Tell it to the French, Mr. President. Then tell it to the future victims in America. The above comment needs no elaboration.
The terrorist events in Paris have gone from bad to worse! The events connected to the well-coordinated false flag attack are cascading around the globe. Other European governments are increasing their domestic security. France is now bombing ISIS and has declared war on them as well. Obama continues to import the same kind of extremists into America, who attacked the good people of Paris.
An ISIS Kill List for American Service Personnel
Amarillo, TX. News Channel 10 is reporting that the Pentagon has finally reacted to a globally-released ‘Kill List’ involving American service personnel by requesting that local law enforcement provide extra protection for military personnel whose personal information was released in a public hit list by ISIS in social media.
Interestingly, CBS News national security correspondent, David Martin, reported that the Pentagon is taking the threat very seriously and actually spent this past weekend notifying the soldiers who appeared on the list. One question, what are these threatened soldiers supposed to do? What are their families supposed to do?
In the public threat, ISIS is calling on its psychopathi, Jidhadist sympathizers in the U.S. to kill the identified service personnel. The military personnel on the ISIS threat list are mostly from the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy, which happen to be in the branches of the country’s military that have conducted massive air strikes against ISIS.
ISIS Has Threatened the Following US Cities
Texas: Abilene, New Braunfels, San Antonio, Wyle, Fort Hood, Bedford, Killeen
Indiana: Michigan City, Bolivar
Michigan: Dearborn Heights, Lake Orion
Connecticut: Barkhamsted, Manchester
Nevada: Reno
Georgia: Griffin
Maryland: Upper Marlboro, Warrensburg, Lexington Park
Arizona: Phoenix
Louisiana: Shreveport, Bossier City
South Carolina: Daniel Island, Charleston
North Carolina: Fayetteville, New Bern
Virginia: Burke, Virginia Beach, Suffolk, Springfield, Norfolk, Chesapeake
Colorado: Colorado Springs
California: Hanford, Solvang, San Ardo, Monterrey, Newberry Park, Carlsbad
New Mexico: Farmington
North Dakota: Minot
South Dakota: Rapid City
Florida: Merritt Island, Palm Coast, Saint John, Middleburg, Saint Augustine
Washington: Colton, Cheney, Seattle, Spokane, Anacortes
Nebraska: Bellevue
Illinois: Orland Park
Rhode Island: Newport
Idaho: Bonners Ferry
Please take note of the following ISIS tweets directed at the West and the United States in particular. In light of what has happened in France, should we not be taking these threats seriously? Aren’t unscreened Muslim immigrants from parts of the of the World who hate America, our present number one national security threat?
In light of recent events, wouldn’t any sane and rational President cease this invasion by immgration activities?
Americans Taxpayers Are Footing the Bill For Our Own Own Overthrow And Invasion! Billions Of Dollars And Lots Of Free Taxpayer Resources Will Go To Syrian Refugees While 94+ Million Americans Remain Out Of Work. The FBI has stated that 10% of the Muslim population have been radicalized. WHEN AMERICANS HEAR THAT 10,000 SYRIANS HAVE BEEN LET INTO THE COUNTRY, WE MIGHT AS WELL SAY THAT WE JUST ADMITTED 1,000 JIHADIST ISIS-BASED MURDERS. KEEP IN MIND THAT THE AUTHORITIES ARE SAYING THE PARIS ATTACKS WERE CARRED BY ONLY 7 TERRORISTS!
Despite the bloodbath in Paris, and the destablization of the rest of Europe, Obama is continuing on the path of “sucide by immigration” policiy which is allowing at least 10,000 Syrian refugees into the country over the next year, according to one of his national security team members appearing on the Sunday morning news shows.
Are you listening America, this is your future as ISIS will one day march through the streets of New Orleans. Can’t happen here you say? Just ask a Frenchman.
Despite the attacks in Paris, this is what Obama is importing to America. Where is it written that America must admit immigrants from nations identified by the United Nations? Yet, that is where Obama is taking his marching orders from. Why? Please take note of the following:
Why is Obama Selling Out the National Security Interests of America, While the French Have Closed Their Borders and Have Declared War On ISIS?
This is the 64 million dollar question. Any sane President would close the borders to this proven national security threat. Then why isn’t Obama fulfilling his Constitutional duty to protect the citizens of this country from enemies both foreign and domestic? The answer is simple, Obama is a domestic enemy to the people of the United States.
Lois Lerner, the head of the IRS, has engaged in Hillary-like behavior with her emails, was exposed before Congress and still kept her job? What wasn’t exposed before Congress was the following:

Can you imagine how George Washington would have prevailed if he had to deal with this many “Benedict Arnolds'”?
The Muslim Brotherhood Invasion of the White House
If you wonder why the Obama is continuing to bring terrorist threats into our country, please consider who works in his administration.
The Deputy Chief of Staff to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin
The embarrassed and disgraced wife of deposed Congressman, Anthony Weiner, Huma Abedin, has undeniable family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. In an interview with FrontPageMag, anti-Islamist activist and author Walid Shoebat explained that Huma’s mother, Saleha Abedin, is and was deeply involved with the Muslim Brotherhood and that Huma’s brother, Hassan, is on the board of the Oxford Centre For Islamic Studies (OCIS) where he is a fellow and partners with other board members including “Al-Qaeda associate, Omar Naseef and the notorious Muslim Brotherhood leader Sheikh Youssef Qaradawi; both have been listed as OCIS Trustees.” Has the FBI stopped vetting Federal governmental employees in highly sensitive positions?
Department of Homeland Security Deputy Mayor, Arif Alikhan
In the publication, Discover the Networks, the editors discuss the background as it relates to highly sensitive federal agency employment (e.g. DHS) and the Muslim terrorist affiliations ofArif Alikhan. Alikhan’s resume is very impressive.
Obama Administration Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships, Eboo Patel
If you were on the FBI team vetting Presidential appointees, would you grant your seal of approval to the grandson of the Muslim Brotherhood’s founder, Siraj Wahhaj, who was named as a co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and who has defended the convicted WTC bombers. Well, somebody thought Eboo Patel, the man in question would make a splendid member of Obama’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships.
Additionally, Patel, himself, spoke at a Muslim Students Association and ISNA Convention, while appearing on a panel, and also being partnered with Tariq Ramadan.
Ramadan is the grandson of Siraj Wahhaj, who was named as a possible co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and has defended the convicted WTC bombers. Wahhaj allegedly advocates for the Islamic takeover of America under the banner of Sharia Law.
Please allow me to impart a brief history lesson. The Muslim Brotherhood was created by the Nazis. They killed American GI’s in World War II. They are terrorists. They run guns, drugs and children for other terrorist organizations such as Hamas. Hamas is also tied into the Mexican drug cartels.
When one has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, then one has ties to terrorists and this should automatically disqualify one to work for our government. If a President is guilty of appointing such people to high governmental positions, then that President should be impeached.
The Speech That Obama Should Make Tonight
President Obama should hold a press conference to distance himself from his terrorist half brother.“My fellow Americans, you have elected me to uphold the Constitution and to protect the citizens of this country”. I take my sworn oath very seriously. It is in this spirit that I come before you tonight to disavow the terrorist actions of my half brother, Malick Obama. Should the American people have any doubt as to where my loyalties lie, this statement should put these concerns to rest. I condemn my half brother as a terrorist and an enemy of the American people.We now know that Malick’s influence and business dealings that placed the citizens of our country at risk as we have highly trained insurgents entering our country with arms and training supplied by my half brother.I have ordered the FBI to place my half brother on the Top Ten Most Wanted List. We are offering a $10 million dollar reward for his capture. In light of what has happened in Paris, I am also suspending all immigration into the United States until we can martial the resources to screen every single immigrant, especially from the Middle East, who are attempting to enter our country.God Bless America”.
Malick Obama, the Head of the Muslim Brotherhood Finance and Arms Procurement
Malick Obama is the half brother of the President. Malck is a terrorist and is in charge of finances and arms procurement for the Muslim Brotherhood. During his tenure in office, President Obama has been strangely silent on the terrorist membership of his half brother.
The oversight of the Muslim Brotherhood’s international investments is one reason for the Obama administration’s support of the Muslim Brotherhood, according to an Egyptian report citing the vice president of the Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt, Tehani al-Gebali. We know now from investigative facts supplied by researcher Walid Shoebat, a former Palestinian Liberation Organization operative, in which it was established that Shoebat and al-Gebali was led “to inform the American people that their President’s brother Obama is one of the architects of the major investments of the Muslim Brotherhood.”
Shoebat reported in May of 2014 that Malik Obama is the executive secretary of the Islamic Da’wa Organization, or IDO, a group created by the Sudanese government, which is labeled as a terrorist state by the U.S. State Department.
The establishment of President Obama’s half brother as someone who has distinct terrorist ties was established in the Arab Spring back in 2011. The notion went unchallenged but largely unreported in the MSM.
The President Is Tied to His Brother
Obama has given his direct blessing to some of his top supporters (e.g. Marty Nesbitt, a long-time aid and chief consultant to Obama’s re-election campaign) and they launched a foundation that will develop and build a Presidential library. The foundation tied to this endeavor is headed by Malik Obama according to documents uncovered by Freedom Outpost.
What Is There Left to Say?
It is time for some good ole’ civil disobedience. If Obama will not stop importing national security threats to the United States, perhaps it is time to stop paying taxes, or complying with Federal law in a variety of ways. It is time to force an end to this madness. If one thinks that these allegations brought forth here are the words of a raving lunatic, please click on the hypertext links and examine the evidence for your own edification.
As we contemplate potential terror threats inside the United States, please consider the following information sent to me by an informant and an official at Palo Verde Nuclear Power Plant. Yesterday, he was in Buckeye, right next to the Palo Verde facility, and he witnessed the following:
Why are Asian soldiers dressed in foreign military uniforms congregating in a town right next to a nuclear power plant?
Of course there are those who say that there are no foreign troops in the US ready to spring into action during a declared martial law action. And there are those who would say that terrorists would never attack a nuclear power plant. By the way, did you know that Grid Ex III is commencing soon? But then again, all of us in the independent media who warned the public against the coming terror attacks in Europe and soon-t0-be terror attacks inside of the United States are just paranoid. Tell that to the French.
Credit to common Sense