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Friday, September 9, 2011
Palestinians launch bid for UN membership
Palestinian representatives began their campaign for statehood recognition with a march to United Nations headquarters in the West bank, ahead of a formal application to the UN on September 20. The US said it would veto the bid.
AFP - The Palestinians on Thursday launched a campaign in support of their UN membership bid despite US opposition, as their leaders met to reaffirm plans to become the world body's 194th member state.
Washington, however, confirmed it would veto any such bid and an EU source said European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton was to travel to the Middle East next week for talks on the Palestinian push.
The so-called "National Campaign for Palestine: State 194" is part of the build-up to September 20, when president Mahmud Abbas is expected to submit a formal request the United Nations accept the state of Palestine as a member.
Abbas on Thursday met senior Palestinian representatives including the central committee of his Fatah party, the PLO's executive committee and leaders of various Palestinian political parties.
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon reaffirmed his support for an independent Palestinian state on Friday but said Palestinian U.N. membership was an issue for member states to decide.
The PLO committee "affirms the need to continue at the next session of the UN, the process to obtain recognition of membership for a state of Palestine on the borders of June 4, 1967, with east Jerusalem as its capital," PLO secretary general Yasser Abed Rabbo said in a statement after the session.
"The Palestinian leadership believes that attaining this goal will encourage the relaunch of a serious peace process and new negotiations with the clear objective of a two-state solution on the 1967 borders," he said, referring to the lines that existed before the 1967 Six-Day War.
The leadership meetings came just 10 days before Abbas is expected to fly to New York where he will present a formal membership request to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on September 20.
In Washington, State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said Washington's opposition to such a move by the Palestinians rather than direct negotiations with Israel "should not come as a shock."
"So yes, if something comes to a vote in the UN Security Council, the US will veto," she said.
Meanwhile, the EU source in Brussels said that Ashton will leave early next week for Cairo to meet Arab League ministers and Abbas for talks on the bid, also opposed by Israel.
She will also travel to Israel as part of her efforts to ensure the Palestinian resolution "can get broader support," the source added, declining to be named.
If the bid is vetoed in the Security Council, the Palestinians plan to turn to the General Assembly where they are expected to easily win the votes needed to upgrade their representation from observer body to non-member state.
As the leaders met in Ramallah, the official Palestinian campaign of support for the bid got under way with around 100 people marching to UN headquarters in the West Bank town to hand in a letter to the UN representative asking that Ban support the membership application.
The letter, a copy of which was seen by AFP, said the campaign would continue "until the state of Palestine is finally admitted as member state number 194."
Chanting "We want a state," the marchers waved Palestinian flags and held up signs demanding that Palestine be admitted as the 194th state, also calling on Arab nations to support the bid.
The letter was given to Pascal Soto, head of the UN office in Ramallah, by Latifa Abu Hamid, a 60-year-old mother from Amari refugee camp near Ramallah, whose seven sons who have all spent time in Israeli prisons. Her eighth son was shot dead by Israeli troops.
"I'm delivering this message to the UN to say we have a right to our own state just like everyone else in the world and we have a right to see the end of the occupation," she said.
The letter urged Ban to "stand by justice and do right by our people."
"The admission of the state of Palestine to the UN is an important step towards ending the occupation and achieving Palestinian independence and realising a just and comprehensive peace in the Middle East," it reads.
"We hope that you will join the international consensus and support the Palestinian bid for its long-overdue recognition."
Soto said he would pass the letter on to the UN chief.
After submitting the UN request on September 20, Abbas is to address the General Assembly on September 23 in a speech officials say will be broadcast on giant screens in Palestinian cities.
Nuclear warheads could be next Stuxnet target
Due to the complexity and sophistication of the code contained within the Stuxnet worm, the possibility of it being used to take control of a nuclear warhead is high, according to a security expert.
At Check Point’s Sydney conference this week, Check Point Israel security evangelist, Tomer Teller, said he analysed the code of the Stuxnet worm, which was used to take control of a nuclear facility in Iran in June, 2009.
“This is a huge file, it’s 1 megabyte [MB] of code and I respect the skill required to engineer that code as it is very complex,” he said.
Teller confirmed the code in Stuxnet could be modified to launch new SCADA attacks. “Nuclear warheads are controlled by computers so if someone managed to slip a worm inside a facility that will reach the warhead component, they could launch it and than aim it back at the country’s facility,” he said.
“Stuxnet is the first cyber weapon that could cause major disruption."
While Teller is uncertain which country was behind the Iranian nuclear facility attack, he said a USB stick was the most likely method used to carry the worm inside the facility.
However, Teller also mentioned a rogue employee may have helped compromise the facility's internal security defences first to help the rapid spread of Stuxnet.
He explained that in order to insert certificates embedded with Stuxnet into a Windows 64-bit system, it had to be trusted by Microsoft.
“In order to get something trusted by Microsoft, you need to get those exploits signed,” Teller said.
“What we think happened is that an insider broke into JMicron, a chip manufacturing company based in Taiwan, as there is a computer at that office which is dedicated to signing these Microsoft drivers.”
According to Teller, Stuxnet is a blueprint for future SCADA attacks, and he is aware that people have downloaded and modified the worm.
"Stuxnet may have been deployed already but we don't know about it because some companies won't disclose breaches," he said.
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Japan says Russian military conducting drills near its airspace
Japan has been alerted to Russian military air drills being conducted “unusually close” to its airspace near a group of disputed islands, a top government spokesman said Thursday.
Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura said the Russian military had designated an area within its own airspace as dangerous for aviation northeast of Japan’s Hokkaido island as it continued drills above the Okhotsk Sea.
The top government spokesman said the zone “seems to be set unusually close” to Japanese airspace.
“The government has conveyed our concern to Russia, making inquires about the link between the drills and the flight danger zone,” he said.
“The government is closely watching the situation from the national security point of view.”
The disputed territories, controlled by Russia and called the Kuril islands, lie on the fringe of the Okhotsk Sea and are also claimed by Japan where they are collectively known as the Northern Territories.
The row over the Kurils, which Soviet troops seized in the closing days of World War II in 1945, has prevented the two countries from signing of a post-World War II peace treaty.
Japan Today
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Massive blackout hits California, Arizona and Mexico

Michael Niggli, president of San Diego Gas and Electric: "We expect customers to be out for quite a while."
A massive power cut has caused blackouts in the US states of California and Arizona, and in Mexico.
Five million people were without power on Thursday, with many likely to remain out of service for another day or two.
There was traffic chaos. San Diego was the worst affected city, where all outbound flights were cancelled.
An investigation is looking into why the blackout spread from Arizona, where a piece of equipment was switched off. Extreme heat may be a factor.
There's no doubt this has never happened before to our system”Mike NiggliSan Diego Gas and Electric'Like an oven'
Officials say that a power line between Arizona and California was knocked out of service after an employee carried out a procedure at a substation in Arizona.
"There appears to be two failures here - one is human failure and the other is a system failure. Both of those will be addressed," said Damon Gross, a spokesman for APS.
Daniel Froetscher, a vice-president at APS, told the Associated Press news agency it was "not a deliberate act".
"The employee was just switching out a piece of equipment that was problematic," Mr Froetscher said.
In Los Angeles, trains were stopped because there was no power for lights and signalling, and a number of people had to be rescued from stuck elevators and theme park rides.
California's two nuclear reactors were forced to shut down.
Police in San Diego used generators to take emergency calls, and officials said schools and city trains would be closed on Friday as a precaution.
"There was a very major outage, a region-wide outage," San Diego Gas and Electric President Mike Niggli said. "There's no doubt this has never happened before to our system."
Many residents complained of the stifling heat in the absence of air conditioning.
"It feels like you're in an oven and you can't escape," Rosa Maria Gonzales, a spokeswoman for the Imperial Irrigating District in eastern California, was quoted as saying by the Associated Press.
The blackout also affected cities across the border in Mexico's Baja California state.
Traffic lights were knocked out in Tijuana, while hospitals and government offices lost power. The border crossing at Otay Mesa was closed to all but pedestrian traffic, according to AP.
Mexico's Federal Electricity Commission said 180,000 customers had been brought back online in the state and said they were working to restore the rest, Reuters reports.
Germany pushes Greece to the brink in dangerous brinkmanship

German finance minister Wolfgang Schauble said there will be no more money until Greece "actually does" what it agreed to do. "I understand that there is resistance among the Greek population to austerity measures. But in the end it is up to Greece whether it can fulfil the conditions necessary for membership of the common currency. We offer no discounts," he told Deutschlandfunk. The wording has been taken as a threat to eject Greece from EMU, though is there no legal mechanism for such drastic action.
Dutch finance minister Jan Kees de Jager said the Netherlands "will not participate" in further payments to Greece unless it secures the go-ahead from the EU-IMF Troika, which left Athens abruptly last week after talks broke down.
The showdown in Greece came as the European Central Bank (ECB) abandoned its push for higher interest rates and slashed growth forecasts for the next two years, warning that the situtation is "extraordinarily demanding" and that "downside risks" have intensified.
"The hiking cycle has been aborted," said Carsten Brzeski from ING, adding that rates may even be cut from 1.5pc if the economy worsens and deflations rears its ugly head.
Jennifer McKeown, at Capital Economics, said the ECB will have to cut rates twice over the next six months as the global downturn deepens. The bank raised rates in July even though eurozone growth had already ground to halt, a move widely deemed to be a policy error.
Willem Buiter from Citigroup said the ECB must cut rates immediately to shore up Italy and Spain. "As long as they are willing to walk down the hill again as swiftly as they walked up it I don’t think any lasting damage was done. They have to change course," he told Reuters.
Jean-Claude Trichet, the ECB’s president, said the bank had been given a clear mandate by "the democracies of Europe" to hold inflation below 2pc and has stuck to its task. "We have delivered price stability, impeccably. I want to hear congratulations," he said in an emotional defence of the bank.
The ECB cut its growth forecast for next year to 1.6pc from 1.9pc, and to just 1.3pc in 2013, implying a long slump that will leave the eurozone’s weakest economies trapped in recession with crippling unemployment. The downgrade comes as the OECD club of rich states issued its own grim outlook, predicting that Germany’s economy would contract in the fourth quarter of this year.
Credit default swaps (CDS) on Greece have risen to record highs and two-year debt yields have reached 47pc as markets braced for the "endgame" of a long-running saga. "There is no threat of Greece exiting the eurozone," said Greek spokesman Ilias Mosialos, insisting that the country will deliver on key reforms.
The tough line on Greece reflects hardening opinion in northern Europe rather than egregious backsliding by the Greek government of George Papandreou, who inherited the current mess. Swingeing austerity has itself caused the economy to spiral downwards and miss targets. Output shrank at a 7.3pc rate in the second quarter of this year, a dire outcome after almost two years of recession. Barclays Capital said the budget deficit may remain stuck at 9pc this year.
The Greek parliament's own watchdog said the debt dynamic is "out of control". Public debt will reach 172pc of GDP next year. The policy of an IMF-style austerity package without the usual IMF cure of debt restructuring and devaluation appears to have tipped the economy into 1930s debt-deflation. The self-evident failure of the strategy makes it extremely hard for Mr Papandreou to secure democratic consent for further cuts.
Harvinder Sian from RBS said the sovereign humiliation of Greece by EU creditor states smacks of colonialism and can expect to meet fierce resistance. It may be tempting for Greece to precipitate a "hard default" before the second rescue package comes into force and switches a large stock of debt contracts from Greek law to English law, he said.
It is not clear who is in the stronger position in the latest round of brinkmanship between Greece and the German bloc. If pushed too far, Greece can set off a powderkeg. The International Monetary Fund says European banks are highly vulnerable and need to raise their capital by €200bn. Many of the weakest are in Germany.
The Greek crisis has spilled over into Cyprus, raising the risk that a fourth country will soon need an EU bail-out. The island’s finance minister Kikis Kazamias said he is mulling a request for help from the ECB after 10-year Cypriot bonds rose above 13pc. "We do not have the luxury of being choosy about who is going to lend to us," he said.
While Cyprus is too small to be systemically important, its banking system is roughly nine times GDP with liabilities of €156bn, according to Fitch Ratings. This is equivalent to Iceland before it blew up. Cypriot banks have 40pc of their assets in Greece, and hold a significant chunks of Greek debt.
The ECB is facing brushfires across a string of countries. Traders say it intervened yet again on Thursday to stabilize Italy’s debt markets, acting to prevent spreads over German Bunds nearing the danger level of 400 to 450 basis points where LCH Clearnet raises margin requirements.
The bank has already accumulated more than €129bn of Greek, Irish, Portuguese, Spanish and Italian debt. It may be near its political limits within a few more weeks, given open protest from Germany’s Bundesbank.
The ECB is buying the bonds on an understanding that Europe’s €440bn bail-out fund (ESFS) will take over the task once its revamped powers are ratified by all parliaments, which could drag on until next year.
Barclays Capital said Italy and Spain have already slipped back into industrial recession, ratcheting up the pressure. The question is what will happen if the global economy fails to stabilize quickly.
Italy faces €62bn of debt redemption this month, and €170bn by the end of December. The ECB’s ordeal by fire may yet be ahead.
The Telegraph
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Turkey: Warships will back next flotilla

Turkish PM Erdogan announces Ankara's ships will escort aid vessels headed to Gaza. Jerusalem: Rhetoric concerning but will not impact Gaza blockade. Meanwhile, Ankara-Cairo ties get commercial boost in form of military, trade contracts and naval maneuvers
Turkish warships will escort any Turkish aid vessels to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, Prime Minister Recep TayyipErdogan said in an interview with Al-Jazeera television on Thursday.
"Turkish warships, in the first place, are authorized to protect our ships that carry humanitarian aid to Gaza," Erdogan said in the interview. "From now on, we will not let these ships to be attacked by Israel, as what happened with the Freedom Flotilla."
Erdogan also said that Turkey has taken steps to "stop Israelfrom unilaterally exploiting natural resources from the eastern Mediterranean."
Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor responded to the Turkish premier' statement by saying: "This is a statement well-worth not commenting on."
Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor responded to the Turkish premier' statement by saying: "This is a statement well-worth not commenting on."
Central banks told to take 'aggressive' action to spark recovery
Central banks around the world were last night urged to join forces in a coordinated strike to kick-start the global economy.
Leading economists called on the US Federal Reserve, the Bank of England, the European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan to take ‘aggressive’ action to stave off a double-dip recession.
The global economics team at investment bank Morgan Stanley said coordinated rate cuts and money printing could be agreed at the G7 meeting starting in Marseilles tonight.
Joint action: Ben Bernanke, Mervyn King and Jean-Claude Trichet must work together, say analysts
But analysts said central banks were unlikely to move so soon after the BoE and ECB made no changes at their monthly meetings yesterday.
BoE governor Mervyn King held interest rates at 0.5 per cent and resisted calls to print more cash having already pumped £200billion of emergency funds into the economy through quantitative easing.
The ECB also pegged rates in the eurozone at 1.5 per cent – but suggested that no more hikes were on the way having started raising borrowing costs five months ago. ECB president Jean-Claude Trichet said there were ‘intensified downside risks’ to the outlook for the single currency bloc, having last month warned of ‘upside risks’.
‘The change in tone firmly shelves rate hikes and even opens the door to rate cuts if the economic outlook deteriorates further,’ said ABN Amro economist Nick Kounis.
Analysts speculated it will only be a matter of time before the BoE prints more cash and the ECB cuts rates to bolster growth.
An alarming report by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development underlined the scale of the slowdown in the global economy.
It said powerhouse economies such as Britain, America and the eurozone were lurching perilously close a double-dip recession. The highly-respected Paris-based group slashed its growth forecasts for the G7 and warned that the German economy will contract at the end of the year.
It forecast annualised UK growth of 0.4 per cent in the current third quarter and 0.3 per cent in the fourth quarter – the equivalent of just 0.1 per cent and even less on the quarterly measurement favoured in Britain.
Morgan Stanley economists, led by Joachim Fels, said that a package of tax cuts and spending increases ‘may be desirable but is unavailable’ to debtridden governments in the West.
‘The burden of propping up markets and the economy for the next few months thus falls on central banks,’ they said.
They added that Ben Bernanke, of the US Federal Reserve, Trichet, King and other leading central bankers could ‘all participate in a coordinated move with a mix of rate cuts and QE’.
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Va. nuclear plant experienced ‘strong’ shaking in Aug. 23 quake

The Aug. 23 central Virginia earthquake shook the North Anna nuclear power plant harder than it was designed to withstand, officials from Dominion Virginia Power told the Nuclear Regulatory Commission on Thursday.
But Eugene Grecheck, vice president for nuclear development for Dominion, said inspections by the company have not revealed any damage to “safety-related” structures or systems at the plant on the shores of Lake Anna, 12 miles north of the epicenter of the 5.8-magnitude earthquake, the largest in Virginia in more than a century.
“The event that occurred at North Anna had high acceleration spikes but did not have sufficient duration of energy to cause any damage,” Grecheck said. “We know that there is [a safety] margin in the plant.”
At the meeting, NRC staff members questioned whether Dominion had sufficiently inspected the two nuclear cores, which are loaded with radioactive uranium fuel rods.
“We have seen no anomalies or issues with the core,” said Larry Lane, Dominion’s site vice president for the North Anna plant, adding that core inspections would continue.
Lane said the Unit 1 reactor could restart Sept. 22, and Unit 2, which is being refueled as scheduled, could restart Oct. 13. During the quake, the two reactors at the plant automatically shut down.
The company cannot restart the reactors until it gets NRC approval, and the commission gave no hints as to when approval would come. An NRC inspection team is amid a three-week inspection of the facility.
Dominion requested Thursday’s meeting with the NRC to share the company’s latest data on the earthquake, information the company had promised to make public. Jack Grobe, a deputy director at NRC’s Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, told Dominion officials to expect “a series of meetings” to review safety data, including public meetings at the North Anna plant in Louisa County, although no dates have been set.
He also told Dominion officials to expect continued probing of the plant’s safety. “I guarantee you, you’re going to get a lot of, ‘Did you think of this? Did you look at that?’ ” Grobe said.
North Anna is the first nuclear reactor to shut down after an earthquake in the 53-year history of commercial nuclear power in the United States.
The NRC is reviewing seismic risks to 27 of the country’s nuclear power plants, including North Anna. The agency ordered the review after the March 11 earthquake and tsunami in Japan, which triggered large releases of radiation at that country’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.
The dual-reactor at the North Anna facility experienced “strong” ground motion in the north-south direction for about three seconds during the August quake, said Eric Hendrixson, director of nuclear engineering for Dominion.
The company’s analysis of data from seismographs at the plant showed that the facility experienced “cumulative absolute velocity” — a measure of the total amount of shaking over time — in excess of the so-called “design basis” for the plant, Hendrixson said.
Hendrixson emphasized that this shaking was below a threshold at which the facility’s two nuclear containment structures would experience damage.
The company’s analysis confirms the NRC’s. Also Thursday, the NRC said analysis of seismic monitors “dozens of miles away” from the plant maintained by the U.S. Geological Survey showed “probable acceleration” beyond the plant’s design basis.
NRC spokesman Scott Burnell said the USGS monitors estimated shaking at 26 percent of the force of gravity, whereas the facility’s containment buildings were designed to withstand shaking of 18 percent of the force of gravity.
Nuclear safety experts say nuclear plants are built with a large safety margin beyond the design basis.
Swiss franc peg may unleash gold rally

LONDON — Switzerland’s decision to peg the erstwhile safe-haven franc to the euro may finally give gold bugs the chance to see prices hit the once-unimaginable US$2,000 an ounce mark, as the metal holds on track for its strongest annual rally in three decades.
The Swiss National Bank shocked global markets on Tuesday by saying it would buy unlimited quantities of foreign currencies to prevent the franc from rising above 1.20 Swiss francs to the euro , as it fights to contain the meteoric rise of its currency that threatens its exports and economy.
By buying euros in unlimited amounts to weaken the franc, the SNB is in effect putting more of its own currency into circulation, which threatens to trigger inflation.
It has also impacted the Swiss currency’s status as a haven in its own right. While gold prices initially dipped as the move sparked a rush to liquidity in the form of other currencies such as the dollar, the SNB move is likely to lend firm support to gold in the medium term, analysts said.
“All in all, Switzerland is now on a quantitative easing policy in the foreign exchange markets,” said Peter Fertig, a consultant for Quantitative Commodity Research. “If the Swiss franc is no longer a preferred safe haven due to intervention by the SNB, it will have (a positive) impact on the demand for gold.”
Much of gold’s rise this year – it is currently up 34 percent since January, on track for its largest yearly gain since 1979 – has been fuelled by cheap cash, provided chiefly by Western central banks battling debt piles large enough to derail global growth.
Even without the SNB, the deterioration in the euro zone debt crisis and the U.S. economy’s inability to create a single job last month had already prompted many analysts to upgrade their gold price targets this year.
The $2,000 mark is now coming clearly into view — though its sustainability at that level is unclear.
“$2,000 is just another number. There is no reason why it can’t go through that, can’t go a long way through that,” said Natixis strategist Nic Brown.
“This explosion in liquidity creates demand for gold and creates the perception for gold prices to go higher,” he said. “But ultimately, this is a bubble fuelled by liquidity.”
Adjusted for inflation, gold already hit $2,000 an ounce in October 1980. In 1980s money, Tuesday’s record high gold price of $1,920.30 an ounce is only worth $720.
But its rally is impressive nonetheless, with the metal set to end September with its twelfth quarterly gain in a row, its longest such winning streak in at least 30 years. Switzerland’s move is just the latest piece of supportive news for the metal.
“I think gold is headed for $2,000. In theory, this could happen in a matter of days,” said Frank McGhee, head of precious metals trading at Chicago’s Integrated Brokerage Services.
“In reality, if this type of intervention action was taken and was ultimately seen to be ineffective, then the market will get new strength from that.”
Gold is part of the family of safe-haven assets, such as top-ranked government debt and, until now, the Swiss franc, so named for the reassurance they offer investors when markets become unstable.
With U.S. Treasuries stripped of their triple-A status in August by Standard & Poor’s, German Bunds wavering as investors ponder the cost to the euro zone’s richest economy of bailing out its neighbours, and the Swiss franc now shackled to the euro, gold is viewed by many to be the last safe haven standing.
“We’ve seen U.S. Treasuries have their reputation as ’risk-free assets’ damaged, now we’ve got the Swiss franc subject to substantial and ongoing intervention by the SNB, so yes it does strengthen gold’s claim as a safe-haven,” said Credit Suisse analyst Tom Kendall.
“Prior to this announcement, I was among those who thought we needed to correct a bit from the $1,910 area and was looking for a short-term correction,” he said.
“But I think given this, and in light of the ongoing pressures from the European interbank funding market … I don’t see any real barrier to gold moving above that $1,920 mark.”
Aside from investor concern over the stability of the economies backing currencies such as the U.S. dollar, the euro, the pound or the yen, the growing desire among emerging market central banks to diversify their foreign exchange reserves has been a major supporting factor for the bullion market.
The most recent data from the International Monetary Fund shows the world’s central banks have bought some 200 tonnes of gold this year, led by Mexico, Russia and South Korea. Investors in exchange-traded products backed by physical gold have increased their holdings by a net 75 tonnes in 2011.
The Swiss National Bank’s “shock and awe” decision may prompt even more of this kind of investment.
But not everyone buys into the argument for gold as a refuge, with some investors, particularly those with shorter time horizons, pointing to recent volatility in the gold market as a reason to be wary. Gold traded in a greater than $300 range in August, its widest one-month spread in real terms since 1980.
“Safe means stability. What we’re seeing in the gold market is anything but stability,” said U.S.-based independent investor Dennis Gartman. “Anything that moves as gold has moved today — from $1,920 all the way down to $1,870 in a course of five minutes — is hardly safe.”
“That does not mean gold will not continue to draw capital,” he added. “It was high the last time it got to $1,900. Then it fell quickly to $1,700. It ceased being overbought at that time. It’s not overbought now.”
Financial Post
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