An Iranian weapons shipment to Gaza terrorists intercepted by IDF forces in March 2014. (Photo: IDF)
Iran’s announcement on Thursday that it will pay the families of terrorists “comes as no surprise”, said Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, the founder and president of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (The Fellowship). According to Eckstein, the billions of dollars which Iran gained after sanctions were lifted, a move negotiated in the recent nuclear deal, are being used to “incentivize terror”.
Only last month, Secretary of State John Kerry said he expected some of the billions of dollars in sanctions relief will benefit terrorist groups. That expectation is now reality as the minimum payout for every family of the terrorist who is killed murdering Israelis and Jews is $7,000, with a possibility of growing to $30,000 if the family’s home is demolished by the IDF.
Eckstein urged the international community to recognize that the source of Iran’s funding for terrorism comes as a direct result of the nuclear deal payout. He holds the U.S. and P5+1 nations, who endorsed the deal, fully accountable for any deaths that come about as a direct result of this, saying, “If these Iranian payouts to terrorists spur even more terrorist attacks against innocent Israeli civilians, God forbid, then the blood of victims will be on the hands of those who signed this terrible deal.”
Further, Eckstein believes that the terror will not be limited to only Israel. Rather, the financial boost will encourage radical Islamic terror internationally. “Iran now has the means to foment more and more violence in Israel, across the Middle East, and around the world,” he said.
The blame ultimately falls on those who advocated for the deal, Eckstein noted, saying, “The U.S. and those who allowed the nuclear deal must be prepared to deal with its implications.” By providing the channel for Iran to fund terrorism, the U.S. and P5+1 nations are undoubtedly fulfilling the prophecy in Zechariah 12:3, which states: “And it shall come to pass in that day…and all the nations of the earth shall be gathered together against [Israel].”
Rather than allow Iran to continue on its path of death and destruction, Rabbi Eckstein urged the US to “impose new economic sanctions against [them] to prevent event further support for global terror.”
Iran’s plans to essentially pay for terror is only the latest of their expenditures. As a result of the lifting of the nuclear deal, the Iranian regime received $100 billion, which the country has wasted little time finding ways to spend. Within the last month, Iran has purchased 114 Airbus planes, announced plans to build four nuclear plants, and publicized intentions to upgrade their missile program.
Combatting Iranian promises to the perpetrators of terrorism, The Fellowship has designated approximately $200,000 to aid the victims and their families.
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