Are the Germans Still Bombing Pearl Harbor?
“The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie—deliberate, contrived, and dishonest, but the myth—persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic. Belief in myths allows the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.”

People often ask me, “Dave, how do we turn this around and defeat the globalists”? I frequently tell them that there is no turning this around. I have an attorney who is continually writing to me and stating that we need to teach the people the Constitution.
“Mr. lawyer, many of our people cannot even read the Constitution, much less understand it”.
The parents and grandparents have lost this country to a group of vicious and sociopathic bankers because for 3 generations, Americans have failed to turn off their TV sets and allowed the federal government to educate their children. Under the Constitution, education is a power reserved for the states under the 10th Amendment. However, the federal government has learned the art of bribery, as it will withhold state tax money for failure to comply with such misguided policies as “No Child Left Behind”. The states could retaliate and refuse to send their tax dollars to Washington, but that would require courage and foresight, the kind of courage and foresight that is rarely on display from our elected officials, even at the local level.
This article is about why parents need to go shopping for a quality education fo their children. There are still some decent schools, however, an increasing number of parents are home schooling their children in order to keep them out of the clutches of the government and their failed educational policies. Yes, there are good teachers and great schools still left. However, there are not enough of them. We need to rescue our children from the propaganda of the state, before they are totally taught to love their servitude and educate them in an environment which will honor true knowledge, not blind obedience.
If the Biblical saying (Hosea 4:6) “My people perish from lack of knowledge.” is indeed true, Americans should be placed at the top of the endangered species list.
Dumb and Dumber
Just how dumb are we? Consider a new report from the Intercollegiate Studies Institute about civic literacy concludes that the average American is too dumb to vote intelligently.
Over 70% of the test takes, including college students and elected officials flunked the 33 multiple choice question test which covered basic civics.
How bad were the results? Consider the fact that 27% of the elected officials surveyed could not name even one right contained in the first amendment. How will we know when the country is placed under martial law? The answer: We won’t! But neither will the majority of our leaders.
Rick Shenkman, author of the book Just How Dumb Are We, found that 87% of American college students could not find Iraq on a map. In fact, Shenkman also found that:
– Only 1 in 5 know that we have 100 United States senators.
-Only 2 out of 5 citizens can name the three branches of the federal government.
-Only 20% of young Americans between the ages 18-34 read a newspaper daily. An amazingly low 11% report surfing Internet news sites.
Among 18- to 24-year-old Americans given maps:
-83 percent cannot find Afghanistan on a map
-76 percent cannot find Saudi Arabia
-70 percent cannot find New Jersey
-11 percent cannot find the United States
Only 17% of college graduates understood the contrast between a free market economy and centralized planning. Perhaps this explains why America was not rioting in the streets following the passage of the bail outs. I am left wondering what percentage of Americans actually believe that the Federal Reserve is both Federal and has reserves? Soon, nearly 100% of Americans will not be able to find their wallets.
If your child is lucky enough to have teachers and a Principal who care about the student and provide a quality education that will successfully carry them into post-secondary education. These teachers need to be paid a salary above and beyond starvation wages. Almost half of our teachers leave the profession in the first five year of their career. The working conditions provided for teachers and administrators in states like Alabama, Mississippi and Arizona are abysmal and the rest of the country is following suit.
School choice is a popular theme in today’s education world and it should be fully exercised. Shop for the best school and if you cannot find one that fits your standards in your community, then consider home-schooling your children. Home school children score dramatically higher on standardized tests.
Politicians frequently offer a scathing analysis of our schools so they can impose their will upon our children. You do not want the government making choices over your child’s future. All Americans need to demand a return to local control where Principals and autonomous school boards are making choices that they are forced to live with instead of an bureaucrat who does not know, nor care for your child.
Next up, a look at Colorado schools where the goal seems to center more on data mining the children for profit, as opposed to educating them.
Credit to Common Sense