Friday, July 11, 2014
Ebola deaths surge in Sierra Leone and Liberia
GENEVA (Reuters) - Ebola continues to spread in Sierra Leone, Liberia and to a lesser extent in Guinea, with a combined 44 new cases and 21 deaths between July 6-8, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Friday.
This brought the total in West Africa's first outbreak of the deadly viral disease to 888 cases including 539 deaths since February, the United Nations agency said.
"The epidemic trend in Liberia and Sierra Leone remains precarious with high numbers of new cases and deaths being reported," the WHO said.
Just one confirmed new case had been reported during the past week in Guinea, where the WHO said it was closely monitoring the situation. There has been resistance among some communities to measures recommended to control the outbreak, such as precautions during traditional burial ceremonies.
Ebola causes vomiting and diarrhea, impairs kidney and liver function and may cause internal and external bleeding. It kills up to 90 percent of those infected and is spread by close contact with the blood, body fluids and tissues of infected people. There is no treatment or vaccine.
The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) set up an Ebola solidarity fund at a summit in the capital of Ghana on Thursday in a bid to back a regional approach to the epidemic. Nigeria committed $3.5 million to affected states.
"We must do everything within our means and power to defeat this deadly disease. We must exercise vigilance and caution and avoid any panic or misinformation," Ghanaian President John Mahama, who is chairman of ECOWAS, said in a speech in Accra.
Yahoo News
CEO Of Europe's Largest Insurer Pops The Utopia Bubble: "Nothing Is Solved And Everybody Knows It"
It's one thing for a tinfoil fringe blog to repeat, month after month, that nothing in Europe has been fixed, that Draghi's disastrous policies are merely concentraing and stockpiling even more unresolved problems - for now ignored courtesy of the gentle sprinkle of ZIRP, or rather NIRP "fairy dust" - and that just like Portugal showed panic can grip the entire continent literally overnight because everyone knows this. It is something entirely different for the CEO of Europe's largest insurer to make the same statement.
From Bloomberg:
When asking Allianz SE’s chief investment officer about the euro area’s sovereign debt woes, be prepared for an emphatic response.“The fundamental problems are not solved and everybody knows it,” Maximilian Zimmerer said at Bloomberg LP’s London office. The “euro crisis is not over,” he said.While extraordinary stimulus from the European Central Bank has encouraged investors to pile into the region’s government bonds this year, that’s not a sufficient remedy for Zimmerer, who oversees 556 billion euros ($757 billion) at Europe’s largest insurer.Countries are still building up their debt piles, and that’s storing up trouble for the future, he said.As Zimmerer was speaking, investors were getting a reminder of the volatility that was rife through the sovereign debt crisis that started in 2009, as sliding stocks and bonds of Portuguese financial institutions rippled across the region’s markets. Amid a four-day slump, yields on Portugal’s 10-year bonds ended yesterday 279 basis points higher than their German counterparts, the widest spread since March 18. The securities recovered some of their losses today, tightening the spread to 268 basis points at 10:27 a.m. London time.“There is only one country where the debt level last year was lower than 2012 and this is a signal the debt crisis can’t be over, only a recognition of the debt crisis has changed,” Zimmerer said on July 9. “If the debt levels are not going down in the end we will have a problem, that is for sure.”
And crickets.
Here's the punchline: everyone knows that Draghi, the unelected dictators of Europe, and all of its bankers are lying when the say day after day that things are better. However, at least there was unanimity in the "head-in-the-sand" exercise, which recall from game theory works only if all participants in the charade agree to the ignore reality.
Today for the first time, a "member of the club" finally called out Europe on its bullshit: something that is not allowed under game theory. What's worse, he made it quite clear that everyone else knows they are not only lying to others, but lying to themselves.
What happens next may be very unpleasant, because as always happens, following protracted periods of denial, and Europe has been living in a vacuum completely dislocated from reality for exactly two years since Draghi's "Whatever it takes" speech, there is very violent convergence between reality and idiocy. And Europe is just about due for precisely that kind of denial-shattering convergence.

Zero Hedge
Hamas Just Attempted To Create A Horrific Nuclear Disaster In The Heart Of Israel

After the horrors of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, how insane do you have to be to fire missiles directly at a major nuclear facility? No matter what side you are on in the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians, everyone should be able to agree that it is utter madness for Hamas to fire rockets at the Dimona nuclear installation in the Negev. The intent, of course, was to destroy the Dimona facility and create a horrific nuclear disaster in the heart of Israel. Fortunately, the area is heavily protected by the Iron Dome missile defense system and none of the rockets did any damage. And it is questionable how much damage to the facility that Hamas missiles could actually do. But that is not the point. What matters is that Hamas is trying to do it. With each passing year, Hamas rockets are becoming more advanced, more accurate and more powerful. And when Hamas fires some of their best rockets at a major nuclear facility, they are committing an act of all-out war. If Hamas continues to do this, it could spark a major regional war in which countless numbers of people could die. Is that what they want?
There has been a lot of criticism of Israel in the mainstream media in recent days, but much of it is quite hypocritical. Just imagine what would happen in the U.S. if another country fired just one missile at New York City or at one of our nuclear reactors. If that happened, "glass parking lot" would suddenly be on the lips of tens of millions of Americans all over the country, and the U.S. military would rapidly be preparing for an absolutely devastating response.
Well, it isn't just one missile that has been fired at Israel.
In recent days, dozens of rockets were fired at Israel before there was any response from the Israeli military at all.
And more than 225 rockets have been fired at Israel since Operation Protective Edge started on Monday night.
At one point, an average of about one rocket was being fired into Israel every ten minutes.
And many of these rockets are being shot directly at Israeli population centers with the intention of killing civilians. It is a miracle that we have not seen many casualties so far.
But where Hamas has really stepped over the line is by firing at the Dimona nuclear facility. The fact that Hamas is attempting to create a nuclear holocaust is essentially an act of genocide. The following is how the Jerusalem Post described the attack...
Three rockets were launched at Dimona in southern Israel on Wednesday afternoon. The Iron Dome intercepted one rocket before it could land, while two other rockets landed in open areas.
Dimona is the location of Israel's nuclear reactor. There was no indication that rockets damaged any part of the reactor.
Hamas claimed responsibility for the rockets, stating that it had been attempting to hit the nuclear reactor.
Militants from Hamas's Qassam Brigades said they had launched long-range M-75 rockets towards Dimona.
And as Breitbart has pointed out, what Hamas has just done is actually an act of nuclear terrorism as defined by the United Nations...
Article 2 (1) of the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism states:
1. Any person commits an offence within the meaning of this Convention if that person unlawfully and intentionally...(b)...uses or damages a nuclear facility in a manner which releases or risks the release of radioactive material: (i) With the intent to cause death or serious bodily injury; or (ii) With the intent to cause substantial damage to property or to the environment; or (iii) With the intent to compel a natural or legal person, an international organization or a State to do or refrain from doing an act.
Let us hope that future Hamas missile strikes will not do any damage to Dimona either.
In the end, it is questionable how much of a threat Hamas rockets actually are to an extremely well defended facility such as Dimona, but let us not completely underestimate their capabilities either.
According to the Christian Science Monitor, Hamas rockets are stronger and more accurate than ever and are now even capable of hitting Tel Aviv and Jerusalem...
Hamas has emerged from a 19-month cease-fire stronger, savvier, and more effective at hitting Israel where it will hurt the most.
Hamas's arsenal, estimated at 10,000 rockets, is only marginally bigger than it was heading into its last conflict with Israel, in November 2012. But its mid-range rockets are much more accurate, and it has acquired long-range missiles that reach beyond Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, putting as many as 5 million of Israel’s 8 million citizens at risk.
If Hamas wants Israel to stop attacking, they need to stop lobbing missiles into Israel.
If Hamas keeps launching rockets, it could spark a major regional war. Just consider what Shimon Peres is saying about the conflict...
“We didn’t start the war today, they started it already several days ago,” he told CNN. “We asked them to stop it... We waited one day, two days, three days and they continued, and they spread their fire on more areas in Israel.”
He also said that a ground offensive on Gaza “may happen quite soon”. Referring to rockets being fired from Gaza, he added: “If they will stop for example tonight, there won’t be any ground entrance - but if they will continue, sooner or later this will be the response.”
And there are news reports today that Israel has already warned 100,000 Gaza residents living in cities near the border with Israel to leave their homes.
That means that a ground invasion could be imminent.
Let us pray for peace because every human life is extremely valuable.
Every Israeli life is extremely valuable, and every Palestinian life is extremely valuable.
Nobody should want to see a major war between the Israelis and the Palestinians, because if one does happen it will be extremely bloody.
The Middle East is a powder keg that could erupt at any moment.
A single wrong move could bring about a nightmarish conflict that results in countless deaths.
Credit to Economic Collapse
There has been a lot of criticism of Israel in the mainstream media in recent days, but much of it is quite hypocritical. Just imagine what would happen in the U.S. if another country fired just one missile at New York City or at one of our nuclear reactors. If that happened, "glass parking lot" would suddenly be on the lips of tens of millions of Americans all over the country, and the U.S. military would rapidly be preparing for an absolutely devastating response.
Well, it isn't just one missile that has been fired at Israel.
In recent days, dozens of rockets were fired at Israel before there was any response from the Israeli military at all.
And more than 225 rockets have been fired at Israel since Operation Protective Edge started on Monday night.
At one point, an average of about one rocket was being fired into Israel every ten minutes.
And many of these rockets are being shot directly at Israeli population centers with the intention of killing civilians. It is a miracle that we have not seen many casualties so far.
But where Hamas has really stepped over the line is by firing at the Dimona nuclear facility. The fact that Hamas is attempting to create a nuclear holocaust is essentially an act of genocide. The following is how the Jerusalem Post described the attack...
Three rockets were launched at Dimona in southern Israel on Wednesday afternoon. The Iron Dome intercepted one rocket before it could land, while two other rockets landed in open areas.
Dimona is the location of Israel's nuclear reactor. There was no indication that rockets damaged any part of the reactor.
Hamas claimed responsibility for the rockets, stating that it had been attempting to hit the nuclear reactor.
Militants from Hamas's Qassam Brigades said they had launched long-range M-75 rockets towards Dimona.
And as Breitbart has pointed out, what Hamas has just done is actually an act of nuclear terrorism as defined by the United Nations...
Article 2 (1) of the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism states:
1. Any person commits an offence within the meaning of this Convention if that person unlawfully and intentionally...(b)...uses or damages a nuclear facility in a manner which releases or risks the release of radioactive material: (i) With the intent to cause death or serious bodily injury; or (ii) With the intent to cause substantial damage to property or to the environment; or (iii) With the intent to compel a natural or legal person, an international organization or a State to do or refrain from doing an act.
Let us hope that future Hamas missile strikes will not do any damage to Dimona either.
In the end, it is questionable how much of a threat Hamas rockets actually are to an extremely well defended facility such as Dimona, but let us not completely underestimate their capabilities either.
According to the Christian Science Monitor, Hamas rockets are stronger and more accurate than ever and are now even capable of hitting Tel Aviv and Jerusalem...
Hamas has emerged from a 19-month cease-fire stronger, savvier, and more effective at hitting Israel where it will hurt the most.
Hamas's arsenal, estimated at 10,000 rockets, is only marginally bigger than it was heading into its last conflict with Israel, in November 2012. But its mid-range rockets are much more accurate, and it has acquired long-range missiles that reach beyond Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, putting as many as 5 million of Israel’s 8 million citizens at risk.
If Hamas wants Israel to stop attacking, they need to stop lobbing missiles into Israel.
If Hamas keeps launching rockets, it could spark a major regional war. Just consider what Shimon Peres is saying about the conflict...
“We didn’t start the war today, they started it already several days ago,” he told CNN. “We asked them to stop it... We waited one day, two days, three days and they continued, and they spread their fire on more areas in Israel.”
He also said that a ground offensive on Gaza “may happen quite soon”. Referring to rockets being fired from Gaza, he added: “If they will stop for example tonight, there won’t be any ground entrance - but if they will continue, sooner or later this will be the response.”
And there are news reports today that Israel has already warned 100,000 Gaza residents living in cities near the border with Israel to leave their homes.
That means that a ground invasion could be imminent.
Let us pray for peace because every human life is extremely valuable.
Every Israeli life is extremely valuable, and every Palestinian life is extremely valuable.
Nobody should want to see a major war between the Israelis and the Palestinians, because if one does happen it will be extremely bloody.
The Middle East is a powder keg that could erupt at any moment.
A single wrong move could bring about a nightmarish conflict that results in countless deaths.
Credit to Economic Collapse
Is The Centers for Disease Control and The Department of Health and Human Services Planning for Mass Casualties in the United States?
I am presently vacationing at Ground Zero, the location of the greatest pandemic threat in American history and it is all related to unscreened immigrants.
I am reading and watching the local news and gathering information in a manner that most across the country are not seeing because of the national censorship in the MSM. This week alone, I have referenced related immigration stories from San Diego’s Channel 5, 10 and 15. When contrasted to the national media, the crickets are chirping.
What I have learned from these local reports is that sick and diseased immigrants are being placed in the general population of the United States. I have also learned that there is a conspiracy of silence associated with DHS and HHS and what they are forcing the Border Patrol to do with these new immigrants. There is also a Gestapo and East German Stasi mentality that is permeating this series of events. And since I am invoking German parallels, let’s add in a Reichstag false flag moment as well. These events and what is to follow have been carefully planned for and the evidence trail goes back almost five years. Along these same lines, the CDC and HHS have tipped their hand and are plainly telling the American public what is coming and how we are all at risk.
How a Pandemic Gets Started
Late last week, at approximately 1AM, a busload of illegal immigrants pulled out of the Chula Vista checkpoint and onto a local San Diego freeway. There were two Border Patrol agents sitting behind the driver wearing surgical masks. A San Diego 10News vehicle tried to follow the bus onto the freeway, but Border Patrol SUVs blocked the entrance to the freeway. We now are finding out that 10 people were transported to local hospitals in the San Diego area for treatment of such ANNOUNCED maladies as scabies and head lice (This Sunday evening, from 11pm-Midnight, Central, I am interviewing Barb Peterson as she will be describing how scabies can be used to transmit far more serious illnesses).
This official Border Patrol admission marks the first time that the American people had official confirmation that sick and diseased illegal immigrants are being knowingly and purposely being moved into the general population of the United States. An American child, who is in the hospital to have their tonsils removed. along with his visiting parents, attending nurses and physicians, may unwittingly become carriers for a for more serious illness with the potential to rip through the general population as a result of these irresponsible actions which are placing all of us at risk.
Border Patrol union representative, Ron Zermeno, told San Diego 10News the influx of detained undocumented immigrants pose a significant risk to the health of agents as well as national security as a whole.
FOX News Has a Rare Moment of Clarity
Todd Starnes, FOX News contributor and talk show host, has interviewed unidentified sources including doctors, nurses and counselors who say that while working with the new illegal immigrants at the Lackland AFB in San Antonio, TX., and he found that these civilian employees are being threatened, by the East German Stasi contingent of the Department of Homeland Security, with prison if they report how bad the health conditions are and how much at risk the American public is being placed under.
Here is an excerpt from the Starnes report:
“We have so many kids coming in that there was no way to control all of the sickness – all this stuff coming into the country,” she (an unidentified nurse) said. “We were very concerned at one point about strep going around the base.”Both the counselor and the nurse said their superiors tried to cover up the extent of the illnesses.“When they found out the kids had scabies, the charge nurse was adamant – ‘Don’t mention that. Don’t say scabies,’” the nurse recounted. “But everybody knew they had scabies. Some of the workers were very concerned about touching things and picking things up. They asked if they should be concerned, but they were told don’t worry about it.”
The Starnes report issued an ominous warning:
“My sources say Americans should be very concerned about the secrecy of the government camps.”
Key Arizona Officials Speak Out
While appearing on Hannity, Sheriff Joe Arpaio stated that the border patrol crisis is a deliberate ploy designed to force amnesty. I would suggest to Arpaio that with the definitive spread of illnesses among this population, there may be a much more sinister possibility such as the one that one of Arizona’s most prominent physicians, Dr. Jane Orient spoke of when I interviewed her 10 days ago. Dr. Orient used words such as “collusion” and “bioweapons attack” during the course of our conversation. Dr. Orient expressed concern that the Border Patrol is being threatened with prosecution for speaking out about the looming health crisis. Further, she stated that the Border Patrol has taken on casualties as a result of their close contact with immigrants as they have one confirmed case of drug resistant TB and a multiple cases of Border Patrol agents contracting scabies, which could carry very serious diseases and viruses. Dr. Orient is also appearing on the aforementioned, July 13th show from 9-10pm. The show can be accessed here by clicking on the “listen” icon in the upper right hand corner.
Where Is All This Headed?
Also appearing on this week’s talk show is Alana Cook, who first brought to my attention a memo from the Health and Human Services (HHS) as administered by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in which it is abundantly clear that the CDC is planning for mass casualties. By the way, it was HHS that denied Congressman Bridenstine entry into Ft. Sill to see what going on with illegal immigrant children in a story that appeared in this column, yesterday.
The date of the memo is July 1, 2014 and this makes the timing of this release, with regard to the above reported events, a little more than coincidental.
HHS has awarded more than $840 million to continue improving emergency preparedness of state and local public health and health care systems. HHS claims that these health systems are vital to protecting health and saving lives during a disaster. “The programs provide resources needed to ensure that local communities can respond effectively to infectious disease outbreaks, natural disasters, or chemical, biological, or radiological nuclear events”. With regard to the infectious disease outbreaks, HHS and the CDC are a day late and a dollar short. The damage has already been done.
This Has Been Planned for Long Time
In early 2009, the News Director for The Common Sense Show, reported the following events on a broadcast of The Common Sense Show which applies to the story at hand.
From the Daily Newscaster inside sources reveals that FEMA & DHS are preparing for mass graves and martial law near Chicago
- In late December 2008 municipal officials were invited to Indianapolis for a briefing on the state of Indiana. There were told if industry were to collapse for example GM going bankrupt resulting in mass unemployment, that a depression would soon follow and municipalities could expect to loose 40% of their funds.
- Every county in the nation would be required to prepare a Hazard Mitigation Plan.
- The county should prepare a plan to vaccinate the entire population within 48 hours and practice the plan several times.
- FEMA inquired to where mass graves could be placed in the county and would they accept bodies from elsewhere.
- The sheriff’s department via the state sheriff association was told that no .223 ammunition rounds would be available as the military would be purchasing all stocks.
- The county was asked to make plans for “hardening” of police and fire stations, putting in hardened bunker type buildings around town.
- The county was asked to make plans for the possibility of up to 400,000 refugees from Chicago
At about the same time, Infowars reported the same kind of observations in Houston, Texas and later in Phoenix, AZ.
What is being reported here is the fulfillment of a long-standing plan.
Last week, it was revealed in this column that the government was advertising for “escorts” in order to bring unaccompanied illegal alien minors across the border. The date of this advertisement was January, 2014, seven months ago. It was also reported that there are multiple sightings of UN vehicles in our country. It was also reported here that the UN has been advertising for the position of “resettlement officers who are experienced in gun confiscation”.
When we look at the posed health risks by this “sudden” influx of illegal aliens, along with the evidence of the planning for mass casualties dating back at least 5 years ago and more evidence that this planning and funding is still ongoing, the conclusions are not hard to reach.
Now that Israel seems intent on invading Syria and the UN trucks are on the move near Brownsville, TX., as of this writing, perhaps some serious dot connecting is in order and that will be the topic of the next installment in this series.
Credit to Common Sense
Washington’s Arrogance Will Destroy Its Empire

Alone among the governments in the world, Washington requires sovereign governments to follow Washington’s laws even when Washington’s laws contradict the laws of sovereign countries.
The examples are endless. For example, Washington forced Switzerland to violate and to repeal Switzerland’s historic bank secrecy laws. Washington executes citizens of other countries, as well as its own citizens, without due process of law. Washington violates the sovereignty of other countries and murders the countries’ citizens with drones, bombs, and special forces teams. Washington kidnaps abroad citizens of other countries and either brings them to the US to be tried under US law or sends them to another country to be tortured in secret torture centers. Washington tells banks in other countries with whom they can do business and when the banks disobey, Washington blackmails them into compliance or imposes fines that threaten their existence. Last week Washington forced a French bank to pay Washington $9 billion dollars or be banned from its US operations, because the bank financed trade with countries disapproved by Washington.
Washington issues ultimatums to sovereign nations to do as they are told or “be bombed into the stone age.”
Washington violates diplomatic immunity and forces down the planes of presidents of sovereign countries to be illegally searched.
Washington ordered its UK vassal to violate the laws and conventions governing political asylum and to refuse free passage to Julian Assange to Ecuador.
Washington ordered Russia to violate its laws and to hand over Edward Snowden.
Russia is strong enough to refuse to comply with Washington’s orders.
So what did Washington do?
The city upon the hill, the light unto the world, the “indispensable, exceptional government,” kidnapped Roman Seleznyov, the son of a Russian MP, in a foreign country, the Republic of the Maldives, an island nation in the Indian Ocean. Seleznyov was seized by Washington as he boarded a flight to Moscow and was spirited away on a private plane to US controlled territory where he was arrested on bogus fraud charges.
The Russian Foreign Ministry accused Washington of kidnapping a Russian citizen in “a new hostile move by Washington” against the Russian people.
There is no doubt whatsoever that Seleznyov’s kidnapping is illegal–as is everything Washington has done since the Clinton regime. Seleznyov’s father, a member of the Russian legislative body, believes that Washington kidnapped his son in order to exchange him for Edward Snowden.
Seleznyov was immediately, without any evidence, charged with imaginary offenses amounting to 30 years in prison. The fascist head of Homeland Security declared that the completely illegal action by the Washington Gestapo is an “important arrest” that “sends a clear message” that “the long arm of justice–and this Department–will continue to disrupt and dismantle sophisticated criminal organizations.”
The US Secret Service declared the Russian MP’s son to be “one of the world’s most prolific traffickers of stolen financial information.”
What utter bullshit!
As the entire world now knows, the greatest thief of financial information is Washington’s National Stasi Agency. Washington’s Stasi Agency has stolen for the benefit of US corporations that make generous political contributions financial information from companies in Brazil, Germany, France, China, Japan, indeed, everywhere. Washington’s Stasi have even stolen the Chancellor of Germany’s private cell phone conversations.
The world was stupid to trust American information systems which serve as spy devices. Anyone who purchases an American brand name computer, or relies on American Internet services, can know for a fact that Washington’s National Stasi Agency has complete information about them. The other governments thought that they had a free ride on US capital investment, but what this free ride meant was that no government and no population had proprietary information and secrets.
The US National Stasi Agency can blackmail the entire population of the world.
According to the neoconservatives, the right to spy on the world is the right of the “indispensable” people, as represented by the “exceptional government” in Washington.
The world is stupid in many other ways in the trust misplaced in Washington. NGOs funded by Washington operate in many countries and serve as Washington’s Fifth Columns. Washington can call out its NGOs into the streets to challenge and overthrow non-cooperating governments or to create for Washington propaganda against targeted governments, as Washington did when it called out its Russian NGOs to protest in the Russian streets that Putin stole the election. These NGOs are proud of the blood that they have, or soon will have, on their hands. It shows that they are important agents of the Empire.
With a captive Western media and European governments plus Japan, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, S. Korea and the Philippines, Washington can brazen out its lies and false charges. “Saddam Hussein has weapons of Mass Destruction.” No one has been punished for this costly lie. “Assad of Syria used chemical weapons against his own people.” No one has been punished for this costly lie. “Russia invaded Ukraine.” No one has been punished for this costly lie. “Edward Snowden is a Chinese/Russian/someone’s spy and a traitor to boot for telling Americans about the illegal actions of their government.” No one has been punished for this lie. “Julian Assange is a spy for making leaked documents of Washington’s crimes available on the Internet.” No one has been punished for this lie.
Every American opposed to Wall Street’s and Washington’s hegemony has been declared to be persona non grata. Such Americans are “domestic extremists,” who are now the focus of the Gestapo Homeland Security, a well armed military force, in contravention of the Posse Comitatus Act. Homeland Security is an illegal and unconstitutional force directed at the American people. The sheeple American people are forced to pay for it as their homes are foreclosed and those that aren’t foreclosed are invaded by goon thug SWAT teams.
Environmentalists are in the way of capitalist profits, and the capitalists rule, not the environmentalists. Environmentalists are “domestic extremists.”
War protesters are investigated as “agents of foreign powers.”
People concerned with the fate of animals and the decline of species due to habitat destruction by greedy, short-term motivated corporations, are on the list of “domestic extremists.”
The Supreme Court is owned by the private interest groups who have bought our government. The US Supreme Court is the great enemy of the US Constitution.
Law is misused to send millions of innocents, especially the young, and Americans whose violations are inconsequential to prison in order to support the revenue needs of the privatized prison system and the career needs of prosecutors.
It is difficult to imagine a country as wrong as the US, where government serves not the people but a tiny handful of the one percent, a government incapable of delivering any kind of justice, a government that if it uttered truth would destroy itself.
Washington reeks of evil. And the world is beginning to realize it.
Credit to Paul Craig Roberts
California Governor Signs Homosexual Bill Eliminating Terms ‘Husband’ and ‘Wife’
SACRAMENTO, Calif. – The governor of California has signed a bill into law that redefines marriage and replaces the terms ‘husband’ and ‘wife’ with the generic term ‘spouse.’
Governor Jerry Brown signed SB 1306 on Monday, which will take effect on January 1, 2015.
“Under existing law, a reference to ‘husband’ and ‘wife,’ ‘spouses,’ or ‘married persons,’ or a comparable term, includes persons who are lawfully married to each other and persons who were previously lawfully married to each other, as is appropriate under the circumstances of the particular case,” it reads. “The bill would delete references to ‘husband’ or ‘wife’ in the Family Code and would instead refer to a ‘spouse,’ and would make other related changes.”
The legislation had been presented by Sen. Mark Leno (D-San Francisco) after the U.S. Supreme Court refused to overturn the 9th Circuit ruling that declared California’s Proposition 8 unconstitutional. The matter hails back to 2008 when voters in California were presented with a ballot initiative asking if residents wished to enshrine marriage in the state as being between a man and woman. The measure, which sought to add an amendment to the state Constitution to protect the Biblical definition of marriage from infringement, passed by five percentage points.
However, with the courts ruling against Proposition 8, Leno sought to likewise change California law to alter the definition of marriage and reflect same-sex nuptials.
“I am pleased Governor Brown has recognized the importance of this bill, which makes it explicitly clear in state law that every loving couple has the right to marry in California,” Leno commented in a statement this week. “This legislation removes outdated and biased language from state codes and recognizes all married spouses equally, regardless of their gender.”
But Christians in the state have expressed disappointment over the matter, opining that the government has been wrong to override the will of the people.
“This bill continues the pattern we’ve been seeing the last few years of politicians ignoring the people to advance the agenda of marriage redefinition,” Matthew McReynolds, attorney with the Pacific Justice Institute in California, toldChristian News Network. “What these politicians don’t want people to know is that their actions are illegitimate. Contary to media myths, Prop. 8 has not been invalidated on a statewide basis. Instead, these politicians are exercising raw power, ignoring the Constitution and counting on the people and the courts not to hold them accountable.”
Gov. Brown also generated outrage last fall when he signed a bill that mandated insurance companies in the state to provide coverage for infertility treatments for homosexuals.
“The way the law works, gay and lesbian couples would simply have to testify that they have been having sex for a year without producing a child to be considered ‘infertile,’ which is [100% of the time], since baby-making requires necessary components missing in homosexual activity,” commented writer Ben Shapiro.
“It doesn’t mean situations in which two gay men are both infertile and incapable of impregnating a surrogate mother,” he continued. “It means situations in which gay or lesbian couples can’t make a baby by having sex with each other. In other words, every single gay and lesbian couple on the planet.”
Credit to Christian News Network
Donetsk Airport Under Fire All Night, Ukraine Army Suffers Losses

Members of the Vostok self-defense battalion during the fighting over Donetsk airport.
RIA Novosti. Andrey Stenin
DONETSK, July 11 (RIA Novosti) – Self-defense forces from the People’s Republic of Donetsk continued their offensive on Donetsk Airport during the night, a representative of the headquarters of the independence supporters told RIA Novosti Friday.
Local citizens confirmed they heard blasts and machine gun fire and had seen rockets near the Donetsk Airport, which is controlled by Ukrainian troops.
Earlier Thursday the head of Donetsk’s self-defense forces Igor Strelkov said at a briefing that he ordered an artillery attack on the airport. According to him, “There was no command to seize the airport.”
According to independence supporters, government troops suffered losses but the exact number of victims is unknown.
The Donetsk mayor’s office warned residents living near the railway station “not no come close to the windows, balconies, refrain from leaving apartments and houses.” Car owners were recommended “to limit their presence in the area and search for alternative paths in advance.”
On Thursday, the Ukrainian Army announced it controlled two-thirds of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Last Saturday government troops said they took over Slaviansk and Kramatorsk, which were abandoned by independence supporters who had to retreat in the direction of Donetsk and Luhansk.
Deputy head of the Ukrainian Border Guard Service Mykhailo Koval stated that Ukraine’s special services are planning to set up a complete blockade of Donetsk and Luhansk in order to force independence supporters to lay down their arms.
Credit to RIA Novosti
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