Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Iran urges US officials to stop warmongering against nations
Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast has urged US officials to stop their warmongering policies against nations to lessen the world’s hatred toward Washington.
During his weekly press conference on Tuesday, Mehmanparast expressed hope that Washington would change its approach toward the world’s nations and seek peace instead of war.
Mehmanparast advised the US authorities to respect the rights of the nations and not to interfere in other countries’ affairs for the world to show less hatred toward the United States.
Commenting on the new US nominee for defense secretary Chuck Hagel, Mehmanparast said, “We hope that practical changes would occur in the US foreign policy and respect for nations’ rights would become Washington’s (new) approach.”
Iranian detainees in Saudi Arabia
Mehmanparast further called for the resolution of the issue of the recent arrest of Iranian fishermen in Saudi Arabia.
On January 2, the Saudi coast guard arrested 21 Iranian nationals who were on board two boats near al-Harqus Island, 78 km off its coast.
The Saudi coast guard said in a statement on January 4 that the Iranian detainees were being questioned. However, it provided no further details about the incident.
Mehmanparast said the entry of fishing boats into either nation’s territorial waters should be resolved through border control organizations within a framework agreed upon by both countries.
“This is a natural issue which occurs between neighboring countries,” he said, adding, “These issues should not be allowed to become politicized and affect countries’ relations.”
The unrest in Syria
Referring to the Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi’s upcoming trip to Egypt, Mehmanparast said, “Important issues regarding bilateral ties and regional developments such as Syria are on this visit’s agenda.”
Mehmanparast called on all countries to help bring about the “best conditions” for the resolution of the crisis in Syria.
“The plan that [Syrian President] Mr. [Bashar] al-Assad proposed had been presented in different countries by his special envoy prior to Assad’s speech,” the Iranian official added.
In a key speech on Sunday, Assad called for an end to terrorist operations inside Syria and urged "concerned states and parties" to stop funding, arming and harboring militants.
Assad added that his government is always ready to hold talks with the opposition and political parties and would call for a “comprehensive national dialog” after foreign parties end their support for the militants and the terrorist activities end in the country.
Mehmanparast added that consultations between various countries on Assad’s plan can improve the conditions in Syria.
“We announced our clear views,” the Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman said, adding, “Consultation between us and the countries that agree with the plan and support it are ongoing.”
Syria has been experiencing unrest since mid-March 2011. Many people, including large numbers of security personnel, have been killed in the violence.
The Syrian government says the chaos is being orchestrated from outside the country, and there are reports that a very large number of the militants fighting the Syrian government are foreign nationals.
The Iranians abducted in Syria
Pointing to the issue of the Iranians abducted in Syria, Mehmanparast said Iran’s Foreign Ministry is pursuing the matter through various channels in Syria and the influential countries in the region that are in contact with the kidnappers.
He said the measures aimed at securing the release of Iranian nationals have yielded “favorable results,” adding that the abductees are in good health.
On August 4, 48 Iranian pilgrims, who were traveling on a bus from Damascus International Airport to the shrine of Hazrat Zainab (AS) on the outskirts of the Syrian capital, Damascus, were abducted by the militants in Syria.
Netanyahu says he will ‘never divide Jerusalem’
Jerusalem will not be divided “so long as I’m prime minister,” Benjamin Netanyahu said in a Monday night Channel 2 broadcast. Asked by Yaakov Elon about polls showing two-thirds of Israelis support the division of the city as part of a peace agreement with the Palestinians, the prime minister responded, “I don’t buy it” and stressed that Hamas would be at the walls of Israel’s border if Jerusalem were split.
Netanyahu cited the importance of his late father Benzion’s ideology and its influence on how he thinks, noting the “privilege” of being in the Land of Israel.
Remembering Jerusalem before the 1967 war, with a wall along King George Street and shooting into the city, the prime minister asked, “Is this what we want… an agreement, with Hamas soldiers at the border?”
Israel extended sovereignty throughout the city after capturing East Jerusalem and the Old City from Jordan in 1967. Previous prime minister Ehud Olmert offered the Palestinians sovereignty in East Jerusalem’s Arab neighborhoods, and proposed a multi-nation non-sovereign trusteeship for the Old City, in a 2008 offer to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. Abbas did not respond to the offer.
Regarding a Palestinian state, Netanyahu said that three conditions must be met for it to become a reality. First, he said, the Palestinians must recognize Israel as a Jewish state. Secondly, they must declare an end to the conflict. Finally, Netanyahu said, any Palestinian state must be demilitarized, with security arrangements meeting Israeli approval.
Netanyahu refused to respond to questions about former intelligence heads Yuval Diskin and Meir Degan, both of whom have been critical of the prime minister, notably over his handling of the Iranian nuclear threat, referring to the issue as “not serious.”
Discussing the upcoming elections, Netanyahu expressed willingness to form a broad-based coalition with center-left parties, but claimed they had negated the possibility in advance. He also said they would have to follow the government line on certain matters regarding security and finance. When asked by Elon if Labor Party leader Shelly Yachimovich could be finance minister, Netanyahu chuckled.
The prime minister said that Israel had faced 9.5 percent unemployment, the same level as Europe, when he became prime minister, but that, following his open market policies, Israel now has 7% unemployment, compared to social democratic Europe’s 12% figure.
Netanyahu said in the Monday night broadcast that the next budget will be bigger than the current one, and that taxes had already been raised. He would not rule out taxes being raised again, but said he didn’t plan on new taxes. He also addressed the prospect of a growing entitlement state, saying, “I’m not willing to have a never-ending, growing budget.”
Yachimovich last week rejected the possibility of joining a Likud-led government. Yesh Atid party leader Yair Lapid also initially said he would not be the “fifth wheel” in a right-wing/ultra Orthodox coalition, but later called for his and other center-left parties to join Netanyahu’s government to the exclusion of far-right and religious parties.
The prime minister’s talk of a broad coalition came after a failed attempt by Hatnua party leader Tzipi Livni to form a bloc against Netanyahu with Lapid’s Yesh Atid and Labor. Discussion of the idea by the three on Sunday night ended in failure and the trading of recriminations on Monday. Netanyahu said he was “prepared [to form] a broad coalition, but they reject it out of hand.”
Asked whether he would prefer to form a more centrist government or one including religious and far-right wing parties, the prime minister responded: “I have not yet been elected, but I very much hope to be elected. I want a broad government that would be built first and foremost on the large ruling party of Likud-Beytenu.”
Regarding the inclusion of Lapid, Yachimovich, or Livni in a future government, Netanyahu said he did not dismiss the possibility — but, rather, they had dismissed the possibility of joining him. ”Whoever wants to join us will need, of course, to go in the diplomatic and economic direction that I think is responsible and proves itself,” he said.
Netanyahu conceded the possibility of appointing Livni a minister in his potential future government, but said that he alone would dictate the government’s relationship with the Palestinians. As for Yachimovich, he said her appointment to a position in the government would depend entirely on her.
The Times of Israel
Those who stubbornly insist that the Palestinian Authority represents the voice of moderation among Palestinians need to pay attention to recent comments by a PA official calling for the retaking of Jerusalem.
Palestinian Authority Chief Islamic Judge Tayseer Al-Tamimi uttered these words on Azhari TV on December 31, 2012:
The caliphate will be restored after this tyrannical rule comes to an end... What we are seeing in Egypt are birth pangs. The struggle between Islam and others, and all the conspiracies that aim at stopping the train that has already set out to liberate Jerusalem and to restore Islamic rule. Jerusalem will be the capital of the caliphate, Allah willing… That is why I say that it is imperative to awaken the nation, because it has the capabilities. It is imperative to awaken the nation to its duty to liberate the land of Jerusalem and Palestine – the land of the Prophet Muhammad's nocturnal journal – using all its capabilities.
The world can blind itself to the radicalism of the Palestinian people, claiming it is only Hamas that wants to liquidate the Jewish State, but it is clear that the Palestinian Authority are just as culpable.

In an interview with Stephen Moore of the Wall Street Journal, newly re-elected House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) opened up about President Obama’s utter unwillingness to cut a single dollar from federal spending. In a stunning admission, Obama reportedly told Boehner, “We don’t have a spending problem.”
Boehner added that President Obama continues to maintain that America’s federal deficit is caused not by governmental overspending but by “a health-care problem.” Said Boehner, “They blame all of the fiscal woes on our health-care system.” Boehner told Obama, “Clearly we have a health-care problem, which is about to get worse with Obamacare. But, Mr. President, we have a very serious spending problem.” Obama eventually replied, “I’m getting tired of hearing you say that.”
Obama may be tired of hearing Boehner talk about a spending problem, particularly when Obama has been re-elected on the basis of ignoring government spending. Nonetheless, America does have a spending problem, which Obama is steadfastly ignoring. “He’s so ideological himself,” Boehner explained, “and he’s unwilling to take on the left of his own party.” That’s why Obama refused to raise the retirement age for Medicare after agreeing to it. “He admitted in meetings that he couldn’t sell things to his own members,” said Boehner. “But he didn’t even want to try … We could never get him to step up.”
Boehner says that there will be no new tax increases over the debt ceiling. “The tax issue is resolved,” he said. And he said that more closed-door negotiations with Obama would be “futile.” It’s a bit too late to recognize that, but better late than never.
Obama need not negotiate on spending. He can just continue to bully Republicans by suggesting that they are the party of the rich – and his media lackeys can pretend that it’s fiscally irresponsible to ask the government to live within its means.
You only think you know what's coming...EXO-VATICANA (Pt 3)

History suggests part of the reason native peoples considered it “holy” -- and partly why the mountain was selected by the MGIO consortium -- involves unusual heavenly activity there in ancient times when UFOs called “spirit lights” moved through the sky, something that seems to have contributed to their attribution of “powers” to the solar system, the location of metaphysical 'portals,' and other supernatural phenomena. The Apache Creation Myth is telling in this regard, as a particular version involves the “One Who Lives Above” and who descended in a flying disc at the start of creation. “In the beginning nothing existed—no earth, no sky, no sun, no moon, only darkness was everywhere,” the legend starts before noting; “Suddenly from the darkness emerged a disc, one side yellow and the other side white, appearing suspended in midair. Within the disc sat a bearded man, Creator, the One Who Lives Above.”
While no single “Apache Creation Myth” dominates all tribal beliefs, most groups share key precepts as well as symbolism within their oral histories. Besides the creator who rides in a heavenly disc, a Dragon with the power of speech turns up, bargaining with men, as well as supernatural gateways associated with mountains (ch’íná’itíh) through which spirit beings can come. Sometimes these spirits are represented by the Owl (to an Apache Indian, dreaming of an Owl signified approaching death, while the Hopis see the Burrowing Owl [Ko’ko, “Watcher of the dark”] as the god of the dead and the underground), which is fascinating given the connection with “alien abduction” accounts where the Owl is a disguise wherein the abductee is led to believe the bug-eyed alien in their memory was actually an Owl they had seen somewhere and had lodged in their memory. Owls have been associated throughout Christian history with sorcery and flying witches and the source of these legends seem to mirror many abduction tales, which we shall consider later. Suffice to say these ancient native ideas involving flying discs, flying creators, spirit lights, Owls, a talking Dragon or great serpent, and even supernatural gateways tied to mountain ranges began long before the Vatican cast its eyes on Mt. Graham.

First, from a purely incorporeal reality, we know that demons and their militaristic interest in people and geography are ontological facts, according to the Bible. In the Old Testament, demons are seen as the living dynamic behind idolatry (i.e., Deuteronomy 32:17), and in the New Testament, every writer refers to their influence. Extrabiblical texts including ancient pseudepigraphical works like the first Book of Enoch and post-New Testament writings such as the Didache, Ignatius’Epistle to the Ephesians, and the Shepherd of Hermas agree with this concern. Early church fathers also reinforced the belief that evil spirits seek to thwart the will of God on earth through attacks on the body of Christ in particular and against society in general, as unseen intermediaries—both good and evil—interlope between spiritual and human personalities at home, in church, in government, and in society. Understanding how and why this is true is defined in demonological studies such as the divine council (a term used by Hebrew and Semitic scholars to describe the pantheon of divine beings or angels who administer the affairs of heaven and earth), where experts typically agree that, beginning at the Tower of Babel, the world and its inhabitants were disinherited by the sovereign God of Israel and placed under the authority of lesser divine beings that became corrupt and disloyal to God in their administration of those nations (Psalm 82). Following Babel, these beings quickly became idolized on earth as gods, giving birth to the worship of “demons” (see Acts 7:41–42; Psalms 96:5; and 1 Corinthians 10:20) and the quest by fallen angels to draw mankind away from God. While the dominion of these entities and their goals are frequently overlooked, close collaboration between evil ones and unregenerate social architects operates on a regular basis outside the purview of the countless multitudes who are blinded to their reality. In other words, as suggested in the film “They Live,” behind governors, legislators, presidents, dictators, and even religious leaders, wicked spiritual powers move throughout the machine of ecclesiastical and civil governments and media as freely as they are allowed. Whenever such principalities recognize a religious or political body that has become a force for moral good, they set about—through a sophisticated labyrinth of visible and invisible representatives—to bring that organization down, one righteous soul at a time.
It is within this concealed arena of evil supernaturalism that unregenerate men are organized. Under demonic influence, they are orchestrated within a great evil system (or empire) described in various scriptural passages as a satanic order. In more than thirty important biblical texts, the Greek New Testament employs the term kosmos, describing this “government behind government.” It is here that human ego, separated from God, becomes hostile to the service of mankind while viewing people as commodities to be manipulated in the ministration of fiendish ambition. Some expositors believe the origins of this phenomenon began in the distant past, when a fire in the mind of Lucifer caused the powerful Cherub to exalt himself above the good of God’s creation. The once-glorified spirit, driven mad by an unequivocal thirst to rule, conquer, and dominate, spawned similar lust between his followers, which continues today among agents of dark power who guard a privileged, “cause-and-effect” symmetry between visible and invisible personalities.
At Satan’s desire, archons command this supernatural, geopolitical sphere, dominating kosmokrators (rulers of darkness who work in and through human counterparts) who in turn command spirits of lesser rank until every level of earthly government, secular and religious, can be touched by this influence. If we could see through the veil into this domain, we would find a world alive with good against evil, a place where the ultimate prize is the souls of men and where legions war for control of its cities and people. With vivid testimony to this, Satan offered Jesus all the power and the glory of the governments of this world. Satan said, “All this power [control] will I give thee, and the glory of them [earthly cities]: for that is delivered unto me: and to whomsoever I will I give it. If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine” (Luke 4:6–7).
According to the epistle of the Ephesians, it is this dominion, not flesh and blood, where opposition to God’s will on earth is initiated. Whereas people and institutions often provide the “faces” on our problems, the conflict originates beyond them, in this place where unseen forces scheme. These forces may indeed be more influential than anyone ever imagined. In fact, there is a strong likelihood that the first murder recorded in Genesis was demonically inspired (in a manner which parallels the so called “alien abduction” phenomenon in interesting ways.) Did you ever wonder why “sin” is personified when God warns Cain "If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall behis desire, and thou shalt rule over him" (Ge 4:7, underline added). Doesn’t it seem odd that “sin” is a “him” and if Cain does not do well he will be sin’s desire? How can “sin” have desire? Apparently, there is something more going on here and scholars have uncovered surprising answers.
The wonderful thing about archeology is that we now have a greater understanding of the Bible’s context than at any other time in history. Scholars have translated a wealth of tablets from Mesopotamia which not only add contextual clues to scriptural references but provide insight into borrowed Semitic vocabulary. In this case, a careful examination of the Hebrew text leads many evangelical inerrancy-upholding scholars to see the participle (Heb. rōbēṣ) rendered “lieth” in the KJV (or “is crouching” in other versions) as an Akkadian loan word, rābiṣu,for a demon (ancient Hebrew has no vowels so ‘rbs’ offers this flexibility).[iii] Of course, there are other scholars who balk, preferring a less supernatural exegesis, but the context of the passage supports the demonic interpretation. Sin does not lie in wait but demons do. Biblical scholar John Walton agrees, “The fact that the text mentions the desire to master Cain favors rabiṣuas a demon.”[iv] Thus, just prior to the first murder in history, “sin” is depicted as a doorway-demon waiting for an opportune time, an invitation which comes all too soon.
The ancient Akkadian literature reveals more astonishing data. In medical texts, inflicted individuals are depicted as having “walked in the path of a rābiṣu” and “a rābiṣu has seized him.” The root meaning of this term means ‘one who lies in wait’.[v] Uncanny parallels to modern abductions are seen in the descriptions of demons who ambush their victims in various locations: rābiṣ ūri, “the rābiṣu of the roof”; rābiṣ nāri, “the rābiṣuof the river”; rābiṣ ḫarbati, “the rābiṣu of the wasteland.” It seems there was a rābiṣu for just about anywhere, even a rābiṣ musâti, “the rābiṣu of the toilet.” Now that’s disturbing! Ill manners aside, consider the rābiṣ urḫi, “the rābiṣu of the road.”[vi] Might Barney and Betty Hill, while driving late at night on that lonely road, have encountered something like the latter manifest physically in modern garb?
But What If There Is Something More—Something Embodied?

Among secular and religious researchers today there is a contentious behind-the-scenes debate going on in this regard, which has been growing in intensity over the last few years among those who recognize first of all that genetically modified plants, animals, and yes, humans are now reality (documented in the next entry). Unnatural forms of life first sprang up in ancient days and according to the Bible this is a repeatable phenomenon—that is, human hybridization not only happened in earliest times, but was followed by at least a second wave during the days of Abraham, Moses and the Davidic kingdom, and, more importantly, was prophesied to erupt once more in the latter days. Therefore, we shall show unequivocally that the question is not whether humans were, can be or are being hybridized, but whether alien/demon agencies are involved in the process. If so, does this imply something very uncomfortable, which most of us do not want to think about; that a form of “human” exists that quite possibly cannot be redeemed?
Syria crisis can’t have military cure, UN reiterates
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has reiterated that there can be no military solution to the Syrian crisis, urging the international community to help end the unrest,Press TV reports.
"What the Syrian people desperately need at this time are real solutions to the crisis that is tearing their nation apart," Ban said through his spokesman Martin Nesirky on Monday.
Meanwhile, the UN chief shunned President Bashar al-Assad’s calls and proposals for ending the ongoing unrest in the crisis-stricken country, echoing a Western call for regime change in Syria.
Nesirky was not prepared to further clarify Ban’s stance.
Assad’s speech, which called for dialogue with the opposition and vowed resistance against terrorists, was also condemned by the United States.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov met with UN Special Envoy to Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi last week, repeating his concern that many of the smuggled guns are going to terrorists.
Syria has been experiencing unrest since March 2011. Many people, including large numbers of Army and security personnel, have been killed in the violence.
The Syrian government says the chaos is being orchestrated from outside the country, and there are reports that a very large number of the militants fighting the Syrian government are foreign nationals.
Several international human rights organizations have accused foreign-sponsored militants of committing war crimes.
Press TV
Russia to Get 20 New Aerospace Defense Radars
MOSCOW, January 8 (RIA Novosti) - Russia’s Aerospace Defense Forces will received about 20 new radar stations this year, a Defense Ministry spokesman said on Tuesday.
The radars will include systems of different classes and modifications, including Gamma-S, Nebo-U and Podlyot-K, as well as modernized Desna and Kasta systems, Col. Alexei Zolotukhin said.
He said on Sunday the Russian military had tracked about 40 launches of foreign and domestic ballistic missiles and space rockets last year. The new radar stations that have been put into operation as part of the Russian missile attack early warning system enable it to track not only ballistic targets and space objects but also aerodynamic targets, he added.
The system will be even more effective following the creation of the Integrated Space Tracking and Combat Command and Control System. Russia is able to reliably detect ballistic missile launches and monitor and control all probable directions for a missile attack, Zolotukhin said.
The ministry also said Russia will start building new radar stations later this year.
Russia announced it will no longer rent the Gabala radar station in Azerbaijan. The lease, signed in 2002, expired in December. Russia is replacing the Gabala radar station, which has played a crucial role in its missile defense system, with a new system based at Armavir in Russia’s southern Krasnodar Territory.
RIA Novosti
Enemies may seek to target turnout in Iran presidential election
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says Iran’s enemies may try to prevent a high turnout in the upcoming presidential election in Iran by causing political, economic and security distractions.
The Leader said on Tuesday that one of the schemes of Iran’s enemies is to prevent a mass turnout in the election by distracting people by creating a political, economic or security incident.
The Iranian nation, however, is too prudent to be deceived by the hostile plots of the enemies or their agents, Ayatollah Khamenei added.
“Unlike the past, the arrogant powers explicitly admit that the aim of the sanctions is to tire the Iranian people, provoke them to oppose the Islamic Republic, mount pressure on the Iranian officials and ultimately change the calculations of the officials,” the Leader noted.
“But people in this great land are showing more interest in the principles of Islam, revolution and national Iranian dignity on a daily basis, and that runs exactly counter to the will of the enemies,” Ayatollah Khamenei said.
The Leader criticized those who try to inculcate into people’s mind that the the forthcoming presidential election in June would not be clean enough, saying such behaviors and words would help arrogant powers achieve their objectives.
“Of course, I personally insist that the election should be held freely and reflect people's votes, while state and non-governmental officials should fully respect the law and exercise piety and integrity in order to hold untainted election, and certainly, that would be so,” said Ayatollah Khamenei.
The Leader also took to task those who constantly claim that the election should be free. “It’s clear that the election should be free. Haven’t more than thirty elections held in the past three decades been free? In which country is election freer than in Iran? Watch out for your words not to dissuade people from [taking part in the] election.”
Ayatollah Khamenei recommended prospective presidential candidates to assess their own competence before registering to undergo vetting process by the top oversight body, the Guardian Council.
“Presidential hopefuls should genuinely adhere to the [Islamic] establishment and the Constitution and they should really want to implement the constitution because the president takes an oath to do this and, naturally, he cannot take a false oath,” the Leader stated.
Press TV
Iran defense official says 2,000 ‘enemy bases’ are in range

A senior Iranian defense official said that the Islamic Republic can now target thousands of “enemy bases,” the Fars News Agency reported on Monday.
“Iran has now reached a point of progress that can target 2,000 enemy bases within a range of 2,000 km,” said General Morteza Qorbani, senior adviser to the General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces.
Last month, the commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), Aerospace Force Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, said that although Iran could build longer range missiles if it wanted to, getting warheads as far as Israel is enough.
“We don’t need missiles with a range of more than 2,000 km, but we have the technology to build them,” Hajizadeh told reporters in December. He underscored that “Israel is our longest-range target.”
The Times of Israel
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