The Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), which is the official, state-controlled mouthpiece of North Korea, has announced the country WILL now strike at any moment.
The official news agency statement, clouded with delusions of self-defense, makes clear their intention to attack in a way which is "beyond imagination."
Here is the official statement (Click image to enlarge)

For verification purposes, here is a link to the ORIGINAL TEXT in Korean from Here is the direct translationfrom KCNA-Watch.
30+ Missiles Deployed
North Korea has already deployed at least thirty (30) missiles with Inter-Continental Range. Several of those missiles are clearly fitted with nose-cones which could contain a nuclear warhead, but worse, quite a number of others are fitted with CHEMICAL / BIOLOGICAL "aerosol" nose cones!
Quiet discussions in Washington and Beijing are wondering if North Korea is contemplating actual suicide by "going out in a blaze of glory?"
In fact, just TODAY, London's "Sun" newspaper is running a story about how North Korea is mass-producing Biological Weapons!
Japan’s defense minister reportedly said Monday that the threat from North Korea is both “unprecedented” and “imminent.”
Itsunori Onodera pushed for “different responses” as he spoke with Defense Secretary James Mattis and South Korean Defense Minister Song Young-moo, The Associated Press reported.
Onodera's comments came during discussions in the Philippines.
“The country has steadfastly improved it nuclear and missiles capability,” Onodera said.
“The threat posed by North Korea has grown to the unprecedented, critical and imminent level,” he added.
The meeting between the officials comes ahead of President Trump’s trip to the region next month.
North Korea in July conducted two intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) tests and said last month that it had successfully tested a miniaturized hydrogen bomb that could be placed on an ICBM.
North Korea's ACTUAL Capabilities: Be Afraid. Be VERY Afraid
We in the United States are in GRAVE DANGER from North Korea. I cannot emphasize this enough. Based upon already demonstrated capabilities, they can literally "make good" on every one of their threats. It is a matter of life and death that you have these facts.
From 1993 through 2008, I, Hal Turner, worked with the FBI. In my final five years, 2003-2008, with its Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF).
In that work, I met many colleagues in various other federal agencies, whose specialties ranged from conventional explosives, to Nuclear, Biological, and Radiological Weaponry.
With all the "trash-talk" taking place regarding North Korea, I wanted to cut-through the nonsense and get the real scoop. I spoke to over a dozen of my former colleagues in the FBI, at CIA, at NSA and in the Dept. of Defense (DoD). Below is the no-nonsense analysis based upon verified and publicized information.
Be afraid, America. Be VERY Afraid. Included in this article are ways you can prepare. Don't wait. Your life may depend on it.
In December, 2009, Assistant Special Agent in Charge (ASAC), Amy Pickett, who was then the third highest-ranking person in the FBI New York City Division, testified about me under Oath in Brooklyn Federal Court. ASAC Pickett told the court that people like me handled "National Security, Terrorism and Foreign Counter Intelligence."
Think about that for minute. Think about all the things encompassed by Pickett's description of my role. As you can imagine, I interacted with very many people throughout our government as part of my role. People involved with all sorts of intricate operations, technologies and information.
Here is an analysis --WITH EVIDENCE -- of what we face from North Korea. It is beyond dangerous. A madman is on the lose with nuclear, chemical and biological weapons that can reach us here. He's repeatedly threatened to use them on us . . . here.
It will take the average person about ten minutes to read-through the words and images here. Don't skip a single word - even though some of it is highly technical. It is a matter of life and death that you have these facts.
When you're finished reading this, you will see based upon EVIDENCE (not just verbal claims), that we have no choice at all but to take immediate action to protect ourselves. War may be the _only_ answer!
Here now, the facts: (Most images can be CLICKED to Enlarge)
Kim Jong Un inspecting nuke.
This bomb has a 122 point implosion system based on a dodecahedron (12 sides). Each side in a dodecahedron is a pentagon. Within each pentagon is a circle surrounded by 5 circles. Surrounding these 6 circles is half a circle at each edge and one third of a circle at each corner. So each pentagon has [6 + 5/2 + 5/3] circles. The entire bomb has (12 x [6 + 5/2 + 5/3]) = 122 circles.
The more explosive lenses you have, the more efficient the compression, and the smaller the thickness of your lenses. This means that the bomb is smaller, and you can use less fissile material.
Fat Man (Nagasaki) had a 32 point implosion system, a soccer ball, which has 12 pentagons, 20 hexagons, and 60 vertices(corners). Subsequent designs improved on this by using a 92 point implosion system. A 92 sided ball is created by taking a soccer ball and putting hexagons centered at each of the 60 vertices; 32+60=92.
North Korea is, as far as I know, the only country to have used more than 92 lenses in a bomb, 122 in this case. Translation: This is a good bomb.
Estimates on how many bombs they can produce should focus on the high end since they need less fissile material for a bomb.
Soon after developing the 92 point implosion system the US developed two point linear implosion and two point hollow pit implosion, reducing the size and complexity of bombs. This should be the next step for North Korea if they haven't already achieved it.
North Korea first began work on a nuclear bomb in 1989. A. Q. Khan, the Pakistani expert on uranium enrichment, visited North Korea several times in the early 1990s. He claimed that North Korea's nuclear program was already advanced at this stage.
The US presented North Korea with evidence of their secret uranium enrichment program in 2002. North Korea began extracting plutonium from their reactor for nuclear bombs in the early 1990s. North Korean Weapon's of Mass Destruction outlines why we believe North Korea could have more than 100 nuclear warheads.
North Korea is the only country conducting nuclear tests. The United States last conducted a nuclear test in 1992.
The only ICBM used by the United States, the Minuteman 3, was produced in 1970 with 1960's technology. These missiles are launched with software contained on the old, large, 8-inch floppy discs. North Korea's missiles and nuclear warheads are designed with state of the art materials and computer components.
This is a Goldberg Polyhedron with T=12. The number of vertices is 20T. The number of edges is 30T. The number of faces is 10T+2. The number of faces by type is 12 pentagons and 10(T-1) hexagons. So it has 240 vertices, 360 edges, and 122 faces with 12 being pentagons and 110 being hexagons.
The picture on the Wikipedia page for this Goldberg Polyhedron, which is pictured below, is not good. It looks like there are less faces than there actually are. They should put up a more accurate picture. This is a class II polyedron with T =12. The class three polyedron has 132 sides, only ten more (T=13), but looks more accurate.
This is a 132 sided polyhedron, only ten more faces, but looks more accurate. The pentagons are shifted out of place from the 122 sided polyhedron.
It is speculated to be an electronics package, but it could be a fission boosted fusion secondary, a HYDROGEN BOMB.
The little red knobs around the rim could be external neutron guns aimed at the primary, basically miniature particle accelerators.
This configuration is similar to publicly available images of a hydrogen bomb schematic. I don't think North Korea would use an internal neutron initiator since external neutron sources offer a simpler solution. If they did, a beryllium-polonium "urchin" would be the best choice because of polonium's alpha emission rate.
Neutrons are produced when alpha particles fuse with the beryllium nucleus. Supposedly Chinese scientists claimed to have used uranium trideuteride as an internal neutron source, which doesn't seem very efficient to me.
This image was intentionally blurred by North Korea. The warhead is shaped like that because it stabilizes itself just like a badminton birdie. It probably has a spin mechanism as well. Notice there don't seem to be many cables attached to the cylinder, which means it is probably not the electronics package or power supply.
This image was intentionally blurred by North Korea. The warhead is shaped like that because it stabilizes itself just like a badminton birdie. It probably has a spin mechanism as well. Notice there don't seem to be many cables attached to the cylinder, which means it is probably not the electronics package or power supply.
As you can see from the first graphic, 14.1 MeV neutrons produced by deuterium-tritium fusion can fission U-238. You can also see from the blue band on the right, that fission produces neutrons that are high energy fast neutrons but only energetic enough to fission U-238 with a small probability, cross section. U-238, therefor, cannot sustain a fission chain reaction; the mean free path of neutrons in plutonium is greater than the radius of the plutonium core.
That means the fast neutrons produced by the deuterium-tritium boosting at the center more often than not don't encounter a nucleus until they have traveled into the U-238 tamper. There they can fission U-238. So some of the fast neutrons from the DT boosting fission plutonium directly and some fission U-238 in the tamper surrounding the core, producing more neutrons.
You can see from the second graphic that fissioning U-238 from an incident 14.1 MeV neutron from DT fusion produces 4 neutrons on average. This applies to U-235 as well.
Plutonium seems to produce closer to 5 neutrons from a 14.1 MeV incident neutron. The fission of Pu-239 from fission produced neutrons produces on average 2.9 neutrons. The fission of U-235 from fission produced neutrons produces on average 2.5 neutrons. The presence of the beryllium reflector surrounding the U-238 tamper reflects neutrons back toward the core, enhancing the chain reaction.
After the secondary starts compressing, neutrons from the atomic explosion of the primary are introduced into the supercritical fissile "spark plug".
The lithium produces tritium from the neutrons that are produced by the "spark plug". The fissioning "spark plug" also heats the compressing fusion fuel and compresses it more since it starts to expand while the tamper is compressing it from the outside, resulting in DT fusion.
This fusion produces 14.1 MeV neutrons that can also fission the U-238 tamper.
The fissioning U-238 also produces neutrons and heat which help with the fusion of the fusion fuel. Some designs use U-235 as the tamper in the secondary. It will fission more than a U-238 tamper because not only does it produce 4 neutrons when fissioned by 14.1 MeV neutrons like U-238, but it fissions itself with the lower energy neutrons produced by fission ( chain reaction ). Using U-235 should offer better performance for heating and introducing neutrons from the outside of the fusion fuel while the "spark plug" heats and introduces neutrons from the inside.
One possible design that nobody ever talks about that North Korea could have is the sloika (Слойка), which was the fourth nuclear bomb the Soviet Union tested, RDS-6s.
The fission core is surrounded by alternating layers of deuterium-tritium gas and uranium 238. Deuterium-tritium fusion occurs in the sandwiched layers, and the fast neutrons that this produces fissions some of the uranium 238.
"Joe 4," as the bomb was called in the West, had a fusion percentage of 15 to 20% resulting in a 400 kiloton yield mostly from fast fission of uranium 238. So the fusion yield is 1/5 of 400 kt which is 80 kt. If the fissile core yield is 20 kt, that means 300 kt or 75% of the yield is from the fissioning of the normally nonfissile U-238, depleted uranium. This design was improved by replacing the deuterium-tritium gas in the layers with lithium deuteride, RDS-27.
The neutron environment from the fissioning core produces tritium from the lithium. This bomb had a yield of 250 kilotons. The Sloika has been denigrated a lot since it is not considered a true hydrogen bomb and the fusion yield is smaller and can't be scaled up. This design is a lot simpler than the Teller-Ulam configuration, and 250 kilotons is a large yield. Why wouldn't North Korea build this bomb? You are turning a 20 kiloton bomb into a 250 kiloton bomb, and no additional fissile material is necessary; just lithium deuteride and depleted uranium.
This is a hydrogen bomb blast:
I don't understand why North Korea hasn't conducted an atmospheric nuclear test. They could learn valuable information from doing so, and it would send a message. They are going to be sanctioned anyway. A multimegaton test may require them to conduct it in the atmosphere or underwater.
The warhead contains MIRVs ( Multiple Independently-targetable Reentry Vehicles).
The first stage is a thicker version of the Hwasong 12's single stage with a new, more powerful engine and has four verniers (steering engines) as well. The second stage is probably solid fueled and derived from the Pukguksong 2. This means they don't have to worry about fueling four tanks with liquids, just two.
The interstage between the first and second stages has 8 thrusters. I think these are used to keep the transition between the first and second stages smooth when the first stage starts to putter out and may also be used for steering.
The length of the first stage is the same as the length of the single stage of the Hwasong 12, but the width is larger and the engine more powerful. Since it is lifting a larger mass ( a second stage plus warheads ), I think they tried to match the performance of the first stage to that of the Hwasong 12, which can hit the west coast of the United States. North Korea claims their ICBM can hit any location on the planet. I believe them.
The second stage solid fuel burn produces white vapor.
The second stage solid fuel burn produces white vapor.
This is what the Pentagon calls the KN-14. The North Koreans call it Hwasong 13.
The first stage is identical to the KN-08, which is also called Hwasong13. The second stage is a little longer and tapered.
This missile has a biological warhead for dispersing either anthrax, aerosolized plague, or aerosolized smallpox, or a combination of biological agents.
The warhead has a ring of nozzles for delivery of the agents. The blunt tip of the warhead and the fat rounded fins slow down the warhead on reentry, allowing precise delivery of the agents.
Such a large warhead probably includes countermeasures and refrigeration if needed.
North Korea has several types of biological agents. They would have to develop specialized warheads to deliver them. I don't know the range of this missile. It's warhead should have substantially less mass than a nuclear warhead, meaning the missile can travel farther, reaching the continental US, which is why it only has two stages.
A small portion of the stockpile.
The Hwasong 12 intermediate range missile is a single stage liquid fueled missile with one main engine and four steering engines. The four verniers provide additional thrust making it what the North Koreans call a "medium long range missile".
Canistered ICBMs. The purpose of canisters is to protect the launch vehicle from the exhaust plume.
Vehicles that carry canistered missiles don't have protective plating covering the wheels while the non-canistered vehicles do. This practice was put into place after a missile test damaged a launch vehicle.
The test of the Hwasong14 ICBM was an exception to this. The vehicle did not have protection for its wheels, and the missile was not canistered. However, the vehicle was separated from the erected missile and its platform for the launch.
North Korea Hell March 2017
DPRK Military Parade 2017
DPRK Military Parade 2017
North Korea tested a heat shield for a nuclear warhead. They put it under the exhaust of a rocket firing, producing temperatures much greater than ballistic reentry.
North Korea also has a mobile intermediate range nuclear missile, Hwasong10 (Musudan by Pentagon), for use on the Korean peninsula and the western Pacific region: Japan, Guam, etc. It has a longer range than the Ro Dong which can hit all of South Korea and Japan.
The only advantage to having this missile is the ability to hit Guam.
The Musudan is derived from the Soviet SLBM (Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile), R-27 Zib(Зыбь), meaning "swell" as in ocean swell. It uses a hypergolic mixture of UDMH (unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine) and N2O4 (nitrogen tetroxide). The two chemicals spontaneously combust when mixed together.
The Musudan is a longer version of the R-27, meaning longer range. It only has two steering engines. Making it longer caused it to become unstable leading to failures. They increased the stability by adding grid fins.
It is possible that the Musudan is actually a submarine launched missile that is being tested on land or has dual use as a submarine and land based missile.
North Korea has more than 70 submarines of various types. If they wanted to hit the east coast of the United States with the submarine-launched Pukguksong they would have to get their submarines into the Atlantic off the east coast of the United States. With submarine-launched Musudans they wouldn't have to leave the Pacific. They could park their submarines off the southern tip of Mexico or northern Central America.
North Korea has a two stage, solid fueled medium range nuclear missile, the Pukguksong-2. This missile is a wider, land based version of their solid fueled SLBM, the Pukguksong.
Since it is solid fueled, its preparation for launch time is very short. Plus, it has a tracked TEL (Transporter Erector Launcher), which the North Koreans referred to as "caterpillar".
The caterpillar should be able to travel over rugged terrain and hide from spy satellites.
The North Koreans claim this missile tested maneuvers to defeat a missile defense system.
Pukguksong 2 truck canister?
Pukguksong 2 truck canister?
Notice that the tip of the Pukguksong is identical to the tested heat shield.
North Korea launched the Pukguksong from their Gorae (also called Sinpo) class submarine which has one or two launch tubes.
They bought 10 Golf class submarines "for scrap" from Russia in 1993. These have three launch tubes each.
If North Korea gets all the Golf submarines and the Sinpo submarine in working order, they can launch 31 or 32 nuclear missiles from these submarines. They may be constructing more submarines.
Notice the wound plastic composite filaments in this close-up. This material has a higher strength to weight ratio than aluminum.
Look. It's the Kwangmyongsong 3.2 satellite. What a strange configuration of solar panels.
This is in a polar orbit that brings it over the United States twice a day. So is the other one. It's probably a coincidence that it is at the perfect altitude for an EMP covering the continental US, 300 miles.
The Kwangmyongsong 4 satellite was launched atop the Unha-3 space launch vehicle. North Korea continues to develop their space program with a larger space launch vehicle in development.
This video is best watched in full screen on a wide screen monitor. It shows North Korea's vision for the future of their space program.
North Korea now has a medium range antiship ballistic missile, the KN-17, developed from the Scud. The fins near the tip allow for greater maneuverability and accuracy. It was announced that the first test of this missile had a drift of 7 meters. That's 7 meters from the point it was designed to impact. That is very good accuracy. The missile is 11 meters in length. If the target had been an aircraft carrier, that would have been a direct hit.
North Korea also has an antiship cruise missile that can be launched from ship or mobile tracked TEL.
The highly accurate, nuclear capable Toksa short range solid fueled missile is the Soviet OTR-21 Tochka(точка). Is this how North Korea learned to produce solid fuel for their Pukguksong 1 and 2?
North Korea also has a domestically produced version of the S-300 air defense system.
North Korea has the world's longest range MLRS ( Multiple Launch Rocket System ). The indigenously produced KN-09 300mm MLRS consists of two pods containing 4 rockets each.
The rockets have a range of 200km, covering half of South Korea, and putting Daejeon in range, where the joint US-South Korea military headquarters of the army, navy, and air force is located.
The rockets have two control fins on their heads, a guidance characteristic of the American M31 GMLRS that has four small wings attached to the head of the rocket for accuracy. These rockets are also equipped with imagery-guidance and GPS systems.
Nuke your own city with the NUKEMAP! Make sure to use advanced settings.
Click on the map for a zoomable map of the predicted nuclear strike zones, fallout patterns, and power plant and FEMA locations.
The safest location in a building is the one which puts the most material between you and the atmosphere outside that is emitting gamma rays.
Those who survive the nuclear attacks and radioactive fallout have biological weapons to contend with.
Anthrax bacterium( bacillus anthracis ) is one of the biological weapons that North Korea possesses.
Anthrax exists in two forms, live bacterium and spores. Live bacteria can be stored in a liquid. Live bacteria develop into spores that can remain dormant for thousands of years when the environmental conditions become hostile.
Anthrax is weaponized in two ways, genetic modification to make it have a higher mortality once an individual is infected, and improving its transmissability by altering its physical characteristics.
Genetic modification would strive to make the bacterium resistant to antibiotics, chemicals, heat, and cold.
Anthrax's transmissibility is increased by developing the right size spores, around 10 nm, so that they get lodged in the alveoli of the lungs and coating the spores with silicon so that they don't clump together, which makes the very fine powder behave like a gas, penetrating nooks and crannies, anything that is not airtight.
Weaponized anthrax can pass through paper, which happened with the envelopes during the 2001 anthrax attacks against liberal media and Democratic senators who were getting ready to vote on the Patriot Act during George Bush's Presidency.
Anthrax can infect a person through the breathing in of spores, skin contact with live anthrax or spores, or ingesting live anthrax or spores.
Anthrax infections are of three types: cutaneous, inhalation, and gastrointestinal.
Anthrax produces a toxin, cleverly called "lethal toxin".
Symptoms of anthrax infection include chest discomfort, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, flu-like symptoms, small painless lesions that become black and necrotic, fever, vomiting of blood, bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain, compromised breathing due to lesions in the throat, mouth sores, inflammation of the intestinal tract, loss of appetite.
Smallpox virus( variola ) is another biological weapon that North Korea possesses.
Smallpox probably has been genetically engineered to defeat vaccines.
Smallpox is spread by droplets in the air from coughing or sneezing, person to person contact, or by bodily fluids on surfaces.
It can't remain alive in the environment indefinitely, however.
People with smallpox develop pox, which look like pimples. These turn into scabs with time.
Smallpox can be transmitted through scabs, and this is one of the crude pathways to weaponization.
Several bodily fluids can be used to spread smallpox.
The Soviet Union developed an aerosolized version of smallpox from infected chicken eggs requiring refrigerated warheads.
This is probably how North Korea does it. Symptoms of smallpox include back and muscle pain, fever, malaise, chills, rashes, bumps, blisters, scabs, scars, headache, and vomiting.
Plague( Yersinia Pestis bacterium )[Y-PESTIS] is another biological weapon in North Korea's arsenal.
Plague, or Black Death, is spread by infected fleas, rat fleas or human fleas.
Historically, Plague has been spread intentionally through rats and catapulting infected bodies over the walls of castles.
The Japanese used Plague as a biological weapon during World War II by placing infected fleas in canisters of flour and dropping them on the enemy.
Rats would eat the flour and catch the infected fleas.
Modern weaponized plague is in the form of an aerosolized liquid containing the bacteria.
Plague manifests in three forms, pneumonic, bubonic, and septicemic.
The symptoms of plague include malaise, fatigue, body aches, sore throat, cough (possibly with blood), enlarged lymph nodes ( buboes, hence bubonic plague), puss and bleeding of lymph nodes, blackish skin, headache, fever, stiff neck, seizures, confusion, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, blackened or tarry stool.
Ebola virus is another biological weapon that North Korea probably possesses. They mentioned it by name in 2015 when they accused the US of creating it, which means they probably have it.
Ebola virus causes hemorrhagic fever, bleeding from the eyes, ears, and other orifices, and has a very high mortality rate.
It is spread through bodily fluids, usually from direct person to person contact.
It can be contracted from droplets suspended in the air or from surfaces, but doesn't last long in the environment.
Genetic engineering would strive to make it resistant to vaccines, chemicals, and the environment.
The main problem with ebola is that it is very fragile.
Aerosolizing it would probably damage the virus, and it wouldn't last long in the environment.
It's possible that a genetically engineered virus could last longer in a liquid, but you would essentially have to get people to drink it.
Ebola's strength is it's ability to spread because of its variable incubation time. Its incubation period varies from person to person, from 3 days to as long as three weeks.
Any attack would probably involve secretly infecting large numbers of people in many cities. This could be done by SLEEPER CELLS from North Korea, already here in the United States.
Symptoms of ebola infection include headache, fever, fatigue, sore throat, muscle pain, bleeding from eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, rash, diarrhea, vomiting, internal and external bleeding, impaired liver and kidney function.
The Soviet strategy for World War 3 was to attack the survivors with warheads containing several different kinds of biological agents.
If a person is infected with multiple viruses and bacteria, several different remedies for each biological agent probably could not be administered at the same time.
A cure for one disease could make another disease worse. Injections would have side effects. Several injections could kill. Animals would be infected as well, eliminating the food supply, causing starvation.
Everything this man is wearing should be in your wardrobe.
This is usually where my mind is.
He will save us? The left-wing thinks talking this out is the best course of action. They actually believe people like Kim Jung Un, with his clean, orderly society, actually gives a crap what someone like Dennis Rodman says. We think Rodman serves only to amuse Kim Jung Un, or reinforce how superior the North Koreans are to Americans.
North Korea has spent the last 60+ years preparing for war to take revenge upon us for losing the Korean War. They have made horrifying progress toward their goal.
North Korea has spent the last 60+ years preparing for war to take revenge upon us for losing the Korean War. They have made horrifying progress toward their goal.
Unless the United States takes military action RIGHT NOW to destroy this threat, North Korea could actually win.
In any case, YOU need to be prepared for what is likely coming.
Over the past ten years, US Customs records confirm that ten thousand people from North Korea have actually obtained a VISA to travel to the US. Most were high ranking Communist Party officials coming here on business.
But out of those ten thousand, 1,214 over-stayed their VISA and did NOT leave the US. No one knows where they are.
Presuming for a moment they are SLEEPER CELLS sent here by North Korea, here is what they would be instructed to do in the event of war with the U.S.:
Bomb critical highway bridges to disrupt the flow of goods and services and frighten the population.
Bomb key railroad bridges to stop the flow of commerce and weapons supplies.
Bomb key electrical grid junctions to black out vast areas of our country.
Poison public water supplies.
and, if North Korea sees that it is LOSING . . . . to release BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS inside the US to take as many of us down with them as they can.
Worse, any release of Bio-Weapons will result in a QUARANTINE! If you do not have food in your house once a QUARANTINE is enacted, you won't have any way to GET food; all the stores and shops will be closed. No food deliveries. Think about it. A QUARANTINE lasts for a MINIMUM of 2 weeks, and USUALLY for 42 days. Do you and your family have enough food at home to live 42 days?
These people are already here. Now. Inside America. YOU had better be prepared or YOU will die.
I earnestly hope my fellow Americans have heeded my long-offered advice to prepare themselves. We WILL be attacked here; IN AMERICA by North Korean "Sleeper Cells."
You and your family absolutely MUST prepare. You MUST have:
An Emergency Food Supply
An Emergency Water Supply
Filter Masks to protect from inhaling radiation particles or Chemical/Biological Weapons
Swimmer masks or waterproof goggles to protect our eyes from Nuclear/Chemical/Biological Weapons
A source of Emergency Electrical power: A generator, or an INVERTER to convert DC car batteries to AC electric, or Solar panels with batteries and an INVERTER.
Spare Fuel: For your car(s), Trucks, Emergency Generator fuel supply etc.
CASH MONEY ON HAND -- Puerto Rico got hit by a hurricane and here we are ten days later, the banks and ATM's are all still closed and offline. Credit cards don't work. Debit Cards don't work. What few stores are open won't accept checks. CASH IS KING. Such will be the case nationwide in the USA if we get hit here by North Korean attacks. No cash? No nothing for you. Have some cash on-hand. Not to pay bills, but to rely upon in an emergency so you can survive.
Emergency HEAT. We are rapidly approaching the onset of Winter. You should have at least ONE source of Emergency heat. Perhaps a Kerosene Heater with spare fuel? SOMETHING is better than nothing. If war hits here . . . and attacks here in the USA are ___ LIKELY ____ you'd better have a way to keep warm if all the electric is out and if gas lines are sabotaged stalling your furnace.
Emergency Communications: Again I refer to Puerto Rico because it is an actual, ONGOING, situation and a prime example of how screwed-up things get when disaster strikes. People on that island can't get cellular or wi-fi, have no phones and no electric; thus cannot communicate with their loved ones. Don't be like them.
- Get yourself a CB radio ($29) and antenna for each car, and a CB radio and antenna for your house. CB does not require a license, is good for several miles and can keep you in touch with your loved ones during a disaster.
- Better yet, get yourself Family-Radio-Service (FRS) walkie talkies. ($15 ea.) They're only two watts, and the range is very limited (1/2 mile at most) but it will keep you in touch with family members nearby.
Make certain you have spare medicine to live on. Some folks take specific medicines without which they cannot live. For instance, one member of my family had a Thyroid removed due to cancer. That person MUST take a Thyroid replacement drug once a day. Without that medicine, my family member will die by day five of no medicine. Have a month or longer supply of such vital medicines on-hand.
Here's the worst part:
The worst part of this situation is that you cannot tell ANYONE that you have made preparations. The overwhelming majority of people simply will not take _any_ steps to prepare. And when disaster strikes, they will come knocking on YOUR door, begging for help.
Many of you will find yourselves in a situation where people you've known for years, come begging you for food and you'll face a stark choice: Feed THEM, or feed YOURSELF. They had a chance to prep but didn't. They made that choice, they have to live (or die) from it. Only the strong survive. The weak and weak-minded do not.
If you make the mistake of bragging or telling anyone that you're making preparations, they'll stick that in the back of their minds and do nothing, figuring they can come to YOU when the SHTF. ANd if you make yet another mistake of actually giving any of them food, THEY WILL TELL OTHERS! You'll quickly find yourself totally swamped by desperate, hungry people.
HAVE FIREARMS and AMMUNITION You should have a firearm to protect yourself and your family. When the ignorant masses start getting hungry, first they'll _ask_ for food; then they'll come to TAKE IT. You had better be ready to fend-off these predators.
Prepping Options
Below are SOURCES via AMAZON for the items I have mentioned above. I am NOT the Seller of any of these items. In the interest of full disclosure, I WILL earn a $1 or $2 Commission if you buy things via my web site, but the price you pay is the same whether you buy it through my site, or directly thru AMAZON. My Commission comes out of the seller profit, so your price is not affected. Whether you buy through my site or somewhere else, just make sure you have these preps!
Time is of the essence. Once hostilities commence, things will get incredibly bad, incredibly fast. There won't be any time to cover your ass once everyone in the country is trying to cover theirs. Store shelves will be emptied in hours. Gas stations will be empty too (just like we all saw last month when Hurricane Irma hit Florida, and "the masses" waited until one day before to even THINK of getting fuel. Thousands of them found empty gas stations. Don't be like them.
Credit to