Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk declared a moratorium on the payment of three-billion-dollar debt to Russia.
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine supported his decision. In addition, the official Kiev is not going to pay the debt of $507 million to Russian banks (the debt was amassed by two Ukrainian companies that collaborated with Russian banks).
“From today, all payments shall be suspended until our proposals are accepted or a law decision is made,” Yatsenyuk said, TASS reports.
The statement from the Ukrainian prime minister is equivalent to the official declaration of default by Ukraine.
Noteworthy, the International Monetary Fund earlier acknowledged that Ukraine’s credit obligations were sovereign, rather than commercial. If Ukraine does not repay its debt to Russia before December 21, international creditors will cease to support the Ukrainian economy.
However, the IMF changed its rules to be able to continue crediting Ukraine, driving the country further into debt. Kiev has not adopted a budget for 2016 that would meet the requirements of the IMF, making a new loan impossible for the time being.
Any military intelligence officer will tell you that even the smallest thing could mark the coming of a major event. There is a video going viral that should concern every American who hopes to retain any remnant of the Constitution, including the hope of legally retaining ownership over a gun. Ultimately, the presence of UN personnel in the manner in which we see in the following video, should be disturbing to even the most unaware American.
UN Multinational Force Observer In Pennsylvania
Why is this UN Multinational Force Observer in Pennsylvania getting gas? For what possible reason would the UN be operating inside the United States? I have been sent this video a half a dozen times in the past 24 hours. Many Americans see this for exactly what it is.
Take a look at this video as a very aware and alert citizen confronts and United Nations Multinational Force Observer.
My Intelligence Source States That We Are About to Be Invaded Unless the US Military Steps Up
I took this sighting of the UN Multinational Force Observer in Pennsylvania to my best sources. They were of the presence of this organization operating within the United States. They told me that this UN personnel are here to “observe” during an United Nations “Police Action” on American soil. The purpose will be solely to impose undeclared martial law and to confiscate American guns.
I have reported, for years, that foreign troops were operating on US soil. Now, we are getting operational specifics.
Foreign occupation forces are training and will be training to overrun this country in a martial law scenario. Why foreign troops? Because American troops might not be able to be counted upon to carry out the orders of subjugation that will come down from this globalist inspired banker-hijacked administration
This past October over 36,000 troops from more than 30 countries participated what NATO calls its largest exercise in over a decade and the exercise is called “TRIDENT JUNCTURE”.
Trident Juncture came in under the cover of darkness and was obscured by Jade Helm 15. The following video emerged last summer.
Why Is This Becoming a Common Sight On US Soil?
The United Nations has no business being rural Pennsylvania or downtown Dallas. We are not under martial law. We have not suffered an invasion or a civil war. Or, are we about to experience one or more of these things. Is the the chest pain before the heart attack?
DOT CONNECTION: Secretary of State, John Kerry, Signs the UN Small Arms Treaty In Violation of the US Constitution
The above photo of Kerry signing the UN Small Arms Treaty reminds me of Neville Chamberlain’s infamous quote about having “peace in our time” after he signed the Munich Accords with Hitler just prior to World War II. Inside of these “accords” contained the seeds for World War II. Inside this UN treaty lies the destruction of American culture and society as we have known it.
DOT CONNECTION #2: The American Military Is Being Systematically Being Disarmed
Not only does the Obama administration plan to disarm the people of America, they are systematically disarming the military as well while, at the same time, beefing up the foreign troop presence on United States soil.
As UN vehicles continue to deploy into the United States, we are witnessing the systematic disarming of the American Military. DAHBOO 777 first published the following account of the American military disarming itself by putting what everyone thought was excess military equipment into mothballs at underground munitions storage areas such as the one featured below at the Red River facility. The reason that it is quite clear that this is a disarming is that if a rapid deployment of this equipment were ever needed in time of war, the grid lock that would result at a facility like this or any other storage facility constructed in this manner, would prevent the timely and proper deployment of men and equipment.
Merry Christmas From the UN
Merry Christmas from the UN The U.N. Arms Trade Treaty took effect on last Christmas Eve. Even though the theory has very little chance of being ratified by two-thirds of the Senate, Second Amendment advocates are concerned that the Obama administration will use a United Nations treaty as a basis for executive action on gun control as well they should be. Still, others feel that this leftist gun control treaty becomes binding international law and any Executive Action by Obama would merely be an endorsement of our nation’s contractual obligation to support the UN ban on guns. Enough countries around the world have ratified it so the gun control treaty will now be enforced.
The founders included the words “shall not be infringed” for a reason. And they gave YOU the power to fight against any tyrannical government that would try to take your rights away.
The Most Egregious Portions of the UN Ban
• Article 2 of the treaty defines the scope of the treaty’s prohibitions. The right to own, buy, sell, trade, or transfer all means of armed resistance, including handguns, is denied to civilians by this section of the Arms Trade Treaty.
• Article 3 places the “ammunition/munitions fired, launched or delivered by the conventional arms covered under Article 2” within the scope of the treaty’s prohibitions, as well.
• Article 4 places all “parts and components” of weapons within the scheme.
• Perhaps the most egregious threat to the rights of gun owners in the Arms Trade Treaty is found in Article 5. Under the title of “General Implementation,” Article 5 mandates that all countries participating in the treaty “shall establish and maintain a national control system, including a national control list.” This list should “apply the provisions of this Treaty to the broadest range of conventional arms.”
• Article 12 adds to the record-keeping requirement, mandating that the list include “the quantity, value, model/type, authorized international transfers of conventional arms,” as well as the identity of the “end users” of these items.
I would remind the reader that gun confiscation is not an end unto itself. It is a means to an end. For when the people are finally disarmed, the banking mafia that runs this country can have their way with this country with very little opposition. In the words of Jesus, we would be well-advised to never be without our swords (i.e. guns).
The UN on Thursday recognized Yom Kippur as an official United Nations holiday. And so, from next year on, there will be no official meetings at the UN on Yom Kippur and employees can take the day off and go out to not have lunch.
The decision was reached through a collaboration between Israel’s UN Envoy Danny Danon and Ambassador Samantha Power, his US counterpart.
“Yom Kippur is the holiest day of the year for the Jewish People, and the UN should have recognized this holiday many years ago,” Danon said on Thursday, noting with pride that “today we finally have an official place for the Jewish religion in the world’s parliament.”
The fact that the US was behind the move helped persuade the usual anti-Israel block to let the Jews have this one, which makes it the second time they’ve been nice to the chosen people since Danon has been chosen to represent Israel in the world body.
“The American-Israeli partnership at the UN stands for good versus bad and right versus wrong,” Danon stated, adding, “The value of justice, anchored in Jewish tradition and thought, will finally find its place in the family of nations, and be a part of the UN’s history.”
To date, the UN has recognized 10 official holidays, including Christmas and Eid Al Fitr, but no Jewish holidays. Thursday’s decision establishes Yom Kippur as an official UN holiday, allowing Jewish UN employees to observe the holiday without tapping their banked holiday hours.
Last year, 32 UN members submitted the resolution for the organization to recognize Yom Kippur as an official holiday, noting the universal message of the Jewish Day of Atonement. Of course, no one told those friendly folks that the central portion of the prayers on Yom Kippur revolves around the ancient ceremony at the Temple, which would have been blocked nowadays by the Jordanian Waqf.
Yom Kippur is a scriptural holiday that commands Jews to abstain from eating, wearing shoes, washing, smearing one’s body with fragrant oils and having intimate relations. There is no obligation at all on non-Jews to observe the holiday. In fact, a more fitting day for the UN to embrace would have been Sukkot, which was commanded as a holiday that encourages some gentile participation.
The Israel fifth Dolphin class submarine and second new-generation AIP (air independent propulsion) platform is making the 3,000- mile journey to its home base at the Haifa naval base from its German manufacturing center, a senior naval source said Thursday.
The INS Rahav is carrying some 50 personnel, and “minimal weapons needed to protect itself,” before its arrival in Israel next month.
After its arrival, Israeli systems will be installed on board.
“We expect the submarine to be fully operational in a number of months,” the naval officer said.
AIP submarines can remain submerged for significantly longer periods of time than conventional platforms, and having two such submarines means that Israel has “doubled its covert capabilities,” the source said.
The submarine will stop at the site of where the INS Dakar sunk to the ocean floor in 1968 for a memorial ceremony, before continuing in its journey to Haifa.
The INS Rahav, like the INS Tanin, can use AIP fuel cells to supplement its diesel-electric engines, and does not have to surface often to recharge its batteries.
The new submarines will be based out of a specialized dock built by the navy at Haifa, which allows for the advanced submarines to be kept separately, covertly, and in a convenient manner. The dock allows for flexibility, and enables the submarines to be on call 24 hours a day.
The new submarines will bring with them many unique capabilities, such as lengthy intelligence gathering.
“Submarines bring a level of intelligence to Israel that cannot be achieved by other units,” Lt.-Cmdr. Y., a past commander of the navy’s submarine school, told The Jerusalem Post in 2014.
“Drones that fly in the air can be shot down,” he said, “but a submarine can stay in enemy territory for weeks, and no one knows it’s there.
Russian ships detained in the northern Turkish port of Zonguldak. Photo Credit: IHA TV screenshot.
Turkey has tightened its inspections of Russian ships docked in its harbors in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, and has so far detained 27 Russian ships which failed to meet sailing criteria. This move is in retaliation for the Russian authorities detaining Eight Turkish ships in Russian ports, denying them permission to travel since Nov. 24, the day when Turkey downed a Russian military jet. The Turks said the Russian ships were too old to sail.
According to Turkish daily Habertürk, citing shipping officials in Ankara, Turkish and Russian authorities contacted each other via email, with the Russian side agreeing to a meeting to resolve the crisis, although how and when the parties will meet is yet unclear.
According to Daily Sabah, as soon as the Russian Su-24 fighter was downed over Turkey’s airspace, Russia implemented non-reciprocal trade ties and customs practices. It detained Turkish business travelers, blocked Turkish trucks from crossing the border into Russia, and denied Turkish civilian vessels entry into Russian ports, forcing them to wait in open waters.
Daily Sabah claims that while Turkish officials have been attempting to ease the tensions, declaring they never considered Russia an enemy of Turkey, Russia remained hostile, and Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev issued a list of sanctions against Turkey. The list, published on the government’s official website on Tuesday, includes agricultural products that Russia would no longer import from Turkey beginning Jan. 1, and retroactively approved a ban on charter flights to Turkey which has been in effect since Dec. 1.
It’s been nearly a month since Turkey shot down a Russian Su-24 in what not only represented the most serious escalation to date in Syria’s five year conflict but also marked the first time a NATO member has engaged a Russian or Soviet aircraft in at least six decades.
The “incident” - which came several weeks after Ankara downed what certainly appeared to be a Russian drone - infuriated The Kremlin, setting off a war of words that culminated in a lengthy presentation by the Russian MoD which purported to prove that illicit Islamic State oil flows through Turkey. Both Putin and a number of other Russian officials have implicated Erdogan and his family in the trafficking of illegal crude and there’s speculation that Ankara’s brazen move to fire on the Russian warplane stemmed from Erdogan’s desire to “punish” Russia for disrupting what Deputy Minister of Defence Anatoly Antonov sarcastically called “a brilliant family business.”
As for the Russian foreign ministry, Sergei Lavrov canceled a planned trip to Turkey and Maria Zakharova went so far as to reference Turkey’s infamous political blogger Fuat Avni (a pseudonym) on the way to suggesting that Ankara had been planning to shoot down a Russian fighter jet for at least a month.
In an effort to ensure that the downing of a Russian warplane in Syria was a “one and done” event, Moscow deployed the Moskvaoff the coast of Latakia and sent in the S-400 air defense systems (which were rumored to have already been in place).
Those moves rattled the US and its partners who fear that a nervous Putin might “inadvertently” shoot down an American, French, or British warplane. Indeed Putin ratcheted up the rhetoriclast week. While not detailing 'who' he was focused on, the President told a session of the Defense Ministry's collegium that "I order to act extremely tough. Any targets that threaten Russian forces or our infrastructure on the ground should be immediately destroyed."
Well, in case that wasn’t clear enough, Putin took it a step further on Thursday.
During his annual news conference in Moscow, the Russian President literally dared Erdogan to send Turkish F-16s into Syrian airspace.
As Bloomberg reports, “President Vladimir Putin signaled that Russia is ready to shoot down any Turkish military aircraft that strays into Syrian airspace."
“Turkey constantly violated Syrian airspace in the past. Let them fly there now,” he said, pointing out that Russia’s most advanced air-defense system, the S-400, is covering all of Syria.
(in case the S-400s and the Moskva should prove insufficient, Putin always has the "hands on" option)
"This is the 11th press conference Putin will have with Russian and international journalists during the three terms he has served as head of state," Sputnik notes. "These large press meetings, held once a year, usually last several hours. Almost 1,400 journalists have received accreditation for this year’s event."
As for whether The Kremlin thinks the US was in any way involved in the downing of the Russian warplane, Putin said he wasn't aware of any American involvement, but did suggest (literally) that Erdogan may have been trying to kiss Washington's ass or, in Bloomberg's more politically correct terminology, "Turkey may have been trying to curry favor with the largest member of NATO".
Putin: “If someone in Turkey decided to kiss Americans on a certain body part, I don’t know whether it was right or not."
Watch the full video below.
For those who missed it, here's an infographic look at the S-400: