Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Alaska, Prepare to Defend Yourselves
America will be taken down according to the following scenario: (1) A false flag, more than likely a scenario resulting in economic collapse and the destruction of the dollar. This is in line with what Dr. Walker Todd stated on the radio on March 12, 2015; (2) The implementation of martial law, perhaps involving the use of foreign troops; and (3) All out conflict.
Dr. Todd is not to be taken lightly as he was an economic consultant with 20 years of experience at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the Federal Reseve Bank of Cleveland. He is also a member of the Cato Institute‘snew Center for Monetary Financial Alternatives as one of its Adjunct Scholars. Given his background, his expressed opinions should be given very serious consideration.
If Dr. Todd’s prediction is accurate, this fits in with what other sources are saying is coming in the very near future. It has always been my position that a false flag even would be used as a pretext to invoke martial law. Martial law would then be used as the excuse to begin gun confiscation. Gun confiscation will be used disarm American citizens prior to subjugating the country by using foreign mercenaries in what could be labeled as a “Red Dawn” scenario.
We could be approaching that time as Paul Martin’s sources are telling him that all of the agencies are preparing for a massive attack upon the northeast as I write these words.
Alaska: Russia’s Portal of Entry Into the United States
There are clear economic, political and military reasons why the Russians would want to occupy Alaska. My interest in this topic surfaced quite serendipitously as a couple of listeners to my radio program sent me information on the Agenda 21 invasion of small Alaska communities, and oh, by the way, they also reported that they were seeing Russian troops in their respective communities. The adjacent maps reveals the towns where Russian troops, or there is a large contingency of Russian civilians in Alaska.

There are additional reports of Russians in and around the Alaskan town of Wasilla.
Dear Dave Hodges July 28, 2015I am a former Navy submarine operations officer. I formerly had family who lived in a sleepy Alaskan village of Wasilla. Formerly, there were repeated sightings in Wasilla and uniformed Russian soldiers up until about 2013. They are still there, but they do not come into town any longer according to those I know. Wasilla is quite obviusly a staging area for the invasion and occupation of Anchorage and Juneau.My former CO told me that we have suspended most of our submarine patrols of the Alaskan coastline. Sightings of Russian submarines by fishing vessels are now common. I have followed your website for three years. You used to write about how the coastine of Western Alaska no longer has American planes patrolling as was the case going back to the early days of the cold war. Our feeling in the Navy was that Obama had turned Alaska into a defenseless area that will serve as a forward base of operations when World War III begins. You have been saying that you expect World War III to begin in Syria. I am not so sure. I see a lot of evidence that tells me that it will start in Alaska. Simply put Dave, we can no longer defend Alaska as we have been compromised from within and from without. We are the verge of being invaded from Alaska all the way down into Canda and eventually the Northwest. In preparation for seizing Alaska, the Russians have practiced posing as highway road crews. Local law enforcement have been told to ignore these crews. I have a friend who works in a law enforcement capacity in the area. These fake road crews will allow them to disrupt communications and seize vital bridges and other assets in order to support an advancing force.You have written about Red Dawn. I believe Alaska is the launching point. When the shooting starts, Alaska will be seized by the Russians almost overnight.Keep writing Dave but know that most Americans do not give 2 shits about what is happening. Your role is to get people to think about preparation. We cannot win this war because we have been betrayed by our leaders.Jeff
Eastern Arctic Just Outside of Alaska
I have learned, from multiple sources that the Russians have moved at least one, and probably two divisions of troops into the Eastern Arctic, just outside of Alaska. This dovetails with another Russian military/political actions in recent times as we know that the Russians have established a very large presence in the Arctic, just above Alaska.

Russian troops are amassing just East of Alaska and to the North in the Southern Arctic.
I have also learned that Russians, in large numbers have crossed over into Alaska. Many are in civilian clothes and many are being housed in several closed Alaskan military bases and abandoned motels. I am told that Russian troops are being maintained in the following two closed Alaskan bases.
Site Name | City | Type | NPL Status | BRAC Round Closure | Agency |
Adak Naval Air Station | Adak | NPL/BRAC | Final | 4 | US Navy |
USARMY Fort Greely | Fort Greely | BRAC | Pending | 4 | US Army |
Further, it is not a secret that some of these forces have worked with DHS on abduction exercises in which hypothetical members of the Independent Media and uncooperative and influential politicians (i.e. just like the movie Amerika) are snatched by troops offloaded from low-flying helicopters in the middle of the night. These drills were part of Jade Helm. These drills have been coordinated in multiple locations which leads one to believe that when this scenario is acted upon, these abductions will take place on the same night.
More Supporting Documentation
I have repeatedly stressed the importance of seven Islands that Obama gave away to Russia. Please note their location. Two of the Islands are ideal for launching an invasion of Alaska. The other five Islands are serving to block access to the American navy in and around the Arctic interests of Russia.

Multiple reports from Alaskan fisherman have observed that Russian troops are occupying US/Alaska’s Wrangell Island in the Arctic which was one of the seven Islands given to Russia by Obama. This is clearly a staging area.
Interestingly, Google posted the following pictures and labeled them as “Russian military troops sighted in Alaska”
Maybe someone should be asking Google where they got these photos of what Google labels “Russian troops in Alaska”. If one does not believe that Obama is capable of facilitating this kind of treason, perhaps Obama would care to explain what happened when In March of 2012, with a microphone left on. Obama made an unguarded comment to Russian leader Dmitry Medvedev to be “more lenient on nuclear issues” because he could be more flexible “after the November election (2012)”. Does more flexible mean killing the Keystone Pipeline prior to giving away seven rich Alaskan Islands to the Russians? Obama did indeed do that. Does more flexible mean letting the Russians train in Colorado Springs and in Alaska? Obama did indeed do that too. Does being more flexible mean compromising our defense of Alaska? This is absolutely the case, as Alaska is being prepared to be conquered.
Former Soviet Union Defectors Have Warned the US
Anatoliy Golitsyn, a high-ranking KGB defector who fled to the United States in order to warn Americans about the secret Russian plan to attack the United States. Golitsyn is generally considered to be among the first and most revealing on the subject of the secret Russian plans to attack. Having authored the The Perestroika Deception in which Golitsyn wrote about the deceitful intent behind the Leninist strategy in which the present-day Communists are actively pursuing as they fake American style democratization efforts in Russia. According to Golitsyn, the short-term strategic objective of the Russians is to achieve a technological convergence with the West solely on Russian terms and mostly through a series of one-sided disarmament agreements. According to Golitsyn, after the United States military is eliminated as a strategic threat to Russia, the long-range strategic Russian plan is to pursue Lenin’s goal of replacing nation states with collectivist model of regional governments as a stepping stone to global governance. In order to achieve their final goal, Golitsyn states that Russia, after lulling America to sleep, will join with China in order to attack the United States from both the outside and inside as he detailed that …the Soviets and the Chinese will be officially reconciled and enact a “scissors strategy” in which China will attack the US through the southern border and Russia through northern border by way of Alaska. As the reader can clearly see, Obama is the catalyst in making these long-range communist plans come to fruition. Has Obama already signed Amerika’s surrender papers?
Alaskans, you would be wise to prepare to defend yourselves. The sides have been drawn and you have the misfortune of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The shooting will likely begin in Syria, but the real damage will be done in Alaska. There is one thing I neglected to mention. Nearly all of our combat troops are stationed outside of the country. In other words, we have turned off our security alarm, given away our handguns, left our doors unlocked and the windows open. It is merely a matter of time until the big bad bear from the north, comes down our collective chimneys and through our unlocked doors and windows. For today, Alaskans, prepare to defend yourselves.
Credit to Common Sense
World faces CATASTROPHIC weather from most powerful El Nino & La Nina

Scientists are now certain the powerful El Nino warming of waters off the coast of South America which set in earlier this year will be the strongest for almost 20 years and will have catastrophic knock-on effects around the world including in Britain.
El Nino is still growing rapidly with a peak forecast around Christmas and latest data suggests it will match the two strongest El Ninos ever recorded in 1997/98 and 1982/83 threatening serious consequences for the UK.
El Nino, which sees ocean temperatures in the eastern Pacific rise due to a change in wind direction, has been linked to colder than average winters in northern Europe.
However the almost unprecedented strength of the event now threatens to throw a spanner in the works next summer.
Scientists warn that rather than recovering to normal values after El Nino peaks this winter, ocean temperatures will make a dramatic swing in the other direction.

The so-called La Nina phenomenon will trigger a reversal of oceanographic conditions leading to a major cool down of the eastern Pacific.
Like its brother El Nino, La Nina - which means The Girl - can have major impacts on climatic conditions around the world.
In the tropics La Nina is linked to wetter than average conditions while in the United States the southeast and central plains are drier than normal with the northwest unusually cold.
In the UK, a particularly strong La Nina threatens to quash any hopes of a decent summer with cold and wet weather associated with the pattern.
Scientists say the exceptional strength of the current El Nino will trigger a’pendulum effect’ with an equally strong La Nina possible.
Dr Nick Klingaman, climate scientist from the Department of Meteorology at the University of Reading, said temperatures in the east Pacific are currently 2.5C above normal.
He said latest data suggests a maximum rise to 3C is likely to put the event among the three strongest on record.
Credit to Express.co.uk
21 Facts About The Explosive Growth Of Poverty In America That Will Blow Your Mind

As you will see below, poverty is reaching unprecedented levels in this country, and the middle class is steadily dying. There aren’t enough good jobs to go around, dependence on the government has never been greater, and it is our children that are being hit the hardest. If we have this many people living on the edge of despair now, while times are “good”, what are things going to look like when our economy really starts falling apart? The following are 21 facts about the explosive growth of poverty in America that will blow your mind…
#1 The U.S. Census Bureau says that nearly 47 million Americans are living in poverty right now.
#2 Other numbers from the U.S. Census Bureau are also very disturbing. For example, in 2007 about one out of every eight children in America was on food stamps. Today, that number is one out of every five.
#3 According to Kathryn J. Edin and H. Luke Shaefer, the authors of a new book entitled “$2.00 a Day: Living on Almost Nothing in America“, there are 1.5 million “ultrapoor” households in the United States that live on less than two dollars a day. That number has doubled since 1996.
#4 46 million Americans use food banks each year, and lines start forming at some U.S. food banks as early as 6:30 in the morning because people want to get something before the food supplies run out.
#5 The number of homeless children in the U.S. has increased by 60 percentover the past six years.
#6 According to Poverty USA, 1.6 million American children slept in a homeless shelter or some other form of emergency housing last year.
#7 Police in New York City have identified 80 separate homeless encampments in the city, and the homeless crisis there has gotten so bad that it is being described as an “epidemic”.
#8 If you can believe it, more than half of all students in our public schools are poor enough to qualify for school lunch subsidies.
#9 According to a Census Bureau report that was released a while back, 65 percent of all children in the U.S. are living in a home that receives some form of aid from the federal government.
#10 According to a report that was published by UNICEF, almost one-third of all children in this country “live in households with an income below 60 percent of the national median income”.
#11 When it comes to child poverty, the United States ranks 36th out of the 41 “wealthy nations” that UNICEF looked at.
#12 The number of Americans that are living in concentrated areas of high poverty has doubled since the year 2000.
#13 An astounding 45 percent of all African-American children in the United States live in areas of “concentrated poverty”.
#14 40.9 percent of all children in the United States that are being raised by a single parent are living in poverty.
#15 An astounding 48.8 percent of all 25-year-old Americans still live at home with their parents.
#16 There are simply not enough good jobs to go around anymore. It may be hard to believe, but 51 percent of all American workers make less than $30,000 a year.
#17 There are 7.9 million working age Americans that are “officially unemployed” right now and another 94.7 million working age Americans that are considered to be “not in the labor force”. When you add those two numbers together, you get a grand total of 102.6 million working age Americans that do not have a job right now.
#18 Owning a home has traditionally been a signal that you belong to the middle class. That is why it is so alarming that the rate of homeownership in the United States has been falling for eight years in a row.
#19 According to a recent Pew survey, approximately 70 percent of all Americans believe that “debt is a necessity in their lives”.
#20 At this point, 25 percent of all Americans have a negative net worth. That means that the value of what they owe is greater than the value of everything that they own.
#21 The top 0.1 percent of all American families have about as much wealthas the bottom 90 percent of all American families combined.
If we truly are “the greatest nation on the planet”, then why can’t we even take care of our own people?
Why are there tens of millions of us living in poverty?
Perhaps we really aren’t so great after all.
It would be one thing if economic conditions were getting better and poverty was in decline. At least then we could be talking about the improvement we were making. But despite the fact that we are stealing more than a hundred million dollars from future generations of Americans every single hour of every single day, poverty just continues to grow like an aggressive form of cancer.
So what is wrong?
Why can’t we get this thing fixed?
Credit to Economic Collapse
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