Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Medvedev Says Russia Not Obliged to Guarantee Ukraine’s Territorial Sovereignty
MOSCOW, May 20 (RIA Novosti) – Russia is not obligated to guarantee the territorial sovereignty of Ukraine because it never took on that obligation, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said Tuesday.
“We are not obliged to guarantee anyone anything because we never took those obligations upon ourselves in regard to this issue, but we are proceeding in the fact that the main goal is calming the situation in Ukraine, not guaranteeing anyone anything, but calming the situation,” Medvedev said during an interview with Bloomberg.
The Russian prime minister stressed that Moscow was expecting certain commitments from those coming to the negotiating table, including a guarantee for non-interference in Ukraine’s internal affairs, a guarantee not to draw the crisis-torn country into NATO, and assurance that people in eastern Ukraine will not lose their right to use the Russian language.
Medvedev also said that major obligations to the Ukrainian people rest with the authorities and these are, first of all, to ensure order in the country and begin a national dialogue on reconciliation, which according to the prime minister, should result in a new constitution.
RIA Novosti
Your Child Is Not Safe from the Global Elite’s Child Trafficking Rings
There is no greater nightmare than for a parent to lose their child. Subsequently, it is undeniably an inborn instinct for the majority of parents to guard their children’s welfare with their lives. When we read or hear about parents who have lost children our collective hearts break for these parents and grieve for the lost children.
What do we as parents do when key public officials, large corporations as well as powerful governmental institutions the key players in both stealing and sexually abusing our children. In my years of investigating these heinous crimes against humanity, I have learned that many in the global elite do not view the abduction and sexual abuse of our children to be a crime. Our children are merely the sexual toys for many of the world’s elite whether they be associated with the royal family of England, the Bush family, Dyncorps, Wachovia Wells Fargo, Blackwater (now Academi) or HSBC bank.
I have interviewed experts which have detailed stories of how our children are abducted by the various state run CPS’ and then trafficked into sex rings which service such events as the Super Bowl. As recently as three months ago, the FBI busted a child sex trafficking ring associated with the most recent Super Bowl in New York City. The corporate controlled media reported the bust as if the problem was now solved. There are dozens of such sex rings who steal children, in one form or another, and then prostitute these children to various Super Bowl functions. Many times, these children are exploited right under the noses of NFL security and local authorities because it’s good for business.
Monika and Dylan
Yesterday, I introduced the country to Monika Wesolowski and her five year old son, Dylan. I revealed how Dylan was stolen from his mother without provocation by Virginia’s CPS, who in turn placed the boy with two gay fathers. Monika has discovered that the boy is being sexually abused and most likely sex trafficked. Comments from the two fathers about the boy’s desirability and his cute blond hair have been made to the mother during visitations.
Equally disturbing, I revealed how Illinois CPS’ tried to coerce Monika’s parents to sign an affidavit which implicated Monika for abusing her own child. The Illinois CPS officials made clear statements which clearly demonstrated that Illinois CPS officials were working hand in glove with Virginia CPS officials to permanently remove Dylan from the custody of his mother. If one takes the time to investigate the self-appointed authority of Obamacare to control all 50 CPS organizations across the country, through a Human Health Services, United Nations inspired 110 page field manual, it is easy to establish collusion between Illinois and Virginia CPS’ in the theft and sex trafficking of children.
The public encourages government to step in and remove endangered children from abusive parents. However, all too often, as is the case with Monika and Dylan, the CPS is there to fabricate charges of parental wrongdoing and place the child in foster care where children all too often, as was the case in Oklahoma, disappear by the dozens.
I do not say this lightly. When CPS officials show up at your door, you must view them as federal abduction officials who are there to procure your child for possible use as a sex slave in child sex rings run by the elite, which profit the elite and service the perverse needs of the elite.
The following paragraphs will detail how pervasive and murderous are thse global elite child sex rings.
Jerry Sandusky
Most Americans think that when former Penn State football coach, Jerry Sandusky, received a 30 to 60 prison term after being found guilty on 45 counts of the sexual exploitation of minors, that the case was closed. And that is what the global elite controlled sex trafficking industry with their allies in the corporate controlled media would have the public believe.
Sandusky was first accused of sexual abuse of a minor in 1999. The case was investigated by local police, referred to Centre County’s District Attorney, Ray Gricar, who refused to press charges despite the fact that the mother of the alleged victim had voicemail tapes and tape recordings of Sandusky and her son and their sexually explicit conversations. However, at a later time, the formerly rejected case, as well as other Sandusky victims resurfaced in 2005 and Gricar reopened his investigation. Shortly thereafter, on his day off, Gricar went missing and has body has never been found. His laptop was found in a nearby creek, but none of the data could be retrieved according to the FBI investigativereport.

This DA. Ray Gricar, dared to investigate Sandusky and Second Mile and paid for his efforts with his life.
Gricar was declared legally dead in 2011, after the Sandusky scandal surfaced. The investigation of the apparent kidnapping and murder of Ray Gricar could politely be described as incomplete. Gricar’s fate is an all too common fate experienced by whistle blowers and investigators into the controlled world-wide pedophile ring.
The corporate controlled media was all too eager the Sandusky case until The Second Mile Foundation surfaced and the Gricar disappearance came to light.
Jerry Sandusky’s “The Second Mile Foundation” was recognized as one of President Bush’s top “1000Points of Light.” Interestingly, Marvin P. Bush is on the National Collegiate Athletic Association Board of Directors which helped make the selection. Former president, George H. W. “Pappy” Bush is no stranger to accusations of pedophilia as evidenced by the accompany headline adjacent to this paragraph.
The board members of the Second Mile Foundation have not exactly been forthcoming with evidence against Sandusky during the trial process. These same board members have not uniformly disavowed the actions of the Sandusky created entity which was responsible for pimping out children. The board members have not totally disavowed the organization’s complicity in these heinous crimes by resigning. The overall silence of the following board members should give anyone cause for concern.
Second Mile Foundation Official Governing Board Members
Second Mile Governing Board Member | Institutional Affiliation |
David Woodle | Chairman & CEO, NanoHorizons, Inc. |
Clyde Shuman | Principal, Precision Medical, Inc. |
William Martin | Certified Financial PlannerMartin Financial |
Cliff Benson | Retired, Deloitte Tax LLP |
Donald Carlino | President, Airgas Safety, Inc. |
Sen. Jake Corman | Pennsylvania State Senator |
Neal DeAngelo | Owner, DeAngelo Brothers, Inc. |
Edward Dunklebarger | President, Susquehanna Bancshares, Inc. |
Kenneth Ewing | Retired, Hershey Foods Corporation |
Michael Fiaschetti | Senior Vice President, Highmark Blue Shield |
Michael Fiore | Executive Vice President, Leonard S. Fiore, Inc. |
Linda Gall | Community Volunteer |
Anne Deeter Gallaher | Owner, Deeter Gallaher Group LLC |
Bruce Heim | Chairman, Keystone Real Estate Group, LP |
Dorothy Huck | Community Volunteer |
Dick Kile | President, Tri-Emerald Financial Group |
Tom Knepley | Sales and Marketing Coordinator, Techbldrs |
Michael Kuntz | Vice President and General Manager, Turner Construction |
Matt Millen | ESPN Football Analyst, |
Heidi Nicholas | Real Estate Developer & Manager, CEI, Inc. |
Michael O’Donnell | Vice President, Wealth Advisor, Morgan Stanley |
Kim Ortenzio-Nielsen | Community Volunteer |
Chuck Pearson | Retired, Bank Chairman, Waypoint Financial |
Eric Peterson | CPA, Walz, Deihm, Geisenberger, Bucklen & Tennis |
Alec Pringle | Real Estate Appraiser/Developer/ |
Nancy Ring | Realtor, REMAX Centre County |
DrueAnne Schreyer | Community Volunteer |
Steve Seltzer | President, Steve Seltzer Honda |
Lauren Shank | Corporate Attorney and Community Volunteer |
Louie Sheetz | Executive Vice President for Marketing, Sheetz, Inc. |
Fred Strouse | Realtor, Kissinger Bigatel Brower |
Richard Struthers | Retired, Bank of America |
Michael Sullivan | Owner, Automated Records Centre |
Daryl Milliner | Regional Vice President, Paradigm Partners |
Jerry Burton | Certified Brain Specialist |
Mark Greenberg | Director, The Prevention Research Center, College of Health and Human Development, Pennsylvania State University |
Do the above mentioned board members of The Second Mile Foundation expect a naive public that from 1977 to 2011, that absolutely no Second Mile official, nobody at all, except for the abused children and Sandusky, had any knowledge of the abuse? Keep in mind that these young victims were pimped out in broad daylight.
What about Ray Gricar? How does a District Attorney, who has shown interest in the Sandusky case, go missing and it does not trigger an internal investigation from the identified board members? The best case scenario is that these individuals are guilty of depraved indifference to the heinous crimes committed by Sandusky et al. The worst case scenario suggests a possible cover-up at the highest levels of this organization.
The fact also remains that former District Attorney, Ray Gricar, is dead and there is no outrage. The obvious connections between Sandusky and Second Mile have been largely ignored by the corporate controlled media and stunningly, no investigation in conjunction with the obvious interconnections between Sandusky, Second Mile and Gricar’s disappearance has been conducted.
Please take note how quickly the Sandusky affair disappeared following the revelation of Second Mile’s involvement in child sex trafficking.
Former Georgia State Senator Nancy Schaefer
Former Georgia State Senator, Nancy Schaefer was an outspoken opponent of CPS. Schaefer authored an investigation in which, among other findings, revealed the following:
“…the separation of families is growing as a business because local governments have grown accustomed to having taxpayer dollars to balance their ever-expanding budgets.The Adoption and the Safe Families Act, set in motion by President Bill Clinton, offered cash “bonuses” to the states for every child they adopted out of foster care. In order to receive the “adoption incentive bonuses” local child protective services need more children. They must have merchandise (children) that sell and you must have plenty of them so the buyer can choose. Some counties are known to give a $4,000 bonus for each child adopted and an additional $2,000 for a “special needs” child. Employees work to keep the federal dollars flowing.The National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect in 1998 reported that six times as many children died in foster care than in the general public and that once removed to official “safety”, these children are far more likely to suffer abuse, including sexual molestation than in the general population.That according to the California Little Hoover Commission Report in 2003, 30% to 70% of the children in California group homes do not belong there and should not have been removed from their homes.…poor parents often times are targeted to lose their children because they do not have the where-with-all to hire lawyers and fight the system. Being poor does not mean you are not a good parent or that you do not love your child, or that your child should be removed and placed with strangers.”
In this document, Schaefer makes it clear that organizations, such as The Second Mile, procure their underage victims by making children wards of the State. CPS has unchecked legal authority to remove children, with or without cause. Subsequently, CPS and their partners, the corrupt juvenile court judges can place these children wherever they see fit (e.g. The Franklin House, Boys Town, Elm House, The Second Mile Foundation) where unimaginable horrors take place.
Given the deaths of so many people who have tried to expose this international conspiracy, do I think that Monika and Dylan are in danger? Without question, they are in danger. Their best protection is the light of day. Therefore, I would ask that you would circulate this three part series far and wide.
In the last part in this series, I am going to expose just how high this problem goes and the public officials who are involved is shocking.
Short of uncontrolled vigilantism directed at those who would dare steal our children for such nefarious purposes, I do not have any hard and fast answers as to what we can do, but we must do something because there are a number of Monika’s and Dylan’s out there and their numbers growing exponentially.
Credit to Common Sense
Scientists Fearlessly Create Bizarre Human/Animal Hybrids

Did you know that scientists are creating cow/human hybrids, pig/human hybrids and even mouse/human hybrids? This is happening every single day in labs all over the western world, but most people have never even heard about it. So would you drink milk from a cow/human hybrid that produces milk that is almost identical to human breast milk? And how would you interact with a mouse that has a brain that is almost entirely human? These are the kinds of questions that we will have to start to address as a society as scientists create increasingly bizarre human/animal hybrids. Thanks to dramatic advances in genetic technology, we have gotten to the point where it is literally possible for college students to create new hybrid lifeforms in their basements. Of course our laws have not kept pace with these advances, and now that Pandora’s Box has been opened, it is going to be nearly impossible to shut it.
Scientists try to justify the creation of human/animal hybrids by telling us that it will help “cure disease” and help “end world hunger”, but what if scientists discover that combining human DNA with animal DNA can give us incredible new abilities or greatly extended lifespans? Will humanity really have the restraint to keep from going down that road?
In my previous article entitled “Transhumanists: Superhuman Powers And Life Extension Technologies Will Allow Us To Become Like God“, I explored the obsession that transhumanists have with human enhancement. The temptation to “take control of our own evolution” will surely be too great for many scientists to resist. And even if some nations outlaw the complete merging of humans and animals, that does not mean that everyone else in the world will.
And once animal DNA gets into our breeding pool, how will we ever put the genie back into the bottle? As the DNA of the human race becomes corrupted, it is easy to imagine a future where there are very few “pure humans” remaining.
Sadly, most of the scientists working in this field express very little concern for these types of considerations. In fact, one very prominent U.S. geneticist says that we should not even worry about hybridization because he believes that humans were originally pig/chimpanzee hybrids anyway…
The human species began as the hybrid offspring of a male pig and a female chimpanzee, an American geneticist has suggested.The startling claim has been made by Eugene McCarthy, who is also one of the world’s leading authorities on hybridisation in animals.He points out that while humans have many features in common with chimps, we also have a large number of distinguishing characteristics not found in any other primates.
So if we are just hybrid creatures ourselves, why should we be scared of making more hybrids?
From their point of view, it all makes perfect sense.
And right now, extremely weird human/animal hybrids are being grown all over the United States.
For example, just check out the following excerpt from an NBC News articleabout what is going on in Nevada…
On a farm about six miles outside this gambling town, Jason Chamberlain looks over a flock of about 50 smelly sheep, many of them possessing partially human livers, hearts, brains and other organs.The University of Nevada-Reno researcher talks matter-of-factly about his plans to euthanize one of the pregnant sheep in a nearby lab. He can’t wait to examine the effects of the human cells he had injected into the fetus’ brain about two months ago.“It’s mice on a large scale,” Chamberlain says with a shrug.
When this article came across my desk recently, I noted that it was almost ten years old.
Over the past decade, things have gotten much, much stranger.
For example, scientists have now created mice that have artificial humanchromosomes “in every cell in their bodies“…
Scientists have created genetically-engineered mice with artificial human chromosomes in every cell of their bodies, as part of a series of studies showing that it may be possible to treat genetic diseases with a radically new form of gene therapy.In one of the unpublished studies, researchers made a human artificial chromosome in the laboratory from chemical building blocks rather than chipping away at an existing human chromosome, indicating the increasingly powerful technology behind the new field of synthetic biology.
And researchers at the University of Wisconsin figured out a way to transfer cells from human embryos into the brains of mice. When those cells from the human embryos began to grow and develop, they actually made the micesubstantially smarter…
Yet experiments like these are going forward just the same. In just the past few months, scientists at the University of Wisconsin and the University of Rochester have published data on their human-animal neural chimeras. For the Wisconsin study, researchers injected mice with an immunotoxin to destroy a part of their brains–the hippocampus–that’s associated with learning, memory, and spatial reasoning. Then the researchers replaced those damaged cells with cells derived from human embryos. The cells proliferated and the lab chimeras recovered their ability to navigate a water maze.For the Rochester study, researchers implanted newborn mice with nascent human glial cells, which help support and nourish neurons in the brain. Six months later, the human parts had elbowed out the mouse equivalents, and the animals had enhanced ability to solve a simple maze and learn conditioned cues. These protocols might run afoul of the anti-hybrid laws, and perhaps they should arouse some questions. These chimeric mice may not be human, or even really human, but they’re certainly one step further down the path to Algernon. It may not be so long before we’re faced with some hairy bioethics: What rights should we assign to mice with human brains?
So what should we call mice that have brains that are mostly human?
And at what point would our relationship with such creatures fundamentally change?
When they learn to talk?
Scientists all over the planet are recklessly creating these chimeras without really thinking through the implications.
In China, scientists have actually inserted human genes into the DNA of dairy cow embryos.
Now there are hundreds of human/cow hybrids that produce milk that is virtually identical to human breast milk.
Would you buy such milk if it showed up in your supermarket? The scientists that “designed” these cows say that is the goal.
But of course this is just the tip of the iceberg. A very good Slate articledetailed some more of the human/animal hybrid experiments that have been taking place all over the planet…
Not long ago, Chinese scientists embedded genes for human milk proteins into a mouse’s genome and have since created herds of humanized-milk-producing goats. Meanwhile, researchers at the University of Michigan have a method for putting a human anal sphincter into a mouse as a means of finding better treatments for fecal incontinence, and doctors are building animals with humanized immune systems to serve as subjects for new HIV vaccines.
And Discovery News has documented even more bizarre human/animal hybrids that scientists have developed…
As technology continues to advance, the possibilities are going to be endless.
One professor at Harvard even wants to create a Neanderthal/human hybrid. He says that he just needs an “adventurous female human” to carry the child…
Professor George Church of Harvard Medical School believes he can reconstruct Neanderthal DNA and resurrect the species which became extinct 33,000 years ago.His scheme is reminiscent of Jurassic Park but, while in the film dinosaurs were created in a laboratory, Professor Church’s ambitious plan requires a human volunteer.He said his analysis of Neanderthal genetic code using samples from bones is complete enough to reconstruct their DNA.He said: ‘Now I need an adventurous female human.‘It depends on a hell of a lot of things, but I think it can be done.’
I don’t know about you, but that sounds like a really, really bad idea to me.
And right now, the U.S. federal government is actually considering a plan which would allow scientists to create babies that come from genetic material drawn from three parents…
A new technology aimed at eliminating genetic disease in newborns would combine the DNA of three people, instead of just two, to create a child, potentially redrawing ethical lines for designer babies.The process works by replacing potentially variant DNA in the unfertilized eggs of a hopeful mother with disease-free genes from a donor. U.S. regulators today will begin weighing whether the procedure, used only in monkeys so far, is safe enough to be tested in humans.Because the process would change only a small, specific part of genetic code, scientists say a baby would largely retain the physical characteristics of the parents. Still, DNA from all three — mother, father and donor — would remain with the child throughout a lifetime, opening questions about long-term effects for this generation, and potentially the next. Ethicists worry that allowing pre-birth gene manipulation may one day lead to build-to-order designer babies.
Many scientists believe that these kinds of technologies will “change the world”.
They might be more right about that than they ever could possibly imagine.
When we start monkeying with human DNA, we could be opening up doorways that we never even knew existed.
If we do not learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it. Hopefully scientists around the globe will understand the dangers of these types of experiments before it is too late.
Credit to Endofthe americandream.com
China "Sanctions" US, Bans Use Of Windows 8 On Government Computers
Considering the epic production and sales flop that Windows 8 has been, one probably does not need an actual sales ban from preventing anyone sane from using it let alone buying it, however in yet another symbolic step, banning its government employees from using the latest Windows operating system is precisely what China did in retaliation to yesterday's DOJ announcement it was charging five PLA members with hacking offenses against the US. According to Reuters, this latest blow to Microsoft came when the Central Government Procurement Center issued the ban as part of a notice on the use of energy-saving products. So Windows 8 lead to global warming? Who knew...
The implication is clear: if the US charges its hackers, China will no longer condone such porous proxies of NSA activity as Internet routers and, of course, Windows operating systems, which as has been documented in the past, is a stroll in the park for NSA infiltration attempts.
The official Xinhua news agency said the ban was to ensure computer security after Microsoft ended support for its Windows XP operating system, which was widely used in China.Neither the government nor Xinhua elaborated on how the ban supported the use of energy-saving products, or how it ensured security.China has long been a troublesome market for Microsoft. Former CEO Steve Ballmer reportedly told employees in 2011 that, because of piracy, Microsoft earned less revenue in China than in the Netherlands even though computer sales matched those of the U.S. Microsoft declined to comment.Last month, Microsoft ended support for the 13-year-old XP to encourage the adoption of newer, more secure versions of Windows. This has potentially left XP users vulnerable to viruses and hacking."China's decision to ban Windows 8 from public procurement hampers Microsoft's push of the OS to replace XP, which makes up 50 percent of China's desktop market," said data firm Canalys.
And while this escalation in Chinese "sanctions" against the US may lead to a modest topline miss for MSFT, one company everyone should be watching is Cisco, which in late 2013 saw its China sales crater when the anger at the NSA was most acute. Now that the animosity between the US and China over cyberhacking has been rekindled, watch for the government to promptly block yet another quarter of sales growth for the switching giant, whose CEO unsucessfully pleaded for Obama to tone down NSA tensions over the weekend, and which should preannounce a weak quarter shortly.
Credit to Zero Hedge
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