Many assume when God created the Sun and the Moon that He did so for light, heat, gravity, and other natural mechanisms. While those facts seem obvious, when looking at Genesis 1:14, we learn of four other purposes behind why the lights in the heavens were created and placed where they are. The Bible says these are for “signs,” “seasons,” “days,” and “years.”
The Hebrew word for signs in this context is owth, a word meaning a “miraculous sign,” “omen,” or “warning.” It signifies, among other things, that God created the heavenly bodies to communicate important matters at particular times to His covenant people.
The next reason God created the sun and the moon is for “seasons.” Again, in our Western mindset, we figure God is talking about winter, spring, summer, and fall. This is the farthest from the truth. In Hebrew, the word here is mow’edand is accurately translated as “an appointed time” or “divine appointment” especially related to “sacred seasons” or Feast days. This same Hebrew word is translated into English in Leviticus 23 as “feast” where it talks about the Feasts of the Lord. At first, these two words—appointments and feasts—seem about as far apart as you can get. This is why one needs to keep the Hebrew language in perspective so as not to miss the deeper conveyances of this text. The wordmow’ed implies that God has a day timer or calendar on which He keeps predetermined “appointments” with human history and that are connected with His Feasts or Holy Days. For example, in the Book of Revelation it says that the Messiah was slain “from the foundations of the world.” This means God the Father knew the year, the month, the day, and the exact time His Son would die and how this event would be played out in fulfillment of the Levitical feasts of Israel.
Finally, God declares that the sun and the moon were created to determine “days and years.” Obviously, this has nothing to do with our modern calendar, which was created by a pagan Roman ruler and is based on the sun. The Muslim calendar is based on the moon. But the biblical calendar—the one that God uses according to Genesis—is based on the sunand the moon. So when the Scripture refers to “days and years” in Genesis 1:14, it is pointing to biblical days and years or “holy days” as well as Shemittah years and Jubilee years (every seventh year the land in Israel was to rest. This is why the Jewish people went into captivity because they did not observe the seventh year. Every fiftieth year was to be a year of Jubilee when captives were set free and received their land back).
With this in mind, a whole new discovery is made concerning how God created the sun and the moon and the stars as harbingers or “signal-senders” of His appointed times. This is confirmed throughout the Bible in places like the books of Joel, Isaiah, Revelation, as well as Jesus, Himself, in the Gospels confirming there would be signs in the sun and the moon and the stars that would herald the last days.
While solar and lunar eclipses are common occurrences and for the most part have no great prophetic significance, when they fall on the biblical Feast days, we should pay close attention. In Revelation 6:12, the Bible declares that the sun will become black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon as red as blood. Most scholars believe this important end-times sign is speaking of solar and lunar eclipses. The significance of a total solar eclipse or total lunar eclipse, if it happened on one of God’s Feast days would be a powerful message. Knowing this, be advised there are four total blood moons coming, back to back, right in a row, all falling on Feast days. Equally incredible is how within the very same timeframe, two solar eclipses are scheduled to arrive. Read that again and let the significance of these comments sink in. Prophetically speaking, we are talking about the equivalent of six grand-slam homeruns in a row—a mathematical improbability that stands out against the randomness of natural cycles and strongly suggests a miraculous sign or “omen” of intelligent design is coming. Of significance to this book is how these “grand slams” are set to unfold between the years 2012–2016, specifically 2014 and 2015.

When examining NASA’s website, we find these specific types or strings of total eclipses are called a “tetrad” and are very rare. According to their own calculations, a similar string of four total lunar eclipses did not happen at all in the 1800s, 1700s, or even the 1600s. Amazingly, in the 1500s it happened around seven times but not once did all four eclipses fall on the Jewish Feast days. When was the last time four blood moons not only occurred back to back but fell on the Feasts? The shocking dates were 1967 and 1968 when Israel recaptured Jerusalem! What about the time before that? Right on the heels of Israel becoming a nation in May of 1948. The following two years in 1949 and 1950 again saw four blood moons on Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles and then again on Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles! In other words, not only were there four blood moons in a row, but all four of them fell on the Feast days and were accompanied by historically prophetic implications of divine proportions.
What does all this have to do with the future and the timespan 2012–2016? From the Books of Revelation and Joel (2:31), we understand that the sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the Lord. In Exodus (chapter 12), God told Moses that Passover (roughly March-April in the Gregorian calendar) would be the point at which the religious year would begin. It just so happens that after the two blood moons on Passover and Tabernacles in 2014, this Jewish New Year in 2015 will be met with a total solar eclipse. Two weeks later on Passover we have the next total lunar eclipse. Then on the Feast of Trumpets, also known as Rosh HaShana, there is a partial solar eclipse followed two weeks later by the next total lunar eclipse on the Feast of Tabernacles. There will not be another such tetrad of four blood moons landing on biblical holidays this century. Keep your eyes on global events as these blood moons mark God’s prophetic calendar. Of course, only time will tell, but these suggested apocalyptic scenarios may soon begin falling like dominoes across the world scene in anticipation of the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Deeper Secrets: The Watchers and 33, 2012, 2016
In May of 2005, I commissioned the late Christian researcher and genius David Flynn to write another study for my daily news service (www.RaidersNewsUpdate.com) based on mutual research we were investigating at that time. The article, “An Occult Translation of the Roswell Event: Countdown to 2012,” was truly unprecedented and later formed the basis of Flynn’s presentation at the 2005 Ancient of Days Conference in Roswell, New Mexico. The feature article has since been quoted hundreds of times by media and republished in magazines and print publications around the world, yet what the extraordinary findings actually foretell remains hidden to most of the world.
Like Dr. I. D. E. Thomas, Dr. Jacques F. Vallée, Chuck Missler, and others, Flynn became fascinated with the mysterious connection between Watchers, so-called “aliens,” the coming of Antichrist, the Mayan date 2012, and the hidden occult aspiration of Freemasons and other Illuminatus related to these subjects.
Starting out, Flynn cited how in 1928, the occult visionary, Manly P. Hall, wrote:
European mysticism was not dead at the time the United States of America was founded. The hand of the mysteries controlled in the establishment of the new government for the signature of the mysteries may still be seen on the Great Seal of the United States of America. Careful analysis of the seal discloses a mass of occult and Masonic symbols, chief among them, the so-called American eagle.… The American eagle upon the Great Seal is but a conventionalized phoenix.[i]
“Phoenix,” the last word of Hall’s statement of the founding of America, was key to the “secret destiny” of civilization, for as occultists understand, the word “phoenix” is derivative of “Phoenicians” and refers to the ancient people who inhabited the very land recorded in the book of Enoch as the entry point for Watcher influence from Mt. Hermon in Phoenicia. Intriguingly, the consonants in Hebrew that make up the word “Hermon” are ch-r-m or the noun cherem, meaning “devoted to destruction.” And as Elizabeth van Buren acknowledged in The Secret of the Illuminati, the great significance of this Phoenician Watcher location could be understood through the occult value of the numbers three and thirty-three when combined with the most important science of Freemasonry, navigation, and sacred location.[ii]
The compass and square, the most visible emblems of Masonry, are the symbols of this navigation and mapmaking process. The number three is essential because without the geometry of the three-sided triangle, establishing location and distance on a map (“triangulation”) is impossible. Navigation not only predicts the destination of a traveler on the Earth but also the time the traveler will arrive. As the navigator can use increments of Earth’s latitude and longitude to determine location in space and time, these increments can be measured in the Earth itself according to mystics to reveal the appointed time of humanity’s destiny. This is one of the main reasons the number thirty-three and the compass and square are such important symbols of the illumined elite.
With this in mind, Flynn made the unprecedented disclosure that 33.33 degrees of the great circle of the Earth represents 2,012 nautical miles, the identical number at the end of the Mayan calendar. Flynn further revealed that Mount Hermon in Phoenicia, the first location of the descent of the Watchers, lies precisely at 33.33 degrees north, 33.33 degrees east, 2,012 miles from the equator, and 2,012 miles from the prime meridian, a location of Mt. Hermon in longitude based on the Paris 0 meridian 2.20 degrees east of Greenwich.
To be even more accurate, the number of nautical miles in 33.33 degrees of the Earth is 2,012 “.9.” This actually corresponds more precisely with the ending year date of the Mayan calendar—December 21, 2012.
Did the chosen location of the first connection of Watchers on Mt. Hermon at 33.33 degrees north and 33.33 east set in time the commencement of a luciferian plan for a final New World Order beginning in 2012? In light of the ancient history of Mt. Hermon and the Mayan buildings and cities having been intentionally aligned with the Pleiades and Orion Nebula, the return to Earth of the god these terrestrial and celestial locations are historically connected with—Apollo/Osiris/Nimrod—literally seems to have been set in stone. The highest sacred number (thirty-three) of the occultists who encoded the return of Apollo on the Great Seal of the United States also: 1) equals the exact location where the Watchers first descended to Earth and; 2) triangulates the mile measurement 2012—the end date of the Mayan countdown to the return of their bloodthirsty god.
A related matter that is equally disturbing and perhaps validates the concerns of Dr. Thomas, Vallée, Flynn, and others whose research produced repetitive connections between Watchers and so-called “probing aliens,” is the most celebrated ufological location on Earth—the impact site near Roswell, New Mexico, which sits incredibly at 33 degrees north latitude, at a distance 2,012 miles from the equator! Furthermore, when the latitude of the Roswell impact site, 33 degrees north, is multiplied by the universal mathematical constant pi (3.1415926572…), the result is 104 degrees, the longitude of the impact site!
Scientists at the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) know that a radio message from intelligent extraterrestrial life would use such redundant universal mathematical constants, which are not dependent on calibration systems, but on ratios. Any signal coming from space that has these numbers would stand out against the randomness in the background of space noise and would define itself as intelligent and deliberate. This is the case with the location of the Roswell incident, as the odds against a crash location occurring “by chance” precisely at the whereabouts that are the product of pi x 33 are astronomical…on the order of millions to one. The location appears to have been chosen to show deliberate and intelligent coordinates related to the occult values thirty-three (= the Masonic prophecy) and 2012 (= the year the god returned) in precise parallel to the fixed location where Watchers first descended.
It might seem beyond mere chance therefore that the United States recovered the debris and “alien” bodies of the Roswell crash on the Fourth of July, 1947. America was founded on the same date in 1776 (also the year the Order of the Illuminati was established), chosen by the elite behind the formation of America for a special reason, which we discussed earlier, related to 33.33 as the ultimate number of earthly luciferian government. Is it therefore coincidence that important ancient structures were built around the world on or near the Earth’s thirty-third parallel—including Great Pyramids, Megiddo, Tyre (where Ezekiel compared the ancient king to Lucifer), the Temple of Marduk, Babylon, Baalbeck, and dozens more? Reason may be shed in the book of Revelation concerning why this number in particular seems to be so important to occultists, ancient pagans, and the messengers of Mt. Hermon and Roswell:
And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon.… And his tail drew the third part [33.33 percent] of the [angels] of heaven, and did cast them to the earth. (Revelation 12:3–4)
Of course, the correlation between the Masonic number thirty-three and the year 2012, plus the matching of these numbers to the exact coordinates of the arrival of Watchers on Mt. Hermon and the date that the Maya predicted the return of the gods in spirit or form, could be nothing more than a coincidence. An amazing and mathematically incomprehensible coincidence…and yet the rabbit hole goes deeper…