President Obama just found out how many good anti-ISIS fighters $500 million buys: five, at most.
Gen. Lloyd Austin, who leads the U.S. military’s Central Command, told the Senate Armed Services Committee on Wednesday there are only four or five Syrian fighters left out of 54 who were trained as part of a U.S. program.
Another 100-120 fighters will be trained in the program’s three remaining classes, NBC News reported Wednesday.
Obama said in September that assisting Syrian rebels was “the best counterweight” for combating the Sunni radical terror group’s control over large swathes of Iraq and Syria, NBC reported.
During Gen. Austin’s testimony, Arizona Republican John McCain expressed frustration over the U.S.-led coalition’s inability to degrade the terror group’s ranks.
“Published media reports suggest that the CIA’s estimate of ISIL’s manpower has remained constant, despite U.S. airstrikes, which suggests that either they were wrong to begin with, or that ISIL is replacing its losses in real time. Neither is good,” McCain said, NBC reported. “Indeed, this committee is disturbed by recent whistleblower allegations that officials at Central Command skewed intelligence assessments to paint an overly-positive picture of conditions on the ground.”
Experts believe ISIS has at least 30,000 soldiers at its disposal. Roughly 1,000 of those fighters are said to be from the United Kingdom.
Credit to WND
Children will become the leverage to lure in the parents.
There are two drills that are conducted in every public school across America, and parents should be leery as to the end game intent of these drills. The drills are popularly known as bus evacuation drill and school lock-down drills. On the surface, these drills seem like a good idea as they appear to be designed to protect children in times of emergency. However, the manner in which some of these drills have been acted upon is very concerning.
In the past couple of days, the following letter has been appearing all over the internet and the persons reporting on this development are acting as if this is something recent and novel and that we should suddenly be concerned about.
Actually, for the past four years, the events described in the following letter, constitute standard operating procedure and contrary to what many are saying, this is not a new development. Should we be concerned? Absolutely, but I have been sounding the alarm on these events for the past four years.
Lock down drills and bus evacuations go hand in hand just bacon and eggs. Both events appear to constitute a common sense approach in protecting our children from danger. However, the application of these drills should give every parent cause for concern. Let’s take a look at these implementation of these practices and why all parents should have grave concerns about what their child’s school is doing.
Never Let Your Child Get On This Bus
There is bus that parents should never allow their children to board. It is a bus that could endanger every child and potentially their parents, should the children every board this bus.
The bus I am referring to is a bus that could be used to entrap children and their parents. It is a bus in which the children are used as leverage as the parents are lured into a secure facility. Please read on.
Bus Evacuation Drills
In a theme repeated over and over across America, your child is forced by government regulation, that allows your school to put your child on board a school bus, in a mock disaster drill. Sometimes. the school bus will exit school grounds drive a short distance and return to the school and the children exist and return to class. Sometimes, the children merely board the bus, listen to a lecture about school safety and then return to class. On the surface, these bus evacuation drills appear to be a necessary and proper means to get our children to practice against a potential disaster. That is what I thought until September 23, 2011 and FEMA introduced a drill and a civilian “defense” strategy called Operation Mountain Guardian.
Operation Mountain Guardian
At your children’s school, you cannot even have your child’s aunt pick them up unless she is registered with the school and shows identification. However, these rules do not apply to the Obama administration because they feel that they own your children.
On September 23, 2011, children, without warning, were abducted from their Denver Public Schools, without the permission of their parents, by FEMA and taken to the Colorado Sports Authority football stadium. This set a precedent that FEMA can literally kidnap children from their schools without parental permission or notification. This is outrageous!
As a part of the drill, several busloads of school children were taken to Sports Authority Field along with their teachers. Surrogate parents were hired by FEMA to attempt to pick up their children at the stadium. The training was apparently a desensitization exercise for security personnel designed to refuse demands to pick up their children from these “pretend” parents. The real parents of these children were not properly notified that their children would be transported to the stadium and would be a part of this disaster drill.
As a parent, I have a major issue when government officials refused to release children to their parents because the authority over a child belongs to the parent, not to a government agency.
In the latter part of the event, as parents discovered that some of their children were likely transported to the stadium, some parents attempted to go to the venue and secure their children. When they did so, at least initially, the children were not released to the parents. Again, who is the sovereign, the government or the people?
Speaking of Denver International Airport, explain the meaning of the above depiction which was displayed for years near airport baggage.
During Operation Mountain Guardian, the elite were flown into Denver International Airport from which they disappeared, presumably underground, for the three days that the drill lasted. Meanwhile, on the surface, children were being abducted from their classrooms by government officials from FEMA.
In the following report, Aaron Dykes reported on Operation Mountain Guardian and the abduction of children from their classrooms without their parents permission.
If the Operation Mountain Guardian drill was an isolated incident, perhaps the sounding of the alarm bells would be a gross over exaggeration. Unfortunately, this is not the case, these kinds of drills are popping up all around the country and the overtones which accompany these drills are very disturbing.
Given these events, parents should view bus evacuation drill in a new light and take corrective actions with regard to the enabling the compliance of their children to this illegitimate authority. For any parent to sanction the legitimacy of these drills, the parents are making a tantamount statement that they implicitly trust DHS, FEMA and the Obama administration with their children’s lives.
Lock Down Drills
In the second part of this two-headed monster, lock down drills constitute another area of concern for parents regarding the schools, their partnership with FEMA and the illegitimate use of authority.
Lock down drills are predicated on the notion that we should gather all the children together and placed them behind a locked door and have them lie on the floor.
As a military unit approaches a combat zone, do they bunch up together in a confined space, or do they spread out? Conventional military wisdom says that they would spread out. Yet, in a lock down drill, we have our children do the opposite. And since when does a locked door prevent someone armed with a gun from gaining entry to the locked room? The security practices associated with a lock down drill are almost designed to guarantee maximum casualties.
If someone starts shooting, the best course of action would be to run like hell.
Some will survive by employing this strategy as opposed to crowding children together in a compact killing zone.
Lock down drills have taken on a very ominous presence of permanence. It is no longer a case of a school performing the drill and it is over as the teacher resumes instruction. Please refer to the St. James Catholic school letter to parents about the impending lock down drill. The school is requesting that parents provide supplies to the event in order that the children will be able to stay at the school on a more permanent basis. In fact, FEMA has already prepared its strategy which is designed to turn schools into FEMA camps.
FEMA has published a training manual which serves as the rough draft model for school safety to be enacted by all 50 versions of the State Department of Education, in times of an emergency. Of particular importance and relevance is a document from the Arizona Department of Education entitled “Staff Skills Survey and Inventory“, which is located on page 76 of their school safety manual. Please note that the lock down letter featured above, mentioned
Some of the skills listed in the inventory make good sense (e.g. EMT, CPR skills, etc). However, there are some skills being surveyed which are concerning because the skills suggest an air of permanence to the use of a school as a permanent site for housing children (see below).
In other words, the organization is in place to turn schools into FEMA camps.
Here is a list of some of the general skills that the government wants to know about with regard to the skill set of school personnel across America.
Some have suggested the schools of the future may look more like…
In fact in some of the remodeling of schools, they have been made to look more like prisons than schools.
Prison dining hall of school lunchroom cafeteria? Answer? This is where elementary school kids eat their lunch.
Prison fencing and a guard tower at this Denver Public School. A Denver Public School like the ones that permitted the abduction of the children by FEMA without parent permission.
In a school lock down terrorist drill in New Jersey, students were told that the gunmen were from a group of “fundamentalist Christians” called “The New Crusaders“. You just had to know that the demeaning of Christians and the conditioning of their persecution would weave its way into this process.
In Operation Mountain Guardian the precedent was set that you, as a parent, do not have the right to secure your child in times of a perceived emergency. In other words, the state owns your child. Increasingly, we see this ultra “It takes a village to raise a child” approach in many of our institutions (e.g. CPS) to the exclusion parental rights and constitutional authority. And let’s not forget that Christians are increasingly being portrayed as the terrorists that everyone needs to be concerned about.
This philosophy is not being practiced in EVERY school district, but it is present in most as we continue to buy into the myth that “they are coming to get us”, “the attack could be tomorrow” and “we could all die”. All of these thinly veiled excuses serve to propagandize the supremacy of the state over parental authority and the ultimate acceptance of living in a police state based upon a manufactured threat with a very low probability of transpiring.
“Have you entered the storehouses of the snow, Or have you seen the storehouses of the hail, Which I have reserved for the time of distress, For the day of war and battle?” (Job 38:22-23)
Illustrative: Floods following a few days of heavy rain, in Nahal Og, a stream which runs from near Jerusalem to the Dead Sea, November 27, 2014. (Photo: Yossi Zamir/Flash90)
As Jews across Israel celebrated the Jewish New Year of Rosh Hashana earlier this week, parts of the country were hit with extreme flash flooding and, in some areas, hail, in an unusual change of weather.
“It felt like the apocalypse, the rain has been torrential, there were about 10 lightning strikes in seconds, and even with your windshield wipers on high, it was impossible to see anything,” Mark Katz, a National Parks Authority employee, told the Times of Israel.
Since the beginning of September, Israel has experienced a series of extreme weather changes, beginning last week with a sudden sandstorm that blanketed the country in thick yellow dust.
The record setting five-day dust storm was also accompanied by a heat-wave, with new records reached across Israel in temperatures and air pollution.
Last week’s sandstorm is reported to be the worst to hit the region in Israel’s history. As the dust finally dissipated, it was only to be replaced with freak rainstorms and flash flooding in the Arava and Judean deserts.
Israel’s meteorological service issued flash flood warnings Tuesday, even going so far as to close the Eilat Airport, grounding domestic flights until the late evening.
The flash floods led to road closures in from the central region of Mitzpe Rimon all the way just north of Eilat. The extreme change in weather also caused parts of southern Israel and the Galilee to be hit by a rare hail storm. Witnesses reported hail the size of ice cubes.
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