Monday, December 15, 2014
The most powerful force in the world that worth over $300 trillion
Since America’s inception there has been a lingering notion that European Illuminati bankers seek to bring America to its knees and return it to the fold of the Crown of England, which centuries ago became the key political vassal for the Eight Families who own majority stock in every private central bank in the world- Rothschild, Rockefeller, Kuhn Loeb, Lehman, Goldman Sachs, Warburg, Lazard and Israel Moses Seif .
Many US Presidents warned of the intrigues of the cabal, including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, John Quincy Adams; and later Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy. The latter two were assassinated for trying to nationalize the Federal Reserve via the issuance of Treasury Department-backed (publicly-issued) currency. The Eight Families own 52% of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, far and away the most powerful Fed Bank. Their ownership is disguised under names like JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley.
Do I exaggerate when I claim that there are Eight Families? Well, yes, actually these oligarchs have interbred to the point that they are now, for all practical purposes, one big family, with the Rothschilds being the most powerful. Their net worth alone is estimated at well over $100 trillion.
These people, whose latest justification for lording over us is that they are descended from Jesus Christ himself, are, for obvious reasons, counter-revolutionary. In their collective if obtuse minds, there are no good revolutions. Democracy is antithema. Government is something that only gets in the way. It must be discredited and bought. The American Revolution really pissed these inbreds off. In Canada, Australia and New Zealand, the Crown of England still holds sway via the Governor General. Most European countries retained their monarchies. In America, we had a revolution, democracy and government.
A medieval rollback of the American Revolution begins with the concept that “government is the root of all evil”. This strain of thinking is promoted by the Saudi/Israeli-owned Fox News. These nations are not “Islamic” and “Jewish”. They are fronts for the Crown of England and the Rothschilds. The well-paid corporate lackey leadership of the Republican Party pushes this anti-government agenda, while the idiocracy misnomer known as the Tea Party takes this monarchist argument to its fascist extreme.
Key to this revolutionary rollback is that seminal event- 911- which was used by Windsor family country cousin George Bush Jr. to dismantle our Bill of Rights, bankrupt our nation and destroy our image throughout the world via two oil-grab, narco-stimulant, contractor-friendly wars. In the weeks before 911 the financial weekly Barons reported that Deutsche Bank had purchased huge put options (betting that a stock will go down in price) on American & United Airlines, and WTC reinsurance giants Munich RE, Swiss RE & Axa.
Deutsche Bank, historically owned by the Nazi-funding Warburg family, bought Bankers Trust in 1999 to become the world’s largest bank with $882 billion in assets. Bankers Trust, as its name indicates, had been the Eight Families’ US wealth repository and is the largest shareholder of the Four Horsemen- Exxon Mobil, Chevron Texaco, BP Amoco and Royal Dutch/Shell- who later reaped the Iraq/Afghanistan oil bonanza.
In 2001 Sen. Carl Levin’s (D-MI) Banking Committee fingered Banker’s Trust as a major player in drug money laundering. On August 28th, just two weeks before 911, Deutsche Bank executive Kevin Ingram pled guilty to laundering heroin proceeds and arranging US weapons sales to parties in Pakistan and Afghanistan. A June 15, 2001 New York Post article said Osama bin Laden was the likely buyer. Kevin Ingram is a close friend of Clinton Treasury Secretary and Goldman Sachs insider Robert Rubin, now a board member at Citigroup. Ingram had worked at both Goldman Sachs and Lehman Brothers.
Banker’s Trust purchased the fast-growing Alex Brown investment bank in 1997 before the two merged into Deutsche Bank. Alex Brown took its name from founder A. B. “Buzzy” Krongard who served as chairman until the 1997 Bankers Trust buyout. Krongard is now the #3 man at CIA. On September 15th, four days after 911, the New York Times reported that Deutsche Bank Global Private Banking Chairman Mayo Shattuck III had suddenly resigned.
Mohammed Atta and two of other alleged hijackers had accounts at the Deutsche Bank Hamburg headquarters. There were reports that bin Laden’s family had taken a large stake in Deutsche Bank with help from Carlyle Group financial advisor George Bush Sr. The bin Laden’s had $2 million invested in Carlyle Group. They held big stakes in Microsoft and Boeing, and had extensive business dealings with Citigroup, GE, Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs and Fremont Group (recently spun-off by Bechtel). Within twenty days of 911, Deutsche Bank had hired away (effectively silencing) SEC lead investigator Richard Walker, whose main task would have been to delve into the mysterious shorting of airline and insurance stocks prior to 911.
The final phase of counter-revolution can be accomplished through the withdrawal of Eight Families’ funding of America’s $11 trillion debt, which has mostly accrued due to the US military’s role as mercenary praetorian guard of the Illuminati global empire, coupled with a devastating US military defeat in Afghanistan.
On August 15, 1871 Sovereign Grand Commander of the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry General Albert Pike, who later founded the Ku Klux Klan and prosecuted the Indian Wars, wrote a letter to Italian P-1 33rd Degree Grand Commander and Mafia founder Guiseppe Mazzini. In the letter Pike talked of a Brotherhood plan for three World Wars. The first, he said, would destroy czarist Russia and create a Communist “bogeyman” which the bankers could employ to justify their foreign interventions around the world. The second, Pike said, would be used to create Israel, which would become a mercenary force for the international bankers, protecting Middle Eastern oil interests for Rothschild and Rockefeller combines.
The Third World War, stated Pike’s letter, would pit Arabs against Zionists, and would culminate in a New World Order completely controlled by the international bankers and their secret societies. Pike described the events that would unfold as pretext for WWIII, “We’ll provoke a social cataclysm which in all its horror… everywhere the citizens obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries…will receive the true light through the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out into public view.”
In June 2001, a female Russian doctor stated in a Pravda column that the US would be subject to a massive terrorist attack in late August 2001. She was then asked what she believed was coming next. She suggested selling dollars and buying Russian rubles, saying that the secret group behind 911 was the most powerful force in the world, worth over $300 trillion. She said this group would soon “strike America in the back” while it was down and that the next shoe to drop would be the decimation of the US economy. This “secret group” could only be the Illuminati Rothschild-led Eight Families.
Cecil Rhodes, the Rothschild protégé who founded the Business Roundtable in the early 20th century wrote his last will and testament in 1877. Rhodes’ vision was implemented through the establishment of the Royal Institute for International Affairs in London. Rhodes founded the Standard Chartered Bank, whose UAE Dubai branch supplied the 911 hijackers with the funds needed to carry out the attack.
Rhodes last will and testament said he hoped, “to establish a trust, to and for the establishment and promotion and development of a secret society, the true aim and object whereof shall be the extension of British rule throughout the world…and the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British Empire.”
Dialing all American Revolutionaries!
Credit to
The Implosion Of American Culture

It was widely expressed by the mainstream media of the time that the collapse of the Soviet Union and the fall of the Berlin Wall could not have been predicted. In hindsight, the stagnation and drop in oil prices should have been the obvious signs that a dramatic change was coming. And when the USSR began to borrow from western banks, the fix was in.
Western banks is something of a misnomer, as no bank, or conglomerate of banking interests, can exist separate and independent of the larger international banking structure which has been built throughout the the 20th Century. Stagnate growth and the deflationary oil prices which began in 1986 acted as fine toothed methods of transferring wealth from the social trust within the Soviet Union, forcing banks within the USSR to borrow from western banks, which was in fact an exchange of assets amongst financial institutions.
The inevitable policy shifts towards “perestroika” were obvious and planned well in advance. The agricultural crisis within the country was designed to parallel the mass movement towards “glasnost”, or openness.
When we consider the larger mandates of the CSI, Cultural and Socioeconomic Interception, the same machinations as “perestroika” and ‘glasnost” can be observed in the social fragmentation and devolution of the American middle class. Where the Soviet Union enacted policies which instigated the CSI changes within the country, it will be Americas lack of enacting policy change which will precipitate the implosion of its culture.
See post The First False Flags for a further understanding of what is meant by the term CSI, or Cultural and Socioeconomic Interception.
To understand what this means we must consider the expansion of American culture around the globe since 1944, which was the year the USD became the primary reserve currency used in global trade. As use of the dollar increased, so did the acceptance of western culture. Everything from McDonald’s burgers to Hollywood creations were exported around the world.
America has followed the Soviet Union down the path of re-engineering its ideological culture. Russia has no more moved towards democracy than America has moved towards Communism. Both have shifted towards a new socialist middle ground where centralization has woven the macro economic system tighter around a supra-sovereign statehood.
The Cold War was the dialectic conditioning of the whole world.
Over the last few years we have begun to see once stable American institutions and companies begin to struggle. McDonalds growth has begun to slow and Sears, along with other big box stores, have been closing. Even legendary director Steven Spielberg has suggested that Hollywood will “implode” soon.
As use of the dollar levels off and begins to recede into the blend of multilateral currencies, the culture that grew up around it will also recede and implode back into the place from where it originated.
This implosion of culture can be seen in the recent racial and political divide which has been given focus in the riots and protests across the country. The media is doing its part to push the CSI engineering into the homes and minds of the disorganized masses. Many speculate that the riots have failed to spread as desired, but I reckon that they were extremely successful in that they leveled up the tension and pre-prejudice for a continuation of the slow motion implosion and transition to the international mindset collective.
The Black Friday madness is blown larger for maximum effect and the greed of America is the subconscious message which is being implanted in minds around the world. This message is trended throughout mainstream media, alternative media, and social media.
The other side of this CSI engineering is instability. Both greed and instability have now begun to feed from the tail of the other as American culture descends into the unknown bounds of ignorance. Political leaders and the political process has become so degraded that even Americans themselves are now looking towards figures like Russia’s Putin for inspiration. This is no doubt by design as it slowly dawns on the American people that they have become the “isolated” contagion from which the rest of the world is attempting to vaccinate itself against.
Yet, nowhere are the masses being informed and educated about the reality of economics and politics, let alone about the decay of culture and self. The media is proactively avoiding any meaningful truth and facts about the state of existence for the majority of the population. What is obvious subconsciously is ignored consciously in everyday thoughts and actions.
From this engineered ignorance the surprise of a “fall of the Berlin Wall moment” will emerge and crawl across the face of the western man.
The spread of greed is apparent and now the deeper injection of instability will continue to build on the economic CSI which began in 2008. Central banks around the world and the Bank for International Settlements have already begun to implant the meme that they can no longer provide liquidity in the next crisis. See the post The Enlargement of the Dialectic Collapse.
Across the globe the message is being promoted that America is holding up the much needed reform of the international monetary system, reforms which will “prevent and strengthen the global economy against future liquidity and credit shocks as well as exchange rate instability”.
In November of 2010 the G20 countries along with the International Monetary Fund agreed to reforming the international system. These reforms have been held up in the US Congress since and the message is being sent that the rest of the world is becoming impatient and tired of the American games.
It is beginning to look likely that the the IMF Reforms were never meant to be passed and enacted as written back in 2010. As such, the IMF along with the BRICS countries and other G20 members, have devised methods of bypassing America and implementing and even broader reform of the institution. This Plan B implementation will build on the meme of “American greed and instability” in order to create acceptance of a reformed system which has stripped the US of its veto power on the IMF Executive Board, as well double the actual quota commitment from member countries.
Reader Matt McBride has provided a link which explains in great detail the Plan B components and how they will likely be implemented in the coming months. I would strongly encourage all readers to study the material and fully understand it as the world stands on the threshold of change.
We are also likely to see some drama in Congress as both political parties attempt to agree on a fiscal budget for 2015. The government shutdown which happened last year has planted the CSI seed for what comes next. It is being proposed that the Democrats will include the 2010 IMF Reforms in the 2015 Fiscal Bill. But will the Republicans approve or continue to delay and push the world into the throes of financial collapse?
With the recent drop in oil prices and the inevitable fragmentation of OPEC, the instability theme is being built on so when the time comes the acceptance of oil and other commodities being denominated in SDR’s will not be challenged. See post The End of OPEC for further reading on the transition of energy markets and the trend of banks exiting the commodities markets.
Now that Saudi Arabian interests have been secured through Chinese bonds, the fragmentation of old “dollar based” structures such as OPEC can begin. Everywhere a dollar based institution has been established will see change as the system transitions and the multilateral emerges.
By July, 2015, the renminbi will be added to the SDR basket composition and from that moment SDR bonds will begin to re-liquify the international financial system. See post Renminbi ??? and the Alternative IMF Reforms.
The current deflation of commodities will be temporary and the new SDR commodities exchange will “correct” the imbalances in the system caused by American greed and the USD instability.
As the QE policies of central banks handled the exchange of low liquidity bonds from charter banks back to the balance sheets of the central banks themselves, the SDR bond system will orchestrate a sort of QE in reverse as the central banks exchange the low liquidity assets on their balance sheets for SDR assets, which will be considered high liquidity assets.
As well as the posts Something SDR This Way Comes – Deflation and Liquidity for the MFS.and The Old Economics of Devonian Water – How Current Debt Transforms Into SDR Liquidity.
The complete machinations of this multilateral transition is obscured to the disorganized masses through complete misdirection and propaganda of American privilege and greatness. Such will be the surprise when the implosion of American culture reaches a tipping point where the multilateral financial system is fully enacted on the ruins of western CSI engineered ignorance.
They will say no one saw it coming. But there are those of us across the internet, on blogs just like this one, who have seen it coming and have been talking about it for a long time. The exact details of every point of transition and interception is not easily discerned, but the overall macro trend is clear and there are a few moments of sudden adjustments coming. The sad reality is that the disorganized masses will remain ignorant to the whole process as they become consumed with television news drama that hides the structural truth behind the engineered cultural implosion of the American identity.
Credit to Zero Hedge
Rick Warren’s Call for Christians to Unite With Catholics

In a new video, megachurch leader and author Rick Warren is calling for Christians to unite with Roman Catholics and “Pope Francis,” who Warren recently referred to as the “Holy Father”—a move that is raising concerns among Christians nationwide and is resulting in calls for Warren to repent.
Warren made the comments following his visit to the Vatican last month, where he spoke at an interfaith conference on the “Complementarity of Man and Woman.”
“We have far more in common than what divides us,” he said in the two-minute video released by the Catholic News Service on Wednesday, described as being an outline for “an ecumenical vision for Catholics and Protestants to work together to defend the sanctity of life, sex and marriage.”
“They would all say, ‘We believe in the Trinity; we believe in the Bible; we believe in the resurrection; we believe in salvation through Jesus Christ,” Warren asserted, speaking of the various denominations within Christianity, of which he included Roman Catholicism. “These are the big issues.”
The author of the bestselling book “The Purpose Driven Life” then sought to defend Catholics from those who take issue with the practice of seeking the intercession of Mary and the various deceased persons that have been sainted by the Vatican.
“Sometimes protestants think that Catholics worship Mary like she’s another god, but that’s not exactly Catholic doctrine,” Warren contended. “People say, ‘What are the saints all about? Why are you praying to the saints?’ And when you understand what they mean by what they’re saying, there’s a whole lot more commonality [that we have with Roman Catholics].”
“There’s still real differences—no doubt about that,” Warren stated. “But the most important thing is, if you love Jesus, we’re on the same team.”
He closed by speaking of his belief that Christians and Catholics serve as co-laborers for the cause of defending life and family.
“When it comes to the family, we are co-workers in the field in this for the protection of the sanctity of life, the sanctity of sex and the sanctity of marriage,” Warren said. “So, there’s a great commonality and there’s no division on any of those three.”
But Warren’s comments have raised concern from Christian leaders nationwide, who are now calling the Saddleback leader to repentance. Matt Slick of the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry (CARM) repudiated each of Warren’s points.
“Sure, there are Catholics who love the real Christ, the one who died on the cross for our sins. That is not the problem,” he said. “The problem is the Roman Catholic Church’s false teachings concerning Mary and salvation.”
“Rick Warren says both the Catholics and the Protestants believe in the Bible. But, there is a significant difference between the Bible of the Protestants and the Roman Catholic Church, which has added seven books,” Slick wrote. “[T]here are numerous problems in the apocryphal books, such as the teaching of salvation by works [and] the offering of money for the sins of the dead.”
“Warren implies that both Protestants and Catholics have the same view of salvation,” he continued. “Though it’s technically correct to say that Catholics believe in salvation through Jesus Christ, they reject justification by faith alone in Christ alone. Instead, it teaches that good works of various kinds are necessary for salvation.”
The Christian apologist then pointed to several Roman Catholic teachings on Mary, mainly from the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC), such as that Mary “by her manifold intercession continues to bring us the gifts of eternal salvation” and that “[b]y asking Mary to pray for us, we acknowledge ourselves to be poor sinners and we address ourselves to the ‘Mother of Mercy,’ the All-Holy One.”
“Rick Warren has not only failed to recognize the problems in these serious areas, but he has lent his credibility as a Protestant pastor in support of the Roman Catholic Church,” Slick wrote. “This should never be done by any Protestant pastor who takes the Bible seriously. I must conclude that Mr. Warren does not take the word of God seriously and/or he does not understand the damnable teachings of Roman Catholicism regarding salvation.”
“Rick Warren needs to repent,” he said.
Christians Sing Christmas Carols, Hindus Attack Them And Brutally Beat Them

By Theodore Shoebat
Christians in India were singing Christmas carols when Hindus, seeing them with the utmost of hatred, attacked them and beat brutally beat them, especially the pastor. This is just one of the many incidents that have been taking place in India, in which Hindus are attacking, raping, and even killing Christians. We read inone report:
Credit to ShoebatIn one of the latest known incidents Saturday, December 13, evangelical Christians were attacked and beaten by Hindu militants for singing Christmas carols in India’s southern city of Hyderabad, seriously injuring a pastor and four others, rights activists told BosNewsLife.The violence occurred while Pastor Bhim Nayak of Banjara Baptist Church and fifteen church members sang Christmas carols and visited Christian families in the city’s Singareny Colony. Local Christians said some thirty “Hindu radicals” attacked the Christians and a vehicle they had hired for the evening festivities.The Hindu mob was seen surrounding the vehicle, with several shouting that believers were trying to “forcefully convert people to Christianity” by singing Christmas carols.Angry Hindus soon smashed the vehicle’s windows and dragged the Christians out into the street where they were beaten severely, witnesses said.
Crude Crash Set To Continue After Arab Emirates Hint $40 Oil Coming Next

In space, no one can hear you scream... unless you happen to be Venezuela's (soon to be former) leader Nicolas Maduro, who has been doing a lot of screaming this morning following news that UAE's Energy Minister Suhail Al-Mazrouei said OPEC will stand by its decision not to cut crude output "even if oil prices fall as low as $40 a barrel" and will wait at least three months before considering an emergency meeting.
In doing so, OPEC not only confirms that the once mighty cartel is essentially non-existant and has been replaced by the veto vote of the lowest-cost exporters (again, sorry Maduro), but that all those energy hedge funds (and not only) who hoped that by allowing margin calls to go straight to voicemail on Friday afternoon, their troubles would go away because of some magical intervention by OPEC over the weekend, are about to have a very unpleasant Monday, now that the next oil price bogey has been set: $40 per barrell.
Luckily, this will be so "unambiguously good" for the US consumer, it should surely offset the epic capex destruction that is about to be unleashed on America's shale patch, in junk bond hedge funds around the globe, and as millions of high-paying jobs created as a result of the shale miracle are pink slipped.
According to Bloomberg, OPEC won’t immediately change its Nov. 27 decision to keep the group’s collective output target unchanged at 30 million barrels a day, Suhail Al-Mazrouei said. Venezuela supports an OPEC meeting given the price slide, though the country hasn’t officially requested one, an official at Venezuela’s foreign ministry said Dec. 12. The group is due to meet again on June 5.
“We are not going to change our minds because the prices went to $60 or to $40,” Mazrouei told Bloomberg at a conference in Dubai. “We’re not targeting a price; the market will stabilize itself.” He said current conditions don’t justify an extraordinary OPEC meeting. “We need to wait for at least a quarter” to consider an urgent session, he said.
And with OPEC’s 12 members pumped 30.56 million barrels a day in November, exceeding their collective target for a sixth straight month, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Kuwait this month deepened discounts on shipments to Asia, feeding speculation that they’re fighting for market share amid a glut fed by surging U.S. shale production.
The above only focuses on the (unchanged) supply side of the equation - and since the entire world is rolling over into yet another round of global recession, following not only a Chinese slowdown to a record low growth rate, but also a recession in both Japan and Europe, the just as important issue is where demand will be in the coming year. The answer: much lower.
OPEC's unchanged production level, a lower demand growth forecast from the International Energy Agency further put the skids under oil on Friday, raising concerns of possible broader negative effects such as debt defaults by companies and countries heavily exposed to crude prices. There was also talk of the price trend adding to deflation pressures in Europe, increasing bets that the European Central Bank will be forced to resort to further stimulus early next year.
And while the bankruptcy advisors and "fondos buitre" as they are known in Buenos Aires, are circling Venezuela whose default is essentially just a matter of day, OPEC is - just in case its plan to crush higher cost production fails - doing a little of the "good cop" routing as a Plan B.
According to Reuters, OPEC secretary general tried to moderate the infighting within the oil exporters, saying "OPEC can ride out a slump in oil prices and keep output unchanged, arguing market weakness did not reflect supply and demand fundamentals and could have been driven by speculators."
Ah yes, it had been a while since we heard the good old "evil speculators" excuse. Usually it appeared when crude prices soared. Now, it has re-emerged to explain the historic plunge of crude.
Speaking at a conference in Dubai, Abdullah al-Badri defended November's decision by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries to not cut its output target of 30 million barrels per day (bdp) in the face of a drop in crude prices to multi-year lows."We agreed that it is important to continue with production (at current levels) for the ... coming period. This decision was made by consensus by all ministers," he said. "The decision has been made. Things will be left as is."Some say selling may continue as few participants are yet willing to call a bottom for markets.
There is some hope for the falling knife catchers: "Badri suggested the crude price fall had been overdone. "The fundamentals should not lead to this dramatic reduction (in price)," he said in Arabic through an English interpreter. He said only a small increase in supply had lead to a sharp drop in prices, adding: "I believe that speculation has entered strongly in deciding these prices.""
Unfortunately for the crude longs, Badri is lying, as can be gleaned from the following statement:
Badri said OPEC sought a price level that was suitable and satisfactory both for consumers and producers, but did not specify a figure. The OPEC chief also said November's decision was not aimed at any other oil producer, rebutting suggestions it was intended to either undermine the economics of U.S. shale oil production or weaken rival powers closer to home."Some people say this decision was directed at the United States and shale oil. All of this is incorrect. Some also say it was directed at Iran and Russia. This also is incorrect," he said.
Well actually... "Saudi Arabia's oil minister Ali al-Naimi had told last month'sOPEC meeting the organization must combat the U.S. shale oil boom, arguing for maintaining output to depress prices and undermine the profitability of North American producers, said a source who was briefed by a non-Gulf OPEC minister."
And as Europe has shown repeatedly, not only is it serious when you have to lie, but it is even worse when you can't remember what lies you have said in the past. That alone assures that the chaos within OPEC - if only for purely optical reasons - will only get worse and likely lead to least a few sovereign defaults as the petroleum exporting organization mutates to meet the far lower demand levels of the new normal.
In the meantime, the only question is how much longer can stocks ignore the bloodbath in energy (where there has been much interstellar screaming too) because as we showed on Friday, despite the worst week for stocks in 3 years, equities have a long way to go if and when they finally catch up, or rather down, with the crude reality...
Credit to Zero Hedge
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