Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Officials: Iran may take own samples at alleged nuclear site
VIENNA — Iran wants its own officials to take soil samples at a site where it is alleged to have experimented with ways to detonate a nuclear weapon, and the UN agency probing the suspicions may agree provided it is allowed to monitor the process, two officials told The Associated Press Tuesday.
The investigation by the International Atomic Energy Agency is part of the overarching nuclear deal reached earlier this month between Iran and six world powers. Iran denies any such work but has agreed to give the IAEA access to the Parchin military complex.
Several US senators cited Obama administration officials last week as saying Iran could conduct its own soil sampling at Parchin. The officials who spoke to the AP said a final agreement has not yet been reached between Iran and the IAEA.
The officials said stringent oversight of the soil-sampling could include video monitoring. They did not say what reasons Iran gave for wanting to take its own samples. The samples would be analyzed by the agency for traces left by any nuclear experiments.

Iranian scientists at Iran's Isfahan nuclear facility (Archive photo: EPA)
The officials come from IAEA member nations and are tasked with following Iran's nuclear program. They demanded anonymity because their information is confidential. The IAEA had no immediate comment.
David Albright, whose Institute for Science and International Security is often consulted by the US government on proliferation issues, said the IAEA "could instruct Iran in where and how to take the sample, as they would an inspector. They could try to keep a close watch on how Iran follows the instructions."
At the same time, "the IAEA could not exclude Iran tampering with the sample in some way," he said.
Credit to
China may use microwave weapon against maritime rivals

China is likely to deploy its newly designed WB-1 microwave directed energy weapon
against Philippine and Vietnamese vessels in the contested South China Sea, according
to the state run Reference News on July 27.
The WB-1 was originally developed as millimeter-wave beam-projecting non-lethal anti-riot
The WB-1 was originally developed as millimeter-wave beam-projecting non-lethal anti-riot
system by the China Poly Group Corporation based in Beijing. With an effective range of
80 meters, it can project the millimeter-wave beam to heat water molecules below the skin
causing intense pain, the UK-based IHS Jane's Defence Weekly reported in November 2014.
The weapon's attack range can be increased to one kilometer when its transmitting power is

Reports from the Zhuhai Airshow held in southern China's Guangdong province last year

Reports from the Zhuhai Airshow held in southern China's Guangdong province last year
indicated that Poly was developing the WB-1 for naval applications. To enforce its maritime
claims over the disputed East China and South China seas, China is likely to use WB-1 in
future non-lethal confrontations with Japan, the Philippines and Vietnam.
The weapon could also potentially be used in the People's Liberation Army Navy's
The weapon could also potentially be used in the People's Liberation Army Navy's
counter-piracy operations.
Credit to
China Demonstrates "Sea Combat Ability" With Live Fire Drill Video
With China laser focused on propping up its manipulated markets, which over the course of the past month have become the laughing stock of "skeptics" everywhere for exposing just how rigged everything truly is (even as CNBC debates whether it is better to manipulate stocks via central bank QE or, as China is doing it, via direct buying of stocks), it is worth recalling that over the past year China has seen another, just a troublesome situation developing in the form of numerous territorial conflicts in the East and South China Seas primarily due to geopolitical bragging rights and natural resource claims.
As previously reported, China is currently pursuing a rapid program of artificial island construction in the South China Sea, despite being locked in disputes with several countries over its claims to almost the entire area.
And yet, even with Beijing focused on halting the market (and economic) carnage in recent weeks, the politburo found a way to remind its neighbors that China has no intention of allowing its domestic financial volatility derail its territorial expansion. It did so as part of a 10 day maritime training exercise which started last week, which culminating overnight when China’s navy carried out a "live firing drill" in the South China Sea to improve its maritime combat ability, state media has reported as tensions flare over the disputed waters.
According to the Guardian, the exercise on Tuesday involved at least 100 naval vessels, dozens of aircraft, missile launch battalions of the Second Artillery Corps and information warfare troops, Xinhua news agency said, citing navy sources.
It added that dozens of missiles and torpedoes, as well as thousands of shells and jamming bombs, were fired during the drill, which tested the navy’s air defense and early warning system. It also “improved its ability to react quickly”, Xinhua said.
China has rapidly expanded its navy in recent years, commissioning its first aircraft carrier in 2012 and adding to its submarine and surface fleets.
This is happening after last week Japan slammed Beijing’s bid to reclaim land there as a “coercive attempt” to make sweeping maritime claims that come as Tokyo is expanding the role of its own military. Ironically for the Abe cabinet, which indirectly asserts that its military expansion mandate is in response to threats from potential local foes (i.e., China), its recent resurgence in military ambitions resulted in Abe's cabinet recording its first majority disapproval rating of its tenure.

Unlike largely pacifist Japan, in China increasing militarism merely leads to a boost in "rally around the flag" morale, and greater patriotic support for the government.
Which is probably also why China was eager to release at least one clip showcasing its latest naval "live fire" military capabilities, as shown on the recording below.
Credit to Zero Hedge
The FDA Is the New “Murder Inc.”
Researchers writing in the New England Journal of Medicine voiced their concerns as well with such drugs as Pfizer’s popular Celebrex. Yet, the FDA approved the drug as it killed tens of thousands of innocent Americans. Merck & Co.’s arthritis drug Vioxx may have led to tens of thousands of deaths of innocent American citizens. Yet, the FDA approved Vioxx. What exactly is the FDA protecting Americans from? Perhaps the FDA is protecting America from living a full and healthy life.

This “Serelini” rat is showing how safe GMO’ are. Meanwhile, the real rats continue killing under the veil of protection of the federal government.
The federal government recently forbade the individual states the ability for Monsanto to label what foods have GMO’s . In the only research ever conducted on the safety of GMO’s, rats were fed nothing but GMO’s for their entire life. This study was known as the Seralini Study and it was conducted by Monsanto. Yet, Monsanto lied about the results. Séralini’s team obtained Monsanto’s raw data and re-analyzed it. They found signs of liver and kidney toxicity in the GM-fed rats, publishing their findings in a peer-reviewed journal in 2009 (de Vendomois JS, Roullier F, Cellier D, Séralini GE. A comparison of the effects of three GM corn varieties on mammalian health. International Journal of Biological Science. 2009; 5(7): 706–726).
When 100% of the rats reached puberty they ALL had life-threatening tumors which were gigantic. In fact, some of the rats were videotaped dragging their gigantic tumors across the floor in the French laboratory.Yet, the FDA had no problem allowing Monsanto the right to sell unlabeled GMO’s in our food supply despite the fact that there is not one study which validates the safety of GMO’s.
Originally, the Monsanto lied about the results. After the lies regarding GMO safety were exposed, the FDA did not nothing to rectify this abuse including their failure to not order additional studies. GMO’s are fatal and, again, GMO’s, Monsanto and the FDA are accomplices to murder in a classic example of your tax dollars at work.
The FDA Bullies doTerra
The Health Reporter for The Common Sense Show, Katy Whelan, is a distributor for doTerra. I have been the beneficiary of her product line when I have been seriously ill. Now, it is illegal, by administrative fiat, for Katy to have ever told me that doTerra Essential Oils products would ever help me with any kind of illness or health condition. The following was brought to my attention with the distribution of the following FDA memo.
The FDA scoured the Internet and “notified companies such as doTERRA that you notify this office in writing within 15 working days from your receipt of this letter of the current status of your corrective actions and the specific steps you have taken to correct the noted violations. In your response, include documentation of your corrective actions. If you cannot complete all corrections before you respond, we expect that you will explain the reason for your delay and please include a timetable for the implementation of any remaining corrections”.
According to the FDA, “Private citizens may not share written information on the Internet about how essential oils have improved their health, the health of their families, or the health of their clients”.
Last night on The Common Sense Show, Katy Whelan, committed the unspeakable act of reading about the health benefits of Essential Oils. The FDA is going to have a hard time making a case against Katy because she read directly from the research of the National Institute of Health (NIH). The FDA has frequently used the research arm of the NIH in making its rulings. Therefore, Katy’s crime was to quote the very government’s endorsement of the health benefits of Essential Oils as reported in NIH research findings. If you have to reread this passage twice because the duplicity of the federal government confuses you, I understand and I will be patient as you reread the federal government’s endorsement of the health benefits of Essential Oils despite banning any discussion of the product on websites or in any other media. Here is a summary of what Katy read along with the appropriate links.
NIH – A GOVERNMENT RESEARCH SITE -Page 1 from essential oils research.
Research on Frankincense and breast cancer cells
Research on Lemon Grass and Candida Albicans
Research on Bergamot and MRSA & E-Coli
Research on Cinnamon/Clove/Cardamon/Cumin on multidrug resistant bacteria
In each and every instance, the NIH validated the use of Essential Oils for specific medical conditions. Yet, the FDA forbids the mention of the health benefits. If I were at the NIH this morning, I would be very careful because the NIH may just get “swat-teamed by the Nazi thugs employed by the FDA to wreak terror upon the American public and its natural health care industry. If doTERRA was Monsanto, they would be able to promote their products without restriction. As an aside, it is interesting to note that not one of the NIH cited studies was conducted inside of the United States. This is to coincidental to not be considered to be a part of a cover-up by the FDA as the treatment efficacy of Essential Oils. I want to make certain that I am not measuring my words. The FDA is denying the public access to treatment protocols which could save lives. It is my contention after reviewing the data and the related time lines, that the FDA knows exactly what it is doing. The FDA is the enemy of every single American in this country except for those who own the pharmaceuticals and corporations like Monsanto.
When the FDA denies the promotion of peer-reviewed validated treatment efficacy for specific and serious medical conditions, the FDA is denying every citizen’s right to have control over their health. When the FDA denies the right of citizens to publicly discuss the health benefits of proven treatments by such organizations as the NIH, they are violating the First Amendment. When the FDA ignores the only medical d research evidence which clearly demonstrates the dangers of GMO’s, just as it ignored the clear evidence of the dangers of drugs like Celebrex, then the FDA is a knowing accomplice to murder.
Dead Doctors
On Saturday, July 25, 2015, the Hagmann and Hagmann report was taken down for one hour in what was to be a special broadcast in which Doug and Joe Hagmann were to interview Dr. Ted Broer on the commonalities and the partnering of the work between and among the murdered doctors. I view this take down as deliberate and carried out by forces connected in some way connected to the FDA. If doctors are being murdered in statistically high numbers to cover up how many of the products, contained in various vaccines, are shutting down various cell receptor sites, because of the properties contained in these vaccines, then the FDA is an accomplice to these murders. Everyone of these murders is being carried out against doctors who were combining forces to bring awareness against the dangers of vaccines. Vaccines are being mandated across the board and, as we are witnessing in California, adults will soon be required to add vaccines to the repertoire of vaccines that we have already been forced to take. Given what we are finding out about the work of the cooperating dead doctors, the high rates of autism, growing heart disease, exploding cancer rates, record diabetes rates which are unprecedented and many other life-threatening health conditions, which are all traceable to elements such as aluminum contained in vaccines, it is hard to not see the conspiracy.
The nation’s health has been compromised. We, as a nation, spend over 10 times more than any other nation n health care, but according to the 2013 CIA Fact Book, we Americans have only the 51st longest lifespan. After reading this article, this should not be considered to be a coincidence. It is deliberate and it is part of the depopulation agenda being directed against Americans as a whole and anyone who gets in the way, is summarily executed. As if it is not bad enough that the nation’s health is being compromised, now we are seeing a collective corporate, legislative and federal agency conspiracy to engage in willful depopulation.
The following recording contains Katy Whelan’s interview mentioned in the above paragraphs. Also. Dr. Broer’s account of the dead doctors and undeniable links between their work is covered as well.
Credit to Common Sense

With the advent of cell phones, iPods, iPads, and other “personal devices,” the ear-gates (that Sue Bradley discussed in the last entry) of an entire generation have been dangerously compromised. In addition to the obvious physical risks that associate cell phone use and texting while driving, effects have been measured on teenage language abilities and a markedly increased incidence of tinnitus, a chronic “ringing-in-the-ears.”
A recent ChildWise study found that one in four children under the age of eight had a mobile phone, a figure which increased to 89 percent by the time the child reaches eleven years.
“Teenagers: A Generation Unplugged” is a 2008 study which determined that four out of five teens carry a wireless device and found that their cell phones rank second, only to clothing, in communicating personal social status and popularity, “outranking jewelry, watches and shoes.” Additionally, over half (52 percent) view cell phones as a form of entertainment and 80 percent feel that a cell phone provides a sense of security while 36 percent dislike the idea of others knowing their exact location.
While a Who [World Health Organization] study determined that a cell phone-cancer link is inconclusive, the UN [United Nations] did acknowledge that the 2010 examination of thirteen thousand participants found up to 40 percent higher incidence of glioma, a cancerous brain tumor, among the 10 percent that used the mobile phone most. While there is near-unanimous agreement within the scientific community that it is simply too early to accurately project damage caused by radiation, even the most modest estimates acknowledge minimal consequences, the estimated 4.6 billion cell phone users “appear prepared to take the risk” without “firm assurances” that they are safe.[i]
As dire as these incidences for physical damage appear, the psychological and spiritual implications are the significantly more profound—and sinister.
“Thought reading” has come of age. First published in January 2009, cbs revealed technology conducted at Carnegie Mellon University that makes it possible to see what is happening within the brain while people are thinking. Using specialized magnetic resonance, neuro-activity can be recorded by analyzing brain activity.[ii]
While mainstream media carefully smudges the science fiction-actual science line, both government and private research groups charge the fields of neuro-fingerprinting, neuro-databases, and abject control neuro-control.
Following the Human Genome Project’s mapping of human dna, the Human Brain Project, hpb, was launched. The international research group hopes to provide a “blueprint of normal brain activity” to the goal of understanding brain function for improved health care, but inherent in the study is the very real possibility of threatening autonomous and unrestricted thought. If in 2002 the bbc was touting wireless sensors that record and generate brain waves and anatomical functions remotely,[iii] and in 2008, Scientific American reported that scientists can “selectively control brain function by transcranial magnetic stimulation (tms)” via the pulsing of powerful electromagnetic fields into the brain or a subject’s brain circuits,[iv] what might be a more current—and sinister—application?
A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reported that electromagnetic currents directed at the right temperoparieto junction (tpj), located just above and behind the right ear (the same location mentioned above from Exodus 29:20 where the priests were to be anointed that they might hear from God), can impair a person’s ability to make moral judgments by inducing a current which disrupts this region of the brain.
By producing “striking evidence” that the right tpj is “critical for making moral judgments,” the lead author, Liane Young, also noted that “under normal circumstances, people are very confident and consistent in these kinds of moral judgments.” The researchers believe that transmagnetic stimulation, tms, interfered with the subject’s ability to interpret the intentions of others, suggesting that they are believed to be “morally blameworthy.”[v] Subsequent publications have proposed an interest by the U.S. military to use transmagnetic stimulation to enhance soldiers’ battle duration by reducing the need to stop for sleep.[vi]
With the acknowledged identification, documentation and cataloging of “brain-printing” via wireless devices, and the comparatively recent release of the morally consequential findings of transmagnetic stimulation, the premise of Stephen King’s 2006 novel, Cell, evokes a frighteningly possible scenario:
Mobile phones deliver the apocalypse to millions of unsuspecting humans by wiping their brains of any humanity, leaving only aggressive and destructive impulses behind.…
What if cell phones didn’t cause cancer? What if they did something much worse? What if they turned the user into a zombie killing machine?[vii]
Or perhaps just a glance at a keyboard before powering down: The message is clear: CONTROL ALTER DELETE
From the chilling ramifications involving how the area of the right ear (which was to be anointed for priestly hearing of God in the Old Testament) is now being targeted by electromagnetic currents to illustrate how a person’s moral judgment could be impaired, to the work of neurologist Olaf Blanke that produced a “shadow person” by stimulating the left tpj at the left ear (discussed in an earlier entry), serious questions arrive in the upcoming documentary INHUMAN about the mysteries of the mind and what God may know that we don’t (and therefore why the priests were anointed there) about spiritual gateways existing in these regions. Once again, by interfacing with or manipulating the brain in this way, are we approaching a forbidden unknown?
Another example of how near-horizon neurosciences and human-machine integration may reconfigure human brains to allow borderline (or more than borderline) supernatural activity involves certain video games played before bedtime, which are being shown to allow people to take control of their dreams, to shape the alternate reality of dream worlds in a way that reflects spiritual warfare. According to LiveScience senior writer Jeremy Hsu, published studies on the dreams of hard-core gamers by Jayne Gackenbach, a psychologist at Grant MacEwan University in Canada, found that gamers experienced reversed-threat simulation in nightmares, which allowed the dreamer to become the threatener instead of the threatened. In other words, a scary nightmare scenario turned into something “fun” for a gamer, allowing the player to assume the role of the aggressor or demon attacker. “They don’t run away; they turn and fight back. They’re more aggressive than the norms,” Gackenbach explained. “Levels of aggression in gamer dreams also included hyper-violence not unlike that of an R-rated movie,” and when these dreaming gamers became aggressive, “oh boy, they go off the top.”[viii]
From learning to influence our private dreams via game-tech to having our dreams infiltrated and manipulated by outside forces, disquieting ideas deepen. In the 2010 movie Inception starring Leonardo DiCaprio, industrial spies use a dream machine called pasiv to steal corporate secrets by means of invasion and “extraction” of private information through a victim’s dreams. In a second scenario, the film depicts ideas planted in the person’s mind (inception) so that the individual perceives them as his or her own, thus allowing the victim to be steered toward particular decisions or actions—a modern upgrade on brainwashing a la the Manchurian Candidate. While the film Inception is fantasy, it is based in part on near-future technology. Electroencephalograms, functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fmris), and Computed Tomography (ct) scans are already being used to “read and even influence the brain,” points out Aaron Saenz at the Singularity Hub. But could the fundamental science that the film Inception examines actually be setting the stage for making it a reality? “We’re certainly working towards it,” Saenz adds, continuing:
In the next few decades we could have the means to understand, perhaps in rather detailed terms, what a person is thinking. Once that barrier is passed, we may develop the means to influence what someone thinks by directly stimulating their brain. [So] while the mind is still a very mysterious place, it may not remain that way forever.[ix]
This trend toward technological mind invasion and mind control is or should be a frightening proposal for most people, especially those who value the concept of free will. That is because most secular neuroscientists view free will as an outdated religious notion related to “a fictional omnipotent divinity” (God) who chooses not to interfere with the choices of individuals, thus leaving them morally accountable for their actions and future judgment. There is even a concerted effort on the part of some neuroscientists to find proof against free will to illustrate that man is little more than an automaton whose decisions are predetermined by a complex mixture of chemical reactions, past events, and even nature, which work together to determine one’s course of action. In the 1970s, Prof. Benjamin Libet of the University of California in San Francisco claimed to have discovered proof of this theory through a series of tests in which a “time gap” between a brain’s decision to act and the person’s awareness of this decision led to the activity being carried out by the individual. His findings ignited a stormy debate regarding the ancient philosophical question of free will, says Naomi Darom for the online edition of Haaretz newspaper in Israel. “Are our decisions, the basis for our ostensible free activities, made before we are aware of them? In other words, does the brain ostensibly decide for us? And to what extent do we actually make our decisions consciously?” Prof. Hezi Yeshurun explained how those engaged in the brain research concluded “the question of free will is meaningless, because¼the fact that your brain has actually decided in your absence and that I can know what you’ve decided before you do, paints a picture of an automaton.”[x]
To insinuate that a section of the human brain makes decisions ahead of man’s independent awareness of them opens a wellspring of opportunity for civil or military arms technology to target that aspect of the brain and to develop methods for “inserting” ideas in minds. Darpa, American Technology Corp., Holosonic Research Labs, and others are working on methods to adapt this science, where thoughts and ideas can be projected or “implanted” in the brain and perceived by the individual as his or her own. A while back, Wired magazine reported on Darpa’s “sonic projector” as well as troops studying the Long Range Acoustic Device (lrad) as a modified “Voice of God” weapon:
It appears that some of the troops in Iraq are using “spoken” (as opposed to “screeching”) Lrad to mess with enemy fighters. Islamic terrorists tend to be superstitious and, of course, very religious. Lrad can put the “word of God” into their heads. If God, in the form of a voice that only you can hear, tells you to surrender, or run away, what are you gonna do?[xi]
Wired went on to acknowledge how, beyond directed sound, “it’s long been known that microwaves at certain frequencies can produce an auditory effect that sounds like it’s coming from within someone’s head (and there’s the nagging question of classified microwave work at Brooks Air Force Base that the Air Force stubbornly refuses to talk about).” It is also reported that the Pentagon tested similar research during the Gulf War of 1991 using a technology called Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (ssss), which evidently led to the surrender of thousands of Iraqi soldiers who began “hearing voices.”
People of faith, including church theologians and philosophers, should find the idea of using technology to read the minds and manipulate the thoughts of individuals indefensible, as the vanguard of free will is fundamental to our religious and philosophical ethic. To humans, autonomy of thought is the most basic of doctrines in which man is unrestrained by causality or preordained by mystical powers. Yet how these issues—neurosciences, brain-machine interfacing, cybernetics, mind control, and even free will—could actually represent a prophetic confluence of events that soon will combine in an ultimate showdown over the liberty of man may be an unavoidable and beastly aspect of end-times prophecy. Featured experts in the upcoming documentary INHUMAN agree with this assessment.
Credit to
Australian man: I'm 2ND coming of Jesus
An Australian man believes the Shroud of Turin proves he is the second coming of Jesus Christ – and he says the Vatican is convinced, too.
Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall lives in Toogoom, Queensland, about 300 kilometres north of Brisbane, and claims to be the reincarnation of Jesus of Nazareth.
The 71-year-old has published a number of images and videos he claims prove he is the image seen on the Shroud of Turin – a religious artifact that some believe bears the image of Jesus.
Credit to WND
Credit to WND
The Economic And Financial Problems In Europe Are Only Just Beginning…

European debt levels have never been higher, European banks are absolutely loaded with non-performing loans and high-risk derivatives, and the unemployment rate in the eurozone is currently more than double the unemployment rate in the United States. In all the euphoria surrounding the “deal” that temporarily kept Greece in the eurozone, I think that people have forgotten that the economic and financial fundamentals in Europe have continued to deteriorate. Whether Greece ultimately leaves the eurozone or not, a great financial crisis is inevitably coming to Europe. It is just a matter of time.
In many ways, the economy of Europe is in significantly worse shape than the U.S. economy. Just recently, the IMF issued a report which warned that the eurozone is “susceptible to negative shocks” and could be facing very tough economic times in the near future. The following comes from the Guardian…
The International Monetary Fund has warned the eurozone faces a gloomy economic outlook thanks to lingering worries over Greece, high unemployment and a banking sector still battling to shake off the financial crisis.The IMF’s latest healthcheck on the eurozone found it was “susceptible to negative shocks” as growth continues to falter and monetary policymakers run out of ways to help. It called for an urgent “collective push” from the currency union to speed up reforms or else risk years of lost growth.“A moderate shock to confidence – whether from lower expected future growth or heightened geopolitical tensions – could tip the bloc into prolonged stagnation,” said Mahmood Pradhan, the IMF’s mission chief for the eurozone.
But even if there are no “shocks” to the European economy in the months ahead, the truth is that it is already in terrible shape and much of the continent is already mired in an ongoing economic depression.
Today, the official unemployment rate in the United States is just 5.3 percent, but the unemployment rate for the eurozone as a whole is sitting at 11.1 percent. That is an absolutely terrible number, but most Europeans have come to accept it as “the new normal”. The following are some of the prominent nations in Europe that currently have an unemployment rate of above 10 percent…
France: 10.3 percent
Italy: 12.4 percent
Portugal: 13.7 percent
Spain: 22.37 percent
Greece: 25.6 percent
And remember, these unemployment numbers often greatly understate the true scope of the problem.
For instance, in Italy the number of people “willing to work but not actively searching” is much higher than the number of Italians that are officially unemployed…
For every 100 working Italians, there are 15 people seeking a job and another 20 willing to work but not actively searching, the highest level among the 28 EU countries, according to statistics agency Eurostat.
So would the true rate of unemployment in Italy be greater than 30 percent if honest numbers were being used?
That is something to think about.
Meanwhile, debt levels in virtually all European nations have shot up substantially since the last financial crisis. Just consider the staggering debt to GDP ratios in the following nations…
France: 95.0 percent
Spain: 97.7 percent
Belgium: 106.5 percent
Ireland: 109.7 percent
Portugal: 130.2 percent
Italy: 132.1 percent
Greece: 177.1 percent
Greece is not the only debt crisis that Europe is facing by a long shot. All of the other nations on that list are going down the exact same path that Greece has gone down.
So whether or not a “permanent solution” can be found for Greece, the reality of the matter is that Europe’s debt problems are only just beginning.
Meanwhile, the economic crisis in Greece continues to become even more dire. At this point, nearly half of all loans in the country are non-performing, authorities are warning that bank account holders may be forced to take 30 percent haircuts when the banks are finally “bailed in”, and it is being reported that Greek banks may keep current restrictions on cash “in place for months”…
Greek banks are set to keep broad cash controls in place for months, until fresh money arrives from Europe and with it a sweeping restructuring, officials believe.Rehabilitating the country’s banks poses a difficult question. Should the eurozone take a stake in the lenders, first requiring bondholders and even big depositors to shoulder a loss, or should the bill for fixing the banks instead be added to Greece’s debt mountain?Answering this could hold up agreement on a third bailout deal for Greece that negotiators want to conclude within weeks.The longer it takes, the more critical the banks’ condition becomes as a 420 euro ($460) weekly limit on cash withdrawals chokes the economy and borrowers’ ability to repay loans.
Nothing has been “solved” in Greece. The only thing that has been accomplished so far is that Greece has been kept in the euro (at least for the moment). But for the average person on the street things continue to go from bad to worse.
How soon will it be until we see similar scenarios play out in Italy, Spain, Portugal and France?
As things in the eurozone continue to deteriorate, nations that were planning to join the euro are suddenly not so eager to do so…
Poland will not join the euro while the bloc remains in danger of “burning”, its central bank governor said. Marek Belka, who has also served as the country’s prime minister, said the turmoil in Greece had weakened confidence in the single currency. “You shouldn’t rush when there is still smoke coming from a house that was burning. It is simply not safe to do so. As long as the eurozone has problems with some of its own members, don’t expect us to be enthusiastic about joining,” he said.
Yes, definitely keep an eye on what is happening in China. Without a doubt, it is very big news.
But I believe that what is going on in Europe will ultimately prove to be an even bigger story.
The greatest financial crisis that Europe has ever seen is coming, and it is going to shake up the entire planet.
Credit to End of the American Dream
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