Monday, October 24, 2016
Experts say 5 of Russia’s Satan missiles could destroy US east coast & kill 4 million people

Visitors look at a SS-18 SATAN intercontinental ballistic missile at the Strategic Missile Forces museum near Pervomaysk, some 300 km (186 miles) south of Kiev, August 22, 2011. Reuters/Gleb Garanich
Experts warn that if Russia would unleash just five of its SS-18 missile, also known as the Satan, it could destroy the east coast of the US and kill more than 4 million people. Russia is believed to have 55 Satans, its most powerful missile, part of the largest nuclear stockpile in the world which could make the nuclear bombs dropped during World War II in Japan pale in comparison.
Just one SS-18 missile, in an apocalyptic nuclear strike, could wipe out 75 percent of New York for thousands of years, Dr Paul Craig Roberts, former assistant secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy, warns. He explains that the SS-18 missiles could carry nuclear warheads with payloads of up to 20,000 kilotons, Dailystar reports.
It is more than a thousand times powerful than the bomb dropped on Nagasaki. Roberts says at maximum payload, a direct hit on New York is capable of killing 4.5 million people, injuring another 3.6 million and send radioactive fallout covering over 600 miles. It could also be armed with 10 smaller nukes of 550 kilotons each that can spread across a wide area and almost impossible to intercept.
Roberts, in an article for the Centre for Research on Gloablization, warned Russia could easily annihilate NATO and lead to the total collapse of the western alliance. Based on FEMA predictions from the Cold War, the targets of a Russian nuclear attack would include cities with huge populations such as New York, Philadelphia, Miami, Boston, Jacksonville and Washington DC.Rebel fighters ride a military vehicle on the outskirts of Syria Democratic Forces (SDF) controlled Tell Rifaat town, northern Aleppo province, Syria October 22, 2016. Picture taken October 22, 2016. Reuters/Khalil Ashawi
A global war is imminent and could begin in two weeks, a Russian official predicted, as Russia starts air attacks on Aleppo.
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Mike Adams & Dave Hodges Being Setup by the Washington Post and NY Times

Welcome to the twisted and dishonest world of the mainstream media. Specifically, I am referring to the New York Times and the Washington Post. As far as the MSM goes, investigative journalism with regard to seeking the truth, is dead. The MSM is all about propaganda, at best, and setting people up for a fall based upon creating a false light impression, at worst.
The New York Times
People like Anderson Cooper and Wolf Blitzer of CNN would sell their birth mothers into slavery if it meant furthering a story to benefit their NWO masters (i.e. six corporations in total, who own 95% of the MSM).
Subsequently, when I was approached by a NY Times reporter about the specter of a Clinton presidency, my alarm bells went off
Request for Interview from the NY Times
Hi Dave, Jonathan Mahler of the New York Times here. We’re working on a story that looks at how Trump supporters would view a Hillary victory, and what sorts of protest movements might emerge in the event that she is elected.
I do not trust the MSM any further than I can throw them. However, I was willing to give Mr. Mahler the benefit of the doubt and I granted him an interview. I may have been born at night, but not last night, I covered my backside with a follow up email. Further, I published the following on my website and several others to establish what I indeed said and what my positions are.
JonathanPlease talking to you. For your convenience, here are my talking points in reference to your questions Dave HodgesThe Issues Surrounding Hillary
- Clinton is an illegitimate candidate from the classified emails to Benghazi. She belongs in jail, not running for President.
- There is already rampant election fraud taking place in America (e.g. 7 million democrats registered to vote in two different states, undocumented aliens being rushed to citizenship so they can vote, etc.). The people and Donald Trump have a right to challenge the election results. However, Trump expressed his potential need to challenge the vote counting etc., very poorly. One the fraud has been investigated, the candidates have an obligation to respect the results, so long as the results were fairly determined.
- How can the military follow Clinton into battle against the Russians, when she sold uranium to the Russians? I view this as treason. This event was carried in a story carried by the New York Times in 2015.
- The Clinton Foundation was given $2 billion dollars to help the people of Haiti. According to Gary Heavin, who has already spent $12 million dollars of his own money to help the Haitian people, the Clinton Foundation is nowhere to be found.
- I consistently assert that Hillary will dramatically raise taxes by $1.3 trillion and this be the death blow to an already fragile middle class.
- Hillary said she opposed free trade agreements during the debate. She is lying. As we know, she has her public and her private position. She has told Wall Street that and moderator of the 3rd debate, Chris Wallace, called her out on this point as well. Hillary is a ticking time bomb for those in the middle class whether they be Black, White, Latino, male or female, et al.
- Hillary will erase our national borders with an amnesty program and that will be the end of the sovereignty of the United States.
To the question of whether, or not, I have any knowledge of any planned protests or counter-reactions to a Clinton reaction, here is my response:
- I categorically state that if it was implied that there would be violence, I do not know of any planned events. I also would oppose such a violent response. I would support a boycott against the major banks and the big corporations who support the free trade agreements. Shop locally is what I advise. the people to do. As I have often stated, I am calling for a boycott from any institution that benefits from a free trade agreement. Do not shop or bank with the corporations. Invest your money into the local economy. Turn off CNN/Fox/ABC, it is paid for propaganda representing the financial interests behind Hillary Clinton.
- I believe that if the people are going to engage in civil disobedience, or even start a revolution, I am totally unaware of any such plans by any individual or group. I mentioned that I am fundamentally opposed to violence, due to the fact that I am a Christian. However, I say for the record that Clinton better not come after the guns because that could set off an unfortunate and unpredictable set of events.
- I am still awaiting justice for Hillary Clinton.
Lightening Strikes Twice: The Washington Post and Mike Adams
One day after my interview with the NY Times, Mike Adams contacted me and let me know that he was asked the same exact questions by a reporter from the Washington Post.
From Mike Adams:
“Dave, a WashPost reporter called me about the same topics the NYT asked you. I was extremely careful in my responses and recorded the entire conversation. Also told the WashPost guy his entire paper has zero credibility and that no one trusts the media anymore.”
I stopped believing in coincidences years ago when I discovered in the same year that the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus were not real.
Please allow me to state the obvious. It is apparent that the Main Stream Media is engaged in an orchestrated effort to discredit the Donald Trump populist movement and the media who support it. The obvious implication is that people like myself and Mike Adams will be advocating for an extreme backlash should Hillary steal the election. Nothing could be further from the truth. However, I would support legal action against the ongoing voter fraud that is taking place as I write these words.
The NY Times and the Washington Post have been reduced to a singular purpose: Their newspapers make excellent material from which one can use to housebreak their dog. Not only should we boycott the MSM, we should inform their sponsors as well.
In the final analysis, it is now clear that the MSM is attempting to blame any post-election violence on and The Common Sense Show. Undoubtedly, more truth-telling websites will be implicated in the days and weeks ahead.
Below is a brief podcast summary, which also contains additional material, that the readers may wish to forward to their contact list.
Credit to Common Sense Show
End Times Expert: This Sukkot is Transition Period Before Messianic Era
“And thou shalt observe the feast of weeks, even of the first-fruits of wheat harvest, and the feast of ingathering at the turn of the year.” Exodus 34:22 (The Israel Bible™)

A mass priestly benediction in front of the Western Wall in Jerusalem during the Jewish holiday of Sukkot. Sunday, October 12, 2014. (Photo by Yonatan Sindel/Flash90 )
While most understand the sukkah, the temporary booth Jews build on the holiday of Sukkot, to be a physical manifestation of spirituality, End Times expert Rabbi Pinchas Winston revealed in a recent interview that the sukkah is actually deeply connected to the coming of the Messianic age, helping Jews to prepare spiritually for what is to come. This Sukkot, which began last Sunday, the message is clearer than ever as the chaotic “birthpangs” of Messiah become visible to the world.
Rabbi Winston spoke about the connection between the End of Days and the holiday of Sukkot, which is currently being observed in Israel, in an interview with Tamar Yonah of Israel News Talk Radio.

This relationship between the sukkah and the body makes it possible to prepare for the Messianic Age, taught Rabbi Pinchas in the interview. The fact that the sukkah is so temporary, lasting only the seven days of the festival holiday (eight days outside of Israel), has hidden spiritual messages. Rabbi Winston explained, “Don’t forget, in the upcoming year, or the rest of your life for that matter, that this world is temporary. Just like you existed before the sukkah went up and you will exist after the sukkah comes down, so will your soul.”
Rabbi Winston spoke about how the Jewish mystical tradition divides time into three periods: Olam HaZeh (this world), the Messianic Era and Olam haBa (the world to come).
He explained that the transition between Olam haZeh and the Messianic Era is called Chevlei Moshiach (the birthpangs of the Messiah) and is characterized by chaos. We are currently in this transition period, which explains the apparent chaos in the world right now. Rabbi Winston mentioned the current US Presidential election as an example of the chaos that marks this transition.
Rabbi Winston taught that, according to the mystical understanding, the underlying purpose of the chaos is “to polarize the world, to force people to make a decision whether they are more spiritual or more physical. What’s their biggest priority?”
The cut-off point for choosing a spiritual existence over a primarily physical one is the war of Gog and Magog. “Who survives and who doesn’t survive, according to the Zohar (the foundational text of Jewish mysticism), will be based upon the choice the person made prior to the actual event itself,” he stated.
This choice is what Rabbi Winston calls “the final test of history”. He reminds us that whatever is coming, whether it’s Nibiru, nuclear war, Gog and Magog or another end times scenario, it will be “massive” and Divine protection will be required to survive it all. This idea of Divine protection connects Sukkot to the End of Days, the rabbi explained.
According to traditional Jewish thought, the temporary booths we build during Sukkot are a symbol of the ananei hakavod (the Divine Clouds of Glory) with which God protected the Israelites against all the dangers in the desert.
The Mekhilta, an ancient commentary on the Book of Exodus, teaches that there were seven clouds. Four surrounded the Israelites on each side, protecting them from Egyptian enemies and animal predators. A fifth cloud was above them, protecting them from the blazing sun. A sixth cloud was below their feet, which made walking across the rough surface of the desert possible. The seventh cloud passed in front of them, miraculously “leveling the valleys and flattening the mountains.”
According to Rabbi Winston, just as God took care of the Israelites completely in the desert, so He will care of us in the End of Days, if we are willing to rely on Him completely. Thus, dwelling in the sukkah represents reliance on Divine protection and complete trust in God, a quality that will be crucial for surviving the End of Days.
Russia and the United States have never been allies. One easily remembers how tense and long-lasting the Cold War was, and it left Russia very angry that they suffered such a demoralizing defeat as a world power.
While the United States should not become Vladimir Putin’s best friend, we also have to realize that Russia is a super power in this world and we must take them seriously.
As a way to project strength, Obama and Hillary continue to call Putin every name in the book while blaming him for cyber attacks and WikiLeaks.
On Friday, October 21, Putin issued a global message that if Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama continue to slander Russia, he was going to shoot down U.S. jets in the Middle East and begin to prepare for World War III.
Putin, Fearing For His Country, Declares War Is Coming If Hillary Continues
But now, As of Sunday, October 23, Putin has ordered the Russian Defense Ministry to begin training and managing all local authorities, law enforcement, and state security as they are preparing for a nuclear war with the United States.
And with the United States at the eve of war, Hillary Clinton has spent the last two days blaming Putin and Russia for WikiLeaks and continues to call him a “thug puppet.”
Moscow is sending a blunt message to Obama and Hillary by purposefully stationing dozens of large aircraft carriers to conduct operations in Syria. On top of that, Putin is set to deploy more Russian spy ships to survey underwater internet cables in the region, as well.
This move originally began as the U.S. and Russia continued to disagree over Syria, but not it has become the first step into World War III.
Putin has told Obama that if he does not begin to cooperate and allow Russia to help, he will begin to shoot down American jets as well as aim his missiles towards the United States.
This has nothing to do with whether or not Russia could defeat the United States. This is a result of Obama and Hillary risking war with Russia just because they want to blame Putin for WikiLeaks rather than take blame for their leaked emails.
Credit to
Did The White House Just Declare War On Russia?
This past week, America’s oldest continuously published weekly magazine, the Nation,asked the question: has the White House declared war on Russia?
As the two nuclear powers sabre-rattle over conflicts within Syria, and to some extent, over the Ukrainian crisis, asking these questions to determine who will pull the trigger first has become more paramount than it was at the peak of the Cold War.
The Nation’s contributing editor, Stephen F. Cohen, reported Vice President Joe Biden’s statement that the White House was preparing to send Vladimir Putin a “message” — most likely in the form of a cyber attack — amounted to a virtual “American declaration of war on Russia” in Russia’s eyes. Biden’s threat is reportedly in response to allegations that Russia hacked Democratic Party offices in order to disrupt the presidential election.
Chuck Todd, host of the “Meet the Press” on NBC, asked Joe Biden: “Why haven’t we sent a message yet to Putin?”x
Biden responded, “We are sending a message [to Putin]… We have a capacity to do it, and…”“He’ll know it?” Todd interrupted.“He’ll know it. It will be at the time of our choosing, and under the circumstances that will have the greatest impact,” the U.S. vice president replied.
What are the effects of this kind of rhetoric when dealing with international relations? Western media decided to pay little attention to Biden’s statements, yet his words have stunned Moscow. As reported by the Nation:
“…Biden’s statement, which clearly had been planned by the White House, could scarcely have been more dangerous or reckless — especially considering that there is no actual evidence or logic for the two allegations against Russia that seem to have prompted it.”
The statements will not come without any measured response from Russia. According to presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov, Russia’s response is well underway:
“The fact is, US unpredictability and aggression keep growing, and such threats against Moscow and our country’s leadership are unprecedented, because the threat is being announced at the level of the US Vice President. Of course, given such an aggressive, unpredictable line, we have to take measures to protect our interests, somehow hedge the risks.”
The fact that our media refuses to pay attention to the dangers of our own establishment in sending warnings to adverse nuclear powers based on unasserted allegations shows our media is playing a very dangerous game with us — the people. This attempt to pull the wool over our eyes and prepare us for a direct confrontation with Russia can be seen clearly in the battle for Aleppo, Syria.
As the Nation astutely noted:
“Only a few weeks ago, President Obama had agreed with Putin on a joint US-Russian military campaign against ‘terrorists’ in Aleppo. That agreement collapsed primarily because of an attack by US warplanes on Syrian forces. Russia and its Syrian allies continued their air assault on east Aleppo now, according to Washington and the mainstream media, against anti-Assad ‘rebels.’ Where, asks Cohen, have the jihad terrorists gone? They had been deleted from the US narrative, which now accused Russia of ‘war crimes’ in Aleppo for the same military campaign in which Washington was to have been a full partner.”
So where is this conflict headed? A top U.S. general, Marine General Joseph Dunford, told the Senate Armed Services Committee in September of this year that the enforcement of a “no-fly zone” in Syria would mean a U.S. war with both Syria andRussia. Hillary Clinton is well aware of the repercussions of this war, as she acknowledged in a secret speech to Goldman Sachs (recently released by Wikileaks):
“To have a no-fly zone you have to take out all of the air defense, many of which are located in populated areas. So our missiles, even if they are standoff missiles so we’re not putting our pilots at risk — you’re going to kill a lot of Syrians… So all of a sudden this intervention that people talk about so glibly becomes an American and NATO involvement where you take a lot of civilians.”
This is the same establishment that has been calling out Russia for allegedly committing war crimes in Aleppo even though Clinton’s proposal would result in far more civilian deaths and likely lead to a direct war with Russia.
As the war against Syria transitions into a much wider global conflict that could include nuclear powers Russia and China, our own media is deceiving us by dishonestly reporting on the events leading up to the activation of the doomsday clock.
History doesn’t occur in a vacuum; when the U.S. and Russia confront each other directly, it won’t be because of a mere incident occurring in Syrian airspace.
It will be because the two nuclear powers have been confronting each other with little resistance from the corporate media, which keeps us well entertained and preoccupied with political charades, celebrity gossip, and outright propaganda.
Credit to Zero Hedge
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