Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Bilderberg is DANGEROUS Swiss legislator
The legislator, Dominique Baettig of the Swiss People’s Party (SVP), was interviewed by this AFP writer last December and soon made headlines when he called for George W. Bush’s arrest for war crimes if he ever set foot in Switzerland. Bush canceled a Feb. 12 visit to Geneva.
Regarding Bilderberg’s pending visit, Baettig informed top cop Mrs. Simonetta Sommaruga: “I wish to draw your attention to . . . the discreet but influential Bilderberg group [meeting] in a hotel in St. Moritz [June 9-12].”
The group is a “global elite of bankers, industrialists, diplomats, U.S. and European NATO brass, crowned heads, media groups, their moguls and editors, as well as heads of state, whether retired or not, which coordinates, exchanges, organizes and structures, out of all democratic control, the major guidelines toward economic globalization.”
To convey the danger of Bilderberg’s influence, his letter adds, “Independence, private property and the private sphere are reduced by the usage of electronic virtual money and by . . . the control of all individuals in a biometric global gulag. . . . Higher debts of the [world’s] countries are encouraged . . . and they become the debtors of supranational private banks.
“Military and police tasks are privatized and military actions to dismantle independent states are planned and coordinated (Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, Libya; tomorrow Iran and Syria). The worst being the fact that they prepare the programmed end of traditional democracy, with a power shift from all states to the benefit of non-elected governance entities. . . .”
His letter also notes that this “discreet group develops an ultra-liberal, free-trade society model, with a . . . world currency and the IMF as treasurer.”
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Skepticism grows on Geithner's debt limit deadline
(Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is facing growing criticism for his changing predictions on when the country might face a debt default, shifts that have led some Republicans to discount his dire warnings that the debt limit must be raised soon.
Since January, Geithner has changed his forecast of when the U.S. would hit its borrowing cap, and the final deadline for raising the debt limit, at least four times -- fueling a belief among rank-and-file Republicans that his latest August 2 deadline is artificial and can be ignored.
Some Democrats are increasingly worried that the changing calendar has been counter-productive, complicating efforts to get the $14.3 trillion borrowing cap raised because many conservative Republicans do not believe the country will start to default for many months.
"You can only cry wolf so many times," a former economic official in the Bill Clinton White House told Reuters. "If you are jumping from May to July to August, you can see people thinking that maybe you can jump from August to October.
"If people believe you can stretch this to October -- and the truth is, we really can't -- we're in big trouble."
Geithner first began warning in January of "catastrophic" consequences if the debt limit is not raised by Congress, saying then that the borrowing cap could be hit as early as March 31.
That prediction soon changed to April 5, but it was not until Monday -- May 16 -- that the ceiling was officially reached as the latest government bond sales were settled.
In early April, Geithner also said the drop-dead date for a debt limit rise, when the U.S. would begin to default on its obligations, was July 8. This month he changed that to August 2.
The Treasury says it can use "extraordinary measures" such as dipping into government pension funds to fend off default until August.
Iranian FM says Bushehr nuclear plant is operational
Nuclear power plant has reached critical mass, will be powered up within weeks, Salehi says, echoing statements ofsenior Russian diplomat.
Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi said that the Bushehr power plant is operational, Press TV reported on Wednesday.
"As we have previously announced, Bushehr power plant has reached the criticality stage, meaning it has been successfully launched," Salehi reportedly said.
Criticality is the stage in a nuclear reaction when the fissile material is self-sustaining.
"This stage lasts for two months. We hope the plant will gain some 40 percent of its power within the next one or two months," Salehi added.
The Iranian foreign minister also said that the Bushehr plant is one of the safest in the world.
Last week, a senior Russian diplomat said that the Bushehr, a Russian-built plant, will be fully operational within weeks.
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov spoke two days after the company that built the plant, a politically charged project that faced repeated delays, said the reactor had begun operating at a low level for tests before bringing it on line.
Begun in the 1970s by a German consortium, construction of the plant was abandoned after Iran's 1979 Islamic Revolution and has faced repeated delays since the mid-1990s, when Russia began work to complete it under a $1 billion deal with Tehran.
Jerusalem Post
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The situation is getting worse

The situation is getting worse and I expect to see severe problems in the US. Bernanke doesn’t understand economics, he doesn’t understand finance, he only understands printing money and we can’t quadruple the amount of money in the next slowdown. - in
Jim Rogers is an author, financial commentator and successful international investor. He has been frequently featured in Time, The New York Times, Barron’s, Forbes, Fortune, The Wall Street Journal, The Financial Times and is a regular guest on Bloomberg and CNBC.
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