There is a clear organization structure that is emerging in a very public manner that every American needs to be concerned about. This organization is multidimensional but there is a key level of command and control that is identifiable.
The Real Reason for Trump’s Asian Trip
President Trump just completed a 12 day, multiple nation tour allegedly to drum up support for engaging North Korea in a nuclear war. It is not that this particular conflict will not end up involving a nuclear exchange, however, there are more pressing reasons on why Trump found it necessary to be out of the country.
The United States, and in particular, the office of the President is the target of a definitive coup attempt by the Deep State.
Trump was out of the country, so he could be isolated under military protection during a coup which was decidedly going to turn violent. It is no secret that Trump has become, to some degree, the lap dog of the military. Why? Because he’s buying protection from being either assassinated or overthrown. For every day that Trump stays in office, he is continuing to trigger the “Great Awakening” all across America. Three years ago, there were tens of millions of Americans who had never heard of the New World Order, who now are aware of the Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission, the Council of Foreign Relations and despotic George Soros. Now we can add, Black Lives Matter, Antifa to the new vocabulary of the American lexicon. Despite what the fake polls say, the same fake polls that had Hillary winning the election by 12%, Donald Trump’s base of support continues to grow.
The Deep State Desired a Bloodless Coup
The global elite, at one time, preferred to a bloodless transfer of power in this country. They wanted to takeover an infrastructure that was intact along with the prolific skill sets of the American labor force. The Deep State goal of inheriting a fully functional America has been slipping away since the advent of the Independent Media and the emergence of Donald Trump an the hope has offered America.
A seamless, bloodless coup, which almost seemed unavoidable a few years ago is no longer a possibility. America is approaching the point in which genocide may end up being the only solution that the Deep State and their “elite” masters.
At one time, it appeared as if America was going to go down without a fight and that any resistance to the elimination of the Constitution and the traditional foundations of American jurisprudence, government and personal lifestyle would be accomplished, without a fight, and it was merely a matter of time until the American empire was scattered to the winds.
There were several factors which has changed the dynamics of the American takeover. A seven million man army, of fighting age, is something to contend with by any army and any by any invading force. And a seven million man army is what the globalists have to contend with because of the way that Obama mistreated the veterans. Many of these veterans served multiple tours of duty in our foreign wars of occupation only to be cast aside like garbage when they returned from their respective tours of combat duty. Many of these brave men and women carried the mental and physical scars of war. They needed treatment and instead they received abuse. Most veterans recognize the BS veteran celebrations, that are bought and paid for as organizations, like the NFL, engage in bought and paid for phony celebrations of veterans service to our country. The veterans are keenly aware of this. And the fact that Obama so abused them (eg taking away their gun rights), hardened the anti-establishment orientation of the veterans. When the civil war goes hot, the veterans will not hesitate to shoot anything wearing a blue helmet.
No occupying force from the Russians to the Chinese to the United Nations wants to contend with seven million pissed-off veterans, of fighting age, who know how to fight and who have fully identified their enemy. The mistreatment of our brave veterans was a major miscalculation by the establishment.
Where is all of this headed? Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski tell us in no uncertain terms where this is headed.
Kissinger’s Proclamation
Kissinger is well known for his many hateful utterances. But there is no more of a controversial statement made by Kissinger when he stated the following:
“Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government.”
This has been the plan all along when it comes to the ridding of the American obstacle to the New World Order. The plan has and is currently to create as much domestic chaos as possible, so that UN Peacekeepers will enter our cities declare martial law and seize our guns. This is what is behind the rash of false flag attacks. Remember, I reported that Fox News declared that Obama had granted the UN authority to enter our streets and engage in “policing activities” if America was ever in chaos.
The Brzezinski Blueprint for Genocide
Zbigniew Brzezinski was a person who had great foresight. In 1970, Brzezinski wrote a book entitled Between Two Ages… in which he foretold how free trade agreements would redistribute wealth around the world. He openly discussed the decline of the Western democracies and a decided move towards globalism and a one world order. Brzezinski was brilliant and could always see what was coming and much of what he wrote could also fall into the category of predictive programming. Brzezinski was the ultimate globalist. He was brilliant and even in death (May, 2017), his words still guide the globalist agenda.
Brzezinski’s brilliance was only matched by his pure and unadulterated evil nature. Brzezinski favored the formation of a New World Order through a series of relatively non-violent takeovers. However, in 2011, six years before his death he proclaimed that Zbigniew Brzezinski, the ultimate New World Order globalist insider, put the matter rather succinctly by declaring that it was now harder to control, but easier to kill, a million people. Specifically, he said that “new and old powers face” an unprecedented situation: (1) the lethality of their power is greater than ever, but, (2) the NWO globalists are losing the capacity to impose control over the politically awakened masses of the world… This loss of control is due to the fact that humanity’s consciousness is rising. People are seeing through the deception in great numbers. The masses are resisting, not complying and the masses are fighting back, and this is exactly the kind of behavior that will make it difficult for the Globalists to implement their NWO agenda of a one world dictatorship, the implementation of a digitized one world currency and the UN army who will rule over a fully microchipped population.
Donald Trump has lit the match that has caused the globalists to take this fight to a very dangerous level. America is facing endless false flag attacks. However, the end game for the shift in globalist policy is depopulation and it will be a radical depopulation. The specifics of this agenda, which has already commenced, will be identified and discussed in Part Two of this series.
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