or the Birds.
Gaga boasts a manifesto too: "This is the manifesto of Mother Monster: On G.O.A.T., a Government -Owned Alien Territory in space, a birth of magnificent and magical proportions took place." The acronym GOAT is a way to present the coming of the new Baphomet. The Baphomet has become famous thanks to the Da Vinci Code and the rebirth of the brave new templar. It fully represents a satanic or neo-pagan cult, while the Alien agenda is linked since the beginning not to the extra-terrestrial activity but to demonology and mind-control.
I could speak too of Gaga's video about Judas, betrayed and kissed by one his pals. But I give up, even it reminds me some dark ancient heresy commented once by Borges in one of his short stories (Judas was God)...
When I see Gaga and her break-dancing berserk fauna, I can't help but remembering the Dostoyevsky prophecy: If man forgets Hell, Hell will find his way to man. Five hundred millions to watch her... Bells, candles, books, even if the price of human soul has tumbled a lot.
Nicolas Bonnal
Dragon Flood Synagogue of Satan
Joseph Herrin (09-20-2012)
Revelation 2:9
“I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich), and the blasphemy by those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.”

Masonic Lodge Initiation, 1780
The reader of this series would arrive at a wrong conclusion if in reading these pages he/she believed that the great number of men involved in the American Revolution and the founding of America’s form of government were knowinglyserving Satan. To arrive at such a conclusion is to miss the main point of these writings which is that the world is being flooded with deception whose source is Satan.
I have little doubt that the majority of men, even that considerable number who were Freemasons, were ignorant of the diabolical foundations of the lodge and of the nation they were engaged in establishing. Satan accomplishes most of his work among mankind through deception. Many of his most effectual servants are deceived. Indeed, Yahshua said that the day would come when men would kill the disciples of Christ and think they were doing God a favor.
John 16:2
“They will make you outcasts from the synagogue, but an hour is coming for everyone who kills you to think that he is offering service to God.”
This is the great cunning of Satan. He is able to persuade men that down is up, that dark is light, and that wrong is right. There have been multitudes of men who have been members of Masonic lodges who were convinced that, if Freemasonry was not actually a Christian organization, it was at least not antagonistic to Christianity in any way. After all, there is a Bible open in every lodge, and there are many references to Bible passages interspersed in the rites and teachings of the lodge.
Satan has no aversion to citing Scriptures. He knows them well. When he tempted the Son of God in the wilderness, he did so by quoting Scriptures to Him while always seeking to lead Yahshua away from the will of God. What Satan failed to do with Christ, he has achieved in the lives of many who are less wise, and who are not as committed to obedience to Yahweh.
What I have been seeking to communicate through this series is that Satan is occupied with forming false realities in men’s minds. He would persuade men that they are laboring to build a new Jerusalem when they are in fact constructing Babylon. This was recently observed in London during the 2012 Olympics. The logo for the XXX Olympiad subtly spelled out the name Zion with the name London superimposed upon it.

Olympics Logo

Symbols Rearranged
The inner city of London has images of dragons throughout, yet in its center is a Temple and Temple district. Only the naive would conclude that this temple is Christian. It is traceable back to the Knight’s Templar, the precursors of Freemasonry.
In a previous post I shared images from a Masonic Bible wherein it was stated with great authority that accurate images of the Temple of Solomon and Jerusalem were being portrayed in its pages. The images were actually Babylonian, including a Ziggurat similar to the Tower of Babel, and images of a winged bull that historically relate back to Nimrod and other Babylonian rulers.
What is revealed in these deceits is that Satan has no shame. It is his nature to lie and deceive. He has enlisted myriads of men and women in his rebellion against Yahweh, and they too practice lying and deception with great brazenness. This does not discount the fact that those telling falsehoods are themselves deceived about a great many things. Satan’s kingdom is so filled with darkness, where every truth is perverted, that his own servants can never be assured that their eyes are seeing things aright.
In this series I have been exposing the methodology by which Satan operates by focusing upon the false history foisted upon the undiscerning regarding the founding of America as a nation. I have been seeking to expose the fact that Christians are as deceived by Satan’s lies as all other men and women. Certainly the things I have been sharing about the true founding of America as a nation are not commonly known or embraced by the disciples of Christ today.
Tragically, Satan has enlisted Christians as some of the chief promoters of his lies. There have been a great many books published, and sermons preached, that are promoting the idea that America has a divine form of government, and that it is a Christian nation. The images of America’s founding father’s are whitewashed to make them appear saintly. When great effort is set forth with the aim to promote a righteous and holy image of men who were not Christians, but who were members of Luciferian organizations such as Freemasonry, then the prudent disciple should be wary.

George Washington and the Cherry Tree
Every boy and girl in American public school has heard the story of little George Washington and the cherry tree. It is said that George received a new axe, and wanting to try it out as young boys will, he chopped down one of his father’s prize cherry trees. When his father discovered his tree had been chopped down, we are told that little George, knowing well that he would be punished, did not hide his transgression, but said. “Father, I cannot tell a lie. I chopped down the cherry tree.” This story was a fable devised by a minister who wrote two biographical works on the life of George Washington not long after the first President had died.
[The story] was invented by a parson named Mason Locke Weems in a biography of Washington published directly after his death. Saturated with tales of Washington's selflessness and honesty, “A History of the Life and Death, Virtues and Exploits, of General George Washington”(1800) and “The Life of George Washington, with Curious Anecdotes Laudable to Himself and Exemplary to his Countrymen”(1806) supplied the American people with flattering (and often rhyming) renditions of the events that shaped their hero. Weems imagined everything from Washington's childhood transgression and repentance to his apotheosis when "at the sight of him, even those blessed spirits seem to feel new raptures."
This minister created fictitious tales to magnify the character of the nation’s first President and America’s top military leader of the Revolutionary War. It reveals something about the spirit behind such works when the men writing these stories resort to fabricating a false history. Lying is not a practice encouraged by Christ, but it is very much promoted by Satan.
It was this same minister who concocted the story of George Washington kneeling in the snow to pray to God while his army was camped at Valley Forge.
One of his best known stories of Washington's piety comes from Weems' account of Washington praying at Valley Forge. Weems tells of a man named Isaac Potts who silently witnesses an unsuspecting Washington, kneeling humbly in the snow, praying for God's blessing of his troops. Although the story was questioned as early as the 1850s, it became emblazoned on the American memory by a painting by Henry Brueckner in the 1860s.

George Washington - Prayer at Valley Forge
George Washington was not the saint Weems portrayed him to be. Weems biographies were seeking to counteract less favorable portrayals of Washington that appeared at the time. I suspect that Weems made no mention of Washington building the largest whiskey distillery in America following his retirement from office.

Washington’s Whiskey Distillery
Rather than manifesting the selflessness Weems describes, Washington had purely pecuniary motives. Writing to James Anderson, Washington’s plantation manager, he stated the following:
Distillery is a business I am entirely unacquainted with; but from your knowledge of it and from the confidence you have in the profit to be derived from the establishment, I am disposed to enter upon one.... (George Washington, June 1797)
Washington did not seek merely a little profit, for his whiskey business produced 11,000 gallons of this highly intoxicating brew a year. This hardly seems like a saintly venture. Slaves were also utilized in this venture. George Washington inherited ten slaves from his father when he was eleven years old. At the end of his life there were more than 300 slaves residing at his plantation known as Mount Vernon.
George Washington also lacked the compassion of Christ. As President he gave the following instructions to military officers regarding the effort to wrest lands away from the native American Indians.
Orders of George Washington to General John Sullivan, at Head-Quarters May 31, 1779
“The Expedition you are appointed to command is to be directed against the hostile tribes of the Six Nations of Indians, with their associates and adherents. The immediate objects are the total destruction and devastation of their settlements, and the capture of as many prisoners of every age and sex as possible. It will be essential to ruin their crops now in the ground and prevent their planting more.
I would recommend, that some post in the center of the Indian Country, should be occupied with all expedition, with a sufficient quantity of provisions whence parties should be detached to lay waste all the settlements around, with instructions to do it in the most effectual manner, that the country may not be merely overrun, but destroyed.
But you will not by any means listen to any overture of peace before the total ruinment of their settlements is effected. Our future security will be in their inability to injure us and in the terror with which the severity of the chastisement they receive will inspire them.”
In 1783, Washington's anti-Indian sentiments were apparent in his comparisons of Indians with wolves: "Both being beast of prey, tho' they differ in shape," he said. George Washington's policies of extermination were realized in his troops behaviors following a defeat. Troops would skin the bodies of Iroquois "from the hips downward to make boot tops or leggings." Indians who survived the attacks later re-named the nation's first president as "Town Destroyer.” Approximately 28 of 30 Seneca towns had been destroyed within a five year period. (Stannard, David E. AMERICAN HOLOCAUST. New York: Oxford University Press, 1992. pp. 118-121.)

It is far more romantic, and conducive to fostering a fervent national patriotism, to paint a picture of Washington kneeling in the snow as if in humble prayer to God than it is to show him in relation to native America towns razed to the ground, the crops destroyed, and the women and children enslaved, or to describe him as the largest seller of hard liquor in America, or to draw a picture of his home at Mount Vernon with the more than three hundred slaves who were his personal property. Yet the latter descriptions are true, and the image of him kneeling in the snow is false.
Americans, and especially Christians in America, are quick to swallow lies and embrace falsehoods about the founding fathers for they are predisposed to believe that America is a godly nation founded by godly men. This assumption makes the Christian’s participation in the materialistic, and hedonistic spirit of the nation seem acceptable.
After a recent post a sister in Christ sent me a link to an interview between Glenn Beck and David Barton. David Barton is founder of Wall Builders Ministries. He is a staunch advocate of America as a historically Christian nation.

Glenn Beck and David Barton
Note the image of three of the founding fathers of America behind David Barton. These are Jefferson (I believe), Washington and Franklin. Beneath their portraits are the words “Faith,” “Hope,” and “Charity.” One could hardly imagine a more glowing endorsement of these men as scions of righteousness than to make them the embodiment of the three greatest Christian virtues. Following is the video that I was asked to view and comment on.
Revelation 2:9
“I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich), and the blasphemy by those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.”

Masonic Lodge Initiation, 1780
The reader of this series would arrive at a wrong conclusion if in reading these pages he/she believed that the great number of men involved in the American Revolution and the founding of America’s form of government were knowinglyserving Satan. To arrive at such a conclusion is to miss the main point of these writings which is that the world is being flooded with deception whose source is Satan.
I have little doubt that the majority of men, even that considerable number who were Freemasons, were ignorant of the diabolical foundations of the lodge and of the nation they were engaged in establishing. Satan accomplishes most of his work among mankind through deception. Many of his most effectual servants are deceived. Indeed, Yahshua said that the day would come when men would kill the disciples of Christ and think they were doing God a favor.
John 16:2
“They will make you outcasts from the synagogue, but an hour is coming for everyone who kills you to think that he is offering service to God.”
This is the great cunning of Satan. He is able to persuade men that down is up, that dark is light, and that wrong is right. There have been multitudes of men who have been members of Masonic lodges who were convinced that, if Freemasonry was not actually a Christian organization, it was at least not antagonistic to Christianity in any way. After all, there is a Bible open in every lodge, and there are many references to Bible passages interspersed in the rites and teachings of the lodge.
Satan has no aversion to citing Scriptures. He knows them well. When he tempted the Son of God in the wilderness, he did so by quoting Scriptures to Him while always seeking to lead Yahshua away from the will of God. What Satan failed to do with Christ, he has achieved in the lives of many who are less wise, and who are not as committed to obedience to Yahweh.
What I have been seeking to communicate through this series is that Satan is occupied with forming false realities in men’s minds. He would persuade men that they are laboring to build a new Jerusalem when they are in fact constructing Babylon. This was recently observed in London during the 2012 Olympics. The logo for the XXX Olympiad subtly spelled out the name Zion with the name London superimposed upon it.

Olympics Logo

Symbols Rearranged
The inner city of London has images of dragons throughout, yet in its center is a Temple and Temple district. Only the naive would conclude that this temple is Christian. It is traceable back to the Knight’s Templar, the precursors of Freemasonry.
In a previous post I shared images from a Masonic Bible wherein it was stated with great authority that accurate images of the Temple of Solomon and Jerusalem were being portrayed in its pages. The images were actually Babylonian, including a Ziggurat similar to the Tower of Babel, and images of a winged bull that historically relate back to Nimrod and other Babylonian rulers.
What is revealed in these deceits is that Satan has no shame. It is his nature to lie and deceive. He has enlisted myriads of men and women in his rebellion against Yahweh, and they too practice lying and deception with great brazenness. This does not discount the fact that those telling falsehoods are themselves deceived about a great many things. Satan’s kingdom is so filled with darkness, where every truth is perverted, that his own servants can never be assured that their eyes are seeing things aright.
In this series I have been exposing the methodology by which Satan operates by focusing upon the false history foisted upon the undiscerning regarding the founding of America as a nation. I have been seeking to expose the fact that Christians are as deceived by Satan’s lies as all other men and women. Certainly the things I have been sharing about the true founding of America as a nation are not commonly known or embraced by the disciples of Christ today.
Tragically, Satan has enlisted Christians as some of the chief promoters of his lies. There have been a great many books published, and sermons preached, that are promoting the idea that America has a divine form of government, and that it is a Christian nation. The images of America’s founding father’s are whitewashed to make them appear saintly. When great effort is set forth with the aim to promote a righteous and holy image of men who were not Christians, but who were members of Luciferian organizations such as Freemasonry, then the prudent disciple should be wary.

George Washington and the Cherry Tree
Every boy and girl in American public school has heard the story of little George Washington and the cherry tree. It is said that George received a new axe, and wanting to try it out as young boys will, he chopped down one of his father’s prize cherry trees. When his father discovered his tree had been chopped down, we are told that little George, knowing well that he would be punished, did not hide his transgression, but said. “Father, I cannot tell a lie. I chopped down the cherry tree.” This story was a fable devised by a minister who wrote two biographical works on the life of George Washington not long after the first President had died.
[The story] was invented by a parson named Mason Locke Weems in a biography of Washington published directly after his death. Saturated with tales of Washington's selflessness and honesty, “A History of the Life and Death, Virtues and Exploits, of General George Washington”(1800) and “The Life of George Washington, with Curious Anecdotes Laudable to Himself and Exemplary to his Countrymen”(1806) supplied the American people with flattering (and often rhyming) renditions of the events that shaped their hero. Weems imagined everything from Washington's childhood transgression and repentance to his apotheosis when "at the sight of him, even those blessed spirits seem to feel new raptures."
This minister created fictitious tales to magnify the character of the nation’s first President and America’s top military leader of the Revolutionary War. It reveals something about the spirit behind such works when the men writing these stories resort to fabricating a false history. Lying is not a practice encouraged by Christ, but it is very much promoted by Satan.
It was this same minister who concocted the story of George Washington kneeling in the snow to pray to God while his army was camped at Valley Forge.
One of his best known stories of Washington's piety comes from Weems' account of Washington praying at Valley Forge. Weems tells of a man named Isaac Potts who silently witnesses an unsuspecting Washington, kneeling humbly in the snow, praying for God's blessing of his troops. Although the story was questioned as early as the 1850s, it became emblazoned on the American memory by a painting by Henry Brueckner in the 1860s.

George Washington - Prayer at Valley Forge
George Washington was not the saint Weems portrayed him to be. Weems biographies were seeking to counteract less favorable portrayals of Washington that appeared at the time. I suspect that Weems made no mention of Washington building the largest whiskey distillery in America following his retirement from office.

Washington’s Whiskey Distillery
Rather than manifesting the selflessness Weems describes, Washington had purely pecuniary motives. Writing to James Anderson, Washington’s plantation manager, he stated the following:
Distillery is a business I am entirely unacquainted with; but from your knowledge of it and from the confidence you have in the profit to be derived from the establishment, I am disposed to enter upon one.... (George Washington, June 1797)
Washington did not seek merely a little profit, for his whiskey business produced 11,000 gallons of this highly intoxicating brew a year. This hardly seems like a saintly venture. Slaves were also utilized in this venture. George Washington inherited ten slaves from his father when he was eleven years old. At the end of his life there were more than 300 slaves residing at his plantation known as Mount Vernon.
George Washington also lacked the compassion of Christ. As President he gave the following instructions to military officers regarding the effort to wrest lands away from the native American Indians.
Orders of George Washington to General John Sullivan, at Head-Quarters May 31, 1779
“The Expedition you are appointed to command is to be directed against the hostile tribes of the Six Nations of Indians, with their associates and adherents. The immediate objects are the total destruction and devastation of their settlements, and the capture of as many prisoners of every age and sex as possible. It will be essential to ruin their crops now in the ground and prevent their planting more.
I would recommend, that some post in the center of the Indian Country, should be occupied with all expedition, with a sufficient quantity of provisions whence parties should be detached to lay waste all the settlements around, with instructions to do it in the most effectual manner, that the country may not be merely overrun, but destroyed.
But you will not by any means listen to any overture of peace before the total ruinment of their settlements is effected. Our future security will be in their inability to injure us and in the terror with which the severity of the chastisement they receive will inspire them.”
In 1783, Washington's anti-Indian sentiments were apparent in his comparisons of Indians with wolves: "Both being beast of prey, tho' they differ in shape," he said. George Washington's policies of extermination were realized in his troops behaviors following a defeat. Troops would skin the bodies of Iroquois "from the hips downward to make boot tops or leggings." Indians who survived the attacks later re-named the nation's first president as "Town Destroyer.” Approximately 28 of 30 Seneca towns had been destroyed within a five year period. (Stannard, David E. AMERICAN HOLOCAUST. New York: Oxford University Press, 1992. pp. 118-121.)

It is far more romantic, and conducive to fostering a fervent national patriotism, to paint a picture of Washington kneeling in the snow as if in humble prayer to God than it is to show him in relation to native America towns razed to the ground, the crops destroyed, and the women and children enslaved, or to describe him as the largest seller of hard liquor in America, or to draw a picture of his home at Mount Vernon with the more than three hundred slaves who were his personal property. Yet the latter descriptions are true, and the image of him kneeling in the snow is false.
Americans, and especially Christians in America, are quick to swallow lies and embrace falsehoods about the founding fathers for they are predisposed to believe that America is a godly nation founded by godly men. This assumption makes the Christian’s participation in the materialistic, and hedonistic spirit of the nation seem acceptable.
After a recent post a sister in Christ sent me a link to an interview between Glenn Beck and David Barton. David Barton is founder of Wall Builders Ministries. He is a staunch advocate of America as a historically Christian nation.

Glenn Beck and David Barton
Note the image of three of the founding fathers of America behind David Barton. These are Jefferson (I believe), Washington and Franklin. Beneath their portraits are the words “Faith,” “Hope,” and “Charity.” One could hardly imagine a more glowing endorsement of these men as scions of righteousness than to make them the embodiment of the three greatest Christian virtues. Following is the video that I was asked to view and comment on.
I shared the following after viewing the video.
Thank you for writing and asking your excellent questions. I can imagine that you might be confused at the contradictory claims you are hearing. I trust that you are enough aware of the control of the major media networks (including radio and Fox Network) by those who are working toward a Satanic New World Order that you would be very cautious about anything you hear on Glenn Beck's show. Glenn Beck is NOT the champion of freedom that his persona portrays. The powers that control the media would not allow this man to be broadcast on 400 radio stations (and FOX network) if he were not helping their cause. Furthermore, Glenn Beck is a Mormon, and the Mormon church was birthed out of Freemasonry. If you are not familiar with the history of Mormonism, you might search on the words "Mormons and Freemasons" or "Mormon Lodges." I have a presentation on Freemasonry that includes information and images revealing the link between Freemasonry and Mormonisn.
The information on the Mormon church is about 2/3s of the way into the presentation.
Perhaps you have heard some talk about Mitt Romney being a Mormon and wearing his Temple Garments under his clothes. I suspect that Glenn Beck does the same. The Temple Garments are underwear that bear markings derived from Freemasonry. They have on them images of the Masonic compass and the square. There are images of this in my presentation.
Would you not consider it a significant thing if you were so devoted to your belief system that you would wear special undergarments at all times? This is not some casual belief system practiced by Mormons. The Temple rites of the Mormon church are very similar to the rites found in Freemasonry for one flows out of the other.
What you should keep in mind is that in watching, or listening, to a Glenn Beck program that is downplaying the parts of Freemasonry that would be offensive to Christians, you are receiving information from someone who is NOT an unbiased source. Glenn Beck, due to his association with the Mormon church is effectually a Freemason himself. It is in his interest to make not only Freemasonry, but the Mormon religion, appear to be non-threatening to a great many Americans who come from an evangelical Christian background.
As far as David Barton is concerned, any man who states that in George Washington's day Freemasonry had no oaths, secret allegiances, or special rights is either grossly deceived, or a liar. If you do a little research on David Barton you will find that there are many among the conservative Christian circles who have been catching David Barton in some very stark and brazen lies. Barton has been re-writing American history to make it appear that the founding father's were all orthodox Christian believers who were true disciples of Jesus Christ. Nothing could be further from the truth.
A good place for you to start in checking out the reputation of David Barton is by reading the following book. You can get it on Amazon in Kindle Format for only $4.99. You do not need a Kindle E-book reader to view it. You can read any Kindle book online at Amazon's cloud service, or on your computer using the Kindle for PC software that is free.
Getting Jefferson Right: Fact Checking Claims about Our Third President
If you will click on the link above and read the full description of this book, you will find that it is focused on refuting the false claims of David Barton that are found in his own book titled The Jefferson Lies.

David Barton and The Jefferson Lies
If a book were ever named appropriately, this book is. It is filled with David Barton's lies about Thomas Jefferson. Barton has sought to make Jefferson appear as a mainstream Christian who held orthodox views on Christianity while fully supporting the Christian church. Such a position is so easily refuted by existing evidence, much of it being Jefferson's own words, that the publisher has recently decided to cease printing Barton's book due to the outcry arising from those who have clearly demonstrated the abundance of factual error contained in its pages. For a publisher to pull a book like this indicates that they realize that Barton's claims are untenable and the deception being practiced reflects negatively on the publisher.
Please see the article on the Wall Street Journal website to read about this book being withdrawn.
So basically, you are viewing information from a lying "Christian" who is seeking to re-write American history, and a Mormon broadcaster whose affiliations with Freemasonry would render him an unreliable source.
There is a reason that this disinformation is out there. Satan desires to keep people deceived as long as he can. This is why YOU need to be extremely cautious in testing every claim you hear in this hour. We live in a time of great deception and those Christians who fail to perform due diligence in fact checking what is being presented to them will be swept away by the adversary.
Revelation 12:15
And the serpent poured water like a river out of his mouth after the woman, so that he might cause her to be swept away with the flood.
I will share one final thought on this subject. Not only has David Barton appeared on Glenn Beck's shows and been endorsed by Beck as being the most important man in America right now due to his messages, but Beck has written the introduction to one of Barton's books. The Bible states:
II Corinthians 6:14-18
Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said: "I will dwell in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they shall be My people." Therefore "Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you." I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty."
If David Barton is truly a born again Christian then he has transgressed the commandment of the Lord by yoking himself to a person who serves Belial. Freemasonry and the Mormon church are both Luciferian. The doctrines of the Mormon church are detestable. The Mormon church teaches that Yahweh is a procreating God, (having sex and giving birth to men who will become individual gods of their own planets). It claims that Christ and Satan are brothers. It presents another path to divinity other than through Christ, mirroring the Masonic belief of men becoming gods through bettering themselves, and being trained in esoteric knowledge. If you are not familiar with this concept of Freemasonry, do a search on "The apotheosis of Washington." The Mormon doctrines are basically the same as this Masonic teaching and it is all Luciferian.
That Barton is joining himself to Glenn Beck who is a promoter of the false religion of Mormonism tells me that he has no spiritual discernment and I would certainly question the value of any of his claims.
I do not want to spend much more time on the individual lives of the men who were counted as founding fathers of America, but I would be remiss to not share somewhat about one of the foremost among them, Benjamin Franklin.
Benjamin Franklin was a member of a number of Masonic lodges. Franklin was a member of St. John's Lodge of Philadelphia; Lodge at Tun Tavern, Philadelphia, PA; WM, Loge Les Neuf Sœurs (Lodge of the Nine Sisters), Paris - Becoming Worshipful Master of this French Lodge; and was at one time Grand Master of Freemasonry for the state of Pennsylvania.
There are a number of quotations that are ascribed to Franklin where he spoke in defense of Christianity. Some have made much of these statements to paint Franklin as a staunch Christian and defender of the faith. Franklin’s views on religion, however, were those of a pragmatist. Franklin was not a Christian himself. This is evidenced in a statement he made shortly before his death.
As to Jesus of Nazareth, my opinion of whom you particularly desire, I think the system of Morals and his Religion, as he left them to us, the best the World ever saw or is likely to see; but I apprehend it has received various corrupt changes, and I have, with most of the present Dissenters in England, some doubts as to his divinity; though it is a question I do not dogmatize upon, having never studied it, and think it needless to busy myself with it, when I expect soon an opportunity of knowing the Truth with less trouble. I see no harm, however, in its being believed, if that belief has the good consequence, as probably it has, of making his doctrines more respected and better observed; especially as I do not perceive that the Supreme takes it amiss, by distinguishing the unbelievers in His government of the world with any particular marks of His displeasure.
I shall only add, respecting myself, that, having experienced the goodness of that Being in conducting me prosperously through a long life, I have no doubt of its continuance in the next, without the smallest conceit of meriting it... I confide that you will not expose me to criticism and censure by publishing any part of this communication to you. I have ever let others enjoy their religious sentiments, without reflecting on them for those that appeared to me unsupportable and even absurd. All sects here, and we have a great variety, have experienced my good will in assisting them with subscriptions for building their new places of worship; and, as I never opposed any of their doctrines, I hope to go out of the world in peace with them all.
[Benjamin Franklin, letter to Ezra Stiles, President of Yale]
With these words, Franklin conceded that he had no particular belief in Jesus, other than believing His system of moral teachings to be excellent. Franklin did not believe in the deity of Christ, the virgin birth, His atoning death, and resurrection. Franklin’s motto was “Live, and let live.” Whatever anyone wanted to believe was fine with him.
Franklin declared in a letter to Thomas Paine that he believed that the general population needed religious belief to constrain them from unbridled evil. Although Franklin did not see the need within himself to be restrained by religious belief, he counseled Paine to not be so outspoken in his attacks on Christianity.
Think how great a portion of mankind consists of weak and ignorant men and women and of inexperienced, inconsiderate youth of both sexes who have need of the motives of religion to restrain them from vice, to support their virtue . . . . I would advise you, therefore, not to attempt unchaining the tiger, but to burn this piece before it is seen by any other person . . . . If men are so wicked with religion, what would they be without it?
[Benjamin Franklin’s advice upon reading Paine’s Age of Reason]
It is hard to imagine a man among the founding fathers of America who actually needed the restraints of religion more than Benjamin Franklin. At the age of twenty Franklin devised a list of thirteen virtues that he believed a man should endeavor to cultivate.
Thirteen Virtues
1. "Temperance. Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation."
2. "Silence. Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself; avoid trifling conversation."
3. "Order. Let all your things have their places; let each part of your business have its time."
4. "Resolution. Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve."
5. "Frugality. Make no expense but to do good to others or yourself; i.e., waste nothing."
6. "Industry. Lose no time; be always employ'd in something useful; cut off all unnecessary actions."
7. "Sincerity. Use no hurtful deceit; think innocently and justly, and, if you speak, speak accordingly."
8. "Justice. Wrong none by doing injuries, or omitting the benefits that are your duty."
9. "Moderation. Avoid extremes; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve."
10. "Cleanliness. Tolerate no uncleanliness in body, cloaths, or habitation."
11. "Tranquility. Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable."
12. "Chastity. Rarely use venery but for health or offspring, never to dullness, weakness, or the injury of your own or another's peace or reputation."
13. "Humility. Imitate Jesus and Socrates."
Franklin did not try to work on them all at once. Instead, he would work on one and only one each week "leaving all others to their ordinary chance."
Franklin’s rather flippant statement that he would only work on one virtue each week, while neglecting the others, reveals his absence of regard for the holiness and justice of God. At the age of 24 Franklin publicly acknowledged an illegitimate son named William. Franklin was renowned for his lack of sexual scruples when residing in France as Ambassador for America during the war, but perhaps the most disturbing evidence of an embrace of sexual profligacy was his membership in the Hellfire Club in England in the years preceding the revolution.

Hellfire Club Entrance
The Hellfire Club for a time met in caves dug deep in a hill. Their chambers lay some 200 feet under a church which was atop the hill. The innermost chamber was called “the Inner temple.” This seems to be a form of religious mockery. The man responsible for digging the caves and overseeing the activities of the Hellfire Club was Sir Francis Dashwood who had a known hatred for religion, especially that of the Roman Catholic Church. The members were all from the upper class aristocracy. When Franklin was in England he joined in the activities of this club. A website on this organization reveals the following about the evil works engaged in there.
At the entrance, there was a statue of Venus, stooping to pull a thorn out of her foot. There is also an inscription from Virgil:
Hic locus est, partes ubi se via findit in ambas;
Hac iter Elyzium nobis; at laeva malorum
Exercet poenas, et ad impia Tartara mittit.
“Here is the place where the way divided into two; this on the right is our route to Heaven, but the left-hand path exacts punishment from the wicked, and sends them to pitiless Hell.”
They were, after all, the Hellfire club.
Most prominent is a statue of Priapus. In myth, Priapus was the son of Pan and Venus, and was born with constant erection. The phallus of the statue was tipped with a flame, underlining the “fire” aspect of the club. And if anyone was left in any doubt, there was another inscription:
“A tense penis, not penitence,” suggesting the club is not a Christian penitent movement… but a sex club. That sex was on the agenda, is no longer in any doubt. Next to the chapel in Medmenham were some cells which, according to Horace Walpole, were fitted with cots and the “brothers take their women there.” “Among the amusement,” John Wilkes said, “they had sometimes a mock celebration of the more ridiculous rites of the foreign religious orders, of the Church of Rome, of the Franciscans in particular…”
Dashwood had a daughter, Rachel Fanny Antonina, who after her father’s death got a reputation as being a “magnificent witch.” She studied the occult books her father had left her...
It is clear that the Club practiced sexual activity, but perhaps there was also a magical dimension to it. This may have been why the caves were later believed to be “evil.”
This debauched and profane club hosted orgies, engaged in drunkenness, and very likely held occult rituals and practiced witchcraft. It was reported that for sexual entertainment prostitutes were brought in and dressed up as nuns. The men arrayed themselves in the garb of Franciscan monks, or priests while engaging in their sexual pleasures. The Hellfire Club took as their theme the words “Do What Thou Wilt.” Aleister Crowley, one time leader of the Satanist church in America adopted the same motto.
Far from being a group of devout Christian men, the founding fathers of the American nation were deeply flawed individuals. It is not surprising that Satan would enlist such men in forming that Luciferian government that would have such a profound influence over the world during the next centuries.
When one reads about the true lives and beliefs of these men, one can see that with consummate cunning Satan has darkened the understanding of the church whose ministers continue to promote such ones as paragons of virtue and to associate their names with the chief of all Christian virtues.
Thank you for writing and asking your excellent questions. I can imagine that you might be confused at the contradictory claims you are hearing. I trust that you are enough aware of the control of the major media networks (including radio and Fox Network) by those who are working toward a Satanic New World Order that you would be very cautious about anything you hear on Glenn Beck's show. Glenn Beck is NOT the champion of freedom that his persona portrays. The powers that control the media would not allow this man to be broadcast on 400 radio stations (and FOX network) if he were not helping their cause. Furthermore, Glenn Beck is a Mormon, and the Mormon church was birthed out of Freemasonry. If you are not familiar with the history of Mormonism, you might search on the words "Mormons and Freemasons" or "Mormon Lodges." I have a presentation on Freemasonry that includes information and images revealing the link between Freemasonry and Mormonisn.
The information on the Mormon church is about 2/3s of the way into the presentation.
Perhaps you have heard some talk about Mitt Romney being a Mormon and wearing his Temple Garments under his clothes. I suspect that Glenn Beck does the same. The Temple Garments are underwear that bear markings derived from Freemasonry. They have on them images of the Masonic compass and the square. There are images of this in my presentation.
Would you not consider it a significant thing if you were so devoted to your belief system that you would wear special undergarments at all times? This is not some casual belief system practiced by Mormons. The Temple rites of the Mormon church are very similar to the rites found in Freemasonry for one flows out of the other.
What you should keep in mind is that in watching, or listening, to a Glenn Beck program that is downplaying the parts of Freemasonry that would be offensive to Christians, you are receiving information from someone who is NOT an unbiased source. Glenn Beck, due to his association with the Mormon church is effectually a Freemason himself. It is in his interest to make not only Freemasonry, but the Mormon religion, appear to be non-threatening to a great many Americans who come from an evangelical Christian background.
As far as David Barton is concerned, any man who states that in George Washington's day Freemasonry had no oaths, secret allegiances, or special rights is either grossly deceived, or a liar. If you do a little research on David Barton you will find that there are many among the conservative Christian circles who have been catching David Barton in some very stark and brazen lies. Barton has been re-writing American history to make it appear that the founding father's were all orthodox Christian believers who were true disciples of Jesus Christ. Nothing could be further from the truth.
A good place for you to start in checking out the reputation of David Barton is by reading the following book. You can get it on Amazon in Kindle Format for only $4.99. You do not need a Kindle E-book reader to view it. You can read any Kindle book online at Amazon's cloud service, or on your computer using the Kindle for PC software that is free.
Getting Jefferson Right: Fact Checking Claims about Our Third President
If you will click on the link above and read the full description of this book, you will find that it is focused on refuting the false claims of David Barton that are found in his own book titled The Jefferson Lies.

David Barton and The Jefferson Lies
If a book were ever named appropriately, this book is. It is filled with David Barton's lies about Thomas Jefferson. Barton has sought to make Jefferson appear as a mainstream Christian who held orthodox views on Christianity while fully supporting the Christian church. Such a position is so easily refuted by existing evidence, much of it being Jefferson's own words, that the publisher has recently decided to cease printing Barton's book due to the outcry arising from those who have clearly demonstrated the abundance of factual error contained in its pages. For a publisher to pull a book like this indicates that they realize that Barton's claims are untenable and the deception being practiced reflects negatively on the publisher.
Please see the article on the Wall Street Journal website to read about this book being withdrawn.
So basically, you are viewing information from a lying "Christian" who is seeking to re-write American history, and a Mormon broadcaster whose affiliations with Freemasonry would render him an unreliable source.
There is a reason that this disinformation is out there. Satan desires to keep people deceived as long as he can. This is why YOU need to be extremely cautious in testing every claim you hear in this hour. We live in a time of great deception and those Christians who fail to perform due diligence in fact checking what is being presented to them will be swept away by the adversary.
Revelation 12:15
And the serpent poured water like a river out of his mouth after the woman, so that he might cause her to be swept away with the flood.
I will share one final thought on this subject. Not only has David Barton appeared on Glenn Beck's shows and been endorsed by Beck as being the most important man in America right now due to his messages, but Beck has written the introduction to one of Barton's books. The Bible states:
II Corinthians 6:14-18
Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said: "I will dwell in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they shall be My people." Therefore "Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you." I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty."
If David Barton is truly a born again Christian then he has transgressed the commandment of the Lord by yoking himself to a person who serves Belial. Freemasonry and the Mormon church are both Luciferian. The doctrines of the Mormon church are detestable. The Mormon church teaches that Yahweh is a procreating God, (having sex and giving birth to men who will become individual gods of their own planets). It claims that Christ and Satan are brothers. It presents another path to divinity other than through Christ, mirroring the Masonic belief of men becoming gods through bettering themselves, and being trained in esoteric knowledge. If you are not familiar with this concept of Freemasonry, do a search on "The apotheosis of Washington." The Mormon doctrines are basically the same as this Masonic teaching and it is all Luciferian.
That Barton is joining himself to Glenn Beck who is a promoter of the false religion of Mormonism tells me that he has no spiritual discernment and I would certainly question the value of any of his claims.
I do not want to spend much more time on the individual lives of the men who were counted as founding fathers of America, but I would be remiss to not share somewhat about one of the foremost among them, Benjamin Franklin.
Benjamin Franklin was a member of a number of Masonic lodges. Franklin was a member of St. John's Lodge of Philadelphia; Lodge at Tun Tavern, Philadelphia, PA; WM, Loge Les Neuf Sœurs (Lodge of the Nine Sisters), Paris - Becoming Worshipful Master of this French Lodge; and was at one time Grand Master of Freemasonry for the state of Pennsylvania.
There are a number of quotations that are ascribed to Franklin where he spoke in defense of Christianity. Some have made much of these statements to paint Franklin as a staunch Christian and defender of the faith. Franklin’s views on religion, however, were those of a pragmatist. Franklin was not a Christian himself. This is evidenced in a statement he made shortly before his death.
As to Jesus of Nazareth, my opinion of whom you particularly desire, I think the system of Morals and his Religion, as he left them to us, the best the World ever saw or is likely to see; but I apprehend it has received various corrupt changes, and I have, with most of the present Dissenters in England, some doubts as to his divinity; though it is a question I do not dogmatize upon, having never studied it, and think it needless to busy myself with it, when I expect soon an opportunity of knowing the Truth with less trouble. I see no harm, however, in its being believed, if that belief has the good consequence, as probably it has, of making his doctrines more respected and better observed; especially as I do not perceive that the Supreme takes it amiss, by distinguishing the unbelievers in His government of the world with any particular marks of His displeasure.
I shall only add, respecting myself, that, having experienced the goodness of that Being in conducting me prosperously through a long life, I have no doubt of its continuance in the next, without the smallest conceit of meriting it... I confide that you will not expose me to criticism and censure by publishing any part of this communication to you. I have ever let others enjoy their religious sentiments, without reflecting on them for those that appeared to me unsupportable and even absurd. All sects here, and we have a great variety, have experienced my good will in assisting them with subscriptions for building their new places of worship; and, as I never opposed any of their doctrines, I hope to go out of the world in peace with them all.
[Benjamin Franklin, letter to Ezra Stiles, President of Yale]
With these words, Franklin conceded that he had no particular belief in Jesus, other than believing His system of moral teachings to be excellent. Franklin did not believe in the deity of Christ, the virgin birth, His atoning death, and resurrection. Franklin’s motto was “Live, and let live.” Whatever anyone wanted to believe was fine with him.
Franklin declared in a letter to Thomas Paine that he believed that the general population needed religious belief to constrain them from unbridled evil. Although Franklin did not see the need within himself to be restrained by religious belief, he counseled Paine to not be so outspoken in his attacks on Christianity.
Think how great a portion of mankind consists of weak and ignorant men and women and of inexperienced, inconsiderate youth of both sexes who have need of the motives of religion to restrain them from vice, to support their virtue . . . . I would advise you, therefore, not to attempt unchaining the tiger, but to burn this piece before it is seen by any other person . . . . If men are so wicked with religion, what would they be without it?
[Benjamin Franklin’s advice upon reading Paine’s Age of Reason]
It is hard to imagine a man among the founding fathers of America who actually needed the restraints of religion more than Benjamin Franklin. At the age of twenty Franklin devised a list of thirteen virtues that he believed a man should endeavor to cultivate.
Thirteen Virtues
1. "Temperance. Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation."
2. "Silence. Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself; avoid trifling conversation."
3. "Order. Let all your things have their places; let each part of your business have its time."
4. "Resolution. Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve."
5. "Frugality. Make no expense but to do good to others or yourself; i.e., waste nothing."
6. "Industry. Lose no time; be always employ'd in something useful; cut off all unnecessary actions."
7. "Sincerity. Use no hurtful deceit; think innocently and justly, and, if you speak, speak accordingly."
8. "Justice. Wrong none by doing injuries, or omitting the benefits that are your duty."
9. "Moderation. Avoid extremes; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve."
10. "Cleanliness. Tolerate no uncleanliness in body, cloaths, or habitation."
11. "Tranquility. Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable."
12. "Chastity. Rarely use venery but for health or offspring, never to dullness, weakness, or the injury of your own or another's peace or reputation."
13. "Humility. Imitate Jesus and Socrates."
Franklin did not try to work on them all at once. Instead, he would work on one and only one each week "leaving all others to their ordinary chance."
Franklin’s rather flippant statement that he would only work on one virtue each week, while neglecting the others, reveals his absence of regard for the holiness and justice of God. At the age of 24 Franklin publicly acknowledged an illegitimate son named William. Franklin was renowned for his lack of sexual scruples when residing in France as Ambassador for America during the war, but perhaps the most disturbing evidence of an embrace of sexual profligacy was his membership in the Hellfire Club in England in the years preceding the revolution.

Hellfire Club Entrance
The Hellfire Club for a time met in caves dug deep in a hill. Their chambers lay some 200 feet under a church which was atop the hill. The innermost chamber was called “the Inner temple.” This seems to be a form of religious mockery. The man responsible for digging the caves and overseeing the activities of the Hellfire Club was Sir Francis Dashwood who had a known hatred for religion, especially that of the Roman Catholic Church. The members were all from the upper class aristocracy. When Franklin was in England he joined in the activities of this club. A website on this organization reveals the following about the evil works engaged in there.
At the entrance, there was a statue of Venus, stooping to pull a thorn out of her foot. There is also an inscription from Virgil:
Hic locus est, partes ubi se via findit in ambas;
Hac iter Elyzium nobis; at laeva malorum
Exercet poenas, et ad impia Tartara mittit.
“Here is the place where the way divided into two; this on the right is our route to Heaven, but the left-hand path exacts punishment from the wicked, and sends them to pitiless Hell.”
They were, after all, the Hellfire club.
Most prominent is a statue of Priapus. In myth, Priapus was the son of Pan and Venus, and was born with constant erection. The phallus of the statue was tipped with a flame, underlining the “fire” aspect of the club. And if anyone was left in any doubt, there was another inscription:
“A tense penis, not penitence,” suggesting the club is not a Christian penitent movement… but a sex club. That sex was on the agenda, is no longer in any doubt. Next to the chapel in Medmenham were some cells which, according to Horace Walpole, were fitted with cots and the “brothers take their women there.” “Among the amusement,” John Wilkes said, “they had sometimes a mock celebration of the more ridiculous rites of the foreign religious orders, of the Church of Rome, of the Franciscans in particular…”
Dashwood had a daughter, Rachel Fanny Antonina, who after her father’s death got a reputation as being a “magnificent witch.” She studied the occult books her father had left her...
It is clear that the Club practiced sexual activity, but perhaps there was also a magical dimension to it. This may have been why the caves were later believed to be “evil.”
This debauched and profane club hosted orgies, engaged in drunkenness, and very likely held occult rituals and practiced witchcraft. It was reported that for sexual entertainment prostitutes were brought in and dressed up as nuns. The men arrayed themselves in the garb of Franciscan monks, or priests while engaging in their sexual pleasures. The Hellfire Club took as their theme the words “Do What Thou Wilt.” Aleister Crowley, one time leader of the Satanist church in America adopted the same motto.
Far from being a group of devout Christian men, the founding fathers of the American nation were deeply flawed individuals. It is not surprising that Satan would enlist such men in forming that Luciferian government that would have such a profound influence over the world during the next centuries.
When one reads about the true lives and beliefs of these men, one can see that with consummate cunning Satan has darkened the understanding of the church whose ministers continue to promote such ones as paragons of virtue and to associate their names with the chief of all Christian virtues.
Joseph Herrin
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