By Walid Shoebat
While Qatar says “death to Saudi Arabia” and Saudi Arabia says “death to Qatar,” Turkey moves into Qatar with massive troops. Turkey’s parliament has approved a legislation allowing its troops to be deployed to a Turkish military base in Qatar Al-Jazeera reported today. Turkey has now made its decision, it is a key ally of Qatar, not Saudi Arabia and is now setting up a military base with 10,000 Turkish soldiers in the country which also hosts the largest US air base in the Middle East with 10,000 American soldiers.
Now what!
Riyadh now cannot plan to send troops into Qatar and forcibly remove Qatar’s ruler Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani from office for his support of the very Wahhabi Islam which Saudi Arabia initially promoted. Saudi Arabia is not ‘Wahhabi’ enough for Qatar’s taste.
Qatar’s emir rejects the Saudi demands to stop aiding terrorism—including its refusal to abide by the GCC “commitments and agreements,” to cease “hostilities against the Saudi Kingdom,” and to stand “against terrorist groups and activities”.
Saudi Arabia, the fountain that started Wahhabi-Islamic ideology has its hatchlings come against their mother (Saudi Arabia) to slowly consume her and set her on fire in the end.
Al Udeid American airbase has its 10,000 US troops in Qatar now has 10,000 Turkish troops opposing U.S. stand with Saudi Arabia. Now what will Trump do?

Saudi’s attempt to thwart Iran for regional hegemony is out the window. And how will this bode with Saudi Arabia’s relations with Turkey taking into consideration Qatar’s fallout with Saudi Arabia and today’s recent attack in Iran by ISIS which Iran blames Saudi Arabia?
Think major shifts on the near horizon that will change the demography of the Middle East forever.
For decades when western media dished out the news about the Middle East, from the New York Times to Fox News, they would make the error of stating that Iran and Saudi Arabia are the leading nations on the opposing sides of the Middle East split between Shiite and Sunni Islam.
Such a simplistic division is all a westerner can consume. We warned this is not the case.
Fact is what we stated: the Muslim states on the opposing sides of the Middle East split is between SHIITE/SUFI/SUNNI versus WAHHABI Saudi Arabia. The situation is not as cut-and-dry the way westerners put it.
Our decades prediction that Turkey will ally with Saudi Arabia’s enemies is now coming to fruition and its a time for ‘we told you so’, in 2015 we wrote predicating Turkey’s military advances into Qatar:
When it comes to the Bible and Christ’s Second Coming, we do not find any mention of New York City, Tokyo, or Paris, but Egypt, Libya, Elam (Iran), Lydia (Turkey), Yemen, Arabia and Jerusalem. “Ethiopia, And Libya, And Lydia, And All The Mingled People, And Chub, And The Men Of The Land That Is In League, Shall Fall With Them By The Sword.”– Ezekiel 30:5
Staying focused on these nations, Ezekiel speaks of them coming as a “league”. And while looking at the current news this week, we have had successive and escalating developments in the Turkish-Gulf relations effecting regional, military and geopolitical impact as we have seen the latest visit paid by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan …
But the problem for Saudi Arabia, Syria and Egypt is that Turkey and the U.S. both major powers support the Muslim Brotherhood, the archenemy of the Egyptian government specifically and it is Turkey that continues to revive it. Both Turkey and the U.S. realize that the Muslim Brotherhood is key to influencing the Muslim world since they hold the Muslim scholarly realm.
And Qatar is the base for the Muslim Brotherhood.
And now, Saudi Arabia which historically fomented Wahhabism has Qatar “instigating against the Saudi State and infringing on its sovereignty,” supporting various terrorist and other groups, including the Muslim Brotherhood, al-Qaeda, and the Islamic State, using its media to attack Saudi Arabia, and undermining the war in Yemen.
Based on these “violations,” Saudi Arabia proceeded to sever all relations with Qatar—diplomatic, economic, food imports, and flights—and ordered all Qatari citizens, including diplomats, to leave the kingdom.
The mantra has always been that Erdogan’s Sunni supporters are generally opposed to predominantly Shiite Iran and keen on seeing Turkish-Saudi Arabian ties develop.
This slogan, as we predicted and warned about, is not true anymore.
Turkey will never give up anything at the expense of the Muslim Brotherhood, which Riyadh and Cairo consider a terrorist organization while Turkey considers as ally.Without the Muslim Brotherhood, Turkey cannot establish its Caliphate agenda since it has the religious scholarly think-tank to drive it.
Saudi Arabia aims at regime change in Qatar by replacing Tamim bin Hamad with another Al Thani who could act as a pro-Saudi puppet. Such a dangerous game could not have been accomplished without a nod from President Trump’s recent visit to the kingdom, but this is a western miscalculation.
What this does, is it forces Turkey to becoming Saudi Arabia’s enemy. This will advance Iran.
Iran has military advisers in Iraq and Syria controlling and financing militias in those countries and in Lebanon. Tehran also has some influence over the Houthis fighting the government in Yemen, and it often speaks out in support of Shiites in Bahrain, a majority group that Iran says is repressed by the Sunni monarchy.
This situation will definitely escalate, it will soon become Turkey, Iran and Qatar versus Saudi Arabia.
This will escalate this conflict to a new level where you will begin to see all nations abandon Saudi Arabia including even the U.S. where the U.S. is now self-sufficient oil supplier and is in no need of Saudi oil.
Saudi Arabia currently has Egypt, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Yemen, Libya and the Maldives, all of which form an anti-Iranian bloc. But prophecy is clear, Turkey goes against Egypt and Libya (Daniel 11) and will make an alliance with Iran which will encompass Yemen and Bahrain leaving Saudi Arabia completely naked to beg Israel, its cousin, for help and is why Sheba and Dedan stand against Magog (Turkey).
Its all lining up.
Turkey does not forget when Iran did not wait for the coup’s failure against Erdogan to speak up when President Hassan Rouhani supported Erdogan during the coup in contrast, Saudi King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud congratulated Erdogan for suppressing the attempt, but only after it failed.
By this, Saudi Arabia signed its own death-sentence. To add more to the tightening noose around the Saudi kingdom’s neck, sources close to Iran are zestfully reporting claims that Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates were involved in the coup attempt, in an apparent hope this might encourage Ankara to change its axis.
And that it did. Turkey moved quickly to shake hands with Putin and Iran and now with Qatar, the Muslim Brotherhood’s stronghold. Such a move by Erdogan will force the West to reconsider its options on Turkey. This new emerging prospect of a Turkish-Iranian-Russian axis is pressuring the U.S. to mend fences with Ankara while it too abandons Saudi Arabia.
In the Middle East, politicians fear the religious institutions most. Announcing a Caliphate is under the authority of the Union of Muslim Scholars led by the Muslim Brotherhood, which only it represented the decision making power in the Muslim world. This would be Qatar. This is why Turkey is in bed with the Muslim Brotherhood while it has its eyes on Arabia gaining not only Muslim Brotherhood blessing for its new revival of a grand Caliphate, but now its closer to taking they keys of the two holy mosques (Mecca and Medina) from Saudi Arabia as well are giving the Ottomans blessings from the Kaaba’s Zamzam water.
As we stated in 2015, the world thinks that “Turkey’s goal is to eventually establish a military alliance involving Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates.” But we emphasized “But such goal can never be established with the Al-Sisi’s anti Muslim Brotherhood current government. Is it no wonder why Antichrist finally has to invade Egypt (Daniel 11).”
The Gulf states realizes that despite their wealth, they are still vulnerable and continuing to depend on the United States to guarantee their security no longer appears tenable given the possibility of a broader U.S.-Iranian rapprochement.
And in another article in 2015, we stated:
“We have no religion called ‘Sunni’ or ‘Shiite’” said Erdogan reminding the Muslim world that Turkey will not join a Sunni alliance with Saudi Arabia, but an Islamic alliance of both Sunnis and Shiites which also includes Iran and wants to become the guardian of this new coalition (Ezekiel 38:7)
It can’t get anymore accurate than this. Everything fits like a glove once you understand biblically which nation is which.
We have been saying this all along. In August 2014 we wrote that:
“Erdogan will not enter any party in the sectarian conflict but intends to use his Sufi brand of Islam to unite the entire Muslim world.”
Far from Wahhabism, Sufism is the most dangerous, not only that because it teaches tremendous violence since it was the Sufis who are the muscle and sinew of the faith advancing it to become the world’s second-largest religion. Sufis are not simply a sect of Islam, but rather heirs of an ancient mystical tradition within both the Sunni and Shia branches of the faith combining their inward quest with war and expansion worldwide. Sufism is also the ecumenical force in which it is the best uniting factor between Shiite and Sunni Muslims.
“This ‘Islamized shamanism’, covering the geographic areas of modern-day Turkey, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kirghizstan, northern Afghanistan, the Turkoman province of Iran and the Uygur district of Xinjian province of China will play a major role in the end times and we predict that the Antichrist is likely to be Sufi.”
Indeed, this is what is happening and as we have been saying years ago: Saudi Arabia is being abandoned, so expect the news headlines for the next couple years to be shock to the world, but not to you.
Erdogan, single-handedly was able to do several things as of late. He was able to revive an Islamic theology which enables himself to be declared as God (here, here, here). He seeks to change set laws in Turkey. He seeks now to unite Shiites and Sunnis to be the guardian of the Muslim world:
“Be you prepared, and prepare for yourself, you, and all your company that are assembled to you, and be you a guard to them.” (Ezekiel 38:7)
The “you” is “Gog” “chief prince of Meshech and Tubal,” that is Turkey. And the “them” are “Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya …” (Ezekiel 38:5). Persia is Iran. This verse alone got us to conclude all of our previous reports that Shiites and Sunnis will be the subject of unity and false peace as Erdogan will attempt to be their guardian. Few verses from the Bible could take a library to explain. And in order to stop Libya and Egypt calling “death to Turkey,” Turkey will invade both Egypt and Libya (Daniel 11:42-43) while Arabia (Sheba and Dedan) will take a sideline when Turkey unites the Muslim world with Turkey’s and Iran’s unifying slogan “death to Israel”.
In the end, it matters little what Muslim divides exist between Shiite vs. Sunni, Wahhabi ISIS vs. Wahhabist Saudis, Brotherhood vs. Wahhabist. Indeed, all this matters to some extent, these will always divide. But nothing can unite the Muslim world, not even Allah and Muhammad or even their direction of prayer and pilgrim can unite them. It is not the black stone that will unite them, but the burdensome stone, Jerusalem, which will unite them for a moment and will crush them in the end.
Let me explain the Middle East simply: “Death to Turkey,” says Egypt, and while Turkey responds “death to Egypt,” Libya too says “death to Turkey,” and while Turkey responds “death to Libya,” Saudi Arabia says “death to Iran” and while Iran responds “death to Saudi Arabia,” the Yemeni Houthis says “death to Saudi Arabia,” and while the Saudis respond “death to the Houthis,” Hamas says, “death to the Palestinian Authority,” and while the Palestinian Authority responds “death to Hamas,” all these agree on one ‘death slogan’, that is “death to Israel and death to America”.
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