America’s first 9/11 served to turn American into a police state under dictatorial control. In the name of protecting the people from experiencing a another 9/11, it became “necessary” to protect Americans from their Constitutional liberties in the name of fighting the “evil doers”. After 9/11 we saw the creation of the American Stasi and SS organizations in the name of the creation of the Fusion centers, the inception of the Department of Homeland Security, the growing menace of the sexual assault artists from the TSA, the creation of unconstitutional no fly lists, the creation of a government enemies list (i.e. MIAC Report), the implementation of permanent detention under the NDAA, the implementation of an embedded police state surveillance grid under the NSA where no secret is safe and even our pastors became agents of the rogue government under the creation of the Clergy Response Teams.
When X-Files characters of Mulder and Scully used to say “trust nobody”, they must have been talking about the time we are living in.
America Is In the Early Days of An Economic Collapse
The absolute and complete destruction of the financial collapse headed our way, is going to manifest in three areas: (1) the theft of retirement accounts, (2) the theft of bank accounts, and (3) false flag(s) distractions to cover the theft of bank accounts and retirement accounts.
The events listed above will arrive simultaneously and will be visited upon the American people like a thief in the night. There will no real warning, only a declared bank holiday that will be declared on a Friday late in the afternoon in order to minimize the publics volatility by planning the roll out of the event going into a weekend. There will be no announcement that your retirement accounts have been looted by the bankers, retirees will simply not receive their retirement checks. Your ATM cards will not work and grocery stores will begin to feel the strain through the weekend as some people will begin to see these events for what they are and begin panic buying and shortages will appear almost overnight. This is why America embarked on the 1033 plan to militarize the police because the military and the foreign troops training on our soil cannot be everywhere. This is also why we are seeing such an increased rate of police brutality across the country, because the police are being trained that the American people are the enemy and in this scenario, they are correct.
Military assets will have been positioned weeks prior to the collapse to contain the rioting that will ensue inside of cities experiencing the most civil unrest. There will be no 9/11 to call, you will be on your own. The rioting will begin in earnest by Tuesday or Wednesday following the closure of the banks. Why? Because most Americans have not prepared for what is coming and they are only nine meals away from life-threatening starvation. Within 72 hours of the commencement of civil unrest, many personnel connected to essential services will walk off the job in order to protect their families on a 24/7 basis. How do we know this is true, just look at what happened in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
When the banks initially close, cyber-terrorism will be the excuse. This will provide the excuse to deploy DHS, military and foreign military assets to the streets of America. Terrorist event will transpire within the same time frame. The majority of Americans, who are asleep, will be propagandized that Al-qaeda and ISIS will be blamed.
This is all part of a the Continuity of Government drills that have been carried out in this country. This is why DHS purchased 2700 armored personnel carriers in the past two years as they are going to be deployed to protect the assets of organizations such as the Federal Reserve branches and corporate entities such as Goldman Sachs.
There are three significant moves which have led to the realization that economic collapse is imminent and the above scenario will be acted upon and these include the fact that the banksters have moved to protect their first level minions with survival gear, perceived “uncooperative” banksters have been murdered to keep them quiet which helps to explain the 36 mysterious banksters deaths and the G20 nations have announced they are preparing to steal all privately held bank accounts.
Moving to Protect the Banksters
Survival kits are to be deliver to
every major bank in the United States including Bank of America, American Express Bank, BMO Financial Corp., Capitol One Financial Corporation, Citigroup, Inc., JP Morgan Chase and Wells Fargo.

Survival supplies will also be delivered to OCC offices across the country to its 3800 employees. The primary mission of the OCC is to “ensure that national banks and federal savings associations operate in a safe and sound manner, provide fair access to financial services, treat customers fairly, and comply with applicable laws and regulations.” The OCC employees include bank examiners whose job it is to “Analyze loan and investment portfolios, funds management, capital, earnings, liquidity, sensitivity to market risk for all national banks and federal thrifts, and compliance with consumer banking laws for national banks and thrifts with less than $10 billion in assets.”
Why is it necessary to provide bank examiners with this level of protection? Simple, bank examiners are not stupid. They know what is coming. When they are out in the field performing their job and a sudden bank holiday is declared they could be far away from home and have nothing but their car for protection. This is clearly a move to placate these critical pieces of the banking establishment.
The federal government is spending $200,000 on the kits, according to the solicitation released on Dec. 4. 2014.
The Rehearsal of the Theft of Your Bank Account
All nations belonging to the G20 will immediately submit and pass legislation that will fulfill
anew investment program. This new program creates a whole new paradigm and set of rules whereby banks will no longer recognize your deposits as money.

The theft of the people’s money has already been rehearsed by the powers that be in the banking industry. Regulators from the
United States and the United Kingdom got together in a war room to see how they will cope when the next big bank fails.
Bank Accounts Have No Protection
The globalists have been moving their fiat currency holdings to gold since the Spring of 2013. The price of gold was artificially manipulated by Goldman Sachs to drive down the price of gold in order to make it cheaper for the powers-that-be to purchase gold cheaply. You see, they know that very soon, there will no money left in the banks. You want proof? The best proof that the globalists are manipulating the price of gold comes from “
Goldman Sachs (who), in the Spring of 2013, told their that they
recommend initiating a short COMEX gold position.”
The FDIC has only about $25 billion in its deposit insurance fund, which is mandated by law to keep a balance equivalent to only 1.15% of insured deposits.
If a banking collapse were to be on the near horizon, the banksters are not going to notify you because they would not want to incite a bank run. With only 1.15% of all deposits being insured by the FDIC, your money would be left vulnerable and only the elite would be warned as they quietly transfer their money to a safer haven, such as gold.

Hank Paulson, the architect of the Bailouts, said “there will be tanks in the streets. In 2008, this pathological liar was correct on this point

Your bank account has been collateralized against the derivatives debt. Hence, you had, in 2008, former CEO of Goldman Sachs and the Secretary of Treasury, Hank Paulson, telling a closed session of Congress that if they did not authorize the bailouts, there would be tanks in the street an ultimately, REVOLUTION! This was necessitated by the credit swap derivatives Ponzi scheme and the debacle that followed.
Further, the bankruptcy reform laws stemming from the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 2005, the credit swap derivatives counter-parties are given preference over all other creditors and customers of the bankrupt financial institution, including FDIC insured depositors. This is why the G20 effectively stole your money last month by declaring your bank account to NOT be money!
When Will America’s Second 9/11 Occur?
It is a fool’s errand to predict dates because the banksters plan by objective. However, it is safe to say that it could happen at any time. It could happen this week or in a year. The only sure thing we can say is that the critical elements are being put into place and this will be the topic of a future article. IN THE MEANTIME, GET YOUR MONEY OUT OF THE BANK!
Credit to Common Sense