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Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Germany: Anti migrants protest

Will Mind Control Technology Be Applied.... Source Says Yes

I have an on-the-ground-report which has informed me that mind control technologies will likely be applied in the Burns, Oregon standoff. Yes, it is only one report, but the content matches what I know to be true about the technology.
Mr. Hodges,
I work with a consortium of engineers and we have “accidentally” discovered an anomalous band of electronic frequency which is out of the ordinary and the location is near the Burns, Oregon, stand-off event in which a group of ranchers are protesting the taking over of their land by the BLM. 
I am not at liberty to discuss the delivery mechanism because it could lead to some of my colleagues. My colleagues have complained that they are no longer in charge of their own experiments and the nature and tone of the experiments is such that we all believe that a widespread application of what you have labeled “mind control” is about to be unleashed on the world, not just the United States. 
You have published enough that we feel that you were the appropriate conduit to release the information on this. The public has a right to know what is about to be done to them. The RF involved is at RF at 2.4 GHz. This RF is  NOT Wi-Fi, bluetooth, microwave, etc.
If you are willing to publish and distribute, we will send you more information………….
Because I want to keep the NSA and the spooks out of my business, I wanted it noted that the above communication is not an email.
In the past 15 months, I have been approached by two groups of scientists who are gravely concerned about the development and pending application of mind control technology using electromagnetic means to deliver the technology. Both groups of scientists are fearful of their lives and one group has an amazing and bizarre means of communicating with me.
In response, I occasionally run an article on mind control technology hoping to shake loose others who are willing to be more forthcoming and are willing to go public. In doing so, I have discovered two things: (1) scientists across the planet, not just the United States, are fearful of the work they are doing in relation to mind control technology; and, (2) This technology is ready to be unleashed. In fact, there have already been beta tests, such as the “Kentucky Mall Brawl” incident.
The technology exists and here is some of the evidence to support these claims.

Multiple Delivery Mechanisms

What are the “phony” cell phone towers all about? Are they only for the purpose of “stealing” data from the electronic devices of unsuspecting people? The answer to this question may surprise you.
phony cell phone towers
A Paul Watson report, chronicled in the video listed below, accurately portrays 50% of the operational functioning of what is presently being referred to as “phony cell towers”. Watson is correct in that these “phony towers” are indeed stealing data from your electronic devices.

However, Watson’s depiction of the phony cell phone towers only represents half of the picture. On the other side of the coin, these towers are part of a mind control apparatus. Here is an excerpt of the relevant patent.

United States Patent
August 22, 1989

Hearing device 
A method and apparatus for simulation of hearing in mammals by introduction of a plurality of microwaves into the region of the auditory cortex is shown and described. A microphone is used to transform sound signals into electrical signals which are in turn analyzed and processed to provide controls for generating a plurality of microwave signals at different frequencies. The multifrequency microwaves are then applied to the brain in the region of the auditory cortex. By this method sounds are perceived by the mammal which are representative of the original sound received by the microphone.

Inventors:Stocklin; Philip L. (Satellite Beach, FL)
Family ID:24247585
Appl. No.:06/562,742
Filed:December 19, 1983

The patent’s use of the phrase “… introduction of a plurality of microwaves into the region of the auditory cortex is shown…The multifrequency microwaves are then applied to the brain in the region of the auditory cortex. By this method sounds are perceived by the mammal which are representative of the original sound received by the microphone“. In other words, this is a smoking gun patent for what is often referred to as “voice to skull” technology. This means that the thoughts (i.e. words) in your head may not be your own. This patent clearly demonstrates that the technology has existed to control your thoughts and the technology is over 35 years old.   
Today, your smart meter, smart appliances and your wi-fi networks in your home all have this capability. In fact, one of my military sources, once associated with the project known as “Owning the Weather 2025”, tells me that any device which can receive or send an electrical signal is vulnerable to the manifestation of mind control through the psychotronic manipulation of the mind. The recently exposed phony cell phone towers are only part of an overall smart grid system designed, in part, to effect mind control. My military sources tell me that this system is part of what is popularly known as “the Smart Grid”. The various Smart Grids are all being connected into a what is called a “Land Area Network”.  My sources also tell me that mind control is only one function of this network and that presently there is an effort underway to integrate the various Land Area Networks across various continents (e.g. North American and Europe). The system, once fully integrated will include health care and overall energy usage. Mind control is a byproduct of this technology.
The technology works on two levels. First, external words which can manifest as integrated thoughts, can artificially and electronically be placed within your head. Second, your overall emotional functioning and immediate emotional perception can dramatically be altered through the application of “targeted” frequencies designed to manipulate a desired and overall emotional state of functioning. The genesis for this technology began with a Spanish neurologist over 50 years ago.

The Dawn of Mind Control

In the 1960′s,  Spanish neurologist, Jose Delgado was involved in a noteworthy bullfight. Without any real bullfighting training, he bravely stepped into the ring with a very dangerous and deadly bull. However, Delgado had a secret weapon.  He had previously implanted a radio-equipped electrode which was implanted into the bull’s limbic system (i.e. emotional center of the brain) which he called “stimoceivers.” Delgado subsequently demonstrated that he could manipulate an organism’s mind and body via remote control technology.  Thus, as the bull charged, an invasive electrical signal penetrated the bull’s limbic system and the bull calmlybroke off the attack in mid-charge.
Delgado found that by stimulating different regions of the limbic system, which controls emotion, Delgado could also induce fear, rage and a variety of other emotions, that he was able to manipulate the type and intensity of emotional reactions. Thus, Delgado discovered the fine art of mind control.
Intrigued by his work, Delgado was invited to teach and be a guest lecturer at such prominent universities such as Harvard and Yale. In 1968, Delgado went to work at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) and this is where much of his research trail grows cold. We now know that SRI was a CIA front and was connected to the MK Ultra experiments. In 1974, Delgado abruptly returned to Spain and later became an outspoken opponent of mind control and its potential for harm and misuse by totalitarian societies. Perhaps, he was not on board with the CIA and what they eventually had planned for the American people.
In cats, monkeys, bulls and even humans he repeatedly demonstrated that he could control emotion and ultimately behavior. . In one experiment, Delgado stimulated the temporal lobe of a 21-year-old epileptic woman while she was calmly playing a guitar; in response, she flew into a rage and smashed her guitar against a wall, narrowly missing a researcher’s head. Perhaps the most medically promising finding was that stimulation of a limbic region called the septum could trigger euphoria, strong enough in some cases to counteract depression and even physical pain.
Later Delgado was able to impact the hypothalamus of a cat and induce uncontrollable rage in the animal. Keep in mind that this technology is over 60 years old. One can only imagine how far this technology has come during that time.
Delgado’s famous bull fight and the angry cat are depicted in the following video.

The lesson is clear, embedded chips can turn normal people into crazed killers and it can take crazed killers and turn them into passive beings. Interestingly, the most famous graduate of the MK Ultra program was the Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski.

The Mind Control Delivery System: Project HAARP

The main threat to humanity lies in the fact that the technology exists to control all of human behavior at one time. A reasonable person would certainly ask “how is that possible?”  To answer that question, I refer the readers to Nick Begich’s website in which he details how mass electrical signals can beamed up from an array of antenna and bounced off the ionosphere in either a narrow beam covering a specific and defined geographic area, or it can be reflected back to earth in a broad beam application in which millions could be impacted by one electrical signal designed to change human behavior. We know this technology as Project HAARP.
United States Patent 5,159,703, Lowery, October 27, 1992, Silent Subliminal Presentation System, Inventors: Lowery, Oliver M. Appl. No. 458339 Filed December 28, 1989, discusses the microwave technology necessary for mind control. In this patent,  we witness the move from the mind control  of certain individuals who might have been programmed, which is frightening enough, to witnessing entire populations being controlled. The patent discusses the possibility of impacting millions at a time. The net effect of the technology is enhanced when there is a transducer in the body such as a embedded microchip.
The technology has publicly advanced to the point of where memories can be implanted through the use of specialized “USB” devices inserted directly into the regions of the brain responsible for certain memories. The implication is stunning. Not only can thoughts, not of your own choosing, be externally planted in your brain, now the technology exists to implant false memories.

Mind control has been prevalent in our society for several decades. Here is a list of 23 mind control technologies issued by the U.S. Patent Office since the 1950′s.

The DARPA research center is now developing an “implantable, closed-loop system” that may help restore memory. In simplified terms, the agency is creating a USB memory stick for the brain. The big unanswered question is who gets to control what memories are on the implantable USB memory stick?


I am not done writing about this technology because its potential is so horrific. We should keep a close eye on what is happening in Oregon because I believe that these Patriots are about to be attacked in ways that the public cannot even imagine.  This technology is real  and will soon be used on all of us.
Credit to Common Sense

Massive Coverup Exposed In Sweden As Media, Cops Hid Migrant Sex Attacks

What began as a series of reports from women in Cologne who said they were sexually assaulted by men of “Arab and North African origin” on New Year’s Eve has mushroomed into a full blown crisis that threatens to further undermine support for Angela Merkel’s open-door refugee policy on the way to fomenting social upheaval in Germany.
Anger over the attacks combined with allegations that police mishandled the situation led to a series of protests last week culminating in a 1,700-strong PEGIDA rally in Cologne that ultimately devolved into violent clashes between riot police and furious right-wing demonstrators.
Then, on Sunday, gangs of “bikers, hooligans, and bouncers” attacked a group of Pakistanis in Cologne’s city center after organizing what some are calling “migrant manhunts” on Facebook. The victims of the attacks were hospitalized.
As it turns out, the Cologne attacks were not an isolated incident. Once the story started making international headlines, reports began to trickle in from Austria, Finland, and Switzerland where women reported similar attacks perpetrated by apparent refugees.
But none of this would surprise police in Stockholm. 
According to Swedish media, “hordes” of young men harassed and groped young women at a youth festival and concert in central Stockholm’s Kungsträdgården last August. 
Those attacks were reported to police who, according to Nyheter Idag‎, were willing to talk to prominent daily Dagens Nyheter. Unfortunately for the victims, the paper deliberately covered up the story in an effort to avoid triggering an anti-migrant backlash - or at least that’s what Nyheter Idag alleges. Here are some excerpts from the piece entitled “Exposing Major PC Cover-up in Sweden – Leading Daily Dagens Nyheter Refused to Write About Cologne-like Sex Crimes in Central Stockholm”:
Nyheter Idag is now able to disclose in detail how major Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter deliberately covered up stories about widespread sexual abuse in central Stockholm in connection with a concert in the Kungsträdgården public square this August.

On Saturday August 15th, the nationally acclaimed and outspoken feminist artist Zara Larsson headlined the youth festival ‘We Are Sthlm” with a crowded concert in Kungsträdgården in central Stockholm. Thousands of young people were in attendance to take part in the event during the last summer nights of the year.

But for an unknown number of young girls the festival soon became a nightmare. Hordes of young men pressed against young girls, fondled and tried to cop a feel over and under skirts, pants and shirts. There were severe sexual assaults happening right in front of the stage, where artists such as Larsson and rapper OIAM performed.

During a single night police and security guards had to intervene against around 90 younger males, but even adult men took part in the abuse, says an eye witness to Nyheter Idag. The eye witness has professional experience from working at the Stockholm Police Department as a psychologist.

The psychologist who knew of what had happened in Kungsträdgården contacted journalist Hanne Kjöller at Dagens Nyheter, by, among other things, e-mail on August 17. The psychologist says he specifically turned to Kjöller because he knew that she had previously written about controversial topics.

“She was very interested and listened until I told her that all the boys and men that were apprehended were young asylants (unaccompanied is the terminology used by Swedish authorities) from Afghanistan and Syria. I sensed that she changed the tone (of her voice). But she also said that she would contact the police”, he tells Nyheter Idag.

Kjöller got the phone number to one of the police officers who were on duty during the event in Kungsträdgården and could provide a recollection of the events. Nyheter Idag has talked with the police officer who Kjöller talked to in August, and he was eager to tell Dagens Nyheter about the massive cases of sexual assault against young girls in central Stockholm.

“She sent a text message to me once, early on, where she wrote that she was looking for me, she wanted to talk. After that, I tried to get in touch with her, but that was when things started to get awry. She answered sometimes, said she would get back to me. But it never amounted to anything. She was interested in it for half day or a day, then she wasn’t anymore”.

The journalist Hanne Kjöller tries to establish contact with the psychologist on January 7th about the events in Kungsträdgården nearly five months earlier. She writes an e-mail to the psychologist. “Would like to get in touch with you again after what happened in Cologne during the New Year holidays,” she writes. In the e-mail conversation it is apparent that she learned of the sexual assaults in Kungsträdgården already on August 17th, but is only now ready to give attention to what happened.

She also calls the psychologist and records a message on his voicemail.

“We had contact in August. Now, after what happened in Cologne, I would like to talk to you again. It got stuck on certain things when we were doing this in August”, says Kjöller in the voicemail.

“Hanne Kjöller contacted me again yesterday because of the events in Germany, she said it gave her a bad feeling. She was fidgeting when I asked her why she never contacted the police and never wrote an article”, says the psychologist.

He says that Kjöller claims she never got hold of the police, and that is why no article was ever published in Dagens Nyheter about the incident in Kungsträdgården. But the psychologist also says that he’s been given a different explanation. That Kjöller over the phone told him that “the editor for the Stockholm section of Dagens Nyheter had taken charge of the case herself, and (the editor) considered the story to be “SD fabrications” (SD, or Sweden Democrats, are a populist anti-migration party that for a long time has been at odds with Swedish mainstream media).

“She (Kjöller) said that her editor had used the term ‘SD fabrications’ or ‘SD falsifications’, something like that. I remember that detail specifically”, says the psychologist.

When Nyheter Idag calls Hanne Kjöller to ask why there wasn’t any article published about the massive cases of systematic sexual assaults in Kungsträdgården she first gets quiet. She then explains that this is an issue that she doesn’t care to discuss.

“I can’t talk to you about what my sources have said to me. I can’t confirm or deny anything”.

Nyheter Idag explains to Kjöller that we are privy to e-mail conversations and text messages between her and the psychologist. Nyheter Idag also explains that the psychologist have told how he feels that she and Dagens Nyheter have obfuscated, covered up, the events that took place in Kungsträdgården. And so Nyheter Idag asks Kjöller to yet again explain how it happened that a story about such serious abuse was never published.

“I’m not going to answer that. No, no, no. I don’t want to talk to you”, Kjöller says and hangs up.

Full story here
We encourage you to read the full story from Nyheter Idag, but the long and the short of it seems to be that a major Swedish daily was engaged in a coverup right up until the attacks in Cologne thrust the issue into the spotlight. As we put it last week when Cologne Mayor Henriette Reker was busy explaining that it is German women's responsibility to keep would-be attackers at "arm's length": "...you'd be forgiven for suggesting that perhaps some people are going out of their way to avoid applying negative stereotypes to migrants."
And while Nyeter Idag blames Dagens Nyheter for not listening to authorities, Dagens Nyheter is attempting to turn the tables by blaming the police. Here are some excerpts from a rather awkward translation of a piece the daily conveniently ran just a day before the Nyheter Idag piece broke:
Similarly, it was in August last year. As was held Europe's largest youth festival "We are Sthlm" in the Royal Garden. In the audience in front of the stage, where stars like Zara Larsson appeared, took big boy bunch night after night to press against young girls and tuck their hands inside the shirts and pants.

Police officers and stewards strategy was that as quickly as possible to remove the perpetrators under the Police Act thirteenth article, which focuses on the disturbances, and only during the single night removed some 90 young men. To set up notifications and initiate criminal investigations had come second. According to DN experience has not even yet been sentenced.

One of the police officers who participated in the operation, and had to spend a lot of time on supporting the affected girls, said that the matter was regarded as sensitive. The guys that were sent were assessed namely be largely unaccompanied arrivals.

Why the extensive sextrakasserierna in central Stockholm, with some small exceptions, ended up in the media shadow for me is unclear. But the mere suspicion that the abuse been considered as difficult to describe involves a betrayal of the victims.
So it's "unclear" to Dagens Nyheter why these attacks remained "in the shadows", even though it may well have been Dagens Nyheter that was responsible for the media coverup. "Swedish police have come under criticism for keeping quiet about alleged sexual assault incidents by young immigrant men over the past couple of years at a music festival in Stockholm," Bloomberg writes, adding that "the allegations came to light in a report over the weekend by newspaper Dagens Nyheter, citing internal police memos." 
Here are reactions from various politicians in Sweden to the allegations (via Svenska Dagbladet):
  • Prime Minister Stefan Löfven"I feel a very strong anger that young women should not be able to go to the music festival without being offended, sexually harassed and attacked.This is a very big problem for those affected and for the whole of our country. We will not budge an inch, and we should not look away, says Löfven. The police will prosecute crimes and prosecute the guilty people. But one should not by any reason whatsoever to try to hide anything, we have a problem with it and it should be up to date, says Stefan Löfven."
  • Moderate leader Anna Kinberg Batra: "It is totally unacceptable if the police are not doing everything it can to both prevent, but also to act against sex crimes. Now it is important that it reaches what the police have done and what has actually happened and that the police take action so that something like that can not possibly happen again."
  • Milljöpartiets spokesperson Gustav Fridolin: "It is unacceptable if the police do not inform the public about the crimes committed."
  • National Police Commissioner Dan Eliasson: “If what’s alleged is true, it’s serious from several vantage points. We could perhaps have prevented that girls had been molested if we had talked clearly about this. Secondly, it’s obviously not our role to take various political aspects into account.”
Who's at fault here? The media, the police, or the politicians? Or is it everyone to blame? 
If Nyeter Idag's allegations are true, it certainly seems possible that Dagens Nyheter was under political pressure to avoid the story if possible. Meanwhile, if Dagens Nyheter's account is accurate, it appears the police could have been under similar pressure. After all, it's the politicians that set the agenda, the media simply perpetuate it and the police simply enforce it, so it's difficult to believe that the media and the police conspired alone to cover up the attacks. 

In any event, we now await the inevitable public backlash and attendant protests in Stockholm which will become the latest example of a "civilized" Western city torn apart by the bloc's worsening migrant crisis. 
Credit to Zero Hedge

The US Shale Oil Defaults Begin

The Financial Crisis Of 2016 Rolls On – China, Oil, Copper And Junk Bonds All Continue To Crash

Buy Sell - Public Domain
Never before have we seen a year start like this.  On Monday, Chinese stocks crashed once again.  The Shanghai Composite Index plummeted another 5.29 percent, and this comes on the heels of two historic single day crashes last week.  All of this chaos over in China is one of the factors that continues to push commodity prices even lower.  Today the price of copper fell another 2.40 percent to $1.97, and the price of oil continued to implode.  At one point the price of U.S. oil plunged all the way down to $30.99 a barrel before rebounding just a little bit.  As I write this article, oil is down a total of 6.12 percent for the day and is currently sitting at $31.13.  U.S. stocks were mixed on Monday, but it is important to note that the Russell 2000 did officially enter bear market territory.  This is yet another confirmation of what I was talking about yesterday.  And junk bonds continue to plummet.  As I write this, JNK is down to 33.42.  All of these numbers are huge red flags that are screaming that big trouble is ahead.  Unfortunately, the mainstream media continues to insist that there is absolutely nothing to be concerned about.
A little over a year ago, I wrote an article that explained that anyone that believed that low oil prices were good for the economy was “crazy“.  At the time, many people really didn’t understand what I was trying to communicate, but now it is becoming exceedingly clear.  On Monday, one veteran oil and gas analyst told CNBC that “half of U.S. shale oil producers could go bankrupt” over the next couple of years…
Half of U.S. shale oil producers could go bankrupt before the crude market reaches equilibrium, Fadel Gheit, said Monday.
The senior oil and gas analyst at Oppenheimer & Co. said the “new normal oil price” could be 50 to 100 percent above current levels. He ultimately sees crude prices stabilizing near $60, but it could be more than two years before that happens.
By then it will be too late for many marginal U.S. drillers, who must drill into and break up shale rock to release oil and gas through a process called hydraulic fracturing. Fracking is significantly more expensive than extracting oil from conventional wells.
Since the last recession, the energy industry has been the number one producer of good paying jobs in this country.
Now that those firms are starting to drop like flies, what is that going to mean for employment in America?
Just today, a huge coal company filed for bankruptcy, and so did a U.S. unit of commodity trading giant Glencore.  The following comes from Zero Hedge
While the biggest bankruptcy story of the day is this morning’s chapter 11 filing by Arch Coal, one which would trim $4.5 billion in debt from its balance sheet while handing over the bulk of the post-reorg company to its first-lien holders as part of the proposed debt-for-equity exchange, the reality is that the Arch default was widely anticipated by the market.
However, another far less noted and perhaps far more significant bankruptcy filing was that of Sherwin Alumina Co., a U.S. unit of commodity trading giant Glencore PLC, whose troubles have been extensively detailed on these pages. The stated reason for this far more troubling chapter 11 was “challenging market conditions” which is one way to describe an industry in which just one remaining U.S. smelter will be left in operation after Alcoa shut down its Warrick Country smelting ops last week.
A spokesman for Glencore, which owns the entire business, said the commodities producer and trader is “supportive of the restructuring process undertaken by Sherwin and is hopeful of an outcome that will allow for the continued operation of the Sherwin facility.”
We desperately need prices for oil and other commodities to rebound significantly.  Unfortunately, that does appear to be likely to happen any time soon.  In fact, according to CNN we could soon see the price of oil fall quite a bit more…
The strengthening U.S. dollar could send oil plunging to $20 per barrel.
That’s the view of analysts at Morgan Stanley. In a report published Monday, they say a 5% increase in the value of the dollar against a basket of currencies could push oil down by between 10% and 25% — which would mean prices falling by as much as $8 per barrel.
If prices for oil and other commodities keep falling, what is going to happen?
Well, Gina Martin Adams of Wells Fargo Securities says that what is happening right now reminds her of the correction of 1998
Recent market volatility has dredged up memories of previous times of turmoil, most notably the 2008 crisis. But Gina Martin Adams of Wells Fargo Securities has been reminded of another, less dramatic correction year — 1998.
Adams posits that the current economic environment is suffering from themes that also played out in 1998, including falling oil prices, a rising U.S. dollar and troubles in emerging markets. Consequently, stocks may see a similar move to the 1998 correction, which saw a 20 percent drop for stocks over six weeks.
To me, it is much more serious than that.  Just before U.S. stocks crashed horribly in 2008, we saw Chinese stocks crash, the price of oil crashed, commodity prices crashed, and junk bonds crashed really hard.
All of those things are happening again, and yet most of the “experts” continue to refuse to see the warning signs.
In fact, the mainstream media is full of articles that are telling people not to panic while the financial markets crumble all around them…
There’s no need to make big moves in response to the recent volatility. “Regular folks should take on a long-term view and avoid trying to anticipate short-term market movements,” says Stephen Horan, the managing director of credentialing at CFA Institute. “There is almost no evidence to suggest that professionals can do it effectively and a plethora of evidence suggesting individuals do it poorly.”
They want “regular folks” to keep holding on to their investments as the “smart money” dumps their stocks at a staggering pace.
A little more than six months ago, I predicted that “our problems will only be just beginning as we enter 2016″, and that is turning out to be dead on correct.
The financial crisis that began during the second half of last year is greatly accelerating, and yet most of the population continues to be in denial even though the average stock price has already fallen by more than 20 percent.
Hopefully it will not take another 20 percent decline before people begin to wake up.
Credit to Economic Collapse

The Dollar's Rise & DEMISE

German Biker Gangs Attack Foreigners In Migrant "Manhunts"

On Sunday, we learned that the man who stormed a Paris police station while waving a meat cleaver and donning a fake bomb vest once lived in a center for asylum seekers in Germany and may have ties to the wave of sexual assaults that occurred in Cologne on New Year’s Eve.
The revelations came just a day after some 1,700 people turned out for a PEGIDA rally where demonstrators waved anti-migrant banners and called for the ouster of Angela Merkel.
We’ve long argued that the influx of Mid-East asylum seekers had the potential to trigger dangerous bouts of scapegoating xenophobia across the bloc. We’ve also noted that with each passing “incident” (be it a massacre of civilians like that which occurred in Paris, a bomb scare like what unfolded in Hannover, or sexual assaults like those that took place across Europe on New Year’s), Europe’s goodwill towards refugees gradually evaporates as even “compassionate” Westerners run out of patience in the face of what’s perceived as a growing threat to the region’s culture and security.
Ultimately, we’ve argued that it’s probably just a matter of time before some Europeans take matters into their own hands. That contention seemed even more likely after the New Year’s Eve attacks in Cologne where police have been blamed for their failure to protect the crowd.
Well sure enough, reports now indicate a rogue band of “bikers, hooligans and bouncers” organized a migrant “manhunt” on Facebook before attacking a group of Pakistanis in Cologne.
“Two young Pakistani men needed hospital treatment after being attacked by vigilante gangs hunting foreigners in Cologne in apparent revenge attacks for the mass sexual assaults on women on New Year’s Eve,” The Evening Standard reports, adding that “police said the first incident took place early yesterday evening when a group of about 20 men attacked six Pakistanis near the main station near the railway station where the New Year’s Eve attacks took place.”
“Shortly after the first attack, a similar incident unfolded when a 39-year-old Syrian national was assaulted by a group of five people,” Deutsche Welle adds. Here’s more:
Cologne tabloid "Express" reported on Monday that a group of "bikers, hooligans and bouncers" had used Facebook to plan a "human hunt" to "clean up" Cologne's city center. Early on Monday, a police spokesperson was unable to confirm the reports.

On Sunday afternoon, police had received tipoffs about "groups," which were "specifically looking for provocation," police said. Officers were deployed in the city center and Cologne's "Altstadt" quarter in large numbers. As the result of several identity checks, four people were briefly detained, reported a police spokesman. Whether they were among the attackers is yet to be determined. Two people also faced criminal charges.
Here's a bit more from The Telegraph:
Nearly all of the men involve in Cologne's New Year's Eve sex attacks were migrants, Germany's interior ministry has indicated.

"Based on testimony from witnesses, the report from the Cologne police and descriptions by the federal police, it looks as if people with a migration background were almost exclusively responsible for the criminal acts," Ralf Jaeger, interior minister from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, said on Monday.
His remarks come amid a violent backlash against the migrant community in Germany after a gang of men reportedly assaulted a group of Pakistani and Syrian asylum seekers on Sunday night.

The victims were injured in the attack, which took place near Cologne train station and they had to be taken to hospital.
Cologne's local newspaper Der Express reported that a group of thugs had planned a "manhunt" for asylum seekers.
So there you have it: the vigilante "justice" has begun.
Needless to say, this does not bode well for the stability of German society. Should the "bikers, hooligans, and bouncers" align themselves with a political movement, the stage would be set for a veritable (and possibly violent) coup and with 3,000 new migrants entering the country each and every day, you can expect public support for Merkel and her "yes we can" refugee policy to dwindle in lockstep with the inexorable flow of asylum seekers.
In the meantime, if you are a foreign national walking around in Cologne and you spot a "hooligan" or worse, a "biker", run.

Credit t oZero Hedge