Monday, November 26, 2012
Palm scanners get thumbs up in schools, hospitals
At schools in Pinellas County, Fla., students aren't paying for lunch with cash or a card, but with a wave of their hand over a palm scanner.
"It's so quick that a child could be standing in line, call mom and say, 'I forgot my lunch money today.' She's by her computer, runs her card, and by the time the child is at the front of the line, it's already recorded," says Art Dunham, director of food services for Pinellas County Schools.
Students take about four seconds to swipe and pay for lunch, Dunham says, and they're doing it with 99% accuracy.
"We just love it. No one wants to go back," Dunham says.
Palm-scanning technology is popping up nationwide as a bona fide biometric tracker of identities, and it appears poised to make the jump from schools and hospitals to other sectors of the economy including ATM usage and retail. It also has applications as a secure identifier for cloud computing.
Here's how it works: Using the same near-infrared technology that comes in a TV remote control or Nintendo Wii video game, the device takes a super high-resolution infrared photograph of the vein pattern just below a person's skin. That image, between 1.5 and 2.5 square inches, is recorded and digitized.
The PalmSecure device is made by document-scanning manufacturer Fujitsu. So far, no other company has a palm scanner on the market — though at least one other company is working on the technology.
Like many technological breakthroughs, the development began accidentally. A decade ago, a Fujitsu engineer in Tokyo mistakenly ran his hand over a page scanner and it yielded an output that piqued his curiosity. Testing eventually showed that the veins in the palm of your hand are as unique as a fingerprint and can be photographed under infrared light.
Fujitsu has seen double-digit quarterly sales growth in each of the last two years, says Bud Yanak, director of product management and partner development for Fujitsu Frontech North America.
Palm scanners are installed in more than 50 school systems and more than 160 hospital systems in 15 states and the District of Columbia, Yanak says.
Pinellas County Schools were the first in the nation to bring palm scanning to their lunch lines about 18 months ago. They are being used by 50,000 students at 17 high schools and 20 middle schools. Soon, the program will expand to 60,000 more students at 80 elementary schools, Dunham says. The 2% of students who opt out can still use cash.
He says hygiene isn't a concern because students don't need to touch the device, but only hold their hand directly above it, to register a scan.
At hospitals, the scans are making patient registration more efficient, and prevent sharing of information by patients that could lead to insurance fraud, says Carl Bertrams, senior vice president of sales and marketing for palm scan software maker HT Systems in Tampa.
USA Today
Jamie Foxx Calls Obama ‘Our god, lord and savior’ During Awards Show
Poor idiot, someday he will meet his savior in hell
Actor and musician Jamie Foxx called PresidentBarack Obama ‘our lord and savior’ during his appearance on the Soul Train Awards 2012 on Sunday in Las Vegas, Nevada.
“It’s like church over here. It’s like church in here. First of all, give an honor to God and our lord and savior Barack Obama. Barack Obama,” Foxx told the audience.
The Oscar award-winning Foxx has been a longtime supporter of President Obama’s and publicly advocated for his re-election during the 2012 campaign season.
Actor and musician Jamie Foxx called PresidentBarack Obama ‘our lord and savior’ during his appearance on the Soul Train Awards 2012 on Sunday in Las Vegas, Nevada.
“It’s like church over here. It’s like church in here. First of all, give an honor to God and our lord and savior Barack Obama. Barack Obama,” Foxx told the audience.
The Oscar award-winning Foxx has been a longtime supporter of President Obama’s and publicly advocated for his re-election during the 2012 campaign season.
To deter, detect, and mitigate actions by employees who may represent a threat to national security
26 November 2012: On the day before Thanksgiving, Barack Hussein Obama issued a Presidential Memorandum, or an unofficial directive to the heads of departments and agencies under the executive branch. This Presidential Memorandum, the text of which is only 183 words, directs agency and department heads to establish a program “to deter, detect, and mitigate actions by employees who may represent a threat to national security.”
Much like all of Obama’s other directives, Executive Orders and findings, there is a disturbing level of ambiguity contained within this memorandum. One could correctly state that the obvious intent of this directive is to stop government employees from leaking classified information that would endanger the safety and security of our nation. While true, there appears to be a deliberate lack of specificity concerning the exact elements that constitute such an “insider threat.”
There is, however, a more important aspect to this memorandum that will be undoubtedly missed by many who report on it. It is reflected by a word that appears toward the end of the directive and should be considered the “key” to understanding the intent and action of Barack Hussein Obama. The word is “centrally,” and when it is considered in the context of Obama’s agenda we’ve seen being implemented over the last four years, it is chilling.
The key to understanding this memorandum is to understand that we are witnessing the greatest consolidation of power and control under the Executive branch of the government in recent U.S. history. This consolidation of power makes it possible for a select number of highly political “czars” and appointed officials to observe, control and report on the activities of people within their various departments to the Executive branch. This process creates a closed system of surveillance that cannot be easily penetrated by other branches of our government.
Accordingly, it becomes a self-policing network that has the ability to silence critics and individuals opposing a particular agenda or activity, even if such dissent is lawful. Taken to its extreme, it gives Barack Hussein Obama the ability to redefine what constitutes a threat to the government, including treason. It’s no longer about the rule of law and one’s allegiance to the United States. It’s now about allegiance to the agenda of the Executive branch, assured by active surveillance of government employees by Obama’s hand-picked appointees.
This memorandum quietly inserts yet another plank in the framework for absolute control by Barack Hussein Obama. It is he, not laws enacted by congress or the workings of the judicial branch, who will now determine who and what constitutes an “insider threat.” The mechanisms for reporting such threats are now in place, and actual or perceived threats to our government are to be identified and reported on by the very people he appointed to key government positions. It is the very essence of “Big Brother” within the government itself.
Everyone needs to wake up and understand exactly what’s happening not only in the U.S., but across the world. We are witnessing the consolidation of power that historically precedes a war for absolute control.
Northeast Intelligence Network
Britain is at saturation point....and there's more rain to come

A 21-year-old woman has died and two others were seriously injured after a tree fell on them as floods and high winds battered the South West.
The three were injured when a large spruce collapsed in Exeter at 11.50pm.
The woman was trapped under the tree and taken to hospital where she later died, Devon and Cornwall Police said.
Inspector Andrea Webber of Devon and Cornwall Police said the woman had been living in a small tent sheltered against the wall at the roadside when the tree fell on it. She died almost immediately.
Intense downpours and gusts strong enough to bring down trees will continue to batter large areas of Britain today, weather forecasters warned last night.
Two Atlantic storms will dump two inches of rain on already sodden ground across the South-West and Wales, bringing further flooding.
Southern and eastern coastal areas will see wind speeds reach 70mph, while rain is expected to sweep across from the South-West into the Midlands and North in the afternoon. Met Office forecaster Helen Roberts said ‘almost every part of the country’ would see rain today.
The forecast is grim news for the thousands who spent last week battling the harsh weather. At least 400 homes were flooded and the Environment Agency sent warnings to 9,000 householders at risk.
Even before this weekend’s downpours the agency had 48 flood warnings and 173 lesser ‘alerts’ in place. Areas likely to be affected by fresh floods include Devon, Somerset, Warwickshire and Worcestershire.
The AA warned drivers to take extra care after three elderly people were treated for hypothermia when their car was swept away as it crossed a swollen ford in Warwickshire.
Network Rail said trains would remain suspended between Exeter and Bristol until at least tomorrow, but trains in Devon were still running along the exposed Dawlish coastal section of the Paddington to Penzance line despite heavy spray.

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Peace is dead
Joseph Herrin
Four or five brothers and sisters sent me a link to a story about the death of the turkey Barack Obama pardoned last year, as the President traditionally does before Thanksgiving. The details of this story readily lend themselves to viewing as a spiritual parable. Following are the details of what happened.
Peace, turkey pardoned by President Obama last Thanksgiving, euthanized
Officials insist timing of death not suspicious
Posted: 11/22/2012
By: Mike M. Ahlers, CNN Senior Producer
Peace, one of two turkeys pardoned by President Obama last year, was euthanized Monday, according to an official who insisted the timing of the death - days before the Thanksgiving holiday - was not suspicious.
Rebecca Aloisi, vice president for marketing at the Mount Vernon Estate, confirmed that Peace had been dead after a weekend "illness." But Aloise knew neither the nature of the illness, the manner of death, nor what had been done with the remains of the large, edible bird.
"I appreciate where you're going with this," Aloisi told CNN. "But I assure you that these birds are extremely well cared for." The decision to euthanize the bird was made by a veterinarian in consultation with Mount Vernon's livestock department, she said.
Peace had served as the understudy for Liberty, another turkey, at the 2011 pardoning ceremony by President Obama. Obama chose to pardon both birds to spare them from the fate of the plate...
At the Nov. 23, 2011, pardoning, President Obama said Peace was "going to retire to a life of leisure at Mount Vernon - the same place where George Washington spent his golden years."
But now Peace is dead.
To summarize what is symbolized here. In November of 2011 Barack Obama said that Peace would live a long and happy life. Peace however, fell ill a few days prior to Thanksgiving 2012, and was euthanized. That is to say, Peace met its end at the hands of men.
We are told that Peace was the “understudy” for another bird named Liberty. I suspect that Liberty will also fall sick before long and it too will meet is demise at the hands of men. There have been other signs pointing to a removal of peace from the earth. This past May the National Christmas tree died of “shock.” The tree was located on “the pathway of peace” on the National Mall in Washington.
Right after this story appeared, there was another news article about the basketball player named Metta World Peace being ejected from a game due to his violently assaulting another player.
This is now a third testimony of peace dying, or being removed from the earth, that has occurred in 2012.
II Corinthians 13:1
Every fact is to be confirmed by the testimony of two or three witnesses.
I would also like to share with you a video sent to me by a sister in Christ. It is a remarkable testimony of a man in California who ministers among the homeless. I was reminded of a brother and sister in Macon, Georgia who are performing a very similar ministry among the homeless. They have given all of their substance in ministry to “the least, the last, and the lost.” Such ones will be richly rewarded in the age to come.
Proverbs 19:17
He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord, and He will pay back what he has given.
NATO to Survey Patriot Missile Sites in Turkey
ANKARA, November 26 (RIA Novosti) – NATO officials will start surveying sites along the Turkey-Syria border on Tuesday for possible deployment of Patriot air defense systems, the Turkish General Staff said in a statement.
The NATO delegation includes 30 experts from the United States, Germany and the Netherlands, all of whom have Patriots in their arsenals.
The Turkish General Staff said that the Patriot missile systems will not be used to establish a no-fly zone or to conduct offensive operations, but only “against an air or missile threat from Syria,” the Hurriyet daily said, citing the statement.
“The regions the Patriot systems would be deployed to and the number of foreign personnel that will be assigned to them will be be based on the NATO delegation’s site-survey,” the statement said.
Turkey, a NATO member, has requested the deployment of Patriot missiles on its territory, saying the anti-missile system is necessary to protect its 900-km border with conflict-torn Syria.
Among the most possible sites for the Patriot deployment are Diyarbakir, Urfa and Malatya in southeastern Turkey. Hurriyet said up to 300 military personnel will be needed to service the Patriot batteries.
Syria has condemned the Patriot missile plan in Turkey as “another act of provocation.” Russia has warned that the move could trigger a regional crisis. NATO maintained that the missiles would be placed for defensive purposes only.
US Patriot surface-to-air missiles were last deployed to Turkey in 1991 and 2003, during the two Gulf Wars, to protect the country from Saddam Hussein’s Scud missiles.
Turkey has fired artilllery salvos across its border with Syria several times in recent weeks in retaliation for Syrian shelling, which killed five Turkish civilians in October. It has also provided shelter to refugees fleeing the violence in Syria and has been one of President Bashar al-Assad’s harshest critics during the almost 17-month revolt against his rule.
Tensions between Turkey and Syria flared dangerously this summer after Damascus shot down a Turkish fighter that had violated its airspace. Turkey threatened retaliation if there was any repeat of the incident, although it admitted the plane had mistakenly strayed slightly into Syria.
RIA Novosti
Severodvinsk Sub Fires First Cruise Missile
MOSCOW, November 26 (RIA Novosti) - Russia's newest attack submarine, the Project 855 Severodvinsk, successfully fired its first cruise missile at a land target during manufacturer's sea trials in the White Sea, a source in the United Shipbuilding Corporation told RIA Novosti on Monday.
The Severodvinsk, laid down in 1993, is one of eight Yasen-class boats being built for the Russian Navy.
"The multi-role nuclear-powered submarine Severodvinsk fired a supersonic cruise missile at a land target for the first time during sea trials in the White Sea. The target was successfully destroyed," the source said, without specifying what the weapon was.
"This is of course a big achievement for the shipyard and United Shipbuilding as a whole. Manufacturers' trials are drawing to a close and the boat will soon start state acceptance trials," he said.
The Severodvinsk has a submerged displacement of 13,800 tons, length of 119 meters, speed of 31 knots, and can dive to 600 meters. It has a crew of 90 including 32 officers.
Its main armament consists of 3M55 Oniks (SS-N-26) and 3M54 (SS-N-27) Kalibr cruise missiles and conventional torpedos, rocket-torpedos and mines.
RIA Novosti
Israel successfully tested its newest missile defense system Sunday, the military said, a step toward making the third leg of what Israel calls its “multilayer missile defense” operational.
The “David’s Sling” system is designed to stop mid-range missiles. It successfully passed its test, shooting down its first missile in a drill Sunday in southern Israel, the military said.
The system is designed to intercept projectiles with ranges of up to 300 kilometers (180 miles).
Israel has also deployed Arrow systems for longer-range threats from Iran. The Iron Dome protects against short-range rockets fired by militants in the Gaza Strip and Hezbollah guerrillas in Lebanon. The Iron Dome was crucial in the most recent round of fighting, shooting down hundreds of rockets from Gaza.
Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said the success of Iron Dome highlighted the “immense importance” of such systems.
“David’s Sling,” also known “Magic Wand,” is developed by Israel’s Rafael Advanced Defense Systems and U.S.-based Raytheon Co. and is primarily designed to counter the large arsenal of Hezbollah rockets in Lebanon.
The military said the program, which is on schedule for deployment in 2014, would “provide an additional layer of defense against ballistic missiles.”
And it can’t come soon enough. On Sunday, Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah promised to rain “thousands of rockets” on Tel Aviv in any future conflict.
The next generation of the Arrow, now in the development stage, is set to be deployed in 2016. Called the Arrow 3, it is designed to strike its target outside the atmosphere, intercepting missiles closer to their launch sites. Together, the two Arrow systems would provide two chances to strike down incoming missiles.
Israel also uses U.S.-made Patriot missile defense batteries against mid-range missiles, though these failed to hit any of the 39 Scud missiles fired at Israel from Iraq In the first Gulf War 20 years ago. Manufacturers say the Patriot system has been improved since then.
The Blaze
Britain say EU is bringing a new 'Marxist revolution'
RAMSEY, England — Looking at Europe from this side of the English Channel, Peter Reeve doesn't see a "cuddly" continent of biscotti, Burgundy and BMWs. He sees the evil specter of Soviet Russia.
Only this time, it's Brussels, not Moscow, at the center of an expanding, metastasizing super-government bent on turning independent nations like France and Germany into vassal states. Instead of the Soviet Union, it's the European Union that scares him.
Reeve, a local councilor with the UK Independence Party, wants Britain to pull out of the EU while it still can, before it's trapped in such a thick web of European regulation and control that escape becomes impossible and the country winds up as an offshore outpost of a totalitarian EU regime.
"I genuinely believe this is a Marxist revolution happening," said Reeve. "This country is part of it, but balking on it" — an impulse he heartily encourages.
Reeve's dystopian view lies on the more extreme end of "Euroskepticism" here in Britain. But dissatisfaction and downright hostility toward the European Union is undeniably on the rise, making British withdrawal from the 27-nation club a more real prospect than it has been for years and creating a massive headache for the Conservative-led government.
Upset at EU court rulings that trump British ones, health-and-safety regulations viewed as ridiculously onerous and Eastern European migrants "stealing" local jobs, many Britons feel that EU membership is now more a liability than an asset. At best, they say, Britain is being held back from achieving its economic potential; at worst, it's been stripped of sovereignty and placed at the mercy of unfriendly, unelected "Eurocrats" at EU headquarters in Brussels.
Polls increasingly show more Britons in favor of leaving the EU than staying in. Anti-EU sentiment pervades British politics, with some Cabinet ministers openly calling for Britain to pull out, or at least for the question to be put to voters in a referendum.
All this has thrown the government of Prime Minister David Cameron into a tricky position. He must weigh growing public disenchantment with the EU against the pro-Europe interests of big business, a natural constituency of his Conservative Party, which fears being shut out of the EU's single market.
Some political analysts warn that outside the EU, Britain's global influence would sharply diminish, especially its role as a transatlantic bridge for the U.S.
"The Americans have always told the Brits that 'you guys are important for us because you have a big influence in Europe,'" said Philip Whyte, a research fellow at the London-based Center for European Reform. "If Britain left the EU, you [in the U.S.] won't be necessarily picking up the phone to London. Britain won't be the first country you'd be calling; the first country you'd be calling would be Germany."
With so much at stake, Cameron has continually put off setting out his vision on Britain's relationship with the EU. He is acutely aware that the last two Conservative prime ministers, John Major and Margaret Thatcher, were both toppled from power amid disputes over Europe, and he doesn't want to make it three in a row.
But there is growing clamor for him to take a stand, particularly from his own backbenchers, among whom "Euroskepticism" runs strong. Analysts say Cameron will have to make a decision soon on whether to call a referendum.
The pressures on him were on full display last week at a tense summit of European leaders in Brussels. Fury at home over a proposed increase to the EU's budget, which is funded by member states, obliged Cameron to take a hard line against any deal that he said amounted to "picking the pockets" of British taxpayers. The meeting ended in collapse.
Finance ministers from the 17 countries that use the euro currency are to meet Monday to talk about Greece, the epicenter of Europe's debt crisis, but the next full meeting of all 27 EU nation leaders is not until December.
Further distancing itself from the rest of Europe, Cameron's government has declared its intention to opt out of some of the EU's unpopular legal and judicial agreements, which critics say handcuff Britain's own law-enforcement system. A government report is due to be completed in 2014 that will spell out other powers that London ought to "repatriate," or take back from the EU.
That kind of cherry-picking irritates Britain's continental partners, many of which are drawing closer economically and politically to save the euro just as Britain, which has clung to the pound as its currency, pulls in the opposite direction. Some EU countries are beginning to wonder why they don't simply show the door to such an uncooperative club member that seems determined to go its own way anyway.
Ironically, the British backlash against the EU comes at a time when Britons are better traveled than ever before, cosmopolitan enough to know "the difference between a latte and a macchiato," as Whyte put it.
"When people think about Europe, they think in a lot less parochial way than probably 25 years ago," he said. "The paradox is that the growth of that feeling has coincided with a growth of hostility to the Brussels institutions. It's not that people hate the French more than they did 25 years ago; it's that they're more hostile to Brussels institutions than 25 years ago."
That's how Reeve feels.
The local councilman here in the town of Ramsey, in eastern England, says he enjoys visits to Paris and sampling other cultures. He vigorously denies that his UK Independence Party, or UKIP, is xenophobic. It just doesn't want Britain to be under the thumb of EU overlords in far-off Brussels, though the Belgian capital is actually closer to Ramsey, as the crow flies, than the northern reaches of Britain.
"We're not anti-the EU because it's foreign. We're anti-the EU because it's undemocratic," Reeve said. "What's emerged is a political union that no one's ever signed up to."
The Ramsey town council illustrates another of Cameron's problems: the rise of UKIP and its potential for siphoning away votes from his Conservative Party. In elections last year, UKIP candidates won nine of the 17 seats in Ramsey, making it the first UKIP-controlled town council in Britain.
UKIP members also occupy 12 of Britain's 78 slots in the European Parliament, where they are seen as something of a fifth column inside an institution they openly despise.
The party has yet to win a seat in Britain's own Parliament. Yet its colorful leader, Nigel Farage, has high hopes that UKIP will eclipse the tanking Liberal Democrats to become Britain's third-strongest political force, behind the Conservatives and Labor.
To broaden its appeal, UKIP has begun preaching a libertarian message of self-help and small government. But at its core remains the drive to remove Britain from the clutches of an EU monster state that, by Farage's reckoning, now accounts for 75% of the laws that Britons must obey.
"You can always argue that dictators do the odd good thing. Whether the EU makes a good law or a bad law, the fact is that the electors of this country cannot do a single thing to change any of it," said Farage.
He is adamant that the government call an "in-or-out" plebiscite on the EU, which would probably decide the question for at least a generation.
"If a majority of my fellow electors in a free and fair referendum opt for us to become Province 17 of the European Union, I won't be happy about it," Farage said. "But at least it'll be the decision of the British people."
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