Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Russia To Test New Long-Range Nuclear Capable ICBMs
The Russian military was pressing ahead with the design and manufacture of new nuclear-capable heavy intercontinental ballistic missiles that were expected to be ready for testing in 18-24 months, the Russian government-backed news agency Tass reported.
The Kremlin has prioritized the modernisation and strategic location of its ICBM missile fleet during the last year because of renewed hostility between Moscow and NATO over the annexation of Crimea and the Kremlin’s continued involvement in the Eastern Ukraine war.
"As of today, the third stage of the design and development work is underway. I believe we’ll reach the stage of tests of this heavy missile in 18-24 months," an aide to the Strategic Missile Force Commander Igor Denisov said Tuesday.
The missile, known as Sarmat, will reportedly have an operational range of 10,000 kilometers (6,200 miles) and be able to travel at 24,500 kilometers per hour (15,220 mph). The missile, which can reportedly also deliver up to 15 separate warheads to independent targets, will likely be stationed in the East or West of the country to maximize its delivery range.
Nuclear Arsenal by Country | FindTheData
In recent weeks Russia has continued testing its shorter-range Iskander missile, which it was threatening to place in its Baltic Sea exclave of Kaliningrad. Such a move would provoke Russia’s main nuclear rivals in Washington to consider placing U.S.-made and -operated missiles back in Britain, from where it removed intermediate-range missiles at the end of the Cold War in 1991.
The move by Russia and the U.S. would be in breach of the 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Force Treaty, which prohibits the use of ballistic and cruise missiles with ranges of 500 to 5,500 km (300 to 3,400 miles).

British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said of such a move in June that “we have got to send a clear signal to Russia that we will not allow them to transgress our red line,” and that actually hosting the missiles in Britain “would be a decision that we would make together, if that proposition was on the table.”
Credit to
"As of today, the third stage of the design and development work is underway. I believe we’ll reach the stage of tests of this heavy missile in 18-24 months," an aide to the Strategic Missile Force Commander Igor Denisov said Tuesday.
The missile, known as Sarmat, will reportedly have an operational range of 10,000 kilometers (6,200 miles) and be able to travel at 24,500 kilometers per hour (15,220 mph). The missile, which can reportedly also deliver up to 15 separate warheads to independent targets, will likely be stationed in the East or West of the country to maximize its delivery range.
Nuclear Arsenal by Country | FindTheData
In recent weeks Russia has continued testing its shorter-range Iskander missile, which it was threatening to place in its Baltic Sea exclave of Kaliningrad. Such a move would provoke Russia’s main nuclear rivals in Washington to consider placing U.S.-made and -operated missiles back in Britain, from where it removed intermediate-range missiles at the end of the Cold War in 1991.
The move by Russia and the U.S. would be in breach of the 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Force Treaty, which prohibits the use of ballistic and cruise missiles with ranges of 500 to 5,500 km (300 to 3,400 miles).
British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said of such a move in June that “we have got to send a clear signal to Russia that we will not allow them to transgress our red line,” and that actually hosting the missiles in Britain “would be a decision that we would make together, if that proposition was on the table.”
Credit to
How to Wage War On the Bankers Who Have Hijacked Our Government

Maybe there was a reason why Jesus chased the money changers from the Temple!

More and more people and organizations are becoming adept at identifying the evil injustices which have invaded every facet of our lives.
Jade Helm has put this nation under martial law. Malls, schools, stadiums, arena and warehouses are being prepared to become makeshift FEMA camps. Christians, on a national scale are being marginalized in favor of gays and Muslims. Pharmaceuticals have taken over the legislative process and are getting government to mandate vaccines with no exemptions. CPS is still stealing kids, many for no other reason than the fact that is profitable to do so.
One Enemy Is At the Heart of What Is Going On
Of all the identified enemies of humanity, there is one enemy which stands out among all others. IF you took away Jade Helm, you would still have the bankers. Jesus did not chase the Jews, followers of ISLAM, the gays, the Pope, he chased the banks from the temple.

Pogo is correct. It is we the people who have become adept at mastering the craft of perpetuating our own enslavement. We provide the labor and the capital which enslaves us. This article illustrates one small example of how we are being enslaved and more importantly, what we can do about it.
Whether it is banking, healthcare or even public education, the globalist bankers have virtual control the entire system. They also control the dialogue through their domination of the mainstream media and they do so to their advantage and to our extreme detriment.
This article will take a very brief look at banking and then propose solutions based upon common sense and from the field of psychology which could be used to mitigate the effectiveness of the globalists on a broad front in this arena.
Stop Feeding the Beast
The globalists have a definitive infrastructure and when we decide enough is enough and withdraw from this system, their house of cards will begin to crumble and could eventually collapse. The moment humanity realizes that we are contributing to our own enslavement and demise by our complicit participation in the globalists rigged game, we can choose to alter our course by making different decisions. Our continuing decision to fully participate in the banking system is mind boggling because this system is sowing the seeds of humanity’s destruction.
Jade Helm has put this nation under martial law. Malls, schools, stadiums, arena and warehouses are being prepared to become makeshift FEMA camps. Christians, on a national scale are being marginalized in favor of gays and Muslims. Pharmaceuticals have taken over the legislative process and are getting government to mandate vaccines with no exemptions. CPS is still stealing kids, many for no other reason than the fact that is profitable to do so.
One Enemy Is At the Heart of What Is Going On
Of all the identified enemies of humanity, there is one enemy which stands out among all others. IF you took away Jade Helm, you would still have the bankers. Jesus did not chase the Jews, followers of ISLAM, the gays, the Pope, he chased the banks from the temple.

Pogo is correct. It is we the people who have become adept at mastering the craft of perpetuating our own enslavement. We provide the labor and the capital which enslaves us. This article illustrates one small example of how we are being enslaved and more importantly, what we can do about it.
Whether it is banking, healthcare or even public education, the globalist bankers have virtual control the entire system. They also control the dialogue through their domination of the mainstream media and they do so to their advantage and to our extreme detriment.
This article will take a very brief look at banking and then propose solutions based upon common sense and from the field of psychology which could be used to mitigate the effectiveness of the globalists on a broad front in this arena.
Stop Feeding the Beast
The globalists have a definitive infrastructure and when we decide enough is enough and withdraw from this system, their house of cards will begin to crumble and could eventually collapse. The moment humanity realizes that we are contributing to our own enslavement and demise by our complicit participation in the globalists rigged game, we can choose to alter our course by making different decisions. Our continuing decision to fully participate in the banking system is mind boggling because this system is sowing the seeds of humanity’s destruction.

First, it incomprehensible that people do not take the time to investigate with whom they are entrusting their money. The money changers represent the group most despised by Jesus and if that is not enough, let us consider the fact these banksters contribute to the starting of every war in order that they can loan out the money for the arms build-up. And then the banksters loan out the money to clean up the mess and we repeat this scenario over and over and over again.
To survive, the system needs your children’s involuntary servitude in the military. In other words, when you deposit money in the bank, you are participating in the future death of many of today’s children as they grow into young adulthood. Why would any reasonable person entrust their money to such a system of evil?
Second, the banksters take your money into their hallowed institutions and then multiply it by a factor of nine (i.e. fractional reserve banking) and then loan out this imaginary money at your expense by the inflationary practice that this culminates in. Then the banksters have the intestinal fortitude to loan us back the money at 15, 20, 25% interest on money created out of thin air. When you put money into the bank, you are committing financial suicide.
Third, when the banksters print their money out of thin air and then charge the government and the people for the right to use “their” money, we in effect are paying for the right to be their debt slaves. And all of this occurs despite the fact that the Constitution says that Congress shall coin money. Of course, a dumbed down populace cannot appreciate or be cognizant of the principles of the Constitution. Why? Because the globalists also control education which is another story for another time.
Fourth, the international banksters are hands down the most corrupt and evil influence on the planet. They perpetrated the Arab Spring in which many have died and there is no end in sight.
The banksters, through the Bilderberg control over NATO, overthrew Libya because that country would not join the Bank of International Settlement’s central banking system and enslave their people into generations of crushing debt. Immediately prior to the time of Libya’s occupation, the Libyan people paid 14 cents for a gallon of gas, provided free education to their citizens as well as free health care. Young Libyan couples getting married were given a home. In America, you American couples get married, buy a home, only to have many of these homes stolen by the fraud of MERS. The banksters could not have that kind of wealth wasted on common people, because unless someone is their debt slave, they cannot be readily controlled.

Second, the banksters take your money into their hallowed institutions and then multiply it by a factor of nine (i.e. fractional reserve banking) and then loan out this imaginary money at your expense by the inflationary practice that this culminates in. Then the banksters have the intestinal fortitude to loan us back the money at 15, 20, 25% interest on money created out of thin air. When you put money into the bank, you are committing financial suicide.
Third, when the banksters print their money out of thin air and then charge the government and the people for the right to use “their” money, we in effect are paying for the right to be their debt slaves. And all of this occurs despite the fact that the Constitution says that Congress shall coin money. Of course, a dumbed down populace cannot appreciate or be cognizant of the principles of the Constitution. Why? Because the globalists also control education which is another story for another time.
Fourth, the international banksters are hands down the most corrupt and evil influence on the planet. They perpetrated the Arab Spring in which many have died and there is no end in sight.
The banksters, through the Bilderberg control over NATO, overthrew Libya because that country would not join the Bank of International Settlement’s central banking system and enslave their people into generations of crushing debt. Immediately prior to the time of Libya’s occupation, the Libyan people paid 14 cents for a gallon of gas, provided free education to their citizens as well as free health care. Young Libyan couples getting married were given a home. In America, you American couples get married, buy a home, only to have many of these homes stolen by the fraud of MERS. The banksters could not have that kind of wealth wasted on common people, because unless someone is their debt slave, they cannot be readily controlled.

Today, everyone of the five megabanks are stealing the homes of their customers through the MERS fraud. The banks also launder money for the drug cartels (e.g. HSBC Bank and Wachovia Wells Fargo). They profit from child sex rings and they are using your bank deposits as a force multiplier to accomplish these evil deeds. Whether we want to face these facts or not, everyone who keeps their money in these institutions is an accomplice to these crimes. Through a multitude of legislation, the globalist bankers have declared your bank deposit to be their money to do what they will with it and your rights be damned. Buy precious metals!
We need to collectively come to realize that we the people are playing in a rigged game and we desperately need to cash out and find a new game to play. And it is just not banking that we need to be worrying about. The globalists control the very foundations of civilization. However, at the heart of this control is banking and that is where our attack needs to being. Yet, I know that it seems impossible for most of us to not play in the globalist game of domination because so much of our lives are wrapped up in these evil institutions. So what is a victim to do?
Psychological Manipulation
The answer to the above question may have its roots in the field of psychology. Through institutions such Royal Institute of International Affairs and the Tavistock Institute, which controls over 30 research and polling sites in America. Tavistock is well known for the science of creating phony polls to influence and alter the public’s perception of an event based upon group think principles. More importantly, Tavistock has been at the forefront of psychological research on the manipulation of the masses. The psychological research of Tavistock helps us to understand how so few on this planet can so completely control so many. The effectiveness of their developed psychological controls are so complete, that the masses have largely been reduced to a herd of mindless sheep in which the many are conditioned to embrace and rejoice in their slavery.
What is good for the goose is also good for the gander. We, as a people, have the same opportunity to use the same psychological principles against the banksters. There are literally dozens of psychological strategies which we as the common people could employ. In the remaining part of the article, two strategies will be discussed and if they were employed by the masses, we would see an immediate impact on the control level of the globalists.
The Hawthorne Effect
Since the discovery of the Hawthorne Effect by the Harvard School of Business, it was discovered that research subjects change their behavior when they realize that they are being watched.Today, this is a well known principle in the arena of effective research in which researchers are trained to minimize their level of intrusiveness in their naturalistic field research.
Based upon this principle and if I were a globalist, I would welcome the public revelations of the NSA spy scandal for all the apparent reasons listed above. How many of us will be prevented from speaking out as things continue to decline for fear of future retribution? Fortunately, we live in a universe of duality and, therefore, this same principle can be also be used against the globalists as well.
What happens when you shine a light on rats? Everybody knows that the rats run for cover. This knowledge should be an empowering motivator for the alternative media. This knowledge should also encourage all of us to become a citizen journalist. Being a citizen journalist whistle-blower needs to become our national pastime in which we report every act of wrongdoing on the part of every corporation and every government official, whether their rank is high or low.
To be effective and to create our own cultural norms, the alternative media needs to exalt people like Ed Snowden and immortalize the memories of Michael Hastings and Andrew Breitbart. There needs to become so many of us, that the globalists need to feel that there is nowhere to hide.
An Army of Citizen Journalists
America, if you want to preserve what little freedom you have left, you have a duty to become a participant in the resistance against global tyranny. Our collective efforts could someday be sufficient in numbers to shift the consciousness of this planet and create counter-critical mass in which a tsunami of opposition beliefs to the prevailing status quo sweeps across the planet and removes much of the control the banksters enjoy today.

America, if you want to preserve what little freedom you have left, you have a duty to become a participant in the resistance against global tyranny. Our collective efforts could someday be sufficient in numbers to shift the consciousness of this planet and create counter-critical mass in which a tsunami of opposition beliefs to the prevailing status quo sweeps across the planet and removes much of the control the banksters enjoy today.

In a person’s role as a citizen journalist, the coverage can seem miniscule on the surface. Perhaps the event one can cover may be as mundane as children cited for drawing with chalk on the sidewalk or a 10 year old girl ticketed for operating a lemonade stand without a license. Together, we can create a debris field which can impede and eventually turn back the progress of the globalists. No, I do not think we can eliminate the influence the money changers, but we can invoke change by utilizing the principle of the Hawthorne Effect. And if there was one thing that I could have personal influence over, I would encourage all of you to educate your neighbors and friends about fractional reserve banking. I know of nobody, who understands this principle, who agrees with it. Fractional reserve banking could be the beginning point for any discussion about the unwarranted globalist control over humanity (i.e. “Do you know what happens to you money when you deposit it in the bank?”).
What To Do About the Banks?
You work at your job, your employer sends your check to your bank and you make automated payments for your bills from your bank account and you do not have to lift a finger to make all of this happen once your sign the banks paperwork. If you are like me, you can go months without having to withdraw any cash from the bank because the bank, on our behalf, controls most of our financial obligations if we so permit. Our lives are so intertwined in these corrupt financial institutions, it is not practical to totally extricate ourselves from the banks in one decisive action. However, we can systematically starve the banks to death through the gradual withdrawal of our support and our money.
Is it possible for you to withdraw enough of your money to equal over 90% of your total holdings in the bank? On the surface, this would appear to be an impractical solution. The concept of fractional reserve banking has built in a very effective firewall to real globalist profits through the multiplication of your deposits by 900%. For even if we were to collectively withdraw 80% of our money from the banks, the globalists would still double their profits based upon this concept. If Ron Paul in his former role on the House Banking Committee could not even audit the Federal Reserve, it is safe to say that, for now, the tinkering of this system is nearly impossible. However, this is where the idea of financial guerrilla warfare comes into play.
You work at your job, your employer sends your check to your bank and you make automated payments for your bills from your bank account and you do not have to lift a finger to make all of this happen once your sign the banks paperwork. If you are like me, you can go months without having to withdraw any cash from the bank because the bank, on our behalf, controls most of our financial obligations if we so permit. Our lives are so intertwined in these corrupt financial institutions, it is not practical to totally extricate ourselves from the banks in one decisive action. However, we can systematically starve the banks to death through the gradual withdrawal of our support and our money.
Is it possible for you to withdraw enough of your money to equal over 90% of your total holdings in the bank? On the surface, this would appear to be an impractical solution. The concept of fractional reserve banking has built in a very effective firewall to real globalist profits through the multiplication of your deposits by 900%. For even if we were to collectively withdraw 80% of our money from the banks, the globalists would still double their profits based upon this concept. If Ron Paul in his former role on the House Banking Committee could not even audit the Federal Reserve, it is safe to say that, for now, the tinkering of this system is nearly impossible. However, this is where the idea of financial guerrilla warfare comes into play.
Attacking the Banksters On Our Terms
“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.”
Albert Einstein
Is your glass half empty or half full? We make the choice to become optimistic or pessimistic. Voluminous amounts of psychological research is replete with the established fact that optimists live longer, make more money, have happier marriages and enjoy many more social advantages than do pessimists. Our happiness, our success and our well-being largely boils down to our own choices. Freedom is the space between the prison bars of life. When we realize that even in the most dire of situations, we have some measure of freedom, we can initiate change. And when many people realize this fact, we can initiate change on a global scale.
If we come to view the evil monolithic organizations such as the IRS and the Federal Reserve as insurmountable foes with no weaknesses to exploit on our end, then our pessimism will rule the day and we will capitulate to this criminal system just the like a herd of sheep.
When you change the way that you look at things, the things you look at change.
The alternative media is excellent at identifying and exposing problems. However, if all we do talk, then our revelations begin to become irrelevant. When all we do is to call attention to the negativity, then we invite more negativity into our paradigm. Our glass will always be half empty. And now it is time to discuss the second psychological principle that we can employ against the globalists.
Some psychologists call the following attractor energy in that we invite into our lives the things that we pay the most attention to. And what we invite into our lives attracts more of what it is that we are paying attention to. If we only focus on the problems, then we will invite more problems. Therefore, it is incumbent upon all of us to focus mostly on changes that are needed. Thus, significant action must follow our observations and words. You willeventually become what you think
“As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”
Proverbs 3:27
First, we must visualize being out of the corporate dominated system of the globalists. Ask yourself, what would that look like and then work to make it happen.
With regard to beginning to withdraw from the central banking system, people should not use direct deposit from their employer to the bank. Keep a minimal amount of cash in the bank so that you may cash your checks. Pay your mortgages with a money order. Do the same for your car loans. Better yet, do not make purchases that you cannot afford to pay cash for. Debt makes you a slave to the banksters.
Pay cash for as much as you can and limit the amount of cash that you let go into the bank. Remember, for every dollar that goes into the bank, the globalists multiply it times nine and much of that money goes toward programs designed to maximize their control over us.

Shop at your local merchants. Avoid corporate chain stores, owned by the megabanks, like the plague. Regularly, hold and/or attend garage sales, swap meets and farmers markets to find what you need. Learn to grow your own food and subsist on that food supply as much as possible. You get the idea, get out of their money system as much as possible and we will significantly weaken the money changers system. We are not going to be able to invade Wall Street, so we have attack it from the inside. This is financial guerrilla warfare.
There is also a side benefit to these withdrawal strategies. When the collapse of the dollar finally arrives, you will be better prepared to survive. It is time to roll up our sleeves and work towards getting out of this corrupt system.
“Do not conform to the pattern of this world…”
Romans 1
There is also a side benefit to these withdrawal strategies. When the collapse of the dollar finally arrives, you will be better prepared to survive. It is time to roll up our sleeves and work towards getting out of this corrupt system.
“Do not conform to the pattern of this world…”
Romans 1
Credit to Common Sense
North Korea upgrades missile tower for possible October launch
North Korea has erected a new, taller launch tower at its missile base, possibly in preparation for firing a long-range rocket to mark an important national anniversary in October, South Korea's Yonhap news agency reported on Wednesday.
The 67-metre (220-ft) tower will be able to accommodate the launch of a longer-range missile than the rocket test-fired in December 2012. That launch was widely considered successful in putting an object into space orbit, the Yonhap report said.
North Korea is banned under U.N. Security Council resolutions from conducting tests that use ballistic missile technology but has defied international warnings and sanctions to pursue missile and nuclear programs.
"Our assessment is that the North will use the newly upgraded Tongchang-ri (missile) launch pad to launch a long-range missile larger than Unha-3," Yonhap quoted a South Korean government source as saying.
Unha-3 refers to the long-range rocket fired in 2012 from the base near its west coast.
The launch is likely to come around the 70th anniversary of the founding of the North's ruling Workers' Party on Oct. 10, the source was quoted as saying.
South Korea's Defense Ministry could not immediately confirm the report but an official said they were seeking to verify it.
North Korea is believed to be developing an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) but is seen as years away from deployment. It is also working to miniaturize a nuclear warhead to mount on a delivery vehicle. REUTERS
Credit to Today Online
China builds mystery midget submarine

China has apparently built a previously unseen midget submarine at its Wuchang shipyard in Wuhan.
DigitalGlobe satellite imagery dated 24 October 2014 showing the submarine was posted on Google Earth and was highlighted by a contributor to the Bellingcat open source intelligence website.
The imagery shows the craft berthed at the pontoon used for fitting out submarines. The midget submarine had left the pontoon by late November and by mid-January 2015, another submarine, probably a Type 041 Yuan-class boat, occupied the berth.
Based on the imagery the midget submarine has an approximate length of 35 m and beam of 4 m, suggesting a surface displacement in the region of 400-500 tonnes.
The Wuchang shipyard is at the forefront of conventional submarine production in China and has constructed most of the Type 039 Song-class and Type 041 Yuan-class boats, including the most recent variant, with its distinctive hydrodynamic fairings between the casing and the fin. It also built the world's largest conventional submarine, the Type 032 Qing-class ballistic missile trials submarine.
Credit to
Russian Bombers Flew Within 40 Miles of N. California Coast
Two Russian nuclear bombers flew within 40 miles of the California coast and one of the pilots relayed a veiled threat during the Fourth of July aerial incident, defense officials said.
“Good morning American pilots, we are here to greet you on your Fourth of July Independence Day,” a Russian Tu-95 Bear bomber crew member stated over the emergency aircraft channel.
Meanwhile, Russia’s across-the-board buildup of nuclear forces and revised doctrine are increasing the danger of a nuclear war, according to a think tank report on nuclear threats.
Defense officials and the Colorado-based U.S. Northern Command said this week that two U.S. F-15 jets intercepted the Russian bombers on July 4 as they flew as close as 39 miles from the coast of Mendocino County, north of San Francisco.
During the intercept, a crew member on one of the bombers issued a warning in a radio message, according to defense officials familiar with the incident this week.
Earlier the same day, the Bear bombers intruded on the U.S. air defense identification zone (ADIZ) near Alaska. The zone is a 200-mile controlled airspace patrolled by U.S. and Canadian jets under the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD).
It was the second time the Russians conducted provocative bomber flights on the Fourth of July holiday. The last incident occurred on July 4, 2012, when two Bear bombers were intercepted off the California coast in what was then the closest such encounter near sovereign U.S. air space since the end of the Cold War.
A Northcom spokesman declined to comment on the exact distance from the coast the bombers had flown.
Two officials confirmed that the nature of the message from the Russian aircraft was a sardonic Independence Day greeting.
One official said the nuclear-capable bomber flights so close to U.S. shores are part of nuclear saber-rattling by Moscow, and much more of a concern than routine U.S. aerial surveillance missions near Russia’s coasts.
“These are nuclear-capable bombers and that is a big problem,” the official said.
A second official said the buzzing of the California coast coincided with a telephone call made that day from Russian President Putin to President Obama. The Russian leader called for more U.S.-Russia dialogue, Reuters reported.
Northcom said in a statement the Russian bomber flights were “potentially destabilizing.”
In the Alaska encounter earlier in the day, two U.S. F-22 fighters intercepted the Bear bombers along the south coast of Alaska near the Aleutian Islands around 10:30 A.M. eastern time.
The California bomber-fighter intercepts took place a half hour later as the propeller-powered aircraft moved south along the North American coast.
“Even though state aircraft are not required to file flight plans for flying through an ADIZ, such unannounced operations by Russian strategic bombers near the U.S. and Canada are potentially destabilizing,” a spokesman for Northcom said.
Mark Schneider, a former Pentagon nuclear forces expert, said such Russian bomber incursions are part of nuclear coercion by Moscow.
“The pattern of Russian provocative bomber flights is dangerous because it reflects a Russian view that nuclear attack threats can and should be used to get their way on whatever they are attempting to achieve,” he said.
Russia’s state-run Sputnik news reported Tuesday that despite its age, the Tu-95 is giving rise to fear in the NATO alliance because it “is capable of striking the United States with nuclear bombs.”
The report on nuclear threats, “Foreign Nuclear Developments: The Gathering Storm,” warns that Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran are substantially increasing nuclear weapons and delivery systems at a time when the United States is reducing its reliance on nuclear forces.
The report singles out Russia’s buildup of new missiles, bombers, and submarines, combined with aggression in Ukraine and its leaders’ public nuclear threats, as especially alarming.
Russia’s new military doctrine, unveiled in December 2014, states Moscow will use nuclear arms if attacked with either nuclear or conventional weapons.
The new doctrine has resulted in substantial increases in spending on new weapons, two new types of ICBMs—the Topol-M Variant 2 and the Yars—a new multi-warhead submarine missile called Bulava-30, a new class of missile submarines known as the Borey-class, upgrades for older bombers, and a new long-range strategic cruise missile called the Raduga.
The Raduga is viewed by U.S. military officials as a new strategic threat to the U.S. homeland.
“While many in the West believe that the end of the Cold War has meant the end of a confrontational and adversarial relationship with Russia, recent events suggest this hoped-for outcome is more the result of wishful thinking than of a sober and realistic assessment of the current geostrategic environment,” the report says.
“Under these circumstances, the possibility that Russia may trigger events leading to their actual use of nuclear weapons cannot be dismissed out of hand.”
Putin was quoted in Russian state media saying Moscow was set to place its nuclear forces on alert during the March 2014 annexation of Crimea.
The Russian leader also has said Moscow is “one of the world’s biggest nuclear powers. These are not just words—this is the reality.” And in March he said, “Our nukes are always ready for action.”
The report said Russian bombers have penetrated NATO airspace and overflown Japan, and Russian nuclear forces have conducted mock drills simulating coordinated strikes against the United States and its allies.
The Obama administration sought a “reset” in relations with Russia by offering concessions and adopting conciliatory policies. Instead of moderating Moscow’s policies, Russia under Vladimir Putin has become more aggressive and threatening.
“Senior Russian officials, including President Putin, have threatened that NATO allies may be targets for Russian nuclear forces, and President Putin has suggested he would have used nuclear weapons, if necessary, in the Russian invasion of Crimea,” the report says.
The report was produced by the Virginia-based National Institute for Public Policy whose experts include several former Pentagon strategic nuclear experts.
Keith Payne, the institute’s president, said the report dispels notions that a cooperative new world order has emerged that renders nuclear arms irrelevant.
“This new report helps to explain the reality that other states, particularly Russia, China, North Korea and Iran never bought into the West’s vision of a cooperative new world order and have continued to emphasize nuclear programs,” Payne said.
China also is becoming more threatening and building up its nuclear and missile forces.
Credit to Washington Free Beacon
Obama Warns Putin “Israel Is Next” After Historic Iran Nuke Agreement

A stunning report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the Ministry of Defense (MoD) states that President Barack Obama’s “unexpected” telephone call to President Putin yesterday not only thanked the Federation’s leader for the nations help in reaching a Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) agreement with Iran, but further warned that America’s leader was now preparing to unleash the power and might of NATO against Israel within 3 months.
According to this report, on 14 July, the E3/EU+3 (China, France, Germany, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States with the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy) and the Islamic Republic of Iran signed an historic NPT agreement severely limiting Iran’s ability to manufacture or acquire nuclear weapons in exchange for global sanctions relief.
Welcomed by both the United Nations and world leaders, this report continues, the US Congress has yet to approve this NPT agreement, but must do so within 60 days…and which if it refuses to endorse would catastrophically damage the United States global reputation and standing.
When queried by President Putin as to if the US Congress would, indeed, endorse this NPT agreement with Iran, this report says, President Obama stated his “absolute assurance” that they would…and then “cryptically” added that “Israel is next” to be brought to heel before the world community for its “nuclear crimes” too.
Within hours of President Obama stating to President Putin his intentions to make Israel adhere to the NPT, this report says, NATO announced that its Commonwealth Trident Juncture-2015 exercise, that was scheduled to take place from 28 September to 06 November in multiple locations across the Alliance including Italy, Portugal and Spain with over 25,000 troops expected to participate, had, instead, been massively altered to now become one that Alliance’s largest military drills in history…and which will be deployed against Israel across the Mediterranean.
Over 36,000 NATO personnel from more than 30 countries will be participating in this massive war exercise, including non-NATO nations such as Sweden and Austria, this report explains, and is now scheduled to run from 3 October to 6 November…the exact time period immediately following the US Congress’ expected approval of the Iran NPT agreement.
Even more astounding about this massive war exercise, this report notes, was the Commander of the NATO military command in Brunssum, Netherlands General Hans-Lothar Domrose, who is organizing the exercise stating: “We invite international observers. [We have] no secrets, the secret is, what decisions I take, but everything else is transparent. And my decisions during the exercise would be transparent, as soon as I take them. The Russian Federation and all others who have expressed interest will be invited.”
Important to note about President Obama’s “anger” with Israel, MoD experts in this report say, has been their stealing nuclear secrets and covertly making atomic bombs since the 1950’s which western governments, including Britain and the US, have continually turned a blind eye to, but which the international community has increasingly become alarmed about and which led to last December’s UN General Assembly resolution calling on the Israelis to “accede to that[NPT] treaty without further delay, not to develop, produce test or otherwise acquire nuclear weapons, to renounce possession of nuclear weapons”.
Even worse, these MoD experts note, was the “secret deal” made between President Obama and EU leaders that if they supported his sanctions against the Russian Federation, he would then in turn (after the Iran NPT agreement was concluded) back their proposed UN sanctions against Israel.
Though the exact UN sanctions being planned by the EU against Israel are not contained in this MoD report, they were leaked this past March to the British newspaper Guardian and reported on by the Jerusalem Post News Service who, in part, wrote about them:
“The European Union has produced an explosive report recommending sanctions against Israel over its construction policies and security measures in Jerusalem, the British daily Guardian reported on its website on Friday.
The leaked report describes the capital as a city gripped by the worst “polarization and violence” since the second intifada of a decade ago.
The document, which is an amalgamation of recommendations prepared by European diplomats stationed in the region, accuses the government of exacerbating tensions in the city by accelerating construction in the eastern part of the capital.
According to The Guardian, the city has been beset by a “vicious cycle of violence… increasingly threatening the viability of the two-state solution.” The report goes on to say that Israel’s “systematic” construction of housing in “sensitive areas” has compounded the problem.
The EU report takes Israel to task for what it describes as “heavy-handed policing and punitive measures” against Arabs in the city, “including eviction and home demolitions by Israeli forces.”
More significantly, the document prescribes a series of measures aimed at curbing the distribution and sale of products manufactured beyond the Green Line.
The report urges restrictions against “known violent settlers and those calling for acts of violence as regards immigration regulations in EU member states.”
With the EU suffering its worst migrant crisis in its history due to the devastating instability of both the Islamic Middle East and Northern Africa, this report continues, President Obama and his European counterparts have agreed upon a strategy of “neutering” Israel as a means to stops these regions from causing a much larger regional, or even global, catastrophe.
And of the worst fears of both President Obama and EU leaders, this report warns, would be an Israeli unilateral nuclear attack upon Iran which would immediately plunge our entire world into war.
So in order to stop Israel, this report concludes, these Western powers have begun what they call a “carrot and stick” approach…which begins next week when US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter travels to Israel to offer them billions-of-dollars in additional conventional arms…but which will be contingent upon them accepting a two-state solution for their Palestinian population and joining the NPT which will mean their having to give up their nuclear weapons and putting their atomic facilities under international inspection and control measures.
To if this President Obama-EU “plan” against Israel will work this report doesn’t state…but it is interesting to note that one of America’s foremost futurists, Gerald Celente, stated this week that “Finally – finally! – Obama has earned his Nobel Peace Prize” after the Iran agreement, instead of global war, was signed. One can only hope this type of sanity continues.
Credit to The European Union Times
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