Monday, September 24, 2012
3 Chinese vessels enter Japan's territorial waters
Three Chinese government patrol ships have entered Japanese territorial waters near the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea.
Japan's Coast Guard says the 3 were among 6 Chinese vessels which entered the contiguous zone outside Japan's territorial waters off the disputed islands between 5 AM and 6:30 AM on Monday morning.
Coast Guard officials have confirmed that the marine surveillance ships, "Haijian 46" and "Haijian 66", each entered Japan's territorial waters from west northwest and northwest of Kubashima Island between 6:30 and 7 AM.
The third Chinese ship arrived in territorial waters off Taishoto Island around 10:40 AM.
The islands belong to the Senkaku island group.
A Coast Guard patrol boat has been issuing radio warnings in Chinese for the ships to leave Japanese waters, but there has been no response. The 3 vessels are still navigating in Japanese waters.
The Chinese government vessels have been in the waters off the disputed islands since last Tuesday.
This is the second time in the past week that the ships have intruded into Japanese waters.
War with ‘cancerous tumor Israel’ will eventually happen, says Iranian general
The commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari, said Saturday that war with Israel will “eventually happen,” and that the Islamic Republic would “destroy the Jewish state.”
Speaking at a news conference in Tehran, Jafari said, “The war will eventually happen but it is not clear when and where it will take place,” according to the semi-official Fars news agency.
“This cancerous tumor Israel seeks to launch a war against us,” he said, and added, “right now they see war as the only method of confrontation.”
“If [Israelis] start something, they will be destroyed and it will be the end of the story for them,” Jafari said, according to ISNA.
An Al Arabiya report on Friday said that Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has ordered the powerful IRGC to stop its operations around the world, particularly those in Africa and Latin America, according to a senior army official.
The official told Al Arabiya that Khamenei wants the IRGC to focus its efforts on countries in the region, and that he fears a possible Israeli strike. Khamenei is also worried about the effect of crushing international sanctions, particularly on the Islamic Republic’s funding of its military forces, according to the report.
The IRGC has been accused of involvement in numerous acts of terrorism worldwide, and its Al-Quds force has focused on attacks on Israeli targets. Most recently, Israel blamed Iran for a series of attempts to hit Israeli targets in India, Georgia, Thailand and other countries last spring. India’s police reported IRGC involvement in one of these attacks, in which the wife of an Israeli diplomat was injured in a bombing in February in New Delhi.
Also on Friday, Iran held a massive parade where it unveiled a new air defense system, Raad. At the parade, the air force commander of the Revolutionary Guards, Amir Ali Hajizadeh, warned that Israel “would cease to exist” if it launched an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities.
“If a conflict breaks out, the Zionist regime would be able to manage the beginning of the war, but the response and end would be in our hands, in which case the Zionist entity would cease to exist,” said Hajizadeh. “The number of missiles launched would be more than the Zionists could imagine,” he added, according to Iran’s Fars news agency.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad used the event to lash out at the West over an anti-Islam film produced in the United States and the publication of caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad by a French satirical weekly.
Ahmadinejad said that ”in return for (allowing) the ugliest insults to the divine messenger, they — the West — raise the slogan of respect for freedom of speech.” He asserted that this shows a double standard and “is clearly a deception.” Ahmadinejad called the film a plot conceived by Zionists to cause discord among Muslims.
The parade marked the anniversary of the beginning of the Iran-Iraq war 32 years ago.
According to Fars, Raad, or Thunder, is more advanced than its Russian predecessor and is designed to confront fighter jets, cruise missiles, smart bombs, helicopters and drones.
The Times of Israel
Papers show massive Israeli intel failure before 73 war
Thirty-nine years ago this month, Israel was surrounded by enemies threatening to annihilate her. But Israeli leaders did not take the threats seriously enough, and did not order a preemptive strike to neutralize the enemy’s military capabilities. Instead, the Jewish State was blindsided by a surprise attack in 1973 on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, the holiest day of the year in Judaism. Now, newly released documents reveal the depth of the massive intelligence failure that almost led to the destruction of the Jewish State. Make no mistake: current Israeli leaders are weighing decisions about a possible war with Iran in light of the tragic mistakes made in ’73, especially in view of the Iranian leaders vowing to annihilate Israel to bring back the so-called Islamic messiah known as the “Twelfth Imam.”
“The Israeli Mossad intelligence agency knew a full week in advance that Egypt was planning to launch a surprise attack on Yom Kippur 1973, but did not pass the information on in an orderly and explicit way to Prime Minister Golda Meir’s office, according to formerly classified information released Thursday,” reports the Times of Israel. “The findings come from the commission tasked with investigating the war. The warning indicated that Egypt was going to attack under the cover of a military drill….The five-member Agranat Commission, chaired by American-born Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Shimon Agranat, was appointed by the government to examine the failures leading up to and during the early stages of the war. The new papers, kept under wraps for decades, were released just ahead of the 39th anniversary of the war.”
A separate Times of Israel story reported that “The Yom Kippur War, in Israel, marked the end of the age of innocence. Generals, previously untouchable, were stripped of their commands. The prime minister was ousted from office by popular demand. The tremors of the debacle eventually pried open the grip of the Labor-led left and, for the first time in the history of Zionism, ushered in an ideologically right-wing leadership. Thursday’s revelations from previously classified testimony to the Agranat Commission, which investigated the war, fill in the already grim picture of October 1973 — of arrogance tinged with ineptitude at the very top, which produced, for some, a lack of faith in leaders that endures to this day. The commander of the northern front, Yitzhak Hofi, testified to the Agranat Commission that despite the evidence of an enormous armored presence near the border, and despite explicit information passed on to him from the command’s chief intelligence officer, he was told, just days before the war, that the chance of war was low and that the reports were insignificant.
When he called military intelligence headquarters, Hofi told the commission, none of the relevant officers was on duty. They were at home. Only at six in the morning on Yom Kippur, October 6, was he told that war would break out and even then the stated time was six in the evening rather than the actual two in the afternoon. Alfred Eini, an aide to Mossad chief Zvi Zamir, shocked commission members when he said that Zamir apparently “didn’t get” the urgency of a midnight cable from the Mossad’s man in Cairo. He told the five commission members – two former IDF chiefs of staff, two sitting Supreme Court justices and one state comptroller – that “never before” had the man asked for an urgent personal meeting with the head of the Mossad and that Zamir seemed drowsy, even though it was the Mossad that had been warning of imminent war for days….”
Joel Rosemberg´s Blog
Joel Rosemberg´s Blog
Hamas signs binding military commitment to Iran-led war on Israel
Hamas leader Mahmoud A-Zahar and deputy commander of its military arm, Marwan Issa, spent the second week of September in Beirut and Tehran finalizing and signing protocols covering a binding commitment by the radical Hamas rulers of the Gaza Strip to join Iran, Syria and Hizballah in a war on Israel, DEBKAfile’s exclusive military sources disclose.
The protocols set out in detail the circumstances, procedures and terms governing Hamas’s participation in a conflict, whether it arises from an Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear program or the involvement of Iran’s allies, Syria and Hizballah, in comprehensive or partial hostilities against Israel. Hamas agreed to obey any orders to attack the Jewish state coming from Tehran, Damascus or Beirut.
Tehran also required A-Zahar and Issa to attach their signatures to copies of the military understandings Iranian National Security Director Saeed Jalili concluded with Bashar Assad during his visit to Damascus on Aug. 7. Those understandings, DEBKAfile reports, touched off the massive Iranian airlift currently carrying hundreds of military personnel and weapons day by day to the embattled Syrian regime.
Hamas’s signature provided a booster shot of 22,000 trained fighters including reservists for the battle array of elite Iranian al Qods Brigades units building up in Syria and Lebanon and taking up positions along Israel’s borders.
This buildup prompted the large-scale snap military exercise Israel staged on the Golan Wednesday, Sept. 19. Most of the forces stayed on after the exercise was over and spread out along the Syrian and Lebanese borders.
The directives Hamas leaders received in Tehran after their meetings with top officials were detailed and precise. They were handed down in person by Defense Minister Ahmed Wahidi, Revolutionary Guards Chief Gen. Ali Jafari, the Al Qods Brigades commander, Qassem Soleimani, and a select group of Iranian intelligence experts on the Israel.
Those orders were presented in the language of commands and brooked no argument. Tehran had two goals:
1. To leave no leeway for the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, of which the Palestinian Hamas is an offshoot, to veto the pledges Hamas signed in Tehran. The Palestinian Hamas was put on notice that the group was now under contract to defer to Tehran in military matters ahead of Cairo.
2. Iran, Hizballah and Syria instructed Hamas to stop obstructing Jihad Islami’s activities in the Gaza Strip and be ready to operate in harmony with Iran’s Palestinian proxy against Israel. In a potential outbreak of war, both must take their orders from Iran’s Middle East command.
For placing itself under Tehran’s jackboot, Hamas was assured of the resumption of Iranian economic aid and fresh supplies of missiles, advanced hi-tech war equipment to improve the accuracy of its rocket attacks on Israel - which rarely hit much - and anti-air weapons systems.
Iran had been keeping Hamas short pending the guarantees and pledges of allegiance A Zahar carried to Tehran and Beirut in the round trips he made between Sept 8 and 13. Even then, to make sure there were no loopholes in their accords, the Iranians forced the Hamas delegation to break its journey home to the Gaza Strip in Beirut, repeat their commitments to Tehran to Hizballah leader Hassan Nasrallah and re-sign the documents in his presence. Failing to honor the deal, they warned, would elicit the immediate cutoff of Iranian aid and supplies.
DEBKAfile’s military analysts report Hamas’ decision to unreservedly hitch its star to the Iranian wagon produced immediate fallout – especially on Egyptian-Israeli relations and counter-terror operations in Egyptian Sinai.
Friday, Islamist terrorists breached the Egyptian-Israeli border from Sinai, shot dead IDF Corp. Netanel Yahalomi and injured a second soldier, before the IDF killed three of the gunmen in a shootout. In the last year, Sinai has become the stamping ground for al Qaeda cells and allied Islamic terrorists. Egypt’s new rulers have proved unequal to the job of controlling the territory.
At the same time, Cairo is demanding the revision of the 1979 peace treaty’s military clauses. President Mohamed Morsi said Sunday, Sept 23, that his government would uphold the peace pact with Israel only if US commits to helping the Palestinians attain self-rule.
Israeli leaders are now asking what guarantees is President Morsi offering for offsetting any Iranian-orchestrated Hamas war operations from Gaza in line with the accord they have just signed in Tehran and Beirut.
Furthermore, they ask, what happens to the al Qaeda cells and other military groups rampant in Sinai? Up until now Iran and Hamas ran their ties with those terrorists on separate tracks. Will they now effect a merger?
A note of foreboding on this score was struck by Israeli Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz Sunday, Sept. 23, when he toured the scene of the last shootout with Sinai terrorists.
“The Sinai border will continue to present us with a challenge,” he said. “We have made a colossal effort in the last two years to seal off the Egyptian border and it will be done. But even then, the threat will not disappear.”
Morsi: US must help build Palestinian state
Mohammed Morsi urged the United States to change its approach towards the Arab world and face up to its "responsibility" to help build a Palestinian state, in a rare interview given to the New York Times on the eve of his first trip to the US as Egypt's new president.
Egypt’s first democratically elected leader told the newspaper that it was up to Washington to repair relations with the Arab world and to revitalize the alliance with Egypt. To do so, the US it must respect the Arab world’s history and culture, even when that conflicts with Western values.
And if Washington is asking Egypt to honor its treaty with Israel, he said, Washington should live up to its own Camp David commitment to Palestinian self-rule; he argued that Americans "have a special responsibility" for the Palestinians because the US had signed the 1978 Camp David accord, an agreement that called for the withdrawal of Israeli troops from the West Bank and Gaza to make way for full Palestinian sovereignty.
"As long as peace and justice are not fulfilled for the Palestinians, then the treaty remains unfulfilled," the president said.
Ynet News
“UN Embassies” Coming to a City Near You
The UN is currently expanding beyond its traditional citadels in New York City and Geneva, dispatching brand new missions to the various global ‘regions’ which many believe will join a new ‘global government’ over the coming decade. The UK appears to be paving the way, hosting the first ‘UN House’ in a key oligarchical seat of power – located in Edinburgh, Scotland.
In keeping with its altruistic public relations narrative, its missions will be erected under the guise of “helping to raise awareness of the UN’s work on issues including child welfare, women’s rights and climate change”, according to a recent report by the BBC.
In essence, this new ‘UN House’ constitutes a UN Embassy, as its own sovereign territory located within the United Kingdom.
The present United Nations international body was formed after the Second World War, and financed by luminaries like John D. Rockefeller, Jr, before its headquarters opened on January 9, 1951. It continues to receive hundreds of billions of dollars per year from its member states, with the United States of America injecting the largest sum into the UN system, totaling over $6.34 (figure available from 2009).
Wherever its outposts are located, the UN enjoys numerous diplomatic privileges and special immunities for its workers.
During the UN’s Kosovo mission in 2004, reports saw the rapid growth of sex-trafficking and forced prostitution rackets enabled by key UN administrators and NATO peacekeeping soldiers who took over the Balkan province in 1999. According to the Guardian’s accounts at the time, “UN police, and western aid workers operated with near impunity in exploiting the victims of the sex traffickers”. This is just one example of many, whereby anyone working for, or corporates affiliated with the UN were granted immunity, and allowed to conduct illegal and destructive activities falling far outside of the norms of local and international law, in many cases – with little or no accountability.
The popular public narrative for its function is as a ‘international peace keeper’, but with hundreds of conflicts raging globally at an almost constant rate, critics of the UN will rightly questions its peace keeping credentials, and often ask whether or not the UN is simply a political device which facilitates Anglo-American and European financial, military, and pharmaceutical interests worldwide, as well as seeding its own UN socialisation, educational and collectivist ‘green’ agendas like Agenda 21 globally, not only in the developing world – but also in developed countries like the US and Great Britain.
Critics also claim the UN is nothing more than a global ‘gravy train’ for thousands of career bureaucrats, NGO’s and their associate contractor companies, who feed off of the UN’s thousands of social engineering and economic development programs annually.
In addition, UN organisations like the World Health Organization (WHO) have overseen the distribution of dangerous vaccines in many economically vulnerable areas worldwide, prompting many to question whether WHO is indeed responsible for outbreaks of viruses in those very regions.
PR will be a key part of the UN’s brand new Edinburgh mission. The UN’s press department claims that its new UK mission will help the organisation to “play its part in tackling global poverty, inequality and injustice”, somewhat inferring that individual nation states could be ill-equipped to achieve such socially progressive goals.
Aside from its obvious PR, recruitment and social education, residents might rightly ask:
Will the UN be running its social programs for the UK from its new Edinburgh base of operations?
If a ‘One World’, global government is to be ushered in as a result of some future catastrophic event like a 911, a mass biological or radiological, or a WWIII scenario, then the UN will certainly be the template for such a momentous transition.
This article just in…
UN House Scotland opens in Edinburgh
A new centre which aims to become the voice of the United Nations in Scotland has opened in Edinburgh.
Sept 20, 2012
UN House Scotland brings together agencies raising awareness of the UN’s work on issues including child welfare, women’s rights and climate change.

Based in Hunter Square, the centre also acts as a resource centre for academics, students and members of the public interested in UN affairs.
The shared facility is the first of its kind in the UK.
It includes representatives from eight UN-affiliated organisations currently working in Scotland.
Among them is the United Nations Association (UNA) Scotland, whose convenor Gari Donn said: “By combining our activities under the umbrella of UN House Scotland, we hope to raise public awareness of the work of the UN on issues that concern and, in many cases, directly affect the people of Scotland.
“Essentially, our aim is to become the voice of the UN in Scotland.”
External Affairs and International Development Minister Humza Yousaf said: “The agencies and organisations who will work here already make a significant contribution to civic life in Scotland.
“By bringing their combined expertise and experience together, their impact can only be enhanced.
“The establishment of a UN House in Edinburgh is a recognition of Scotland’s long and proud history as a nation with an international approach and a concern to play its part in tackling global poverty, inequality and injustice.”
Global Research
Dragon Flood As Above, So Below
Joseph Herrin (09-23-2012)

Washington Monument and Reflecting Pool
Matthew 6:9-10
After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Satan is an usurper. He seeks to claim for himself that role which belongs to Yahweh. We read of Satan’s first attempt at usurpation in the following passage from the prophet Isaiah.
Isaiah 14:13-14
You said in your heart, 'I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit on the mount of assembly in the recesses of the north. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.'
In the words from the Lord’s prayer that are cited at the top of this post we see Yahshua, the Son of God, expressing the proper attitude for all who acknowledge Yahweh as the Creator and God of the universe. Christ taught His disciples to pray that the will of their heavenly Father would be done on the earth (or in the earth of our flesh) in the same way as it is accomplished by the holy angels in the heavens.
In imitation of Yahshua, Satan has taught his disciples a similar phrase. This phrase is “As above, so below.” This very common occult expression means many things to different people. Some relate it to the testimony of the stars above being reflected in the events on the earth. Some suggest that it means that god is like man, and man is like god. (Who they identify as god varies. Certainly some are identifying Satan/Lucifer as god.) In this writing I would also postulate that these words are an expression of Satan’s desire to establish his rule upon the earth as a reflection of his present rule among the fallen angels in the heavens.

Great Seal of Solomon
Eliphas Levi, born Alphonse Louis Constant, has had a great influence upon modern occult practice. He was a magician and writer of occult books. The image above that is referred to as the Great Seal of Solomon is attributed to Eliphas Levi. It can be understood as a symbolic illustration of the phrase “As above, so below.” We further see this expression given physical embodiment in the drawing of Baphomet.

You can see the name Eliphas Levi written at the bottom of this image which was published in his book Dogma and Ritual of High Magic in 1855. It is interesting to note that when the Knight’s Templars were arrested, their properties confiscated, and many of them burnt at the stake in the 1300s, one of the charges brought against them by King Philip IV of France was that the Knights Templars worshiped an idol named Baphomet. This name was traceable back to Mahomet, or Mohammed. You may note the double image of the crescent moon in the drawing of Baphomet above. Mohammed was the prophet of Allah, who was known as a lunar deity. The crescent moon figures prominently in Islam.
Baphomet has become associated with Satan, and no doubt Satan is the originator of all idols and false gods. Even the Bible associates goats with evil. Christ spoke a message regarding the day of judgment where the sheep were being separated from the goats. To the goats He will say:
Matthew 25:41
“Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the aionian fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels...”
In the image of Baphomet we see the right hand pointing up, and the left hand pointing down, once again bringing to mind the expression “As above, so below.” What I would bring out in relation to this present study is that Satan is called the Prince of the Power of the Air in the Bible.
Ephesians 2:1-2
And you were dead in your trespasses and sins, in which you formerly walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience.
Satan has a spiritual kingdom of which he is the head. It is this kingdom Christ refers to in the following Scripture.
Luke 11:15-18
But some of them said, "He casts out demons by Beelzebul, the ruler of the demons..." But He knew their thoughts and said to them, “Any kingdom divided against itself is laid waste; and a house divided against itself falls. If Satan also is divided against himself, how will his kingdom stand? For you say that I cast out demons by Beelzebul.”
The Jews called Satan (Beelzebul) “the ruler of the demons.” Yet Satan has greater aspirations than to rule over demons. He seeks to rule over all mankind. That rule that he has in the heavenly realms he wishes to see brought to fulness as all mankind bows before him in open worship. Satan sought to accomplish this end by inducing the Son of God in the flesh to bow before him in worship.
Matthew 4:8-9
Again, the devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory; and he said to Him, "All these things I will give You, if You fall down and worship me."
Having failed in tempting Yahshua to worship him, Satan has not given up his quest. He is ever working toward the goal of getting all men to worship him. The book of Revelations reveals that he will achieve this goal among the mass of humanity at the end of the age.
Revelation 13:3-4
And the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast; they worshiped the dragon because he gave his authority to the beast...
Even as the demons worship Satan, and even as 1/3rd of the angels followed Satan in rebelling against Yawheh, so too does Satan seek to induce all mankind to follow and worship him. “As above, so below.”
It was shown earlier that the capital city of America is laid out with many occult symbols. We observed the Star of Mendes, another image of Satan as the goat headed god of this world, laid out in the streets of Washington, D.C.. The chin of the goat, representing the spirit of Satan, rests right upon the White House. If one were to overlay the image of Baphomet shown above onto the street grid of Washington, D.C., with the chin resting on the White House, they would find that the flame atop the torch would rest directly upon the House of the Temple, the headquarters of Freemasonry in North America. This Masonic building is precisely 13 blocks from the White House.
In 1832, the 100th anniversary of the birth of George Washington, Horatio Greenough was commissioned by the Congress to create a statue of Washington to be placed in the Capitol Rotunda. The marble statue attracted controversy as soon as it was unveiled in 1841. Greenough had modeled the body of Washington after the Roman god Zeus. He was bare chested, wearing a toga, and many thought it was indecent to display an image of Washington in this immodest condition.

George Washington Statue
What is striking is that Washington is posed similarly to Eliphas Levi’s drawing of Baphomet.

The statue was eventually removed from the Rotunda due to public outcry. It now sits in the Smithsonian Museum. One gets a sense of the meaning of Washington’s hand gestures as they consider where his statue was designed to be placed, and what was directly overhead in the Rotunda.

Apotheosis of Washington
(Click on Image to View Larger)
This painting on the inside of the Capitol Dome is called The Apotheosis of Washington. It shows George Washington ascending into the heavens to take his place alongside the gods of Rome. The word apotheosis means “elevation to a divine status.” This painting portrays one of the foremost teachings of Freemasonry. It is taught that as a man advances through the various degrees of Freemasonry that he is ascending toward godhood. The Freemasons often employ an image of a ladder ascending into heaven as a symbol of man’s progress toward deification.

Masonic Ladder
As a man advances in the esoteric knowledge of Freemasonry, being trained in the Luciferian doctrines, he is ever striving toward a state of enlightenment. He is told that he can be a light upon the earth, having the key of wisdom, the secret to ascending to godhood. (Note the key hanging from the ladder in the image above.)
The message portrayed in the Rotunda Dome is that George Washington, as the first president of the new Masonic nation, himself being a lifelong Freemason, had attained to a state of godhood. If you look closely at the image of Washington in this painting, you can see that his pose mirrors that of the statue that was placed underneath.

George Washington - As Above, So Below
Note also the stars in the painting to the far left and right in the image above. Once again Satan is mimicking the promises of Yahweh.
Daniel 12:3
“Those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.”
Satan, the great deceiver, promises that he holds the key to mankind’s ascension to godhood. He pretends to have the secret knowledge whereby man might ascend to the heavens and rule as gods. He would invite men to devote themselves to the study of his Luciferian doctrines, and obedience to his rule.
It is not by coincidence that Mormon belief includes this same teaching. Mormons are taught that they can become gods of their own planets. They are exhorted to devote themselves to the Mormon church. To become a member of the Temple. To pass through various initiation rites. To adopt certain symbols that are plainly Masonic in origin, such as the Temple garments that faithful Mormons must wear under their clothes at all times.

The angled shapes on either breast of the garment signify the square and compass of Freemasonry. As the Republican Party has set forth Mitt Romney as their candidate for President of the United States, we see that things have not changed much at all since George Washington entered office in 1789.

In many ways, Washington, D.C. is a Luciferian message board. It is declaring on earth what Satan is seeking to bring about. He would set his throne beside the throne of God and be worshiped by angels and men. The layout of the city gives testimony to the fact that Satan is the one who rules over the affairs of men. His chin is resting upon the White House, the building where the most powerful political figure in the world is seated and conducts the affairs of this nation, and many others.
In the various reflecting pools throughout this nation we see an expression of the Luciferian motto “As above, so below.” The image at the very top of this post shows the Washington Monument mirrored in the reflecting pool. These things were built with great thought and purpose. They are showpieces to Masonic/Luciferian doctrine. Once again we have the promise of Satan that men can become as gods if they will seek after the wisdom he can give to them. In the image in the water we also see reflected Satan’s heavenly kingdom. Satan has been working steadily toward that day when his kingdom will include the worship and fealty of all mankind. All the nations will worship the dragon.
This testimony was expressed by numerous means as the nation was being formed. You will recall in a numerous post that at the Masonic cornerstone laying ceremonies and other key events in the history of America, the Dragon’s Head, a node of the moon, was prominently featured astrologically. In the heavens we also find the constellation Draco, the Dragon. This constellation represents Satan, the adversary of the people of God.

Constellation Draco
This is actually a poor depiction, for as I have shared in other writings, Ursa Minor, also known as the Little Bear, was in ancient times known as the Lesser Sheepfold. Ursa Major, was similarly referenced as the Greater Sheepfold. These two constellations represent the people of God, Israel and the Church. Note the proximity of the Dragon to those stars representing the people of God.
This image of Draco, as is true of most depictions of this constellation, looks more like a serpent than a dragon. Dragons are actually nothing more than winged, flying serpents. In the Garden of Eden we read of the serpent’s encounter with Eve. He is figured as being in the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, tempting her to eat. When Yahweh pronounces judgment on the serpent, we are told that the serpent is cursed from that day forward to go forth on its belly, eating the dust of the earth.
What we learn from this is that the serpent did not previously go forth on its belly. This was its condition AFTER Yahweh judged the serpent. How then did it travel before it was cursed? I see only one appropriate answer. The serpent was winged, and it flew. Satan is called both “the dragon,” and “the serpent of old” (Revelation 12:9, 20:2). In one form he is a serpent, and in the other he is a flying serpent.
Unknown to many people, the first emblem of America as a nation was not an eagle, it was a serpent. The very first political cartoon published in a newspaper in America is attributed to Benjamin Franklin.

This cartoon, published in 1754 during the French and Indian War, gained great popularity among those colonialists who desired their own identity separate from England. Images have a powerful way of uniting people together. In 1774, Freemason Paul Revere used this image in his publications, and in 1775 Benjamin Frankin wrote an article in which he suggested that the serpent was a fitting symbol of the American “spirit.” Yes, indeed!
"I recollected that her eye excelled in brightness, that of any other animal, and that she has no eye-lids—She may therefore be esteemed an emblem of vigilance.—She never begins an attack, nor, when once engaged, ever surrenders: She is therefore an emblem of magnanimity and true courage.—As if anxious to prevent all pretensions of quarreling with her, the weapons with which nature has furnished her, she conceals in the roof of her mouth, so that, to those who are unacquainted with her, she appears to be a most defenseless animal; and even when those weapons are shewn and extended for her defense, they appear weak and contemptible; but their wounds however small, are decisive and fatal:—Conscious of this, she never wounds till she has generously given notice, even to her enemy, and cautioned him against the danger of stepping on her.—Was I wrong, Sir, in thinking this a strong picture of the temper and conduct of America?"
Does it not seem fitting that the man who was a member of the Hellfire Club should choose a serpent as the emblem of America, and that Paul Revere who frequented the Green Dragon Tavern in Boston, the headquarters of the American Revolution, should also adopt this symbol? We need not guess who is the ultimate author of both the Hellfire Club and Freemasonry. It is none other than the dragon and serpent of old.
When the United States formed a navy in 1775 to intercept British ships, the first flag flown from the fleet was known as the Gadsden Flag, named after Christopher Gadsden, a member of the Continental Congress from South Carolina. The flag featured a yellow background with a coiled rattlesnake in the center. On the serpent’s tail were thirteen rattles.

Gadsden Flag
This flag was soon afterwards modified and became one of the first official flags of America, before the stars and stripes. In the following form it was, and still is, called the First Navy Jack.

This flag continues to be flown from the oldest ship in the United States Navy. At the time of this writing, it is being flown from the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise.
What I would point out in all of this is that there is a very discernible link between the “influences of the heavens,” as David Ovason refers to in The Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capital, and the nation that is called the United States of America. The same symbol in the heavens that represents “the dragon, the serpent of old, who is the devil and Satan,” was adopted by the men who under his guidance and inspiration were the founding fathers of America.
This is important to know, for as the book of Genesis reveals, “the serpent was more cunning than any other beast of the field.” These words describe the policy by which America’s government has operated since her inception. This is the manner in which the government guides and directs the citizens of her own nation. She practices cunning and deception. This will become more obvious as this present series develops.

Washington Monument and Reflecting Pool
Matthew 6:9-10
After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Satan is an usurper. He seeks to claim for himself that role which belongs to Yahweh. We read of Satan’s first attempt at usurpation in the following passage from the prophet Isaiah.
Isaiah 14:13-14
You said in your heart, 'I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit on the mount of assembly in the recesses of the north. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.'
In the words from the Lord’s prayer that are cited at the top of this post we see Yahshua, the Son of God, expressing the proper attitude for all who acknowledge Yahweh as the Creator and God of the universe. Christ taught His disciples to pray that the will of their heavenly Father would be done on the earth (or in the earth of our flesh) in the same way as it is accomplished by the holy angels in the heavens.
In imitation of Yahshua, Satan has taught his disciples a similar phrase. This phrase is “As above, so below.” This very common occult expression means many things to different people. Some relate it to the testimony of the stars above being reflected in the events on the earth. Some suggest that it means that god is like man, and man is like god. (Who they identify as god varies. Certainly some are identifying Satan/Lucifer as god.) In this writing I would also postulate that these words are an expression of Satan’s desire to establish his rule upon the earth as a reflection of his present rule among the fallen angels in the heavens.

Great Seal of Solomon
Eliphas Levi, born Alphonse Louis Constant, has had a great influence upon modern occult practice. He was a magician and writer of occult books. The image above that is referred to as the Great Seal of Solomon is attributed to Eliphas Levi. It can be understood as a symbolic illustration of the phrase “As above, so below.” We further see this expression given physical embodiment in the drawing of Baphomet.

You can see the name Eliphas Levi written at the bottom of this image which was published in his book Dogma and Ritual of High Magic in 1855. It is interesting to note that when the Knight’s Templars were arrested, their properties confiscated, and many of them burnt at the stake in the 1300s, one of the charges brought against them by King Philip IV of France was that the Knights Templars worshiped an idol named Baphomet. This name was traceable back to Mahomet, or Mohammed. You may note the double image of the crescent moon in the drawing of Baphomet above. Mohammed was the prophet of Allah, who was known as a lunar deity. The crescent moon figures prominently in Islam.
Baphomet has become associated with Satan, and no doubt Satan is the originator of all idols and false gods. Even the Bible associates goats with evil. Christ spoke a message regarding the day of judgment where the sheep were being separated from the goats. To the goats He will say:
Matthew 25:41
“Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the aionian fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels...”
In the image of Baphomet we see the right hand pointing up, and the left hand pointing down, once again bringing to mind the expression “As above, so below.” What I would bring out in relation to this present study is that Satan is called the Prince of the Power of the Air in the Bible.
Ephesians 2:1-2
And you were dead in your trespasses and sins, in which you formerly walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience.
Satan has a spiritual kingdom of which he is the head. It is this kingdom Christ refers to in the following Scripture.
Luke 11:15-18
But some of them said, "He casts out demons by Beelzebul, the ruler of the demons..." But He knew their thoughts and said to them, “Any kingdom divided against itself is laid waste; and a house divided against itself falls. If Satan also is divided against himself, how will his kingdom stand? For you say that I cast out demons by Beelzebul.”
The Jews called Satan (Beelzebul) “the ruler of the demons.” Yet Satan has greater aspirations than to rule over demons. He seeks to rule over all mankind. That rule that he has in the heavenly realms he wishes to see brought to fulness as all mankind bows before him in open worship. Satan sought to accomplish this end by inducing the Son of God in the flesh to bow before him in worship.
Matthew 4:8-9
Again, the devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory; and he said to Him, "All these things I will give You, if You fall down and worship me."
Having failed in tempting Yahshua to worship him, Satan has not given up his quest. He is ever working toward the goal of getting all men to worship him. The book of Revelations reveals that he will achieve this goal among the mass of humanity at the end of the age.
Revelation 13:3-4
And the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast; they worshiped the dragon because he gave his authority to the beast...
Even as the demons worship Satan, and even as 1/3rd of the angels followed Satan in rebelling against Yawheh, so too does Satan seek to induce all mankind to follow and worship him. “As above, so below.”
It was shown earlier that the capital city of America is laid out with many occult symbols. We observed the Star of Mendes, another image of Satan as the goat headed god of this world, laid out in the streets of Washington, D.C.. The chin of the goat, representing the spirit of Satan, rests right upon the White House. If one were to overlay the image of Baphomet shown above onto the street grid of Washington, D.C., with the chin resting on the White House, they would find that the flame atop the torch would rest directly upon the House of the Temple, the headquarters of Freemasonry in North America. This Masonic building is precisely 13 blocks from the White House.
In 1832, the 100th anniversary of the birth of George Washington, Horatio Greenough was commissioned by the Congress to create a statue of Washington to be placed in the Capitol Rotunda. The marble statue attracted controversy as soon as it was unveiled in 1841. Greenough had modeled the body of Washington after the Roman god Zeus. He was bare chested, wearing a toga, and many thought it was indecent to display an image of Washington in this immodest condition.

George Washington Statue
What is striking is that Washington is posed similarly to Eliphas Levi’s drawing of Baphomet.

The statue was eventually removed from the Rotunda due to public outcry. It now sits in the Smithsonian Museum. One gets a sense of the meaning of Washington’s hand gestures as they consider where his statue was designed to be placed, and what was directly overhead in the Rotunda.

Apotheosis of Washington
(Click on Image to View Larger)
This painting on the inside of the Capitol Dome is called The Apotheosis of Washington. It shows George Washington ascending into the heavens to take his place alongside the gods of Rome. The word apotheosis means “elevation to a divine status.” This painting portrays one of the foremost teachings of Freemasonry. It is taught that as a man advances through the various degrees of Freemasonry that he is ascending toward godhood. The Freemasons often employ an image of a ladder ascending into heaven as a symbol of man’s progress toward deification.

Masonic Ladder
As a man advances in the esoteric knowledge of Freemasonry, being trained in the Luciferian doctrines, he is ever striving toward a state of enlightenment. He is told that he can be a light upon the earth, having the key of wisdom, the secret to ascending to godhood. (Note the key hanging from the ladder in the image above.)
The message portrayed in the Rotunda Dome is that George Washington, as the first president of the new Masonic nation, himself being a lifelong Freemason, had attained to a state of godhood. If you look closely at the image of Washington in this painting, you can see that his pose mirrors that of the statue that was placed underneath.

George Washington - As Above, So Below
Note also the stars in the painting to the far left and right in the image above. Once again Satan is mimicking the promises of Yahweh.
Daniel 12:3
“Those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.”
Satan, the great deceiver, promises that he holds the key to mankind’s ascension to godhood. He pretends to have the secret knowledge whereby man might ascend to the heavens and rule as gods. He would invite men to devote themselves to the study of his Luciferian doctrines, and obedience to his rule.
It is not by coincidence that Mormon belief includes this same teaching. Mormons are taught that they can become gods of their own planets. They are exhorted to devote themselves to the Mormon church. To become a member of the Temple. To pass through various initiation rites. To adopt certain symbols that are plainly Masonic in origin, such as the Temple garments that faithful Mormons must wear under their clothes at all times.

The angled shapes on either breast of the garment signify the square and compass of Freemasonry. As the Republican Party has set forth Mitt Romney as their candidate for President of the United States, we see that things have not changed much at all since George Washington entered office in 1789.

In many ways, Washington, D.C. is a Luciferian message board. It is declaring on earth what Satan is seeking to bring about. He would set his throne beside the throne of God and be worshiped by angels and men. The layout of the city gives testimony to the fact that Satan is the one who rules over the affairs of men. His chin is resting upon the White House, the building where the most powerful political figure in the world is seated and conducts the affairs of this nation, and many others.
In the various reflecting pools throughout this nation we see an expression of the Luciferian motto “As above, so below.” The image at the very top of this post shows the Washington Monument mirrored in the reflecting pool. These things were built with great thought and purpose. They are showpieces to Masonic/Luciferian doctrine. Once again we have the promise of Satan that men can become as gods if they will seek after the wisdom he can give to them. In the image in the water we also see reflected Satan’s heavenly kingdom. Satan has been working steadily toward that day when his kingdom will include the worship and fealty of all mankind. All the nations will worship the dragon.
This testimony was expressed by numerous means as the nation was being formed. You will recall in a numerous post that at the Masonic cornerstone laying ceremonies and other key events in the history of America, the Dragon’s Head, a node of the moon, was prominently featured astrologically. In the heavens we also find the constellation Draco, the Dragon. This constellation represents Satan, the adversary of the people of God.

Constellation Draco
This is actually a poor depiction, for as I have shared in other writings, Ursa Minor, also known as the Little Bear, was in ancient times known as the Lesser Sheepfold. Ursa Major, was similarly referenced as the Greater Sheepfold. These two constellations represent the people of God, Israel and the Church. Note the proximity of the Dragon to those stars representing the people of God.
This image of Draco, as is true of most depictions of this constellation, looks more like a serpent than a dragon. Dragons are actually nothing more than winged, flying serpents. In the Garden of Eden we read of the serpent’s encounter with Eve. He is figured as being in the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, tempting her to eat. When Yahweh pronounces judgment on the serpent, we are told that the serpent is cursed from that day forward to go forth on its belly, eating the dust of the earth.
What we learn from this is that the serpent did not previously go forth on its belly. This was its condition AFTER Yahweh judged the serpent. How then did it travel before it was cursed? I see only one appropriate answer. The serpent was winged, and it flew. Satan is called both “the dragon,” and “the serpent of old” (Revelation 12:9, 20:2). In one form he is a serpent, and in the other he is a flying serpent.
Unknown to many people, the first emblem of America as a nation was not an eagle, it was a serpent. The very first political cartoon published in a newspaper in America is attributed to Benjamin Franklin.

This cartoon, published in 1754 during the French and Indian War, gained great popularity among those colonialists who desired their own identity separate from England. Images have a powerful way of uniting people together. In 1774, Freemason Paul Revere used this image in his publications, and in 1775 Benjamin Frankin wrote an article in which he suggested that the serpent was a fitting symbol of the American “spirit.” Yes, indeed!
"I recollected that her eye excelled in brightness, that of any other animal, and that she has no eye-lids—She may therefore be esteemed an emblem of vigilance.—She never begins an attack, nor, when once engaged, ever surrenders: She is therefore an emblem of magnanimity and true courage.—As if anxious to prevent all pretensions of quarreling with her, the weapons with which nature has furnished her, she conceals in the roof of her mouth, so that, to those who are unacquainted with her, she appears to be a most defenseless animal; and even when those weapons are shewn and extended for her defense, they appear weak and contemptible; but their wounds however small, are decisive and fatal:—Conscious of this, she never wounds till she has generously given notice, even to her enemy, and cautioned him against the danger of stepping on her.—Was I wrong, Sir, in thinking this a strong picture of the temper and conduct of America?"
Does it not seem fitting that the man who was a member of the Hellfire Club should choose a serpent as the emblem of America, and that Paul Revere who frequented the Green Dragon Tavern in Boston, the headquarters of the American Revolution, should also adopt this symbol? We need not guess who is the ultimate author of both the Hellfire Club and Freemasonry. It is none other than the dragon and serpent of old.
When the United States formed a navy in 1775 to intercept British ships, the first flag flown from the fleet was known as the Gadsden Flag, named after Christopher Gadsden, a member of the Continental Congress from South Carolina. The flag featured a yellow background with a coiled rattlesnake in the center. On the serpent’s tail were thirteen rattles.

Gadsden Flag
This flag was soon afterwards modified and became one of the first official flags of America, before the stars and stripes. In the following form it was, and still is, called the First Navy Jack.

This flag continues to be flown from the oldest ship in the United States Navy. At the time of this writing, it is being flown from the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise.
What I would point out in all of this is that there is a very discernible link between the “influences of the heavens,” as David Ovason refers to in The Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capital, and the nation that is called the United States of America. The same symbol in the heavens that represents “the dragon, the serpent of old, who is the devil and Satan,” was adopted by the men who under his guidance and inspiration were the founding fathers of America.
This is important to know, for as the book of Genesis reveals, “the serpent was more cunning than any other beast of the field.” These words describe the policy by which America’s government has operated since her inception. This is the manner in which the government guides and directs the citizens of her own nation. She practices cunning and deception. This will become more obvious as this present series develops.
Joseph Herrin
Iranian general threatens pre-emptive strike against Israel
Israeli preparations to attack Iran could trigger a pre-emptive attack and “World War III,” a top-ranking Iranian general told a TV station in the Islamic Republic Sunday.
Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, who heads the missile command for the Revolutionary Guards, told the country’s Arabic-language Al-Aram that as things stood now Iran would not attack, but that could change.
“In circumstances in which [the Israelis] have prepared everything for an attack, it is possible that we will make a pre-emptive attack,” he said, according to a translation posted on the website of the Egyptian daily, Al-Ahram.
He added that Iran would also attack US bases in the region, saying that the ensuing military engagement would “turn into World War III.”
“[Israel] cannot imagine our response — and it will sustain heavy damage and that will be a prelude to its obliteration,” he said.
His words come a day after another Iranian general said a war between Israel and Iran was inevitable.
“The war will eventually happen but it is not clear when and where it will take place,” Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari said, according to the semi-official Fars news agency.
“This cancerous tumor, Israel, seeks to launch a war against us,” he said, and added, “right now it sees war as the only method of confrontation.”
The Times of Israel
Iran Accuses German Siemens Of Sabotaging Its Nuclear Plant As Turkey Sends Heavy Weapons To Syria Border
It seems you can't turn your back on the Middle East for more than a few minutes without something going bump in the desert. Sure enough, a few shorts hours after we reported that the leader of Iran's Revolutionary Guards is certain war with Israel is coming, here comes Iran again with the stunning admission that none other than German industrial conglomerate, and occasional maker of nuclear power plants, Siemens was reponsible for "implanting tiny explosives inside equipment the Islamic Republic purchased for its disputed nuclear program. Prominent lawmaker Alaeddin Boroujerdi said Iranian security experts discovered the explosives and removed them before detonation, adding that authorities believe the booby-trapped equipment was sold to derail uranium enrichment efforts. "The equipment was supposed to explode after being put to work, in order to dismantle all our systems," he said. "But the wisdom of our experts thwarted the enemy conspiracy." Expert wisdom aside, what is stunning is not the ongoing attempts by everyone and the kitchen sink to terminally corrupt the Iranian nuclear power plant: after Stuxnet one would expect nothing less than every form of conventional and "new normal" espionage thrown into the pot to cripple the only peaceful argument Iran would have for demanding nuclear power, which by implication would mean that all ongoing nuclear pursuits are geared solely toward aggressive, military goals, of the type that demand immediate military retaliation by the democratic superpowers. No, what is stunning is the implicit admission that Germany's, and Europe's, largest electrical engineering company, has been not only quietly transacting with none other than world peace (as portrayed by the MSM) enemy #1, Iran, but instrumental in its nuclear program.
Obviously it took a Stuxnet second before Siemens denied everything and then some. Via Reuters:
Siemens denied the charge and said its nuclear division has had no business with Iran since the 1979 revolution that led to its current clerical state.
"Siemens rejects the allegations and stresses that we have no business ties to the Iranian nuclear program," spokesman for the Munich-based company Alexander Machowetz said.
Oh well, Iran must have bought all those Siemens nuclear centrifuges, concrete dome and steam plant in near perfect condition on eBay from anonymous sellers (who accept PayPal and even credit cardsas long as the purchase does not have an Indonesian shipping address).
Iran, however, isn't afraid of trowing Siemens into even deeper water, alleging not only breach of international embargos, but also masterful sabotaging of ones own product:
Boroujerdi, who heads the parliamentary security committee, alleged that the explosives were implanted at a Siemens factory and demanded the company take responsibility.
There is of course another possibility: that the shipping address of the mysterious and anonymous ebay seller was somewhere in Langley, VA:
Some Iranian officials have also suggested in the past that specific European companies may have sold faulty equipment to Iran with the knowledge of American intelligence agencies and their own governments, since the sales would have harmed, rather than helped, the country's nuclear program.
According to Iran, the alleged campaign has included the abduction of scientists, the sale of faulty equipment and the planting of a destructive computer worm known as Stuxnet, which briefly brought Iran's uranium enrichment activity to a halt in 2010.
Certifying that there is undoubtedly a Jason Bourne episode in the works over this entire incident is the following:
Abbasi also told the U.N. nuclear agency in Vienna that "terrorists and saboteurs" might have infiltrated the International Atomic Energy Agency, after the watchdog's inspectors arrived at the Fordo underground enrichment facility shortly after power lines were blown up through sabotage on Aug. 17.
Iran has repeatedly accused the IAEA of sending spies in the guise of inspectors to collect information about its nuclear activities, pointing to alleged leaks of information by inspectors to U.S. and other officials.
Five nuclear scientists and researchers have been killed in Iran since 2010. Tehran blames the deaths on Israel's Mossad spy agency as well as the CIA and Britain's MI-6. Washington and London have denied any roles. Israel has not commented.
Boroujerdi said the alleged leaks of nuclear information to its adversaries by the IAEA may finally push Tehran to end all cooperation with the agency.
"Iran has the right to cut its cooperation with the IAEA should such violations continue," he said.
If anyone follows the game theory in this one, and has any idea who has not defected, or where the Nash equilibrium is at this point, please speak up. The rest of us just want the popcorn.
And in far simpler plotlines, Reuters reports that Syria (which for those who have a 15 minutes attention span, was accused three months ago by everyone, and certainly Hillary Clinton, of offensively taking down a Turkish plane before it turned out to be a self-defensive move, at which point the entire false flag story promptly disappeared as it could no longer be pre-spun) is once again being provoked by NATO-member Turkey, which is now deploying heavy armored vehicles and weapons to the border with Syria. The spin this time around:
The deployment is reportedly in an area where earlier this week Turkish civilians were wounded when stray bullets and shelling crossed the border from the Syrian province of al-Raqqa.
CNN Turk television said artillery fire had landed close to the Turkish border overnight, causing panic among local residents.
The Turkish army moved three Howitzers and one anti-aircraft weapon to the border, the channel said.
Turkey, a member of NATO, has conducted a number of troop deployments in recent months along its 911-km (566-mile) border with Syria, where rebels are fighting to topple President Bashar al-Assad.
And on, and on, until the interminable foreplay finally ends, whenever one of the abovementioned democracies decides the quiet period is over, and the time for real GDP building (if only in a hard core Keynesian-cum-Krugman sense) once the ability to generate even one additional dollar in debt is no longer available, is upon us.
Zero Hedge
Silver smashed as 50% of US annual production dumped on market as paper in 5 minutes
Apparently Blythe’s monkey’s are burning the Sunday midnight oil in order to prevent silver clearing $36 and triggering JPM’s rumored silver derivative losses.
A miniature replica of the May 2nd, 2011 drive by shooting was just completed, as silver was knocked down the proverbial mine-shaft moments ago, dropping nearly a dollar in nano-seconds on Monday’s Asian open.
Volume data indicates that 3,297 contracts, or 16.5 million paper ounces of silver were dumped on the market in a mere 5 minutes between 9:00 and 9:05pm EST.
In other words, approximately 1/2 of the entire US annual silver production was dumped on the market by the cartel in a 5 minute period on a Sunday night.

Combined with Friday’s raid which saw the cartel dump 62.5 million ounces or 2x the US annual mine production on the market in 15 minutes, the cartel has now dumped 2.5 years worth of annual US silver mine production on the paper futures market in under 24 trading hours.
Silver was drifting under $34.50 prior to the raid which knocked .80 off the metal nearly instantaneously at precisely 9:00pm EST:

The t 1/2 of cartel raids dumping 6 month total US silver supply can now be measured in minutes, as silver is back above $34.
Gold was also knocked nearly $8 lower to $1761:

Steve Quayle
Textron’s Flying Bomb

Textron Defense Systems has a new flying drone that’s designed to explode on contact with enemy positions.
The compact BattleHawk Squad Level Loitering Munition is armed with a 40mm high-fragmentation charge. It has a video camera built into its nose, so ground troops can remotely pilot it over rooftops or hills to attack hiding enemy forces.
The BattleHawk weighs about five pounds when it’s packed inside its special launching tube. A spring propels the drone into the air and the electric motor starts up the tiny, rear propeller.
“Once it’s launched, it’s armed,” Mick Guthals, director of Business Strategy & Capture at Textron, said while displaying the BattleHawk at the Air Force Association’s annual conference in Washington, D.C. Sept. 17–19.
Using a small remote control, ground troops can fly the BattleHawk at speeds up to 60 miles per hour for approximately 30 minutes. The BattleHawk is designed to attack dismounted enemy and light-skinned vehicles, Textron officials said.
So far, the BattleHawk has been an in-house project at Textron, but Guthals said U.S. Special Operations Command units have shown interest in the carbon-fiber, flying explosive. Textron hopes to market it to conventional infantry units as well, he said.
Textron officials would not talk price, but did say the BattleHawk should cost “considerably less” than a similar-sized unmanned aerial vehicle, Guthals said.
Read more:
Gold Counterfeiting Goes Viral: 10 Tungsten-Filled Gold Bars Are Discovered In Manhattan

The Post has learned as many as 10 fake gold bars — made up mostly of relatively worthless tungsten — were sold recently to unsuspecting dealers in Manhattan’s Midtown Diamond District.
The 10-oz. gold bars are hugely popular with Main Street investors, and it is not known how many of the fake gold bars were sold to dealers — or if any fake bars were purchased by the public.
As is to be expected, the Post story is weak on details: after all, any dealer who admits to having allowed Tungsten to enter his or her inventory can kiss their retail business goodbye, as customers will avoid said Tungsten outlet like the plague, for the simple reason that suddenly counterparty risk has migrated from Wall Street to the Diamond District. The one named dealer is the same one who already made an appearance in the previous story on Tungsten in gold's clothing.
One gold dealer discovered that four of the 3-inch-by-1-inch gold bars he bought — worth about $72,000 retail — were counterfeit.
“It has the entire street on edge,” said Ibrahim Fadl, 62, who has been the owner of Express Metal Refining, a Midtown gold-refinery business, for the last 11 years. “I and the others on the street work off of trust; now that trust is strained.”
Fadl, a Columbia University graduate with a master’s degree in chemical engineering, and who has more than 40 years in the industry, purchased the four fake bars from a well-known Russian salesman with whom he has done business.
Ah yes, those pesky Russians: always happy to do the Fed's bidding, because who really gains from the loss of confidence in physical gold?
Fadl became suspicious when he offered the salesman a deep discount for the investment-grade gold bars and he quickly accepted it, a source tells The Post.
Fadl said he did his due diligence “by X-raying the bars to ascertain the purity of the gold and weighing the bars, and the Swiss markings were perfect.”
Tungsten is an industrial metal that weighs nearly the same as gold but costs a little over $1 an ounce. Gold closed Friday at $1,774.80 an ounce.
We wish Fadl all the best in his liquidation sale. Others, for logical reasons, are far less willing to step forward:
A second 47th Street refiner, who wished to remain anonymous, said he was burned recently when he bought six gold bars that turned out to be mostly tungsten, with just a gold veneer. He would not comment, though, on who sold him the bogus bars.
The counterfeiting so far appears to have impacted solely PAMP (Produits Artistiques Métaux Précieux ) gold bars, madeby MTB, whose CEO can hardly be too happy that some "Russian" has made it a life mission to destroy the credibility of any gold stamped with the PAMP stamp.
Raymond Nassim, CEO of Manfra, Tordell & Brookes, the American arm of the Swiss firm that created the original gold bars — with their serial number and purity rating stamped clearly into them — said he reported the situation to the US Secret Service, whose jurisdiction covers the counterfeiting of gold bars.
He said his company “is supporting and cooperating with authorities any way we can.”
Nassim thought the culprit must be a professionally trained jeweler to have pulled off the caper.
“The forger had to slice the original bar along the side, hollow out the gold and insert the tungsten ingot, and then reseal and polish the bar, Nassim said.
The case of gold counterfeiting has already taken NYC by storm:
At an industry dinner Thursday night hosted by Comex, the New York-based metals exchange, the room was abuzz with talk about the bogus gold bars, according to Fadl.
Which was also to be expected. What is also to be expected is that as more and more stories of Tungsten making it into broader gold circulation, that retail sales of physical gold will certainly be impaired as end consumers become far more cautious about what they buy.
And while we await more information, especially from the Secret Service, who is "on top" of this case, which we assume implies that gold is after all money, we leave readers with our conclusion from Tuesday: "with false flags rampant these days, we would not be surprised if this is merely yet another attempt to discredit gold, this time physical, as an undilutable medium of warehousing wealth. So buyer beware: in a time when everyone is broke, triple check before exchanging one store of wealth for another."
For those curious what a fake 10oz bar looks like, here it is again:

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