Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Congress Has Been Told WW III Is Inevitable and the US Cannot Win
The wheels are coming off of Obama’s flawed foreign policy as it relates to Syria. Congress has now heard testimony that the United States is not ready for World War III while Russia is chomping at the bit to “get it on”. Further Congress has learned that Obama has been once again been badly outmaneuvered by Putin, the master chess player.
Obama’s Duplicity Is Exposed By Putin
The Cold War was never this hot except 53 years ago during the Cuban Missile Crisis. But in that particular instance, the U.S. faced a potential Soviet nuclear attack upon the United States, by Soviet missiles being placed near the U.S. in Cuba. However, this march towards World War III is different, Putin has repeatedly requested the U.S.’s cooperation with the war against Mudlim jihadists in Syria, but Obama has steadfastly refused, and for good reason. Presently, Russia is the only foreign nation inside of Syria that is legally operating inside of Syria. The Syrian government, headed by Assad, has invited Russia into his country. The great interloper, the United States, has invented and continues to support rogue terrorist organizations such as ISIS and the Syrian rebels in an attempt to unseat Assad in a desperate move to save the Petrodollar. The Syrian rebels and ISIS are illegitimate, rogue entities supported by the United States CIA. Under international law, the United States is a criminal nation supporting an illegal takeover of the Assad regime.
Putin continues to be a tactical genius. By inviting the United States to join his forces in ridding Syria of the criminal ISIS, Putin exposes America’s bad guy role in Syria.
Congress Has Finally Realized That the United States Is Going to be Attacked by Russia

In the coming weeks and months, look for a Congressional to invest in the construction of their of their soon-to-be hideaways while they create a safe haven, in places like Paraguay,
This past Tuesday, there were three congressional hearings that spelled out the future of America. In the first meeting of the morning, the Senate Armed Services Committee held a lengthy hearing on cyberwarfare and the possiblities of our enemies to take down our cyber infrastructure. In the afternoon, a second meeting was convened and it consisted of a subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee which discussed the present size and deployment of the US fleet of aircraft carriers as well as their vulnerability to attack. Yet, another Senate subcommittee of the same panel discussed the modernization of US nuclear weapons in what I would dub a “day late and a dollar short discussion”.
Very disturbingly, there is a growing awareness, among Congress, that the United States cannot win World War III. There was only discussion, in these congressional meetings, as to whether, or not, the U.S. could prevail in World War III, not win the conflict. In other words, Congress wants to know if it can expect its gravy train to continue courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer, to hell with winning the war.
Undeniably, the idea of World War III is being both implanted and normalized in the minds of policy planners. How would you like to be a fly on the wall as these double-dealing Congressman realize that their days of impromptu Congressional pay raises, increased medical benefits while they stick the nation with failed Obamacare policies, could be coming to an end?
Impediments to American Success In World War III
The people of the United States are vehemently critical of military intervention in Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, Syria, potentially Iran, Yemen and in North Africa. Americans are questioning why the present administration is willing to wreck the nation’s economy in order to carry out these imperialistic wars of occupation. The all-volunteer force is insufficient to carry on sustain these war efforts.
In the event of war, it is likely that the President would be forced to impose both a civilian and military draft in order to meet the needs to the country’s coming war efforts. The government would be drafting the same working class people, with declining pocketbooks, to serve in a military whose mission is already being negatively judged by the people who would be forced to serve in the coming war. This is a very tough sell for citizens who feels that their government has already abandoned them.
This kind of involuntary mobilization and servitude would result in a huge deterioration in the American standard of living for most Americans. And did I mention that many of these soon-to-be drafted men will die in combat fighting in a war that they are ill-equipped to win? And as stated, these young men tend to be the children of the working class. This is the stuff that revolutions are made of.
A Stark Realization

If you desire to understand the implications that these events will have on you and your family, may I suggest that you take a moment and read about Executive Order 13603. If there is a silver lining to these events, most of Congress will be in the same boat as the citizens that they have been plundering for years.
Credit to Common Sense
Egypt detects 'impressive' anomaly in Giza pyramids
CAIRO (AP) — Two weeks of new thermal scanning in Egypt's Giza pyramids have identified anomalies in the 4,500 year-old burial structures, including a major one in the largest pyramid, the Antiquities Ministry announced Monday.
Antiquities Minister Mamdouh el-Damaty and technical experts working on the project showed the higher temperature being detected in three specific adjacent stones at the bottom of the pyramid in a live thermal camera presentation to journalists.
The scanning showed "a particularly impressive one (anomaly) located on the Eastern side of the Khufu pyramid at ground level," the ministry said in a statement. The largest of the three Giza pyramids is known locally as Khufu and internationally as Cheops.
The thermal scanning was carried out at all times of the day, including during sunrise, as the sun heats the structures from the outside, and then during sunset as the pyramids are cooling down. The speed of the heating and cooling phases is being used to uncover "hypotheses" such as empty areas in the pyramids, internal air currents, or different building materials used.
"The first row of the pyramid's stones are all uniform, then we come here and find that there's a difference in the formation," said el-Damaty, pointing at the three stones showing higher temperatures.
While inspecting the area, el-Damaty said they found "that there is something like a small passage in the ground that you can see, leading up to the pyramids ground, reaching an area with a different temperature. What will be behind it?"
Other heat anomalies were detected in the upper half of the pyramid that the experts said need to be investigated further.
El-Damaty invited all Egyptologists, especially those interested in ancient Egyptian architecture, to join in the research and help come up with ideas on what could be behind the anomalies.
The pyramids, located on the outskirts of Cairo, are one of the major tourist attractions in the country. The pyramids, which were used as sacred burial structures, were built in the fourth Pharaonic dynasty. The great pyramid is the oldest and only surviving monument of the seven wonders of the ancient world.
Credit a Yahoo News
The Rapidly Rising Cost Of Living Is Absolutely Killing The Middle Class In America

One of the most frustrating things for me personally is the rising cost of health insurance. Barack Obama promised that his program would result in a decline in health insurance premiums by as much as $2,500 per family, but in reality average family premiums have increased by a total of $4,865 since 2008.
Just recently, I got a letter informing me that my health insurance premiums would be going up by close to 20 percent in 2016. That is on top of an increase of more than 30 percent in 2015. Sadly, the exact same thing is happening to millions of other families all over the nation. The following comes from TruNews…
The Obamacare increases for 2016 have been released. Premiums will increase 3 times faster than officials claim.Every state is different. Every insurer is different. New Mexico residents, for instance, can expect increases of 8 to 40 percent for the second-lowest cost silver plan. But for people in other states, including Arkansas the cost will increase less than 4 percent. Overall the average increase is 20.3 percent, according to analysis by The Daily Caller News Foundation, instead of the 7.5 percent originally asserted.
And of course it isn’t just health insurance. Every time I go to the grocery store I am stunned by the prices.
They often try to hide the price increases so that we will not notice them. Sometimes when I go food shopping I notice that some of my favorite things are “on sale”, but the sale prices are what the old “regular prices” used to be. And food companies just keep shrinking package sizes, but the amount we have to pay stays the same or goes up.
Unfortunately, our food dollars are never going to stretch any farther than they do right now. Thanks to erratic global weather, food prices are quickly moving higher. In fact, according to the Crux global food prices just rose by the most that we have seen in three years…
The effects of El Niño are starting to reach the dinner table, with global food prices rising the most in three years on supply concerns for everything from New Zealand milk to sugar in Brazil and Southeast Asian palm oil.An index of 73 food prices increased 3.9%, the biggest jump since July 2012, to 162 in October, the United Nations Food & Agriculture Organization wrote in a report Thursday.The return of the El Niño weather phenomenon is changing weather conditions around the world, damaging crops with too much rain in some areas and not enough in others. The price of sugar increased more than that of any other commodity in the FAO report, soaring 17 percent, the most since September 2010. Excessive downpours in Brazil, the world’s largest producer, have slowed harvesting and reduced the amount of sweetener that can be extracted from cane.
As a result of this relentless squeeze on our pocketbooks, tens of millions of families are struggling to pay the bills from month to month, and the middle class is continually getting smaller. As the middle class shrinks, poverty is growing and more Americans are becoming dependent on the government than ever before. The following numbers come out of one of my previous articles entitled “21 Facts About The Explosive Growth Of Poverty In America That Will Blow Your Mind“…
#1 The U.S. Census Bureau says that nearly 47 million Americans are living in poverty right now.
#2 Other numbers from the U.S. Census Bureau are also very disturbing. For example, in 2007 about one out of every eight children in America was on food stamps. Today, that number is one out of every five.
#3 According to Kathryn J. Edin and H. Luke Shaefer, the authors of a new book entitled “$2.00 a Day: Living on Almost Nothing in America“, there are 1.5 million “ultrapoor” households in the United States that live on less than two dollars a day. That number has doubled since 1996.
#4 46 million Americans use food banks each year, and lines start forming at some U.S. food banks as early as 6:30 in the morning because people want to get something before the food supplies run out.
#5 The number of homeless children in the U.S. has increased by 60 percentover the past six years.
#6 According to Poverty USA, 1.6 million American children slept in a homeless shelter or some other form of emergency housing last year.
It has become exceedingly clear that “the American Dream” is dying and that the future is not very bright for “ordinary hard-working Americans”. I like how Rupert Cornwell described this in one of his recent articles…
The politicians still prattle on about “helping hard-working Americans” and “restoring the American dream”. But even as instinctively optimistic a breed as the Americans now believe they are being sold a bill of goods. What dream? The reality is that no longer is it a hard-working blue-collar American’s birthright to live better than his parents. Most probably, he or she will be worse off.
You might be one of those Americans that has fallen out of the middle class and into poverty.
Even in the midst of this so-called “economic recovery”, large numbers of formerly middle class Americans are losing their jobs and losing their homes. And a surprising number of them end up either living in their vehicles or living in the streets. The following comes from a recent article by Joshua Krause…
On any given night in America, there are over a half a million people living on the streets or in their vehicles. As you can imagine, that’s not a good place to be in your life, but it happens. If you think that this is something that might happen to you one day in the near future (and who are kidding, it could happen to anyone these days) here’s a word of advice: Don’t wait until the last-minute, hoping for that next job interview to come through as you burn through your savings. If homelessness is a real possibility in your life, it’s something that you should be preparing for, not waiting for.The more money you have at your disposal when you decide to leave your home, the easier your life is going to be without a house. If you have no money, you’ll be living on the streets with little more than the clothes on your back. It’s better to put your savings towards a van or a truck that you can live in. Unlike living on the streets, you can actually maintain a fairly decent standard of living with very little money.
When I was growing up, it seemed like just about everyone in my entire high school was part of the middle class. But things have changed dramatically in America since that time. Today, the middle class is being absolutely eviscerated and our “leaders” don’t seem to care.
So is there a way out of this mess? Tell us what you think by posting a comment below…
Credit to End of the American Dream
China to Allow Direct Conversion Between Yuan and Swiss Franc
A clerk with stacks of Chinese 100-yuan notes at a bank in Suining, southwest China's Sichuan province.
China took another step to boost the yuan’s global usage, saying it will start direct trading with the Swiss franc, as the nation pushes its case for reserve-currency status at the International Monetary Fund.
The link will start on Tuesday, the China Foreign Exchange Trade System said in a statement, making the franc the seventh major currency that can bypass a conversion into the U.S. dollar and be directly exchanged for yuan. The rate will be allowed to fluctuate a maximum 5 percent on either side of a daily fixing, according to CFETS.
“This is an important step in strengthening bilateral economic and trade connections between China and Switzerland,” the People’s Bank of China said in a statement on its website on Monday. The link will help lower conversion costs and facilitate the use of both currencies in bilateral trade, it added.
The announcement, which confirmed an earlier report, comes as the IMF prepares to meet this month to review its Special Drawing Rights. The executive board of the Washington-based institution will gauge whether the Chinese currency has fulfilled the criterion of being "freely usable," after rejecting its bid in 2010. The other major currencies that can be directly converted into yuan are the U.S., Australian and New Zealand dollars, the British pound, the Japanese yen and the euro.
The PBOC this year extended Switzerland a 50 billion yuan ($7.9 billion) quota under the Renminbi Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor program, which allows yuan raised offshore to be used to buy securities in China’s domestic markets. In 2014, the Swiss and Chinese central banks signed a three-year currency-swap agreement that can be used to borrow as much as 150 billion yuan.
Credit to bloomberg.com
Germany’s new normal: “People can’t leave their homes”
Media and political elites continue to spin the catastrophic invasion of Europe as some ‘humanitarian’ movement summarily ignoring the grave, terrible consequences of the hijrah (immigration jihad).
Only a handful of news sites (like this one) are reporting on the true nature of invasion, getting the real news from the true victims – the besieged Europeans, who almost overnight, are forced to live in a war zone.
One of my German readers tells me, “I just hung up the phone after speaking to a friend in Germany, – he lives in a small, very catholic town, Ellwangen, where I went to school for a few years, of about 12 000 people that had to accept 4 500 refugees at the fringes of town in former army barracks that had been vacant. The name of the barracks is Reinhardt Kaserne, I knew some of the ‘unpleasant’ things happening from reading online, talking to my mother, etc, but he is a ‘true local’ and from what he says, it must be much worse than any reports I read! He owns a small store in the center of town and ever since the arrival of the big masses this summer he has zero business because nobody wants to go to town anymore. What is far worse and underlines all that you have been writing about, the ‘refugees’ even go into churches to disrupt service. I had no idea! I have to say, this is a crime against the German people and culture committed by their own government…..”

The head of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees Manfred Schmidt at a refugee facility in Ellwangen (© picture alliance / dpa)
Here is what is happening. Read the whole thing.
Ellwangen is a small town in the eastern part of Baden-Wuerttemberg. The center of the town counts about 12000; not considering neighboring villages. It has very strong Christian, catholic and protestant, roots, and, not surprisingly, … it was one of the centers of the infamous German witch trials. It was a small, sleeply town proud of it’s churches and aware of its Christian past like any small town in Germany’s south where people speak dialect and pretty much everybody knows everybody.

What’s been happening there, removed from the center of attention due to its geographical location, is that the former German army barracks that have been vacant and are located a little outside but in walking distance to center of town, has been occupied by refugees. When the big numbers started to stream into Germany this summer, the numbers in that LEA (Landeserstaufnahme – which means that’s the first landing for refugees where they will be registered and get shelter and live before they are distributed elsewhere) started to grow too. Originally, the intention and capacity was for 500 people. That number rose quickly to about 5000 plus/minus with serious mass brawls and conflicts police had to show up regularly to separate. There has been some resistance in the population, but the people standing up for themselves are called ‘nazis’. From the latest information that I read on the developments, people will be housed there permanently and the state government plans on spending 5.1 Million Euros to expand and renovate the place that is now supposed to accommodate about 3.500. It is hard to pinpoint any number; they seem to change or be different with every article I read.

What has been happening to the town itself is not difficult to image. The reports I read speak of Muslims in the small streets of the town; I read about serious theft problems in stores where ‘refugees’ walk in, take what they want or need, and walk out again without paying. In the beginning, grocery stores called the police, but stopped doing so after they were told to write up the losses and contact someone at the local municipality to reimburse them. (I had a verbal confirmation from a wife of a German police officer … )
People in Ellwangen don’t leave their houses anymore and stay home unless they need to go out. Women don’t want to go out anymore, and that is not only in the evenings. People feel they are strangers in their own home town and feel uncomfortable. A couple of weeks ago, it became public that a woman had been raped at night on her way home; the police had withheld the report but said it was not because the crime may have been committed by ‘asylum seekers’ but not to hinder the investigation and to protect the victim. Apparently the rapist spoke in a foreign language with another men who was present during the attach. A 10 year old girl had also been sexually harassed, but thankfully, she reported it to her parents before anything physical and more serious happened. I read that the perpetrator in that case was Afghan and lived in town.

A friend of mine owns a small store in the center of the town and, it not being a grocery store, his business has gone down to virtually zero, and if he didn’t have a second source of income, he would be in a serious financial trouble.
The most disturbing news he informed me about, however, was that the so called refugees go into churches to disrupt service. They would simply walk in and start to riot. ‘These people want to destroy us’, is what he said, literally. He is a very well educated business man; not someone inciting hatred against refugees. Most of the people living in that town and neighboring villages are honest, hard working people, trying to do good and be good, and now are forced to watch how their town and livelihoods are destroyed by the decision of the government to take in people that are violently opposed and opposite to the German and Christian culture. Most of these Germans have no interest in politics, and are law abiding citizens who are now faced with police cars driving any hour of the day due to incidents caused by ‘refugees’. I was told months ago that these refugees defecate in people’s gardens and that signs were written to explain not to do this in Germany and those refugees were asked to use toilets instead. Can you believe that? It blows my mind. …
I wasn’t surprised to read the mayor of the town has been threatened by some people from the local population, and has police protection; someone also put a dead cat on his doorstep. This is a rural area; that’s how it’s done there (one of the not so nice traditions). People are not as politically correct as in Berlin and have no interest in being it directly affected by the mess the Berlin government created in their lives. I am very worried about the situation in Germany. To the local government’s protection, I have to say that these poor mayors have pretty much no voice or say in the matter at this point, and there are mayors speaking up, … only to be called Nazi by the politically correct. It’s absurd.
In a separate report from yesterday, pepper spray is sold out across Germany. 5 weeks order backlog.
Credit to By Atlas Shrugs Before it's News
Germans and Czechs form a human wall on the border to keep out the Muslim invaders
Several hundred PEGIDA (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West) supporters, as well as anti-Islam Czech activists, gathered at Schirnding municipality at the German-Czech border to form a ‘human wall’ to block the never-ending flood of Muslim illegals who keep pouring into their countries.
Credit to Bare Naked Islam
Credit to Bare Naked Islam
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