A war with North Korea would be fundamentally different from other wars, because there would be no line that the North Koreans would not be willing to cross. They would use nukes, they would use chemical weapons, and they would not hesitate to even use biological weapons on innocent civilian populations.
To give you an idea of what a North Korean attack using biological weapons may look like, I have created the following scenario…
In the aftermath of a massive U.S. military strike on North Korea’s nuclear facilities, North Korean agents that have been embedded inside the United States for years quickly start going to work. In Washington D.C., New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco, small containers that had been covertly smuggled into the U.S. are opened and dropped on the ground in the middle of large groups of people.
At first nothing seems to happen, but pretty rapidly those that have been exposed start developing puffy white sores and blisters on their skin. When this hits the news, panic begins to spread as people realize that this appears to be a coordinated attack. Before too long, others that have been exposed to a different bioweapon start bleeding profusely from their eyes, ears, mouths and noses. People drop dead by the thousands, and a national health crisis is declared.
Economic activity comes to a complete halt as everyone becomes deathly afraid of leaving their own homes. Hospitals and other medical facilities are completely overwhelmed because they can only treat a small fraction of those that are dying. Because these weaponized diseases were designed to spread like wildfire, pretty soon nearly every community in America is affected.
The federal government attempts to intervene, but it is powerless to stop the spread of these pandemics. Thousands of dead bodies lie rotting in the streets of our major cities because there aren’t enough people willing to take the risk of burying them. And because virtually everyone is camping out at home, essential public services start to break down very rapidly and our society descends into a state of utter chaos.
Are you starting to get the picture?
If the North Koreans ever conducted such an attack, we would probably have a very difficult time proving that they were responsible.
As people got sick and dropped dead by the thousands, the public would certainly demand vengeance. Our politicians could point their fingers at North Korea, but of course such an attack could also be conducted by Russia, China, Iran or a number of different radical Islamic terror organizations.
Here in the western world, using biological weapons in this manner is absolutely unthinkable, but the North Koreans have little use for our moral standards. They have been working very hard to develop a very robust bioweapons program, and according to those that have studied these things, the North Koreans definitely have the capability of launching the type of attack that I just described above…
A South Korean government white paper published in 2012 suggested that North Korea is capable of producing a variety of biological weapons, “including anthrax, smallpox, pest, francisella tularensis, and hemorrhagic fever virus.”
And unlike other types of weapons, biological weapons can simply be carried to their targets by the wind. The following is an excerpt from a recent report from the Rand corporation…
“North Korea could use biological weapons against a variety of military and civilian targets in South Korea. Biological weapons would likely be delivered as an aerosol of some kind that would be dispersed and then carried by the wind. Many people downwind of the release location would be exposed unless they wore some form of protection or were physically located in a place that protected them from exposure. This is particularly true if the attacker creates a line source by spraying, for example, the BW agent while driving along a road perpendicular to the wind. According to one source, 1 kilogram of anthrax could spread lethal effects over 0.2 to 2.6 square kilometers, depending on wind and weather conditions. The nighttime population density of Seoul averages about 20,000 people per square kilometer, meaning that upward of about 50,000 people could be effectively exposed by 1 kilogram of anthrax. But in conditions less favorable to the attacker, including poor atmospheric conditions and many people living in high-rise buildings that lack central heating and ventilation, as few as 2,000 people might be effectively exposed by 1 kilogram of anthrax. Multiple attacks could increase these results.”
Thanks to our ridiculously porous borders, it would be no problem at all to smuggle these types of weapons into the United States. My guess is that if we do go to war with North Korea, it won’t be very long at all before North Korean agents that are already embedded here are given the order to attack.
In addition to biological weapons, it is also important to remember that it is estimated that North Korea has an arsenal of up to 5,000 tons of chemical weapons. The moment that the U.S. begins attacking the North Koreans, they could respond by firing off missiles armed with chemical warheads at Seoul, Tokyo and other major cities in the region. If this were to happen, the death toll would likely be absolutely catastrophic.
It is funny that China has become the voice of reason in this crisis. They are urging both sides to cool down, and they are warning the U.S. that an attack on North Korea could quickly become a complete nightmare…
An editorial in the influential newspaper Global Times, which is published by the Chinese Communist Party’ People’s Daily, said the situation on the Korean Peninsula could not be compared to that of Syria.“Taking military actions against North Korea is much more risky than launching a missile strike on Syria. Pyongyang is able to deal a heavy blow to South Korea. Regardless of Pyongyang’s nuclear capability, a radiological dispersal device, or a ‘dirty bomb,’ if thrown on the South, will cause nuclear pollution, which will be unbearable to this US ally,” the newspaper warned.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t appear that either side is willing to back down.
In fact, it is being reported that North Korea may be preparing to conduct a major nuclear test as early as this weekend…
A Voice of America journalist tweeted that US government sources believe North Korea had placed a nuclear device in a tunnel and it could be detonated as early as this weekend.It comes after Washington-based 38 North, a website that monitors North Korea, said satellite images from Saturday showed vehicles and trailers at the Punggye-ri test site and signs that communications cables may have been laid to a test tunnel.
If the North Koreans detonate a nuclear device within the next few days, that might be the final straw for Trump.
And whether a nuclear test happens or not, the North Koreans seem to be preparing for war. It is being reported that Kim Jong-Un has ordered nearly 600,000 people to leave the capital, and he has placed his military on the highest state of alert.
This is one of the reasons why I am always strongly urging my readers to get prepared. If you wait to take action until war starts and weapons of mass destruction are being used, it will be way too late to gather the food and supplies that you and your family will need.
Let us certainly hope that the kind of scenario that I have laid out in this article does not happen, but at this point both Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un do not appear to be bluffing, and that means that anything is possible.
Credit to End of the American Dream