Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Russia says has deployed S-300 missile system to Syria
The Russian Defence Ministry said on Tuesday it had deployed an S-300 missile system to its Tartus naval base in Syria.
"The missile battery is intended to ensure the safety of the naval base ... It is unclear why the deployment of the S-300 caused such alarm among our Western partners," the ministry said in a statement.
U.S. media reported earlier this week that Russia had sent the S-300 system to Syria at the weekend in its first foreign deployment of the surface-to-air weapon in the civil war-ridden country.
Credit to Reuters
Rabbi Predicts Martial Law In US Before Presidential Election, Declaration Of “Messiah”
“A thousand may fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; it shall not come nigh thee.”
Psalms 91:7 (The Israel Bible™)

Rabbi Alon Anava, who lectures all over the world, preparing Jewish people for Moshiach (Messiah), was interviewed last week by veteran broadcaster Tamar Yonah of Israel News Talk Radio about different scenarios for how God might bring the final redemption. He spoke about what Jews and non-Jews should be doing right now to avoid the most difficult consequences.
Rabbi Anava mentioned three particularly dark scenarios. He spoke at great length about the controversial dwarf star Nibiru. If Nibiru is the scenario by which God will bring us to the final redemption, Rabbi Anava said, “Two-thirds of the world could be underwater.”
And it shall come to pass that in all the land saith Hashem two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein. Zechariah 13:8
He also said, “There are prophecies that there is going to be an 11-second war. That can only be a nuclear war.” Naming China, Iran, Russia and Korea as four major enemies of the US, he spoke about the possibility that one of these countries could attack by detonating an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) high over North America, thereby plunging it “into the 18th century by completely burning out anything that has electronics in it.”

Asked about the connection between the US presidential election and the End of Days, he remarked, “Of course the elections have to do with end of time. Moshiach is on the doorstep and every current affair that we see… you just open our [Scripture] from 2000 years ago and it’s like opening a newspaper. Everything is written. Everything was predicted. Everything was prophesied.
“Personally, I don’t think we’re going to get to the elections. I think they’re going to declare martial law way before the elections happen. Maybe a terror attack, by financial collapse, by riots. Sixty million Americans are on food stamps. Just take that away for one month and you’re going to have 60 million Americans on the streets, creating riots. That’s very easily a cause to call for martial law.”
There is a Jewish teaching that positive prophecies will come true but negative prophecies can be changed. How does Rabbi Anava suggest people can annul these dark scenarios?
“Both Jews and non-Jews alike – we all have to repent. We have to go back to our source. Believing in one God, following the Torah and mitzvahs (Biblical commandments).
“Both Jews and non-Jews alike – we all have to repent. We have to go back to our source. Believing in one God, following the Torah and mitzvahs (Biblical commandments).
“The non-Jews also have to repent and they also have to stop doing bad things and they also have to follow the laws of Noach (Noah) that you can find in the Torah.
“There’s no difference. We all have to repent and basically convince the Master of the Universe to annul all these decrees. Especially now, before the High Holidays, repenting means, first of all, stop doing any bad or evil things that we do. Stop lying. Stop cheating. Being honest. Giving charity. Helping people. No judging people the wrong way. Needless to say, following the Torah – observing the Shabbos (Sabbath), eating kosher…. This is the time to really get your act together.”
If enough people turn to God, “we do have the option of sweetening the judgement and receiving the redemption in the blink of an eye, in a sweet way, with no wars, with no problems, with no hatred. It’s all in our hands and the sooner we do it, the better, because the time is ticking.”
Asked where the Jewish people should go, Rabbi Anava unequivocally stated that “Israel is the only safe place… It’s the Land of God. Nothing is going to happen on this land.”
If enough people turn to God, “we do have the option of sweetening the judgement and receiving the redemption in the blink of an eye, in a sweet way, with no wars, with no problems, with no hatred. It’s all in our hands and the sooner we do it, the better, because the time is ticking.”
Asked where the Jewish people should go, Rabbi Anava unequivocally stated that “Israel is the only safe place… It’s the Land of God. Nothing is going to happen on this land.”
“Righteous gentiles, as long as they follow the Seven Laws of Noach, they’ll be saved. We have a promise from the Torah and a promise from King David [in Psalms 91:7]. You have to be close to God,” Rabbi Anava emphasized.
“Not only do I believe, I will be beyond surprised if nothing’s going to change in the next few weeks or months. I know it’s happening. Moshiach is happening. Now is the time and everybody better get their act together.”

Tamar Yonah told Breaking Israel News that her interview with Rabbi Anava got four times the amount of traffic as other shows on Israel News Talk Radio. Well-aware of the controversy surrounding Nibiru, Yonah related that she wanted to share the story because of a lesson she learned in childhood.
Yonah’s father was a Holocaust survivor from Poland who told his children that when Russian Zionist Ze’ev Jabotinsky tried to warn the Jews of Europe to leave before WWII, no one would listen to him. In many cases, he was barred from even speaking.
She recommends keeping an open mind. “You need to listen to people, no matter how crazy it sounds. You listen because crazy things happen in this world. Personally,” Yonah told Breaking Israel News, “I’ve heard these predictions throughout the years. I don’t believe the dates. I like to listen. I want to be open. But I’m of the school of ‘let’s wait and see.’”
She recommends keeping an open mind. “You need to listen to people, no matter how crazy it sounds. You listen because crazy things happen in this world. Personally,” Yonah told Breaking Israel News, “I’ve heard these predictions throughout the years. I don’t believe the dates. I like to listen. I want to be open. But I’m of the school of ‘let’s wait and see.’”
“I think we have a bit more time. There are scenarios that need to mature. I think that we’re close. Anyone who believes in the Torah and the Bible can see that we’re in the End of Days period, but my opinion is that it’s not going to happen in the next three weeks.”
Credit to breakingisraelnews.com
More Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man: "This Time, They’re Coming For Your Democracy"
Twelve years ago, John Perkins published his book, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, and it rapidly rose up The New York Times’ best-seller list. In it, Perkins describes his career convincing heads of state to adopt economic policies that impoverished their countries and undermined democratic institutions. These policies helped to enrich tiny, local elite groups while padding the pockets of U.S.-based transnational corporations.
Perkins was recruited, he says, by the National Security Agency (NSA), but he worked for a private consulting company. His job as an undertrained, overpaid economist was to generate reports that justified lucrative contracts for U.S. corporations, while plunging vulnerable nations into debt. Countries that didn’t cooperate saw the screws tightened on their economies. In Chile, for example, President Richard Nixon famously called on the CIA to “make the economy scream” to undermine the prospects of the democratically elected president, Salvador Allende.
If economic pressure and threats didn’t work, Perkins says, the jackals were called to either overthrow or assassinate the noncompliant heads of state. That is, indeed, what happened to Allende, with the backing of the CIA.
Perkins’ book has been controversial, and some have disputed some of his claims, including, for example, that the NSA was involved in activities beyond code making and breaking.
Perkins has just reissued his book with major updates. The basic premise of the book remains the same, but the update shows how the economic hit man approach has evolved in the last 12 years. Among other things, U.S. cities are now on the target list. The combination of debt, enforced austerity, underinvestment, privatization, and the undermining of democratically elected governments is now happening here.
I couldn’t help but think about Flint, Michigan, under emergency management as I read The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man.
I interviewed Perkins at his home in the Seattle area. In addition to being a recovering economic hit man, he is a grandfather and a founder and board member of Dream Change and The Pachamama Alliance, organizations that work for “a world that future generations will want to inherit.”
Sarah van Gelder: What’s changed in our world since you wrote the first Confessions of an Economic Hit Man?
John Perkins: Things have just gotten so much worse in the last 12 years since the first Confessions was written. Economic hit men and jackals have expanded tremendously, including the United States and Europe.
Back in my day we were pretty much limited to what we called the third world, or economically developing countries, but now it’s everywhere.
And in fact, the cancer of the corporate empire has metastasized into what I would call a failed global death economy. This is an economy that’s based on destroying the very resources upon which it depends, and upon the military. It’s become totally global, and it’s a failure.
van Gelder: So how has this switched from us being the beneficiaries of this hit-man economy, perhaps in the past, to us now being more of the victims of it?
Perkins: It’s been interesting because, in the past, the economic hit man economy was being propagated in order to make America wealthier and presumably to make people here better off, but as this whole process has expanded in the U.S. and Europe, what we’ve seen is a tremendous growth in the very wealthy at the expense of everybody else.
On a global basis we now know that 62 individuals have as many assets as half the world’s population.
We of course in the U.S. have seen how our government is frozen, it’s just not working. It’s controlled by the big corporations and they’ve really taken over. They’ve understood that the new market, the new resource, is the U.S. and Europe, and the incredibly awful things that have happened to Greece and Ireland and Iceland, are now happening here in the U.S.
We’re seeing this situation where we can have what statistically shows economic growth, and at the same time increased foreclosures on homes and unemployment.
van Gelder: Is this the same kind of dynamic about debt that leads to emergency managers who then turn over the reins of the economy to private enterprises? The same thing that you are seeing in third-world countries?
Perkins: Yes, when I was an economic hit man, one of the things that we did, we raised these huge loans for these countries, but the money never actually went to the countries, it went to our own corporations to build infrastructure in those countries. And when the countries could not pay off their debt, we insisted that they privatize their water systems, their sewage systems, their electric systems.
Now we’re seeing that same thing happen in the United States. Flint, Michigan, is a very good example of that. This is not a U.S. empire, it’s a corporate empire protected and supported by the U.S. military and the CIA. But it is not an American empire, it’s not helping Americans. It’s exploiting us in the same way that we used to exploit all these other countries around the world.
van Gelder: So it seems like Americans are starting to get this. What is your sense about where the American public is in terms of readiness to do something?
Perkins: As I travel around the U.S., as I travel around the world, I see that people are really waking up. We’re getting it. We’re understanding that we live on a very fragile space station, and it’s got no shuttles; we can’t get off. We’ve got to fix it, we’ve got to take care of it, and we’re in the process of destroying it. The big corporations are destroying it, but the big corporations are just run by people, and they’re vulnerable to us. If we really consider it, the market place is a democracy, if we just use it as such.
van Gelder: I want to push back on that one a little bit because so many corporations don’t sell to ordinary consumers, they sell to other companies or to governments, and so many corporations have such an entrenched reward system where if one person doesn’t perform by exploiting the earth they’ll simply get replaced with somebody else who does.
Perkins: I’ve recently been speaking at a number of corporate conferences. I hear time after time after time that many of them want to leave a green legacy. They’ve got children, they’ve got grandchildren, they understand we can’t go on like this.
So what they say is, “Go out there, start consumer movements. What I want is to receive a hundred thousand emails from my customers saying, ’Hey, I love your product but I’m not going to buy it anymore until you pay your workers a fair wage in Indonesia, or wherever, or clean up the environment, or do something.’ And then I can take that to my board of directors and my big stockholders, to the people who really control whether I get hired or fired.”
van Gelder: I agree, and those campaigns, as you know, have been going on for decades now, and sometimes they have little incremental changes around the edge. But then we look back on it later and we see that there’s enormous resistance because of the profits to be made in continuing the system.
Perkins: I think we’ve seen tremendous changes, though. Just in the last few years, we’ve seen organic foods become very big. Twenty years ago they couldn’t make a go of it. We’ve seen women having bigger positions in corporations, and minorities, and we need to get better at this.
We’ve seen the labeling of many foods. GMOs aren’t included yet, but nutrition and calories and so forth are. And what we really need to do is convince corporations that they’ve got to have a new goal.
We’ve got to let corporations know what their job is: It’s to serve a public interest, and make a decent rate of return for investors. We need investors, but beyond that, every corporation should serve a public interest, should serve the earth, should serve future generations.
van Gelder: I want to ask you about the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and other trade deals. Is there any way that we can beat these things back so they don’t continue supercharging the corporate sphere at the expense of local democracies?
Perkins: They’re devastating; they give sovereignty to corporations over governments. It’s ridiculous.
We’re seeing terrible desperation from people in Central America trying to get away from a system that’s broken, primarily because our trade agreements and our policies toward Latin America have broken them. And we’re seeing, of course, those similar things in the Middle East and in Africa, these waves of immigrants that are swarming into Europe from the Middle East. These terrible problems that have been created because of the greed of big corporations.
I was just in Central America and what we talk about in the U.S. as being an immigration problem is really a trade agreement problem.
They’re not allowed to impose tariffs under the trade agreements—NAFTA and CAFTA—but the U.S. is allowed to subsidize its farmers. Those governments can’t afford to subsidize their farmers. So our farmers can undercut theirs, and that’s destroyed the economies, and a number of other things, and that’s why we’ve got immigration problems.
van Gelder: Can you talk about the violence that people are fleeing in Central America, and how that links back to the role the U.S. has had there?
Perkins: Three or four years ago the CIA orchestrated a coup against the democratically elected president of Honduras, President Zelaya, because he stood up to Dole and Chiquita and some other big, global, basically U.S.-based corporations.
He wanted to raise the minimum wage to a reasonable level, and he wanted some land reform that would make sure that his own people were able to make money off their own land, rather than having big international corporations do it.
The big corporations couldn’t stand for this. He wasn’t assassinated but he was overthrown in a coup and sent to another country, and replaced by a terribly brutal dictator, and today Honduras is one of the most violent, homicidal countries in the hemisphere.
It’s frightening what we’ve done. And when that happens to a president, it sends a message to every other president throughout the hemisphere, and in fact throughout the world: Don’t mess with us. Don’t mess with the big corporations. Either cooperate and get rich in the process, and have all your friends and family get rich in the process, or go get overthrown or assassinated. It’s a very strong message.
van Gelder: I wanted to ask about your time spent in Ecuador with indigenous people. I’m wondering if you could talk about how that experience has changed you?
Perkins: Many years ago when I was a Peace Corps volunteer in the Amazon with the Shuar indigenous people there, I was dying. I got very ill, and my life was saved in one night by a shaman. I’d come out of business school this is 1968, ’69, and I had no idea what a shaman was, but it changed my life by helping me understand that what was killing me was a mindset—what they would call the dream.
I spent many years studying all this, and working with many different indigenous groups, and what I saw was the power of the mindset.
The shamans teach us—the indigenous people teach us—once you change the mindset, then it’s pretty easy to have the objective reality change around it. So, instead of the kind of economy we have now, a death economy, if we can change the mindset we can very quickly move into a life economy.
van Gelder: So what are the mechanisms by which a change in consciousness actually shifts things on the ground?
Perkins: Well, in my opinion the biggest catalyst that needs to go forward to change this is we’ve got to change the corporations. We’ve got to move from that goal that was stated by Milton Friedman in the 1970s, that the only responsibility of corporations is to maximize profits regardless of social and environmental costs.
We change the big corporations by telling them we’re not going to buy from you anymore unless you change your goal. No longer should your goal be to maximize profits regardless of social and environmental costs. Make a decent rate of return for your investors, but serve us, we the people, or we’re not buying from you.
van Gelder : You quote Tom Paine in your book: “If there must be trouble let it be in my day that my child may have peace.” Why did you decide to use that quote?
Perkins : Well, I think Tom Paine was brilliant in that statement. He understood how that would impact people. And he wrote that statement in December 1776.
Washington had lost just about every battle he ever fought; he wasn’t getting any support from the Continental Congress; they weren’t giving his men guns or ammunition or even blankets and shoes, and he was bogged down at Valley Forge. Paine realizes that he’s got to somehow write something that will rally people, and there’s nothing that rallies people more than to think about their children
That to me is where we’re at right now. I’ve got a daughter and I’ve got an 8-year-old grandson. Bring on the trouble for me, OK, but let’s create a world they’re going to want to live in. And let’s understand that my 8-year-old grandson cannot have an environmentally sustainable and regenerative, socially just, fulfilling world unless every child on the planet has that.
And this is new. It used to be all we had to worry about was our local community, maybe our country. But we didn’t have to worry about the world. But what we know now is that we can’t have peace anywhere in the world, we can’t have peace in the U.S., unless everybody has peace.
Credit to Zero Hedge
Top Economist Advising Americans to Store Food, Water and to Get a Gun

Famed economist, Joseph Meyer
I interviewed famed economist, Joseph Meyer, and what he said was stunning, almost unbelievable. Yet, this economist is respect by nearly everyone.
Meyer is known for being conservative and pro-investment. You will not believe what he said to do with your investment capital including your 401k’s and pensions. You will need to be seated while you listen to this interview as you listen to the impact that Deutsche Bank will have on the American economy. The game is over and this expert tells you what you should be doing.
Credit to Common Sense
US Ends Fiscal 2016 With $1.4 Trillion Debt Increase
The United States government closed out the 2016 fiscal year that ended a few days ago on Friday September 30th with a debt level of $19,573,444,713,936.79. That’s an increase of $1,422,827,047,452.46 over last year’s fiscal year close.
That debt growth amounts to roughly 7.5% of the entire US economy. By comparison, the Marshall Plan, which completely rebuilt Western Europe after World World II, cost $12 billion back in 1948, or roughly 4.3% of US GDP at the time.
The initial appropriation for the WPA, perhaps the largest of Roosevelt’s New Deal “make work” programs that employed millions of people, cost 6.7% of US GDP. And, more recently, the US $700 billion bank bailout at the beginning of the 2008 financial crisis was the equivalent of 4.8% of GDP. So basically these people managed to increase the national debt by a bigger percentage than the cost of the New Deal, Marshall Plan, and 2008 bank bailout.
Credit to Zero Hedge
China warns Japan not to 'play with fire'
China on Thursday warned Japan against "playing with fire" in the contested waters of the South China Sea, after Tokyo announced it may patrol alongside the US in the region.
China also sent fighter planes for the first time over a strait near Japan on Monday as part of a group of more than 40 jets headed to train in the West Pacific.
The move followed remarks by Japanese Defence Minister Tomomi Inada this month that Tokyo would increase its engagement in the South China Sea through joint training with the US Navy, exercises with regional navies and capacity-building assistance to coastal nations.
The Chinese defence ministry said the aim of the announcement was "to mess up the South China Sea situation and try to gain interests from the troubled waters."
"If Japan wants to conduct any joint patrol or joint exercises in waters administered by China, it is just like playing with fire, and the Chinese military will not sit and watch," ministry spokesman Yang Yujun told a regular press briefing.
Beijing asserts sovereignty over almost all of the South China Sea, dismissing rival partial claims from its Southeast Asian neighbours. It rejects any intervention by Japan in the waterway.
Credit to YahooNews
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