Steve Bannon was dismissed from the White House Friday and conservatives who supported Trump before and after the election fear his absence makes it less likely the president will be able to “fulfill campaign promises made to the Republican base that helped elect him, while Democratic lawmakers and activists” are celebrating his exit. [i] Senior Pentagon analyst LTC Robert Maginnis immediately emailed me to say, “Tom. Looks like Trump’s biggest populist, anti-globalist advisor was pushed out by globalists. I suspect we’ll now hear less about America First.” Robert went on to depict Bannon’s departure as a major victory for Deep State saboteurs. Why does a qualified agency expert like Maginnis believe Bannon’s departure signals more than “a general purge of conservatives on the White House staff?” [ii] Because the real story behind Bannon is far more complex, perhaps even prophetic, than most in the public understand.
Let me back up.
In 2008 and again in 2012, with input from Steve Quayle and me, my good friend Sue Bradley, an investigative journalist and blogger who has since gone home to be with Jesus (April 26, 2013) had started work on what would be one of her last articles. It was titled “The Fourth Turning: The Protocols and the Grey Champion.”
A couple of months before she departed this life, Sue had e-mailed me from her hospital room and said she was about to expand her “Fourth Turning” work based on some
Zenith 2016 material I had just shared with her. Unfortunately, like with the passing of David Flynn, the world will never know what Sue was about to reveal. What we do understand now is that it was connected to a primary player in Trump’s election and early administration—Steve Bannon. This is because Sue’s unfinished research was partially based on a book published in 1997,
The Fourth Turning, which seems to have deeply influenced Bannon’s worldview and possibly his eschatology.
Turning describes itself as a work “that turns history into prophecy.” It explains cycles of life and generational archetypes through the examination of Western historical paradigms over the past five centuries. By surveying the past and identifying contemporary markers, William Strauss and Neil Howe, the authors of the study, determined an astoundingly prescient forecast in which they saw a cascade of incidents that would ultimately lead to chaos and the “Fourth Turning.” Keep in mind they made these predictions twenty years ago, long before the September 11, 2001, attacks on America or the financial issues of today. Among the scenarios they foresaw were:
The first could be economic distress with a government beset by fiscal crisis, the state laying claim to federal tax monies, federal marshals enforcing orders, tax rebellions, special forces, and an ensuing constitutional crisis;
The second is a terrorist attack involving an airliner, a military response, authorization for house-to-house searches, and false flag accusations against the administration;
The third scenario is an economic disaster involving Wall Street and a federal budget impasse that results in a stalemate;
The fourth consideration is eco-environmental malaise with the Centers for Disease Control announcing the spread of a new communicable virus with quarantines and relocations;
The fifth projection is geopolitical in nature, with growing anarchy throughout the former Soviet republics prompting Russia to conduct training exercises around its borders, a Russian alliance with Iran, soaring gold and silver prices, and global military responses.
In describing these insightful scenarios, Strauss and Howe felt a catalyst would unfold as a result of a specific dynamic, and, “An initial spark will trigger a chain reaction of unyielding responses and further emergencies.”
According to Strauss and Howe in 1997, this chain reaction was already prepped to unfold as the result of natural cycles or “Turnings” in which generations are doomed to forget—and thus to repeat—the mistakes of the past. The authors describe a Turning as “an era with a characteristic social mood, a new twist on how people feel about themselves and their nation. It results from the aging of the generation [before it].”
[iv] A society enters a Turning once every twenty years or so, when all living generations begin to enter their next phases of life. The living generations, or
saeculae, comprise four cyclical Turnings, characterized as:
The First Turning (THE HIGH): An era of enthusiastic collective strengthening and civic development, having burned the brush and swept the ashes of preceding structure.
The Second Turning (THE AWAKENING): Built on the energies and accomplishments of the High but finds increasing yearning for introspection with a high tolerance for spiritual expression outside the parameters of predetermined standards.
The Third Turning (THE UNRAVELING): Begins as the “society-wide embrace of the liberating cultural forces” loosed by the Awakening shows signs of civic disorder and decay, a heightened sense of self-reliance and an increasing withdrawal of public trust. This builds to a near crisis of downcast pessimism and a palpable pall that can only be remedied by yielding to the next.
The Fourth Turning (THE CRISES and the era we are in now): By far, the most perilous as societies pass through the greatest and most dangerous gates of history. As desperate solutions are sought for “sudden threats” on multiple cultural fronts, confrontation is passionate and decisions are often reactive, aggressive. “Government governs, community obstacles are removed, and laws and customs that resisted change for decades are swiftly shunted aside. A grim preoccupation with civic peril causes spiritual curiosity to decline.… Public order tightens, private risk-taking abates, and…child-rearing reaches a smothering degree of protection and structure. The young focus their energy on worldly achievements, leaving values in the hands of the old. Wars are fought with fury and for maximum result.”
Through the examination of an enormous amount of political and cultural history, Strauss and Howe processed over five hundred years of Anglo-American cultural nuance into remarkable, well-organized, and predictable cycles, and it is from this reservoir they finally stake an uncanny claim:
Just after the millennium, America will enter a new era that will culminate with a crisis comparable to the American Revolution, the Civil War, the Great Depression, and World War II. The very survival of the nation will almost certainly be at stake.[vi]
Strauss and Howe saw the United States of that time (1997) in the Third Turning, “midway through an Unraveling,” roughly a decade away from the next Crisis or Fourth Turning:
America feels like it’s unraveling. Although we live in an era of relative peace and comfort, we have settled into a mood of pessimism about the long-term future, fearful that our superpower nation is somehow rotting from within.
The next Fourth Turning is due to begin shortly after the new millennium.… Real hardship will beset the land, with severe distress that could involve questions of class, race, nation, and empire…
The very survival of the nation will feel at stake.
Sometime before the year 2025, America will pass through a great gate in history, commensurate with the American Revolution, Civil War, and twin emergencies of the Great Depression and World War II.
The risk of catastrophe will be very high. The nation could erupt into insurrection or civil violence, crack up geographically, or succumb to authoritarian rule. If there is a war, it is likely to be one of maximum risk and efforts—in other words, a TOTAL WAR.[vii]
The striking details contained within the Fourth Turning illustrate the precision that was distilled with a close examination of historical patterns and contemporary application.
Although the authors note that the events described are not absolute, they also insist that the cycles, these Turnings, cannot be interrupted. As summer follows spring, an Unraveling precedes a Crisis of Faustian proportions:
It will require us to lend a new seasonal interpretation to our revered American Dream. And it will require us to admit that our faith in linear progress has often amounted to a Faustian bargain with our children.
Faust always ups the ante, and every bet is double-or-nothing. Through much of the Third Turning, we have managed to postpone the reckoning. But history warns that we can’t defer it beyond the next bend in time.[viii]
While a “Faustian bargain” sounds ominous, there is little evidence that the Anglo-American “Dream” has undergone the introspection and discipline necessary to buffer the arrogant recklessness of this generation and its administration.

NBC’s Chuck Todd noted, on the evening of November 4, 2008, that Barack Obama was a changing of the guard in the United States from the Baby Boomer presidencies of William Clinton and George W. Bush. The
Toronto Globe and Mail referred to President-elect Obama as being a member of Generation X, being born in 1961. And Strauss and Howe assigned Generation X—the Thirteenth Generation—to those who brought America to chaos and the start of the current Fourth Turning.
Fast forward to today and ask yourself: What does this have to do with Steve Bannon and pressure that was placed on Trump to remove him from the administrations list of strategists? Are “deep state” antagonists that gunned “for its ultimate enemy within the White House – former Breitbart exec Steve Bannon”
[ix] actually working to keep American’s blind to what is really unfolding behind the scenes in DC amidst dark NWO forces? And why has Pope Francis (who we will discuss in the next entry of this series and who has some Catholic leaders fearing he could be the False Prophet of end-times fame) also been at work behind the scenes to get Bannon expunged from the White House as a “supporter of apocalyptic geopolitics”?
Hold on to your seat.
In 2009, Bannon called historian David Kaiser on the phone. At the time, professor Kaiser worked at the Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island. Bannon wanted to know if Kaiser, an expert on “the Fourth Turning,” would appear in a documentary he was producing based on Strauss and Howe’s generational theory (the film was released in 2010, titled “Generation Zero”).
Kaiser agreed to be part of the film and traveled to the Washington headquarters of Citizens United, where Bannon was at the time, to be interviewed. At one point during the recordings, Kaiser says Bannon pressured him to agree with something he doesn’t believe. “He was talking about the wars of the fourth turnings,” Kaiser said, recalling how Bannon seemed sharply focused on making the point that another world war was on the horizon and that it would be a catalyst for the arrival of an international leader—the Grey Champion from the Fourth Turning that Sue Bradley had named her unfinished investigation after.
“You have the American Revolution, you have the Civil War, you have the Second World War; they’re getting bigger and bigger,” Bannon allegedly emphasized to Kaiser.
“Clearly, he was anticipating that in this ‘fourth turning’ there would be one at least as big. And he really made an effort, I remember, to get me to say that on the air.”
In a feature article for Huffington Post, Paul Blumenthal and J. M. Rieger echo Kaiser’s suspicions, but see a darker underlying worldview in Bannon’s thinking. They wrote:
Bannon, who’s now ensconced in the West Wing as President Donald Trump’s closest adviser, has been portrayed as Trump’s main ideas guy. But in interviews, speeches and writing—and especially in his embrace of Strauss and Howe—he has made clear that he is, first and foremost, an apocalypticist.
In Bannon’s view, we are in the midst of an existential war, and everything is a part of that conflict. Treaties must be torn up, enemies named, culture changed. Global conflagration, should it occur, would only prove the theory correct. For Bannon, the Fourth Turning has arrived. The Grey Champion, a messianic strongman figure, may have already emerged. The apocalypse is now.[xii]
According to Strauss and Howe, an unexpected national leader would emerge during the current Fourth Turning against all odds from an older generation to become a temporary figurehead or “hero” who leads the globe into a New World Order. This commander—whom they call the Grey Champion (and who some of us could worry is Antichrist)—will continue in power as a result of war or conflict that keeps his regime in command (a second term for a US president or continuance as executive during presidential war powers or martial law that suspends elections?).
“The winners will now have the power to pursue the more potent, less incrementalist agenda about which they had long dreamed and against which their adversaries had darkly warned,” says the Fourth Turning. “This new regime will enthrone itself for the duration of the Crisis. Regardless of its ideology, that new leadership will assert public authority and demand private sacrifice. Where leaders had once been inclined to alleviate societal pressures, they will now aggravate them to command the nation’s attention.”
Strauss and Howe were convinced when they wrote this thesis twenty years ago that the United States was in the Third Turning then, and that the next crises period or Fourth Turning would begin sometime following 2005 and end around 2025. In between these dates, the Grey Champion would appear.
Remarkably enough, most economists today point to the Lehman crisis in 2008 to explain the ramifications of the next global financial crisis, which the world’s leading authorities such as the Bank for International Settlements are now saying is going to hit global markets soon with a vengeance.
Does this mean we are in the middle now of the Fourth Turning?
It’s hard to argue against facts.
The foundations that once supported America’s stability and clout have weakened to the point that our institutions and infrastructure are crumbling. From illegal immigration to social programs to mounting debt, we have reached an unsustainable reality so reminiscent of Strauss and Howe’s generational prediction it’s getting harder each day to deny.
And then there is that “risk of catastrophe” in which the “nation could erupt into insurrection or civil violence” the professors foresaw. Will the Soros and Obama-backed agitators currently wreaking havoc across America ignite the circumstances that lead to the Grey Champion’s authoritarian rule? Michael Savage and others sure seem to think so
[xv] as does Michael Hart at StockBoardAsset. “Emboldened by a mainstream media apparatus which functions as a mouthpiece of Deep State interests, these activists are determined to overturn democratically elected officials and overturn law and order on the grounds that they personally disagree with the results,” he warned earlier this year
[xvi] before continuing:
As we have seen in recent months, Trump supporters, conservatives, and other patriots are not afraid to confront leftist activists in the streets, and this is likely to intensify as these DNC-backed groups become more desperate and confrontational in their tactics.
James Comey’s congressional testimony…showed that the Trump administration is indeed attempting to break the old political order and its far-too-powerful Deep State. The cracks are surfacing now, and this will likely shatter and spill into many facets of social life outside of the realm of politics.
This crises-creation machine emanating from the manufacturers of descent who despise the new Republican president and who want the old order eclipsed by a revolutionary new world system are the very appliance that threatens to give rise to the Fourth Turning described by Strauss and Howe, and perhaps to the Grey Champion of the apocalypse of Daniel and Revelation.
According to the Fourth Turning, America has experienced three such major crises before—the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, and the Great Depression and World War II, each followed by their respective periods of reconstruction.
These times were marked by social decay and civil dread that required Americans to carry a tremendous burden after massive conflict and substantial loss in order to rebuild and reinvent a better future.
Are we nearing the trigger event(s) or chaos stage of a final Fourth Turning?
If so, are Bannon and company the cause of it, or are they simply astute enough to prepare for the inevitable as a result of their knowledge of an endgame under construction by occult Saboteurs working behind the scenes in Washington, DC? Is this what is behind the desperate push to remove advisors like Bannon from Trump’s inner circle? On the other hand, will efforts by globalists backfire and prove Bannon more effective outside the White House in exposing the ancient scheme to empower the Grey Champion? As Fox News noted, “Steve Bannon is on his way out at the White House – but the fiery, anti-establishment conservative who helped Donald Trump win the presidency says he’s getting ready to wage his populist campaign from the outside.
“If there’s any confusion out there, let me clear it up: I’m leaving the White House and going to war for Trump against his opponents – on Capitol Hill, in the media, and in corporate America,” Bannon told Bloomberg on Friday.
But… and get ready for this… is Pope Francis also on Bannon’s target radar?
Most will be flabbergasted to learn what’s truly unfolding behind the scenes, and we’ll get into it starting in the next entry.
Credit to Tom Horn