Friday, September 2, 2016
Iran Says That The Mahdi Is Coming Soon And He Will Defeat The U.S. In World War III
By Walid Shoebat
Iran is expecting their Mahdi to be coming soon. Iran’s propaganda machine is showing a clip of their version of World War III which will be launched according to them when the U.S. invades Iran. It shows why Iran will be victorious:
The belief (as you see in the video) that Iran will destroy the U.S. without weapons stem from the Hadith:
Our Prophet (saas) tells us that Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) will put an end to strife, war and conflict by waging an intellectual campaign against all these. We are told in hadith that in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) all weapons will fall silent and wars will come to an end, and that peace, love and justice will rule the world following the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) and the Prophet Jesus (pubs): War (competents) will lay down its burden (arms and the like). (Sunan Ibn Majah, 10/334)
This perhaps should mark the Christian’s favorite Hadith just as my mother’s favorite Quranic verse was when my father followed this Quranic instruction:
But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance – [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed. [Quran 4:34]
Guess who was really punished when my father forsook my mother in bed?
If Muslims carried out these two instructions alone, the world will be a better place, not only it will control their population, but will get their butts kicked from here till Kingdom come.
Muslims, why are you so disobedient and do not follow Allah’s instructions here?
Get with Allah’s program, will ya?
Credit to
Is It Time to Leave America?

Should you leave America, can you leave America? Are there more reasons to leave America? This is one of the most asked questions I receive. The answers to the first two questions are unclear to many. However, the answer to the last question is an unqualified yes!
Record Expatriation of US Citizens
Americans are leaving the country at record speed and the annual rate of expatriation is growing as over 150,000 Americans departed the former land of liberty for greener pastures overseas in the past year. In fact, there are now over five million Americanswho are choosing to live outside the United States. Just why are Americans leaving this land of “freedom” and opportunity in record numbers, with no end in sight?
Would you renounce your U.S. citizenship if it meant you’d be sending less of your hard-earned dollars to Uncle Sam? Do you want affordable health care? Do you desire to live a long and healthy life? Do you want your children to have an affordable college education? Do you want to retire in relative comfort? Do you desire to live your life with more freedoms than you presently enjoy and not have to worry about government harassment? On balance, should most Americans stay or go?
There are reasons and myths which both favor and discourage expatriation. Below, I have listed a set of generalized statements about the viability of leaving America and these notions are examined.
The Highest Taxes In the World
The number one reason that Americans are fleeing the country is because of high taxes. The income tax rate rose last year to 39.6% from 35% for individuals earning more than $400,000 a year and married couples earning more than $450,000. Also, 77% of Americans will pay higher federal tax rates because the cuts in Social Security payroll taxes expired when Congress passed its tax package on New Year’s Day 2013 . The Tax Policy Center estimates that those who earn more than $1 million would pay an average of $170,341 more in taxes. If you are middle class or poor, you may not have the means to leave and your taxes have not been as dramatically impacted as the wealthy. It is a fact that expatriation does favor the upper middle class because one has to have a significant income to benefit from a potential move. In other words, if you are the owner of an Obama phone, you are better off staying in the country because you have little to tax.
We Can’t Leave Our Great US Pensions Behind
Meet the new robber baron, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew
It is a myth that America has a good set of retirement systems.You arenot getting the best pension package compared to other Western nations as America ranks dead last in overall pension benefits. And this is in the backdrop of the nothing-to-lose, second term Obama Administration, who is preparing to seize your 401k pensions. Secretary of the Treasury Jack Lew has already starting raided federal pension funds this last year so the government does not exceed the debt ceiling. America, your money is not even safe in the bank as witnessed by the fact that the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals who ruled that banks can steal the money of its depositors and it is legal! There are no golden years in America unless you are in the infamous 1%.
Americans Stay for Higher Pay
Americans no longer live in the highest salary paying country in the world. In fact, the United States does not even crack the top ten list of the highest salary paying countries on the planet in which Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Japan, Norway, Austria, Belgium, Ireland, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom round out the top ten and pay their workers more than workers in the United States. In fact, the United States only ranks 20th in terms of overall gross pay! One would be very naive to call America the land of opportunity.
If We Leave Our Children’s Education Will Suffer
The Education Policy Institute assessed the affordability of higher education costs and found that the United States ranks 13th in higher education affordability. At a time when our schools are producing students which are performing last in math and science as compared our industrialized cohort nations, leaving the country, in many cases, would benefit a child’s educational attainment. And do not forget that the Common Core Standards have come online and they will dramatically increase the dumbing down of American students. Most Americans mistakenly think they will help their children to rise above the rest by going to college. That type of thinking can be a financial death trap. To those who think your children can borrow their way to a degree, think again. Today’s U.S. college loan practices, which serves to underwrite much of the cost of a college education, are the most predatory in the world. As of 2013, bankruptcy cannot cancel out a student loan debt and delinquent college students can now go to jail for nonpayment. In fact, several federal agencies have even “swat teamed” many delinquent student loan defaulters. Nowhere else in the world can we find evidence of these types of predatory practices being used against college students as we do here in the United States. Even those who are degreed and/or skilled in fields such as engineering or information technology skills, are really wasting their time working in the United States. Eight of the world’s ten highest-paying countries for information technology (IT) managers are in Western Europe, according to a new survey by Mercer Human Resource Consulting. The survey found that Swiss managers are paid the most, followed by those in Germany and Denmark. In fact, IT management is another field where U.S. workers fail to crack the top ten in income, the United States ranks 14th in IT management compensation.Even debt ridden Spain, Italy and Greece pay their IT managers more than what Americans earn on average. If you child is striving to become a high tech employee, they would be better leaving the country.
We Cannot Leave This Good Health Care Behind
The United States spends more than the next 12 nations for health care. However, it seems as if we are spending more and enjoying it less as, despite our exorbitant spending on health care, the United States ranks 50th in the world in life expectancy. Cuba, Puerto Rico and Spain have higher life expectancies than the United States. Americans live in the only country in the world where its citizens cannot bargain shop for its medicines in foreign countries because the pharmaceuticals have convinced congress to establish a pharmaceutical monopoly over U.S. citizens. Death by doctor has increased to 225,000 per year. Healthcare would be an excellent reason to leave.
Perhaps the best reason to leave the country would come down to the 2016 election. If Hillary is not capable of winning, the election might be canceled and this would be marked by the beginning of martial law and perhaps even culminating in civil war. The other reason to leave the country, related to the election, would stem from Clinton being elected. Under Clinton, tyranny would reign supreme. I have already made plans to be in hiding if Clinton is able to steal the 2016 election.
Credit to Common Sense
Burning Man: America’s Largest Occult Festival Is A Celebration Of Weirdness And Hedonism

30 years ago, Burning Man began as a small beach gathering in San Francisco. Initially held during the Summer Solstice, it quickly took on a life of its own and was moved to Nevada in 1990. Ever since then, this eight day party has not stopped growing, and people literally fly in from all over the world to witness one of the most bizarre spectacles in America.
To say that Burning Man is “weird” would not be doing it justice. In this very isolated corner of the Black Rock Desert, you will find nudists (lots of them), palm readers, neopagans, “ecosexuals”, witches, sorcerers, shamans, New Age gurus, “goddesses”, Satanists, “polyamorists” and just about every type of fetishist that you can possibly imagine.
The reason why the festival is called “Burning Man” is because of the gigantic effigy that is burned toward the end of the eight day celebration. Nobody is physically harmed during the burning of this enormous “wicker man”, but it does seem to parallel the human sacrifices that the Druids would do in ancient times. The following comes from Wikipedia…
While other Roman writers of the time, such as Cicero, Suetonius, Lucan, Tacitus and Pliny the Elder, described human sacrifice among the Celts, only Caesar and the geographer Strabo mention the wicker man as one of many ways the Druids of Gaul performed sacrifices.[6] Caesar reports that some of the Gauls built the effigies out of sticks and placed living men inside, then set them on fire to pay tribute to the gods. Caesar writes that though the Druids generally used those found guilty of crimes deserving death, as they pleased the gods more, they sometimes used slaves and innocent men when no delinquents could be found.[7]
And even today, the burning of “wicker men” is very much associated with neopaganism. Here is more from that same Wikipedia article…
Wicker men are set ablaze during some neopagan festivities. A female effigy of wicker or other materials is burnt at the stake for the annual Danish celebration of Sankt Hans aften (Saint John‘s Eve). Typically, Celtic neopagans, Neo-druids, are those who use such a motif in their festivities because they, unlike other neopagan groups, are either inspired by, or follow a reconstructed form of, Celtic paganism[citation needed]. At other times, neopagans do not burn wicker men, but keep them as idols for protection, often merging them with the Green Man. Neopagan wicker men range from life sized to huge, humanoid, temporary sculptures that are set ablaze during a celebration, usually toward the end of the event. They are constructed with a wooden frame that is woven with flexible sticks such as willow often used in wicker furniture and fencing. Some wicker men are extremely complex and require days of construction.[9]
Of course the organizers of Burning Man strongly deny that it is an overtly occult festival, but it is undeniable that thousands upon thousands of occultists from all over the planet are drawn to this celebration each year.
However, there are many others that go to Burning Man just for the sex, drugs and techno music.
During these eight days people openly and freely use illegal drugs, and the authorities don’t seem to mind. Public nudity is also constantly on display, but once again law enforcement is nowhere to be found. Actually, if they are there it is usually to participate in the debauchery.
The biggest draw of all, however, is the casual sex that is absolutely rampant at Burning Man. And it isn’t just one on one sex that we are talking about. That would be way too boring. This is how the Daily Mail described what goes on during these eight days…
Sex between ‘Burners’, as festival-goers are known, is known variously as ‘dust love’ or ‘tent trysts’, and old hands suggest it is simply ‘selfish’ to stick to monogamy. Public nudity, especially by women, is actively encouraged, while orgies — or at the very least partner swapping, if not threesomes — have become just as much a feature of Burning Man as the ceremonial torching of a huge wooden effigy of a man to celebrate the summer solstice.Group sex is actively encouraged at so-called ‘theme camps’ — giant tent complexes where free bars encourage visitors to loosen up and participate. A popular venue is the so-called ‘Orgy Dome’, run by a group calling itself And Then There’s Only Love, though conventional notions of love are hardly what’s fostered inside its giant dome tent.
If the “Orgy Dome” is not your style, there are definitely other kinky activities available…
The Orgy Dome is hardly alone. There is also a ‘Group Sex Bus’, the ‘Sex Libido Lounge’, and a Canadian-run club with an unprintable name where judges give points to amorous couples for ‘style’ and ‘inventive poses’.
To some of you reading this article, this may sound like paradise.
In fact, some of you might be thinking that you may want to attend Burning Man next year.
But the truth is that there is such an emptiness to this kind of reckless animal behavior. People “let loose” to try to give meaning to their otherwise meaningless lives, but any pleasures that are enjoyed are quite fleeting. In the end, many participants return to their “normal lives” feeling even emptier than before. This is how an editorial in the New York Post put it…
Sure, it looks fun to spend a few days enjoying a gift economy, listening to techno, cooling off in refrigeration trucks and gawking at surreal sculptures or taking in offbeat performance art. But, according to Daniel Yudkin, a social psychology Ph.D. candidate at New York University, as reported by Quartz, the eight days of decadent hedonism provide once-a-year opportunities for attendees to experience bona fide connections with others. All the other non-Burning days of their lives? Not so much.Rather than reflecting how much fun Burning Man is, the reality of people spending thousands of dollars — on travel, accommodations, tickets and drugs — serves as proof that their non-Burner days are pathetically empty. “I think the fact that people invest so much of their own resources and time and energy to going to Burning Man suggests that there’s something missing, that there’s something Burning Man fulfills for them that they don’t get in day-to-day life,” Yudkin says.
Ultimately, the truth is that you are not going to find meaning in life through sex, drugs, public nudity, weird art and loud techno music.
You can try every pleasure under the sun, but it is still not going to fill that hole that you feel deep inside of you.
In America today, there is a greater spiritual void than ever before. People are searching for meaning and purpose in all sorts of places and not finding it.
Unfortunately, I think that this helps to explain the popularity of Burning Man. Multitudes of Americans are deeply dissatisfied with their regular lives, and they are searching for something real.
Sadly, the revelers at Burning Man are not going to find anything real to soothe their aching hearts. Instead, they will only find more pain, more frustration and more emptiness.
CRedit to End Of The American Dream
“But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” Matthew 24:37 (KJV)
The signals seem to be originating from a sun-like star known as HD 164595 in the constellation Hercules, around 95 light years away. Scientists suggest they are likely to be the result of a natural phenomenon, such as ‘microlensing’, in which the star’s gravity strengthens and focus signals from elsewhere.
But astronomers have also asked SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) to take a closer look at whether they could be a message from ET.
SETI will track HD 164595 tonight using the Allen Telescope Array in northern California and the Boquete Optical SETI Observatory in Panama. According to a report by Paul Gilster at Centauri Dreams, the signal was first detected on May 15 last year by the RATAN-600 radio telescope in Zelenchukskaya.
HD 164595 is interesting to scientists because it’s a sun-like star with at least one ‘warm Neptune’ planet in orbit.
Its average temperature is 12 Kelvin hotter than the sun and is around 100 million years younger than our star.
Scientists say there may still be other planets undetected around HD 164595.
‘No one is claiming that this is the work of an extraterrestrial civilisation, but it is certainly worth further study,’ writes Gilster.
‘Working out the strength of the signal, the researchers say that if it came from an isotropic beacon, it would be of a power possible only for a Kardashev Type II civilisation. ‘If it were a narrow beam signal focused on our solar system, it would be of a power available to a Kardashev Type I civilisation.’
A Type I civilisation is given to species who have been able to harness all the energy that is available from a nearby star, gathering and storing it to meet its population’s demands. A Type II civilisation is much more advanced and can harness the power of their entire star.
In Shocking Announcement, Jerusalem Rabbi Proclaims Donald Trump A “Messiah-Like Figure” With Prophetic “End Of Days” Role For America
“But Esav I hated and made his mountains a desolation and gave his heritage to the jackals of the wilderness.” Malachi 1:3 (The Israel Bible™)

Donald Trump (Breaking Israel News)
Donald Trump will be a factor in the End of Days in America by reflecting the rehabilitation of Biblical Esau, said a New Jersey rabbi earlier this month, calling the Republican presidential candidate “a Messiah-like figure”.
The rabbi’s lecture, which took place in Lakewood, New Jersey, begins with Esav (Esau), the twin brother of Jacob, who does not enjoy a sterling reputation in the Bible. Yet rabbinic scholar Rabbi Mendel Kessin suggests that, at the End of Days, Esav will be rehabilitated. Rabbi Kessin speaks often about the spiritual underpinnings of the events of the 21st century.
Rabbi Kessin connects Esav throughout history to Edom, Rome, Christianity, Western civilization and, ultimately, to the United States. According to Rabbi Kessin, America represents the good of Esav. At the End of Days, Rabbi Kessin contends that the sins of Esav will be removed and Esav will become God-fearing.

Rabbi Mendel Kessin (YouTube)
He further explains that, although Esav has traditionally been associated with oppressing, persecuting and afflicting the Jews, at the End of Days, he will undergo a fundamental change in his character.
Rather than harming Jews, Esav will turn toward serving the Jews, assisting them in doing God’s will in the form of mitzvot (Biblical commandments). As a result, Esav will be rehabilitated and will earn a place in the World to Come. Further, since Rabbi Kessin believes that spiritual tasks of Esav are being completed by the United States today, he sees the destiny of the United States at the End of Days as a positive one.
But it doesn’t end there. Rabbi Kessin further asserts that Donald Trump has a critical role to play in purifying the US. “What I believe is that the one who is going to switch from [Esav persecuting the Jews] to [Esav serving the Jews] is Donald Trump,” Rabbi Kessin claims. “He’s going to purify Edom.”
He further explains that, although Esav has traditionally been associated with oppressing, persecuting and afflicting the Jews, at the End of Days, he will undergo a fundamental change in his character.
Rather than harming Jews, Esav will turn toward serving the Jews, assisting them in doing God’s will in the form of mitzvot (Biblical commandments). As a result, Esav will be rehabilitated and will earn a place in the World to Come. Further, since Rabbi Kessin believes that spiritual tasks of Esav are being completed by the United States today, he sees the destiny of the United States at the End of Days as a positive one.
But it doesn’t end there. Rabbi Kessin further asserts that Donald Trump has a critical role to play in purifying the US. “What I believe is that the one who is going to switch from [Esav persecuting the Jews] to [Esav serving the Jews] is Donald Trump,” Rabbi Kessin claims. “He’s going to purify Edom.”
At the 43-minute mark of the lecture, Rabbi Kessin states that the gematria (Hebrew numerical value) of Donald Trump is the same as the gematria of Moshiach ben David (Messiah son of David). He quickly assures his listeners that Trump is not the long-awaited Messiah of the Jewish people. At the same time, Kessin plainly asserts that Trump has the qualities of a messiah-like figure.
Rabbi Kessin believes that “someone who will turn a nation completely, diametrically opposite is a messiah.” He further contends that good times will return to the US under the leadership of Donald Trump because “Peace and prosperity must happen in order to rehabilitate the Jews in America, to prepare them for Moshiach (Messiah).”
Using three Biblical examples, he builds his case that Trump is a messiah-like figure. He argues that “A messianic figure is always despised.” He cites Joseph, who was imprisoned; Moses, who had to run away from Pharaoh to escape being killed; and King David, who was rejected many times in his lifetime.
The stone which the builders rejected is become the chief corner-stone. Psalms 118:22
Speaking in more detail about the concept of a messianic figure, Rabbi Kessin said, “Many messianic figures, they come out of nowhere… Everybody is expecting the Moshiach to be this incredible tzaddik (righteous individual), incredible gadol (great person), unbelievable talmid chacham (Torah scholar). Yeah, eventually he will be. But he’s the guy that you don’t even look at twice. That’s who a Moshiach is. And you find all the (messianic figures) were always despised…
“That’s why there’s so much opposition to Trump. Because he’s about to start something which is a major reversal of the job of Esav from [oppression of the Jews] to [serving the Jews].”
Credit to breaking israel news
CALAIS WARZONE: Riot police fire tear gas to hold back HUNDREDS of UK-bound migrants

Marauding gangs attempted to storm the motorwaey leading to the port as the crisis in the town spirals out of control.
Refugees lit fires and barricaded the road as they tried to ambush traffic heading to the ferry terminal.
The chaos forced traffic to a standstill for over an hour as heavily armed officers desperately battled to restore order.
The tense stand off saw riot police in body armour and carrying shields fire tear gas into the shantytown as balaclava-clad refugees taunted them.
One officer said: “This is happening regularly - the migrants try to get on to the motorway.”

The Daily Express was able to capture the striking images after being caught in the gridlock just a mile from the docks.
The shocking scenes sparked fears of a fresh wave of violence as British families return home after their summer holidays.
Over the weekend the A16 and A216 motorways leading to the ferry port will be clogged with thousands of vehicles.
The shocking incident was one of a number of similar events around Calais staged by migrants in recent weeks.
Credit to
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