Wednesday, May 3, 2017
The Real Reason for Attacking North Korea

“In the most extreme circumstances we have made it very clear that you can’t rule out the use of nuclear weapons as a first strike.”Michael Fallon, British Defense Minister BBC Today April 25, 2017
The political whores are speaking. They are willing to use nuclear weapons as a first option against nations that they do not agree with. North Korea is on the verge of being nuked. And when the nations of the world, acting at the behest of the bankers will soon turn their attention to Iran in a similar fashion. Iran’s moment will come after Syria is eliminated because the way to conquer Iran is through Syria. And isn’t it also interesting that Syria’s Assad is cast in the same light as North Korea? This is pure insanity!
Is it just a coincidence that Iran and North Korea, cast in the same light as insane warmongers are also two of three remaining nations that do not belong to the Rothscchild family of central banks where debt servitude keeps nations in bondage to the banksters from Brussels?
First There Were Seven, Then There Were Three, Then There Will Be the New World Order
In the year of 2000 there were seven countries without a Rothschild owned Central Bank:
- Afghanistan
- Iraq
- Sudan
- Libya
- Cuba
- North Korea
- Iran
The only countries left in 2003 without a Central Bank owned by the Rothschild Family were:
- Sudan
- Libya
- Cuba
- North Korea
- Iran
After 9/11, the only countries left in 2011 without a Central Bank owned by the Rothschild Banking Family are:
- Cuba
- North Korea
- Iran
Every country on the Rothschild defiance list, has been invaded by the United States, or is about to be invaded. In other words, and some will not find this the least bit shocking, every war of occupation that the US has fought has been done son on behalf of the Rothschild Banking Cartel.
Lessons From JFK
Most JFK assassination researchers will claim that JFK was assassinated in order to accomplish three primary goals. All of the following events happened within 9 months of JFK’s death
- Reversal of JFK’s nuclear test ban as LBJ produced order more nuclear weapons produced in American history and this happened with in three months of JFK’s murder. The military industrial complex (MIC) was happy as were their interlocked bankstr allies
- Reversal of JFK’s “stay of out of Vietnam policy”. This was acccomplished through the assassination of the leaders of both Vietnam and the United States, carried out by the CIA, less than 3 weeks apart. Vietnam was a cash cow for the establishment banks and MIC. For example, Rockefeller owned Chevrolet, received the bulk of defense contracts for the Vietnam was as a middleman. The profits were enormous. Following the phony Gulf of Tonkin non-event, the U.S. had 100,000 combat troops stationed in South Vietnam. This was accomplished in only 9 months. Keep in mind, that JFK had even announced that the combat advisors would be brought home the following year.
- JFK had great disdain for the debt enslavement system of the Federal Reserve. He ordered the production of silver certificates which threatened the monopoly of the Federal Reserve. And of course, when JFK was murdered, the threat disappeared.
Here is an historical and more detailed description of how the JFK assassination is very descriptive of what is going on with regard to North Korea, Syria and Iran.
When we look at the historial pattern, can there be any doubt as to who is really running the Deep State and ultimately our country?
Modern Threats to Peace: Why Syria?
Russian troops are pouring into Syria. Russia is beefing up both Syria’s and Iran’s surface-to-air missile defense system. Why? Because the Russians, the Syrians and the Iranians know what is coming. Taking Syria is the key to taking Iran. Iran is a special prize. First, Iran is damaging the Petrodollar of the Federal Reserve by selling oil, for gold, to the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa).
Another Historical Example: The Overthrow of Gaddafi

The government of Gaddafi brought the Libyan government from poverty and debt, to prosperity and debt-free status in 41 years. In Libya, healthcare was free and Libyan pharmacies and hospitals were comparable to high-grade European medical facilities. This contrasts with America, where our death by doctor fatalities reached 225,000 last year.
Unlike America, where we horde our wealth to the tune of $128 trillion of underground resources (e.g. oil, natural gas, etc.), Gaddafi’s oil-revenue-sharing program helped bring a good measure of prosperity to each Libyan as they receive $500 (Dollars) deposited into his or her bank account each month. Did you know that if the first bail out to Wall Street had been applied to America’s home mortgages, all Americans would now own their homes free and clear? Speaking of homes, when Libyans married, each couple were gifted $60,000 to do with as they please. In America, we double tax our couples under the so-called marriage penalty tax.
Unlike America, where college tuition costs rose at a rate eight times faster than the cost of living, Education from grade school through to college is free in Libya and the Libyan government paid for college students to study specialty subjects overseas.
Libya gives free land and seeds to anyone who wants to farm that land. In America, we “swat team” raw dairy farmers, organic food producers and the Amish. Meanwhile, farmers are increasingly being forced to use unlabeled, cancer-causing, GMO seeds. Forty loaves of bread cost just $0.15 at the time of Libya’s revolution. The prices for our food staples have more than doubled over the past 18 months.
At the time of Gaddafi’s assassination, the price of gas was around $0.14 per gallon. The major reason gas prices exploded is because our dollar was losing value. You say oil prices have stabilized and have actually decreased? You are correct and that is because we are in the deflationary phase before the dollar finally dies a natural death. The world is running from the dollar. The stock market is greatly escalating. If you know your 1929 history, you know what lies next.
Unlike American mothers, Libyan working mothers formerly enjoyed a range of benefits including cash bonuses for children, free day care, free health care centers, and retirement at 55. The peole of Libya had too much freedom and too much economic independence. They had to brought down and this is exactly what is going on today and this is what our foreign policy is supporting.
The Middle East Wars Really About Forcing the World Into Dollars and Private Central Banking
I have interviewed attorney Ellen Brown on several occasions and she argues, in the Asia Times, that Libya, like Iraq, under Hussein, challenged the supremacy of the dollar and the Western banks. The Bush plan to take out seven countries in five years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran. On the periphery of this enemies list is also Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea.
Isn’t that interesting that these Axis of Evil nations, as we have called them, have one thing in common. What is it that these countries have in common? In the context of banking, one fact that sticks out is that none of these countries are listed among the 56 member banks of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). This puts them outside the long regulatory arm of the central bankers’ central bank in Switzerland. To some degree, the avoidance of being a debt slave to the central banksters is not permitted and such violators risk having the full force of the US military being brought down upon them to enforce the “right” for the central bankers to force involuntary servitude as their holy order.
Lincoln attempted to use Greenbacks as currency and was shot in the head.JFK printed “C-notes” which would have eventually debased the Federal Reserve Dollar and he was also shot in the headHussein was selling only for Euro’s not the Petrodollar and now he’s deadGaddafi was talking about a gold Dinar and not using the Petrodollar and now he’s dead.Soon, Assad of Syria will be dead for the same reasons.Soon the North Korea leadership will be dead.Iranian leadership is selling oil for gold to Russia, China and India. Soon Iran will be invaded and their leaders will be killed with the commencement of WW III.Growing Up Under the Power of the Bankers
Our young adult children have inherited the economic work ruled by debt slavery. I have written before that there are 317,000 waiters and waitresses with college degrees and this accompanies the 160,000 custodians who also have college degrees and are significantly under-employed. One third of young adults in the 20’s and early thirties live with their parents and that is because the college loan debt is astronomical.
Sociology experts are warning that these unfair economic practices will have grave implications for everything from social cohesion to family formation. This is the goal of the globalists. The modern day founding father of Sociology, Amatai Etzioni, once said “the family can exist without the state, however, the state cannot exist without the family”.
The most effective way to destroy American sovereignty and usher in the New World Order is to destroy the family. Destroying the family, will destroy the country. Unlike Gaddafi’s Lybia, the government is NOT lifting a finger to help the families of the middle class. For that matter, this administration is irreparably destroying the under-class by keeping them addicted to welfare.
Isn’t destroying the family one of the primary goals of Satan?
Credit to Common Sense
New Russian Super Weapons That Are Causing The World To Take Notice
Russia has been dominating the news headlines of late, and for all the wrong reasons. But did you know that they have been drastically increasing their military spending over the past decade? It’s true. While current and previous U.S. administrations have eschewed the Russian threat as being less dangerous than it is, we are seeing something seriously noteworthy take place in Vladimir Putin’s nation.
This is the KNOWN new generation of “super weapons,” Russia is beginning to turn heads all over the world. Here are some of the technological marvels we’re talking about.
Sukhoi PAK FA T-50


It looks straight out of Mad Max, but it’s not. This is the high-tech helmet worn by T-50 pilots.
The cockpit of the T-50 is full of next level technology, but this heads-up display acts as its own computer screen for the pilots and it’s simply attached to their helmets.
Technological Beast

A quarter of the aircraft’s body weight is made of composite materials that help reduce its overall weight.
Sharp angles help minimize its radar detection, making it tough to be spotted from far away distances.

The Saturn izdeliye 117 engines provide vectored thrust for the plane. The engines originated as part of the original AL-41F program which was launched way back in 1982.

The F-22 Raptor is the U.S.’s stealth fighter, but how would it fare against the T-50? Both aircraft can supercruise, but the Raptor can go faster at Mach 1.8 compared to the T-50’s Mach 1.6.
In terms of maneuverability, the T-50 takes the cake. The F-22 Raptor might be the most maneuverable of the American fighter jets, but it doesn’t quite meet the standard of the T-50.
We’d have to give the Russian jet a slight advantage in a dogfight, especially thanks to its advanced helmet-mounted targeting capabilities. However, a long range fight might be different.

A long range battle could provide a different outcome. The T-50’s three-dimensional thrust vector nozzles could give away its location to an F-22 pilot, allowing them to attack from miles away.
Additionally, the F-22 can carry six AIM-120 missiles compared to the T-50’s four missiles. Chances are that the F-22 could take it down from a far away distance.

Russia’s newest super tank is greatly disturbing for western nations.
According to a UK Ministry of Defence report, “[the T-14] certainly deserves its billing as the most revolutionary tank in a generation.”

Its 2A82-1M cannon puts enemies to shame with the capability of firing between 10 and 12 rounds per minute.
This could potentially overpower the armor on existing NATO tanks.

The APS enables the T-14 to swat away attacks that are at speeds exceeding Mach 5. This technology can also hinder the targeting systems associated with anti-tank guided missiles.
It’s time for western nations to play catch up.

This single seat fighter aircraft is slightly beyond a fourth generation but not quite considered a fifth generation fighter.
The child of the Su-27, the 35S is supposed to hold down the fort until the T-50 is ready to go.

There’s no scarier phrase than “intercontinental ballistic missile.” Indeed, ICBMs are not here to play around. They have a range of between 1,240 and 6,520 miles (twice the size of the United States).
Each one is 68.6 feet long and can carry up to 10 independently targetable, massive warheads.

Russia is downright sneaky about their placement of nuclear warheads. Rumor has it that the next generation of missiles will be submarine launched.

At least three submarines from Russia’s Borei class are in active service. A pair are in Russia’s Pacific fleet, while another one sits in Russia’s Northern fleet.
By 2020, Russia plans on having eight subs in active service.

It’s not just the ocean where Russia’s military is making strides. They are also adding new and improved helicopters to the mix.
This Shipunov 2A42 is the primary weapon on the Mi-28N helicopter. It can be fired automatically.

Added to the Russian army’s fleet in 2006, this mean looking chopper is expected to be improved in the coming years.
As early as 2017, Russia is expected to test a new fifth-generation edition of this flier.

The Mi-28N is going to kiss tanks goodbye. It carries eight anti-tank guided missiles on either side, packing a punch equivalent to 16 pounds of TNT.

Perhaps the most intimidating of all Russia’s new super weapons, the Ka-52 Alligator doesn’t travel as fast as the Mi-28NM, but it might be the most intimidating in appearance.
A close family member of the older Ka-50 “Black Shark,” look for the Ka-52 to make waves in the near future.
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The Royal Navy's latest submarine can go round the world without surfacing and hit targets 750 miles away with cruise missiles
Pictured edging out of her dry dock at Barrow-in-Furness, today preparations began to get the Royal Navy's latest submarine water-ready ahead of its first trip in the sea.
She has been ten years in the making but now the 318ft long, 7,400 tonne nuclear-powered HMS Audacious took her first trip in water on Friday, April 28, during a floating out ceremony in Cumbria. She will then start her testing program, before leaving Barrow for sea trials next year.
Part of a £1billion project, Audacious is the fourth out of seven astute class submarines commissioned by the Government to set a new standard in weapons.
When armed with Tomahawk cruise missiles, she will be capable of striking targets up to 750 miles from the coast with pinpoint accuracy.

Easy does it! The hugely-proportioned HMS Audacious was taken out of its indoor ship building complex at BAE Systems today

Powerful: The 318ft long, 7,400 tonne nuclear-powered HMS Audacious has cost taxpayers more than £1billion but along with her sisters, sets a new standard in weapons load and stealth

Audacious in numbers: The giant ship is capable of striking targets with pinpoint accuracy from 750 miles away - the equivalent of aiming for a target in Spain from Plymouth, Devon
The Tomahawk cruise missiles she carries are claimed to have an accuracy of just a few metres over a range of within 1,240km, giving Artful the ability to support ground forces anywhere in the world.
More than 39,000 acoustic tiles mask the vessel's sonar signature, meaning she slips through the seas with less noise than a baby dolphin.
Yet her sonar is said to be so powerful it can detect ships leaving harbour in New York City from a listening point below the waters of the English Channel, 3,000 nautical miles away.
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Pope Francis Warns North Korean Nuclear War Could Wipe Out 'Large Part of Humanity'
Vatican leader Pope Francis has warned that a "large part of humanity" could potentially be wiped out in a nuclear conflict with North Korea, as rhetoric from dictator Kim Jong Un continues to escalate.
"It's piecemeal but the pieces are getting larger, and are concentrated in places which were already hot," Francis told reporters when he was returning to Italy from Egypt on Saturday, CNN reported.
"Today a wider war would destroy, I won't say half of humanity, but a large part of humanity and culture. It would be terrible. I don't think humanity today could bear it."
The Roman Catholic Church leader further urged the United Nations and third-party intermediaries to find a "solution through diplomatic means" and avoid war with North Korea, which has been carrying out several missile tests over the past few months in President Trump's administration, just as it did during Obama's and George W. Bush's administrations.
"I think the United Nations has the duty to resume its leadership, because it has been watered down a bit," Francis said.
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