In our quest to track down the locations and science of those portals used by the immortals, we found among other things the existence of black holes is now considered “settled science.” Although it seems fair to ask if anyone has ever actually seen one, such an inquiry misses the point because black holes are by definition invisible. Nobody can directly “see” the dark heavenly dwellers, but they are detectable using various indirect means.[i] Like dark-colored fluid swirling down a drain, the liquid vortex is visible even when the drain’s hole is not. Similarly, gas, dust, and space debris form a disk-shaped, spiral pattern up to the edge of the event horizon. Accordingly, astronomers look for the “accretion disk” surrounding a black hole. Using the Hubble Space telescope, space scientists have now collected stunning photographs of these accretion disks. Here is an example of an accretion disk in elliptical galaxy NGC 4261. Likely, this is the closest one will ever get to observe a super-massive black hole.
The churning vortex of space gases and debris is a tell-tale sign of enormous gravitational suction, but it isn’t sufficient for precise identification. In order to distinguish black holes from other super-massive entities, astronomers calculate the size and mass to verify that the matter is compressed in a sufficiently small space. Additionally, as material is sucked in, it is torn apart, releasing vast amounts of heat. As it heats up, the dark star emits copious amounts of detectable radiation, such as x-rays. Providing yet another means of identification, the huge energy transfer can cause matter close to a black hole to be violently ejected in what are called “radio jets.” (See image.) Using these established indicators, hundreds of black holes have been detected by the Hubble space telescope and are available for public examination on NASA’s website.

Black Hole Radio Jets
The Hubble telescope has also measured black holes rotating at half the speed of light, or 149,896,229 meters per second.[iv] This is particularly important to the discussion at hand, because a precisely tuned rotation makes human travel through wormholes—once thought implausible—theoretically possible. In 1963, New Zealand mathematician Roy Kerr found an exact solution to Albert Einstein’s previously unsolved equation describing a spinning black hole.The correct spin velocity creates enough centrifugal force to cancel the inward force of gravity, stabilizing the portal that otherwise shreds its passengers into tiny particles. This makes human travel through wormhole portals at least theoretically possible. However, there’s a catch. Popular physics author Michio Kaku explains in Parallel Worlds: A Journey through Creation, Higher Dimensions, and the Future of the Cosmos:
The frame of Alice’s looking glass, in other words, was like the spinning ring of Kerr. But any trip through the Kerr ring would be a one-way trip. If you were to pass through the event horizon surrounding the Kerr ring, the gravity would not be enough to crush you to death, but it would be sufficient to prevent a return trip back through the event horizon.[v]
While still theoretical (we are told), Kerr-Newman geometry provides a complete description of the necessary gravitational and electromagnetic fields to form a stationary, traversable black hole.[vi]It eliminates the crushing gravity near the event horizon, one of the previously thought insurmountable problems associated with wormhole travel. But all of this engineering isn’t necessary if braneworld theory is true and the Milky Way galaxy hosts a traversable portal to another dimension.
A spiral galaxy like the Milky Way has three basic components: 1) the spiral-armed disk; 2) the halo of globular clusters; and 3) the nucleus (a large, black hole). These components are labeled in the figure below:

Spiral Galaxy
On Mount Graham, the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) and LUCIFER are confirming the recent hypothesis that central halo regions of spiral galaxies like the Milky Way contain “stable and navigable”[vii] wormholes accessible enough to be labeled a “galactic transport system.”[viii] The hypothesis is based on the existence of “dark matter” in the halo that makes itself felt by its gravitational influence on the visible matter. The LUCIFER device helps astronomers detect the clouds are typically opaque to visible light.[ix] LBT also confirms the invisible dark-matter halo by detecting its angular momentum as in with the Seyfert galaxy Messier 94. The LBT produced this image (reminiscent of Interstellar):
Perhaps even more provocative, a new study suggests that any of the super-massive objects scientists think are black holes could instead be wormhole portals leading to other universes. A recent article reports:
Though black holes are not seen directly, astronomers have identified many objects that appear to be black holes based on observations of how matter swirls around them.
But physicists Thibault Damour of the Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques in Bures-sur-Yvette, France, and Sergey Solodukhin of International University Bremen in Germany now say that these objects could be structures called wormholes instead.[xi]
In other words, all black holes might be portals rather than dead ends, and it is impossible to tell the difference.
When the Large Hedron Collider (LHC) first started up on September 10, 2008, director for research and scientific computing at CERN, Sergio Bertolucci, provoked a whirlwind of speculation with his enigmatic remark that the LHC might open a door to another dimension. During a regular briefing at CERN headquarters, he told reporters, “Out of this door might come something, or we might send something through it.”[xii] The notion of higher dimensional beings conjures up the denizens of legend, orcs, ogres, elves, fairies, dwarves, and giants. A British military analyst later quipped:
We’re looking here at an imminent visit from a race of carnivorous dinosaur-men, the superhuman clone hive-legions of some evil genetic queen-empress, infinite polypantheons of dark mega-deities imprisoned for aeons and hungering to feast upon human souls, a parallel-history victorious Nazi globo-Reich or something of that type.[xiii]
While that was amusing, more serious researchers like Richard Bullivant had already connected the dots:
The most plausible explanation the next time Bigfoot or a lizard man or a flying dragon is sighted—or perhaps even a UFO ascending into the earth and disappearing into the side of a hill—surely has to be that it is evidence that portals to parallel worlds are serving as doorways where strange beings, vehicles and entities occasionally stumble into our universe—and sometimes we in turn stumble into theirs.[xiv]
It did not help that the LHC was named “Shiva” after the Hindu destroyer of worlds, a fact that prompted a teenage girl in India, Madhya Pradesh, to commit suicide.[xv] Whether the scientists responsible for the name believe it or not, wormhole portals are studied very seriously.
In 1935, Albert Einstein and his student, Nathan Rosen, proposed that connecting two black holes would form a tube-like gateway between two regions. This passageway is called an Einstein-Rosen Bridge. The math works. Traversable wormholes provide a valid solution to field equations of general relativity.[xvi] According to theory, one could enter a black hole and exit a white hole in another universe. A white hole is a region of space-time that cannot be entered from the outside, but from which matter and light may escape. Thus, a black hole serves as the entry portal and a white hole marks the exit portal. Yet, prior to the discovery of spinning Kerr black holes, traversing the magic sphere meant being obliterated down to the atomic level by the enormous gravitational force. Consequently, during Einstein’s day, no one took the possibility of traveling through such a gate very seriously.
In the 1950s, John Wheeler, the physicist who coined the term “wormhole,” published a paper showing that, rather than connecting to another universe, a wormhole could also bend like the handle on a coffee cup to join two different regions of the known universe. This suggests the possibility of near-instantaneous travel over vast distantness. In 1962, Wheeler and Robert W. Fuller published a paper showing that these wormholes are unstable, and will pinch off quickly after forming, seemingly relegating the hope for a negotiable wormhole to the world of fantasy.
The possibility of truly traversable wormholes was first demonstrated by Kip Thorne of the Theoretical Astrophysics Group at the California Institute of Technology and his graduate student, Mike Morris, in 1988. Thorne devised a wormhole that does not require a black hole and a white hole or that destructive event horizon. He proposed that the throats, or tunnels, could be made large enough for a human in a craft to get through by threading the portal with exotic negative matter. In the film Interstellar, aliens (or future humans) from the fifth dimension provide the artificial wormhole. However, according to new theory, we may be getting close.
Interestingly, Thorne’s initial attention was sparked when the celebrated physicist, TV personality, and author Carl Sagan asked about the feasibility of his scenario in an early manuscript for the now-famous science-fiction book and movie, Contact:
Thorne realized he could design just the sort of wormhole Sagan was looking for. It turned out to be possible in theory to have a link between two parts of the Universe that looked, schematically, just like Wheeler’s quantum wormholes of thirty years earlier. But this time the tunnels would be large enough for humans to travel through in a spacecraft without feeling any discomfort. For instance, a traveler could enter one mouth of the wormhole near Earth and within a short time he or she would emerge from the other end on the opposite side of the Galaxy. The traveler would then be able to return through the wormhole and report back. This “connection” was thus dubbed a “traversable wormhole” to distinguish it from non-traversable ones like the Einstein-Rosen bridge.[xvii]
The Morris-Thorne traversable wormhole they proposed is held open by a spherical shell of exotic matter. This theoretical element would prevent the pinching off Wheeler discovered and stabilize the wormhole for travel. Unfortunately, “exotic” entails hypothetical properties that violate the known laws of physics. Not to be confused with antimatter, negative matter has negative mass, not a reverse electrical charge from matter. Unfortunately, it is only theoretical. As far as the public is told, the closest known example of such exotic matter is the region of pseudo-negative-pressure density produced by the Casimir effect. This effect occurs when quantum vacuum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field between two close, parallel, uncharged, conducting plates create a small attractive force.[xviii] Stephen Hawking,[xix] Kip Thorne,[xx] and others[xxi] argue that such effects might make it possible to stabilize a traversable wormhole. The work is ongoing.
In 2008, Matt Visser refined the basic design in order to “minimize the use of exotic matter. In particular, it is possible for a traveler to traverse such a wormhole without passing through a region of exotic matter.”[xxii] Additionally, physicists have now identified scenarios in which wormholes could have naturally formed with stabilizing forces preventing such a collapse.[xxiii]Several new types of traversable wormholes have been suggested, including a wormhole that does not require exotic matter.[xxiv] The best minds in astrophysics and quantum mechanics increasingly breathe scientific plausibility into previously thought fanciful descriptions of mystical portals, heavenly gates, visionary ladders, and vile vortices.

A simulated traversable wormhole that connects Tübingen University, Germany, and the sand dunes near Boulogne sur Mer in the north of France
Four Levels of Multiverse
All this talk of wormholes and otherworldly realms demands a discussion about the multiverse idea. While the term “multiverse” is used in several different ways, they all denote a hypothetical cosmos that contains our known universe as well as numerous other regions. Frankly, the word “universe” has traditionally included the totality of all matter. In Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 11th edition (2003), “universe” is defined as: “The whole body of things and phenomena observed or postulated.” That would seem to preclude more than one, would it not? Coherence aside, some multiverse advocates even propose different laws of physics in their hypothetical nether regions.
An important precursor to understanding multiverse reasoning is the theory of inflation. Cosmic inflation theory posits that there was a period of faster-than-light acceleration during the expansion of the early universe after the Big Bang. In March of 2014, the Internet was buzzing with articles like “First Direct Evidence of Cosmic Inflation”[xxvi] and “Direct Evidence of Big Bang Inflation,”[xxvii] yet less heralded were the retractions a few months later, like “Big Bang Inflation Evidence Inconclusive.”[xxviii] While the jury is still out, cosmological inflation is simply assumed in multiverse reasoning—the big idea being that in the first fraction of a second after the Big Bang, the universe expanded exponentially, stretching far beyond the view of the most powerful telescopes.
MIT cosmologist Max Tegmark has provided a simple, four-level classification of these regions beyond the observable universe.[xxix] The levels can be understood to encompass and expand upon previous levels and are increasingly speculative. While many prominent scientists and philosophers are openly critical of Levels III and IV, Level I is relatively uncontroversial in science.
Level I
This level simply entails regions so distant that they are not able to be observed. In other words, even at the speed of light, there has not been enough time for light to traverse the enormous distance. Scientists generally agree that all regions of the Level I multiverse exhibit the same physical laws and the same constants. Astrophysicist Jeffrey Zweerink writes, “Calling Level I a ‘multiverse’ is somewhat of a misnomer because all of the observable volumes are really part of the same large universe.”[xxx] This one really offers no serious challenge to anthropic reasoning. Accordingly, many reserve the term “multiverse” for the more conjectural scenarios that follow.
Level II
The second level entails otherworldly realms with far-reaching implications. While the limits of observation of a single universe define the first level, the Level II multiverse entails true multiple universes ostensibly with different physical laws and constants. This idea springs from chaotic inflation theory, in which the multiverse as a whole is endlessly stretching, but some regions stop enlarging and form distinct bubbles, like the foam in a glass of soda. According to this model, our universe is merely a single bubble of the cosmic foam. It finds some support in that some versions of String Theory indicate that there are many different arrangements of physical laws and constants. Accordingly, the uniformity we observe in our universe is limited to our one bubble. Stephen Feeney at University College in London believes that evidence for these other bubble universes is present in the cosmic microwave background radiation, the heat signature “echo” of the Big Bang.[xxxi]
Level III
Inspired by the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, this level seems inordinately fantastic to most folks. In quantum mechanics, certain observations (like the position of an electron) cannot be predicted absolutely. Instead, there is a range of possible positions, each with a different probability.
Quantum mechanical uncertainty can be explained in terms of every possible position or state being represented in some possible world. According to the many-worlds interpretation, each possibility generates a different universe. For example, rolling a six-sided die has six possible outcomes, such that each time the die is rolled, it lands on every number, in effect, birthing five new universes in addition to the one from which it was originally thrown. Thus, every decision creates parallel realities where every possible outcome plays out. The sheer magnitude of quantum mechanical events seems prohibitively absurd—but perhaps, fun, nonetheless. According to this model, one might imagine a universe where Richard Dawkins is a young-earth creationist or President Obama is a legitimate, natural-born American citizen. Even so, it seems that all of these wacky parallel realities occur within the same universe entailing the same physical laws and constants, so Level III is not particularly useful for describing a proper multiverse.
Level IV
Most Level II multiverse advocates allow that any possible manifestation of physical laws will appear in at least one bubble. Thus, Level IV entails the existence of every mathematically consistent possibility. If universes with every mathematically consistent set of physical laws actually exist, then no explanation is needed for the fortuitous, life-supporting universe we find ourselves in. Critics see this as a convenient ploy to escape the theistic implications of fine tuning and the anthropic principle. The Albert Einstein Professor in Science at Princeton University, Paul J. Steinhardt, called this “a pervasive idea in fundamental physics and cosmology that should be retired”[xxxii]and voiced his opposition to the reasoning behind the Level IV multiverse:
According to this view, the laws and properties within our observable universe cannot be explained or predicted because they are set by chance. Different regions of space too distant to ever be observed have different laws and properties, according to this picture. Over the entire multiverse, there are infinitely many distinct patches. Among these patches, in the words of Alan Guth, “anything that can happen will happen—and it will happen infinitely many times.” Hence, I refer to this concept as a Theory of Anything. Any observation or combination of observations is consistent with a Theory of Anything. No observation or combination of observations can disprove it. Proponents seem to revel in the fact that the Theory cannot be falsified. The rest of the scientific community should be up in arms since an unfalsifiable idea lies beyond the bounds of normal science. Yet, except for a few voices, there has been surprising complacency and, in some cases, grudging acceptance of a Theory of Anything as a logical possibility. The scientific journals are full of papers treating the Theory of Anything seriously. What is going on?[xxxiii]
Braneworld cosmology posits that our four-dimensional space-time is like the sheet of paper, a membrane or “brane” that is simply a subspace of a larger, multidimensional space. The big idea is that our visible, four-dimensional space-time universe is restricted to its own membrane inside a higher-dimensional space called “the bulk.” The bulk could contain other branes that are, for all intents and purposes, parallel universes. Within the bulk, a parallel universe might be only a hair’s width away from this universe. Matter cannot transcend its brane, but gravity does. Thus, other branes are invisible (like black holes) because its photons of light are stuck to the brane. Despite that, scientists theorize that gravitational forces can reach from one membrane-universe to another. If so, dark matter suggests the existence of other braneworlds.

Dark matter: Gravity from a parallel world?
Steinhardt explains, “Our three-dimensional world can be viewed as a membrane-like surface embedded into space with an extra, fourth spatial dimension.”[xxxiv] Thus, our universe is one “braneworld” and there exists another braneworld, a parallel universe, less than an atom’s width away. This is likely a strange domain where the laws of physics might be entirely different. Does this seem too much like a science fiction novel? Not so fast; Steinhardt believes we already have quantifiable evidence for it.
He argues, “Although we can’t touch, feel, or see any matter on the other brane, we can, nevertheless, sense its existence because we can feel its gravity.”[xxxv] He is arguing that there is no dark matter within our universe after all; rather, it is matter existing in a parallel universe. A nearby parallel reality, immune from our light, is producing gravitational effects. This readily explains dark matter, an otherwise cosmological conundrum. More interestingly, Steinhardt proposes that these two membranes might even touch at points, transferring matter and radiation from one to the other. This suggests that black holes may, in fact, be points of connection between parallel braneworlds. If an excess of matter collects at one point on either brane, its gravitational field becomes so strong that it draws the other brane towards it, and what is a black hole on one side is a white hole on the other. In this way, some black holes might be gateways to a parallel universe. This idea offers a solution as to the perplexing origin of UFOs and some paranormal phenomenon. UFOs do not seem to be propelled by conventional means.
Mind over Matter
Ben Rich was the director of Lockheed’s Skunk Works from 1975 to 1991. In 1993, Rich shared some amazing insight with Jan Harzan, director of the Mutual UFO Network. When asked about incredible feats of UFO propulsion:
Harzan says Rich stopped and looked at him, then asked Harzan if he knew how ESP worked. Jan says he was taken aback by the question and responded, “I don’t know, all points in space and time are connected?” Rich replied, “That’s how it works.” Then he turned around and walked away.[xxxvi]
This works nicely with J. Allen Hynek’s idea: “I hypothesize a‘M&M’ technology encompassing the mental and material realms.”[xxxvii] But how can the mental propel the material? It turns out that mental events do profoundly impact physical reality.
Wave-Particle Duality and the Two-Slit Experiment
Photons of light sometimes behave like a wave and at other times appear to be a particle. When a light photon passes through a slit, it can take the form of a wave or particle. Before it is observed, it is literally both a particle and a wave. Status is observed as a particle produces two bands on the back wall and a wave creates an interference pattern (as seen in illustration). The status is called “super position,” which literally means that all possible outcomes exist in tandem. Once observed, a photon assumes the perceived state irrevocably. If this is the first you’ve heard of this famous experiment, please watch the brief video explanation available on YouTube.[xxxviii]

Two-slit wave interference pattern
The observer-dependent status of light photons introduces the mysterious element of intelligent consciousness into the building blocks of reality. Dr. Robert Lanza explains the metaphysical implications:
Consider the famous two-slit experiment. When you watch a particle go through the holes, it behaves like a bullet, passing through one slit or the other. But if no one observes the particle, it exhibits the behavior of a wave and can pass through both slits at the same time. This and other experiments tell us that unobserved particles exist only as “waves of probability” as the great Nobel laureate Max Born demonstrated in 1926. They’re statistical predictions—nothing but a likely outcome. Until observed, they have no real existence; only when the mind sets the scaffolding in place, can they be thought of as having duration or a position in space. Experiments make it increasingly clear that even mere knowledge in the experimenter’s mindis sufficient to convert possibility to reality.[xxxix]
Introducing consciousness as a determinative factor in the structure of physical reality suggests that mind is more fundamental than matter, offering a way to merge physics and consciousness. Although he embraces a monistic cosmology, B. Allen Wallace has offered a “general theory of ontological relativity” suggesting that mental phenomena supersede the material.[xl] Of course, a biblically consistent alternative is offered in my book, The Supernatural Worldview.[xli] If consciousness really is primary, the heavenly voyages described in ancient texts like Revelation and Enoch acquire a new sense of objectivity. Anthropologist Lynne Hume writes:
It may be that “consciousness” is as close to the notion of “spirit,” and “levels of consciousness” is as close to the notion of “different realms of existence,” as empiricists are willing to accept. In the end, this may be just a matter of semantics and not important to the essence of what people say they experience. Indeed, if we replace one term for another, we might end up with the same argument.[xlii]
She also notes that worldwide belief in accessing a “portal or doorway to access another type of reality is widespread.”[xliii] Perhaps descriptions of the “spirit realm,” “second heaven,” or “astral plane” are descriptions of what science deems a parallel universe?
Based on the discussed science, paranormal researchers suggest a possible explanation of apparitions:
If there are other universes that have their own separate time and space that expand and contract on their own apart from our universe, isn’t it conceivable that at some point they would intersect with our universe/dimension and produce a phenomenon that we would view as being a ghost or spirit?[xliv]
If so, then perhaps apparitions appear as misty vapors because our thin membrane of reality only overlaps with theirs momentarily, and then, “poof,” they’re gone.
The former research professor of astronomy and of the history of science at Harvard University, Owen Gingerich, has authored books defending God’s Universe (2006) and God’s Planet (2014). He famously observed that “anyone who can believe in multiple universes should have no problem believing in heaven or hell.”[xlv] We believe his comment frames the discussion of portals and otherworldly realms in a sobering light for the believer as well. The reverse holds true as well: “If one can believe in heaven and hell, then one should be able to believe in other universes.” Because the Bible mentions portals to netherworlds (Revelation 9:1) as well as Heaven (Genesis 28:12), one cannot be a consistent Christian (or scientist) while summarily dismissing the subject matter of this book.
Essential Points
- Black holes are detected by the accretion disk of vortex energy.
- An Einstein-Rosen bridge forms when a black hole connects to another, forming a white hole.
- All spiral galaxies might contain centralized, galactic wormhole transport systems.
- It is theoretically possible that all black holes are wormholes.
- It is theoretically possible to create a traversable wormhole.
- The multiverse stems from inflation theory (that the universe expanded exponentially in the first nanoseconds after the Big Bang).
- The Level I multiverse is uncontroversial.
- The Level II multiverse entails distinct “universes.”
- The Level III multiverse is based on the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics and is fancifully speculative.
- The Level IV multiverse has been criticized as unclassifiable.
- Braneworld theory posits true “parallel universes” and may explain dark matter.
- VATT, LBT, and LUCIFER are confirming dark matter and wormhole theories.
- Photons seem to be a wave and a particle.
- Positions of quantum particles are expressed as probabilities, but once observed, they assume a position collapsing the field of probability.
- The observer introduces the esoteric element of consciousness into physics.
In the next entry we will look into the “Secrets of CERN and the Quest for the Doorway of the Gods”
Credit to
Tom Horn