Tuesday, August 30, 2016
“And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.” Revelation 13:15 (KJV)
Microsoft just added a new word to the English lexicon – holoportation. That’s a word you are going to be hearing a lot in the coming months. According to the Microsoft development website, Holoportation is a new type of 3D capture technology that allows high-quality 3D models of people to be reconstructed, compressed and transmitted anywhere in the world in real time. When combined with mixed reality displays such as HoloLens, this technology allows users to see, hear, and interact with remote participants in 3D as if they are actually present in the same physical space. Communicating and interacting with remote users becomes as natural as face-to-face communication.
Credit to Nowtheendbegins.com
Female Police Officer Stabbed In Toulouse, France By Muslim Man
In the latest stabbing by a "mentally sick" assailant in Europe, moments ago a female police officer was seriously injured after a man attacked her with a knife at a police station in Toulouse, France, local media reported. The suspect tried to grab the officer’s weapon and when the attempt failed, he took a knife and stabbed her in the throat.
The police officer, whose condition is unknown, was taken to hospital with multiple injuries.

The attack took place in the Rempart Saint-Etienne prefecture of Toulouse. The assailant, 31, had a psychiatric disorder and attacked the officer because she “represented France,” La Depeche du Midi news outlet reported, adding that the attacker was of Algerian origin.
The Frenc La Depeche du Midi has posted a video from the scene of the attack.

France has been on high alert following a series of ISIS-linked attacks since January 2015. The largest loss of life came in November 2015 when at least 130 people were killed in Paris. Following that attack, France introduced a state of emergency, which is ongoing. Last week, France announced it would deploy 3,000 troops to local schools after the education minister admitted that the "threat is real"
Credit to Zero Hedge
George Soros Has Told Me How to Survive the Coming Economic Collapse
The United States is teetering on the edge of financial disaster. The conditions are so severe it could happen by tomorrow, next week, or next month. Everywhere we look, the economic news is grim.
Earlier this year, the Bank of Scotland is telling clients that 2016 is going to be a “cataclysmic year” and that they should “sell everything”. Deutsche Bank failed all of its stress tests as have every other bank.
The collective market value of companies listed on the S&P 500 has dropped by a trillion dollars since the start of 2016, and panic is spreading like wildfire all over the globe. RBS, is on the record saying that the only logical thing to do is to “sell everything” except for high quality bonds. Our largest bank, J.P. Morgan Chase, is “urging investors to sell stocks on any bounce”…
If we are witnessing the world’s free fall into a major global deflationary crisis, the price of oil needs to get back above 5$0 a barrel. Yet, Dallas Federal Reserve Chief, President Robert Kaplan, recently stated that the price of oil is going to stay very low for the next several years to come.
The life is being sucked out of the economy as total business sales are 15% lower than they were in late 2014. Both businesses and individuals are going broke. In April of 2016, commercial bankruptcies were up 32% and Chapter 11 filings were up 67% on a year over year basis. Nobody is safe.
The statement “collapse is imminent” is an overused phrase. However, collapse is imminent. I look for banks to begin to steal people’s money.
Last week my wife and I were dealing with a safety deposit box issue in one of our banks. Through the course of the conversation with the bank’s Vice President, I stated that I knew that when people deposit their hard-earned money in the bank, according to judicial rulings (2012), the deposited money belongs to the bank and all citizens with bank accounts are now considered to be unsecured creditors. I went on to say “it is not likely that the banks would steal people’s money, unless there is a run on the bank. And if there is a bank run because of dire economic circumstances, the banks will steal all of our money including my safety deposit box.” The bank officer’s face turned white as a ghost and I thought she was going to pass out. The look on this bank officers face told me everything that you and I both need to know about the condition of the bank and the economy in general. The collapse is coming and my strong advice is to not leave anything in the bank that you cannot afford to lose.
Is there anything that the average person/investor can do?
Economic Self-Defense Measures
When in Rome, do what they Romans do. Since most people in the know are aware that the economic collapse of America is a planned demolition orchestrated by the criminal elite, it would be prudent to look at what they are doing in order to not fall victim of the same trap they have set for you and me.
Both Warren Buffet and George Soros have done very similar things with their money since 2014. We would be wise to pay particular attention to George Soros. He may be a sorry excuse for a human being, but he is an economic hit man of the highest order. He perpetuated the Arab Spring and numerous other financial troubles in nearly every western nation. When Soros moves his own money, the world should be paying attention.
By observing the criminal elite (e.g. Soros), I have come to a number of conclusions that I have implemented into my financial plan that I want to share with the readers.
Soros’ List of Winners and Losers
By using Soros’ money movements over the two years as the blueprint on what to do and not do prior to the economic collapse, one should keep in mind the results of the Soros list of do’s and don’ts and then act accordingly,
Soros’ List of Don’ts
1. Avoid the Stock Market like the plague. If your 401K or other retirement plans are tied to the Stock Market, you would be better off, in the long run, to liquidate your position and take the 50% hit from the Federal government for doing so before the age of 59.5. Half a loaf, is better than no loaf at all.2. Get the bulk of your money out the Federal Reserve banks (all banks). The obvious question is what to do with your money once you have obtained possession. This is covered in the next session under “Do’s” with regard to your discretionary income.3. Avoid American real estate investments. Let’s not forget that the Federal Reserve, until recently, was purchasing $40 billion dollars of mortgage backed securities every single month. Then the Federal suddenly stopped the practice after they realized the error of their ways. George Soros is not investing in American real estate.
Soros List of Do’s
1. Buy gold and lots of it and I am speaking of real gold that you can actually touch and handle!
2. Buy silver. Same caveat as gold
3. Find a way to pay off your mortgage, because after an economic collapse, you will have no means to do so and MERS will there be waiting. If you are unwilling to do this, then you should sell your home and rent because you are throwing away your current mortgage payments.
4. At least in the near term, invest in Chinese hi tech stocks associated with their money movement. There are two very troubled considerations with this move. First, the Chinese would obviously move their money away from troubled American investments prior to the collapse of the dollar. Soros move to follow this pattern signals the end of the dollar.
By default, George Soros is my economic advisor. Rattlesnakes do not commit suicide and George Soros is a rattlesnake. If you do what Soros is doing, you just might have a chance to economically survive what is coming.
On a more ominous note, Soros could be telling you who is going to lose World War III, or maybe he already has. Why? Because he is not investing in the U.S.
If the U.S. was slated to win World War III, wouldn’t Soros be investing in the American based banks, the US dollar and the American stock market? Instead Soros is investing Chinese money movement over the U.S. dollar, its banks and the American Stock Market? And finally, he is hedging his bets by acquiring physical gold. Collectively, Americans have a lot of variables to consider.
Credit to Common Sense Show
The US. is A ‘Buy Now, Pay Later’ Society

Often we like to focus on our exploding national debt, but household debt is out of control too. In fact, the total amount of household debt in the United States is now up to a whopping 12.3 trillion dolllars…
In the second quarter, total household debt increased by $35 billion to $12.3 trillion, according to the New York Fed’s latest quarterly report on household debt. That increase was driven by two categories: auto loans and credit cards.
We throw around words like “trillion” so often these days that they often start to lose their meaning. But the truth is that 12.3 trillion dollars is an astounding amount of money. It breaks down to about $38,557 for every man, woman and child in the entire country. So if you have a family of four, your share comes to a grand total of $154,231, and that doesn’t even include corporate debt, local government debt, state government debt or the gigantic debt of the federal government. That number is only for household debt, and there aren’t too many Americans that could cough up their share right at this moment.
Do you remember when I wrote about how credit card companies are specifically targeting less educated and less sophisticated consumers? Well, that is where much of the credit card debt growth has come lately. Just check out these numbers…
Now, credit cards are returning among individuals with low credit or subprime credit scores below 660. Among people with credit scores between 620 and 660, the share that had a credit card rose to 58.8% in 2015 from a low of 54.3% in 2013. Among those with scores below 620, the number of people with a credit card increased to 50% from a low of 45.6% two years ago. Both figures for 2015 are the highest since 2008.
In America today, we are enjoying a standard of living that we do not deserve.
We consume far more wealth than we produce. The only way we are able to do that is by going into debt.
Debt takes future consumption and brings it into the present. In other words, we are damaging the future in order to make the present a little bit better. On an individual level, we may enjoy the big screen television we buy with a credit card today, but we are taking away our ability to spend money later. And on a national level, what our unprecedented debt binge is doing to future generations of Americans is beyond criminal.
Earlier this month I explained these things to a live studio audience down at Morningside, and you can view a video of that right here…
In this article I haven’t even talked about corporate debt yet. Instead of learning their lessons from the last financial crisis, big corporations have gone on the biggest debt spree of all time. If you can believe it, corporate debt has approximately doubled since the last financial crisis. In other words, since the last recession we have essentially matched the total amount of corporate debt that we accumulated from the beginning of the country up to 2009.
Unfortunately, a lot of that debt is now going bad.
In previous articles I have documented that corporate debt delinquencies are now the highest that they have been since the last financial crisis, and corporate debt defaults are also the highest that they have been since the last financial crisis.
At this point, even the mainstream media is acknowledging that we have a corporate debt “crisis”. The following comes from an article that was just put out by the Denver Post…
The number of companies that have defaulted so far this year has already passed the total for all of last year, which itself had the most since the financial crisis. Even among companies considered high-quality, or investment grade, credit-rating agencies say a record number are so stretched financially that they’re one bad quarter or so from being downgraded to “junk” status.Companies whose debt is already deemed “junk” are in the worst shape in years. To pay back all they owe, they would have to set aside every dollar of their operating earnings over the next eight and a half years, more than twice as long as it would have taken during the 2008 crisis, according to Bank of America Merrill Lynch.
Are you starting to get the picture?
And I haven’t even started talking about our national debt yet. When Barack Obama entered the White House, we were 10.6 trillion dollars in debt. Today, we are 19.4 trillion dollars in debt. That means that we have added 8.8 trillion dollars to the national debt under Obama, which breaks down to an average of 1.1 trillion dollars of additional debt a year.
We have been taking more than 100 million dollars of future consumption and bringing it into the present every single hour of every single day during the Obama administration. That is why I am constantly referring to our “debt-fueled standard of living”. We do not deserve to live the way that we do, but since we are able to steal from our children and our grandchildren we are able to enjoy a standard of living that most people in the world can only dream about.
Of course we are literally destroying the future of America in the process, but very few people seem to care about that these days.
Without all of this debt, we would be in a very deep economic depression right now.
But even with all of this “stimulus”, we are still mired in the worst economic “recovery” since 1949. In fact, Barack Obama is actually on track to be the very first president in all of American history to not have one single year when U.S. GDP grew by 3 percent or better, and he has had two terms in which to try to get that accomplished. The percentage of working age Americans that actually have a job is way down from where it was just prior to the last recession, and in this video I explain why the employment numbers put out by the government are not nearly as good as the administration would have us believe…
If the American people would have been willing to sacrifice and make some very hard choices a long time ago, maybe we could have gotten a handle on all of this debt.
But instead we continue to rack up debt as if there is no tomorrow, and in the process we are literally destroying tomorrow.
Every dollar of debt that we accumulate now makes life worse for our children and our grandchildren.
Unfortunately, we are a bunch of debt pigs, and we just can’t help ourselves. We have come to believe that it is “normal” to go into so much debt, and as a society we continue to race toward economic oblivion.
Credit to Economic Collapse
It is UNACCEPTABLE’ Merkel sends warning to EU states opposing migrant quotas
Ms Merkel blasted Hungary, the Czech Republic, Poland, Romania and Slovakia, who have all been ardent critics of her open-door migrant policy and the EU’s attempt to force countries to accept migrants, in an explosive interview this weekend.
Despite EU leaders repeatedly expressing security concerns, Ms Merkel said countries had no choice but to open their doors to a set number of migrants every year, and to oppose the plan was "unacceptable".
She said: “That’s not right at all that some countries say: ‘generally speaking, we don’t want to have Muslims in our countries.’”
Hungarian PM Viktor Orban has opposed the system ferociously, saying his country did not need to accept “a single migrant”.
He said: “Every single migrant poses a public security and terror risk.”
Despite this, and despite the fact a recent poll revealed 58 per cent of Germans now believe “there will be more terror attacks in Germany”, Ms Merkel has not changed her open-door policy.
Dismissing claims the country would not be able to cope with a reported 300,000 more migrants arriving in Germany this year, she said: “We are at a completely different position since last year.”
Ms Merkel also risked stoking tensions in her country by warning the German-Turkish population they must show “loyalty”.
Credit to express.co.uk
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